i , i . i i M i ii GEO.. Sr ygj&ggEB, Editor 'and Proprietor. TERMS: S2.00 per Annum. VOL. TV. LOUISBUltG, K C FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1875. NO. 44. sir s-i ' ' J Sony. There U !oy for me iri store In the notcH that round me riug; Oaco again to Lear him ting. Oently whispered in mine ear, Loving word the hour beginle,! 0 Cheap I bold them : this were dear, Once auain to bee him nmile ? . ? Hmile for smilo nor High for eigh Gave he, though I loved him wall ? I would bid the world go by .. . t Once to hear him say farcwelL the blood -cnirdling echoed throxrgh the chamber. From the feeling of his hands and feet Gallagher knew that the rata had been gnawing at his flesh, but ho did grave doubts of bis permanent recovery. The brute Barrett, - when the result of his cruelty became known, was compelled to fly the place iu the night to escape the fury of the exasperated populace, and FO R TVSE FA TOIiS A T LAST. . ':'. i T not fctop to make any investigation until personal effects left by him were burned i Hl i.jrjr.-i. f .'...v. . A COAL MIXE 1IOIIROII A Thrilling Story of a Mule Boy' Adventure in an Abandoned MineThe IAght- of Redtott Mut Out A flight from Cruelty to, an Encounter with Rata j itlj ill Through the brutality i f a : miner in tho employ of the Pennsylvania Coal Company at Dunmore, PaV, a mule boy in the same mine was recently put to so torriblo an experience in, one pf the com-1 bone i:iny's abandoned mines thai he has be- cimc, it is feared, hopelessly insane and h.n been sent to the lunatic asylum in Danville, Pa. -. ri r 1-jtf" r)! t! Tho miner's name is James Barrett. iic ericaptju iroin uiq pic ana. was again on his way back to the place whence he had started. To get put of tho pit he found no easy task. Twice ho clamber ed up it3 i agreed sides until ho almost reached the top, and as many times fell back to the bottom. The third time try ing was successful, anefhe drew himself out exhausted and fainting. He lay down on the floor of the corridor for several minutes before he had strength to proceed, and then gathered himself up and hurried away from j the spot which was so full of terrors -to him. When he reached the first cross corridor he sat down on a jutting piece of coal and for the first time found that the rats had gnawed two of his Angers to the had eaten away the uppers of as an expression of the indignation of the people against him. his shoes and the flesh, of his two great toes. He had often heard old miners relate over their lunch in the dismal chamber the experience of men lost in mines and attacked by rats, and now the Tho boy is the son of a poor widow, and reality of the thing nearly overcame him Although but fourteen years of age, con tributed largely to .hex support. Hii) namo is James Gallagher. The man r.arrett, it seems, was" in the "habit5 of ftlmsing tho lad in a most shameful man ner, having no apparent cause' save a with its horror, and he almost swooned at the thought of what he had passed through and what he might yet be doom ed to experience. To add to the terrible situation of the poor lad, hunger began to make itself manifest, and the tortures inoro personal antipathy,. The boy stood of thirst were beginning to afflict bint, in mortal lear oi Uarrett. ., Lately the J?rom the fact that he was growing so latter hail been tyranizing 'over ' young hungry and thirsty Gallagher judged Gallagher with more than usualj cruelty, that ho had been a long time in the au l finally swore that if ho did not ouit mine. Up to this time he had been his sight at once he would kil hjim, at confident that he would be, able to find the sumo time running toward the boy his "Way out of the old mine in the course with his piek raised as if tojstrike, him. of a few hours, but now hope seemed to Gallagher ran streaming away from his persecutor,, and made directly intb,, the abandoned chamber ; fievrt Stopping to look whero ho "was,w'inj his wf right only thinking of getting out of tKej reach of liarrett. After running for. some time tho boy stopped, and for the first, saw that he was in the worked-out t mine. spring picked open , the buds, and when with his-wife, never Gat?aMJer;ier P06, Bnd they were tired "sat on the- dandelions or fhmVaiW Vnnwn o want of knowledge of the world, and f on a horse-chestnut . leaf . or in a full married her. Tny lived happily to gethei )up to,the vtime of," his death, and six children were the result of the union. As might have, been expected, the noble family of the marquis turned up their titled noses at this marriage with a be leaving him. He conjured up pic tures of his mother waiting for him to come home at night; of her anxiety at his tardiness and then heruncontrollable grief at the news of his loss. Then his mind dwelt on the horrors of a death by starvation or suffocation in the mine, and the sickening thought that he was ill" 1 . m -m 4 . tnat were ready to maKe too a oi mm even before he" was dead. These thoughts almost drove him crazy, and he aroused himself, determined to make an other effort to escape from the mine. He followed one of the dross corridors and wandered about in the maze of chambers for hours. Once, he thought he heard his name called and he shouted in reply, only to hear it repeated for many minutes loj the demon echoes. While wandering about in this way, a prey to the tortures of hunger and thirst, d to both mental and? physical agony, he saw a light flash for an instant' across the corridors in which he was groping. It was a long way off, but he knew it was a, miner's lamp, and felt that par ties were searching through the deserted chambers for him. Regardless of the harjl J jaggejl floor, tho. strong walls, the ever-accompanying throng of rats that Even then terror of his cruet taskmaster followed Joy & horde of ravenous rats was uppermost in his mind, and 'it' was not until tho little mine lamp on his .cap began to grow dim and finally ' went f en tirely out that he awoke to the horror of his situation. ' - . If there is a chamber of horrors any where in tho world it is a coal mine that has been worked out and deserted. Its labyrinth of silent corridors ijesponds to the least sound with the most demoniacal echoes, and noxious gases generate in the itools Of slimy water that exudes from the walls and drips down upon th slippery floor. Pitfalls filled with water that accumulates without intenrmtirm aoonnd in these noisome halls," and myriads of hungry rats, f bold and 'even aggressiyc, haunt the desolate, chambers hundreds of feet below the earth's sur faco, and over all the most oppressive darkness. There isfnb .clarkness like that in a mine. - It is so dense aDd heavy that ono feels its weight iipon hmf as if ho wore beneath fathoms of water, and tho eye does not become accustomed to its pall sufficiently to penetrate it in the slightest degree. On every side the constant drip, drip of the, unwholesome water is heard, and the noise , of rats, which frequently displace -some.' loose bowlder of coal as they scamper over it, aud semi it tumbling to the floor ."awak ing a thousand horrid echoes and send ing them reverberating through the de serted chambers. It was into such' a t)lace as this that youug Gallagher found himself," without a light, alone and" entirely ignorant Cof ! , the way out. His first thought was to shout aloud for help, but the sound of his voico traversing the devious corridors and yelling back to him his cry, prd lougedjind multiplied ftlittdcired times, as if so many fiends were mocking his distress, so frightened the boy that he could not gather courage to repeat the cry, and ho oommenood groping his way along in silence in1 the -dh-ectibn he thought most likely, would lead tp the entrance of the niao. He had proceeded soino distance along tho slimy wall,; when a certain difficulty j of breathing, and choking sensation warned ' him that he was trespassing where that greatostf of all terrors to tho miner,' fire damppre- Singer. as an Actor. ! Celia XiOgan tells the following story : Many years ago, in what may be called the earliest days pf the theatrical pro fession in the United States, Cornelius A., Logan was the manager of a company of strolling actors. i Thev traveled from villasre to villacre in a large wagon which held the actors, - their wives and children, "props," and scenery. Tliey loragea along the coun try roads, and slept in the wagon, and on the grass when they could get no other shelter. They traveled only in summer, and made merry over the" for tunes of war. ' - This included at various tinies, Edwin Forrest, " Gus " Adams, Joe Jefferson, Barney Williams, Mm John Drew,; Eliza Logan, Mrs. Burke mother of Jefferson, a Scotchman who is now editor of one of the leading news papers in California, and a poor utility man, the subject of this article, by name Isaac Merritt Singer, the inventor of the sewing machine. He, in ' common got beyond what is technically known as UVV1U SUJ J-M.J tVii ll4 were one day sitting together, my moth er " hear by, j very busy making over a dress, with a baby on her knee and a play book on the table beside her. jThe poor I utility man observed her for awhile, and then said he never saw a woman sewing without thinking what a boon it would be to the sex if something could be invented to relieve them of the labor ; that he had long had an idea in his head as to how it could be done. This remark led to conversation on the subject, and! to Singer's explaining his invention, which, discouraged, he had given up. My father urged him to per severe, and fired with new hope, he took heart and went to work again. So great was his preoccupation that he was never perfect in a part after that. Like all inventors he was looked upon as half crazy, particularly when he was caught slipping a spool from a lady's work basket into his pocket, or furtively plucking the hairs out of an actor's wig. Arkwright r himself was never put to greater shifts to obtain material to work with.- Singer first set up a model of a machine to be worked with one foot only, but there was some trouble about the treadle, and he abandoned that ; but he was j fully determined to per severe, and he left the company to give his whole time to experiments. As these events transpired iu the early days of 1830, Howe, whose patent waa not obtained till towards 1850, can hard ly claim priority of idea. It is very probablo that, had the poor utility man possessed the means to perfect his ideas A Chicayo IIootblaeMt to Become a Mar qui of i-ranceA' Family Halved From I'oeerty to Afflu ence. , A Chicago paper says : The death, a year ago last May, of a well-known and prominent board of trade man, M. De Belloy, is well remembered by many people in Chicago, especially by those who were acquainted with the history of The Story of Sunbeam. . I Chinamen Haying Tenpln. I Itemm of interemr. Among the contributions to a sixteen- Ti Si Wing and Ah Fung entered the A Spenocx (Ind.) unncr ect out an page papv?r published by the scholars at J room, and, after a hurried consultation, J acre of mullein by raistako'foT : tobacco. a girls school in Pittsfield, Mass., la the I carried on in whispers. Ah Fnng waltxed 1 following fanciful little sketch, entitled I over to the proprietor, and in a modest The Life of a Child Fairy," remark able as purporting to be the work oi a little miaa of twelve years s ' j Her name was Sunbeam. She had lovely, waving, golden hair; and beauti ful deep blue eyes, and such a cunning manner remarked : "Me like knock ee dloun ting pin." From" Ah Fung's re marks the proprietor very naturally in ferred thai the Mongolians desired play ing a game. The alley waa prepared and the game began by Ti Si winding In Wisconsin when an American wants to be elected he has to run .as a Nor wegians' . Goingup in a balloon is not particu larly hazardous. . Tho danger is in com ing down. i. i . i loo comes gratefully as a slice of .win- wsvi j a i " wa - - m 1 m .i t 4 the unfortunate man. He was a French- utU6 rnoutn ; ana sue was tnree incnea ma pig-tau careiuiiy arouna nis cranium, vet uw i 0 man; and scion of one of the oldest and talh Perhaps you think that fairies and after selecting a ball, and walking tcr of summer. first families of France. His name and kavo no lessons to learn, but in this up and down the alley a few times, send- When a man has the hydrophobia in title in full were the Marquis Ajmar de country they had to learn the language ing it toward the pins. Four pins went Syria they keep him in a dark room a Belloy. He vias a man of fine educa tion, refinement, and good business abiUty. In his early life he was a wild, adventurous youth, who, spent his 'for tune at home and came to America say twenty years' ago.' For a few years he obtained his livelihood - by teaching, keeping his rank to himself, and going under the unassuming name. of. M. Marechahl About this, time the marquis concluded that all his .wild oats were sown, and he would abandon the fast life he had previously led. He became acquainted . with a handsome country girl from Michigan, with' ' whom he fell in love. She was only fifteen years old, and, from 1 the standpoint of the adven turous and hightoned Frenchman, was unrefined an d nncultnred. But he was of the birds and animals so that they could talk with them. . Sunbeam lived in the hollow trunk of an old tree. It was papered with the lightest green leaves that could be found. The rooms were separated by birch bark. Every morning when Sunbeam arose from her bed of apple blossoms she had to learn a lesson in the bird language ; but it was not hard, for her mother went with her and told her what they said. When her lesson was done she sprang away tc meet her playmates and oh 1 what fun they had I They made a swing out of a vine, and almost flew through the air. They sometimes jumped on. a 'robin's back and had a ride. They played hide and seek in the birds' nests, and in the down on the first ball, and Ti Si xnani fested his delight by a long and excited controversy with Ah Fung. ( Ti Si's sec ond and third balls knocked down five more pins, and the result waa chalked down in hieroglyphics on, the blackboard. Then came the trallant Fung's turn. while, and then drown him. Tho two young men recently burned to death' ii Boston were sleeping with eerentyour others in a room eighty feet by twenty-fire. : A young man should learn to do some thing .nsjsful; instead , of attempting to and after walking down to the pins and tune U frow JuU' examining them, he returned to j" the head of the alley and rolled. . The ball went off the side and missed the pins, to the indescribable delight of Ti Si, who chalked something on the black board and refreshed himself by a "dink a watee. ed when and then business is suspended. A new play called Ambition," tho workTof an Illinois man, is Khortly to bo brought out in' Chicago. It winds up with a beautiful mortgage woone, . Naturalists hare decided that no hen Fung appeared rather abash-1 can lay over six hundred eggs. Thcre- his second ball followed the fore, when von haTO. checked off to that DacjLwooqagirimAmeranareiuseato The aternoon much th fore- recognize it or her. He several years noon but the evening was the pleasant- ago Decameamemuer.oi tne Doara oi Ume of aH. Every pleasant nicht trade in Chicago. 1 He there showed the same wayward, reckless traits that had been the cause of his' checkered life. He made fortunes and lost them. Sometimes he was on the topwave of prosperity, and again he lived in a cave of gloom. Dur ing one of 'his periods of depression he took his own life, as is generally be lieved, leaving h4s wife and six children in poverty. He had an insurance of 010, 000 on his. life, which has never been paid, the companies resisting payment on the ground that he took his own life. A subscription among his associates on the Doard I trade realized $1,5U0 or $2,000, which was used to defray his funeral expenses, and .the rest given to the family. nrst,and the puis all remained standing. I figure , von can sell her for a spring lnis tea to mors cnauLinarxs try J.1 ci. i rhirt-m. Ah. Fung, howevry . tookop iha third ball, and, after weighing, ft carefully in his hand, rolled it down the alley, and, to his own surprise and delight, made a ten strike. This waa such an unlooked for event that both Ti Si and Ah Fung walked down and looked at the pins, as if they doubted their eyesight. Ti Si then remarked r' He knock ee down plenty," and they returned to the black board and made a couple oi dozea chalk marks. When Ti Sj. rolled his first ball he ran some distance down the alley, on1 f afn1r A Vi TCnnfv tVtof iliia wo a rt two uttie lay-oi-tne-vtmeyDeus . Qt . A lengthy Kgnmeni followed, Among iU answers to correspondents ied like tassels to her 'green basn of , .. , , . -r.-i I Pi.iio.ioinVk Tinu-M rpntnmnilr man being called, who decided that Ti 1 bojs ; J. G. Hammer You say you wero Si should not irallop hall way down the not lntoxicatea ana were not urnggeu blown appleblosson. But if any one came into the woods they scampered away as fast as they could for little fairies are very shy. After a while they would go home to their dinner of fairy honey-cake and appleblosson syrup. just before dark Sunbeams mother dressed her in her appleblossom dress with fastened like tassels to her 'green grass blades! Her slippers were : made from blue violets and her hair was tied with the threads of blue forget-rne-nots woven together. Her mother and her father were dressed in light green. A little after dark they started for their fairy haunt with the fire-flies for lanterns. The haunt was in tho thickest part of the forest ; it was covered with moss, and a brook flowed through the center of the inclosure. One hundred gentlemen fairies with their wives' and children were waiting. Each had a fire-fly . r A Rhpe Island association has driven another naif into' the coffin of sectional bitterness," by electing as an honorary member a former member of a Confcd- " erato "battery from Virginia. . Mrs,. Snob is expecting a visit from Lord .Vaarien : Mrs. Snob " Has no one called, Mary!" ' Mary (freshly caught) O, yes, mum ; there was a party as said he was a lord, but I wasn't to betook in ; 1 told him if he didn't I hook iC'I'd send for a policeman, and slanuocd the door in his face." lantern. Verv soon, from the bushwood. A widow, with six young children and ontBpTimg two white mice, harneesed means is 1 discouraging lot in Chica- to a carHo made of dandelions , with the stems so woven together that ; the flowers formed the outside. The inside was lined with white violets. In this chariot sat the queen of. the Forget-me-not fairies (for there are different fami lies of fairies). The queen was dressed no go or elsewhere. The oldest boy con tributed what he could to tiie support of the family by blacking boots and selling papers. He was barefooted and ragged, and his education was received, in the streets. The widow and her half dozen children were as poor and comfortless as the widow and fatherless could well be. Af ter a time, finding' it 'impossible to sustain life heie-tho.ltwidow, who is an excellenthtdy, took herJamily and went alley before he rolled the ball. The game went on in this way for an hour and twenty minutes, when ' the score stood Ah Fung, 97; Ti Si, 105. In keeping the score Ti Si had a style all his own, and when the game was con cluded the blackboard was literally cov ered with dots, dashes and half circles. After the game Ti Si and Ah Fung paid the score and left, greatly elated with i the manner in which they had passed the evening. On the Hea Bcmeh. Pretty young ladies in elaborate bath ing costume, kicking around on the into 'the house by your wifo after firing a loaded pistol in th street and wound ing a citizen in the leg. Wo venture to soy that you ought to have been. At a recent examination of one of tho schools in Washington, tho question was put to a class of small boys: " Why is the Connecticut river so called I" when a bright little fellow put up his liand. "Do you know, James V "Yes, ma'am. Because it connects Vermont and New Hampshire, and cuts through Massachu setts V was the triumphant reply. - Of the humors of infancy there is no end. A French newspaper gives us now of the in bare feet : " Oh ! o-oh I Tm so 'raid watahl" in a robe made of a deep red tulip, and Chorus of other girls in like toggery, she had a sash of, lilies of the yalley; twenty feet away : ' :;-;'., Her black hair was fastened with what "Ah! he-he-he-he she's a coward XWAXlB, Cfe UdUlt LJUV a LOUT V CB VU1 J I MrUO UCUC'U C beach, about ten feet from the water, I tt story of. an infant, aged four, hoo mamma, thought it right to refuse tho child something upon which his htart was desperately set.' - Finding that thr ro i was no' hope for him, t the youngnUT burst into a. passion of tears, and ex- churned Well, then, what did they kept in his rearer dangerous pits that when hQ them he would to ree wath a relative in Geneseo, HI., rode her of honor drgea cf the wet . ' ' " ' won the undisputed title of inventor of wTfit . , "v; v . blue violets. The queen took her place " Aw, pshaw 1 come on now, 111 dare machine. ' T. - upon the throne, and around her stood ye all" " her maida of honor. -..The : queen then The rest, advancing to whero No. 1 sing, and the fairies danced to I stands : This, lasted till midnight . O-oh 1 who's afraid whois afraid ?' born me for T' might lie ahead of him, he ran raj i ily toward where he had seen the j light, shouting until he Was hoarse. ! "This way ! Hero lam! Here I am ! This way, for God's sake!" The echoes took up the cry and carried it through the noisome avenues, lifted it up to the roof of the cerulean vault, and repeated it until it died away in a wail of agony ; but the bearer of the light did ; not hear it in the course he had taken, and tho almost exhausted boy, foot sore ; and bruised by frequent falls on the hard, rough mine floor, hurried on in the subterranean labyrinth. Suddenly, in turning the angle of one of tho corri dors, a light again flashed upon his sight, and then another and another. t A voico shouted a prolonged callv 1 1 jf . " J-a-m-e-s G a-l-l-a-g-h-e-r ! Hel-o-o-o, Jimmy !" The inevitable -echoes had scarcely taken up the cry when the boy returned the call with all his soul in his 'voice ii. "Here I aml; Come this way !"' 5sk His answer was heard, and in a few moments sturdy miners had found the boy But he did not know thatherwas rescued. - He had fallen to the ground unconscious, his strength having gone out with his last wild cry. He was soon taken out into the pure air, where his the sewing orrmfortftViiA.' - s V - i . , - ner mains I fThe tory .thus far 13 pne oi early reck- began to A Michigan Romance. - There is a corpulent little old sailor jssri waywardness, ot self-exile the music. named Hiram A. Beed living at Spring Lake, Mich. who has just had his eyes opened. Forty -four years ago this Ut tie old man, then a sprightly sailor of twenty-six, had command of the schoon er Ontario, belonging in Oswego, N. Y., and sailing between that port and On- taro, Can. On a trip in July or August of the year Captain Beed had two pas sengers, a young Frenchman and his wife, named Golan. - There were no pas senger boats . in those days. At noon upon a certain quiet day, the captain heard a splash, and hurrying to the side .... -i 7 T 7I. .. 1. , . vailed: and ho hostile ttA hi iranue motner ana tiie most 01 jus vii with the intention of turning , into the ii rat cbrridor ho came to. , It was a long time before he reached ono. u It turned off to tho right and he entert'd it 'and followed it for ; a ouarter of s an hour, feeluig his way along ono side of it and being careful not to turn into any of the lage had assembled to await the result of the search. The people were wild when -Villi it was announced tnat tne Doy was found, and his brave rescuers were borne aloft by thoorowcL V!?f;-f It was a long time before young Galia gher was restored to consciousness, and a - seized corridors crossing it, so that he "mighi 'hen it was only at intervals that he was wo., wwuw coniusea t u -. circumstances compelled him to again retrace his steps. Suddenly, in putting - his foot forward ho found no rest for it; and, before he could recover his balance, he fell head long into a pit. His head came in con tact with one side of the. excavation. He attempted to regain his feet, but he was overcome with a sense of numbness, and fell back into the slime and ooze that covered the jagged bottom of the pit. ;How long he lay there unconscious the boy did not know. He came to him self with a knowedge of & peculiar pain in his 'fingers and toes. At first he did not realize where he was,' but. the im- ing up the darkness of his mind. f . .The penetrable . darkness 7 arid : cbld,"! damp surgeons found it necessary tcf amputate atmosDheria soon Tecalletl his" "sihiktion. one hand and three toes that had been Uo drew up his hands and feet to make gnawed hy the rats, and to perform other euon to arise, wnen an .army of rats painivu upeuuiu tu uavo iuh uuy me, , tampered away from about hUa They One day last week, his physical condi ran over his body and trailed their 'cold; I tion being each as to permit it, they de-i bumy tails in his face. He sprang up cided that he must be taken to an asylum 'ith a shriek of terror that again started for mental treatment, and expressed i$ hfe jright mind. fIrf these same inter vals he related the story or his fearful sufferings, and learned that he had been nearly two days and one long night wandering among the horrors of the mine. His lucid spells . lasted but short time, when he would be with frantic ravings, in which he would plaintively beer of Barrett not to hurt him, and then shriek : , IThe rats are eating me np t Drive them away I .Drive them away 1 j.ne- moments in which he was sane became less frequent, and finally 1 days passed without one gleam of reason light- xrom nome, oi an early marriage, 01 a premature death, and subsequent wretch edness 0" the family. The. concluding chapter, 'can. now be written,! and it is as romantic as anything in fiction and it is trueIntelHgence.has'jusC reached Chicago thafhe Marchioness De Belloy, the mother ofthe family and of the Chicago De Belloy, has died. The Chicago an was the eldest son of the and then the fairies , went home. You can easily .imagine "Sunbeam's life through the summer and autumn ; but it you think that she hid in her house all winter, you are mistaken. In the autumn the fathers of the fairies had gathered tho bright colored leaves, and the mothers had made them into 'warm winter dresses and cloaks. - Sunbeam had a muff of swan's down. " The great family. All .that is wanting now is for 1 the-queen's ball, to And there the dear, brave little an gels stand, until a wave breaks a little higher than usual on the beach, and a tiny bit of foam touches the end of their aristo cratic toes,' when they all screech out, run into the bathing house, make their toilets, and, appearing at dinner, tell the yawning, young gentlemen that they've been having a swim" Just too awful jolly and nice for anything. . At Dallas, Texas, recently, on cutting a fine largo watermelon, comfortably iu the center was a small, yt-llow-ffpotted lizard, about four inches in length. Ap parently lifeless when taken out, it was soon resuscitated on being placed in tho sun, but lived only a few minutes. It m m m . was ox a Dean tu oi brown color, wiiu white stripes and yellow pot. Mot singular of all, it was destitute of tho organs of vision. ' A Jfemormhlo Ball Voyage. The following particulars concerning th trip of Prof. La Mountain and John the proofs of a legal marriage according to the American law to be forwarded to France, which can be easilv done. The of the vessel discovered that the lac I v Fnch law recognizes foreign marriages I I A .i-W S" II had fallen overboard. Quickly seizins the end of a coil of rope, the other end of which was fast to a belaying pin, he jumped overboard, and as the vessel had scarcely steerage way, easily reached the lady. Her, gratitude,, and, that of her husband knew no bounds, arid upon the arrival to induce of a gold only upon earnest solicitation, , accepted a gold half eagle from the lady. . A few days ago he received a letter from the American consul at Paris, . announcing that a certain wealthy Frenchman' had just died, and that a provision in his will left 50,000 francs to "one Hiram Beed, who was master of the schooner Ontario in the summer of 1831, and who once saved the life of his wife." Of the crew of six on board the vessel that summer, Mr. Beed has positive knowledge of the death of four, and knows the where abouts of but one of the two others his brother, Asa Beed. He has sent to the custom house officers at Oswego and also to Washington for copies of his papers, and expects by this means to establish his . identity and secure the legacy .' :"' . : ' ": : O All Beady . Of this year's Yale graduates, two are to, enjter journalism. One of them sit down the other day and got this off with so little apparent effort that he seeme 1 to be. making no exertion whatever , We. were pleased to meet on the street yesterday, and take by the' hftndv our friend Boomer. Mr. Boomer had raised someof the finest turnips this year tha$ it h'as ever been our destiny to observe. This young man's success is assured, but what journal has secured his services does not yet appear." contracted in friendly countries, accord to tho hvw pf,thosl?cuntrieg.J ! Conse quently the marriage with the Michigan girl, wiH: b held rrali 0, 'and not only do the titles of the family, but one-third of the fortunes descend to the widow and her family, now residing in Genesed. which all the fairies ' came. I wish I j believe them T had time to tell you all , abcut it, for it was Sunbeam's last' appearance as a child fairy, as the' next spring she was tall enough to be a full-grown fairy. A. Haddoc, who went up in a balloon in And the yawning young gentlemen I the year 1859, is related by the brother The Sailor b' Friend. 1 t , Destroying the ; Cricket. . .. A resident of Paradise valley, Neva da, gives the following interesting ac count of the manner in which the farm ers j in the upper end of the .valley re- L ' - I a S) a I Samuel Plimsolh who is so well-known cenuy . conquerea a pest 01 , encxets: 1 p as the champion of seamens rights, 14 a J Yhen the advance guard oi the cnciteta 1 foj native of Bristol, and is in his fifty-first made their appearance au ine nogawiia-1 jj gocf 1 1 frT m n-nn viintw tw tn t"r nnri I in convenient disusee were tinven 10 of the vessel at Toronto theytried SJL obtained gold meatus the universities Che front; Some four hundreoThogf the captain to accept a present utJb' """S luol"m? uvo P"" of Glasgow. Ed&bufgn? and Giessen.'l were thus marshalled iri battle amy! watch. This he refused, and 1 l? .tne ? dl,d docfised P"" He is a coal merchant, and author of and ; right bravely did they meet the v ' mi a cmoness. ine oldest rxy Decomes a marquis. The family is one of the most distinguished in. France. It dates back tot the Crusades. It has furnished two cardinals' and two marshals to the nation. jeveral pamphlets, and a book 'named I enemy. For an hour the pigs xdught "Our Seamen." ' He was an snsncoeBS-1 nobly; each of them devouring crickets ful candidate . for the British House of 1 at the rate of twenty or more a toinutej Commons, at Derby, in 18C5,. but was ! Then they withdrew to water, arid , after elected in 186S by a large ; majority, on 1 wallowing a short time, renewed combat the liberal tickeL . . Mr. Plimsoll has ex 1 voluntarily. In a lew dars not a vestige iw-i mi m r I - . I m . tMrinii itenaflue irun iu. in .1 j . 1 1 i. 1 1 1: A strange; and remarkable case was learned tho - condition, of th and the condition of the hogs unproved 1 brought -under the attention 01 lr. Tate, I working classes of England bT sharing materially.. It ia thought that the boa T..-ul-r..w . f t i M rmatl AVnT " Vlt?T?B " - TT rtto I.. . .. . . ... J. . . a 1 I J ' O ' - rV"., iaeir lot- i' ;.""""! to mae, ruestroyea., on , an., average, H witlioat saythimr to eaL , says in his book, J $1.8A-eventy-two crickets a day each, and U .F'.thia easy 1 . Onrlhe iourthiday in Canada, they cents 01 wmcu x paid lor my lodging aistance 01 waier, a lew uunureoi.taeia mnAAerAr omi a nartv of lumber- last me a whole week, and did it. . It is I are capable of killing any. number of 1-- i kir.WlWitutiluttilnrk of the hitter person, Bev. G. C. Haddoc, and will be read with interest, in view of tho fact that a great many people accept the theory that Donaldson's balloon has landed in Canada. They left Water town, N. Y about fc ir r. sc., intending to land at Ogdenslurg and return on tlio train of the same day. It was before they wrro heard from. rumors were afloat, one that a bottle had been found at Borne, X. Y., containing the following: Three days npt in a balloon. La Mountain crazy can hardly mange him. Cannot reach safety valve. ; (Signed) J. A. Htnpoc" Mr. Haddoc says nothing of the kind ever Jbappened. They traveled mucii faster than they were aware of, having no means of telling how fact they were going." They thought they were up three and a half mUos and found it very cold. called to 'see jrs. -Taylor, wife of "Mr. Bobert Taylor, living about three miles from Greenville, and found that she had driven a sixpenny nail into the back of her head, which, after much difficulty, he succeeded in extracting. The nail had been driven' in several days pre viously, and by. her own hand. It was discovered by n daughter of hers while combing her hair one day, and she in sisted on-keeping the fact secret, but her daughter sent for Dr. Tate, as above stated. ' She told her daughter that she astonishing how little ' yon can live on I crickets as fast as they advanced 1- t : i m l . ...-, wnen you uives. yourseu 01 ui ianaeu needs." Several years ago Mr. Plimsoll espoused the sailors'. cauAe, and has been the leader of tho movement for! preventing the sailing of anseaworthy or overladen vessels.-- 1 - -' Big Gun. There has been turned out of a foun- had driven the nail in several days before, 1 dry in South Boston what is probably with the fiat side of a hatchet : that she the heaviest' brmch-loadmg rifle gun had been suffering with violent pains 'in I ever constructed." ' It reouiredin casting I mal exposed; for instance, the nose. in the water and La Mountain rn&hed in, a a 1 1! To Prevent Annoyance hy Flic: I csugnt w uuc wmu. t Wash the skin with suds of carbolic it. feathers and alL This scared tho as this comes recommended by poor bsll-breea nearly to ueaui. ine or i nrat noui they strocx was at uiuwa. They were very ragged and duty, and axked the clerk fox "a warm room." He took one look at them, and replied The house is full, not a room to spare soap, good authority, and without caotkm expression of fear of any evil, conse quences from its repeated use. It may be well for those having horses, mules rrr otpti in nM tn nM thin idmrjls Tre ventive. Even when provided with the Thy then told him who thy were, and usual flv drivers we find parte of the anl- be jumpeu over tne . 0 m . sher head, but since driving in the nail 156.000 pounds of , meUl . and weighs . he had been entirely free from them. 82,280 pounds. It was cast Feb. 6, Some yea?s "ago she had been" confined J 1874, and special machinery for. it had neck, breast, belly, back of the fore legs, flanks, legs where this wash may be used to great advantage. ' Many am- counter, caught them in his arms, and said the whole house was at their service. They wero feasted free of expense all the way home. Mr. Haddoc is now engaged in the print- in the Western Iiunatic Asylum, and has for some time been partially deranged. II the i nail fpenetra tfd ttl skull, as I UUueXbtAUU lb U.111, lb 13 i 11 J itiiuu.- able case, and oua of much interest to he medical fraternity. B n . . I . ' f . !TM.!1.J.!..U.. Ut,.. rt mala are worried with flies so that they I mg oronw. m m-, becorve thin In flh.- Oowe,.- calref, faith in Ihe success of balloons, The -i., . .11 myT 1 in I other Mr. Haddoc. being a progreifeivo 1 MM L 1 I I FT I I V psa. m-mmw n -vat HIM - TI 1 Ha luiriri V- n H - wm ' mw i m w w - - ' -v elongated conical pointed shot wkghin agree iu their avemiua to- brio -bittoo man, thinks that within fifty years wo GOOpounds, with fron sixty to seventy by tho flics, and will escape it if will navigate the air as weU as we do pounds of powder. 1 ble. to be procured from England. The gun is of 12-inch bore, and it is estimated that the first charge will "consist of an the water now.

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