Franklin Courier GEORGE S. BAKER, Editor and Pnorftirron. Jul letters addressed to Gr.o'. R. Maker, Friday ....TVlySO. BT5. FOR Til I i Convent! 011, W. -If. .CREEK Bullock the -Bull, fujwinator wants the people whom he attempted to dii franchiso to scnl him t( the Conven tion. They won't do it. Judge Watts the wan that lamina ted Mr. Bullock, has not yet informed the i0ilc whet he he voted for Jno. II. Williamson the Republican nomi nee for tha Legislature last year. Speak out Judge. We are not aware that Mr Bullock has yet Informed the colored people for whom he voted last year for the House of Representatives. Some of them would like to know. Mr. Bullock of courso will inform them The Conservative Party ppent less in running the State Government for four years than the Rudieal party did in running it two years. Conserva tives spent in four ycais $945,381,99. The Radicals spent in two years $981,103,80 or $35,781, 81 more in two, than the Democrats did in four years. v Do the peoplo of Fra ik in want to coutloue to pay $10j0 pjr year to Jiave their tax list made out? If so then vote for Mr. LUi t-ek the flice lioldcis Caudidate. If not vote for Co'. Green the citizens candidate. The man who cant touch you ii the way of heavy taxes without hiuti j himself. . - Vote for Green and let Franklin have in the Convention a peer for Graham, Cliograan, Coleman, Gilmer, Johnston, Shober,Battle,GaleH,!Worth, planning. Reid, MorcVead, Bennett, Bunn and other distinguished North Carolinaians who will be there, to add lustre to a brilliant any y of names ftdorn the political histury of our State Under the ld Constitution it re required only iie man in tach Dis trict to takeithe Tax list, at a cost of six dolla'8 to the ( ountjv Under this present system it requires three men to do the fume work, at a cost of clglHeeu dollars. Docs not every man In the County reform in this particular? Then vote for Col. W. F Green, the Democratic Candidate for tho Convention Do you want Judge U'utts iastaned upon you again, for another Eight year terra or possibly for life, or what you may think worse a neirro .Judiie ! If so, then voto for Bullock, Judge Watts and tho ofSce holders candidate. If Hot then vote for Cel. Green- tie friend of good government, and who will do all that he can to civo us a cood Ju diciary system, administered by learn ed and pure judges. If you fail to vote yeu do just half us much to elect Judge atts -candi date as if you voted for him. Will you assist in anyway ? Wo answer for you. No I ' " . -- ;Rcatl TIiIm without iltil. It b a fact that in every county in the State, where the Conservative party has been in power, the counties are out of debt, and their paper is readily taken at face value, and a number of them have from Ten to twenty Thousand dollars in Bank. And In every couutv v.. i.t-.i:-i . ui nuuitiu jjimy ueen in pow cr, the county scrip hats been at a dis- A . count, anu ncany , every county nas nsked for a special tax, to and fatten the corrupt officiate who hold the offices. Theso arc facts. Ollt. till VotO. Th Wilmington Star rightly says : Pon't stop now to discuss the particu lar amendments to the Constitution i that art) necessary or dosirable. It h t too late m tho campaign for prolix arguments or elaborate discussions.' Tho correct thing uow is to urgejun our people the importance of going to the polls. Don,t tell them how bad the ptcscut Constitution L, but 'how much tcorae it will be if, by our own supine ueas, we permit the lladieals to electa inajority of the dohntes. Of course, no man in whoso behalf a commission de Vmntico inQulreudohns Dot already been appointed imugices for a single moment that tho liadicals, hi case they could control the Convention would meet atnl immediately adjoum without in tcrfei ing with the Constitu .tion? They would do no such thing. They would add to the enormities of . the present Constitution nd then rely on tho prestige of their victory in the August elect? to vure an endorse pent of their w.m Wju the LancU of the people, .AJKK YOU RltJAJDY?' Citizens of Franklin, sre you ready to perform the solemn and responsible dnty that-will be demanded of you by 'your suffering County on the 5th day of August, prox'o ? Are the lines all closed up ? Do or.r cclunins: present an unbroken front cu every Vide? These are questions that it behooves every Democrat and Conservative in our county, Kvcry man who loves his country and desires to-see the land in which his lot U castj redeemed, and re claimed from the thraldom of despair and gloom that has overspread it with the pall ' of midnight darkness ; for the eight years last past, to answer for him self. Ve have been fighting a merci less and i unprincipled foe for these many long and weary years. At times our banners have trailed in the dust of defeat. But undismayed our raukb have after every reverse closed solidly up, and challenged the enemy to com bat again. Last year we gained a victory over the enemy. Wc sent, to Raleigh, to represent us in the Legisla ture two, of our mrst gifted ; and es teemed fellow citizens. With the as sistance of our ncignbor counties we sent to the lower house of the National Legislature another distinguished and able citizen of our County, the lion. J J. Davis ' . : ' This was cause for niach rejoicing. Wc have now another great workjo perform. The temple of our liberties is to be readjusted, and made to conform with our wants and needs. For that purpose the good men of Franklin have chosen an able and gifted citizen to per form our part of that work. And shall the man who ha3 been designated by the citizens of the County, Win. F. Green, or the man whom Judge Watts, the bribe taker, has selected to go there be commissioned to perform that work ? Let this corrupt functionary and his satelitcs have a decided and withering rebuke administered to them for their dictation by selecting Col- W. F. Green as our Delegate by an overwhelming nyi jority. Before we fhall again greet our readers the issue will have beec decided. .We have an abiding faith in the patriot ism and integrity of the people of Frank lin.' They have ever stood in solid phalanx against the cohorts of tyranny and corruption. We believe they will do so now. Wc ask, beg and beseech every man through whose veins courses the blood of the white man to come up to the help of his country. Put down the Civil Rightcrs" ! Put out the thieves ! Mend tho house so they cannot break through and steal your substance ! Rebuke theadvocates of social equality. Denounce by your, vote the attempts made to bring about an intermingling of the races. Shall wo ca 1 "in vain ? AVc believe not- The matter is with you. lring in your veraict. Wc be- iievc it will be all riiiht. Tutliro Watts ,und tho Ilalif ux IVoitiiimtioii Jucge Watts tadu't want the noiai- nntion from Halifax, oh, no ! He said prior to the nominating convention for that county, in which he was sadly and injjoriousdy defeated, that there was a want of harmony in fTiat county be tween the carpet-bog, (Larkiu and Franklin,) the seallowag (Goodwyn & Co ,) and the negro element, and they wanted what they didn't have ' 'a man of distinction and ability" to come in and pour oil upon the troubled wa- ters, aud hence ho supposed "he would havo to accent the nnminntmn" frnin Halifax His condescension, however didnH work worth a cuss, as the scll owaS dement QUoodwyn) left bun fr behind. Your "distinctions and ability" Mr, Judge Samivol. will have to seek another field in which to be aired. "Wc area little sorry at this result, as His Honor's (lumen save the mark) monkey actions in tho Convention would have served to enliven the some times dull hours of all legislative bod ies. IVdctgh Netcs, ' TlioDuclioss' "vvntcli. When Qacen Victoria was about thirty years younger thaa she is now, she was inclined to bz very exact in the Way of business, and more especial ly in tbe way of promptness to ap. pointed times and pUces. Seven years a queen; four years a wife; and three years a mother, she felt probably a mora weighty dkraity resting upon her than sbe lias felt since. Aud jet, nocrus'. ot dignity or ryal statioa could ever entire'yjhut out her innate goodness of hcirt. At the time of which we apeak, the Duchess of Sath erland held tbe otiice ot ui'atrcis ot the robes of thy British fpi-sca. and oJ public occasions ber positiaa was vety near her royal person, and d oaied of A dy and an hnur had been appointed for a certain pu He ceremony in which tue qaccn waa to take part. The hour had arrived, ant ot ail tbcjurtthe duchess alone was absent, and beabscence retarded tha departure. The queen gave vent more than once to her impatience, and at lcw,t' , j'ut aa she "was about lo mtrr the carriage-without her first lady of honor, the duchess, in breathless bast, made tier appearance, stammering some faint words of excuse. -'My dear duchess" said the queen, smiling,, "I think you must have a bad watch." And as sbe thus spoke she unloosed from her neck the chain of a magnifi cent watch she herself were and p2Escd it around the nrckof Lady Sutherland Though piven ps a prceent, the lesson conveyed with it made a deep impre3 sion The prond dnch'esa changed co" or, and e- tear which she ccu'.d nrt te press, fell upon her cheek. On tie next day she tended her resignation, but it was not accepted. It is said that ever afterwards sbe was it any thing more punctual than the queen herself. Advice fob Dcxl Times. Adver tising is a great bother. It only brings a lot of folks to your place of business. If they want you, let them hunt you up. Then it you get your name in the paper you will bp bored with drum mers, and people from the country will call on you and you will have to show them goods, and like enough have to do up bundles for them, which will exhaust your stock so much that you will be obliged to buy more goods, which is a greater trouble. If you ad vertise too,t gives place a reputation abroad folks will go there and crowd you and make it too lively. If you dont want to c"o anything, keep still as you can. Waktkd to Know. If the heart that failed ever resumed payment. . If the person who was bent on mis chitf hurt his back. If tbe dying embers of a fire experi enced any pain in their last moments. It the wheel of fortune is attached to a cart or wagon. If?.the .person who collected his thoughJ&Sised bi3 hands. It the man who swallowed bis temper euffered from indidestion. Who stopped the maa who let his thoughts run awav with him. If the man who drowns his troubles in drink ie guilty of murder. Can a gentleman be accused of "lar ceny from the person" if he takes a la dy's hand ? ' If the lap of luxury wears an apron. If tbe girl that clings to hope has not a slippery hold. If the person who was buried in thought prefers that way of interment to a grave. Mercliant and Farmer. Trinity College. " THE SESSION COMMENCES SepL 2nd 1875. Full Faculty; elegant buildings first clas9 ; accommodations. Seventy five to ninty! dollars will pay all ex pensea for tiye- months Yc oner the very best at low raks. Aid given to young men of limited mean?. " P. O. Trinity College, N. U." . CIIAYEN. July .30-1875 EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg, N. C. PnopKiKTon. o The present propri tor has leased the Eagle Hotel, (formerly occupied by .Tames Dent) for a number of year. Pe is prenared to accommodate regular and transient poarder lias ,nce rooms, We 1 IllVlliShpU, ami tsttctl up in the best style. He lias also lagc and convenient rooms for Salesmen to display their samples. The table! is daily supplied with the. best the m r- ket aflbrds: lie will spare no pains in making bis boarders comfortable, and hopes j he will receive a libewl patronage from the public. Jan. 8th 1875. i LOUISBURG MALE ACADEMY The Fall Session WILL BEGIN JULY 12TH, 1875. Terms pgr Sessi. Board with the principal,( wash ing, ligbt3 and towels not in cluded,) - - - $60 00 Tuition m Primary Department 15 00 4 Regular Knelish Course, 20 00 I Lat:n and Greek, each, extra, 5 00 CS?- Board must be paid in advance, aud lnitiou at the close of tbe session. M. S.DAVIS, Principal: GENT FOR Til K WHFFI FJV Ft WIT HN i fiLLLLU QL M lUXJVX Tamils SlaeMne. LOUISBURG, N. C. 11T OfBce at rtKasle Hotel." Building Contractors AND LOUISBURG, N. C. - , - - SASH, BLINDS .AND IDOORS HADE to ORDEft, and all kinds of Machine work done at short notice, on as reasonable teini3 as elsewhere in the State. . All grades of Cofhins, Furnish ed, with hearse. Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a SPECIALITY. O Lathes Plastering hand. alwavs on SMITH & BEACHAM. Tne only Blacking that will Polish Over Oiled Sur- fee 3 AND PRESERVK THE LEA.TIIE1I I H- A. REAMS & Co.' t o Maniifiictiirers of lleams Durham Root and Shoe Polish, DURHAM S N. C Warruntal to Exxl All Others 'Monty Iipf-aidcdl The only blacking that will polish on oiled surface. It is guaranteed to preserve tbe leather and inuke it pliant, requiring less - quantity and time to produce a perfict gloss than any other, Hie brush to be applied immediately ntier put ting on, the blacking. A per -fcc;t los3 IronY'this will not soil even white clothes. We guarantee it as represented, and ask lor patronage strictiy on its merits. In testing our blacking nse a brush that has no other on it. Prices a3 low a3 otiKr ljir.cKirc. liibeial airance men! 8 mane with mei chants ana wholesale dealer?. II. A, REAMS & Co., Manufacturer?, Durham, N. C, Tlds Blacking is recommended in tht faight-st terms, alter trial, by Geo. F. Brown, J. Howard Warner, Kew lork; the President and Professors of Wake Forest College; and a large num ber of pentlemen in and around Dur ham, whose certificates have been tur niibed the Manufactories, Orders solicited and promptly filled. NOTICE. Valuable Flouring, Grisi and Saw Mills, for Sale The Davis mill property situated on Sandy Creek in Franklin county is of fered tor sale on reasonable terms. The Mills are in good running order, and draw custom from a large scope ol country, Connected with the mills is 80 acres or good land. -Apply to W. L. THORP, Rocky Mount N. C. G. W. MINNIS, Photographer, Old No. 47, New 141 Sycamore St. PETERSBURG, Va. Executes every style of likeness from caicl to lite size, in tbe beat stvles of at Trices moderate. ' satisfaction guaranteed. Gallery cstabl'sbed ia 1874 Oct. 2 ly 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. llICflTER. Watcliinaker and Jcw- cler. FINE Watches and Jewelrv of the bes Mannfactors and at tbe lowet prices. ah work personauy attended to and war ranted. U 63 8ycamore St., retersburgtT To the Public. Ilavicf: moved my shop to my house about halt mile from the business part of Town, on the Franklinton road. I tak pleasure in informing the people of Franklin, that I am prepared to do all work in my line, as cheap as can be done elsewhere. I am very thankful I for P81 P&troaage, and sincerely hope that you nill continue to pitTonize me. I am very Respectfully, ISO GREEN, P. S. Parties wishing to have work done, will leave It with Mr. Ballard, at Messrs. Barrow & Pleasants store and will be attended to promptly, Jau 29-tf. c Ague Conqueror ; . . No Quinine, no Arsenic. no Poisons. This 5 strong language, as Fhysi- ciaus and - CbemisU bav for" j ears tried to .compound a preparation that would entirely cure Fever and Atu'E without the use of strong modiciaes such as Quinine, Arser.ic snd other poisons injurious to the system. There w no case of I1 ever and Ague, Intermittent or Bilious revere, Con gestive Chil'S, right Sweats, Liver Complaint, c, that this remedy will not cure at once and permanantly. It purifies thoJJIood, Liver, Spleens and allsecreatory orguns so effectual ly that the Chills will not return dur- g tho season, even when persons have had them for vears. Sold bv DIL J. B. CLIF! OX. Louisburg, N C. For o A' nice convenient fottaire resi denee, on Kln Street, it!i three com fortable rooms, and a large yard and garden, can be bought on very .reas ouable tenns. Apply to tlie Editr of the Courier. LOOK TO YOUR IN TEREST! You can bay the loTlowing Ar tides at the Drug Store at 5 per ceat less than the manufacturers retail prices. Hostetters Eitters, Vinegar Bitters Simmon's Liver Ecccula tor. 9 x COD LIVEE OIL. And many other standard rtic't. O DA Always cl. iired and sp-irklin. SODA. TICKETS 61.0 per D V.-r. V3F CALIj at tbe DltUG STOKE. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE, Grceusluro. N. C. The Full Session will bein on tho 18th of August. . TERMS REDUCED. Charycs per Session o20 wret.s. Board exclusive of waehiog & lights) $75 00. , - Tuition in regular English couTse. 23 00 Charges tor extra studies, moderate. For Catalpguta containing, particu lars,apply to T. M. Jones, President. N. H. D. WILSON, President Board of Trustees. John Armstrong, No. 1 Fayetteville 8treet, RALBIQH. N, C . 300K BINDER, AND Blank Book M(mvfacturer Newspaper, Magazines and Law Books of every description bound in the very best Style and at Lowest Prices. jan30 12m - . SCHEDULE OP THE PETEH3 BURG RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER TRAINS. Lkavx Wkldoh. Exnresa Train .8.SO a m MailTrtia 4.15p.. Arkivk at PzTESsmrBO. Express -12.10 a.m. Mail 8.0-5 p. m. Leave Petxhsuvro. aiau ....o.i a. m. Express 3.17 p.xn. ACBXVB AT WSLDOX. win y.3U a. m Axpress -j.uj p.m FjiohtTraiss. Leave Petersburg. ; 8.00 p. m. Leave Weldon 8.30 p. m. Arrive at Weldon 5,09 a. m. Arrive at Petersburg.... -4.00 a, m. Gastoh Tsaxx. - I - Leave Gaston 1.15 p. m. Arrive at Gaston 13.30 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg .... 7.00 p. m. JTreighU for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and TIIURSDAYS- Tbe depot will be closed at 4:00 p. m. No goods will received after that hour. J.C. BPRIGO, - Engineer and General Manager. Bale ! (KOTO Barrow & Pleasants To Buy Eveytliing you want. Their new S T-O OK ls now Arriving, and constitutes far (lie largest in Ijoisisbnrg Low for Cash5 Our Motto. All khsd of (Rroceries (briiaranteed at "Nortliera Prices Fieight Added 20 Barrels V F 1 o ii r, bought hafAi.n flick oil- VnilOD TvfllOll Mtivv v v Jsaava u 1 are selling at" old prices. A good second -hand Stove for Sale at, Barrow & Pleasants1 IiOuisburg N,C Professional Cards. -.VV r ; . 9-: Xr. IJ. JE. KING, DENTIST. 02ers hu Proiewiynal Services to the public in IZvery tlrparSmenl or j Dentistry. OFFICES, Louisburg at Warren ton over Dents Hotel, Norwood & Da is Store. Dr. 13. EI alone Dr. E. Malone J PracUcing I rhysidan& l'hysicun. . Surgeon. OFFICE Market Strevt cast of Court Housed ' - LouLburg, N. C. JOS. J. DAVIS. ATI'I M COUHSELLOR al LAI LOmSBUBG, Y&AKKLIH OO. N.G. ; Will prsctics in the several cotuts of Granville, Franklin, Narht Wane a sad Wake. t Prompt attention paid to ti e collection sad rtrmittance of money. Joly 15, 1871. T.T. mmCKETjXi. ATTORNEY AT LAW, . ' ! Frajslisioji, N. C i Will practice in tbe courts of tbe ft h judicial district. Prompt attention given to th collec tionof claiflia. No 60 tf C. H. Coole, w. H. Spencer Mf obheis km counsellors A.T LAW, BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG N. C. Will attend tbe Cu Jits of Xb,Frar. lin, G:anvili. Wurteu. nd Vik f un. tits. n!so tb 8tipr m' (,'ourt f N'oith Carolina end the U. S. Cirenit and Di" Couit. No.7-tf H -A. 1 1ST Ifl S S & SADDLERY ESTABLISH MENT. ; I have just opened Jan ee anl Snddle ti:..p ia L"'U:!urf.t I keep alwrhVS nn nta n gi,H tlock t Altchine unde Ilan -si scd tiitdi:t--. I employ good ana xj tritrccd vrtirk-. iiki , and i warrant all tbe work pnt up lj me ; all kind of rpiii iu ny line done on tl ort oo'ke ami oa very reaMjnable trrn.s. My S ioj u over Mr. T. N. Carlile'u Storu oo Mia bireou Xtf I solicit Ibc patronage ot tho p.'ople tt Franklin. O Y- Ii; CLIFTON. ! PHOTOGRAPHIC Gallery. ! MAIN STREET. i At my Gallery over Mr. T. X. Car lik's Store can le found at all timet, round, rqnare and rostic frames. I sm also prepared to take Gem Upes. rxd and cabinet size Photographs. ; When yoa wsnt a good picture f yourself and family, call at my Gallery. Very UeapecUully, Y. B. CLTFrONl SIX REASONS WHY tou should issxmx in THE FENN MUTUAL LIFE IIISURA1ISE CtMPANY. 021 cnrsTSUT street. PHILADELPHIA. . lit. Because it is one of the oldest co ii panics in tbe country, and past tne dy of experiments. 3d. liocauc every policy bolder !i a member ot tbe Company, entitled to all its advantages and privilege, hsv itg a right to vote at all election! for trustees, and thus has an influence ia its management. Sd Because it has the largest accu mulated facd of sny Life Icjuracca Company in tbe Stall. 4th. Because Ly economical mxa a'gement, iu ratio of expenses to total income U far be! ow tbe arerage ot Life Companirs,- (Ste- Ouctal InsuraAce Beportf.) 5th. Because itbas declared mora dividends in number, and of a larger average percentage, than any Company In the United States. For example: Policy No If, for f 5000, has been paid to the widow of Philadelphia merchant, npon which twenty-three dividends had been de clared, a vet agin;; City seven percent. Had tbeceoirirttcd been nscdfi pur chase additions to this policy, $5,045 moie wocld bare been realised mak ng the policy worth 111,016. 6tb. Ike use it is liUr! in its did, agement, prompt in iu setttlemeatJ, safe beyond a contingency, and its rate are as low as any rt-d&ss Compiay in tbe country. Principal Features. Smalt expecies, absolute security .large return prtmiuma, prompt payment of losses, and liberali ty to tbe insured. W. XL FINCH, Gen'l, llansger for North Carolina, W. D. SPUUXLL, Gea'I. Astt FrankJinton, N.C. I