111 Professional Cards. CEOHGE S.' -BAKER, Editor and Pr.crK!ETor.. Wc give be! '.lec'ed a? la AH letter addressed to " ! GEO. S.. JAKK .b is75. ft iOT HJ i -: - wOJ) JIUJ) . U Building Contractors g t; , sec -in - J 5,1: O . 'J idor hcad ofEj AND - , s A nice convenknt Tott.-urc rci vt5, D1 Fl'JDAY. Governor 'Oraliain North Carolina is in mouniing Lr;j - ! 'I Alkgaany, W C Fields, f Alexander, 4eGhc:i atts. ' H Ars-.-n, Col U 7 Bennett. "13 Afhc, J O Wilcox. Baxke, Major A C Avery. Buncombe. ' David Coleman Cabarrus,' It W Allison. my name r, u-ou x ' A "T T7T TT HH ho tins, but Mr. 71 C. Ilcrton. had ilXXlN Xb X . Ilo of thi ce, who, I rappvsJgj - . plartieiit c.ia be bought on very .res- j: ;i j -.i.u:e tCf ins. Apply to the Editor of the Ccr Tcan salislaclcrih explain tho maitt andlH Eccet fully. r HIT".- I I'i At. T TT -fT,T".TTT',rT ; i - - , wf CO AF.AMA, JJoriTGOilEHY, AuiStg IjOXj i i w no, . 0. ri W V i, AW 1 W W & & . All . f 4 41 TERESTI frrnfot pon William Alexanaerif-i nmLnm. wli.i (lied nt Saratoga Pwinp fel Caswell. E B n Wwlnr(!nv tl.o 11th i'nst. at CSvn Gary, negro. lavs. Gov. Graham was bora in Li Carteret, James Raraley. Withers, Dera., Wil T. M Wf Corkle. 92 ' -f :r, .0. .I. - i T r.n. W lavs. UOV. Vjr:i:ia:ri wan u'jiu m i t-j viuaiuauit o uu junuumi,, n. coin county, S'r.tember 5th, 180 l.rf3trow(j. and was a sou of Gen. Joseph Gra':aiTi.p Cherokee, Capt. J W Cooper. who was one oi uic jmnuia vi I'-'r C)a.Y- EllOth.-CobFkto ow a SASH, BLINDS jND igjority for th(j Convention of 10,500. Ton can buy the f& riWf. r ' TWru-rrsHxil - TNrvT-SD S$Jtick8 at the Drug Sro -. iTj JJUWXIO l:ji-s3 than tLo man mil : Independent Ueniocrats 0; itcpuD-r . FH,,.:, 19 . r-i iiAUi. :o UiiUiii:. ana ail Kinus m-. 1 Jollowicg JV X" f-3 rc 5 per cert; J pa;eiicans : . f --a ,? Vrt -i c;ti.,iciiice worli done at fchr.rt thVucc. or.-;j y Tnc grasshoppers arc damaging crop rc.3UIiaL:c crEJS p;3 Oscvhtrc in tlu-gJ ' Sin North Alat-arca. 4 . - fciS'ate. All grades of Cofliics, Farnish-f'S M U gl.Tatb-hearse. .Revolution; Gov Grahaifi graduate cleavclaTld, Plat0 Darham. at the University of N. C.-tbat frujt- ColumbQS Forne 0e0 'fal mother of grc-V men, vnth the B highest honors cf his cIoks. in loj; To E$ny Eveything chest honors el his cia.s in ; . 1 Jicd Jaw wun JiMgc nwun ut inn:i K5TI10 XJnivci-sIty of rortI?:!j viii-oliiiri sis seen -xaiv; t!3 fltua toro and was admitted to thc-Har mp: Duplin, J N Stalling, Win Farrier. Frankl :n, Y F Ureen. 1827. In 1833- 3! under old borough -system-, he represcntctll, narn-ettf John A Harrington. Hillshoro in the General AsscmblyJ jjavwood, Sam. L Love. waa Sneaker of the House of Com-t H TT1 . (,nTtpr it 1 i wa Sneaker nionn in 1838-'40. fcs-sion hp was elected to the United' tatcB Senate tor tiio unospirca term tr ending . March 4, 1343 Itf 1S44 hep was elected Governor -of tho State anc.K: re-elected in 181C. In J-me 1817 hefe declined the mission to the i,ourj ot Hpain tendered by President Taylor.jj n July 1850 ho bccani Secretary ofe tho Navy under President FillmorcMjj and resigned tho position in 1852g when lie was nominated .for the viccpj Presidency of the nation on the ticket with Gen'l, Scott, In 1854 he wara S. correspondent of the Moblo Ala.4 Irorigu r. During the lattcriii . . . . n ric tZ2f i-er, referring to the reopcninj. jJ 55if llin r,rfb n.Trnlinn TTn?vprs:ifv. nnrlr1!! 1 . . !t:t i-Sr jvicwincr the rat history of thi3 in-r?i institution, savs of it: c .t. tt rV--4 a insiciui-r ui uiu uuivasiiv viaa J'vr1 The tone Jackson, O W Spake.. Lincoln, Caleb Mot z. Macon, W N Allman. Martin, CB IIassell. Macliion, Dr John O Anderson. McDowell. Jasper Neal. "Nash, Benj II Baun. Orango, J Turner. . Hostetters Bitters,l T?- ' nn m vineaar biuers. e and Groove fioord tSimmon's Liver Rcaula- h tor, IIOOD LIVEK 1 m arm. I t - a m SPECIALITY. o Lathe3 alwav3 oc.1 h OIL. 1 l'thc "highest order, centered as it waisiiji j'hc hearts and p endowm surround the mind of thc tincomo and fr . - . ..1 flcrocrK SKITH 'fit BEACH ATil. do wm en t3 7cre a! wav.4--5 ? And many other standard articles. you want Dr. XI. XZ. ICIISO, DENTIST. f 1 4 OCcrs bta Troicfiionil Service u fytha public in i -vrri department or Dentistry. OFFICES, L0ClsbCTT f.t ' WarA .t c - t.u iuu OTTr J ;Donts Hotel, j Norwood &Ditu Store. Their new EE'S. SrAXtQXE, ' Dr. E TJalono Dr. C Elalan J "iPracticinp; V ;i1 l'hysician. 1 I' lS T O ' D lsti deut with every facility and ecgancs.ca 'Kiwnica iiaocey ; couia, coimnanu; ir e '-3 fi-UibraTics and lialls were spacious: thcl t r . . . a 1 - - f ft cam maao Dtaic ocnaiur iroiu Onslow, Capt James G Scott. Person, Col John W Cunningham. Pitt, ' Thoa J Larvis and William rrovc3 and iawn a perfect Arcadia; anc'V jthe general !aspcet of the place such atSV: to make thi inmate feel, liko Rasselas.pJ ;t.bii t.liA nnlv nbtitnr-.lrt in Ins liinT.inn.tK 4.v.w . ..&airin - - Ct r - rr Orange. In Feb ; 1801 he was cleclo-iS" v -J- . ' ca.s the denial of the ' right of catrici .!..- ...i.:..u 1 v.' Keifl. llai J Turner Morehead., ji t it. t- -i t s," - l . w rc.ii.' sa;'s s acain to the May Convention, w carried the State out of the Union. ;;..S Henderson. InlSG2 Orange a;:ain sent bun to tlu ; State Senate, and 18G i he rep?cficntc.l:j North Carolina in tho Senate of th( f Confederate State at Richmond. j; Again ho w&s elected, in 1865 to the Senate o the United States; but not admitted to his scat and his dis--abilities were .not romoved till 1873. Last year he ivas appointed b' Virginia, with the' lion, Jere Blaclc andEi-Gov. Winston, of Alabau.a, ti-i''r arbatratcra to gcttio the loundav;. line between 11 .ryland and Virginia.; and rending his duties iJicrt v;as elec t; 'i Sampson, W m Kirby, S J Faisoa. Stauly, Joseph Marshall. Surry, Joseph Dobson. ' Swam Union, Dr T W Redwiqe. , Watauga, L Bingham. Wilson, It WSingletary. ' Yancey ration.. In 1SG8, CO.hcp car of reeon3triietior hVolIed over Ihc old institution of Nortl :2 f . 1 . ''.- " K1' 1- .1.- i 1 .1 l camefrom tho hearts of her tienlc w?j-kj -fitj. ."c f.,i r - i j Tne only Blacking that will ' Bjat the eacriuce of that cherished insti fJ J - - twuuou wmcu nau ueen ine Aima atci.r 01150 .UVGr UUOU OUi-? - " feof her gifted men for well nigh a hun-B ro " &JT.h Pal1 Scssion wil.1 hcgin.on the lStljo lred years. But as its antiquity wrp , . f - hd:io sactuary-; tne nana .ot the spoiler pd. PKESERVfi TnE LEATHER 1 htore in maiiee this garland from tlx A lr O D A! j Alwaya charged and sparkling. tj SODA TICKETS S1.C0 per Dozer CALL at the DHUG STOrwE.fcr K4 t4 rhysiciaa& Surgeon. OFFICE Markc t Strcc t cast of Court House. LouLburg, N. C. l JOS. J. DAVIS, 'EATT'JTSrrCOiniSELLOH allii YA , LOUlSLUiiG, riiA2IiLIU CO. H.Q, ls now KSBQRO FEMALE COLLEGE,! HI .'Arriving, TtEFTjnLlCAlKS. , Jas E Boyd. :Will-practice in the several courts of ''Gtanvillc, Franklin, Naxh, Warreo and 1 CQ Prompt attention rd to tte L i ollcctu n and rcniilUace ot moocy. j:J;dy 15, 1871. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ! rilAKKLlStOK, N. C. iWi'.l practiea ia tho courts cf the Cth. -jjutiicia! ilifctiict. . A T k . , Am ? 1 a t'j 1 ii.ntpc ancnuon givcu toino CO lire r-.i'ioui-f claims. 50 tf : :1 Xkrlie, 2 W Bell. Bkdc'iiVxA' 'McDonald. ' .. Brims r. ic, E. W Taylor.' Camden, J L Chamberlain. J..r., J KTi'froW of u riarefc to-'r.r k.;V-ae. liana ciasc- iuca 'as vrc Aug 17th 1875. 14 v.usoc, uooerts, . ui oomns rcd Vaa4 rorcytho, Till Wheller. rf1 . , ' - t -vr ' rjjiays lor t. Giclcn, Jas HolTman. , Pursuant to a call of Mayor ITi!-!;' liamson tho citizens of Loaisburg H vicinity, assembled in tac Court iiuu.se f '. in this town, to day, ;to.givocsprcs.p'fJ tnon to their foclin.3 ot norrow at tht; death of Ei-Gov. V. A. Graham." 1 iiver arose aua.satCr-i! W P Roberts.. R3jdc X 'i A hi Jones, J F Scott. Lenoir, R W King. Mr. Qeo. .8. Ba! that ho had been requested by ,th I ; Mayor to call on tho lion. Joseph J. Davis to prcsido over tho mooting, and to explain the cause for thj3 calling of tho meeting: Mr. Das upon taking the Chr.ii addressed the meeting upon the vir- tucand character of the deceased UA Mitcbcl, j w B(man aeitizon patriot and Statesman. I ayj Gov. rjI.on.. m Mecklenburg, RufusBarrin On mntinn V. TT. Rnnnp.T vn r,-- R"5ilv.err, quasted to act as Secretary. bty C. M. Cooke Esi, moved that aa vuuiumico oi nvo persons oe .appoin- ted by tho Chairman to report resolu- ccntury . usefulnou zjr'r ""1 .jatronc y 'stricily on its mcilt?. Granville, I J Young, J A Bullock ' Ui'vjL', uu , r I ? "w w".-. -v.-k Giriitoru, A W Tourgce A S Holton.-f cr see lialUAx, J x5 O7 llara, J J Goodwm.VvUionor necdcriSn, Frank Woodfia. Cl - ncrtlord- J J TTorton. ouum iiivioiiMU- 11& c i j ;; olnor . ,jii,r.i;t,nii. it it iiinnanc. t' r i pina c-n w a. :i r. J;y. tec. H. Cook . H. Sj sneer tlic largest iialilwiofiHETS and counsellor 3?rlLn rJ.fb;Ioa&I Durham Boot r.nd Shoe Polish, pS ,n v-nl,rE,.'!,.!, c,,,r-. 1 M a7il.mg topiace their:sclvoik;r -UI.u.. v- j F-r fr.i-,h-uu- ,t.itH!...i-i .;,t;iui.g vy Awl SoUcitQs In BANKRUPTCY L0!ii3-L?l:3 Fj. Ci unu pending ins Huuwfwit was uil-u -y. Camden, J L' Chamberlain. 10 prj. Hiei-'5clvoiKd ' r---" -;i t ui'.!iv ,to.itxu.i- . ':.r:U.u-vr-i ted as a delegtto from Orange, t?thcj Ci:o7an. Jno R Page . - 'ander the tutelage cf 2Vev Englancgi : rPl' y to 'J-. M. Jokes, PrrFi.'i-n!. f-'-J j.y tho'Constituticnal Convention, whiclK Craven', J S Manix, Jl P Lehman, perlagor-aef -imported for the purj:.orramnfa? to Extd Alt CXcrt o?" j N. II. 1). WIL-ON, " jWV mcct3 ia Uideigh on tho Cth Of Sop Cumberland, R P Buxtou, J U Blcck-jp cdueaticn based upon eccU 'idtf4f " llccy Refunded : ' Pi'ffdvnt Bu;,r.l ul TittVs. ::'. temtcr'next. . ;. pcr ' ..' ' -'v ' ' f )f tho! late lamented 3Mr. Sumrscr. . Iiffi . : ' L j LouVmvr, N. C jl? Dare, O 3 Biivon. . . . . ,he dark hour . vidcli followed it The only blcTrlrr; that will i nlUh Tr,hn AvricW' U Hi! for Cat .711 a'lp.-d the Co jrt.f Nas!t,Kri k is ir, C,..nvi:i. . attcQ.ntifJ. Waku Can. T jV-i,i.v,,'!i--S-.;:r:i!j CVnrt it North . r.f 'ariiM-. !;.! iLc U. I?. C:rt.it and v CVUltf. Ho. 7-tf r-".;f-r-v- tho rlory of her past haeo-' oiled turft.ee. It ia hunraniccd vi at - with the thwn of better jc-sc-ryo th, leather and t:,l:c it yAlui t .g -. rr-,rcc:v.Mn:.; !ef3 ntity and Uuri.t;, ie boutii, the raonr' chan-iprudu.-v a p-.rf.-cf. :-!ocs thazi c?:y (.-.Lti.1 boon driven from her (em4:!l'! liru' to ij3 J'PP'dd iuimeui-itcU zi i 2 i... i h-, ' j i ;m t -:''t: iJu-iir.jron mo uiae.ciPflr. A per l- -t .ji. i'M I.UU 11113 Will U'-l .fU CVtT2 v vitii a na7 nie. to enter iTr.oi' - nvc. ro;:.: s v. o ..Tr-rfr ir -.. 1 ;OUUi John Armstrong, Lvi X 1 Favcttcvi'lo Sfut,, pi IIA L73ICJ II, v Moito. xv :ori!;cg our 1.'. p.r.V "111 f into ft hi-- tions, expressive of the sense and feel Blackii-rr. v. ::h - - P. ices r.s !ov: Libei at ana.j:e--''1 meiciiaati 'ge--" fe'g The Baltimore Gazette cayc: ttf-lnrol inninotiMio Viitto rocir-i fl tt hn Kanufaclurcrc, Durham, II. C, ' Messrs, Cooke, Balcer, Yxrborough P King and Fuller were appointed ovYt eaid committee'. ' After' having retired a short time!? the Comiuitto returned, and througlildj U. M. Cooke hsa.. their Crairman repotted tho following - preamble ane resolutions, to-wit: , r rn i "i ttt ti r -1 V' "-"'-' "'b'""- "V4U... Montcomerv. Allen Jordan New Hanover. S II ManaiDff. J Hl?l Smith, GZ French." Northampton, William Barrow. Pasquotank, W J Munden. Perquimans, J W Albertson. Polk, N B Hampton. Randolph, J W Bean, A M Lowe. Richmond, O II Docktry. Robeson, Dr Duncan Sinclair andom and forage and thei Rutherford, James Justice Stokes, W W McCandless Nfwspapyr, Magazines and Lhw B-Kks of every dc-srrrptiou hour 1 in tbc very lct Styl-j- ttnd at Lowest Prices. jauOO 12:n . Lumbsr For Sale. I have on hand one hundred tlie-u- and feet ot firt Tato weather-board in.T-j c'loonng, bastard FlooiiDfr, Ccilir.'-l kWiKC.c., sawea last winter, . wLicn uaa promptly fflled.gj g-" , L frit t ia i am also prepared to till inis foi. t CitimhM nt mv mill ohnn r n.i!ia T jar " ingm public meeting, do Itcsolvo ;MGrantham. Attitl'. LIi ILAliSUEll. I E 1 1 1 . i.:3 - ' vades the pcoplo of our State oocasioncriran n-,w;n n wn.ii t9 , , r , ,. . t;4 r PjiiLS UaVlS. J J JMOWell. r.a linnn entiTvW rf nmn mill l?r PL 4 w... -bV This Blacking is recommended in&J f gen ot a change of agricultural policy m tho Iiighcst -terms, after trial, bv Cd.l filthe South, .whereby the planters wiUrt. Brown. J. Ilov.-ani Warcnr" T.-.w-l ger, W Mfslendeavor to mow their own .suTjnlcs.-JLork: 'the President and Professors ofS'i J instead of beins pependent for tccmfoO Fozcr -"T;-i "d a large .nuc- 1 ' " . a b Pr 01 nticmca :n ann around ir.r-- uFuu uiu OLow.uUa ui kUU wuaM. K-jhr.m, whose certiCeate3 have been lur--- frtnfomrAiorw rtnhhthAil of P?rn Ala t'.fl., ; .1, .1 it.. IT 1 1 : fbama, says that the ,canebrake rcgion'1 Orders solicited aad t i: i v ; ;t ;j h' irfjIrliiB rp TOiil hfLVt nlnnftr i,f ita rTr x.. L.?rowt i an ft come to marn. Yhaiv.M.yiJ'ii r-is ; nn I . r3 ? ?wuwumwi a (11-11 lion. hsrnfntnrn linnn h.i! J m . . f 4." " "v raMU,,rvttl .l, . K is rc rn,tQoln .timber woul rowed and sent to tne Northwest iiuc- " ww-f f4iredot thousand ot dollars to pay forF1. TliC ?av3 lpi;i property situated or.?: r tran,nrffi.Kl?aVy,Uree!c. J" klm county is of-jf n-.tion. ana nave fieDenaea noon rcmrPu rh rvpiiTa n-. i t. I lcottun croo to nav the debt. Now.Eiaad draw custom from a l&rrm toorf. nC-'i ElJhowever, ! this money is cither in thekj-J Connected' with tLo mills i,g ni id t iu- i-.wf ..i.-.. ..rTjO acrts cf good lend. lU r S. bU1 luc . UIM AtpW to W. L. THORP. win uu i buuu us lueir cutiuu ib'-a 1 Ml kind of (groceries rIi -A-1. IS! Jfi S S ISADDLEBY ESTABLISH- - KENT. i 'A I have just m i cd n barren aai .dii'.c. il:t p ia Lrit!u:p, 1 ; bt11 i . ... tv'11' ' r.i'HVH oo usi.it c i hh iock t :Ji vjsc'iii.v tisd-! H.n... ami Sddlet. l:i i-inp.oy - i an u AM rur.cc-d work tJir.- uu.i I r. ".rr ';t all tin woik put op ss ;y n.e ; all Ui ul j t npniiirg iu mj K-t.Jse done -n thort nu:Uo nu on yry p. re:.ou i! tie tirnp. yly Siit.p it over Mr. khl' CHriilc'n tStoro mi 11 in btrtrtt, p I Milictt te putniQjge ot thi j'-itop:o tl i;al lii , ; narantccd at y. b. clifto. PH0T0GHAPHIC v "Norther; Gallery. JIAIN STIIEST. 1 .1. l.il ... . : vy u ueaui o! ner greai ana gooi Warrer3j j W Thoruc and j q Co2by.future season in producing a home supsfel eonVtlham Alexander Graham, amMl Washington, J M Bateman. nW of nroTiaioM. The nlantera Wishing to give expression to that fed &3 Wayne," W T Fairclotb, G msi-aisinc cattle and hoes, bo that nextfa Hyear they hepe to produce their ownln That in tho death of Win A. Grahami Wilkes, T J Dula. J Q A Bryan. year they hepe to prod jjbeef and bacon. The projpect is jjpromisingi our contampbiary adds.ttl B'tbat planters who did not sow corn thipK' r5i .... .. ... ..- my mill about six miles fromt. Persons wishia" btib oIHTS.S d do well to see me UfvXj tL M. k!&mmm More contracting witn any on; else, at. the body cf timber ia which my mil Mis located has never been picked. pA .-lia J. P- Tntrtr.Tir.iTrT. m. July 31-2 m. ' 1J - K r.T n t i p n iz fej 11 U 1 1 u Ha fed Rocky llouut N. C.54 ' - . . Vi a 1 1 1 . Anyone visaing to employ f.n cx5:-i AV ' perienccd Miller, to run a Grist & Sav. j-'- lo wdl? to apply to the undersigned. M L. E. BARTHELIMEW Jr. A Laurel Fraaklin Co., t' G. W. MINNIS, Photographer, Old Xo. 47, New 141 Sycamore St. PETERSBURG. Va J'lill, for the year 1878, would do fir- Jit my Gallery oyer Mr. T. X. Car- to ile's 8tore can tc iouad at all timet . Wj round, fqcaro and rustic frames. I am f ilio prcpjae'I to take Gem typesW'-txu iiiDil cabioet txz-: Photographs. - When you wnt a good picture ol outsi.ll uzd family, call at my Oallery. Very Repf ctlally, Y. K CLIPrOH. .-1 r 4 till D1S0LUTI0N, wo recognize the loss of North Caro-1 Yadkin, B F Jones. - V I P , T-CrTTT.T TPAW CT? VT . TWO statesman whoo Inn nnd f-dMifirM - v'-- t.jyear wiliclo it next year, and there willf every tijxc 01 uuentss irorra xuo vopanncrsnip nercioiorecx.il statesman, whoso leng and iAuhf ul THE CARPET-BAGGERS. t orpins ot hundreds of thoard J? .li?t3 tiz ia tbe best styles ousting under the style of Place & Con-f " public services to tho Siata and hed-M . fb.she r V? rUrat?V,. MyNas dbsolvod on the lOthlnsti oral Governments wero of inc;inalky ' . . . .f , w , . . c ot Dos.e.., tLere wm bo corn, corc.arantcel. Gallery established ia 1874Mr. W. B. Conway liavin loucht out 1 , , , .... . . l-i Ia a recent Yisit to Washington, Sec-;;rjevery where com plenty and to smre; Oct. 2 ly 1 it . . , , 0 i,, e u. ,7 value and whose mgh integrity, ?untMUor Robcrtsoo, a Senato.ihere will be corn in abundance ggo f 1 T M,b??r N raclcr, uevouon ,o uury anctrom South Carolina, and a natiye,tbere was never corn beforv." Thi OO 0J ;KrTir 7" nucuty ansuccess in ad the man, taiked very freely about the present rpoliey, which thus seems to have tak pnopirnn Vo lonta against the firm will prcl cut! positions of trust which he was callecWfom moyfmcnt in hts Stated He-ac-en a promising start in a thrilty section i A J.X.Uij U jlIU" ia, fjthem for payment, and those indebtedt to Ell reflected honor upon ou:iknowcded tbac the picture ' of SonthVjOf Alabama, although not general icf -g I'TPn'TRR ? to tho firm, will pleaso make settle- State, which ho loved with patriotivtfCarolina .' given by the independeatlthe South, is awise one. Tho rotation , V . (. ( ment without delay. , r ardor and served with loving z-al, bpTCS of ltc country had been none to?j;if c"opa one great cause of ogricuitn-My7atclimakcr and J CW-t PL VC2 & COMVAY Resolved, That, whil? wo deplore hp!3colfed d added: ; : ; - sucss and ol wealth in the NorthH ; nTor ' nLouisburg N. C.Jnly17 1874, ' I death as a nublic bs3 ad calamitvW Nearly cil that voutsulen lmow . ClCr. . tt . '. ? I wo are not vrurh ' ""1 rf v tussensioD, fraud and corruption;:?0103 pygroTviag their own food etf. FTTH Trtfibw sri .Wclrr of tT-o b--V Having soid my interest in thoCar-?: , , I '!l f,Srf!; : -ii trie, and-if it appears bad to ihes0 another scource ot pfosw?xity3V iowt-.t i kxs. -riage factory of Place & Conway, tor sorrow which uaa fallen tironhu honcr ,'..-,..., , . ... ca...: y Ah work i crrttliyatienu4 to asd wsr-i' tt t oa, t t i cd fauailv. and t-.-G tonu-r t tlui. tiT, i.l - t .vs. ,,.v,ni5 .m',.i .i:.,.. 4.. tl E3 yvi-r-.nrf. vt. . Trt-.-..v.r- t tT-Jin Tecommprtdin 1:5m In Vi r.t-.r.tA f!f 3 . - i . . v ( t i ; T j : ; i . i t rn cp'.r r- c rn i - - -- j v. v. i.; ..-v. 4. luluj nt t r i . - w - -i w. w w . r i r w ...w i - i uiri SIX REASONS WHY tou should ETims xs TilE l'ENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C0MPAI1Y. 021 GUESTSCT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Ut. Bccauje it is one of the oldest conn try, and past tie TT71 "B -a A icoispaniea lo the coi lb 1 ft 11 T-v hOI35l IT 'f experinaits. iai.mbcr ot the Company, Kill its sdvantages and pnvil very policy holder Is entitled to before the ad- vance, which we tg a right to vote at all clcctMas lor rusteet, and thus has an ic2aeac la us management. Sd Because it has the largest aces mul&ted fuLd of sny Lite Iasarasc K'ompany in tht Stite. j 4tb. Because by economical maa !gement, Iu ratio of expenses to totU :ccome is'lar U!oir the average c4 LUc loompaoics. (See OOdal Insnrincs) fare selling at old;- 'iteoorts.) 1 5tb. Bccacso it hat declared dots T.hich, whilo i V far a good froyemmenti cannot Lssen their rrief, may Tzrr wu,?!? must get rid of the carpet I ttUr-'.emg core end convert it into n: r -home. Experiment " tn-.t ?- l--.:;! To the Public. buw'J v-u;u.-uiaiiv:i ill v.r assurance laui ':..,i:.rwi:w. ius Dana.u, ii is J-'-" " uvw na . . - , . , ji. J their l- u fck y a!!,."- ' and the re en be no tme rtforr,-J AUbaraain Kentucky otVC1; ResUvcJ, That tho Secretary of thi- ;r'-tiJ it-is'dIvcn - outi-'I think Govr-cssc w.Lcro this, wholesome inc--,f T.wr, on the Fraaklicton road. ' i3 mceliatftracsmU a cW rf thr ' :aiberla!n is not to be deterred " bv' v' in Tcgne. , Tba depredi pre in itifoiming tho peophH mc" st " i. ir ; , , xtthc rkaotWut hts -own t-r- of thieves aro ccmpiainod of asf -nkhri, that I am prepared to do?; 1 cecdings-to the family cf tho deceased..!' 1 , i lU ,w , , u.W,Mhrn cfrrV ; . - fil wt-rk in rry ibe, as cheap as can b-?J t , , -p I,. fV.,TtTJT colored voter has hrrned to est; v.- dk npon ttock raiting- in . thvi;,j02rt. tT;LV;ye,,- x' . and alo to the Franklin CGUIlLbiL -j t . t , . 4, - 'v-o, iW-wiHthftri i-- t TJJ tiianttu.T 1 . ;. t'r.U: tr.e true valua ot the carpet-bs-V oul tncsa " 13 .taougnt, w.u ue-p, ,r pi.t paticagp," and dccerely hcoj;"j lor p'-wiicatio:i. -. ' i-:cr. and he cannot baused'as a' mcrc-f.irrca?,i'aC!aPJx:ifen mdunrv ia-r".hat you will cent jane to patrosxzo rael-1 franklin and surrounding countio. 4 R.j.?LAci:pr2ees Carrinjrre Fnntn P O -w-.. CM . COOKE. GKQlvGE S. BAKEPv.. H, F. YAliMOllOUOH. :;T LN k Mt. V"M. W:.Pf;L!.Flt. ' ' i3 1 - - - ... r'4 A rfeflfl JPf g the policy r.or.h $11,010. I'i UUU OLtWiiti.j C;b. Ikc.uscU isliUralin rr , . . . . - - . . r-t m . 't . L - h.sat, prvmpt.ia iu J-'.s AlaT1TJS ccngat the interest of Mr ! LSlOflfl tiATr 4V ' 'j U-jond a cenib-'tney, . J. riace in the Carriage lactorv? i KJCVF T V Jt : , .re as !u a any xlrit-cU&s ' . . . : . r f . . s t r-iT iioo m. vcuwftT. iroteetfii:iTfv:i-v.r ' . . cou&wt. f,v:ai been m the past.'? , fe-- M'-n - -n'.- , v r"r. I -Guarantee satisfaction ia alvV" : ' ' . " - ' ' v r - . . - ,1 , y. - - ' - P-S. Parties wishing to h?,ve wcT'rvwnrl- U'JU " ai t -' r a he Corr.iEr. for three months ,mn - . r'i.f -j V -ir h-i-i., J , ' - . n tofei - C0XVAY. CarroiT & riGasanlS' f'mti tl; County suusenha at once. . thi coia-n. - . "O'JSti. ' ' " - ' t" Louhhurg: N. C. ' . r Q ;: ,. Lottbbws, N, C. i 5tb. JIccj i j iividjnds 10 ccnUr, aad of a larger i irrcrase rerr rtagp, than any Compaaj f'a tbe Ut-iUd btatce. r j Yjx txsmple:.- Policy No 16, for t;0"0, has hctn pkid to tlie widow of V.'- pb'dkdtlpliia merdiact, upon whica j r.ci ty-;hrcc dividends bad been de wed, avc-.:.ag City seven percent. T.j;l-d tLtoi- .ivir. nds t.cca used to pnr x hae td.hti .1.3 to this policy, $5,048 Tiote woui.l hare been reU xcd msk- ItSOSA- scttllesxesta. and its rates Coopaay 4 Princi nal iatt:re. Small exrxcses. f 1 doiote security ,lire return prtraloos. j rotopt payment ci Uuij$9 aad UberaU Gen!, Uanajtr for t j rotopi. psymtnt 01 f ty to tht :r:rT2rc:l. I W. IL I INCH, . ;::orth Carol ir. a. '. W. D. srilUILL, Gca'L Agtat, 'Fraskiiatoa, N. C. s ft

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