The . Framkmn Gouttii GEO. S. BjOCEIt, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS : S2.00 per Annum. VOL. IY. L0UISBU11G, ;N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1875, NO. 40. II read and CJieene. I met my lore in the summer ; The freeze blew from tlio south, Sweot with the breath of the clover ; ' I kiKeed her little mouth. . . Cut I told my pet sq plaiuly, Ah I gave her harid a equeoze, ' I'vo lot f love for yon, darling. But not much bread and cheese." , But then Hhe thawed her dimplea ; The bloe eyee seemed td shiuo ; Her bead wan on my uhonlder ; V . The littl lips sought mine. . fcho said : I am not hungry; And Bummer thno U here. Who car en for bread and cheese, lore? I want the kiases, dear." A SPELLING HA TCJI. The firelight made fantastic shadows in old Farmer Dobson's kitchen -it flickered up and down on the huge brown rafters, and 'on'the great dresser whero the quaint willowware dishes were arrangod, and , where , MnC' Dobsorii wonderful wealth of tinware was arrayed m smning ranKs. , a great far-cornered, sliadow haunted kitchen of the old-fashioned type, one of the generous, provi dent, open-hearted kind that is passing away witlftho. woods it helped to devour. Wo have moro economical arrange ments coming in fashion, even in the old country Jiouses, now, but thero are none so full of evening witchery, so care-beguiling and heartsomo, as tho old wood lire. ' What elfish pranks it played that night! How it reddened old Farmer Dobson's smoking cap, and shono on 'his good wife's spectacles, and tinted Job's high cheek bones and sleek black hair, as ho sat in tho off corner bending obtusely over his look, utterly absorbed, an a man might be who had so little titno to cxploro the mysteries of Webster, and who was to tako part in tho spelling match that night. J ub was Farmer Dobson's farm hand a tall, strong, patient fellow, who had b;(on so quietly the butt of us all this winter that wo had got to using him like a big mastiff, who might be dangerous, but under ordinary circumstances could bo safely teased and tormented to the tjpof our be at. A mist gathered in mastiff was shaking himself up, and I trembled for Abijah. ." Order!" said the schoolmaster, and gave out the word again. It was my turn. I don't know, as I say, what imp possessed me this even ing, but I stood tip and spelledlhe word with vim; just as if I didn't care one jot for Job's defeat, and before I knew it the blue-and-gold prize was put into my hands. Then I looked at Job, and could have cried. But every one was merry, and all were talking and chatting and Janghing as we broke up and said good-night. I wanted to speak to Job, but there stood Abijah xn the doorway with my shawl in his hands, waiting to see me home, and be lloic Can the G ramnhovperm j utauer ' The Minnesota State authorities have hit upon a way of clearing the four coun ties to which the grasshoppers have con fined their ravages, which certainly de serves credit. It is praiseworthy for several reasons, for it has set the people inventing, i provided them with lucrative work at a time when the destruction of their crops threatened to cut off all in come, and actually put the grasshopper The Opium Smolcer. A Ban Francisco writer in Scrtbncr't Monthly says : , Not altogether uninter esting is an opium den. ' ' Under the es cort of a police officer, we grope our way through a dismal court, pass throngs of Chinese of both sexes the men mostly gamblers, the women all prostitutes ; stumble over heaps of t rubbish, cooking utensils, etc ; squeeze through a narrow entry, open a door, and are in the den. The reek of the place is horrible. The Hou to Eat. Before a man becomes hungry, watch- It etna f Inter. A Kentucky girl of thirteen is an ap- much nutriment the body nreds, and J Yirc members of the Olympic club, of provides as much of a liquid subfrt&nce I gaa Francisco, walked from that city to at a premium. The plan is simply ta I air is thick with the fumes of the deadly only nodded to Job as ho stood at the gate with his lantern to show us "the path. jne alter another tne merry party disappeared down the snowy road and the winding lanes. Abijah and I were the last. " 1 11 see you down to tne creek, said Job, humbly ; "it's a rough road to night." And without another word he stalked on ahead, his' lantern gleaming after him. Wo did not say much either, Abijah and I, for we were floundering through the soft, thickf ailing snow, and somehow it seemed awkward to be walking in Job's lantern-light. ' ' ' Presently wo came down to the creek, where every angle of rock and every el bow of gnarled tree was flecked softly with snow, and the creek, which 1 had buy the grasshoppers from the farmers at ten cents a quart. .The people have fairly jumped at the offer, and it is said that, in every town in the four counties, wagon load after wagon load of the hop pers is arriving, until the pest is almost exterminated. In one , county. 1,000 bushels were paid for, and this was one day's catchj One farmer made fifty-" five dollars for the labor of his family for twenty-four hours.'5 Another has driven drug. r. At first,' all is nebulous and in distinct, but in' a few moments the eye takes in tho outlines of the room. It is filled with men, all lying down on mats, on benches, on the floor ; some on their sides ; some on their backs. They are in every stage of narcotism from tho dreamy languor induced by the first few whiffs of the opium pipe to soggy insen sibility, i Some are hilarious ; some are sullen and scowl viciously at us ; some War oh Christ Inn. Principle. One of the.ncondition3 of a treaty with Mexico, it is said, was that any future J fnj nature has calculated in her way how j plicant for a diTOrcc, war whicn migut Drcax out between tne two countries should be conducted on Christian principles. Now, wo all know that this is an age of progress, and that all sorts of improvements are con stantly taking place in all sorts of mat ters; but war on Christian principles is entirely the latest, and, if earned out, will, wo think, prove the greatest of them all. Just imagine it. We think we can see two armies drawn out in battle array. A fair: field is before thcm,t The ranks formed, . tho positions taken, the parties off his farm with a pitchfork since are given to the most seductive reveries ; the bounty 'system has been adopted, j some are murmuring incoherent word3 are great guns unlimbcred. The . general is just about to givej the order to fire, when an aid comes up and respectfully reminds him that the war is to be con ducted on Christian principles, and it will not do to fire. . ' Very true, Tery true," says the 'commander-in-chief; but what are they ? I have read Van- ban, and Schelter, and Turenne. I have as will be necessary to prepare from the food to be eaten that amount of suste nance which the system mvr require. When this is stored up and all is ready. the sensation of hunger commences, and increases with the steadily increasing amount of the digesting material just re ferred to, and the very instant the first mouthful of food is swallowed, this " gastric juico " is poured out into the stomach, through a thousand sluices ? but no more has been prepared than was necessary, lor nature does nothing in vain ; so thaLif a single mouthful more of food has been swallowed than the un- tempted or unstimulated appetite would have called for, there is no gastric juice for its solution,' and it remains but to fret and worry and irritate for hours to gether. If the amount eaten is much in excess, tne stomacn, as u in utter uis- Saa Jose, accomplishing- the fifty-two miles in thirteen hours and fifteen min utes. , i A Parisian druggist prescribes , as an infalliblo means of extinguishing in flamed petroleum tho throwing of a small quantity of chloroform upon tho fame, . It is said that dry rot in cellar timlxrs can be prevented by coating the wood with whitewash to which has been added enough copperas to givo tho pale yellow hue. , . A Chinese cook in a Columbus family made a rat pie for dinner, and tho family ate every scrap of it before they' knew what it was. Then they discharged him and called in a doctor. ' Peter McXamara, of -Rochester, who thought ho could mesmerize ajtmll by mixturo a claiming the grasshoppers as his, and in their dreams ; one or two are sleeping wad the Uves of old conquerors, and couragement at the magnitudo of its looking him in the eyesthaiiged his that he alone had a right to catch theml the heavy death -like sleep of souls utter- Still another individual, who refused to aid in burning the hoppers, on tho ground that they were a dispensation of Providence and should not be interfered with, as soon as the reward was offered 1 subjugated by the insidious poison. One old fellow raises himself up on his , haunches, extends a withered hand in token of friendly greeting; and offers us hia pipe" with You sriokee ? " Him crossed a day or two before on pry visit wbich from five to twenty bushels of the set his entire family to work, and added bejly fine." We decline and pass. on. his own labor all day Sunday, making a Another stares at us with glazed eyes, nice sum by bis endeavors. Several ingenious traps have appeared, propelled by horse power, by means of to- Farmer Dobson's, ran low, cray and far, an unfamiliar stream, with downy, treacherous banks shutting it in a strange white fantasy. Over it two stout planks, crossing a few inches apart, served as a bridge. They were rounded and slippery-looking to-night, and one of them had a slight warp, as if weather strained. Abijah , stood a moment on tho bank surveying it. " ' ,rIts dangerous crossing that, he said. ! "I declare, Jennie, I don't like the looks of it." . The night was gray and soft and still, and all about us ; fell the snow,? which results ? Scientific American. insects are easily taken in a day. When brought to tho 4 designated treceiving places, they are immediately paid for and buried in a deep trench. Blue Earth county has already bought fifteen thousand dollars' worth. fy- Now, who will invent a use for these millions of collected insects? There is an enormous fortune in the invention, and it seems a waste to dispose of them by simple bnriaL Will they not yield a coloring matter, or an oil ? Dessicated looking the picture of hopeless imbecili ty. Our guide says: ' John, you smokeo too much opium; by'ru-byo you go jo mission "'(you die). . " Me no care," re? sponded the wretch ; " me likee hei" pointing to his little opium box, "me smokee all same." Many of these crea tures live in these dons. They have their bunks, for which they pay so much rent, and in which they keep their world ly possessions. They do their cooking in a little court outside, pass the few waking hours of their existence in list less misery, seldom go out on the street, and long for the night, when they may repeat the Lethean debauch. Others have studied the campaixrns of the greatest soldiers; but I ' never happened to come across those principles in any work upon the military art. Do you know anything about it, colonel t" "No." " " Nor youj major!" ' ". ' "-NO." "Nor I, either. I really don't know how to bctrin. I suppose it would not do to shoot. chaplain." The chaplain arrives. ! . ; " Do you know anything about this fighting on Christian principles J" " Oh, yes; it is tho easiest thing In tho world. ' ! ' ' , Where are your books !' ; . "Here ;" and tho chaplain takes out tho Bible." - " "Eeallv." says the general, "we ought to have thought of that before. task, ceases its attempts at digestion, and forthwith commences ' the process . of ejecting tho unnatural load by means of nausea and vomiting in some cases ; in others it remains for an hour or more like a weight, a hard round ball, or a lump of lead, an uneasy heaviness ; then it begins to " sour," that is, to decom pose, to rot, and the disgusting gas or liquid comes up into theHhroat, causing Supposo we Ecnd for the I moro or less of a scalding sensation from the pit of the stomach to tho throat; this is called ' Heart-burn." At length the half -rotted mixture is forced out of the mouth by the outraged stomach with that horrible odor and taste with which every glutton is fa miliar. In some cases the stenchy mass is passed out of the stomach downward, causing in its progress a gush of liquid from all parts of the intestinal canal to wash it with a flood out of the system; and ground, would they bo of any use as work a part of the day, and repair to the a fertilizer ? Cannot some of our chemi cal readers experiment and favor us with my eyes as I looked across the great kitchen to whero Uie sat unconscious, plodding away at his task. I thought of our glib an (I easily acquirod learning, and of poor Job's hard struggle for life, ami I pitied Job. - " Yes, I pitied. him; but yet, never theless, as I saw him stooping so pro foundly by tho light of that witching lire, heedless of the shadow and shine of tho room, an imp of mischief per haps one of tho pranksome elves gesti culating in tho chimney corner got possession of me. 1 arose softly, and gliding over to whero ho sat, sprinkled tho absorbed student with a shower of cau-do-cologne, and putting the vial quickly in my pocket, walked demurely back to my seat. The start Job gave, , and tho flush on his faco as he returned to his book, wero comical. That cologne was Abijah Plummor's present, and I shouldn't have wasted it, perhaps, and perliaps Job didn't like cologne. He shut the book presently, and sat with hia shoulders stooped,, and his head drooping, looking into tho fire. Well, aI have said, we were to have -A- a spelling match that night, not our first ono by any means; but tho old folks had put their heads together to give us a prize this tinio, a; beautiful set of gold-and-bluo poots, six dainty little volumes that stood gleaming in the firelight on tho round table, in the place of honor along with tho great gilt-odgad family Bibl- ' - r'-i Ud ; Tho young peoplb dropped in one by ouo, shaking off the snow as they came in, for there had been a light snowfall that even hig, which made us jail' thQ laerrirr. , By-ond-bye , the great kitchen wits . filled up, Iho candles were lit. Farmer Dobson laid aside his pipe, the schoolmaster straightened his necktie, and grabbed tho big Webster before him, and wo all became properly im pressed with the importance of the occa sion, though there was a general nudg ing of elbowai and a sly grimace as big-, tJiy Job joined-' tho clas. But Job was used to . our "merrymaking, and took no notico of it. ; Hound and round went the spelling big words and little words, words with treacherous o's and a's lying in wait in "unexpected places, and words without u'h, and words with odd h's, and all the . dooeitf ul dictionary drcadf ulness j that liea in wait to trip up tho unwary. -And one after another our champions were spelled down, and Job actually stood his ground against half a dozen well school ed fellows. All his face was kindled with eagerness, and tho dull and plod diug look habitual to him had disap peared. Tho spelling was waking him lip. But thero sat Abijah Plumraer, who didn't join in tho match Abijah Plum nier, the. well-to-do beau of the village, who had no lioed, mayhap, of book learning. Thero he sat and laughed at Job's excitement. I saw an uneasy light in Job's eyes, as if ho were being severe ly tried. Tho spelling match was . kin- i tiling him to tho center, it seemed. I A few more words were yet on the list, and there lay the beautiful books smil ing and shining on us. " Beautiful," gave out the schoolmas ter ; and Abijah laughed as Job got up to spell it. Job looked at Abijah, and 1 began. "B-e-u" and there was a gen eral scream of laughter. - v "Darn itj" said Job between ,his teeth ; ".whatcan a fellow do' with a fool like that grinning at him" Ths seemed to be creating itself out of the feathered and shadowy underbrush and tho white quiet atmosphere. The scene was so strange and weird that I felt a moment's hesitation; the next instant the imp which had possessed me all the evening set my blood-dancing with mis chief. "I promised to be home to-night," said I, eluding Abijah's detaining hand; and with a mocking, dancing step I slcipped upon the plank. j Abijah stood still on tho margin and looked at me. Job stood still also one moment, and, holding up bis lantern, looked at Abijah. - Then he said, sarcastically : " By your leave, Mr. Plummer; this is a bridge for two, and if you've no mind to be getting over, I'll step along myself.!' ' And it was Job's hand that, touching me timidly, steadied my foolhardy steps, and Job's lantern that flickered over the phantom banks beyond and the deep creek below that treacherous plank. Half-way across I felt a strange quiver, as if the heart of the thing were being broken, and my own heart leaped up with sudden terror, a despairing cry, a whirl of darkness and chaos, and I felt tho bridge totter and crash; and thought I was being swept;awayjtpannihila tion. Some strong arm grasped me then, not tenderly, but with a clutch that roused ee very v faculty, and, trembling, cOAsclotrfr Btruggling for life, I found myself clinging to the slippery edge of tho other plank, with Job holding me fast by my raiment, as wo hung for a moment in peril together, while the lantern floated awayTjolow id the debris. Job speedily regained -ctfme "sort of footing, and slipping, sliding, by slow and painful effort we reached tho other sido. ' . I believe I laughed then when I came to. myself shook out. my nowrencum bered garments, and looking down, saw Job's faithless lantern gleaming like a fitful firefly away out of reach,, and ielt sure that Abijah iPlummer vas; "still watching on the other sido. Job stretched out over the brink, looked down at the useless lantern, and shook his fist, perhaps at the- invisible AlHjah. - - , i ... ; : . r ' A K , , "Job, oh, Job," I said, taking his liand, " I'm sorry I spelled ' beautiful ' to-night." I did not laugh now. I was full of a strango excitement. ! I Who had n right to spell f such a word but you, Jeiinio?" answered Job, V But I I'vo lost the books, Job." . i I'vo lost something' too," said Job. ; . ' Wo stood still for a moment and looked at each other. .And thero was that in Job's face which never shone but once in any human face, and which all men and all women know when they see it. Then Job roused up and said, lightly: "Will you get along the rest of the way without Abijah Plummer 1" , "All the rest of my life," I replied.: Since then Job has often said to me', softly, as we'sat in the twilight: "They can't say I didn't win a 'prize at the spelling match." ' Tlie Golden Rule. " What's this boy doing here this innocent-looking, white-haired boy ?" asked his honor. "Gittin' up a dog fight," exclaimed Bijah. "My son, is this true V " I never said a word tho other boys got up the fight I" wailed tho lad. "I do not know what I can do with you. Wo keep a cross cut saw hero to saw boys in . two, but it . is Saturday morning and I don't, want to muss up the station house, I suppose we " " The boys lied on me !" exclaimed the boy, trembling all over; " They did, eh ? , Now, boy, tell me the solemn truth did you havo hold of either dog ?" " No, sir you may kill me if I did 1" " Did you say sickem ?" "No, sir no!" " Didn't you bet five marbles against three, .jaw-breakers that the red dog would win?" i - "No no!" . ! . " Well, boy, this is a serious case, but I am goingto overlook it. ""I think you have told tho truth, but you had no business there. In the distant future you' want to remember that it is four times better to pull weeds' in the garden than to attend a dog fight." j "I will, sir." t ; " And remember to keep truth in your handkerchief -pocket- all through life. One ounco of truth is worth moro in tho wholesale market than forty tons of lies." "YesshV? opium den at night, where they spend all their earnings. The amount con sumed varies from a few grains to an ounce anight. The opium is not fur nished by the keeper, but is brought in by the consumer. The opium pipo consists of a straight, or slightly curved stem, about eighteen inches long, with a bowl three inches round, in the center of which is a small circular hole. This leads to a smaller reservoir in the center of the bowl, and a channel runs from this to the end of the pipe, which the smoker places in his mouth. He takes a bit of wiro and dips the end into prepared opium, which is about the consistency of mucilage. The drop of tho drug that adheres to the wire is held in the flame of a lamp, and, under the influence of the heat, it bubbles and changes color like boiling molasses. It is now smoking hot, and upon being placed in the hole of the bowl, will yield the smoker several whiffs. He easily draws tho smoke from the stem, sends it into his lungs, and finally discharges it through his nostrils. It is a bad time to commence tho study of tactics when the enemy is right be fore us: but I supposo wo are bound by the treaty. What is the first thing, Mr. Chaplain!". . . - TVinn nVinlf. Tint Vill. Thrvn fiholfc love thy neighbor as thyself." " But these are not neighbors. They are Mexicans." ' " The same book tells us, a little further on. that the opportunity to do good to a man makes him our neighbor." " Will you go on, Mr. Chaplain." "'Love your enemies. Do good to them that hate you. Pnay for them who despitefully use you. If a man smite you on one check, turn to him tho other.' " this is the " diarrhea " whirli surprises the gourmand at midnight or in tho early morning hours, when a late or over hearty meal has been eaten. When sufficient food has been taken for the amount of gastric juico supplied, hunger ceases, and every mouthful swallowed after that, no gas trio juice, having been prepared for its dissolution, remains without any healthful change, inflaming and irritating, and exhausting the stomach by its efforts to get rid of it, and this is the first step toward forming "dyspepsia," which becomes more and more deeply fixed by every repeated out rage, until at length it remains a life time worry to the mind, filling it with horrible imaginings, and a weary watting " But while we are praying for the torture of the body, until it passes into Mexicans they will bo firing into us. " the grave. The moral of this article is, ". No ; they are bound by the treaty also. It works both ways." that tho man who forces his food, he who eats without an inclination, and he "Then, what is the uso of our arms!" I who strives by tonics, or bitters, or wine, " This is also provided for in the samo Kr other alcoholic b'nuors, to get up an book. Bend your swords .into plow- appetite, is a sinner against body and shares, and your spears into pruning-1 soul a virtual suicide. Dr. JlalL hooks." , .1 - " Then I do not see as thero is any thing for us to do here." " Nothing, unless you send and ask the Mexican general if he needs any thing in the way of medicines or provi sions, or clothing. - I rather think tho treaty requires this of us.. And I don't ! know but we ought to send them a few schoolmasters, for I understand they are a shockingly ignorant people." Struck by Lightning. Mr. A. Castle, of Whitewater, Wis., who was struck by lightning, has told tho Register all about it, and we are content to take his word for it. ' As the storm camo up he put "his team in 'the barn . and eat down in tho door facing the in side. The stroke of lightning which I A correspondent, in speaking of the killed his horses and prostrated him did j reception of the American team in Ire- Atneriea and Ireland. VNow Press. you can go." Detroit Free its work too swiftly to give him the slightest warning, of its coming. His j first remembrance upon returning to consciousness was of hearing his daugh ter, who had run down from tho house, about twenty -five rods distant, exclaim: land, gives an incident which occurred at a reception. He says : It would appear tedious and incredible if I dwelt upon the enthusiasm of the reception. The Americans, men not easily disturbed, appeared surprised at the magnificent "Oh! father is dead 1" Upon opening I welcome accorded them; and as .tho his eyes, the whole air and sky seemed to I cheers died away, only to bo renewed at I achromatism. A Refrigerator Car. A widow lady residing in Wilton, N. H., and worth from $7,000 to $10,000, instead of hiring her road tax worked , out, grasped the implements of labor and worked it out herself. The amount was &Z.VQ. one worxea six nours one day, and four hours the next, with th& thermometer among tho nineties. . An improved refrigerating car has been invented abroad, its body consisting of a double paneling of galvanized iron network, with the ' spaco between filled with -two couches of inodorous! absor bent felt the outer one four layers thick, and the inner one an inch apart from it, but a single layer. The mesh of the ex ternal panel is ' much larger than tho corresponding mesh inside, in order to permit free ingress to tho heat and at-' mosphere. The inner panel alone f orrns a ceilmg, to; tho chamber, and is covered with tho felt, but with an interval of a couple oi inches between its surface and tho arched outer roof. The object of this arrangement is to admit .the passage of a current of air when the car is iii motion. Underneath is a tank, from which water is driven by a forcing pump to a covered galvanized gutter, running round tho edge of the roof, between tho panels; the outer felt is lipped in this gutter, so that the water is bound to per colate through it to a metal-lined groove below, which returns the drip to tho tank. The . atmosphere, coming in con tact with tho . saturated felt, causes evaporation,- and lowers the temperature within, while the single inner layer of peeled off as though it had been scalded. dry leis insures against moisture, xne warmer the weather is the quicker is the AvTWYrtinri- urn! rnsinritlv tk cooler I : JFMttl Xfm. the interior. be in a blaze. He also became con- m scions of intense suffering, and espe cially in bis lower limbs. Ho says the pain was like that of a burn, and that he could not have suffered more for the hour that followed if he had been held in the flames. His wife and daughter, upon seeing that he was still alive, desired to remove him to the house, but he begged to be left where he was and not disturbed, as he felt that he could live but a few minutes and that ho might well die there as to bo put' to the need less torture of removal. As he seemed to gain strength, however, he was soon taken to tho house and made as com fortable . as possible, but eight or ten hours ' elapsed before he was ablo to move either of his lower limbs. - The left hip and leg seemed to bo more af fected than the right, and tho symptoms for a time indicated that tho bones were injured. But these have passed away and only a slight Lameness now remains. The right lung has been very sore ever since the occurrence, but this may have been caused by an injury received in xauing. .ine maric oi tno ugntning is apparent from the shoulders to tho calf of the right leg, in tho shape, a brood irregular strip from which tho skin has Imperfection of the Human Eye. Professor McLeod, in lecturing on this subject at the Physical Society, spoke of the chromaticity of the eye, and said there was abundant evidence of tho de fects of the organ in this respect. For instance, to fhert -sighted persons the moon appears to have a blue fringe. In using the spectroscope the red and blue ends of the spectrum cannot be seen with equal distinctness without adjust ing the focussing glass. A black patch of 'paper on a blue ground appears to have a fringed edge if viewed from even a short distance; while a black patch on a red ground, when observed under similar conditions, has a perfectly dis tinct margin. Professor McLeod then explained that the overlapping of images in the eye produces the mental impression that there is no want oi It is interesting to note that Wallas ton considered that tho color mind when he found; tho woodshed roof a moment afterward. The Wisconsin girl who killed nino wolves last summer has thrown , herself away, on a man who daren't help her take the clothes off the lino at night without a slung shot fastened to his wrist. ; A town in Hungary has been taxed aa follows by a contractor tcr tx debt duo him for pavements: Each "of its 1,000 inhabitants is to givo him an egg daily during six years, paying him In all 1,161,000 eggs. ' - "For want of water I am forced to drink water; if I had water, I would drink wine." This speech is a riddle, and here is tho solution. It was tho complaint of an Italian vineyard man, after a long drought and an extremely hot summer that had parched up all his grapes. "William," observed, a Danbury wo man to her husband, "Mrs. Holcomb feels pretty badly sinco the lossbf her child, and I wish you would drop over there and seo her. You might 'say to her that all flash is grass that wo'vo all got to go tho samo way ; and soo.if sho is going to uso her dripping pan this afternoon." In some ginseng root received at a store in Nashville, Tcnn., a piece .was found that had a bullet embodded en tirely in it. It had either been shot into it whilo growing, or tho plant had grown near tho bullet and enveloped it as it grew, completely covering and hiding it. Tho ball was not discovered till tho root was broken in two. The Baptists of Massachusetts will raise $350,000 for centenary purposed Of this sum $100,000 will bo ajipropri ated to Newton Theological Institution, $G0,000 to Webster Academy, $50000 to Brown University, $50,000 to ; Colby University, $50,000 to' the : Missionary Union, to bo uvxl in promoting educa tion, and $40,000 to tho Baptist Homo Missionary Society. j the command of a solitary stentor, who cried for " one cheer more," you would have thought that our party wero com-1 divided by the black (Fraunhof cx) lines, posed of conquerors who had swept I and his statement that the red end of tho Irish seas of piratic hosts or de- the spectrum does not appear to have a feated the enemies of Erin on some boundary lino "because the eyo is not llliere Xlekel i Ftottnd. It may not bo generally known that tho nickel deposit near the Gap, Lan caster county, Pa., is considered tho largest in tho world yet discovered, and tho only deposit' of tho ore worked in America. Tho mine is on tho high di viding line between Chester and Pcquea valleys. licsides nicfccl, copper, iron and limestone aro found' In" tbe samo locality. Nickel was discovered in Penn sylvania about tho year 1558, .though copper, wnicu is taken irora mo same mine, was known inPcnnsyrrahia seventy years ago. The ore has a gray, color. is very heavy and so liard that it is mined entirely by blasting. ' "l After the ore has' been broken into small fragment, . it is put f into kilns holding eighty to ninety tons each, and bloody field. Unquestionably nothing that occurred last year in New York could compare for an instant with the warmth, tho droll earnestness, the vig orous lung power which celebrated the occasion. When the music and cheering had subsided and the Americans had taken their scats and the audience . had settled down to something like the dignity of an audience, the curtain rose, ' ; '.' ed bands of tho spectrum were really subjected to, heat produced' t first by uio onrning oi a sraau quaupiy ox wood, and continued by the conversion of the expelled gas.' ' It Is then put into a smelting f arnaco and undergoes a treatment similar to that of. iron ore Tho product resulting from this treat ment is reduced to powder by pausing it between iron rollers, and tlicn lhipped to Camden, New Jersey, 'where a com plete separation is made of the nickel and copper. . The price of pure nickel averages over two dollars a pound. From four hundred to five hundred tons of the ere are taken from the mine prr competent to converge the red rays properly," shows that he had very near ly, if not quite, discovered the achro matic defects of the eye. Dr. Young ascribes to Wollaston the merit of hav ing observed that when a luminous point is viewed through a prism, the blue end appears to be wider than tho red, the eyo being incapable of recognizing that tho spectrum has the same width throughout its entire length. An cxperi-1 month, and the mining and working of At a recent meeting of the Anthropo logical Society of Paris, M. Bctrand pre sented a cast of a reindeer's horn, on which is distinctly traced with a flint in strument the figure of a reindeer graz ing. ' It I was found at Thaingen, near I Lake Constance. To Fickle Cucumbers. Place a layer of cucumbers in a crock or tub and sprinkle with salt ; then add other layers until the tub . is fulL Pour, over boiling water until they are covered. This- makes a brine, which, for three successive days, scald, skim, and pour over again. The fourth day pour off the brine and prepare a bag of spices as follows: Ono pound each of whole cloves, cinnamon, allspice, black pepper, mustard and brown sugar, a piece of alum the size of a butternut ; put these into vinegar enough to cover the cucum bers, . boil ten minutes, and pour over them hot. After three or four days add a quart of nasturtions, six large green peppers, a few pieces of horseradish, and a quart or small whito onions, scald ed to make them more tender. If the ment was exhibited to show the relative distinctiveness of a dark line on grounds of various colors. , A string or wire was so arranged that its shadow traversed the entire length of tho spectrum, which was thrown on a screen by an electric lamp. When viewed from a short dis- this requires the labor of one hundred and seventy-fire hands; a few Cornish and the rest Axncricaa miners. AnimaleuUe and Dltemme, Tho theory that disease is originated and propagated by independent 'organic tance the edges of the shadow appeared germs, appears to receive additional con to be sharp at the rear end, but gradu- firmation by the experiments recently ally became leas ditinct, until at the made by a German professor, in nfiT- blue end nothing but a blurred lino remained. In Keokuk, Iowa, recently, a woman was giving testimony in a case of coun terfeiting, and upon being asked if she thought she could identify tho man who I vinegar is pure cider vingar these pickles m-n v mt a . gave tne spurious oui, sue, aii-cx scan- i are warranicu to seep a year or more. ning carefully all the jurors present, ence to hay fever. The investigator has, it appears, been subject himnrU to the malady in question, and has pursued his researches for a number of years. On examining tho nasal secretions with a powerful immersion lens, bo found the organisms to be absent, except when tho disease attacked him during spring. Then the parasitical bodies were chiefly suddenly pointed to one of them, a gen: tleman from Muscatine, and said: Yes, I think that's the man." ' Bah, said John Henry's hopeful to a Email boy who wanted to whip him, you couldn't lick a postage lUmp," Figure of Speech There is a popular superstition about tho figure of t even seven wonders of the world, seven days of the week, seventh son of seven sons, etc ; but cigns mazes a much more conspicuous figure in the EngluJi language, as, for I ecen in motion, vibrating on the slide, instance, to illuxtr-8 how one may dis- I and increasing in size after several days. semin-8 or decor-8 in first-r-8 style with I By mring a neutral solution of sulphate this figure ; and diwemin-8 its portr-8 I of quinine, applied by the nasal douxne, and not exiccer-8 ai vou renetr-S before I the ammalculjo were found to be corn- too 1 8 to termin-8 what we have begun to coll-3, lest we aro culled upca to sliisr ia-5 we nvw tcraia 8. plctcly destroyed, and subsequent ex aminstion also f a2ed to show thtir ea- Istenes in tht tzzzz'J.zzs .