i 7, JH RANKLIN URIER GEO. S. BAXEE, Editor and Proprietor. TEJRMS: 32.00 per Annum, VOL. IV. L0TJISBTJE.Gr, -N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1875. NO. 43. 7 Bona. I wore your roses yesterday ; Abont this light rebe'e foWn of white, Wherein their gathered sweetness lay, Still clings their, perfume of d light. And all in rain the warm wind sweep These airy folds like vapor line, Among them still the odor sleeps, And haunts me with a dream divine. ' Bo to my heart your memory clings, Bo sweet, so rich, so delicate : Eternal summer-time it brings, Defying all the storms of fate ; A power to tnro the darkness bright, Till life with matchless beauty glows ; Each moment touched with tender light, , And every thought of yon rose I Louise followed him to the door. " Have yon been quarreling with Eliza?" she asked. " And if I have, little Lou?" Dhe4 is so sensitive, she will not brook complaint. Don't toll the death knell to your own happiness." Eliza looked into the hall undecided ly, and then came swiftly towards them. "liet us part friends," she said, ex tending her hand. 14 I could not sleep to-night if I thought you had gone way angry." "Forgive me if I judged you rashly, Eliza." "You "But THE SERPENT It It A CEZET. Stoneleigh Hall lifted itself a huge pile of gray, uncompromising masonry against a dull sky. On the right, bare hills arose, their ruggedness scarcely mellowed by distance; and on the left a wido stretch of marshy flats, with the river crawling sluggishly through. For the rest, there was only the broad turn pike road, narrowing in gray perspective, and ft smoky cloud with a tongue of flame visible here'and there where the tallest chimneys pierced it, to indicate the position of the town. Ilenry Lawrence, riding slowly along the road, gazed wistfully towards the Ilall, and half checked his horse as he camo opposite the avenue gates. Re turning a few hours later, through the duskiness of early night, he found the . windows of the Ilall all aglow with ruddy light. There was lio hesitation in his manner now, as he rode immediately to the stables, and himself attondod to the comfort of his horse. Evidently he was perfectly at homo with the place and its surroundings. Having accomplished this task, he tinned towards the house, but stopped midway up the path. A tiny red spark gleamed at him from the midst of the d ii) d leaves strewn in sodden heaps ; and, stooping, "ho assured himself of the netuality of the thing which struck him with a sudden chill. Only a cigar, yet holding its heart of fire, which told that 'f it had but a moment before left the lips of the smoker. In an instant he had received the evidence of this mute wit ness, and shut his heart against the reasonings and palliations a less jealous naturo might have entertained. Captain . Stoneleigh never smoked. Therefore an intruder had been upon the grounds; and who so likely as the man on whom ho lavished all tho bitterness of his hate, George St. Mark ? ' ' Into a spacious room, with a great fire - . .blazing on the hearth, cumbered with , heavy old furnituro, and occupied by two persons Captain Stoneleigh dozing in ' his great chair, and Louise, his youngest daughter, crouched upon an ottoman, building up air -castles and fancying their outlines pictured in the glowing embers. They both started as Henry Lawrence i entered, And gave him cordial welcome. ' 1 V Where is Eliza?" he asked. At the instant she appeared upon the threshold, rendering a reply superfluous. " Henry ! I scarcely expected you to night. Tho wind has risen almost to a ' " galo, papa. I pity any poor creature obliged to be out." i " Necessity, which knows no law, can lMbo expected to flinch where inclina i. tion delights to venture. Even this ( ' seatching blast does not preclude the possibility of clandestine amours, I .rind." " You are tired and chilled, and conse VrAumtly cross, "Louise announced. "Yon shall have mulled wine and sponge cake to put you in good humor." And, on hospitablo thoughts intent, she flitted A Away. Y f Captain Stoneleigh was dozing again, . wid Henry drew Eliza imperatively aside. " Are you doceiving me again ? He has been hero to-night, I know." " Who has been here, Mr. Lawrence? and in what manner have I ever de- ceived you ?" ; George St. Mark, " he said, ignoring tho latter part of hor query. "You will ''not deny it?" "v. "I never deny tho truth," she said, n, ' coldly. "Aud this is woman's? faith !" he said. "Man's injustice, rather," she re ,1torted. " nenry, will you never trust we? Must you always imagine moun tains of intrigue wBere not a shadow of actual intercourse exists ?" . " What; can I think ?" he demanded. -i.;" You assured me yesterday that you wore scarcely acquainted with that man, and I believed you in the face of direct 5 evidence. - This evening I have discovered what a credulous ninny I have been." Louise coming in with the wine and wuako put an end to this uncomfortable tete-a-tete. Almost simultaneously Miss ' Gresham entered, and, after passing salutations with Henry, took a seat near "Eliza. They were cousins, and, in point of general resemblance, enough aliko to have been mistaken for twin -iiisisters. Their forms and features were .' almost identical, and both possessed ' abundant blonde hair ; but Eliza's y' waved and glinted, while Miss Gresham 's .m was straight, and of dead, changeless ,m hue, ' In By-and-bye, Henry rose to depart, and the captain came out of his nap to ' see him drawing on his gloves. ' You are not going away to-night ?" ' he cried out, in astonishment. "Don't think of it 1" ' S " I regret , t lie .necessity which will not permit of my encroaching upon your hospitality this time." " This once, yes. But you must trust me fully." He stooped over the hand he held, and doing so, noted the bracelet on her wrist. A coiled serpent, with quivering, golden scales, and emerald eyes. He had seen her wear, it a hundred times before, but to-night it impressed him unpleasantly. " What an ugly ornament, Eliza! I don't like it." " Then, in token of future submission, I will not wear it again. The holidays were celebrated with all manner of festivities at Stoneleigh Hall. Henry Lawrence had been urged to take up his abode there for the time, but de clined, preferring to ride to and fro from his own place, situated in the vi cinity. They had been having tableaux at the Hall, and Henry's part in the per formance ending, he made preparations for a quiet withdrawal. The next night was to witness the conclusion of these gayeties, which were to culminate in a masquerade ball, and he wisely resolved to preserve all surplus animation for that' occasion. He looked about him for Eliza to utter a parting word, but not seeing her, he went disappointed out into the moonlit night. There was a light snow on the ground, and between the interstices of. the shrubbery he have ready wit, little mouse." ;he necessity does not exist in your case. It will never do. " Listen to me. Lou. I cannot bear that Eliza shall triumph over the wound she will suppose her faithlessness has in flicted. 1 1 will be true and tender toward you, if you will trust your future with me. Think of my humiliation other wise, and consent." " It is eleven now. Give me an hour to think of it." Midnight came, and with it a general rush for the supper rooms. Louise Sto'neleigh and Henry Lawrence were alone in the deserted salepn. "Well?" he asked. ! 44 If you do not retract within five minutes, I shall comply with your re quest." L He had it on his hps to assure her of his inflexible resolve, but the expression was checked unuttered. There' was the slight bustle of an ar rival, and a second later he faced his enemy, George St. Mark. Clinging to his arm his new made bride, was not Eliza, but Miss Gresham. The news flew through the house with A Defaulter icith Tiro Families. The publication, some days since, of a heavy defalcation in San Francisco, CaL, by a man passing under the name of John Miller, but whose real name was ascertained to be Woodroof, created much excitement here, says the Lynch A STRANGE STORY. At Abducted Girl Hunting Vp Iter Itelattrem after an Absence mf Ttrenty three Year, Many of our. older citizens, says the Providence (It. I.) Journal, will readily recall the excitement that was created burg (Ya.) Aetrs, many persons belie v- twenty-three years ago at the mysterious ing that the party was none otner man disappearance of Mr. Jeremiah Perce, electric speed, and instant confusion reigned. "Do you wish your answer now?" whispered Louise, mischievously, in Henry's ear. " "For Heaven's sake, don't betray my folly. It was all owing to the bracelet." " The bracelets, you mean. They were facsimiles. Ambrose R. Woodroof, whose "opera tions " in this city four years ago are well remembered. Nothing definite, however, was known until the arrival here of an attorney from California, Mr. Brown, who came armed with a power of attornev from A. It. Woodroof to draw from the banking house of Wood roof & S pence whatever amount might be there to his credit, he (Woodroof) having previously sent to this firm money to pay certain mentioned debts contract ed before his hurried flight from this place in 18G9. . Miller, alias Woodroof, was the secre tary, and virtually (though not nomi nally") the treasurer of the Western De velopment Company of San Francisco, which is a combination of four of the largest railroad companies, and through his hands there passed yearly some five or six niillons of dollars. Unable to re sist the temptation, though receiving an annually salary of $10,000 in gold, he commenced his peculations, and con tinued, them until his ill-gotten gains amounted to nearly $1,000,000, the greater part of which he invested in landed property, and under his assumed Henry's mistake was' productive of at 1 name of Miller transferred it to Wood ! 1 11 Tl 1 1 1 H 1' ? 5 A. 1 1 least one cood rosult. It cured him of his groundless jealousy, and moreover proved tho contested point that a woman can keep a t secret, for Louise did not divulge I her knowledge until his own and Eliza's wedding-day. A Suicide's Zetter. George Fredericks, who committed roof, an alleged resident of Australia, intending when he was sufiiciently gorged to flee to that country, and under his real name realize upon his landed estates thus acquired. He was detected, however, about the first of July, and is now reported to be in the custody of the company which he defrauded, Woodroof married in California sev eral years ago, notwithstanding he had a a well-to-do grocer of Sabin street, leav ing a wife and two children (all of whom are now living), and at about the same time the sudden disappearance of Mrs. Harrington, wife of Thomas M. Har rington. A short time afterward about six months Mrs. Harrington returned in an apparently penitent mood, and had an interview with her husband, at which she received permission to take one of her children, named Mary, five years of age (there were three children in all, a sister older and a brother young er than Mary), down the stieet with her to purchase for her some needed articles of apparel, and was to return with her by six o'clock that evening. -From that time the father heard nothing more from either child or the mother until within a few .weeks, and they have long been supposed to be dead. Nor did the family and friends of Mr. Perce hear anything from him. - In the Evening Bulletin of May 21 last, appeared the' following: "Wanted To know the whereabouts of any person by the name of Harding, Studley, or Harrington, who has resided in Providence for the last twelve or four teen years, or of any persons who are akin to any family of this name. A lady in this city who has relatives with these names is desirous of hearing from them. Address Nat. G. Barter, Business Man ager, Sentinel and Pioneer, Fort Scott, Kansas." This was seen the same evening by Mr. Harrington, the brother of the girl who had been so long missing, and he at once forwarded a telecram to the The Swim for tho Championship. An international swimming match was held on the Delaware for $1,000 a side and the championship of the world, be tween J. B, Johnson, of England, and ThonAs Coyle, of Chester, Pa. The course was from Chester, Pa., to Glouces ter, N. J. In case one became exhaust ed before reaching the goal, the other was to be considered tho winner, wheiher he swam the entire distance or not. At 1:45 r. m., the sign was given and both men dove into tho water. Johnson took the load at the beginning of the race, but Coyle passed him in two minutes, and steadily drew ahead of him. Each man had a guido-boat to keep beside him and carry a pilot to di rect his course. There were four judges of the race, two following one of the contestants .and two the other, and a referee, who, with a boat-load of news paper men, kept close to the rearmost swimmer. The tide was running strong ly up stream, and was therefore in favor of the men. Tho weather was charming, and the water would have been unusually Item of Interest. There is a growing Mormon colony at CLuksburg, W. Ya. The great fishway at Holyoko dam. Mans., which cost $30,000, has proved a complete failure. Mr. J. Murray, while pitching hay at Basing Sun, Ind., pitched out $3,520 that some one had concealed. General Joseph E. Johnson, of Georgia, has been elected president of the Arkansas industrial university. In soma portions of Nebraska the people are suffering from a malaria left in the air by the flying grasshoppers. Galvanized clothes lines have becomo popular in Tp' for the simple reason that lightning ran along one of them tho other day and killed a life insurance agent. The Duke D'Aumale has proclaimed that if France wishes sincerely to be come a republic, he, for his port, is per fectly willing to bow down to that kind of sovereignty. The department of Stale has received smooth had it not been sd churned by I information that counterfeit noti on tho tho steamers. Johnson began the race I Bank of France and on the Bank of in rather a leisurely way, knowing that I p,pCUnd are being prepared ' In Europe a swim of thirteen miles is an affair not I to send to America. 1 of speed but of endurance. He swam constantly upon his right side, making about twenty-five strokes a minute. He submerged his head at each stroke, coming up barely high enough to bring bis mouth into open air. Mr. Cojle swam much higher in the water. He had a quicker stroke, from thirty to thirty-five a minute, and frequently changed his position. He steadily in creased the distance he had gained. Four miles from Chester Coyle was about half a mile in advance, and when eight miles were completed led John son by a mile. Johnson swam steadily on without much apparent effort, stopping oc casionallv to drink a small class of The Nova Scotia coal operators arc about to invoke the aid of the Britiah government in an effort to secure tho repeal of the American tariff touching ' the importation of that commodity. Ten Clydesdale horses, valued at 25, ! 000, were recently brought to this coun try from Europe. They aro designed for draft purposes, and are magnificent specimens of the purest blood, weighing about 2500 pounds each. The New York Clipjxr charges that no report has ever been made of tho fund raised for Dan Bryant's family, and adds that some of the money obtained by caught the flutter of a lady's garment. suicide r New York dty, left the follow- wife living in Amherst county, Virgin aboye there were ' . J. . . inr Ipffr? "Tdr tins thine with mv I Some time aero his virenma wife, with . ., " " " O I - Two figures paced across his view to and fro along the half -obscured path. He drew back into the denser shadow. A moment morOj and the two parted, the lady coming hurriedly towards the house. There was no mistaking that figure, the blonde hair floating loosely about her neck as he had seen her a few moments ago in the tableaux. As if to dispel any lingering doubt he might en tertain, she paused a second .to make sure she was not observed from the win dows; a gust of wind tore at her mantle, and on the bare arm disclosed he caught the glint of the golden scales and gleam of the green eyes belonging to the ser pent bracelet J y ' This, then, was the regard of a woman for her voluntarily given promise I He strodo fiercely down the garden path, hoping to overtake her companion and make sure of his identity also.. In this he was disappointed, but by the gate picked up a scrap of paper,-twisted and half burned, and smoothing it out, read in the moonlight," rge St. Mark." There was little rest for nenry Lawrence that night. The jealous fiend held pos session over him again, and every nerve and sinew quivered beneath his acute torture. With the early dawning he went out upon the downs, at first walking with all the impetus given by his restless spirit, and afterwards more steadily as he brought himself to calmly survey his position. Out of the chaos of his tumul tuous impulses he deduced but one de cision. He would never succumb, the crushed victim of a designing coquette. Lawrence was late at the ball that night. Passing up tho avenue, he fancied that a shadow flitted across his path ; but a close investigation of sur rounding shrubbery revealed nothing.. The moon, just rising, threw anuncer, tain light as he stood gazing at the hall, from which the sounds of merriment were distinctly wafted to him. Below, every windbw gave forth & volume of re flected light; and above, a single rush light burned steadily behind a gable pane. Suddenly this last was removed, but after a moment replaced; this was repeated three successive times, and then disappeared. Henry's . jealous intuitions received tliis phenomenon as a token intended for other eyes than his, and remember ing his resolution, he passed in. The ante-room was quite dark, and as he en tered, he heard, the rustle of garments, and felt some one brush swiftly past him. A second later, Louise appeared in the doorway with a light, and carrying her domino in her hand. "Ah, little Lou," he said, sorrowfully, "are you, too, leagued in this deceit?" V You know, then? Bo generous do not expose them I" " Do not fear," ho answered, bitterly. " If a word could chango the fact, I . ll :i wuiuu uut utwv 1U -t 1 He drew her hand through his arm, And went below, where the crowd in its mingling of grotesque costumes carried him forcibly on its tide as it ebbed and flowed through the wide drawing-rooms. He was surprised at his own fortitude in bearing the blow, and philosophically calculated his chance of dealing a coun ter thrust. Why not use the same weapon as a foil? Louise had left him, but he sought her out again. 44 Were you ever in love, Lou?" 44 Not seriously," she laughed! 44 How much do you care for me?" 44 More than for any other man 1 know except papa." She had caught his drift already. " You are not plotting another elopement for to-night I" '. ing letter: "lao.uus tning witn my eyes wide open, and all my senses about wnom, it is said, ne regularly corre me. I !do it simply to avoid starvation, I sponded, visited him in San Francisco, which X believe is inevitable if I stay in and there she remained two months, his the world. Since Monday noon I have California wife living in Sacramento eaten but one meal. 1 have taken near ly grai118 morphine in the form of pills inade by myself some years ago. Let no 'one persuade you I am insane. On the contrary I never had my senses more perfectly in my life. I d6 this act for the buroose of pleasincr my oldest brother,' who, as president and treasurer of this company, owes me a large amount of money which he ioes not wish to pay. There need be no post mortem, as I have fully explained the cause of my death." The brother referred to, Chas. D.. Fredericks, is a noted photographer of New York city, and states that he had been supporting the deceased for some timeand put him in the position which he held at the time of his death. The suicide was of a morbid disposition, and imagined himself abused by every one. City, where he had erected a palatial residence, costing $150,000. Each of these ladies was in entire ignorance of Woodroof 's illegal second marriage. Matrimonial Infelicity. Mary Terrell, the young wife of John Terrell, a laborer, was brought before Justice Riley in Brooklyn, N. Y., on a persons of all these names living in this city, and that one of them had a daugh ter stolen about twenty-three years ago, who had never been heard from. This was received at Fort Scott at eight o'clock the next morning, and by noon a dispatch in answer was received here which brought young Mr. Harrington and his father the joyful news. that their long-lost sister and daughter was still living. theatrical performances to aid the suf ferers by tho Chicago flro is still on do- brandy, which he took down at a swallow, I"1 a ln me Tork' standing up in the water. Coyle A degree long ueierrea was inai givcu was now looking fagged out, and a by Yale College at the last commenco- glance at his face caused the conviction ment to T. Tread well, a prominent citi- that he could not last much longer. In sen of Toledo, Ohio, who was concerned ' answer to a question from his pilot,, he in the 44 bread and butter rebellion" in said he 44 felt bad." They gave him 1828, when the Students protested against some brandy, and just then a large pro- the food provided in commons and was peller, crowded with people, came near expelled in his sophomore year, him. A band on board began to play, . The following advertisement appeared and tho crowd cheered vociferously, in an English newspaper : 44 Wanted, Tho poor fellow took heart again, and immediately, for spring planting, 10,000 swam on lor two or inree minutes, i uoca ana iu,wu vmsuo seeus, w cuauio The girl, now married and the mother TLen he u np jg hand m0 .to leAve my farm as I would wish, as a signal of distress, he was quickly and according to the provisions of tho of two children, yet remembered enough .of early life to assure her relatives in charge of attempting to poison her hus- the city of this, had not her mother, who band by putting ratsbane in his tea at supper the night before. Terrell lived a drunken life with his wife, and their quarrels ended in fights almost every day. They had parted one morning after a quarrel, and when he returned at evening he found his wife cross. He took up a pewter cup filled with tea, and detecting a strange flavor in it, ac- is still living, put her in possession of other facts. As soon as she could make arrangements she came from her home in Fort Scott to visit her relatives, and ar rived in this city a few days aero. She distinctly remembers her mother promis ing her lather to take her back at six o'clock on the day on which she wa stolen. She says she was with her seized by the men in the guide-boat. It was a quarter-past four o'clock. He had been in the water two hours and a half, and had swam about ten and a half miles. Johnson, at this time, was three- quarters of a mile way. He was swim ming a little faster than before, and was much elacted by the news. He pro ceeded to show tho spectators that he new tenant ngni uui, as urawn up vj tho chamlcr of commerce, to cnablo tenant farmers to do justice to their landlords." 44 1 trust," said the Archbishop of Cantertrary to the Sultan 'of Zanzibar, 44 that your highness will not object to British missionaries having access to vour dominions." ' 44 (Certainly not," tho A Xciv Confidence Game. The newest scheme developed in cities to catch gulls and obtain money without equivalents is under the guise of loan and real estate business. A place is se lected in a respectable neighborhood, and an advertisement is published, offer ing to loan money at low rates, and to transact real estate business. When ap plication' is made, "the low rate of inter est (four per cent.) is the decoy by which the gull is made anxious to nego tiate. The lender proposes a payment of $20 to $40 to indemnify for the in vestigation of titles. A receipt for this money is given, returnable when the question of title is settled. By various devices the report on titles is deferred until the1 game bag is filled. Then they change their quarters and advertise un der a new name. cused his wife of putting poison into the mother two or three days before she re cup. Before Justice Riley it was made I alized that she was being taken away known that Mrs. Terrell first sent her boy to get some arsenio from a druggist and he returned without it. She sent him back, and he returned with a box of rats' paste. Mrs. Terrell denied the at tempt to poison her husband, and told the justice of the harsh treatment she received. She rolled up her sleeve and showed black and blue marks on her arm. ne justice asked Terrell wnetner he beat her. 4 Certainly, " he said. 4 I gave her four or five welts with a strap; and if she had treated any other man as she did mo he would have killed her." The justice committed her on a short imprisonment, and as Terrell passed by her going out, he said: " If I had been found dead this morning you would have had a worse punishment." from home. She remembers Mr. Perco joining them, but does not know where. He had changed his name to Charles Pierce, and they taught her to call her self 44 Mary Pierce." They spent about a year in Dubuque and St. Paul, and then went to ;Texas, where Mr. Perce was engaged in raising cattle and sheep, at times doing very well, and at times not so welL They remained in Texas for some years, and then removed to near Baxter Springs, Kansas, where Mr. was capable of better work than lie had sultan replied. I MnV that no ol- done at any time during the race. He gdo should be placed in the way of so swam on to a point half a mile beyond I great an event as I ha English being where Coyle gave out, afd after alfojjght knowledge of the trno variety of diverting antics, was taken I faith.. Let them come, and my learned aboard his pilot boat at five o'clock. . Johnson, who showed such great en durance being comparatively fresh after having been in the water over three hours is the man who has been travel-! ing about the country giving perf orm- sneefl as the 44 man fish." Uoylo is an amateur. together Paper Patterns The trade in. tissue paper patterns is enormous. - One house recently ordered 5,000 reams of paper and two millions of envelopes in which to place the patterns. These patterns are so perfect that dress es for costume parties are easily made, and are fast becoming popular. These patterns are a real boon to the mother of a familyl living far from any village or A Mercenary Ghost. Shortly after the death of an Irish farmer, his credulous widow received a visit from his ghost, which was dressed simply in a shroud, with white stockings and gloves. The unquiet spirit stated that since his death, some months back, although he ought to be in heaven, he was detained elsewhere on account ol owing a sum of 15 to friends of his, and he begged of his wife to give him the money. i.ne woman in mil iaitn Handed settlement. : Every garment worn by him 10, and promised to give him the men, women, or cniidren can De made from them: they are notched at the places to! join them; the number of yards for each; garment and its trimming is faithfully given, ingenuity is fostered, comfort is promoted, an 4, in fine, we aro inclined to class paper patterns a3 among the great inventions of the age. A Novel Idea. Daniel C. Haynes, of Winn, Me., will shortly have a queer steam mill in operation. It is constructed by fasten ing a steamboat to an old-fashioned saw milL Mr. Haynes has for a number of years been engaged In manufacturing lumber by means of an ordinary water power mill, but this spring, he leased the steamer which has been running be tween Medway and Winn, backed it np the stream, and taking off the paddle wheel, bolted the boat firmly to the framework of his rni.lL The boat is on strong blockings, and its engine will furnish the power for running all the machinery Mr. Haynes may wish to use. rest in a few days if he came for it. Meanwhile she went and told the priest the circumstances of the case, and this gentleman, seeing the fraud, ' made proper .preparations to receive the poacher of the ecclesiastical manor, When the ghost, in complete burial cos tume, arrived for the bank note, he was at once received by a couple of police, and proved, as ghosts do in our day, to be a mere pretender. Western Courtship. men shall instruct them." Several ladies were sitting on the balcony f the Clifton, Niagara, the other night, when the moon, al though 4fuU,'' was not demonstrative. A natty little fellow approached tho group and softly said : 44 Pussie, dar ling," whereupon all the young Lulir jumped up and came toward him eager ly. He selected one and walked away with her. The other brides sat down. Pfrffl who had teen failincr in health for f CJ I - ! 1 I ....... ti m two vears. died about fourteen vears tuzo. AO xner is ine nad wors oi sceu- and told their respective uomeos axwr leaving three sons by Mrs. Harrington, time over than their play hour super- wards that it was 41 too ridiculous for all of whom are living. She says he was venes, tne time looked lorward to uy an anything," and tnai uiey "never were so at one time a Universaust clergyman, and at another a Spiritualist. In all her-wanderings she never forgot that her name was Harrington. She as sumed her own name as soon as Mr. Perce died, and at once set herself to work to learn if possible the whereabouts mm mm A M - 11 11. . T , as tne " merriest time oi au uie giau newvear." when the whole household mav be seen with a few staves where- with to erect a roof to their sheiling, a creel or two of peats, and a few unten- sils, driving their cattlo and sheep to the distant moor. Here they have erect- embarrassed in the whole course of their life." Merits of the Rifle Teams. A critical analysis of the shooting for the Elcho shield at Wimbledon, where . the Irish team repeated its victory of of her father andother relatives, .should od small dome-shaped dwellings, about 1873 after a contest as close and exating n v tt nr uam K oiiVn Ti'mn naMAii nn six feet in diameter, lney are zormea I . . .. ... . m oi low stone-walls, wiin a tun rooi vn a framework of sticks, and two oppos intr doors, where vou have almost to creep in order to enter, resembling noth- she grew to womanhood, and married Mr. Nat. G. Barter, business-manager of the Sentinel and Pioneer, Fort Scott. Kansas, where she now lives. as was mat ai ureeumoor. ias year, shows that our British cousins were probably wiser in their generation than the children of light who proposed a grand open rrny1 to test the relativo ing so much as Esquimaux snow huts, qualities of the American and three old A Jay's Baa Work. Forged checks were unearthed in one day at Newark, N. J., to the amount of 110,000, says the Commercial Ad vertiser. Valuable horses, whose price represents over 50,000, were stolen in Westchester county. Raids more or less successful were made in the New Eng land States and New York by the armies of tramps who are taking their vacation in the rural districts. Half a dozen large fires and nearly as many murder our quarrels disfigure the morning papers, and complete the account of crime. Yet America is not grown worse. When vou hear a crood story from the It is only the telegraph that brings to lips of a stupid man, and see a silk um- J one focus the evil deeds for forty mil- brella in the hands of a man who does J lions of people, lTeacners wnetner in not nav for a nAvimaner. von mav know I the rmlrnt or the press should never that both have been borrowed, 1 let this vital fact escape their notice. A Luna Disease Year. Thus far this year has been signalized as a great lung disease year. The mor tality from bronchial and pneumonial attacks since the first of January has been very great, at least in the northern hemisphere, i It would appear that such attacks have been proportionately both more numerous and more fatal iluring January and February of this year than during corresponding months for many years past These facts have been brought out very clearly by the reports oi the register of vital statistics of the city of New York. The unusual fre quency and fatality of lung complaints thus far this year are attributed in par) to the severity of the season, but still more to the extreme fluctuations of tem perature which have characterized the period named. Childhood and old age and feebleness generally have suffered much this season, but a large number of young and strong men have fallen vic tims to pneumonia, which has proved more destructive in its ravages this win ter than bronchitis. Let us hope that the latter months of the year may re dress the balance disbursed by the earlier. The Marquis d'HautpouL who sacri ficed his life in tho French inundations was found naked, with one finger out off. On that finger he always wer valuable ring. One of these doors is turfed np when the wind blows in that direction, and as soon as it changes to the other side the turfs are taken down and the other door way filled up. In the thick walls are openings in which the milk dishes are placed, and sometimes' also an opening next the floor for the head of a sleeper, the feet of any ordinary sized mortal reaching the opposing walL In these primitive' hovels do the ghls of the family spend six weeks or two months gypsying during June and July. The men take every opportunity to go court ing them, as their sweethearts on those occasions always deluge them with the richest of milk and sweetest of butter. country teams, when they discouraged the idea, Though the winners far out stripped any previous record in that match, their average shooting fell below their achievements at Dollymount and Creedmoor, and consequently very farN below the American average. It is thus some consolation to know that though our representatives have been denied an opportunity to compare their skill with the British teams in public, on paper at least, as well as by their double defeat of the Irish team, their superiority lias been sufficiently proven. The Wheat Crop. The returns to the department of agri rnltnre of the United States for July It is almost impossible to get girls to go J Bnoir condition of spring and winter to service at una uroe, mxivg it , together at about eiehty-two per ed forward to courting time. as par excellence the A Child's Tzkkxbxjc Lzar. Mrs. Charles Cooper, reeiding in the fourth story of the double tenement in Hobo- ken, N. J., having occasion to be ab sent for a few moments, locked in her two. children, a little girl of four years and a babe, who was sleeping in the apartments. The little girl, -Mary, rhmfWI into tho window and over a pair of bars to the tratrr edge, whence she jumped to the vnrd below, over fifty feet, and strange to aay m ol m lured in the least. cent, of an average ; winter wheat, in cluding California, averaging seventy- four and spring wheat ninety-six. The spring wheat States in the Northcat and . .. . ifiL ir Northwest axe generally in ruga cuaui- tion. Of the winter wheat area, tho South Atlantic and Gulf States are above the average, but in the Middle States the condition is very low, New York ranging down to forty-five. West of tho AUeghanies the prospect is bet ter, the State averages being between seventy-one in Ohio and ninety-five in Iowa. California reports winter wheat at seventy-si aud spring wheat at seventy-fire

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