Advice to Young Lawyers. Jtulgo Underwood, of Georgia, gave the following advice to four young law yers who had just passed an examination in his court : Young gentlemen, I want to say a thing or two to you. You have passed as good an examination as usual. perhaps better; but you don't know. anything. Like those young fellows just back from their graduation college, you think you know a great deal. It's a great mistake. If you ever get to be any account you will be surprised at your present ignorance. Don't be too big for your breeches.' (Jo round' to the justice's court and try to learn some thing. Don't bo afraid let off upon a high key. You will, no doubt, speak a great deal of nonsense. You will have ono consolation nobody will know it. The great mass" of mankind take sound for Sftnse. Never mind about your case, pitch in you aro about as apt to gain as lose Don't be ashamed at the wise-looking justice. Ho don't know a thing. He's a dead beat-on knowledge. Stand to your racK, fodder or no fodder, and you will see daylight after a while. The com munity generally supposo that you will bo rascals,, j There is no absolute neces sity that you shouLL You may be smart without being tricky. Lawyers ought to bo gentlemen. Some of them don't como up tp the standard, and aro a dis grace to the fraternity. They know moro than any other race generally, and not mnchtin particular. They don't know anything about sandstones, car boniferous i periods, and ancient land animals known as fossils. Men that make out they Vnbw a great deal on these subjects don't know much. , They are humbugs-supcib humbngffl They are ancient ldnd , animals themselves, and Will nltirflnfW Yin traala Vjtn am JJ J VIWJ, W. !. OHIO- missed" with tho sincero hopo "61 the court thaV you will not make asses of yourselves,,; T- Old Time Target Shooting 1 Tho following reminiscence is revived by tho Iioston Traveller: Just as we aro interested about nflo shooting now because of -the skillful shots made by some olonr nilemen in the British islands, wero men interested, here and hercajjout, a hundred years ago, concerning, riflo shooting in that army which had shut up the British in Bos ton. 3Ir. I rothingham, in his most readable History of the Siege of Bos ton," suys, when referring to matters in that army, in' tho latter days of July, 1775 : " Tho Southern riflemen attracted much attention. They had enlisted with great promptness, and had marched from four to seven hundred miles. For a short hmo largo bodies of them arrived H bainp. They wero remark ably stalwart, men, dressed in white frocks or riilo shirts and round hats, and were H,ill(ul marksmen. 4 At a review a company of them, while on a quirt advance, fired their balls into objoots of seven inches diameter, at a distant of 250 yards. They were utationt'dm the lines, and became terri ble to tho British. Tho accounts of their prowess Wjlo circulated over England. One of them, taken prisoner, was carried there, and Uho papers describe him minutely -gara remarkable curiosity." So there was ono American rifleman in Kngland lUKI&uiy a8 the English inon were thinking of American rifle firing, as they jifo now. Mr. Frothingham quotes fr$ a letter, dated July 19, 1775, in which it Is stated the general uniforms of tho riflemen are made of. brown Hol land and Osnaburghs, something like a snirtr doublo-capcd over the shoulder. in imitation of the Indians; and on the breast, m fcapital letters, is their motto "Liberty or "Death!" In these davs Americans shoot with Englishmen, not at them which is a much better way of nsingViuWV . r .Too Many Colleges. Tho eftW of tho " college mania" on education in Kentucky are thus de scribed by the Lexington Dispatch: Wo usnaflyUnd in our towns huge and nugainly J&cks of- buildings, sometimes tlecayingeia tho somber shades of deser tion ; at others, standincr isolate!. half thoerooms occupied with broken 'windows tirtd panels, and with forlorn looking teachers and pupils, and the other half empty, and oecasionallv micu-wiuipupiis whose tuition costs thirty, forty, or fifty dollars per seasion, and these trices donhl! h "J VAUiU. Truly, education in Kentucky is too WKU oouuy ana ragged specter. We have seen as manv as three nf thne ,,. boildings for schools in a town of 2,000 population, all called colleges, and yet A -. A A) At vwu noi inree empty. We recently saw in a village of four or five hundred people, anl not eligibly situated, a three story, twelve-room college building erected at cost enouxrh to lv competent building for a good graded ouiiw uu iuna at interest sufficient, with the State- funds, to havo sustained a good graded school perpetually, yet with but about, thirty pupils in attend ance. .. -.1-. Jlrgrztncoln's Cnaitinr Mrs. Iiodln's mental condition. ao- She wiuiug kj a report, is unimproved. wAW A 1 . . 4cu" iu m insane asylum at Batavia. au., wuere sue has careful al and is often visits! ivw attendance, relatives. Although she dnvtsAn ltaKK;iw u. . . rij,xict JJ is constantly occupied with plans mind for her " uuuuubr. . a menu who saw Al . mero reocnuy says: "As she hands with rao at nartW t shook thought I could perceive in the diplomatic and smild a return of th nM - bow , sjrijra. manner, and my heart was full for society the "vmilu wuo sat nown silent and alor her solitary .room, to keep imagi alone in firinarv vWU,uUj ,wuu ocnators and amb dors." t;haa been urged that this ambassa- i3 a DTrimra oi ner life among ualists, but' it is fim Spirit- A. ... - J m. mm scenes - - - , -i, nmuf tho ange 6f death can erase. ' Mrs. coin did spend several months at I'Huwzrapaea on th io.r, .k;i . only vujutiuh, ia., under am assumed and, in the company of a soci Spmtualists: but it name, :iety of definite Jy known how much their influence had rw uv uex eciipsa oi reason. TJie Countess Handkerchief. The French papers are full of a societv scandal or divorce in high life of the Count di Hello from his wife. The case was begun years ago in Portugal, land came up, in May last, before the court of appeals, which denied the motion for a separation. .As the count and lovely countess were well known to manv Americans in Nice during the winter of 1872, a few details of the cause of their domestic troubles may not prove unin teresting. The rich Russian Prince de N gave a grand soiree at his elegant villa, and invited several American offi cers, who were then with the fleet at "Villefranche." Among the invited guests were the count and his wife. During the evening they were both in troduced to the young and popular Vicomte Gustavus Lilio, an officer with a glorious record for one so young, and belonging to one of the most illustrious families of Belgium. He was the beau of the evening and the pet of the ladies but sumse it to say Lilio fell desperate ly in love with the beautiful Spanish countess, and she with him, though her prida forbade her to admit the possibili ty of such a thing. Yet she was proud of her conquest, and accepted marked attention from the handsome officer. It was her first meeting, though they were not unknown to each other. During the evening the foolish wife wrote a few lines on a slip of paper which she in tended to give the young viscount to caution him against her jealous husband. During the dancing the enamored pair stole into one of the fairy, bpudoirs, and a tete-a-tete was pleasantly progressing;; and a rendezvous passionately solicited by the viscount, when, with trembling hand, she handed him the few lines she had. written, wrapped in her handker chief; "Read .this a little later,." said she, and started to enteY4lto ball-robm, but was met, face to face, by the infuri ated husband, who had missed them from the room. An ironic smile was on his lips. " My dear viscount," said he, " if I mistake not my wife quite mon opolizes your soci ty. It is nearly two hours since you left the ball-room, and the guests began to inquire for you." While thus speaking he reached his hand to take the handkerchief, which he recognized as his wife's, when Lilio drew back in indignation, exclaiming: "This handkerchief is not yours." " Pardon me," said the count, "it bears such a strong resemblance to that of my wife's, and if hers, she must have given it to you." " You are mistaken," said Lilio; " it was not given to me I took it." " The handkerchief is worth two hundred louis, and if you took it you are a thief," was the retort. At this, the row began; hot, angry words were exchanged. The result was a challenge and a duel arranged to take place the next day. During this dis pute, the poor countess . fainted on a sofa. Two American officers went as seconds for the count, and the antago nists met a short distance from Ville franche. As the moment drew near, the young Belgium asked a special favor to be allowed to wear his white vest, giv ing as a pretext his fear of taking cold and the contes began with swords. At the first "pass " Lilio's sword fell from his hand, the saber of his adversary hav ing pierced him tb the "heart. He fell without a word dead. His " seconds " in examining his wound found the fatal handkerchief pierced by the sword of Mello and saturated with his heart's blood. These are the details' of Mia cause for which the count asked a seper ation on suspicion'of his wife's1 infili! ty, and which was denied by the highest uuurt oi irortugai. JFYirm X(fe. A writer in LipjnncoW thus descants vvrU iiumciB auu iarm me : A farm- ooy s fortune is secure, since he is perfect ly acquainted with art of getting along without things. He is used to carrying the'61d bushel basket bottomed with canvas and having iuuiMsni mac nurt iiis shoulders, for the hired man trenerallv 'warta fi He takes up with the 6ld hoe and tho worst and most vilely-hung 'scy the. Ho is content to be the raggedest person mivo ruggeder than newsbovs, beggars, cr bootblacks. Tho m w M.V T M. O xJLX rainy, davs is a wonrler. lwiV - - 1 uvuig uiuoujr composed of patches, - Rain, snowr sleety xt x uafc ialCnes, spunters on gateposts, and bars, screws. hnnVa irrT in1r-A 4AAxl. and pther coat-destroying elements of farm lif. 1 auui iei6 ineir marks upon ,it. When Rabekis says "ragged as an apple-gather, 'the-employs a true as well a. Tn"f ou'"i for in apple-picking the boy's coat and red flannel shirt leave tatters waving like bannerols from the tops of half the trees in orchard. " It's well there is no wind blowing, or your rags would whip J""- ia ine comment of that satyr, the hired man, who works in good clothes himself. Tlie Ivw nf th fo so impressed with the necessity for care- irugauiy inai ir he loses the heel-wedge of the scythe (he is supposed lost it whenever it is gone), he thinks he has lost an nrf.inla i ble value, and spends hours in looking ureas a plow point is in his regard a heart-shattering event When he wants nails he searches for them in refuse boards, and is satisfied with such ancient wrought-iron ones as are to be cathered from tha -,n. n I i j Ji sheds ; and even these he fears ousht to yukiu uienau-Dox; where they will be of use, and not wasted nonsensically, for so the farmer thinks. " If this boy don't learn economv wimphnw never bo able to earn a Hying," says the . uam-nstea larmer ,1s a safe man to imitate. He is catchpenny wise, without beinir by anv mwmq nnA t ish. Ho knows bow tn i. wwvMiiiumw stocks and bonds as well as collections of orn-out Harnesses .and wagon wheels. He understands tho founding of the fortunes of a bmrn fumiW . ,; . o- -j a ouus win h judges, railway directors, bankers -their sons, after Yale and Harvard, will be tourists in Europe and loungers at Saratoga ; and their sons for bo we go --will be boys of the farm and children of the district school An Unlucky Ship, The steamer Abbotsford, of the Philadelphia-European line, which re cently went ashore on the coast of Wales, has had an unusually hard experience, as detailed by her former captain to a reporter. He said : We left Antwerp on the 24th of November, 1874, for New York, with 400 passengers on board, and all proceeded well till we ar rived in the straits of Dover, where we stopped for five or six minutes to 'land our North sea pilot. While so stopping and while our pilot was stepping into a boat tho steamer Indus, belonging to the Pennsylvania and Oriental steam ship company, ran into us, carrying away our stem to three feet above the water line. The Indus was bound down channel, like ourselves, and the collision occurred through the Indo trying to shave us too closely. The case is now pending in the English admiralty courts. The following day I steamed up to the Victoria docks, London, where we transferred our passengers to another steamer and the Abbotsford was repair ed, necessitating a delay of one month. On the 22d of December we again sailed "for our destination with forty nine passengers, and all went well until we arrived in thirty-five degrees west longitude and about fifty degrees west north latitude, being about 950 miles across the Atlantic,, when one day we encountered a very heavy gale, and lost our propeller, which had broken off, leaving no J vestige behind. What caused it to snap off like this is a mys tery to me. j It had been in use for eighteen months previously and had never shown any signs of weakness. Having lost pur screw we were convert ed into a sailing ship, and, for reasons of prudence,! I determined to put back, to Queenstown, and headed the shipper, that place. At ti is time terrible gales prevailed, and no less than ten steamers had recently foundered - in tho bay of Biscay. We arrived off the Irish coast on the 8th of January, and while off the Fast nets, heading for Queenstown, during the prevalence of a very heavy gale, sighted our sister steamer, the Pennsyl vania, and 'signaled her to stand by, which she responded to. Tho gale was blowing dead on the shore, from the southwest. . jThe Pennsylvania then at tempted to take the Abbotsford in tow, and while endeavoring to do so the Pennsylvania struck us on the port bow, staving in about forty feet of the ship's side, .'"above j water line, and the sea washed in and out with therolling of the steamer. Several boats were smashed cn the Pennsylvania. Our next effort was to beat joff tho land, which we suc ceeded in doing, the Pennsylvania stand by us in case of further accident. The following morning at seven A. m., the wind having gone down, the Pennsyl vania towed the Abbotsford from Seven Heads, and towed her till three p. m., when the tugboats Achievement and Lord Raglan fell in with them off the Old Head of Kin sale, where the hawser with which the Abbotsford was being towed parted. The Abbofsf ord was then taken in tow by both tugs, towing her safely into Queenstown, where we ar rived at half -past eight p. m;., on the 9th of February. The Pennsylvania then proceeded on her voyage! to Philadelphia. After mak ing temporary repairs to our ship we were towed to Liverpool, and there placed on the dry dock and fitted with a new propeller. Shortly after the vessel arrived there smallpox broke out among the steerage passengers, and a number of them were removed to the infirmary at Liverpool. The repairs being com pleted, the vessel at last set sail for New York pn the 24th of February, and after remaining there some time went round to Philadelphia and commenced running in the American line. A Terribte Accident. Amelia Harp, a widow lady, aged fifty five years, Iresiding with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Evans, also a widow, some five miles southeast of here, says the Read ing (Pa) EaqU, met her death un der peculiarly distressing circumstances. Mrs. Harp, better known by the name of Schweuk, her maiden name, was as sisting in putting away hay on the mow ,of her sister's farm. The hired man, Mjf. Charles Hesit, drove into the barn with a load, previous to which he per suaded Mrs. Harp to ascend to the mow, as it would be more convenient for her to reach there than after the- team -had entered. Heist then proceeded Jo the house to get a drink of water, the woman in the meantime sitting or lying down on the hay. A moment latex and Mr. Frank" Evans, son of R. Brook Evans, Esq., and grandson of Widow Evans, aged fifteen years, entered the barn with a two pronged pitchfork in his hands. The boy was also irfmg in taking in hay. Now knowing that the woman had preceded him, young Evans tossed the fork up to the mow, at which moment Mrs. Harp raised her head and horrible to state received one of the prongs , in her right eye. The point passed upwards and penetrating her brain some three inches produced death in less than ten minutes. The sad affair paralyzed the lad, and it was some moments before he could leave the epot ' - j . The mileniutn of Journalism In a recent book on journalists and journalism, the author says that we shal see the time when the strictly profes sional education of journalists will be far better than it is now. We shall see, too, a better appreciation of journalistic honor ; and a professional esprit de corps that will discourage the habit of perpetual personal attack upon individu al editors,! rather than upon the news papers they conduct and the they advocate. Why should it not be a universally accepted rule that public dis cussion has nothing to do with the edi tor, known or unknown, but only the paper unless, indeed. th .llf voluntarily connect his name with his article, or should hold m nffiv makes such connection trr rthM . necessity t Parts Green and, the Potato Bug, Prof. A. J. Cook, of the agricultural college, writes as follows to the New York Herald : . I hear that many fann ers call in question the method, recom mended for applying paris green to rid the potato vines of the Colorado beetle. Were we sure of such dry seasons as. we have had for the last two or three years, there is no question but that the water application, or the mixture with plaster would be preferable ; for then their use would be both economic and safe. Plaster with the green, in proportion of thirty or forty parts of the plaster to one of the green, will, prove effectual, and the plaster mixture does not form a paste, and so never kills the vines. The plaster, too, is cheap, and may be of value to the soil, so that a large applica tion is not costly nor dangerous. But suppose a pouring rain comes on the night succeeding the application ; the mixture is washed off, and the day fol lowing another application is to be made, and here is where the expense appears. Now, the flour mixture cannot be washed off, and if used sparingly will not injure the vines. It is not difficult to ap ply it in very slight quantities, and by making the mixture strong six parts of flour by measure to one of the green we shall still have sufficient green to prove effectual even though the mixture be applied ever so sparingly. As before, I advise just as little as can be seen on the vines and no more. This is very im portant. The advice I gave was given as the result of numerous experiments. I have known applications of the plaster mixture and of the water, mixture to be washed off almost as soon as applied. The flour mixture cannot be washed off ; so I would say still that - the - flour mix ture, if applied as 'stated, will, take the seasons togetherVbe the ciost tatisfaar tory, as salej'; always"effect"ua1, and will take the least amount of green. On oc count of ease of application,' I doubt not that the water mixture will come into most common use. If any ono wants to sow on thick and unsparingly then let him use the plaster, one of green to fifty or sixty parts of plaster ; but if he wants to be sore to save labor, then let him use the flour. . ; ..... In the last monthly report from the United States department of agriculturo the chemist, William McMurtie, states that large quantities of paris green, say nine hundred pounds to the acre, are in jurious to vegetation. That we nor our descendants may never reach this amount perhaps it would bo well to study how to use the least amount and still accomplish our purpose. The JElcho Shield. After one of the closest contests . that has yet taken place at Wimbledon, the Irish eight were declared the winners of the Elcho shield. This victory makes them once more champions of Great Britain, and will do much to console them for their defeat at Dollymount. The success of the Irish riflemen will give general satisfaction in America, where they have secured so many friends by the manly way in which they accept ed defeat at the hands of their American opponents, both at Creedmoor and Dol lymount. No doubt something of national self-gratification will enter into the feeling with which we regard this last Irish success. In defeating the picked teams of England and Scotland the Irish riflemen make good their boast, that though unable to defeat the Ameri cans, they could beat any team in Great Britain. The work done by the English and Scotch teams shows them tojiave been selected with care from the very best material available, and their defeat is practically a second victory for America. The absence of Messrs. Pol lock and McKenna from the Irish eight makes the victory won by the Irish the more significant, as they were replaced by marksmen confessedly inferior. The team which ha3 carried off the trophy of championship is unquestionably inferior to the one defeated at Dollymount, and this fact enhances the significance of the defeat suffered by the . English and Scotch riflemen. By the victory of the Irish eight America assumes the cham pionship of the world, and we gain all that a victory at Wimbledon would have given us had our riflemen been admitted to compete by the authorities of the English National Rifle Association. We hope the invitation extended to the rifle men of the world by Colonel Gildersleeve to take part in a grand contest for the rifle championship of the world at Phil adelphia riext1 jip SWH ' bb accepted,- so that a decisive trial of may be had: Habits of the Ostrich The greatest feat of an Arab hunter is to capture an ostrich. It is the largest of living birds, and probably the swiftest of all living animals. Being very shy and cautious, and living on the sandy plains, where there is little chance to take it by surprise, it can only be cap tured by a well-planned and long-continued pursuit with the swif est horses. The ostrich has two curious habits in running when alarmed. It always starts off with outspread wings, against the wind, so that it can sent' the approach of an enemy. Its sense of smell is so keen that it can detect a person at a great dis tance, long before one can be seen. The other curious habit is that of running in a circle. Usually five or six ostriches are found ia a company. When dis covered, part of the hunters, mounted on fleet horses, will pursue the birds, while the other hunters will gallop away at right angles to the course the ostriches have taken. When these hunters thfny they have gone far enough to cross the path the birds will be likely to take, they watch upon some rise of ground for their approach. If the hunters hit the right place and see the ostriches, they at once start in pursuit with fresh horses, and sometimes they overtake oue or two of the birds, but often two or three of the fleet horses fall, completely tired out with so sharp a chase. The best homemade fireproof safe is a hole in the ground, well lined with brick and cement. 1FEWS OP TUB DAY. - ' I Interesting Items from, Home and Abroad The widow of a German lost on the steamer Atlantic, which went ashore on the cout of Nova Scotia two years ago, raed the company for damages, in London, and recovered tlO, 000.. ..The crops of Dakota, which are about to be gathered, are the finest f or yean. The yield of wheat will be fully twenty-fire bushels to the acre, or about 7,000,000 bushels in the Territory. This will be over one hundred and fifty bushel to each inhabitant.... On account of the. scarcity of grain in Europe, there has been a heavy export of breadstuff from this country, and prices hare steadily adranced in consequence The American rifle team con tinue to add to their triumphs. Fulton won the 8L Leger sweepstakes, Coleman the rifle association cup, at six hundred yards, making forty-nine out of a possible fifty. In the con test for the Albert prizes, Sir Henry Balford took the first prize by scoring ninety-eight out of one hundred and fire, and Gildersleeve the second by scoring ninety-two A gas rein has been tapped at Sciotoville, six miles from Portsmouth, Ohio. The gas burns to a height of fifteen feet, and it is proposed to light Ports mouth with it. . . .The rerolt in Herzegovina is more serious than at first reported, as the whole district between Hostar and the Aus trian frontier, nearly down to nagusm, is in volved In the Parker trial in South Caro lina, the jury rendered a verdict of 175,000 for the State. England has again been subjected to heary rains and many of the rivers hare overflowed their banks, causing considerable damage. .... The Florence Journal states that (Ordinal Mc Closkey, accompanied by many American ecclesiastics, is expected in Come in Septem ber to receive' his hat from the Pope Gov. Kellogg, of Louisiana, has called the attention of the attorney-general to the frauds committed by the authorities in the State, and asks Lixn to bring the guilty ones to Justice Switzer land has voted 50,000 gold to aid in participa ting in the Philadelphia Centennial. . ..Returns to the department of agriculture at Washing ton show that the acreage in corn throughout the country, is about eight per "cent." greater than last year. . . . t . As the Cincinnati firemen were engaged in a burning building the walls fell in and buried ten of the gallant men bc nckth the ruins. Instantly a large force went to work getting them out, and succeeded in rescuing all of them alive, although it ia prob able that several will die from their wounds. Chief-Engineer Slegrue was in the second story of the building at the time, and three hours afterward was taken from the rooms un conscious. The loss by fire amounts to 1 100,- 000 The military in the vicinity of Black Hills captured thirteen miners and four wagons on their way to the hills. The New York grain market is unusually brisk, and prices continue to advance idightly. Immenso quantities of breadstuff are being shipped to Europe, the demand on the other side of the water, being brisk on account of the partial failure of crops Russia and Ger many intend to grant military furloughs on a large scale next year In May last a young white lady was brutally outraged by a negro hack driver at Inka, Miss. The scoun drel was captured recently and on being tried was sentenced to prison for life. That night a mob broke into the jail, and taking the negro out hung him near the scene of the outrage. The coroner's jury in the case of young Bailey, of New York, who shot and killed his father, returned a verdict of justifiable homi cide. The accused was held for trial in $2,000 bail. . . .The bankers in convention at Saratoga adopted , resolutions calling for a speedy re sumption of Bpecie payment ; demanding that the war tax on banks be abolished ; that the two-cent stamp required for checks and vouch ers ought to be abolished... .Jesae Tomeroy, the Boston boy-murderer, was frustrated in an attempt to break jail At the Presbyterian council held in London, it was determined to form an alliance of all the Reformed Presby terian churches In the world By the ex plosion of a tug in New York harbor, one man was killed and another wounded .... .The ac countant who has been examining the accounts of the New York State treasurer reports them all right A terrible fight occurred in Per- dado, Escambia county, Ala., between two families, Hallett and Byers, in which six men, consisting of father-and two sons on each side, were engaged. Five of the party were killed outright, while the sixth and last has a load of buckshot in his side wh;ch must cause death. Baron Loe and Herr 8igl, both TJ tra montanes, were sent to prison in Germany for using treasonable language. The contest at Wimbledon between the Irish, Scotch and English riflo teams for the Elcho shield, resulted 'in a victory for the Irish, who mde 1,500 points, lo the Scotch 1,503 and the English 1,502. .". . . .The July re turns to the department of agriculture show that the acreage of tobacco is greater than that of last year..-....E.". Johnson, deputy col lector of internal revenue and a member of the Florida Legislature, was shot and kUled at a still-house about ten miles from Fernandina. The assassins are unknown.. '...The Maryland Democratic convention nominated John Lee Carroll for.governor'-Tne'plaUorm protests against a high protective tariff ; and against the multiplication of federal offices and theun usually high salaries ; derftores the abuses of federal patronage, which tend to corrupt the States and free institutions ; that agriculture, manufacture silUconifcfcff ahonld b. tb equal care' of weltfelgulaiedgovernniets; pro tects against an increase of the circulating currency, and demands the resumption ' of specie at the earliest practicable moment ; op poses the granting of subsidies The Ohio river and its tributaries overflowed their banks on account of heavy rains, and much damage was done to the growing crops A san guinary affray took place at Skin Bayou, in the Cheroke nation, twelve mile from Fort Smith, in which three men wero instantly killed. The combatants were of the rival political factions of Ross and Downing. The night following, the contesting dans, about thirty strong each, again met and considerable firing was indulged In, bat with what result is not known The coroner's jury in the inquest over the victims of the collision on the Rockaway railroad, returned a verdict in which they severely censure the railroad company in not employing rood and comrjeimt j sufficient number to operate the road safely.-Staie-Anditor Clinton, of Ixwiaiana, whose accounts have been recently examined and pronounced correct y experts. Las resigned his office, as he cannot harmonize with the trnxer Hugh Donahue, the pedestrian, completed the ak of walking 1,100 miles ia 1,100 ronsecutive hours in Boston. He was in good condition at the dose...... The govem- aent is preparing a small steamer to act as picket on the Rio Grande to prevent Mexi can cattle thieves raiding into Texas The vaults and safes of the national bank and sav ingsbankat Winthrop, Me., were blown open by burglars and robbed of fM.OOO Engine No. 32 on the Delaware division of the Erie road, exploded near Sawmill Rift bridge, killing engineer Fuller, fireman Stevenson and a flag man. The report was heard five mOee off.... The cocking tanks in Close A Done paper miD at Iowa City, Ia., exploded and kmed five men. More than half the mill was destroyed, at a lose of over $100,000 The Pbiladelphla steaatx Abbotsford, whita struck oa the coast of Wales, is a complete wreck In the trial of the men indicted for complicity in the Mountain Meadow massacre. Bishop Bmith testified that he was present at the m anuria in 1857 ; he opposed the destruction of the party, but was overruled, and John Lee had orders to take men out and intercept the Immi grants. Lee went with bis command to where the immigrants were intrenched against the Indiana, and by means of a white flag had a parley with them, the result of which that they agreed to accept our protection, The immi grants all marched out, and at the word Lee's soldiers fired and shot down the men and wo men, and cut their throats. The young, chil dren were saved. The property of the immi grants was taken to the tithing -house. Brigham Young told wiUees to say nothing of the matter. An official statement made by M. fvrnnT. minister of public works, t the French Assem bly, estimates the total damage done to pro perty by the inundations in the south of France at 15,000,000.... 1. The strike of the opera tives in the cotton mill at Oldham, England, doses up one hundred mills and throws tbir teed thousand people out of work.... Assistant Street Inspector Zeimer, of Cleveland; O attacked Mr. Cowl a, editor of the Leader, tot an alleged libelous article. Zeimer struck Cowles a violent blow on the head while the latter was sitting down, and when two bystan ders caught Zeimer ' arms ht drew a putol, and was endeavoring to cock it when Cowles knocked him down with a cane. Zeimer was arrested A German employed on a plan tation at Frenchman's Bayou, Ark having disappeared after drawing some money, sus picions were arouced, and "two negroes with whom he was last seen were arrested. They confessed to having murdered and robbed the man and showed where the body was hidden. They al fctatod that they belonged to an organize! band under the leadership of a white man named Burton, and had killed and mur dered a number of people. The crowd had grown to a mob by this time and they were so infuriated by the confession that they took the negroes out and shot one dead, when the other broke away and, escaped. Warrants were is sued for all the parties "belonging1 to the band of outlaws. f IaxonascB. Mr. M. D. Conway has the following bit of amusing gossip in hi last letter from London: In the Ilam II All (Staffordshire) collection of pictures, just sold at auction, one pic ture was designated as "Lafayette signing the Declaration of Independence of America," and it is stated to have been once in th possession of Itobes picrro. It was a genuine Greuzo, and was bought by Agnew for 100." Millions of intelligent women say that Dobbins' Electric Soap (made by Cragin & Co., Philadelphia) is in every respect the bct soap ever made, and will do three times tho work of any other. Try it, Hearing stored. Great invention. Book free. G. J. Wood, Madison, Ind. Com. " Healing on the wings," say all who have made uaeof Dr. Vixiar'$ DtxUmm of Will Cherry, and by such use been cured of cougbs, coldi, bronclutiK, eoro throat, influenza or consumption. The prudent will alway keep thw standard romody by them. Fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, large bottles much the cheaper. Com. We have 6ften wondered whether there is a person in the country who doe not know and appreciate the value of Johnson's A noflyne Linivteni as a family medicine ? It is adapted to mcft all purposes, and is the best pain destroyer that can be used. Com. Farmers and 'stock raisers have fre quently told us that they have seen very good results from giving Sheridan's Cavalry Con dition Powders to cows,and swine before and af tor they drop their young. The powders put them in good condition, and give them strength to care and provide for the sucklings. Com. Send for a freo srocimen copy of the splendid mammoth double-ebect Sau Francisco Wemi CintoxicxE, an able, spicy and fearless psper. It always contains complete and re liable market, mining and stock reports; also a valuable agricultural department specially pre pared by an experienced editor. Full of valu able information of the Fadno coast. It Is only S3. 00 a year, and twenty cents additional for postage, in advance. Com. . Awtbma nmi Clfrrh.-8 p. Injpiiri adH. A MAN OF A THOLXA.ND. A CONSUMPTIVE CURED. Wba 4 wtM hooriy expected from CwaaMriea, aU iwbmUm brtn tilled, accident Ud to a diacovwy wbmbj Dr. H. Jamxs eared bU 00 1 child with a praptntloa of OammabU hdim. He anv (ire ndp (m M m ? . uK irmiHom of Contamptton tba tt dew ant dlaaloail--Stomeeh. Inaction oi the Iiowie. U(j WmMb, f thl t The Markets. nw roas. Beef Cattle-Prims to Eitra Bullocks Common to Good Texans Milch Cowa ki noys-Uvs .."I" 1 rased Shoe p. ...... Lem jm .... Cotton Middling."" 10 a it 00 A93 Oa 10 6 OS. 0XH t";: " . xtr----....w... Wheat RM Western. 1 . No- Spring ; 00 44 S SO It 10 (41 1) din W t 1 OS 8 v 1 M ti mn MX 64V M 44 t 10 0 (4 90 s V 1 J 30 (4X1 as OO 4U SO 00 410 SO 44 M M 40 Itofiosd, Ujtf (4 tt (4 M T 4 M w (4 ta 44 M is 44 n 1 4 II U (4 3S3 o 44 n oa 44 o . 44 10 23 44 4 1 40 It 44 1 13 04 n as 44 1 SO (t 0 44 S 7 M 44 1 as Tt 44 Tt t4 tt 1 (4 1 II so 44 1 so SO 44 S M 44 I M 00 1 Ct 4 44 M 44 S4 t44A OS 3 4 M 44 1 43 1 4 1 10 Vt 44 w 44 n own BJV-OUW , Barley SUU... nut... ......... 0U U'Tlxl WmWr Corn Mixed Western..; 7t Pr ewt Straw, per cwt -J" t;x;x:: nVw.rr::M , Wo- . new 10 , Dry Cod, ri -..4.. Heirin. geaied, pr box. . . recroieam Crude. ..... 06 W carta v Wool California riel.. Texas AnnnlUn BuUer ut Western I try. . .'. """" Western Yellow Western Ordinary . PeonsylTanls Flni.."' Cneesetttau factory.... wi ECK State ". Wheat...... "tV"" Bye at......." Oaf Stats ..". Flowr vwwVCoV " -'irint..i;;;;;;: 9" Kys BALnxoaa. Oottoa Low Xiddnan... IToor Kxtra... " "seat-Bed Western. ..... ...... Corn TeCow ' OsU Mlxad rwiLrs4.rwia. rVmr Praiwy Irsuia Extra Whtmt Western U4 ooom aS)w Cora VUow...w... ... ni. - Ld. -s,,oa MX T . .r. r. f: , TirricD g' Swihb 1 the best I - CABLE SCREW WIRE. ' ! - 1 Tkey tf rtv sk. sots WAZ.i:.ILPfT-w, - w s - --u-'"gtjjL-A.XU i.Ty.H a o Auir eV Drills. SIOO aw-. PEnnOYLVANIA Mllltar lpaiT. fMt... I a . MjJuatt Art Iko-ii tar ctrsslara spete OU TI1KUL Ml A I I , n Uest, If. T. K. u.-i. a $250 MONTH A rests wasted rnrr. Bsrisiss hsaorsM sad firet. RTU 4 iXX. St. Losis. Ms. Pn II HTY I .wJTrD.-MK50rR! COUKTT www... e du a ia. nnunc il Mwiiuwi e i irr -tut,--. , . IT7 v. "vrr."0" OPTTTM "- T?7.,L5S'rr WeH4. I I ilmi,! t-mafemh TVONDKKKII. tUJSyY mar Bre3 fc bM. )Wr. I AT JlMM I I.K, :4i4ii,cVe. M) .llORK HOCK. BtffUU: Jbfw.IirtW. Sswesar. kiotxv rVKKVliOoV IVsWelu The. L dta srs an ts Ls vtts a. I7i Dim KiSewVerk. OWLY 50 CEIMTS For Tka Hsst Wkl nuw fV'r- A H Ml PSwf. gtvtms 4 H Inoa eoiejees f ssaqes asd snsfnr mn r""r ad chiklfwa. A4 arses l u ULOU TX LKX. MM WiiIum K. CU SILU T0X C0Z3T, TUTS 4 IZZ9,' 3 mmimimnM.Vj kmmA, EDWARD nAIHtlSOX. Kw naftm. Thle wtlh yirtiit ssei f ei t torbt sa4 Say. Aos nmmU to sarr SSsUnsTtf t-s bsdr, rs4aiaJs R tars mader ue SaetWst west stas Elastic Truss Co. tio, etS Bmswaji W. T. City, asd s t hy ma. OeJl r seexl r Ctreslsy. asd be red JP 'fA, O M1DDI. E-A i K II ,n K TrsiMd tot Hun fnl statt ts bost. Ui, wabt b", ntt hrtm.sst. smswF. ss4 bm. ,mu- 1, N. o U Kedens. it 00 ' bMjSsuoej swtd to tele sepeiS.lly. Tbs toet sad osly pessUesJ Oamsrctsl bebrml. sad aaty aaa Peojrklls ei'sauoas foe tiradsatea. Kefers to aatnM sad -r.daU ta assrty ry city sad tm rw Llia.lKa now orxx. AppUcaausaesxy ay. A.I 10 KliJLES FB DAT J iSSTPS r.OOIL ACEXTS WANTED ' (ion serf stf art. eaS i tsrvanae it's ajlrarfWi A Mmte mm Ir. II in 11 rV - - m t.srlM eee ksee i. TWrmltaf a ek I It really ea tarlte t atber Vtnke Itm s see for ' Knll.nm " We west l.M nm tommy Afnsnie..wnwen ess we will Mil etl Teea r mi . -- w wees was wu cssvem. Mrn ptmfxlru vilk iaU IV lie, bmne, ew aeel Aw w alL AS'lreea A. U. WoKlUmtiTOH a CO. lU.tross fK Ferestall Hastsirr Feyrrs sad all Um aoat. pUUts RwasrsUd by si as I. a baat, ty ksspta tbe blood sooi aad the bovsb t rss wtlb TarrAnt's Effervescent SflLrrr Aperient, at ease a aaost refreehla drasabt aad the bast of all reralaUaa aasdldass. fOU BT A IX DTttJOOTTTH. AGENTS VATfTED asiJaa booa sew jmbllehed. 8exl for clrci ear sitra term to AeMite trcslara sad ATIO-AL PUBUHHIIfon OO .VblH4wrlv Pa. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. Tho Leading American Newspaper. TUB DEMT ADVKUTIMINU- 3IEDIOI. Daily, $10 a year. asml-Weekly, 3. Weekly, 12. etwee Vee a lit jfcWJW. ftpwHrSwa OnpUs sad AdrsTtteina Batss rrsa. WsekJf. la elsheaf SO ar more, soly U . postacs paid. Aadi Tws Tmisruc. W. V. SQIjIETHING osS Ws bars work sad aeoawjr for aU. nvra or yoa. Ralls U stbt. Ala aota aioa.y. airts. wbok. ae inu. titrtm AA.1t rRAWfc GLUCIC Hew Bwtford, M fwad etaaiB for ' t'.t-rcee. WA.VTKD, AfJENTK-l'e.rywbrrs fwtbsC. teaaUl Ulsary-(RHt pa., yio anrre. !rlaus!'i,u'-''T" $10'$500-S earruinic.sad snry af Uvs Wall Nlreet Kertew ET.K,?XFA n,,Y WANT IT. -oa-yta H ad by Aawata. Addreee M. UiVTll rVw.f. GEO. P. ROVELL a CO. k ia seas J inu easts e4 Sfra xmmm Alil'.NTrtFfMt TIIK beat esllliMT Prtaa t'acA ace la the world It sa J Ksioves,Cwktsa faa, rsa Holder, Fnnl, Petet M"V sre.saq a nasaot jewstry. amcks f acaaa. S. ,c,PrU-' poavpeid. 2d cot. ClrcttW free. BKlDfc A OO., 7W rtroadwer. Hew York. lO'COd. "--ad trw CbrwrM CaUraa MlU1 ij mmJ J. VL Bcyyoaa'a ttuaa Bastsa. Um CACTIO-NOTILT--Ts fieaslse E-ltUs. LIIE ATfP LABORS OF 1 V J.N & ts T OlST J3 ''-"";y aaa. XJUTT JUUAIAUn, aafolds r- Tjl .. asrs Messes sdewatares. s ea tba rwWn. J taa wary aw aosspUts aark. H ftaUa; ast ibtaA. 1 t.lKHi Lwt rr- ka. . m It ?""- aatian.b ywa. aw iwW. rW4 fe BKOrk. PaU,7ta hsaaoai twea. pbtUd-lpb . Pa. ABie micxii tniarj rraxrif Votra's ttarraa ft ttrt aad Baa da are lswad by I be ant aaalaaat pbrasrtaas ta taa war bi for tlwcarewf rbea satieai.swarelcia. Ii-er eoes. piaiat. srsesta.kt4aeytfie bs. eai se.arrveaa 4 a Air- eeeVrsA ts. Umtmi aaa pis l s ta sad bUMrbrwaia diseases tsar eer. smsaarh kHsweessd bbml. Buok wlia fallsarticalarefrsetT VeLta aerroae sa4 nral drtnlitr. 1Q LIFE. Bt.T ca CI art east I. tn. A0E1TT3 WAirTED Vtt&Klll lllmTOatr a tba UsTTrr STirta 'by fcijis-I. J lrwf . eww res4y I Ae twjt m,hu mmj w ,.. ee. Mill ssfwa. 4 W svrrlarvei. Urew yet Iewrtee4 e.lei.. k.saA fmU mm4 MwWwy illm..t.i Wi..i. aUiVi't ' iiukiT " "'"' r I V j.rl In- - -try; aawarar ebss.s for A4;KTlt lT saw- fmtl ww w saad tar rteatiliitaija I - ?. P.K-H NAP. 1 1 -rtrrZ "luiajii. rauaaeiraia. DOUDLtZ YOUR TRADE Prwraa. C aad I waters fare Otae aad Jmmmn ta eettMW). wi i. 1 1 . baies, e baif - . I l . p. mmrn. .WW. WW ISS WILL. ai mi . erwv. pes ii lor cH'sal.r. Til w rt I P c o p L C W1IX HA VK OUT fXIOrit. Read J! mwnH wa wUI by saair. rawsaJd. war Lmr t il aad e iws Me au sar a niev, ae en-lee wtta w;tea say te4.M.. U m ml aa tsr w NATIONAL lULMV Koe-roe. Maaa. fc-MfOBirM, IIN "rll1 fill' "I "wad loe Pa. w as aa w a-a w -w awi sew oa Inns F Krel. P. .Meeker, P.O. Ha 47A. LawrtaJed. ft Of 1 V J f riTLASTXc" I 4 SI I mm '" e.w l f e wm.ii roa all war asraalsrs mi a we'll Sneri It 1 -1 . , "law e-s ajarsrijLi arsrw asrrarma, I AiiacaiAaaa aaaajiy. , V,. ,arler,w.w4 1i..iyeeewiiwiiisssa4 wa wna iltti,! idhshi I by a areMeeJMea4--- BMMWa- N I Sees M eew'eaa a e' 1iaiTw tTlmm t jnf-1 i-tu seam. mSm irrssS ' 1 aa4 h ae eawws . . ... iaw'' U.MUwb,'wb sartsUsfClCSwab s irs. Is-hH ty awej eB