Speculation and Gambling, A city paper haying excepted to a phillipic of the. Kew Yoik Journal 6f CommcrcQ against stock and produce gambling, that journal restates its case aa follows : A purchase in expectation of an advance illegitimate. steady demand for vegetables, and be lieving that potatoes will be higher dur ing the late fall and winter, goes to the farmer as soon as the crop is dug, and contracts for his season's supply at two dollars per barrel. This is a "purchase made in anticipation of a rise, but it is legitimate trade; But two speculators meet and exchange opinions about the market ; one believes in a rise, theother anticipates, a fall. At last they contract, the one to buy, the other to sell, 5,000 barrels of potatoes, deliverable at a cer tain time, at two dollars per barrel. The Black Grenadine Dresses. French lace is used more than any thing else for trimming black grenadine dresses tri summer, a fashion journal says i Such a quantity of lace is required for the bask, sleeves, and overskirt that i - UX value lfl uOl lu ltseu I latueo aro uuy wiiw& w vv - A. frroceryman having a thread lace, and have it endure the hard I - - a n n Z usage that comes to vines, grcnaaine dresses the standard dress of the Bum mer. Moreover, the French laces imi tate real thread lace so admirably even copying their irregular meshes-rthat it is impossible tov detect them except by touch. Next to laces, fringes of most intricate and fanciful design are chosen. These make a change from the self trimmings that have been so long used, and are still retained for lower skirts, though-they are not effective in the plaid, check, damask, and Mexicaine grenadines that have superseded plain SEWS OF THE DAY. Interesting Items from Home ana : ' . I Abroad. The Pope dismisses as not even worthy of mention the rumors of reconciliation between the Holy Bee and the Italian kingdom All of the steamers which have been searching the district of Foil two Tillage were com pletely coTered with water, and many of the inhabitants perished. Crop of all kinds have been completely deetroyed in the districts in undated. Subscriptions are being rained in different cities for the sufferers......., hurri cane passed over Ottawa, Canada, and did con siderable damage by blowing down buildings and taking off roofs Adricea from Mendota, fnr tha Wutijt nf th loet steamer Tickebore have returned without finding a trace I Minn., state that that town was also visited by xtr w . fifteen-Year-old bov. was acct-i a tornado which demolished many buildings. A gentleman afflicted with the chronic rheumatism rajs : " No description of my caee ran mtiTBT the vast amount ox Denens l mto received from the use of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. I believe it is the best article in the world for rheumatism. Com. . If a horse has a good constitution, and has once been a rood hrrse. no matter how old or howjnuch run down ne may do, ne can do greatly unprovea, ani in many respects dbu Is good as new. by a liberal use of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powder. Com. one has no potatoes to sell, the other canvas grenadine. The most popular patterns are small open checks, and tne larger blocks a fourth of an inch in size ; those with plain stripes alternating with checked are also stylish. It is an un usual thing to find lower skirts made of grenadine. They are almost invariably7 silk, and the flounces may also be silk if the skirt is needed for other suits, but very many have shirred and knife-plaited docs not wish to buy, but each is eager to make money. At the date the con tract mature, potatoes are down to one dollar and seventy-five cents, and the seller pays to the buyer twenty-five cents per barfFr"bh"the lot. Or the price is up toftwodollars and twenty fivo cents, and the buyer pays the same amount to the seller. It is- to alf intents and purposes a grenadine flounces mounted on silk. i , "r. " it. : I n : r v'f gambling wacfcr concerninflr the future prico. Wliatone wips, the other loses; and but one can liave any satisfaction in tbo ultimate Hottlement. ' - , The worst feature1 of this ' business is not merely the waste .of time and labor upon that whach Creates no value. But the game is not left to chance. Strenu ous efforts are mode to, effect the market. Supplies are . kept back or hurried for ward, lated Another fashion is that pf shirred silk flounces elaborately trimmed with grena dine plaitings. The grenadine over skirt for very drossy costumes is elab orately shirred, caught up with long looped bows of the fepped silk called turquoise, and edged with a frill of lace. The bask is grenadine laid smoothly over gros grain like that used for the skirt, without other lining, and abund- Falsehoods are coined and circus antly trimmed with lace on the edge, with the greatest pertinacity, down the front and back in jabot3, .Writers and publishers are misled or around- the neck, and on the wrists, suborned to give currency to these in- Simpler toilettes of grenadine have mere ventions. Money is locked up to create ly a bask and deep apron of any of the dentally shot by a companion, while playing cards near Newtown, L. L The ball passed through the heart, killing him instantly. . . . All kinds of bubinees is declining in Canada, and many factories have cut down their working hours ...... The United Btates-eteamer 8araoa& struck s rock in the Seymour narrows, between Vancouver's Ldand and -the main land, while on her way to Sitka with a party of scientific men. The vessel sunk completely out of sight, but no lives were lost.. ....A Utile daughter of Mr. Fearon,' of Jersey City, having been ab ducted, detectives were set to work and suc ceeded in finding a man named Jacob Schmidt, in a cave on Long Island, and with him were two little girls, one of them the Fearon girl, and the other a child who had been missing for some time. The man's object was monej. ...... The'war steamer Plymouth, Capt. Baa sell, has been ordered to the mouth of the Bio Grande, whence the crew will proceed in armed launches to the points Where their services will be required. The command on the border is intrusted to Gen. Ogden. Wm. JI. Tweed was released from the peni tentiary on BlackweUs Island oa a remittitur from the court of - appeals, and was again im prisoned in Ludlow street jail. ...... Moody and Sankey have been denied the privilege of hold ing services at Eton College, London...... Religions riots, caused by the Ultramontanes, occurred in the town of Bhein, East Prussia, during which the burgomaster was stabbed. .... The Maine Democratic State Convention was held at Augusta, and Gon. Chaa. W. Boberts was nominated aa candidate for governor. The following are the balances in the United States treasury: Currency, $4,516,773; special de posit of legal tenders for the redemption of certificates of deposit, $63,485,000; coin (in cluding coin certificates, $20,948,900), $73,244,- 089 ; outstanding legal tenders, $377,064,000 a panic among borrowers, and no weapon plaid or matelasse patterns, edged with ......The magnificent diamonds presented to is too base to bo used if it can bo made effective to raWor depress prices. y..... Hovlety in San Francisco. Society in San Francisco, says a corre spondent of 'ftMribner's AfontMy, has greatly chaugedfor the better within the past few yearsv but is still somewhat mixed." Tho lines of class and caste aro often vague and shadowy. Your coachman of yesterday may be your landlord to day. ' The man who supplied populfu are worn with these dresses, as house occupied by a Mrs. Leavitt was blown at Greenville. you with vegetables a few years ago may lUi3J vuiuxiu un me unirimmea pan oi now rank with you socially. The woman ine BnK SJurt wom tnem; others more fanciful have a deep apron, with a back breadth caught up in a row of puffs, and edged with knife plaitings of silk. knife plaitings of silk, and worn over the block silk skirt of some other cos tume. The season of grenadines is so short in this climate that economy is de sirable in getting them up. Nine orfcen " - jot " m -r yarns oi grenaoine aro suincient ior the dress just described. Very pretty quali ties are found in narrow widths, of mix ed silk and wool, for $1,27 or $1.50 a yard. The deep round overskirts of the simple shape that has so long been Gen. Sherman's daughter by the Khedive of Egypt are still in the New York custom house. The duty on them amounts to over $100,000. Another insane man was arrested in the vicinity of the White House at Washington .... The hoiBting appafhtusof the Murchine mine at Nevada City caught fire. There were six men in the shaft, which is four hundred foot deep, at the time, one of whom made his escape. Two were taken out dead, after subduing the names, and a third died. The remaining two were rescued uninjured..... In Olathe, Kansas, A child was blown from the arms of its mother and killed ..The London Times dispatches from Barm ah state that a rebellion has broken out in that country. Also that many people have died from famine in the Karen country. M....Six murderers were hanged in one day two in Maine,' two in South Carolina, one in Massachusetts and one in Georgia. One of the Maine murderers, Louis Wagner (known aa the Shoals murderer), killed two women and severely injured another on Smutty Nose Island, off the coast of Maine, for the sum of fifteen dollars. He died denying bis guilt. John T. Gordon, the other Maine murderer, killed apd mangled his brother Almon, together with his wife and infant child, and cruelly wounded another child, and then fired the house to conceal his crime. The cause was jealousy because his brother had succeeded to an estate which the murderer wanted. Gordon succeeded in getting an old knife the morning of the execution and cut himself in the leg and side in a vau attempt at suicide. The two South Carolina men were negroes, and met their fate quietly. The Massachusetts victim of the scaffold was James' IL Costley, convicted gt killing Miss Julia Ilawkens, with whom he had been criminal! j intimate, for the purpose of getting her out of the way in order that he might marry a young lady with whom he had fallen in love. The Georgian was a, negro named Purifoy. The government will sell $1,000,000 in gold each Thursday in July, at the sub-treasury in New York, t The total sales will amount to $5, 000,000. ....The forty-three cadets recently graduated from West Point have been assigned to their Various positions in the army, with the rank of second lieu tenant...... The London Newt places the loss of life by the floods in France at two thousand. It is believed that two thousand six hundred houses have been swept away In Toulouse and its environs. . The damage there is estimated at- from $12,000,000 to $15,000,000 sterling Tho Spanish frigate Yi ttoria has bombarded, with destructive effect, theports of Matrico and Deva, on the Guipuz coan coast, held by the Cai lists The scaf folding in shaft No. 2 of the Susquehanna Coal Company, near Plymouth,. Fenn., gave way while six men were upon it, and they fell a dis tance of five hundred feet, causing instant death .A colored man named Wm. Keemer attempted to rape a white woman at Bush- ville, Ind., but was arrested and lodged in jail ' Their name is lerion, may be ap plied to thre who die annually of eooenmp ti. -n. altltoaehrcience a of late years sensibly diminished their number. It is gratifying to buiw that the reoeral use of l)r. WiUar's 1 Balsam of Wild Cherry is largely instrumental in attaining this end. Fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, large bottles much the cheaper. Com. . iLIP; .GLIWG WImUmt for mmmmmaM v CRADDOCK OO-. 1032 Bam Stewt, FhOMMphU,Fa.: Cmmiw-I hv jost Moo roar kIttU nt ta my paper ;1 know aU abort tbm Cmm tmdUm. Flfti Tears ago tt cured mj dnhUr of the AstfcM had tt vary bad for Maral rarm, hat wm pmrtmeOx cured, and I need to keeattM wlictrf band te ao eonaodUt bit Meoda. I hare takaa a oold lataly, aad aa I am faarfal ef tt aeOlsc oa ms taaf, ro will plttM end in a 89 box of roar BMdielB. ReapeeiaUy, JACOB TROUT. yiCHTLanm. Jb titna Oo.. Ky , Jam. . VC. . BUY MK. AMD VIA DO YOU GOOD." I la the bosy walka of life 70 will find m and wosjen wbo are safferinc frota dyepepala, Urer 00m plaint, head ache, vertigo, debility of the aervoua ryetea, conatlpa- tloa, acidity, despondency, a ad many other maladlee caused from an impore state of the blood. This state of thtnrs ned not exfet. Dr. I.NtJI.EY' ROOT I AiU 111. AX. I B B.a A 4 i V w iu ' ' 11 1 and insure as tt were a new leaae ef life. Sold by. all dnurrUts. GKO. a (iOODWIK s, CO Bostoh. Wholesale Acenta. The SlArkets, . . www Toaa. Beef OatUe Prime to Extra BnJloeks .10 V JS Common to Good Teians .07 (4 JOl Milch Oowa C5.00 76.00 of by every resldeat ta toe lata. whtob shares the rood will ef toe psopis se hessaa flesh.-. T. It MTU deKTM thaa thla. YsUew.wrappe 1 rrcr ATSTTTPa r Ah G1YLN Cr UUj Is the Btewdsrd Lrelsseat the UeMed Oeate ; email else, seats. il States. KetahttsHed 1 835. lce stse, IX t 2 s-ws lev tasaUy asa. ea-Ms. ( mxmmr. y lTSP S S . J, J WW aJTD : Ft.Ano twuss BUrrOKTlH m oUmws. betn ,a everywhere by the Wadto nyslcts ne ,sai sus .drmg atata. ars&y sad aay. hae- pitals. gymaalasss, -. ste. , . The sueeess and a nlTer sal satts(aetoa Uwy bre rtea. ss well s the rreat wrasSer of tad 'fT" bare effected, has Jmurm d the fact that be nrrlf ewri wit boat nBrrimi anaoraaoa. aadj often caused by the serere pressure of MJ1 Trusses and s - - it t. i i. few Urnlaas R M Sirr- Tl 5 toe only i ruas la aae ma wiu ooiti -,. i U all posttlons la which the bod can be P ",f perform radical euros whra all others f ail. - .04 & IIOKS Live Dressed. ....... Sheep. ........... Lambs Cotton Middling , Flour Extra Western. ..... . . . . Bute Extra Wheat Red Western No. a Spring Bye 8Ute.. Barley BUte...... Barley Halt OaU Mixed Western....... Corn Mixed Western Hay,percwt .65 0 .07- .OS JL9 MX B.CO 6.30 4.90 9 6.30 1.83 e 1.31 1.(6 4 1.C5 l.M 0 XMH 1.63 & 1.(3 .63 .63 .79 1.10 Btrsw, per cwt 0 & .9J Hops Tis. 5036 olds .08 .15 Pork Mess 20 13X920.13X Lard H4 ruh Mackerel No. 1, new 1X00 No. 2, new.,... 10.00 Dry Cod, per cwt 6-00 & 60 Herrine, 6o.led, per box 30 & .30 Petroleum Crude 08016;. Refined, 7 wool California Floeon Texas " Butter 8tte.... Western Dairy Western Tallow...... . Western Ordinary. ......... Pennsylvania Fine.......... Cheese State Factory .10 " Bklmmed 03 used. When oaoe adjwrted. aa asoUoa 01 u"W7 accident eaa displace It. These lZ.,rZrim wwlvM essreeai f the aaost eminent pracUUoaers ta toe profess Un, " Fronithe nniueious testimonials ta After the eioerienea of lsootha. Pt-U is-Ufy strouirly to Its aee. aa wall as to the from iaconveoieooe with which the lartrusseot iswwra. With superior adTaatara, (a Kt4tf TT . , 1 ; . 1.1-1. j .11 TTTi-i. . nlinialkMie riwti for other biTenUons. I have no beanatioa la rarardia It aa aa Important means for the reliel ana care 01 Hernia. J. M. OiBNOCHAN, M. D-. " Kx-Unahh Officer of the Port of New Yort.Surswoevta Oulef of New York State Hospital." e eta. 3 JliiBii Dr. J. ualkers uanrornia ,in egar Bitters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from tho na tive herbs found on the lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question Is almost dallw naked. 14 What Is the cause of tho , ana uavuia wmiw wmj w . - - - v - i j A t ik. lut tiT wMtna roars aselusirely), 1 I 111 .noru nf VTVirn AR HIT- li to lnir danberate aptatoa.tht UU.ntiu.w . ' '.ZZZZL mw laU frM Is the only one anUUed to the eoafi; Geo. V. Houi . M.D. J Superintendent KlasUe Trass On. aar Btr 1 After suBeruut lor uunr yea, person, from the nee of every form of MetaUie Truss pro curable in this country and la Kafope. I. twa years a, applied your ZUutie Trmm. and since that time I bare experienced eomfort and saUefaetioa. and beeataaaht the truth, that the Klastio Truss la the only tosrruasit taaxahonld be weed f or tbe relief sad sere of Ilerai t and now after more than thirty yea ooaUnuouspraa. Uoe. and bartaur adjusted many aaaareos m "" .30 .20 .4S .39 .31 .30 .10 .33 VLZ Ws. ek-aKM . .larL4 (el th sMklV tMMsTtBwT sVat 12',' I all adapted to the rtAjuiiwoMoU of a Trass or Supporter. 614.00 I and am oonrlnoed that row Zla Trmm actually omnm a large proporuou au esess tow -- only among children, but In numetoos aaace wtuita my own kaowledce ef patieata tmm M to JS ysars of ajra. U. BUTtNllAM, M. D., Prof, ef Anatomy sad Bursary, N. 1 . It Meaioat uouagu. Eggs SUte Western .09 21 9 9 9 5 .S3 .61 .30 .35 .33 .14 .25 .C5 ,11 .21 Beware of cheap and worthless Imitation KlastU Trusses, which some parties advertise and selL fraudu lently representing that they are manufactured by the Elastic Truss Oo. , Thees Trusses are sent try man to au pane m ue tn. aatiafactioa auaranteea to au eases, w" to the ELASTIC TRUSS CO., who did your, washing in the early days may look down with pitying eyes upon TOU to-morrow, liridcfit. who was vnnr maid-of -all-work when you first came to LitUe- fichus of grenadine edged with the country, lives in a erand hotise. re- or fnn8e m Been on imported . -... . n j tt i . 1 , freiiuciuiu uresse. v eivew-uarrea grena dine over a skirt of black velvet, and also velvet sleeves, makes a rich dress that will not be considered too heavy for August at the seaside and at fashion able watering-places. The next night he was taken down, and the father and hia child wore in- out Dy a m0D Gf one hundred and twenty-five atantly killed. Mrs. Learvitt was badly injared. men and hanged in a stall of the fair ground. The potato bne has appeared in parts of Alfred, Frederick A, Charles, Edward, Lone Island.... .Vaesar College thia veas George Koe, who were formerly engaged joices in a coapliman in livery, and goes to all the great parties. Don't feel hurt if she cuts you,- for she is in society," and icannot afford to be too promiscuous in her acquaintances. It is natural that in .a community, so largely made up of fortune hunters, , wealth should be a controlling social power; but it would be unjust to saye that wealth is the sole standard of social position. Occupation, how one lives, and where one lives have something to dd with it. There is a story of a rich man I will not vouch for its Mexican Fooil. Passing through a shaded court, says a writer, we saw two pretty young Indian women making tortillas the national j bread. Although Indian corn forms the chief article of food of the greater part truth who iSome years ago gave a of the Mexican people, I was j assured lamous party, lie had a large circle of that there is not a corn mill in the acquaintanccs,tmtrhe could not invite country. The grains of corn are soaked everybody. " "Wyjmtisfc draw the line in lye until they become what is known somewhere, you know," he said, and he in Virginia as big, hominy. The maker drew it braveJbetween wholesale and of tortillas takes a gourd bowl filled retail. The man who sold soap and with this hulled and softfinod mm a n A candles by the towaS "decreed to be kneels before a flat stone placed at an graduated forty-two female students The British admiral in command in the Pacific has sent aid to the officers of the sunken United States eteamei Saranac. v.... Policeman Jacob Suter attempted to .arrest Patrick Mulligan, who was drunk and beating his family in St. Louis, when Mulligan picked up a chisel and stabbed the officer twice. City Marshal Chaa. Born then attempted to arrest him and was also stabbed, when he drew a pistol and Bhot Mulligan dead. Both of the officers were severely injured. . . .Advices from New Granada corroborate the reports first received in regard to the earthquake. In the' city of Cucuta alone between two and three thousand persons lost their lives, and property to the amount of over $8,000,000 was destroyed .Heavy freshets are reported from France. ' The river Garonne overflowed and caused much damage by carry ing away bridges and destroying crops in the grocery business, were arrested at Chi cago on the charge of defrauding Messrs. O. P. Gregory, J. N. Callinswortb, and S. A Ellison, of Richmond, Ya., out of merchandise amount ing to $230,000, A Popular Book. Reports from agents thus far received by the publishers of the new book enti tled " The Present Conflict of Science with the Christian Religion," show an average sale of five copies per day for eacn agent. This indicates a much larger sale than was attained by the author's former work, of which the extraordinary sale of 50,000 copies was made in a very short time. Dr. Morris already has a high reputation as an Author, and his new book will occupy one of the highest Wheat.... 1.37 Eye SUte .90 Corn-Mixed 83 Barley SUte 1.33 Oats SUte...... 61 B0TTALO. Flour ...... 5.7S Wheat No. 3 Spring 1 08 Corn Mixed .73 Oats 67 Rye 1.07 Barley 1.40 BiXTIKOKK. Cotton Low Middlings Flour Extra ...... ...... Wheat Bod Western...... Bye....; Corn Yellow........................ OmU Mixed Petroleum .01X& HII.aTsT.rHIa. Flour Pennsylvania Extra.......... 5.75 9 6.28 Wheat Western Bed.. 1.28X& 1.1 Bye .- 1.05 9 1.05 Corn YeUow 80 0 .80 Mixed 80 80 OaU Mixed CO .1 Petroleum Crude (19 eat Beflhed, .12 9 1.37 & .95 & .85 1.82 0 .61 T.35 1.C8 9 .7? 9 .67 9 1.07 0 1T40 .15 M .15 V 8.25 8.25 1.S0 & 1.30 .93 9 1.00 .80 .80 .es a .e MX The Leading American Newspaper. THE BEST ADYERTIMINO MEDIUM. Dally, $10 a year. Srml-Wsrkly, $3. Weekly. $2. AufniM Trmm fa im KH-riKr. RDaciiaaa Oroias and dTertUinc RatAS rVaa. Weekly, in c lob. of 3 or mora. only yi, posts ga pata. Aaarw ui iimn,n Y. rTTTTTir HABIT Cared Cbasp. (Xo nnWI JJl A UllX cliy.) Dr Armstrong. hwnra.Hlch. aia bo la caaa y ia-acgita, at oaia eaa epweroe. EMM All the advancement in science, art and civilization bas not pre vented children from kicking holes throne h tbe toes of toeir shoes. Only SI1.YFU TIPS prevent this. Try then. places in literature. It is a book for the While several workmen were repairing a Bteam- I times, a work on the most vital question boat cylinder at Hewes & Phillip e' actory in of the day. The magazines and the Newark. N. J.. some water inside generated daily an(l religious papers are constantly Bteam. cansinsr an nrnlnRinn. Thomas Pran filled witli articles On One Side Or Other Have you seen the CAULK SCREW WIRE Boots and Shoes. Millions are being worn ; all say they are the easiest snd best Shoe ever made. Look ont for the Patent Stamp. All ethers are bsse imitations. IPS SEE a Popular Book noticed elsewhere. within the "&fcrod 4al6" of society's most elect. The man who sold soap and candles by the pound was voted a social rhilistino. AS rich lady was about to give a largo party,uand called in a friend to talk over tho question of invitations. After reading the; list, the latter said: "Uut I-don't see the IHerstadts! Surely yon will invito tho liierstadts ?" Bicretadti' AYho's Bierstadt ?" " Why, tho-grcapainter." "Is he ono of them ar' California painters ? because, if he isI won't have !. x -H v.- , - t 4. .1 range Story. ' A curious incident is reported in the American papers About ten years ago a Jew in straitened' circumstances left TransylvanLi for America to improve his position in the new world. Ho left a wife and several children behind, promising that a soon as it was within his means hoivbulA send them some money from America. There fortune smiled on him, and when he had amass ed 600,000 florins he resolved to return home and surprif o.ius , family with his wealtu. lie started without apprising angle of forty-five degrees, sloping from her. Washing her hands in a crourd w VJ bowl of water, she then takes some of the softened corn, places it on the stone, and then with a stone rolling pin kneads and rolls it into a sheet of compact dough. Again washing her hands, she takes up a small bit of douch. "and rolls it and rolls it, and pats it and pats it," until it is ready to; be baked on a small furnace, over a fire of dried aloe leaves. The tortillas, thus made, taste w was killed and three other men were badly in jared . . .Two brothers have been convicted at Fortress Monroe of killing their father, and sentenced to eighteen years' imprisonment..., A soldiers1 monument was unveiled at Syracuse, N. Y.t with imposing ceremonies. The Tilton-Beecher case, which has been before the courts of Brooklyn for many months, was brought to a close and the case given to the jury on Thursday, the twenty-fourth, day of June. The same day an effort was made by the prosecution to have the case reopened for the admission of new and what was considered important evidence,but Judge Neilson declined to have it reopened. He charged the jury at some length, and his charge is declared by the 20 Blnnk Scroll Curds, 5 designs. IO cta.,pot pald.by J. B. HCBTTO. Nassau. Rena. Co.. W. Y. of this great question. It is talked of in private conversation, discussed in rmblic I Wtnrns. ftnrl rrA'ir from -rmlrn't "I"? VERY FAMILY WANTS IT. Money In it rni" T.: "Z "n 1 V f riT li Sold by Agents. Address M. N. G people need it, and readily purchase when brought to their notice. Publish ed by P.:W. Ziegler & Co., 518 Arch Rtreet. Philailfilnliia. Pa. somewhat like fried hominy, and are press as a model of impartiality. The court quite palatable. With a supply of them, BuiuB jryvtcs, or Btewea Deans, ana a little pulque, a Mexican laborer can live in a manner perfectly satisfactory to him self, at a cost, of about eight cents per day. How different the expensive fare oi some of our self styled temperate ' people who gorge themselves with meats, pastries, coffee and tea, yet denounce the Mexicans for drinking the nourish ing juice of his native manguay, because people have become drunk on pulque. Star china Linen. did not comment on the evidence, but warned the jury against misleading comments by coun sel on both sides. The court did not consider the charge of blackmail, as that was thrown out by Mr. Beocher. On the great question of all, that of adultery, Judge Neilson was non committal, limiting himself to instructing the jury to disregard tho arguments of the defen dant's counsel that the oral evidence on this point deserves no consideration. He instructed them to fairly weigh it all, and told them that they were not to throw out without examination the testimony of Mr. Bichards nor even that of Mrs. Carey. The case waa given to the jury, which retired. At ten o'clock at night they had not agreed npon a verdict and were locked up The following is recommended bv a I for the night without food. 1 s ! 1 v I 7 I ' a I I f a ' m or .1 uis iamuy oi ms mienuea return, ana werman journal : Mate a liquid paste . Tne Secretary of the Treasury has issued on ms way home nmv ed at Hamburg, 1 with good -lino wheat starch and cold a call for where ho was seized with so " dancrerous I water, and then stir in boilinc water I of 1862 w . - - rj TJie Salmon Fisheries In Scotland. The Pall Mall Gfazettc says: The salmon angling., season on . LochTay, which closes the last day of May, was this year a productive one. The average weight of fish captured was calculated at f a littlo over twenty-two pounds. Among the larger fish taken were eleven of thirty pounds each, eight of thirty one pounds, ten of thirty-two 'pounds, five of thirty-three pounds, four of thirty-four pounds, one of thirty-five pounds, two of thirty-six pounds, two of thirty-eight pounds, and one of forty pounds. Last year one fish weighing forty-eight pounds was taken, and an other of fifty pounds. In some of the northern Scotch waters salmon angling has been pretty fair lately, but through out the country generally the season so far has been a most unproductive and disappointing one. The reports from the Tweed continue to be of the 1 most I.OVKLL, Krle.Ps 3 Pounds of Butter from 1 Quart of Milk Can be made anywhere, by any one. Nd churning re oulred. ReoeiBt sent for 25 cents. Address. P. O. Box 1741, Philadelphia. Pa. WILL. HAVB OUR GOODS. Send 25 cents and we will send by mail, prepaid, our Lamp Fii.i.kk, with which roa can fill any Jfroa Lam ri(aoa( removing chimney or getting grtnmm tmlid of P E O P L E Lamp. At same time we mail yon all onr circulars d terms to scents on twenty asefnl household which any person can make from 5 ana terms to articles with to art dally. INATIO.-MAI. Boston, Mara. We want Arnta eTerrwhtre. KJIPOKIUJI, AUKNT.S tees f ', Our answer ls,lhat they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re covers his .health. They are the great blood pui fier and a lifo-gtvins principle, a perfec Renovator .and lnvigorator of tho i 8tem. Never before, in. tho history o the world has a medicine beea compount-id possessing the remarkable qualities f Viseoae Bittees in healin tha tka gnarantaed to ail eaaoa. Before par- I alta, l r cij --" . other, writs for DsaorlpUra Ctraalax ( I are a gQ tie PurpaUve SS Well S Tonic, I mlirlnir rnnirRRtJon or Inflammation of the Liver wid Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases The TTTOpertics of Dr. Walker's 683 Broadway, New York. fawarmiii NEW YORK TRIBUNE, gfi Sa-s ai Oaj LisW I aaaU Mw4Wi Grateful Thousands proclaim Vd zoas Bitters the most wonderful In Tigorant that ever lUBtAined the sinking system. No Person can fate these Bitters according to directions, and remain long ui well, provided thel-bones are not de stroyed by miners poison or other d jeans, and vital on ans wasted beyond epair. . Billons. Rem ttent and Inter mittent FeTers. which are so preva lent in the Yallejs of our great river throughout the Ujited States, especially those cf the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illibois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, RecL Colorado, Brazos, Itio Grande; Pea, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ito- anoji James, and many otners, wun their vast tributaries, throughout our entin corn try during the Sain trier and Antrum, and remarkably so daring sea sons or unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful Influence upon these various or gans, Is essentially necessary. Then is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored Tiscid matter with which th'. bowels are loaded, at the same tira otimnlating the secretions of tbo liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organ. Fortify tho body against discaso CHEAP MUSIC ! b7 Purifying all it fluids with Vixeuak Full Catalogues Free by MslL BlTTERS. Ko epidemic COH tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. lAOCNTt WaNTCO e sn 'THE IMPSOVtO HOME S BUS BaSB 3 SHUTTLE aawin afaFUaa Address Johaaoa, Clark si Cm, Bcstoa, Maaa i Krw Vara Oryt PltUbarjh. P- Chicago, IU. or 6C IxnJs, Ma. 10KLLA?,3n?.EATl a a a mm a . m you. Balls at aighV acts ooia moaey. or women, noys or nd stamp for Oataiog-aa. SOMETHING Su We bare work and money (or all. men iris, whole or suare time. nd stai Addrses FRANK ULUCK. New Bedford. Mass. Geo. P. Rowell & Co-1 6klAA month to AdTM 'F0 OO., BaonaaaBjtflali . agents eeij wl $3 HA9IPL Free aad BI Pay to Mala aad Female ererywhere. Address, THK UNION PUB. OO., Newark. W. J. THE WEEKLY SUN. post-oad. HO real. 8 pages. SO broad columns from aow to New Year. Aridrwaa Tn Row. N-w Tore. II pTHorpMiBHaliit lKJl Meieraice lot SpeedUy enred by DR. BtX:KS only known and sure Bemedy. iiiaku tor tre&imeos uutil cured. Call on or address Dr. J. C. SSCX 112 Jcha St CIsrixutL 0. BCOSEY'S 32 Kast 14th8treet,NewYork. Ttl Aotnal TTqp agents wanted P 1 wJLJ V IvLCvJL KJ IJU selling book erer publi.hr d. bend for cUcnlars and MORE THAN our extra terms to A grata. N4TIOWAI, PUBLISHING CO.. Philadelphia. Pa. 55,000 tey Organs! MANUFACTURED BY ESTEY & CO,, AID CAT A HI iBsrlag sirscri fwsaty yaan w4m Uto sad ldaata wttk ATHM A. 1 rf tt y caav rssittsf roofaad aarbs aa4lsaallnf taai 1 awtaaawl aliaia 1 raidy asa ears era far AMasaa4 Ostarra. taa laraUavaiaMaaUysataasaaeatcaa lUaaawatar aa4 si a esifcwliily. Dra-. inw srs sstipuas wits sanipls SMS aw rasa Idlstrtbetlffo. Call aad gat eaa. ar illns D. LamEIX. m ..I. CMk. Okla. sw-aoMsyDrscrista. MHm facaaaa, sy ssaU, UJa. NERVINE aad L5 BRATTLEDORO, TT. tW dnrO TOE ItXCSTEATED CaTAUMVB. SAMARITAN .Is a ears ears far Esiteetis nia. Cani Bf ltaaaalacd Sytk m '.mm tafsil is B star w caaa. I aclaas stasis aa? strr-.la- rivtag vrMraes ar carve. AiJiata, Dr.a. A. ait;ssuav,Bniu,m OFIDIJCMEii tog, rrsf. u. nireUrr.r. most sue oeesful of thai Bead for Pa. ner oa Ootaai Kat. Box 476. la.porto.Iad. an illness that he made a will bequeath- nntil a stiff paste is formed, and imme- ing all his property to his Vif e. He re- diately add white wwc, or stearine, say .covered, howevwpy Only to find that dur- about one ounce of wax to a pound of ing his illness his' money had been starch (the exact proportions, however, stolen from him by a man who nursed in any case can only be determined by him. A few "benevolent persons, sym- experience). If it is desirable that the pathizing with his misfortunes, collected about one hundred florins, wherewith the unfortunate Jew resolved to return to America in order to retrieve his for tunes. In the meantime the nurse had linen should be very stiff, powdered gum arabie may be added to the cold water with which the starch is mixed. The 8 trained starch should be thoroughly rubbed into the articles after they have gloomy description ; the river has fallen ir the redemption of five-twenty bonds to its summer level, fish are not " travel to the amount of $5,000,000. They are ing,". and,' as there appears every proba bility ot ? the drought continuing, we shall possibly not hear of much sport for some time to come. The same re marks apply generally to most rivers in England, Ireland, and Scotland, and un less great improvement in the fishing sets in, both by nets and rods, it is to be feared thatlho year 1875 will be a very unproductive one. bonda $50, No. 21,001 to 3p4 21,700, both' in- elusive; $100, No. 59,101 to No. M,500; both inclusive ; $500, No. 31,001 to No. 34,000, both inclusive; 31,000, No, 9L501 to No. 96,000, both inclusive . L . . . . Yice-Preeident Wilson has written a letter denying any aspiration to the Presidency, and declaring against the third term The Democracy of the State of Iowa at their late convention nominated the follow ing ticket : For governor, Shepard LefSer, of Dee Moines ; lieutenant-governor, Capt. E. B. Woodward, of j Lucas ; lodge of the supreme . o. w. 1 1 1 is uit is ne w aria. i iKirma Univeraai SaUsfaotioa. tVIIIKUKUI Kranaaay. 40 Iba. more Bmed to bbL tkmt. MATKM ,III.K, r.fitiH, cVr. Ona rsar's taring will buy a eow. NO MO It K HOUR RltKAU. WMtr, Lighter. bweiar. fUebrr. KVKRVUMUr Pralaea It. Tbe Ladies are all la Lore with tu WKf.lJH Uke HOT ('AKKM. t tf 8nd at tmrm for Clrrnlar ta CJKO. V. (JANTZ As CO 17 U DaaaeMU, New York. STOCKS : dealt tn at tbe Raw York Stock Kreaaaca boaxbj aad sold by as oo mar cla af trs par cant. w rte4 decamped with his booty to America, been well wrung out, after which they coart' w J- Bubnque ; Bnperinten- dent of PubLc instruction. A. IL Wrieht of Wright The platform adopted favors firm adherence to the doctrines of political govern ment as taught by Jefferson, . Madison and other fathers of the republic ; callf or honesty where, shortly after his arrival he died ! snould then be placed between dry suddenly. Tho American authorities cloths and passed through the mangle, sent the coffin, with the 600,000 florins, nd then rubbed on an ironing-board in to Transylvania, and. as the will was one direction with a soft raxr. to dis- alu- frtnnil in tria w(Ttn IV. anilinni!i I tfirtTItA ftnv Inmrkn rf sfawh : fVllaa ! .1 . . .... . ... .w .";:""' uuiujuhuwj i j 1 wiuuo, i m us tamuugotaoa oi poow omcr ; there at the same time'acquainted the relatives etc- should be ironed dry with a hot serration of all the legal rights of every citizen with the death. -of; the testator. After 11011 and considerable pressure. The without regard to race or color ; the restora the usual period ol mourning, the wife sticking of the iron may be prevented the President's salary to 125,000, and no contracted a second marriage. The first 7 drawing it while hot over wax, and toird tena 'ore the resumption of specie husband had,' however, . again saved a j aping it with a rag dipped in salt. considerable sum. of money, and event- .4 Curious Fact. nally returned Co his native country, to SS a s a aa .a nna nis wue jpaarnea to anotner man. Friction imrW th nmcm r tha The event has. caused a great sensation railway train, and yet it is only through ter of public deeds intrusted to his in the neighborhood, and it is stated that a conference ' of rabbis is (1 about to be held te determine to' which of the two husbands, ; the . woman belongs. Jewish IFbrW. : A vision of the future Fond Mamma: a a a- a. incuon mai is maK.es any progress. This apparent paradox is explained when we remember that, by reason of the fric- tional bite of the drivers upon the track, they draw the train. The bearings of j the wheel upon the rails are a mere line where they come in contact, iron and i "Suppose, Arnold, I shpulddie, and iron, yet this slight and almost imper papa married another mamma, what ceptible hold is sufficient to move hun would you do!" Dutiful son : "Oh ! dreds of tons of dead weLrht with tha Z ihould go to the wedding." I ipeed of the wind. payment ; the repeal of the prohibitory liquor law and desires a license law and favors a tariff for revenue Count von Arnim has been sentenced to nine months1 imprison ment for abstracting State papers of the char- care. J he loss of life and property by the over flowing or the river Garonne in France is altogether heavier than the reports have led us to believe. It is now estimated that at least one thousand persons perifhed. In Toulouse eight hundred houses have fallen, leaving twenty thousand people homeless' and without means of subsistence. Iu the St. Cyprien quarter two hundred and fifteen corpses have already been found. But five houses were left standing of the four handled In the town of Tuaoullst, la the department ef Arriega. Ia TJie Xetv Panacea. Modern science having demonstrated K eject all Vlaleat Para-ailvea. Tbey rola tbe tone of the bowels and weaken the digestion. Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient Is ased by rational people sa a means of reUertac all de rangements of tbe stomach. Urer aad mtsstlms.bseaass It leiaores obstructions wttbeat paia aad imparts ricor to tbe ortcaas which It parl&es aad raralataa. , SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ' ff a Sa. a B St A ana) at a anas sa. KUUK A i IS Wam-d i srfl " . Peapli PRMU aasotiated at eaa to twe par eaat. froaa ntara4 oa aaam. beta ef tba Hew Yerk Kicbaare or raspontbla pertvaa. Lars-e Has have beaa reaUaad tba pas SO dars. rat or call sosts oa lOUabarea $106.25 Tba .Tinurai jwTirr" a at iim cnOTapaas imrrs i annau oay w at aru wno eoaia ant be m d to porcbaas tbe blanarifld tmka lir.ilnt tt is c aauKina vauaa outer Dooks soM Uuxxvrn is entirely free from it is certainly a sub- AnTTiaSw ject for congratulation. Dr. WitlkerVU rau'la that alcohol is neither food nor vhvuir but, on the contrary, a species of poison, J wo lntxouucuon oi a potent. tome which . . . m . . . . SO days wttaoat fartaar ratk, waile dollars profit may ra sataed. Ki f araiabe4. Pampblat. aowteiaii aaformattoa aaa si ef atoak far aadTLl nf ralaabla Wall btraat Vinegar BitterS is a medicine Which mar bmt?d ooaatry.aoaa mt ssy saata wbo bare lv faTrlw V.,V1 - ,V.:-:-r nao aipervoa ta a-mn, booka. aa, that hi ail tbr pre- able specific for many distressing and dangerous diseases. Temperance organ izations, heretofore in favor of permit ting the sale of alcohol for medical pur poses, are of opinion that Vinegar Bit ters possesses all the efficacy as an invig orant that has ever been even claimed fox spirituous stimulants, and on this account, as well as because of the singu lar success which has attended its use in dyspepsia, liver complaint, disorders of the bowels, nervous diseases, general debility and all maladies growing out of intemperance, they warmly recommend it as a restorative and alterative of sur passing excellence.' FREE vaaein tbe never mmmt wttn urk maie mn lanre was-ae, sa since eonuaeex-toc tbe safe ef ay work. Ver In am aad trhtory. adrfraas (iaesaamc ww atamp aaa punif eroetw'ausf. K. V. riF.PJ K. U. D a-w wHd;s liJwaoaary.lo.W.Y. rtU. Mark aerelope - For Pnt-babina Ite.1 OOXX AGEXTS WA!STCD Kw book bLlilUdla-ao FOB THE CUXHOUS." Far a ran ry. tWaWr, earth aad naniil Itt s sway ta taasra- aria soy addmss. Orders soDottM by asafl or wixe aad pr mptly eaeeated by as. Addraas U7inKIDGE'& co , Ilaakem aad Brakera, Wa, Wal Hrreet, New Yark. (o allM i T I canoaa thiar keaa. W ia I anaiat. sesatilal, anlbaat tbearnts aad tralfca. xaoKHie srnomrat, rmi asias arvices, saa tHe awst vgrf eVtrtaifattisad cawani tckarrrr kss s. Tsreataar 'n's sawnrid;" Areata ear ifs a KIC sfiT.-end r at wark vtaert 7.m a-aaani k I It rtaHy eawrlW ml etbar banks tare as mmm tar t a m at m to saw W wnat I a.aaa nm traarr Asmtsaew wiraerwuwaa saswewill ataUawrSt rrea wm tisv lmttt (inim waa lau s ilaarraaa Caaa. $IO$500vK-S aawrythma. aad enr f tba Wall Mlre-rt Hrrtrw sent mRarB FLORIDA k.- lOe. "r epacamea. Proexarfiacs Florida Kraa Gimn AaaoetatSia msitavrof I H 7i-2i rta. Address Wax. TO A V.. Jarkafartiia. fla, fay where yea saw this. 55 3 S20 ?KUPATU Tarns, fraa. Am V J raaatlao.BTTirao.a A CVx. ParUaad. kt if, wtwm. rr e alt Adjust a. ! woaruixcToa a co. We nave tried Dobbins Electric Soan (made by Cragin k, Ox, Phila.), and find j it the best purest and most economical soap we nave ever -seen. Too much can not be said in its favor. Try it. Q i fl ? C O K Pr Cararaa OataWaa. I aflWMaiUJ.H. Kvrvoaa'a Sons. 1 OCT avsar. ran a Cuy rwnntrad asts oar Wall ts AUgsf av ortiia. SIOO a month m ll paid to Road Ajrrnta. iim book Sftns. Jii AAar C lUasaia, IU, Lsawiaaaa) 10 LIFE. iTOinji trnrzo rxnxn! Yolta's JL4.rrra Belts sad Beads are ladorsed by tba east ami neat ahyeieiaao la the world k tbeca re ef rbea- maliaaa. aamrairta,llTr ptaiat. Syspepaia, kid eaaeclaa.rej ardrs.ata. lea arsons aad put aaa ether chren t be e hes ,ka d. I i rrr . rt on ar h kHoeysand b)orl. Bk with full aarticatarafres vr VetTa But U4 UadaaaU, Chia. Dy8iepsia or Indigestion. Head ache, fain in tho Shoulders, Couch, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Tato In the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in the region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful aymp toms. are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. ' Scrofula, or King's EtII, ito Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammation, MenroriaJ Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Ere, etc. in these, as m all other constitutional uis eases, 'Walker's Yixeoar Bittem hare shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cam. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism. Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys - and RladnVr, these Bitters bare no equal. Sach 1)'uksjzs are caused by vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. rersona en raged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, GoU -beaters, an4 Miners, as they advance in life, are subject t4 paralysis of the Bowels. To uarJ against this, take a dose of TTaxkes'i Vis- Soae Bittsbs occaaionaiJy. For SVin Diseases, Eruption, Tct ter, Salt-Iiheum, Blotches, Spots, rim pies Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Eing-worm. Scald-head,- Pre Eye, ErypeU. Itch, Ben, JscvtOTtioa cf tbe Skin, Humori aad Disea&ei of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dn5 op and carried out of the rystem in a sLort thna by the rua cf these Bitters. Fin- Tape, and other "Worms lurxiac in the system of to many thousand, are effectually destroyed aad removed. ' Kstem of medicine, no Tennifuires, no an aimrrftva will free the lystem from wonnt Uke these Bitters. For Female Complaints, la young or old, married or tingle, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonid Bitters display so decided aa influence that improvement Is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its Impurities burttint; throurJ the skin ia Pimples, B nptkma, or Sores . cleanse It when you find it obstructed and slurgiah ia the veins ; cleanse it when it l foul: your feelings wiU tell yoo when. Keep the blood pare, and the health of the ytiu wiu follow. . n. II. ItDOSAI.I a cc VnrrioU ad Oea. A (fta, 8a Frsacl C. Jor!, aad car. of Washrtoa aad Cbarttoa J'ta, X. T. tola my all ursitiw aa wi W. T. W. U "a. tt torn. I arydie-1 rweairnra" "tt!! n niinm ns.aarrens oia- SI : a l "'W M 'li lain com sis lata I Ia L .'.iL..a L J U. U kaWLiMki I aebtllty. I r a ii r 0m $ljmt ta aar mmm was tS en fahr i ia m ve dtseaars ef I a a a aan s avtac nafl. lai aa4 . tm iwrt Staa ANTKa.De . 121 B DAY CUASa S4 aw Ctftux a. T . a'ifaat CrtAli U. Ptfl&wSa tmtmmou.

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