M BANK URIER H GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. : I i TERMS : 32.00 per Annum. VOL. IV. ; LOUISBURG, 2f. C, FKIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1875. : ' '. , ' ''y' V , .'NO: 41. - '. tz ! . 1 ". . : : : ' : ' 7 Soul Time is Summer Time. "I wandered forth alone," pang nbe, ; When Hnmrner flowers were young, And bird made merry bongs for me, The tmmint-r wooda among ; And gayly, gayly danced the rill, , And balmy was the air ; JJut there wan Bomethlng 'ailed me still, Though all the land waa fair. " The bloHHomH all are dead," tshe sings, " That graced the summer time ; And euramer birdti have spread their wings, To seek a softer climo. Tbe wintry sky is dark above ; The silent woods are bare ; But thou art near me, oh, my love, And all the land is fair." TIIH DISGUISED FHIGATE. " Black as a wolf's mouth," I said, as I carao on deck to relieve the watch, the first night out ; "one can hardly see a fathom before him." "Black enough, Mr. Danforth," re plied a gruff voice by my side. "Ah ! Taffrail," I said, as his stout form, closely wrapped in its sou'wester, emerged from the mist by my side, "are you there?" " It's dark enough, to be sure, sir,' ho continued, " but it's nothing to what I'vo seen off the Irish coast, where the fog's been so thick that you could almost have cut out pieces of it with a jackknife. Them's the nights for watches, especially when there's a sprinklin' o' hail or snow, sheeting every rope with ice, and making ono shiver under a monkey-jacket like a youngster about to be thrashed. I've Leered it was on such a night that Sir What-d'yo-call-liim Something, great English baronet or knight, was frozen to death near the North cape, ever so long "Sir Hugh Willoughby, you mean," I replied. "Ay, that's the name "Well, they found him and his crew years after, standing every man at his post, stark and rigid, just as death had left him didn't thov?" And as he spoke, the veteran coolly squirted a stream of tobacco juice over the Yankee's nido, and, turning his eye to windward, took a knowing look at the white, opaque mist. "There's no coast as bad as the American, sir, in a winter's night," said fTuiTrail. "It's well we've just had a nor'wester, and so need not fear a cold ppell.. I recollect coming on this very , i.hore, just here off Block Island, sir, a l uatter of some ten years ago, in a China fhi'p, ono of the few that traded to New port. Wo'd been gone a long while, and . Were anxious, you may bo sure, to get , f in.. So, with a fair breeze, though a light one, wo stood merrily in till just ' such a fog as this - settled down like a nightcap on lis, and in a little while we did not know where we were. The skipper waited till morning,' afeerd to go on at night ; but very soon, exactly as now, the sou' wind died t quite away, sir, as: a whiff of smoke from a 'backy pipe. It ( M asn't long after that ,bef ore thef breeze " chopped around to nor'-nor'-west, with rain and sleet', blowing right inur teeth, and kicking up in no time a deuco of a swell ; not a long, regular heave, but a short, cross sea that made tho old craft pitch and groan, and sent sns to tho leeward like a tub. The skip , per stripped her soon, for he knew what ' was to follow, and tried to lie to, so as to lose no ground ; but Lord, sir, the rollers camo tumbling over the knight-heads, il6 what wo would ; and the waters . freezing every tinio a -wave struck her we soon had tons of ice on deck. " It Y J-y-onJd havo '.sunk. as. light and trim a frigato in time as ever was built, let alone an old logger-built Indiaman, as uroaij hi tno ueon as a uutcu wire ; so a last we had to give up the struggle faud run for the ulf stream. Jit was a Trtr.n4l eif Virt t rn A "r-if I'ntn isf4- t when, but for that fog, wo should have gono in the night we came on the coastv" . I liked, to beguile the dull hours of ' a waU'h witiwTutfriLs : prolixity; so, de- , .siring to warm. him with his, subject, I 9if ,pntfuued5; ;. ' . "I've heard that Kidd's ship is ofjteu 1 seen Hereabouts, sometimes in names, sometimes crowded with shrieking s wretches, and always on a foggy night like this." ' ! " t "Ay, sir. I've heard so, too. And once," he added, lowering his voice still more, " I met an old Blosk islander who said he'd seen it, and there came from it the awfulest curses he ever heerd, till ' on a sudden, bethinkin him to pray, he Wgnn the Lord's prayer, when scarcely had he finished the first two words, be fore tho ship vanished in a blue flame, with a strong smell of sulphur. But, (God preservo us, what is that !" - As Taffrail uttered this sudden ex clamation, he grasped my arm, and pointed over the weather quarter, where a vague, gigantic mass, like a ship cut out of white smoke, loomed suddenly up. , It was not stationary, but moved astern slowly, like a sheeted ghost. . ' Could I have heard the slightest sound- tho creaking of a block, the gurgle .of tho parting waves against the stern, or tno voice of a look-out I would have believed it a real ship; but the absence of all these, when the propinquity of tho apparent ship was so close, convinced mo that what we saw was an illusion. Although incredulous of supernatural appearance, I yet felt a thrill, half of terror, as that huge, shadowy object floated slowly astern and disappeared. vanished as suddenly as it came, going out ail at once, like a puff of steam. Neither of us had spoken again while tho spectral ship was visible a period probably of two minutes ; and now Taff rail drew a long breath. ! ., ; " The Lord have mercy on our souls I" ne said ; l m aieard sometning a going to happen, Mr. Danforth." I was aborjtto answer, when, just at thaf instant, I heard the water rippling faster against the Yankee's sides; S I looked up. The fog had slowly thinned off since the disappearance of the shad owy ship ; and I could now see the fore- topsail, . and noticed that, instead of hanging idly, it was bellying slightly to the breeze. In an instant the whole current of my thoughts was changed. ' 1 We shall have a wind soon, " I cried, with animation, "and get well off the coast before morning,r Ilucky,too for, if the blockading squadron catch sight of us they 11 make us pay for having slipped their fingers on our first cruise, and almost escaped them on the second. Lay aloft there I" I cried, elevating my voice and rousing the watch ; "loosen that maintopsail, and let her have every thing that will draw. " 1 j In a few minutes, with clouds of snowy canvas sheeted home, we were making the best of our way south, going dead to windward. The change -from the dull wash of , the swell under our counter to the brisk dash of the water over the knight-heads, was most exhilarating ; and the men, who had been skulking here and there in the fog, now came forth and stood eagerly on the lookout, for the mist was rapidly clearing off be fore the increasing wind. Four bells had just been struck, and the stars were thickening on high like grains of gold on the azure of a maiden's veil, when, ranging the horiz&n to the windward, I. thought I saw a large sail & few miles distant. . Almost at the same moment a lookout hailed. Calling for a night-glass, I took a long scrutiny, and he replied. ma(le out the stranger, to be a merchant man oi large proportions. I had just closed the telescope, when Captain Drew came on deck, half-dressed, and rubbing bis eye. 'I heard a hail," he said, " just as I was turning for my second nap. Where is the ship ? I would not like to have a British cruiser to windward, though that's just where we must expect them, after all." ' She seems too close in for a cruiser, " I replied. " The late northwester has blown the enemy's fleet further east, I should think. Her" position is more like that of merchantman hugging to shore to get in unobserved." Captain Drew, meantime, had taken the glass, and was now engaged in care fully scrutinizing the stranger. At last he laid down the telcoe. "She looks like a merchantman ; I can now see part of her hull; and' I in cline to favor your view the more, as on the African coast you were right when we were all wrong." j ! At any rate," I said, ' it would not be easy to escape her, were she twenty times an enemy. We cannot go back ; that is certain. So I have kept her to her course, as you see ; and, at the rate we are now going, we shall soon be up witn her." .,' . : w You ' did perfectly right," replied my superior. j - Meantime, if the stranger had per ceived us, which she must have ! done, she showed no intention of allowing our presence to interfere with her course. I did not like this feature of the case, for it looked as if the sail was not American. But Captain Drew remarked that she nught easily suppose us to be a mer diantraantaking the opportunity of the late gale to get out of the sound, j " Or," faidhe, " he may think we are what we are. . In any event, we shall soon know." - The enemy, for such he evidently was, now almost overlooked us. A light figure sprang into the mizzen-rig-ging of the frigate, and hailed authori tatively: ; ,...';-; " What ship is that?" ', " The private-armed brig Yankee,' of the United States, bound out,"' i "This is his Britannio majesty's frigate Invincible. Haul down you flag, or we'll fire into you." "Very well," said Captain Drew ; "shall we come to Tinder your lee?" J I had expected to see the leader fling down his trumpet in a passion of morti- ncauonana rage at navmg nis , wprsi anticipations thus confirmed .but! he seemed cheerful," and in no jwise fde-, ponding. J : m s J 0 J t Send a boat on board," gruffly eon tinned the officer from the frigate. " You hgfvfl struck jour flag, you say ?" . " We "had not raised it yet," answered Captain Drew. And then, in reply to the order, repeated again, to "send a boat bii board, he replied: " Ay, ay, sir."' But, meantime, he turned to me. j " Set the men to their stations," fellow, still incredulous, the horse marines." " tell that to United States Mailrond. -j During the past year, says the Rail road Manual, only 1,940 miles of road were constructed against 3,948 in 1873, 6,167 in 1872, and 7,670 in 1871. The earnings have fallen off, but in less ratio than the construction a . fact that has been frequently illustrated in this paper of late. The aggregate cost of the roads at the 'close of the last fiscal year' was $4,221,763,594, and their length 69,273 miles. Of the total cost $1,990,997,486 The Trmffie in Italian Children. The Paris correspondent of the Lon don Times, epesJdng of the abominable traffic in Italian children, says: Dabw Ctthe: Tm Katmtn m TFaI. i - Bay the beet bleached glue if the walla are to be 'white or some light tint (if the dark, it is immaterial- so the clue is Attention has often been drawn in the clean), and use it in the proportion of a I lhrbt the taste and gratify the pride of Times to the lamentable practice of beg- quarter of a pound of glne to iei&bt the iaother). If the feaansool .'slips are A Terr elaborate and expensive ward robe is not essential to the growth and comfort of the baby (though it may do- ging exercised by children trained in the I pounds of whiting. . Soak the glne over trade. This question has been reopened I niffht: in the mornins? "pour ' off the by a circular addressed by tho " Societe iratef , as the glue simply swells, while Italienne de Bienfaisance" of Paris to soaking. Add fresh water, put it? in a corresponding . institutions throughout tin pail, and set that in a kettle of Dcdl- the world. The following facts will, I ina ater. When dissolved- stir into it trrtnV, convince every one that the sup pression of this social pest would be a really philanthropic work in southern Italy. In a naturally very rich province the . whiting, adding enough water to make it, after mixing, of the same con sistence as common whitewash. It may be tinted to any color desired, and is snowy and soft, tho , flannel fine, the linen clean, and the number oi cnanges sufficient, it matters little whether or not there are embroideries or laces to adorn ' the child withal ' Indeed, both child and mother are- quite as well off without them. The slips should be high in the neck and long in the sleeve, and in number not less than half a dozen, There should be of flannel night ao f 1 iiJi : of the Basihcata the greater portion of applied with a whitewash brush- If the wraps three, and of muslin three. Of - ,i-foT,i. m mnauitanu inae a regular inu vi color is rubbed smooUi in a litue water nannei sxins ana xa chiefly of bonds maturing at a distant day. The average cost per mile was $G0,425. The gross earnings for the vear were $520,466,016. Of this $379, 466,935 was received' for freight and $140,999,081 for passengers. The op erating expenses were $330,895,058, the net" earnings $189,570,958, being 36.4 per cent, of the total. The gross earn ings equaled 12."3 per cent, on the total cost, of the roads, and the net earnings whispered, as we rounded - to under the were 4.50 per cent, of the cost. The net errts rjrit88!? we earnings of 1873 were $183,810,562. The going to mate sail, dead into tne win 4 s eye. I'll see that they .bustle about the quartolwafc"!Mi-' s We were now rocking upon the waves, jnndf J the lee Tof joui hge i aarsary. As we floated astern, I saw we gradually widened the distance between us, head ing to the wind, under the influence of a bit of head-sail which had; left up, las if accidentally. I comprehended at once why s Captain Drew had been sp; little depressed, I saw the bold maneuver he' was about to attempt; 'and, aa my duty as officer Of the deck called on me reduction in the cost of operating is due to cheap railroad supplies and; cheap labor .JXhe net earnings of therailroads of . tne JNew mgiand. States equaled b.'zi per cent, on the total sharer capital; of the Middle States, 5.7 per 'cent.; of the Western States, 1.92 per cent.; of the Southern States, 0.50 per cent., and of the Pacific States, 0.1 per cent. The gross earnings were only $5,953,919 less than for 1873, They were $52,224,961, oi ten per cent, greater than ' those of 1872. They exceeded by $117,138,808 those of 1871. During the five years to execute it, I-immediately whispered ending 1873 28,428 miles of new line it to my subordinates, and nad every man, on the instant, alert to spring, at the required whistle, to his post. 3 Mean time, the captain was superintending the launch of the boat, which, by some mis chance to the tackle, appeared to stick at the davits. Fortunately it was comparatively dark, and the enemy could only see that there was some delay, without entirely com prehending its cause. We floated apart so imperceptibly, too, though our decks must have become less discernible every minute. Officers and men, meantime. were looking at us over the frigate's sides. At last, the royal captain seemed to lose all patience. ' Why doa't you lower the boat ?" he thundered, angrily. " The block sticks," said Captain Drew, "but we'll be ready in a 4- ' , minute. "Be quick, then, or I'll fire into you," he replied surlily. f ' Ay, ay, sir ! " still answered j Cap tain Drew. All this had passed in a comparatively short interval of time. Every minute had been more precious to us than gold, for it drifted us slowly but surely, further from the frigate, past ner stern and to windward. We were now almost in the position we desired. It seemed incredible that the suspicions of the enemy had riot become aroused, for our increased distance was olearly perceptible. We expected every instant, indeed, to see our piirpoW Aivined. As the crisis drew nearer, every heart beat with terrible rapidity, and the flushed countenances of the men, ' as i they crowded around, showed how sensibly excited they were. Suddenly we caught tho breeze full, and I knew the favorable point was reached. looked toward. Captain Drew. He, too, saw the I crisis was arrived, and springing with a leap to the side, he shouted i. A j , " Mind your helm hard down I set were constructed. Among these were about 12,000 miles of land grant roads. These were pushed with reckless energy to save the grants; hence tho railroad panic. " The great offenders in build ing of unproductive lines," says Mr. Poor, "are the Chicago and North western, the Milwaukee and St. Paul, Toledo,- Wabash and Western, the Erie, and the Michigan Southen." Wabash and Erie have been forced into liquida tion. Northwestern and St. Paul have probably sacrificed the value of their capital upon wild and visionary schemes. " Mr. Poor finds a favorable aspect to the railroad situation in the following points: Population is so increased that the roads increasingly support each other. The earnings per head of population are now five times greater than in 1858, when the last great panic occurred. Foreign mar kets are jrastly enlarged, and those do not fluctuate rapidly. The productive capacity of the people has been doubled within ten years. All these and many other changes must inure to the benefit of railroads. organ grinding and begging, and thence come those bands of children who have made their country notorious through out Europe and even America.' Five or six communes are especially distinguish ed for their immigrants namely, Mar sicovetese, Copleto, Lauren zano, Cal vello, Piccinisco and Viggiano. This immigration, which was facilitated by the former Neapolitan government, doubtless with the object of getting rid of a turbulent population, still continues with the same activity. The custom of begging from town to town by means of children has given rise to a traffic which is openly practiced in and even tolerated by the authorities of every country. Every year several hundreds of children of every age and sex leave their, homes under the guidance of individuals who call themselves their parents, or pa drones. In reality these men are nothing but slave masters ; the children are let, sold, or confided to them by virtue of contracts signed by two parties, who consider them so binding that they sometimes call for the assistance of con suls abroad to . enforce their conditions. These agreements generally hand over the children for a fixed period at so much a year or for a sum to be paid before hand. These bands of children begin bv befftriner all through Italy. Follow- foot-blankets, throe first, and then mixed with the wash, it of each will suffice for common use. A will be more even. If the walls 'hare half dozen linen shirts and three zephyr been previously whitewashed, scrape knit will serve for summer and winter away all . tha will come, off, ajod. wash wear. Let the flannel be fine, soft, all with a solution of white vitriol, two ounces wool, and washed before it comes in con in a pail 'of 'water. ' The vitriol will be tact with the sensitive skin of the little decomposed, forming rino. whiU, and one. To the uneducated eye waahinglt plaster of paris, to which the kalscviin- xniy spoil its beauty; but thai is a small ing easily adheres. It is important to matter when compared with the comfort dissolve the glue in a hot water bath ; of the wee thing thai by a very slight for if scorched by too great heat, its tenacity; is impaired or destroyed. Whiting is simply chalk freed from im- Itesponsibilities of Corporations. The question of corporate responsi bility is assuming gigantic proportions. Every day, from all sections of the )untry, the death-roll is augmented by terrible accidents on the sea and land, causing death, wounds and many kinds of suffering. The disasters at Rockaway and on the Long Island Southern rail road cause a momentary spasm of indig nation, but whether this feeling will pass away without bearing any good fruit is to be seen. The graves of the dead of and Marseilles. Very few come into France by sea, as at Marseilles the dis embarkation of beggars ; is guarded against. When they have no passports they cross the Alps by Brian con. On the frontier the children are often re sold te persons living in Paris or other large cities, and their conductors after delivering up their human merchandise return to the Basilica ta in search of others. In Paris the children are -huddled pell-mell, boys and girls, into lodgings near the Place Maubert and the Pantheon. When they are out beg ging their masters often follow them to watch their receipts, but most generally the eldest child takes possession of the money, the' padrone preferring to spend his time in low taverns. The smallest children are considered the best work ers, and are most in demand, because they excite most compassion f rom the public. I5egging lasts irom morning till night, the children- obtaining their food from the charity of others. In the evening they return to their lodgings to give up the proceeds of the day but if the receipts are bad they often beg late into the night to avoid ill treatment. Some of them are sent into the suburbs, more especially on fete days in the sum mer, lney wait outside tne stations lor the trains, singing a barbarous mixture of patriotic and obscene songs. When one of them is arrested he is provision- neglect can.be made, to suffer. Now flannel almost always produces irritation of the skin when worn before it has purities, and reduced to a fine powder, I been thoroughly washed, and babies are and, is also known, under the namtsts oltea .supposed toj crjr from . txjlio when paris and Spanish white, though the their oomphmts"are uacf in reality by latter . is really a white earth found Ciii tbi'prtckling .sensations which the new Spain. "".... flannel they wear produces. The gar There is a great difference in white- ments worn next the body s&ould be of wash brushes ; . and the beauty of the fine ; soft cambric' except the band, work, as well as the ease of performing which must be - of flannel. During it, expends very much on a good brush, warm weather; care should be taken not making it well worth while to pay the to overload the baby with clothes ; a lit- difference between a good one , and a tie shirt, a foot blanket, a flannel skirt, cheap one. For the inexperienced, it is and a little slip of cross-barred muslin or more difficult to lay on tints evenly than I nainsook is enough: - The object of long pure white. j clothes is toTceep' the' baby's feet warm. - For those who have not had experi- but skirtsjialf a , yard . long' accompliah enoe in using or dissolving glue, it is this sufficiently for a very young infant well to say that the dry glue should be at 'any time, and are vastly more conven- spread in a broad flat basin, like a ient than kthose which sweep the floor shallow milk pan, and cold water enough when th child lies in its mother's arms. poured on it to fairly cover it ; then let Besides, when a child's feet are weighed down with so many dry goods it does not learn the use of them at so early an age as when they are left free. There must be a cloak for baby to take its air ings in, and flannel shawls to throw around it when needed for - additional warmth. A basket' neatly lined with cambric and furnished with inside pock ets where soap,' towels; pin-cushion, and all other toilet necessaries may be placed court," as John Brown waa brought out j is a great convenience. In this the gar- I've tried for a job," growled ;the I ments worn during the day may belaid prisoner. . : '" at night, and all 'the little baby belong- T Vrtvtv oil o Vum f xrrm .Tnhn . rm I i'hm A.J tunrnttmnf .nluui ' P.tt.n. for baby clothes can be found in any of ing the Cornicheroad they come to Nioe it He 0Yer or for A vhen u the water be not all absorbed in the swelling glue, the excess should be poured off, when fresh water will be added, in which you boil the glue, to be mixed with whiting. JaryZand farmer. In the Detroit Police Court. Loafing around, eh?" inquired the seen tnose ears tnat nose tnat yawn ing mouth here at this bar half a dozen times during the past year." ' " I'm going to Chicago, sir." ( " I'll bet five hundred dollars to a cent that you won't ! You are going to the pattern books ; these come with full directions as to quantity of materials and style of making.'- As a rule, .tho more simpiy a Daoy is ureaseu ute pret tier it is. - A deep hem in , the skirt of the house of correction for sixty days.' J the drees with a dainty edgo around tho It's bad, sir, when a feller tries hard j peck and at ibe.wri&t, if ihe quality of to find work. "I know it. The police have seen you trying to work into barns and sheds. You've tried to work money out of stran gers. You've worked up rows and riots on the Potomac, and now you've worked in here again. I've thought your case over and over in my mind, and I wonder that you haven't run across some one who wanted to break, your neck. . You don't '.know what gratitude or self -re-' spect or honor is. You'd rather own a fighting dog than the best library in the country, and rather get drunk than be ' aster, and even the Mill river catastro- ?7 detained, andnotice is given to the preflnted with an enrhteen-doUar Bible. As we approached the I stranger, I ,,rrvv g,'T wm. -nq tic-w, grew more uneasy, but apparently with- Iad Jf Va , see " can give trfck for out cause ; for, now that we could more i&Wki ' . , closely examine her, we saw no evidence The men immediately rushed to theii of an armament. His sides were black, several posts, near which they had sta- wjthga white 'streak, rtc4it"venwthe f& my fiction of painted ports' and not a soul orders. In a second of time, as i were, trie saiis1, wnicn -1 naa 1 oeen- nauiea up, could be seen about him, except one' or two idle lookouts.- f W.e'll overhaul himnaw," fcjiid Cap- v-Xr . aw4 w should happen to be a British trader, or transport from Jamaica, eh? That ast would be grand, Danforth. 4 We'll make a tac and fetch . across his fore-, foot. Call all hands to be ready for him phe, are yet fresh and green, but the cause of them is fast fading from mem ory. We are far too careless in this re spect. Horror and indignation are upr permost when a calamity occurs, but how soon the feeling is cooled down and the edge of sorrow blunted ; and then we view with calm philosophy the graves of the dead,' pity the wounded, and let the subject drop. : j ; . Whoever undertakes the management of a place of public amusement, or the transportation of passengers, become at once entirely responsible for the lives under-' their care. Contributivej negli gence snould be no bar to damages if an Italian consul. The padrone, however. generally arrives first, assert 3 his claim, and the child is nearly always given np to him. A Neapolitan physician states that of one hundred children of both sexes who leave their, country only twenty return, thirty establish them selves abroad, and fifty fall victims to illness, privation and cruel treatment. Fifty is, indeed, a heavy mortality. A Female Smuggler. . - - A New York correspondent writes: The custom house inspectors' noticed a YouH have to go up." " PU try to be good, sir." . "Can't help it. I gave yon fair warn ing, and the greased plank awaits you." Snieide in Ireland. i The ."Vital Statistics" for Ireland (1871), recently issued, show that the mania for suicide is on the increase in that island. During the decadi ending 1841 there were 755 cases of self-cUv b traction : in thai ending 1851,. there were 841 r-fir that endiner 1801,' there the dress is fine, makes s more attrac tive toilet than cheap .fabrics heavily trimmed. . i A The Eight TJ.ing to Do. ' Almost everybody ruahos aa fainting person, and strives to raise him up, and especially to keep the head erect. Thcro must be ' an instinctive - apprehension that if a person,' seized with a fainting or other fit falls into the incumbent posi tion death is more imminent. Now the head of a fainting person shquld be on 'a level lower than the body.; Fainting is caused by want of 'blood in the brain ; the heart ceases to act with suffi cient force to send the usual amount of blood to the brain, and hence the per son loses consciousness because the func tion of the brain ceases.; Restore the blood to the brain, and Instantly the person recovers.; Now, -Uiough the blood is propelled to alt parts of the body by tho ictioa of to heart, yet it is still under the influence of the laws of gravitation. "In the erect position the blood ascends to tbe- bead against gravi tation, and the supply to tlte brain is 1 oVen, came tumbling up, (ready cj; ed. , Let the rporation once suffer in Jd a e brafdf falsi r.k. . . . I ofraUg6;, But she had been undereasy their pockets, and thelivesof our fel- Tt?UZ if he should prove a prize." In a moment the whistle of the boat swain rang through the brig, and; . the jfae wb Jdways, as they Aidj sjept .with, one ear for their The wind had now freshened consider erably, and aa the Yankee bent to its fdrce the spray from'the Opposing seas come crackling, thick and fast, over the bow, wetting the deck well, forward. The 'merchantman was rapidly approach ing, looming larger and larger every moment, till, but for the absence of porta in her sides, jre should have thought her a full-sized frigate. Suddenly, to our dismay, as she came down toward us, rolling tho water in cataracts under her bows, the loner white streak, which had convinced us of her pacific character, fell off, like a huge scale of paint, and we saw twenty frown ing ports, with their blood-red mouths, through which gleamed, the . light of as many battle lanterns. , " Caught, by the eternal !" ejaculated Captain Drew, hissing the oath between his teeth. "It's that frigate they dis figured, by covering her ports jwithia strip of canvas, in order to trap our fast sailing clippers. I've heard of the trick before," itll ito their places, and t were sheeted , home ; the r brig , bowed before the brjeeze, and began to make rapid head- I accident occurs bv which liws ata iuri way; and before the EnglishmarJ coud jfiped or men or women injured. Cor understand bur design, we already , liajf porations should see that an accident is the weather-gage, and weroxlarting to impossible. Directly a passengesen windward,. like a duck. upon tiie Wing. tersthe property of a railroad, steam Had the frigate been prepared. to boat, or other company, that company is throw ottt;,her, light; .sail, or had her at once responsible for his safety, Dan battery been properly manned, she ger should be made practically impos would, notwithstanding this bold ma- sible rby the companies, land' all others neuver, nave recaptured ,us ; lor she I to whom the Uvea of citizens are entrust- ladv on one of the Enfflish fetcamerswho wfcra 757' and fn that endfni? 1871. there "lminwnwi, .txrapareu .Wita uio re- seemed to be very much overdressed, were TO1I ' This Increase has betn great- kk y . She was one solid mass of furbelow's and I er amongthe rural than the urbin popu- f rills, and over her elegant black silk costume she wore an Tndian shawl, which completely enveloped her person.; She was stopped and escorted into the searcher's room, where the female in at tendance. " went through her," and was lation. ' In 1841 there was one suicide to every 6,842 persons. Suicide prevails among men more than among women. Among the' former hanging is the more popular form of self -destruction, while with the latter poison is the favorite canvas all along, and knowing us, from the first, to be so much her inferior, she had opened her ports merely for brava do, and then only on the side opposite to that ' where we found ourselves. Whether her men even were at their stations, we never knew; most probably they were not. . As we parted from 'her, after we were once fairly in motion, the impulse that seized us all was irresistible; and, with one accord, officers and men united in a huzza that made the very welkin ring. She threw a few shots after us from her ' stern-chasers, but they did little damage, and we were soon out of range of her guns. She did not long persist in a chase, which every minute she saw to be more useless. Before noon the frigate was hull down on the horizon. ; " The flying Dutchman, last night, was the enemy's frigate," I said to Taff raiL the day after this occurrence. "Her low-citizens will be more safe than they have been, in the past. N. Y. Express. rewarded by finding on her person more mode by which to throw off the burdens than $5,000 worth of jewels, laces and and sorrows of life. Suffocation was gloves. The gloves were found sewed once fashionable among Irish suicides. up in the inside lining of her bustle, In the decade ending in 1841 twenty persons used this as a means of self -de- hair which she wore. Her nndercar ments were all made to contain various de " "Outda." A correspondent writes : Of Miss la Bame, who writes above the si; tore of ' Ouida," rumor keeps afloat very puzzling and conflicting statements. Her residence has been for some time in Florence. A portrait published in one of her late novels represents her as a fair women, in year3 somewhere between thirty and forty. Her face has an ex pression of amiability, but judging from her books her heart must be full of gll. She delights in nothing so much as in deadly sarcasms upon love and upon women. At some time in her expe rience " Ouida " has undoubtedly been articles, even her corsets being made to do service in cheating Uncle Sam. The RuHty woman cried bitterly. She is a lady well connected, and was allowed to go free upon payment of the sum total due the government. 1 1 .... !... Btruciion. But in the decade ending I - 1871 only two men resorted to it when determined to put off mortality by vio lent means. heart's pulsa tion being equaL If, then, you place a person sitting, whose ' heart as nearly ceased to beat, his brain will fjul to re ceive blood, while if you lay tiiiq down, with the ' bead lower than .the heart, blood will run into tho brain by the mere fore of gravity; and in fainting, insufficifct quantity to restore conscious ness. . Indeed, nature teaches us how to manage fainting persons, for they always fall, and frequently are at once restored by the recumbent position - into which i Amaurosis Produced bw Tohaceo. In his work on Ophthalmology, Dr. An English Opinion of Canada. The London Times says Canada has been advancing rapidly, but not so fast or with so free, a tread as the United States. If any Canadian formerly felt a lurking wish to join the republic they became Vindicated bt His Wirz. A corro spondent of tho Louisville Courier -Journal having charged Gen. Sherman with burning a Catholic orphan asylum I loyal when they saw the enormous load in Georgia, and attributing Mrs. Sher man's handsome presents to a Southern Catholic fair as a reconciliation to her conscience for the acts of her husband, that lady has written a fine letter of vin dication, in which she says thai she has associated . or corresponded with inr sorely wounded in her pride or her si- every year of his life since he was nine fections, and she revenges herself by years old, and hence knows that the the most savage attacks upon the charao- charges against him, are foreign to his ter of. her own sex. She deserves what- nature. She also states that Gen. Sher- figure, reflected by the fog, was clearly I ever aspersions are cast upon her name, what we saw." for there is no woman living whose in- " Ah, Mr. Danforth," said the old I fluence is mora blighting. man sent two Catholic officers with or ders to especially look after the oonveut and asylum in question of debt and taxes left by the civil Canadians might, however, have sought annexation ere this in some fit of petu lance if the mother country had left them any grievance. But on the whole they scarcely felt the restraint of the Mackpuzis expresses his belief thai to bacco is a frequent 'cause of . amaurosis, and states thai one of his best proofs of this being the case is the great improve ment in vision sometimes complete restoration whirh ensues on the use of thai narcotic being abandoned. -This position of Mackenzie is confirmed by Michel, who classes the disease among the two forms of cerebral amaurosis but little known. One of these, observed in drinker he describes as symtomatlc of flrtynxim tremens; lam other be re gards as due to the use of tobacco, and imperial government, ruwiu loyalty believes thai there are few persons who has been admirable; but we ; may yet have smoked for a. long period more have to call for larger proofs of patriot- .than five drams of tobacco per day, with- ism if we intend to knit the colonies out having their 'vision and frequently into a firmer union with the mother their memory' enfeebled. Both these country, so as to make them a source of forms of disease, he says, are chcracVr- strength instead of weakiwts La tim of ized by the presence of well marked