DAY. t6 1l7iif Nr. Bceclier Says. At the end of tho Friday evening talk following tho great trial in Brooklyn, a Sun reporter approached and asked Mr. Uoocher if ho wonld bco him at his resi dence for a few minutes after he return ed homo. I will boo you here, now," replied tho pastor. i , . , ' But I want to hare a chat with you ftlono " added tho reporter. Mr. Bccchcr What do you want neo me about f ' Reporter I want to talk with you about tbis triaL Mr. Beecher Well, como over here, and we'll have a talk. Bo uaying Mr. Boccher disengaged himself from the friends who were sur ronnding him, and led tho way to the opiositc eide of tho room. There ho invited the reporter to a seat, and, with a comical twinkle in liis eye, said: "Go ahead now; but I won't bo interviewed. What do you want to ask mel" nnunrtt-TUovr do you do, Mr. Beocher! Mr. Beechor I'm pretty well, but I don't want to bo interviewed. Both parties laughed at the lndicrous ncss of the situation. Importer Seriously, Mr. Beccher, if you aro firmly resolved not to be inter viewed, I will not bother you any longer. But if you will taHfto any newspaper man, I want you titalk to mo. Mr. Beocher I iravo concluded that jit is bent for mo not to talk much beyond my lectures and sermons. In them I have said about all I want to say. Reporter Will you answer mo a few questions? Mr. Beecher Try mo. t l.oiortor What do you think of tho result of the trial as announced to-day t Mr. Beccher I am satisfied. Why Bhonld'ut I bo ? Reporter Do you consider it a victory for yourself ? . Mr. Beocher It aiu't much of a vic- tory against, me, is it? If the victory aiu't mine, whoso is it ? Reporter Shall you or will your counsel press for a new trial in tho caso? i Mr. Beecher Press for a new trial ? Press ? What have I got to press? I am sued for damages. They haven't rooovtrod any, have they ? Do I want to pross them to renew their suit ? If a man' makes a claim of a thousand dollars against you, do you press him to sue it? I've got nothing to do with tho press ing. That belongs to the other side. If they want anything of me, let them press for it. I havo got nothing to press for. - Reporter But a verdict in your favor would havo been moro satisfactory, would it not? Mr. Boccher Now, how stupid peo ple aro on that matter of a verdict. I havo asked for no verdict. I didn't be gin this suit. I am tho defendant. Wliat do I want of a verdict ? I don't want them to got a verdict against me ; but I ' liaven't asked for any verdict against thorn. They drag mo into court under certainhargca. llavo they provod thorn? If so, 'whoro's their verdict ? If they havo no verdict they have failed, havo they not ? What moro do I want? 1U -porter Well, Mr. Beecher, you or your counsel caused tho indictment of Mr. Tilton last fall on some criminal charges. your counsel, to pross that indictment to trial ? - Mr. Beocher If I was twenty fivo years younger I would belong tojtho order of Know-Nothings, ' , Reporter Good evening, sir. Mr. Beochor Good evening. I will bo glad to help you any time I can ; but I don't want to bo interviewed to-night. , JUnta about Work. Field labor can hardly be subject to the same rules as in-door work. The j more nuicklv the crops can bo harvested ' and housed, the safer they will bo. Extra j hours can scarcely be avoided when tho j rash of work comes, and reasonable men NEWS Of THE Interesting Items from Home and j- Abroad. Pour white prisoners in the jjil at Lawrence, Kan. overpowered the guard, ana taxing an the weapons on the premises, escaped. They are all desperate characters and there is little will not object to it if the vrorK is iaiiiy chance of their is believed compensated. In many years of farm I that after the Alabama claims commission has work, wo havo always finished rxp at four completed its awards there will be a balance of o'clock on Saturdays, and never worked nearly iu,ow,ooo 01 me ueneva awara re o Srm,W vpt never lost a oound of maining to the credit of the government. . . wa a f y hay or of grain by observing these rules. Bathing is not only ft great preserva tive of the health, but it promotes com fort. If there is no convenient shed or out-building, where a tub of water can be used for this purpose every evening, arrange a portion of tho barn for bath ing. Take a washtub with two or three pails of cold water, a large sponge or piece of flannel, and a piece of castile soap. Dash ft few epongefuls of water over the whole body, then wash with soap and water, rinse off, and rub dry with a coarse towel. This is a part of the daily training of the professional athlete, as it hardens tho muscles, in duces healthful andnot debilitating per spiration, and sound restful sleep. In duco the hired men to bathe every night; thoy will work all the better. Horses should have every attention that can ease their labors. It is 'not humane to turn a horse that has worked all day in the reaper, into a poor pasture, to pick his feed during the whole night, or lie and rest with a half filled stomach. If horses are turned out at night, they should first be well fed. Wash the legs with carbolic soap suds. Give drink frequently. Fresh cold water from the well is highly injurious; the water should bo as warm as the air, ana a handful of finely ground meal -should bo stirred in each drink. Cows will need some succulent feed. The thinnings and suckers from the corn field will supply this. Let a boy take a wheelbarrow along afew rows,and gather a mess of fodder every afternoon. Tho fly which produces the "grub in tho head" will trouble the flock. The sheep, when that is present, will run with thoir heads to the ground, and stamp with tho -fore feot. Rub some pino tar on their noses, and keep it fresh and sticky. Tar is a good tonic, and helps sheep to resist other parasites. Keep them out of low wet pastures, which produco " rot." Milk the udders of owes which havo lost their lambs. See that the lambs havo fresh tender pasture. " Roughness will not do for lambs. 1 Clover and orchard grass ought to havo been cut before this. If not cut, loso no time in doing it; every day's delay greatly reduces the value of the hay. Timothy should not go past full blossom, unless to bo left for seed Rod-top may bo cut last of all. If 'there aro a few loads of fine manure on hand, they wilf be of great use upon tho fresh' ly mown meadows. Agriculturist. Attorney-General Pierrepont has given a de cision on a vexed question of nationality. A Proanian came to this country and after the requisite aoznber of years became naturalized. He subsequently retained to Prussia to live, taking with him his son aged twenty years, who had been bern and brought up in this country, j The Prussian government claimed his son for military duty, and the attorney- general says that government is entitled to his services, as he, being a minor, partakes of the status of; his father, who has resumed his Prussian citizenship. When the son becomes of age, however, he no longer owes allegiance to Prussia, and can return to this country as one of its citizens and even be eligible to the Presidency. ..... Investigations into the work ings of the Cincinnati water board has resulted in the grand jury indi-rting Thomas E. Baker, present chief of police, formerly secretary of the water works ; Wm. Merk, city editor of the VoUesfrcud, ex-collector of water rents J. B. McCormick, ex-collector of water rente and Paul Iiemlien, formerly a trustee of the water works, now secretary of the board of trustees of the Longview Lunatic Any lam, for embezzlement of money belonging to the water works ; and EL A. Bowman, son of one of tho present trustees of the water works, for grand larceny, j . . . . A storm in Hungary did immense damage and some five hundred inhabitants of the town of Buda are missing The Detroit tornado destroyed twenty-three houses and damaged many others, and lulled two children, seriously: wounding three persona and slightly injured others. , The return match between' tho American and Irish teams took place at Dublin before one of the largest gatherings which ever took place mue city.. The excitement was great and heavy bets were made on the result. The shots were at targets 800, 900 and 1,000 yards distant, and for the 800-yard target the Irish team won tho toes. At the conclusion of the ebootingj tbe Irish team was one point ahead, having made 333 out of a possible SCO to the Americans 337. The average shooting at this target was 56 1-6 out of a possible 60. At Creedmoor last year the score of the 800-yard match etood : Americans, 325 ; Irian, 317, lu Uie UOO-yara match tho Americans wero victorious by a total of thirty-four points, tho result being : Americans, 327 ; Irieh, 202 : the score standing : Americans, 661; Iribh, 630. At Creedmoor at the end of the 900-yard shoot ing, the score stood: Americans, 636; Irish, 629. Iu tho 1,000-yard match the Americans were successful by a score of four points, mat ing their entiro score thirty-eight points ahead ox tne Irish team. Tno umpire made tne an nouncement that the Americano were victori ous. The 1000-yard match stood for the Americans, 303 points ; for the Irish team, 299 points. Grand total : American team, 967 points ; Irish team, 929 points. At Creedmoor, Sept. 25, 1871, the first match between the American and Irish teams, the score was 931 to 931 in favor of the American team. -Thus the Americans won both matches. Ccntly failed, has been discovered to have em bezzled Bums amounting to 1,200,000, and extending over several years .CoL . B. Carling, quartermaster at Port Sanders, "Wyo ming Territory, committed suicide by cutting his throat from ear to ear. Financial embar rassment, complicating his oQcial affairs, is assigned as the cause of his suicide...... The new postal arrangement with foreign countries went into effect July first A member of the Baltimore city council was expelled for taking a bribe. He makes the second man ex pelled from that body for corruption One hundred Germans, men and women, exiled on account of the newrellgious laws of Germany, have arrived in this country and were enthusi aaticallr received. Disajfjtointeil Love A writer in tho Popular Science Monthly says: Love defeated in the at tainment of its object becomes in man an incident to bo forgotten or to be ro membored with impatience. A defeated love with woman is too often a defeatpf her intellectual life. An emotion, the misdirection or disappointment of which Is it your purposo, or that of is capable of including a large per centum of insane in one sex over the other, must surely differ in degree and .kind. Cer tainly we must credit this excess on- the part of women with an important physi cal factor, aside from that of sex proper, being of a less hardy development than man ; but theso physical peculiarities permit sex to assert its most potent psychical effect to tho degree of shaping tho actions or destiny of woman. It will suffice to illustrate the fact referred to to take the figures from tho report of two asylums for the insane tho Penn sylvania hospital for tho insane and the juicmgan asyium. ut 141 insane men and women received into these institu tions whoso supposed cause of insanity could be ! traced to disappointed affec tions, eighty-four were women and fifty seven were men. These fitmres nr To stop new boots squeaking, drive a taken from an excess of; 454 male over peg in tho middle of tho sole. female inmates. , Now, tho figures as wo To bleach glue, soak in moderately eher them from asylum reports show Ktrong acetic acid for two" days, placo on that vromen 0X0 no more Prone to msani a sieve, and wasll well with cold wator. tr ttaa mon- 11 natural to conclude : 1 tu.u. cess of insanitv in one sex over the other Diamond cement, for glass or china, exists with creator force in one than is nothing moro than isinglass boiled in tho other, and not that one sex- is less water to tho consistence of cream, with able to bear the operation of tho specific i nmtui puruoa gi recunea spirit auaeu. cause. It must be tmrmml trliAn n&vl " I v. . . If Iff illlJI. Mercurial ' steam gages can bo kept A. romantio story comes from New clean by putting a little glycerine on the Orleans concerning one Mr. Harmon surface of the mercury. This serves as Jones. Mr. Jones was taken with the a lubricator of both glass and metal, and KM ever i and set out for Cali- prevents their contact. " fornia. , The vessel ' in which ho, sailed Tn..i iuL Y, '. , was never heard from, and of courso it bv roSlT m?enaWed supposeathat all on board, includ, by rats, anoint it with castor oih ing Jons, had perished. His widow Old engravings, woodcuts, or printed till lives a widow j that is to, say, she is matter, that havo turned yellow, mav be still . Mrs. Jones, but' not a widow, for rn."Li-.k. 1 wi.itsi K i i.i I H-i - i. it. ' I .. . . .. .. - . . uidi, wiwMungcareiuuy mnmjuaii v uvi mo roiiiauco comes m. uon 10 Keep another portion or tne union in in water COUtamincr a little hviH-wnlrihifA I An Knclih vashaI cmisincr in tn Pnm'fin I bankrUDtcv and servitude : denounces the Re publican party for corrupt administration, VhcuI Ilecipe. In tho Rhino district, grapevines are kept low and as near tho soil as possible, so that tho heat of tho sun may bo re flected back upon them from the ground; and tho ripening is thus carried on through tho night by tho heat ra diated from the earth. ' Tho Italian Senate has passed a bill for the suppression of brigandage in Sicily and else where.. ....The Khedive of Egypt formally opened j a new court of international appeal .Further reports from France place the damage by floods at $24,000,000 in the cities of Toulouse and Agen alone. Contributions are pouring in from all parts of France, Switzer land and Belgium Tho daily record of damages by flood and tornado is enlarged by a storm at Decorah, la., which destroyed pro perty toi the value of $150,000. Several bridges wore carried off China has made liberal appropriations for representations at the Philadelphia Contonnial ...... A great typhoon visited Hong Kong May 31. The steamer Poyang' was wreckod near Macao, and one hundred and twonty-fivo lives were lost, one hundred and fifty junks wore destroyed and great damage done to property in Canton, Hong Kong and Whampoa.. ....The Chinese authorities declare their determination to ex terminate the FormoBan savages and to build walled towns on the Island..... John Condon, of Chicago, I1L, drew a revolver at the break fast table and shot his wife twice," instantly killing her. - He then shot himself, inflicting a wound which might prove fatal. On tho police attempting to arrest him he fired at them, but without effect. Jealousy was the occasion for the shooting. !' A collision occurred between two passenger trains on the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad by which fifteen immigrants, both conductors and two other train employees wore injured The internal revenue receipts for one year up to July first amounted to $156,479,132.- 20'...... The Iowa Republicans nominated Samuel J. Kirkwood for governor. The" plat form declares that as specie is the only re liable legal tender, a currency convertible with coin should therefore bo gradually attained; a revenue tariff adjusted to encourage homo industries ; that no moro public land should be Ceded to corporations ; that the patent laws be revised to relievo industry from monopolies ; Opposes a third term and thinks the President's letter effectually does away with the subject ; indorses free education and the public schools. .". . .One week's health report of New Ycrk city showed 147 cases of contagious diseases, as follows : Diphtheria, seventy-eight ; scarlet fever, fifty-one ; Bmallpox, seventeen ; typhoid fever, one...... Tho California Democratic Covention nominated Wm. Irwin for governor. The platform opposes the unconstitutional in ter! ereuce or tne iedoral au mi nitration in the domestic affairs of the States, by which one portion of the Union is ground with taxa- John Hughes was hanged in the Jail yard at Newton, N. J., for brutally murdering his wife in January last. In his remarks while upon the scaffold he neither acknowledged or denied the crime, although at the time of his arrest he admitted it..;.. .The Philadelphia revenue officers seized the large tobacco ware house of Henry Mehl & Co., and took Mr. Mehl into custody on a charge of removing snuff from his factory unstamped and im properly stamped Paris dispatches place the loss by inundations in the routhwestern portion of France at $00,000,000, and the num ber of Uvea lost at three thousand. Tho official figures from the Irish-American riflo match Bhow the Americans won by thirty-nine points instead of thirty-eight The 8wiss national council has voted $5,000 to defray the expenses of a proper representation of Swiss products and industry at the Philadelphia Cen tennial The assembly of Cape Colony has unanimously adopted resolutions in favor of the annexation of sundry independent terri tories south of Natal, inhabited by oue hun dred and fifty thousand Caffres .By the burning of the stables of the East Genesee street railroad company, at Auburn. N. .. eighteen horses perished Private advices from the Black Hills report extensive dis- coveries of gold. . V I T A ' " The jury in the great Brooklyn scandal case were discharged 'after nearly eight days ser vices. Nino jurors were irrevocably commit ted to Mr. Beocher 'a cause, -and throe to Mr niton a according to the list given below, and the twelve had been so divided nearly all the time since they went out. . For Mr. Beecher : Griffin B. Halitead, Henry Thyer, George HulL Chiiatopher Fitter, A. It. Case, Edward Whe- lan, John F. Taylor, Chester Cnrponter, John McMurn. For Mr. Tilton : Samuol Flato, Wm. H. Davia. Wm. T. Jeffrey. The governor's council ot Massachusetts have decided by a vote of five to four against a commutation of the death sentence pro nounced against Jesse Pomeroy, the bey mur doror. The subject may be yet reconsidered by he council before the time appointed for the execution ; whilo it is possible that Gov. Gaston may withhold his signature from the death warrant A f rightfully lares death and mutilation by accident record was made in the United States on the fourth and fifth of July, tho victims being to a great extent chil dren Although the disaster on the Southern railroad of Long Island was of the most dis astrous that has lately taken place, the only wonder is that loss of life was bo small. Dense ly "crowded trains were running to and from Itockaway, and one of these trains collided, telescoping and turning a scene of pleasure into one of death. Iu one instant, as it were. and with scarcely a warning, eleven persons were instantly killed, six fatally and twenty two seriouely injured. - One engineer and fire man Baved their lives by boldly leaping from tho locomotive while at full speed. Two of the men who were killed met their deaths as they sat by their wives and children, tho lat:er escaping without a scratch. When the eollision occurred the two locomotives mot, rose and toppled ovor; tho tender of the up train, composed of four cars, was lifted up and deposited on the top of tho smoking car, partly JL Case for Severe Punishtnent. Tho New York Herald refers to the case of Jean Luie, who, it will bo re membered, committed perjury during the Tichborne trial, for the sake of notoriety, and is now in jail, and com pares it with that of Price and Loader in the Beecher trial. The editor says: The absence of any apparent motive on the part of these two wretched men is not remarkable to those who study human nature A prurient love of notoriety, the lust for lying, are moral diseases. The wonder is that we have not had them, as in the Tichborne case, at an earlier stage of this case. The fact that in two of the most celebrated cases of modern j uxisprudence the Tichborne -aso - in England and "Wo copy the following from an ex change, which is important if tree : Chronic diarrhoea of long standing, also dysentery and all similar complaints common ai uun season ox the year, can be cured by the use (internally) of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. We know whereof we affirm. Co. A MAW OP A TllOtSAND. A OOXSUKPTlVK CtTRXD. WW death wm bovrtr xpeUd im Caantt)a, an f iflhe havtnc tilted. secfcUnt ted to a dteeorwy vbwby Dc XL Jxkxs cvrad bis fmV child vita a fmpfurttloa of OmmmmUs Mm. ITft no fir iw tt rorr4 or tv staair to pay u w-. Tber la o ! rrmptota of OooiapJort H k tw fcpTt KLrnt limti.lR4Utaa mt thm Kervca. LtX&ctu i-iP"- tonUoo, Kharp Palaa fea tha Laaca. a th Stomach. I-' i"- ot 4ba Howaia, a4 Wnttir rf lb MaacteaT Addraaa CttJLDDOCK A 00 1U3 Baca Sttaat, Philadelphia. Paclrtac uat of Uu Beecher case in America there should have been phenomena so strikiugly mm Hut as the perjury of Tean Iiuie in "BUY MB, AND I'LL DO YOC GOOD-" la lb boay vaUu at ttf jo wlfl lad who ara nScrins from drcpepaU. Bar eoupUlut, baad- cba. rttets dabUUy of tba Uoa, acidity, daraoadaacy. aad aaaaj crtfear BMladtea the I aaoaad frota aa Unpara atata of tha blood. TblaaUUe tfelnn ad sot aibt. Dr. I.NJI.KYS It DOT A.D 1IKUH UlTTEKM will orl Uiaaa otoaaaaa, aad taaoia aa tt wwa a aaw Imn f 111 a. bold by al droirvtata. GEO. O. UUOUWU W, JMaTOJf favor of the claimant, and the perjury of Loader and Price in favor of Mr. Tilton, is a peculiar phase of this wonderful trial. We trust that the perjuries of these upholsterers, as well as that of other and moro conspicuous witnesses will bo punished as severely as English justice punished Jean Luie. a""JPa-a"B- Skim ParMiUaTMad tbatratnoay tfeS M i A : I for Pataal Mtxliclna to ear Ukatr -7-f ehUdrao eolda. ftotaa aaa taatr ir(MH):il atoawy aad prml ha eoMi by rrj"l tt z. yiB i i.V ailt Tl PFEU i f J i &lya. wbioa avrar wear tbroack Hoovy la thrown away by ail f-"""w" who dt not by tho C AliLfc ( S 2 HrilKW WIUK fartaood Vt-'TTtT pliable aad aorrloMbla. Look owt . "JT -Z for tmttattoaa. AU craatao aoooa Vi'' M hrm r the fafot Mamp. fc " 111 mm " 14 ,:vV.: ri TJt rough all the Aoes of study and investigation which have marked the path of scientific discovery, one especially alluring object has tempt ed tho inquiries and speculations of philosophers. It is what the wizards and witches of olden time, the jugglers of India, soothsayers of Arabia, Magi of Egypt, necromancers of Turkey and the (Jricnt, and alchemists ox civilized Europe have sought, but sought in vain vegetable non-poisonous elixir, Wtr i Dr. J. ,Valker,8 CaliTornla Yln egar Bitters axe a partly Ye?etabl preparation, mado chiefly from tho na tive herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tbe rmestion is almost dally asked, What is the causo of the nrinaxalleled success of Vixegah Brr- I TKEST" UUr answer is, mai uiej rcmovo too cause or disease, anu iuo paueu re covers his health. They are tho preat blood pui Cer and a lifo-givinc: principle, a penoo Renovator and Invioratoi of tho i fstcm. Never beforo in tho history o the world has a media ne bees Mnmnn al txissesrinr the remarkable Wo far Wh PP 1 cnsliUes f Vweoae Bitters in healinp th a b t3 I Y niCl rk f man ii heir to. They t t ill iiT I iii ra in I T I . . N. F. BURMHAJTS TLKBIK ih. Ka. ID wrr tbaa any outer W baal- ParnnhUt frfm. N. r. BlIRXHAM. Toa. fa. tnt claaa Tonic, of A Chemical Flower. ihIiwm Iiiimi OooiTriiur la ataplo artlcla ploaaw everybody Trade enaUooauy Mla A wi nslMl Mwiahata beat Inn or- mmtta-donH waato time arad Imt elrcoUr to ROPKR1 WKUiS. 43 Veaey Street. Now York. 1.Q. Bo tHT. v. i u i.i- i rriTTI A O -The eboloort la the wort-liaortor- from tho system all impurities, strength ening the nerves, the muscles, and the brain, and vitalizing every fiber of the system, should bid denanoo to tho cor roding hand of disease Dr. Walker, of California, discovered an herb, tho prop erties of which; if they do not entirely fulfill all tho conditions above mentioned. have at least proved themselves efficaci ous in all of them ; this herb Doctor Walker lias made an ingredient in his famous Vinegar .Bitters, which cau be obtained of any wholcsalo druggist throughout tho country. J" r:rVaS,ooV rS: m.n Uo PurpiUve as well as a iTurtoa. ix a, ad baa prvl V rf lisvinsT Conrertioo or InfUmnmtion the Liver and Visceral Organs m xiuiouc Disease Tho properties of Dr. Walkek's Fursoaa Bitties aro Aperient, Diaphoretic,' Cesnninatlve, Nutritioua, LaxatiTe. diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant Sudorific, Alter tirta aryi Anti-Billoua. It. II. McOOXALTJ V CO Tnet9 aird Gra. A gta, Sa TrancUoa, CaWbrrua aad cor. of Wahinrto aad Oarttna Sta, K. Y. Hold. Uy mil l)nigbU mm& lelcra. rvootabllcc-tao Varolajt Ulory. Chan Into haaa- tlfal oolnr with erory ehanxo ol tbe atmwpbero. Krory d-vrcor taolatora or dryaeM repiaaaotaa oy a tuutnii ookr. T01a ol atormy aod lair wwUior. Boat, eoat- A. Y. MKRKF.LU317 Arch Street. Philadelphia. Pa. . Y. W. U.-Wo. HEAVY YOICES-V NEW YORK TRIBUNE. A new thrUlina atory by tbo author of - Alot tho WrM " h.. m.t h.m In ttia Knatna Wtrklm H Ct the whole atory by aeodinc SO eta. for that U. H naice, Mnry aira news paper, roc 4 True Globk Pub. Co.. Unatoa. Inundation in France. ' The Echodcs Pyrenees gives a long account of tho damages caused by an in undation of Pan and the"neighlxriug districts caused by very hoavy storms of rain. The river Gare overflowed its banks, and the main street of tho town ras impassable, the water being throe feet in depth. " All the mountain streams also overflowed, and the country was submerged, greatly.' impeding, and in some cases entirely stopping, railway communication. A suspension bridge at Lescar was broken by the flood, and at Eaux Bonnes a houso was washed HOODY & SAI1KEY. W I T N E S S Thla sew true la Hh perfect a o ( o r t -tUbt and day. Adapta ilaftlf to every anUoa ol Uia body, retalaloc Kap tare nnder the hanienl Ixierelae or aafoieat atratn 10UI pormaaaatly aarad Sola cbeap by too Elastic Truss Co ra. 683 BraUway, N. T. City, and arat hy ra&lL Call or aaad for Olrealar, aod bfiv The Icadihg American Newspaper. TUB nBKT ADVElfcTlSlNl flIEllll. DaJlr, $10 a jtar. Sami-Waaklf, X. WacVly. S3. Pati. tnre to (K Smhrihr, Spechaaa (Vira ati-I Adrertialaff Bates iea. Weekly. In clutof Sltr-l tn,r-, only Ml, paataya paid. Addrvaa Thb TKTtiVf. N. Y. 1 WUnraaKxirn-N.. Jat tnaaa. fjoeiaina n i-ai 1 l Kerraoaa by Mtdy, John Hall and othr.. with ..iIIIlU .iff KnrTlnir.of ld lialch (Koluw StreM) tarrh . (M1- , f ' itX now btn poUed down. Price, S2 pwr IOO, 13 J I 1 1 V for 8.5 rrl or 5 fr IO rente, poet-paid. 1 ' ,U ' " NEW YKK UAI1.Y WITNtSfBhltah. , t I C' M erery Mornlnx. AU the New Only 94 a year. 1 Try U one ftfl?0" iTU-it, vZZ 4 a. - . . . 9 a a Hnrare Ntrrfi, rw 1 r. - I at aaaa 1 ibi bm am 1 aar iaimti . . 1 IU LULL"X fit UAl iTMe im MVav-a-a-a Iawa--W 1 OS TUw ! W-TV W W VVfMaaUftlfi BN VU M ft f A 8 1 1 f I VX T BP8 8. LJ AddreM 3 CayiPittabargh,, WNTD U 1 PftOVtO HOMt M LITTLE aawin ktarhtoe Clark Ckv, Bnatoa, Maae. Krv York a t c&jeaco, HL. 1 or Ijovm, at. SOLETHING o-rT.- We bao wotk and atooey for all. men or nare Urea. Addreee rRAJtk GLUCK. w liedlord. al trtrta, whole 1 rWlta atalb. la ou4a aiuiMT. woman. btr wr Isnnd atamp lot Catalogue. M reo. p. Rowell a noil ETTRR -rrr.TA FQS COILS, FLO ITS 4 FEED, I f , , aajinaaBwawap anTarV AfBp0Vap anaatPS waBwf) "V. Af-nm. Mrapacteltya yan. kUUJmm T; .fi.iinm aWat alf mum. r fom aola. 9 ceWaM la I w H Eft C&aM ai' " 1 a month to KXUKUSIOR arwita t k'Kt re. Addr-a KU OU..noohanaB.M)ca 'Haarpn all a ariaaa. EDWARD ninBTiOM. Xw Ilaram, HA.1IPI.K Frre and BUr raaaala unitluc, Ad1r TUK union pub. OO. Pay la Mala and . , Newark. H. J. away, and another at Oloron fell in. burying tho inmates, but no loss of life BOOK AGENTS has been reported. Tho total loss causod by the inundation is estimated at 80,000 francs, and a public subscription has been opened at Pau for the relief of the most distressed sufferers. crush in pr it in. If 7tife Tarlatan Dresses. A "lottery manager in Cincinnati has brought suit in a United States court at Toledo for an injunction to restrain Postmaster-Goneral Jewell from returning to tho writers certain letters containing orders for tho lottery ticket? which have been seized by tho order of Mr. Jewell. A good deal of interest has been awaken ed in tho result of this suit, as it will bo, containing a little hyiosulrjhite I An English vessel cruisihff in the Pacific oi soua ami then dipping for o minute lately, discovered an island hitherto un- ln Javello water. To prepare tho latter, known, and on it several Americans who put four pounds bicarbonato of soda in had been there, twenty-six, years, among n-eiuo over a lire; add one gallon of t hem' Mr. Harmon Jones, formerly of Douing water, and let it bod for fifteen New Orleans. Tho family are preparing minutes. Then stir in ono pound of to rescue him from hid long exile and pulverizedchloridoof lime. When cold, bring him homo. Ho ought to be able tho liquid can bo kept in a jug ready for to write a bookas full of interest and ad- f or tho curse of an inconvertible currency and i or tne attempt to pass tue " l orce Dili; op poses the division of the school fund ; declares the right and duty of the gererament to regu late corporations to prevent them being made monopolies ; favors equal taxation ; and op poses id! legislation known as "prohibitory." The United States steamer . Lancaster has reached Fortress Monroe from Kio Janeiro, having ou board e vera! cases of yellow foTer. There is no diminution in the frightful mor tality from measles and typhoid fever in the Fiji Islands. Medical aid is to bo rent from Australia The peasants of Deva and vicinity j in Traneylvatiia, Austria, have revolted against the nobles and defeated a battalion of tnititja. . Many perrons hare been killed, including two I Judges. tfBegular troops hare been sent to the eoeno of the outbreak... t.. The report that; the king of Bormah refuses to allow British trOOTJS tO Daai thrnnTh h tnrritnn im nffimall i , . . - Tl, : .- uiwu, isua txix 1 o "- J J uypo Boiuuon. 10 prevent this, remove external application of . it gives relief if oonfirm-d......Gen. Cortina ha been arretted wucu uxou, irom tne nypo it does not quite satisfy the demands of a IH,cea Sra by vol Manuel Farrat. mto a dmn of salt water (a handful of mvinir natti An h; u.-.u. r the Mexican regular cavalry. Cortina's salt to a gallon of water) before the ran int mCTrr ,;, PohcehaTO been arrested, disarmed and im regular washing, and allow them to ro- remedv maw v.M rolwi i-.11 There is great excitement in Mat- main therein for several minnW- v TJr TT- U tiPtd.... Alexander I - . b- mm, Having cnarge of the foundry boaineeti Tarlatan and tulle over silk, .a fashion journal says, are mado up for summer full dresa. Tho prettiest models havo the round Josephine waists with wide belts and elaborately trimmed skirts. A pretty dress worn by a bridosmaid at a summer wedding illustrates these. It is of white tarlatan over white silk, trim med with yards upon yards of blue forget-me-nots. The silk skirt is merely a foundation for tho tablier and plaitings of tulle and the flower garlands. Around the bottom of tho skirt are six rows of tarlatan plaitings laid closely together. The tablier is Grecian shape longer on the left eide than on tho right and con sists of easy folds draped across the silk, trimmed with three long garlands, placed quite far apart and arranged diagonally. All that part of the skirt that is not covered by this apron has plaitings ex tending from the belt to the foot; down the middle of tho back - are clusters of long loops, of white gros grain ribbon about two inches wide. The low round close-fitting waist is fastened behind, and, in order to make it fit well, is separate from the skirt, and has long pieces extending over the hips, but which are concealed beneath the skirt. - The tarlatan is sewed plainly over the silk lining, being taken in with every seam of the darts and side forms. The Greek bertha is made of folds of white iisse, and has rows of finely crimped lisse at top and bottom; the sleeves are half- long, and are puffed with three rows of crimped lisse on the edge. A garland of forget-me-nots begins in the middle of the back, passes over the right arm, and extends diagonally across the front of tho corsage, ending low down on tho left hip, thus making four diagonal vines in the front of the dress. The wide belt is three broad folds of whito gros grain, fastened behind by a cluster of gros grain ribbon loops like those that trim tho back of the train. A spray of the blue flowers trim the liair, which is tied back by whito gros grain ribbon. in ono sense, an important test case. Tho purest article is the cheapest in tho end. Dobbins' Electric Soap (made by Cragin & Co., Phil.) is perfectly pure, snow-white, and preserves clothes wash ed with it. Be sure and try it. . Tho cathartics used and approved by the physicians comprising the various medical associations of this State are now compounded and sold under tho name of Parsons Ihuja ive rills. Com. Eminent men of. science havo dis covered that electricity and magnetism aro developed in the system from the iron in the blood. This accounts for the debility, low spirits and lack of energy a pernon feels when tli is vital element becomes reuueod. me Peruvian Syrup, a protoxido of iron, mpplies the blood with its iron element, and is the only form in which it can enter the circulation. Com. Wanted to aoll rrnttlft'a I Srrnir nredlra.1 Advlarr." Ik la tho olwtpeat book iTr pnbllhed ; 8K pajrve, over 250 UloatratJooa, S 1 .oO. Thonaand hay It at Ubt who cnnld not be In duced to porchaaa tb htub-prlcr-d book treatlnc of Domeetio Medicine. Unlike other bnoka eokl throairn rente thla work la thormmhly adverttend throojchool NortU America, Thla fact, totrether with the larva to. elegant appearance, and many new feataree ol the book, canaea tt to aell mora rapUUy than any work arer pab liahed in thla country. Tboa of my aconta who have had experience In aelllnc booka, aay that la all thoir pra rloua canraealnjt tbry norer met with aoch eoceeee or made ao larae wairee, aa sineo nommenctnc the aala ol my work. I or terms and territory, addreee (laoaoainf two poatatto stamps and KtaMna- eiperWwtee), R. V. PIKRCK. ML D.. World's Diapenaary, Buffalo, W. T. KoU. Mark envelope " tor Pnhltahios: Pep'tr OOK AGENTS WANTED to sail tho NEW BOOK TOR THE CUKIOUS." for 3 run all literature, art, aricaoa, hlrtory. tholory. earth and heaven, have beca raksd aad raaaackrd (or thararaand eortoaa thlars stowed away la thiare. markabie book. It la artuatty fHrrtotrtxtf with quaint, beratiful, brUuaat thawchta aad truth, acahmeat, lacrBioaa dcricaa, and the aanat won drriul facts and carinas taaclee ever known, llupmiiar if's fiUnrtvi AeenU aay "It's a BIO HIT.-and these now at work report "fin." - 8ft,-- -ardr8 week I It really outarlls '' other books (Are o oas fw omiw tomtit it to tmv U.- Ws waat 1 0.OOO more treaty Afcnts aov-mn or woman-aad wa will mall OatUt Frro to tnoaa wno wui ciniu. A. ! WOKT1LLSC I XJJ centa. loot I vbaatHntaai Tit. I W. O. OANON, 4(1 Kiwi i mi Of the Pretilrwt rsrfoMWM iaaae naniaiaBiy .rwiKi nmt pa4-pal,l. ipnn r-tfH t Iffl frwrtMU t:i U waat tiMa or. At!lrra. and rtnw4. Ibl, X!a. $I0s$500-f a I - . . j , w. v Inrrated la Wall Krer, loads l foftatc. A pace book irlalolp averythras:, ana enpyof the Wall rlrtrt Hniriv aTpVTrn X,TTJ,'C Jow HlCSl-I!MAC..l4aL-r DXfXl X X IXlULt. A Krokera j Hruad wsy. N. V. V LjVjlXLlJ AY Weekly js.l a yf-r. rod f ri c"GLEfiC3in3S I Oo. for SDeoitaea. rrocoedlnrs r"Vti'la Fratt IJr Aaaociatloo nwetina-of 1 i eta. AddrraaWtu TOW A Co.. JackaooTtUo, flay gay where yon aaw tUa. 17TKRY FAMILY WANTS IT. Mobm la It Hi hoM by Ar-nta. Addraos M. ? IJVKU Krk..t-a' 3 Pounds of Butter from 1 Quart of Milk Can te made anywhere, by aay ena. Jf ebnrnlnc re- qatrou. Jiaoelpl aeot (or X- rnta. aoamaa. r. O. K nil, I'MlaOXphta. l"s. mm m mmn w m am nuui w w a. Iarn namanWU with fall per t frrr to mu. Address JOTOM . CO-. UAaTroBtH CoMT. Bend for Cbromo CataWos. irrroan'sSoaa, uaM. w Established JS5H, MlkOlatttCIIIKt ( ' 1 V X i ill ivC5 J rxixm vajox. Arxxnm. The Markets, FIV VOK. Bef Oattle-Prbne to Extra Bullock tX4l 1SV Common to Good Texanfl CCtfa tn Milch Cows .S5 00 978 00 Hogs live............ ............ Dressed...... ...... ........ Sheep Lambs Cotton Middling..... .....a Flour Extra Wectern......'-. SUte Extra.... Wheat Red Western.. Ko. 3 Spring. Rye State .n Barley SUte Barley Malt Oats Mtx-d Western Con-- Mixed W e tern.. ........... . nay, Jercw.. ............ 08V The best and cheapest Palat la the World for Iron. Tin. or Wood. ?or sale by TValers eteij where. PTITKCTES ITETaXLIO PAINT CO.. V artuftYfTm, 96 Cedar 8t New York. tCAUTIOlV-Purcliasera will pleaae see that our name and trade mark are on each and every package. Send for a Circular. ATTESTIOS, OWJTERS OF HOUSES. Ask jrmr Ilartx" Maker tor the 2I5C 4 OLLAU PAD. I They are warranted to care any sora aerK wa noraa or mule, or monrr rcrnnded. if minted directions ara fol lowed. Bend TSe. for sample. Zlne Collar Pad Cw Sola ManuTrra, BncbaDaa, Mica. If'TFZlT Ueleet all VUleat Parcativea. Tbey mia the tone of tbe bowels aad weaken tbe dl nation. TAiTanra EffcrTCSccnt Seltzer Aperioiit la used by rational people as a means of raUorlnar all d rancataanta of the atomaoh, llrer and iatesUnos, becan It ranaorea obstructions without pain and Imparts tlcur lo tha oraana which U purifies aad rasrnlatea. SOLD BT ALL DRUGOISTS. 500,000 ACRES mCHIGAN" LANDS IH O 3TL 0 A Zj 33 t : The Ludi mt tke Jaekvoo. lOeinelnar aad Baclaaw ItaJlraad Co sap aay are Nr OFFERED rOtt HAJJ , , Tbey ara situated alona- Its railroad aed oontaln larRa 1 raeta Of excellent FARMING aad PI N K Laada. Tha fanning- lands Include aotne of tbe saoat tritlm and weU watered hardwood Wade la tbe Ktata. Tbey rv -v a. t ----- 15 rbey are timbered mainly srrtb nard-mapla aod beerta : soil blsek, eandy loan, and atmnde la aprincs of rmrawt water. Michlfraa ks one of tm least tadnfd and m4 , m a-saW acBBBs an a'aa-ar , . In ta fjaioa. and Ma far sa a j (j f ropa and roarc thaa any Ww'ora ...... . . . 5 10 S 05 1 88 1 19 1 03 1 80 1 45 64 18 88 e so 9 8 40 a i 35 0 1 19 j 1 05 1 35 a l eo 0 643 a so a 1 10 a 1 00 a is 421 CO THE WEEKLY SUK. ft pae. US broad aolaxsns from now to New Year. po-f-oaJd. Mfats. Address Twm Sow. Kew Ynr. SMITH 0H6AN GO. proaperoos rslaXea cmater vartH State. Whilo aotne of too t rte htataa may prodooo corn ra creat abaadanee. Uy have aa Hhar reauaree. aad when thla crop faiie desUMtaoa f oHowa, aa baa beea Um ease tho peat year in Kanaaa aatd Xfbnaaaa. Prion frora to MdXOtwr aore. fnd for Illaetrated PaapuleC Address. O. M. HA11.EM Caassniaalaaer. laaata. illLrhlaraa. WASTED, AfJ10rrH-r:eTywlera fwthala- 1 V teaatal Ulef srf-Ol" P"'. "n Inrs. aelllna well. Addreaa II. O. UOUOllTO.f A Straw, per cwt ...... 80 Bop IU, 80938 olds 08 Pork Alosa 20 90 Lard ; HX Flab Mackerel Vo. 1, new 11 Q (A13 00 " Ko. 2. new 8 SO a 9 80 Pry Cod, per rwt. ........... 6 60 8 CO Herring, Scaled, per box.... 40 ) 40 U.'tgttX Befined, H Wool CaUfomia Fleece.... 2S 85 TexM 20 (4 84 AnatralUn M 45 ta 84 Butter State... 58 SO Wfatoro Dairy 23 w 34 Wcrtera TeUow 18 t 22 Western Ordinary..... IS 14 Pennsylvania Flue......... 21 (A 24 Cheese State Factory 10 t ll.Y " Sklmmed.M. C3 (A C5 Western...... 15 (a) 11 Egga State...... 21 21 itOXtf TJiese Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. Agents Wanted in EYery Town. - Sold throughout tbe Cntted SUtea aa tha lTAIXSIENT PTJINi That la. ow a Systata af Monthly Payniaota. ran TiaamaatinsH mmk for Uw BwTTTI Atmicil OaaaJL , CaiAMKaaa aaa laupsrueaiara oa appUcatloa. Inrs. i CO., 1 Notneraet Straot. Boston. Mass. PEXKSTLVAKIA MIUTART ACADKMY. fbra. tar. Pa. Opens hoot. Hik. Location hWtblul. rrewsds ample, baildfnra eortiinodVma. Cfrll Ko4Ttnr insr. tha Claaaios and Kor"h tborontrhlr taoctrt. For Ureaiars apply to CoL. TUtO. UVATT. i-Um. M. Wtaalaw tfc Ca-. p nr., frntimm f.-Jf.. ; Vt e oonaaUy think yonr Krai Ym snpenor to ail atbar Baala( 1 aea Kaaan 'OW- VV'eat. Ktoae Si V. Crr; Pprimnktd, MaJt.. aay .' Son roara aombiaao all the ataliia daetred la a f rat-cWs likl-' r.rm4mr." Try lt. " U k h"t tbe thins: for rrf-T-tra aad weak persons, and I'" ' slU lor tha atrwoa- aad w-U." r-tfS U r-V fra. h-?, foe :r,?f" bUerC Kew York. ...... .......M venture as Robiuson Crusoe." ' : Tliirsty. . The following question is put by tho board of trade examiners to the candi dates for certificates of eomwtracv nn mates in the English merchant service: What would you do in order to allay Uurst, 'with nothing but sea water at handi' The answer is: "Keen the clothes! esrieciallv IVia srifrf. araVoVl m'tti Some brands of albumen mrjer amlvniW" TirinVinn- n!t -n, -n BUbiect to bliafol-ft. vlinn t i I itti.i' j Tlx. - . . ' - usu vuu i touxba wives tuo souerer mau. ont an use. An excellent liquid glue is made by dissolving hard gluo in nitric ether. The ether will tako up only a certain amount of the glue, so that the solution cannot bo mado too thick. If a few bits of pure india rubber, cut into scraps the size of buckshot, be added, the mixture will, when dry, resist dampness to a considerable degree. l so 98 X3 1 61 5 TS 1 nj 71 Sckntljlo Anuricaih Hie. Dandies of Sieolar. The export of old hats to the Indian islands is a new branch of trade worthy of the attention of old clo " men. The inhabitants of the Kicobar islands, a group in the Tndian ocean, south of the Andamans, have an extraordinary fancy for such cast-off head gear, and a regular trade in old hats is carried on between Calcutta and Nicobar, the much desired head pieces being paid for in cocoanuta. A tall chimney pot is the favorite kind among the Kicobarians, and the acme of fashion is considered to be a high white hat with a black hat band. This is worth from fifty to sixty cocoanuta, and is worn by the Kicobarian dandy when he goes ont fishing, the rest of his attire wneat...... . . Bye State ...... .... Oorn MJxed. ...a Barley State OaU Btato...... .. 9VTTAXJO. FVonr...... .. Wheat No. 3 Spring OOfls 11 MlXajLa) ) OaU...... ...... ....... M Bye...M 1 11 Barley.......... 1 40 BsXTIKOlUt Cotton Low MiddUrs.... ........ is Flour Fxtra...... 8 25 WUeat Bed Western 1 Tl RyVts ) 9 Corn Yellow M Oats Mixed.. 61 SFOlefUB . . . . . .......... ... ... muraLriu. Floor Pennsylvania Extra........ Wheat Western Ked Iyas aa Ooni TftUirv ... ,.M MilMaMewf8enteM8ssa .iyiTaatlT a Petroleum-Ornde 08tjai8X 9, SO 98 81 a t t va 4 1 r 4 71 4 CJ a 1 trf V 1 40 4 tj 15 8 2 i a 1 Ol M 82 8 M 1 1 8 tm ro AtO t 1 28 (a) 1 (4 M (A M 81 12 ZD ' riMh etr i .iipai' i 0 mm tT I saassa a ssj ' j "?Hr Wbetbor for sween ataa ar Want, Maraaaara GarwOasT OU win be fwaad a fcsralaO.Wi I UTaZIT f aae by awery taaad-wt la tbe lead. Wa know af ao smpnfary raadieiao or aniaie aow wmmd 'TlZlZbmuZ whiob shares lb aod wtil ef Um awooe ta a maiiUcaa Lbaa kbia. Tsllcw wisope lovsaasmalaaa abtta vj T TTTT? rrT A TTVfl GAIlGIiIlTG- OIL la tha IJataaa4 of Ih TJan-a fMaiaa. MablS-bad 1M23. Lanro II ataa. IfJs saata. aoaail aai ( faaeil aaaa. 9Jk uaU. M atorcbsnt a Garrlias: (HI Uoasnany. . JOHN ofaSL B 1-iXM Seaj ww. C lleory O. Slorrla, cf rhiladalfhia, who r. co&sistisg solely of a wai&t cloth. leading and long established Life Insurance Company.inthe city of r.ewYork, wants a good Agent in every town to represent its interests. He need not have experience, but must possess a ffood character. Terms unusually favorable and worth looMnu into; Full particulars sent on application. Address LIFE nisTJiiAlTOi:, p. O. Cox 20ICy new York.

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