i :' ' m m m m m amm m m tag ozatowioHillllooiiiB . ' ! !'' if- vrtv rt i 1 :. .......... . , .. , . .. ,, . , , I f r W iff: Y 1 illE i! w GEO. S. ' BAKEfi Editor and IProprietor. J. V, TERMS '-S2.00 per Annum. I . V. . 1 , 4 A . .......... . . ' 1. ..j.'ifi. i., ......... ... . - .' , . i',LL j- J j I - vol. rv MuUl'Uii 1 li ft Hi Ik t itt l. . ! : i , '.!;.. : , i.i -j f t .- - r ' NO. 45: To-JIorrotc. 0 thon to-morrow !' Mye'ery ! O day that ever mrm befoie ! What haat thine hidden hand in store For mine, to-morrow, and for me ? O thou to morrow ! what hat thon In store to make me bear the now ? 0 day in which we shall forget The tangled troublen of to-day ! ; " () day that langhu at dans, at debt ! O day of promises to pay ! O (shelter from all present storm ! ' ' O day in which wo shall reform. - i O safest, best day for reform ! Oonrenient day for promises ! Hold baok the shadow of the storm. O blessed to-morrow ! Chief est friend, Let not thy mystery be less, C U Bat lead us blindfold to the end. -. , . Joaquin Miller. , on the stairs, accidentally, for the pur pose." i That was how your mother and I got acquainted.", ! ''"-' - '.' I did not know that, father." : ' 1 : "Will spoke with an , air of regretful apology that was understood and ac cepted, but silently. ; Dreamily, in the hush of old memo ries,- the father .walked away to his work. "Will sat down before the window, to finish some drawings, but the thick square pencil made idle marks, while the eyes that should have guided "jt soiight theonly bit 'of riatuTetMtr sight the strip of changing sky be tween the housetops. , Many a bold de- T want i 1 - "They are of no use; I don't them." I; 7 M They seem wonderful to .roe' she said, looking up frankly. , ; - ' Ah ! just as women's' 'work does to us. put l a ''utiori'n cay ' iruff this mornings and.it is off already. , , , I . " Let .me sew it, I have a needle here." : Will - muttered , . .something ; . about troubling her bit she answered : . I ought to do anyfmng I can ;! you don't know what good the change of rooms has done me. I suppose like rich ladies :1 1. " I going out oi wwau so, an pm j . - Yoir barre ;mado a grand; m proves meni lieic'VaiO-Y111. lgpkiQ4xQuntl; the same room, the same furniturb ; but what had been a dreary confusipn , a : " it. ;i Hwai now tirVyeace.? ! cloud-koleidoscooes. None came now. WAO" JULL wwuiu. ucic uj, Will was musing. How could a man work,, with that sweet, imperious ho added. - Alice was about to answer : r I &o Sliiyle, Double and Treble. " ' I will never marry, never," said William Blake to his father ; a patient, vvary-lookine old man. with 'thin trrav hair Htretchiug across his bowed head. IIo answered, reflectively : ' Well, I think" you're right ; there are men that mother lv. those beloncriiur to the center of! the 1 which had been nsed aa a burying grouncl mother scoldin. for he ""could not be aroopr-wi ummjxsu "J' t m i jxont pi. tnemoutn, wnicn the scxjKBia i uy f iprmer owuiy aruuig w wj show were, like the rabbit s, gnawing-1 verms oi iae uargum ue menaa oi iu teeth. The other twelve teeth can mnnago women, but your has been too much for me." ' It seems half selfish for me to go off and leave you alone with her ; but what can one do, with work that wants plan in , an;l that continual scolding in one's curs?" . - ; 44 It's tlm cryiug fits that masters me, snifT-snifling into her apron ; looking at mo that reproachful, till I'm half brought to believe that I have cbia mitteil mxirder, or something, in my fclcep." . .. . . . , 4 44 1 sometimai think, do .you know, father, that in those times it is that she is sorry ; for her temper is, iu fact, re penting." 44 It's an awfully unpleasant, unfair kind of punitonce, then; but I don't know ; she's been buzzing in my ears so long that I get fairly bothered some times, and thing." 44 I'll tell you what you must do when ( she gets past bearing ; just come off to mo; it won't be far, you know." 44 So I will, my boy ; so I will." " Accordingly, the next morning, when "Mrs. Bluko bag.m the day with prophetic indications of being what she called 44 upset," her husband prepared trjres ca'pe, greatly to her displeasure. She had resented Will's removal and 4 4 set ting up for himself," but then, a3 Mr. lilako remarked, 4 4 she couldn't beany crosser than she (was lefore," so he de parted in comparative comfort. - Will's room was a poor little place. Ho was not earning much as yet, and he said 44 anything does for one's self" with a desolate air that bomewhat contradicted his philosophy of loneli ness; still his work improved wonder fully, and in that ho was always happy. Wrll was a desiguer of moldings. Mr. lilako found him busily stitching an old coiit. i ' ' ' . 44 Turned tailor, Will ?" he asked. 44 'Tisn't work enough for a tailor, and I am afraid my bungling would not pass for ono, Either,. I tried glue, but some how it wouldn't answer, and one must keep onef's self looking decent. I am going after orders by-and-bye' 44 Women are of some uso after all, if they wero not such unreasonable crea ture?," paid tho father, with an invol untary glauco at the table, which looked rather like tho wreck ' of a kitchen, heaped up as it was with a little of everything. ' Will w;us accustomed to have all his tools round him inhis work, and h had .gradaally gathered the house" hold implements together in the same fashion". . , 44WiUie. WiUie." rinrinff in his earsf not mma not unaerstancungrMjaf dui It as CVorte tlfetraction than; his sottrg-iafW theil work ; suddenly WillVhand caught them. 44 Alice, will vou stav here? -mil yoH fel jd& &ve!yjr5-Xe) riy wife ?" She shrank awav from him. 44 1 must not-fl nust not "r j hyinotf ! Tell me, darling." 44 Mother said, when she died Child. -never.' !iFather" made'iherlso Walking Tlirouuh the' TToo&m trtth. a Treat-he rta CM jm ntott As a' test of nerve, "'the recent' exDexi- "ence of a wayfarer, traveling a Vood roaif near Olympia," .Washington Territory; was as reniarkable as afly on' record; The man was a' speculator looking: ut wild land, -and he trudged through he forest, .following the; almost nnused pith ictrmedby.an old road made by pipnefers in.thailtrildezness, , .jHis .raind,w$s pe- iTQted tQjpne object-the .cxitioa eiim ination,of Ihe; kind of . trees upon tha land, about him, and of the characte of, the soil, and he failed toVo1;icb.forsopo time a .4rit-a-pat" upon the dead leases near mm. ne ai ursi scarcely ( oo.eu jdowh', when ne felt 'sdmething rubbing againsi 3' legs 'and heard a slight pur rini? sound: but when h& did ' look hia heart came'up to' hiA mouth and a cbld atwv4- nf-Avl-A.rl " AO rlanl WAd Vi jti rvY I f-ia House ,of Parliament, some interesting relics of a probably pro-historic age were '. ' . 1 1 I . n i a it. ni r t.. oiscoverea by me woiunen empioyea 1 iour mum buuui ui mo imagu ;""i JUmimrie Han. . 1 ( At: thexeavfclions ' now "being made j or he foundations of the Thamos em- bankiaeht extension, to the south of ; the A. CQXSIPEHATE QflOST. A. He' Thrmtem "fitmmem Ahut Ilmttme - im HieUau fmr lXeMrltt.m, Yemr, . 6 h t MhJh rm NetONC. j I There having been stories circulated reiaung to tue oaunveu iuuci uuw, there. " These consist, . for the most part, of bones supposed to be those of extinct species oi quadrupeds and birds ; but , among them j was found the under jaw Done, retaining u, uie muiu, wcw, of a manr apparently; belonging td an ViXl I V iTin ui uia XI u inifcti law. uuuio vt Mich., a lady from Byron recently Tinted the locality, and .Sends her observations to tho Detroit ce JPrw as follows : , , Arriving at the farm Mrs. Turner, in explanation' of the phenomena, sai4 that she "did at first thin the stones were thrown trf human "persons, but is now Ihe'Taones discovered be -adhering to perfectly satisfied that they are not. She them small fresh-water shells.' and other 1 did not believe in the. supernatural, but fresh-water shellsH were found near to I had always . been . a -Methodist,; and them Jn creat abundance. One of the 1 previous to August last had . neve seen most remarkable "objecls found in these or heard anythicg she'could not account excavations 'is th e upper 1 j aw, palate; facial bones and eye-sockets" of an; ani mal -of the rodetitia or; glut wing1, order. This is only wanting in twp teeth; jiime- for. ' Continuing the recital, Mrs.' Tur ner said that 'her husband had j mr chased the farm fe bttle over sU jrearm ago. and at that time it contained! a lot sure that he really wanted to forget this. 44 1 am gladJC have .never seen her " he said, with a long breath that did not sound like content. Then he tried to Willie," in her tones, ahdj as a of impatienf disgust marked liia put on his Niagara. say look j consciousness of failure, he cap and went out. '' ' ' ' , The haunting voice became, a pres ence, all too soon. As Will came home she met him in the passage; a little, swift-gliding figure, with soft, dark eyes set in a pale, fair face. V Not a bit like mother, lrhe thought, with, a curious feeling satisfaction ; but as she pass ed he saw that her eys were, humid with f eajf and grief. -"J- 5 44 What is the matter ?" ho asked, ; in voluntarily. ' 2- '.-M k 44 Wilh)! cholerarTSocior !"sheran swered, wishing by into the sfcoet "ihat was wet wjth a stormy rain. v 44 Stay Fl can go faster, 'criedi Will? f ollowingber. 4 4 Yoa go back to your brother.") She obeyed at once with the quick docility of a gentle intelligence ; don't feel clear about anv- and he thought asrain: Mother would have talked for an hour." The doctor came soon , but not soon enough. Willie was very ill. Bravely the little fellow struggled, but the foe was too strongfoir'him; J f) 1 H ! 1 ' 0 ' 44 Strange," the doctor muttered, im patiently ; 44 the, last cases are so often the worst. I thought it was over f6r this year." !A week before another lodger in the same house, ,ta gluttonous man,'! had made himself ill feasting on mussels and plums and beer ; he recovered, but the poison thus brought into the house f astenedj on ! the weakest there. : The child died. There was nothing more to be done for him. "All at once, for the first time in his little life, Willie wanted nothing ; nv-t even his sister. She went about her, necessary work with an oppressive, bewildered sense of leisure upon; her. And Will if the joyous voice alone had distracted him so, how could ho work now ? now that it re called the meek, desolate face of the mourner now, that the cry had changed into such a pitiful, beseeching 44 Willie ! Willie 1" : 7 ; The day after Willie was buried it happened that Will paid his rent, and took that opportunity to inquire after his fellow lodger. 44 Poor young tiling," said tho m6th erly landlady, 4 4 it makes my heart ache to see her, up there in the little room, where they were so happy, those two. wretched,??.. ! 44 We are kindred in trouble, then, that is all, ? said Will : .mothr, some how, tormented my father so, that I solved td live and die alone let us bbtb give up our hard purposes will you, Aliostl CP , Wili'aJ tones pleaded better than words; they gained him the victory. Pressing itself softly 1 against thftwt hiriii ai Jiiywalked, letitsfiexible bodyswiftlv. but "ith ret asountn turning trp nerce eyes wiu something almost like a terrible laugh Tiever a re in the jaw" Ihe molars being .eight and the" incisors four, but the fncisor teeth. are placed two xm either side of the cen j named. re- ytvitDEii ov. cnxtonEX ix 1XDIA. . . . . SHe &t aril in jnetaemwrn mi Im chtrhthe Utile One mre : There is. perhaps, no Jona-ol crime more common in India than child mur der. The practice prevailed when first the province of Bengal passed into tho hands of the British,' and it flourishes with scarce abated "rigor at the preeent day. Open at random, the 44 Decisions of tha Kixamut Adawlnt "the supremo court" of criminal, judicatttre-7-and at brief intervals will be , found such cacs as these : ' In Cuttack a woman" draws a child aside, takes the tilreT bracclcU from her arms, and flings tha little Tic tint' into a tank, oh the surface 'of which tho bedy is found floatinga few days sJterwards. In Behar a man strangles a boy nine years old," f or the sake of his silver bracelets 'and gold earring, and throws the corpse Into a sugar, plantation.'- At Moorshe lalwwl.XSiaaiOP robs a child-aged- five,' -and drops lift into a deep and rapid part otihe river At Be nares a iellow entices a boy twelve years in them, wit ahuga'cotigar ! No chicken tral cnairmolleetJai and not Lrtweea the 1 there. He was 'yery'angry about tlia r vaa ima man iluluo woous, uus ao- two canine teeth.' aa in the carnivori. in- ttotyV brthfe laAhnel) nil Hfli ! r$s hit, eluding 'mam TMs ' fxagment oil in woo nuocu ur uio xuxu. xa nun w w vnOT1tti and facial bones 01 an oniTnai is sidered aa aowyphaj at all. Sleek hnd 1 neaVlV of tndsize of the'riko "narts ot thr I he .would .haunt .Turner, "f10 muuxm u.o ioov 511UVU 1 qxubbii' TTame, anu. excep loruie ihsi- i august ivjiu. ,uom buriedi there 'proceeded to remove tlie "TT i - r-VJ old into liis nouseVand there-eats his that worlw A gentleman, living in FlL&t.N .J TrTT L Li. v:- .: Srownhaa - mother bmuJ . lj on Ire- t about,1 and 'at 'nrterval it ; would his closer agam, antLpress. t podj aj the Wg of th6"man,Ane light touch ing gdosefiesh. of jeveryinch in fcps f It was a terrible experience; tnatr x: VieV with' 'ths coufirar1 in the I a come gainst rAak- drm. cter- crest man wuutHiro- .... 1 4 moval or the body, and Vis heard io'aayl rLTT. inflion ttany 'tUnds'if there 'wa JcH'i &TlA 4V.-1 .-VI- 'a . .4to the police. . pother, takes i neigh- m . laii n duu axiM hiiw AXi m v ' - - ner, xpr tuia-aon,. . : . j, TV.-' lhahbsence month this stone throwing !'was com atfirsHdght menced.''- V- v i -i I xne xuxnurs acn iaai mcj vuu uo Prom the-wreck of the past seemed to I primeval, and it was -"well for the snrincr n brifirht future, like the flowers I that .his nerves were Of. the kind id do froni out of last year's dead leaves. : -j honor to arpntier adventurer, teailily I ue onme spot, a flint knife was fduhd,' nst;1' She "culTed "immediately- to 'her ttofa of: the rodent teeth and of the canine teeth, it might be mistaken for a portion of the human head. I'No animal of the rodentia orier know of Brown s death: nutd, some ma of so large a' size is how, however.' f bund after. The.fixst sna thiown wisoae in this country or known to have existed evening about .sundown, wjiile J Mrs, mn wmn uie penoa oi immftTi xusbory. j n .y, -c j at her side, ana about uie size or a man s By-a4dJ33,i tere yra&jb wedding ;j pursuing his epursewitliitpa ihat' awithitepa tnat evidentlv formed bv early human the motherly landlady gayolAlice away, would falter occasionally, he ukept(on,M j-0's 0f tese ancient reniama 'wert difcu ipeat thq aot,;as hp might frighten the . mm v ' 1 . .a" a-wj it ... , ana vvmjiQQfcyier-as tne- great gu 01 his life. ""Ns . i , !.' As they camehome from5 the church, he said;' brightly , "We have both signed single iblessedness,Cwhat shall have instead ?" ' 4 4 She nestled close to him and swered : 44 Double blessedness." Peacefully and brightly the years went re-we an- and with him r the beast continued its covered- at about thirty-tw leet 4 below l cow and hurt her. He replied tkat ho glide a few paces to the front, and 'roll. over aii oyer in the road, and wait: for the man to come up, and then 7 it would 1 circle around him again until the im pulse, almost too strong to be resisted, would come upon him to : spring upon " la A9 .' 9 9 ' A A the surface of the bant of the iiver nau noi inrown anyinujg. usi men opposite Abingd9n. street, and five feet two more came down ; one sinning near ALT. bedded in a deposit of black vegetable Tttrnerwho was nnharnessmg his horses mold containing numerous pieces' of the near by called tiout-. angrily, looking smaller branches of trees, become black about to vhenoo they came: There, as peat oak. Some of-the bones, in- that will do; throw no more stones here dudinff those of -the jodent animal, or you will, find,' whoever "yon are, two mixed . together with shells, were, ;how evcr, found in a fluvial sandy silt or drift,' and it was in a deposit of this kind that 1 the flint knife was obtained.-Man chester Guardian. , . 1 1 the brute, opposing fists to . fangs, and on till, Gven Id. -Blake learned to be- ending the intolerable suspense at .any lieve in youth and 1 love and happiness ( iriskL .The 'jjioyements of- he terrible more especially when a little fairy grapd- animal were "but as the playrhg of 1 al cat daughter came to clasp his hand and tjod- With; a jmpuse, and. the - Van knew it. die in hi3 footsteps. ' ' V. ! : The moment cmeat 'length, when the , One day, .when, for t a vwcpderf' Will's strain could be brne no onger, and wife for her to sew one on, something in as it f paasod ,him, t , Jn 4 an. instaiit it refui- Ii h m. her attitude, as she sat before him with I bounded iu front and croiiched for' a 'The" 1 nice of celadine'or 4 4 touch mo the sunshine on- her hairi reminded him spring, groiling-oarsojy ,m showing 'not " is said to cure! tha poison of iyy. , . of that firat Vork' of hers wMen hif love itT,'teeth; The man stoppld and shouted To remove paint ' eplashed upon the grew.np aQsir'a ligW ' w j . u opejlesl f aidj, jjkbft pougar did windowpanea use a hot solution of soda : . ;" Dp. . you remernber 'tho .ilrst'' bnton- liM'sprteet Once, bnf appeortfcl Sraiting and soft flanneL - ,j ;! you put on for me, like . a fetter .round :to ptAitj, its humor ,0 little longer .jThe . I a door doeg n0 Bnut with a j elam my . wrkt, eumiingvAUca?" ;he skid shout, fortunately, w"as not in Vain. ; put a drop of sweet ojl on the catch ; if smilingly. j .. ; .vOTAa wej, hunrs'fod dcs in the it eton on the hinges.; :goap " vy puia you ue loosea now, 11 you lmmeaiate vicinity, as rare ionune will do ' but not so well. "' ! could"' she aslced.with ,a tender looi of would" hater it,' and tha rhonnds dashed ' jix .wa-ii , . .. . ..' - -. ...j T ,1 ' ; Save your old rubber boots and over defiance. ? . ... , .., suddenly from the covert as the cougar, ... i. . x att Moritr ' 44 Ah no! this, our Ufe is?' a tender, seeing ffie'm, leaped for a tree. Ajfew L , , ness with which they fell, there has been merry voice broke in, calJg, "Father!" I mpmens later the beast fej a yjctim to manufactured pring8 in Boston. no nrt. They have passed by the enaea,- widll u- wuuuuui biku wuueis, uuu.ura aum wiua ivxiuuivAWj uau 1 r 1. . 1 persons so near as vo urusu wieir ciota- Le blessedness I taken a stroll was telling his story and : To take niddew from hnen, mix soft h trying to restore the normal condition of P. ? powaerea t siarcn, nau (ine gr(JuntL can play at that garnet" More stones came flying,' : and both Mr. and ' Mrs. Turner began to search for. tlie person throwing the stones. They found them selves puzzled; to find out from what di rection they came, for they could not see the stone's till they were within ; a few feet of ihem,' ' and apparently ' coming from all directions. This sort of thing kept trp for several days, before they in formed their neighbors and friends, and asked for help in finding the cause. The neighbors came, and the stones con tinued ' rapidly falling about them In their search for tho" person throwing them.- Everybody , gave up, declaring they could not solve the mystery. A peculiarity of this stone-throwing has been that with all the apparant reckless- he. "Triple At Liong Branch. There is a constant entertainment in studying human nature, as it is present ed on the balcony of our hotel, says a Long Branch correspondent. We have here a moving panorama of Ufe centered in this little world of our own, If you have nothing particular to do, you can his nerves. It was one of the episodes which turns men's hair gray-one. which would a man-with the affair, , !,!-! For the Itieh aa IVell aa the JPoor. Several incidents have", lately been quantity of salt, and a piece of ; lemon, and lay ' it On both sides with a paint brush ; let ltrbe in the open air on is re- doubtless, have brought death to orusn ; ie, ue u u . Pou -withless nerve than the hero of Prable--tilI 'the stain .u i When milk eourt, scalding "will render it sweet again. . . The; whey i separates from the curd, and the former is better draw your chair close to the ekge of the given tending to .show that in England than shortening m bread ci. - n n 'ii L..Wr"6!" wealthyT when breaking the ;la'ws ' 'Any absorbent will-give relief ; from w itu ilia umne. auu ma bxuiiKo 110 ucu 1 - n r-rr- . , . . . - d . . - i - ..mi i l i to touch cry 4 AUce called for her at therlast. It is enough to craze her ; there isn't an empty room" in the house, or she should have it for a bit." are - movine j ana siiun? aoouc ;. ,ana u you are' a closQbserveTjt ydn'ivifl find enough to interest you. w- See the lady with the blond hair and rayeyeswith her head reposing jlan- suffer equally with, the poor.. One lit-1 bee stings. Bat perhaps nothing is t.l inridpnt in oonnention witJi the' case I more effectual than lean raw meat. ' The f Alexander Collie & Co., a wealthy firm charged' with .frauds, is worth no- instantly relieved by it. It is .said. to tice. When the heads of the firm were cure the bite ol a rattlesnake and to re- 44 Ask her to. chance Jwith mej said uidly on tne snouioer PJ the genue: Will, eaeerly : 44 tell her I should. be so with the Uundreary vnisfcers. ian he said ; 4 4 it would have been ready be- glad, if she would not mind ; the light her, iuppose j and think that her there would suit me better." Alice consented doubtfully. It pick ond vou would like to hold up that iwems like .deserting Will,',',' she said j head and smooth , down , Uioe,b Vt and yet one lias no right to let ones tressesi 4 ' Of course, greehyTyou self eet Ul: tell MrfBlKke-I accept his "wrbhg again ;!her heal don't ache, offer gratefully.' " "' I sawher consume a Spanish mackerel She had grown a little stately in her and a Mohnioutn county spring chicken solitary grief, and Will stammered over ior dinner, so she cannot be very 4ick. liia in.o.iifafi mtwh MV DMin is She is only spooney, that's all. She was Willie, too ; couldn'i you take me fore, only while I was 'gone for a loaf the kettlo boil.'d over." 44 It won't do that .this time," said Mr. : Bl.ik'e, lifting the tilted vessel from the1 firo. :: i- .: -,), . 44 Why?" .. 44 See 1" ' J...'!- t ; Then they both laughed ; Will had for gotten to put in the water. , ' ; But tho blunders were soon remedied thero was no one to soold pyerthem.' Father and son were chattering pleasantly over tho end of their meal,' when a bright young voice ; was heard, "on tho landing outside, calling ' 5' Wil4 lie, Willie." ; . 1 : 44-Made friends, already ?" asked Mr. Bliko, looking up, surprised. t ,a . s . 44 No, it is somebody lodges" over head ; her little brother has run off down stairs. He seems to give her a deal of tronble, but she never speaks any bharper than that." . " ' 44 Doesn't she now ? It's a wonderfully pleasant sounding voice." By-and-bye it seemed that the culprit was hunted up the stairs home again, a ' merry hunt, with much laughing on both sides, and as they passed Will's door, a quieter 44 Willie, Willie. Mr, 44 1 haven in mat that cooinflf, careful way, since to 4 make believe ' as children say. my sister that died ; she was just like a Alick, meanwhile, had found a cheer- mother to me ; it a a terrible long while ing employment in putting Will s room straight, as she . called it. " 44 Such a must nche padly, the poor dear, and how first brought before the magistrate, Youbity J Jtaajdernandod4 IJ 7 r eaj not auowea to go nome wnne luai friends hunted around for bail, but were remanded to Newjrate. Their htwyer. betrcred that they might at least be al- aj-e lowed 16 go'tQNeiyafe irfiag. The i magistrate repueu uia u poor meawre brought before him they would Jiave to go tcvprtson in the common van i there was no difference in the " of- Ueve erysipelas. r v Furniture oil may be prepared as fol- J yard, A thousand or more persons hare lows tMix half, a pint of olive oil with I yisited the place', and a great many have one pound of soft soap. jf Boil theni well. and apply . the , .mixture . to. ypuri oiled furniture with a piece ot cotton IwooL . . Take a piece ox commoa yello your brother!" i Olt n r olio a-nairrA1 -nrltVi iTirvt simplicity. 44 He was so naughty, the darling ; I never could have him out of my thoughts for a moment." Alice hereli had this kind of naughti ness for Will, and now? Eving iri her room, he seemed to be encompassed by her presence ; his tools and work seemed rough and coarse amidst f- tlie little dainty arrangements that marked a womanly hand. ; ; ; -. 44 If it hadn't been for knowing mother," he mused, one evening, 44 1 might fall in love, I th believe ; .as it is 1 know oener. ' So 44 knowing better," he shrank from an intercourse that might, in some sharp answer, brine: Alice down from w paper.- also another of creen. and fit ft into the top 'qf ypurhaCso" as to stay" tightly, j forenoon" and continue lo be throwii ra arfd not' oiw'voitt never bd 8trnJ i til dark.' : Nons were thrown on tho oe- fense with ! which' the 'prisoners fwere Struck. but the "headaches ;and ' similar i casion of th4 visit here described. The charged, whether committed by nob or t troubles of hot weather will be avoided, shower of stones, is not so ereat as Uet 1 1 4 ago, nd after that event found feather poor consequently, he declined to ferant Try' it. uil it li'rn khftt HhA liftil tmaA Si.lritbe privilege, applied -ioiv, ,Thd twbi : -j i instil ever since. She-takes 'a . f Collieadad ta broiigbt, ddt-tn.ftpnt ol r.ion .lpl,Vht in makinir those three! old the Mansion House before a crowd . of AI Paris corresrxmdent -writd i The maids, sitting on the benchnear the 8Iectf?ifi'fu?d jQ Jf3 Jonrapy to Gauloi haa a good tory to ;teU no hu bands they, can use as pillows. I think she takes some delight in torttrring us lone bachelors' also, who are no; so fitrored: for everv time I pass her in . n , . i that position there is a roguish look in about van, or. " iJacfc 1 a -cexUin EofiUh. actor, named Walter ,W need not isay 'say the 1 Hastingsa story4 so sensational that it oems scarcely woru wnuo a spou u oy This Mr. Hastings, , . .. . . : : 177 .ii Frtiftlnj Von Jural Newgaein the' prison Maria." New York" Times, that they onld ;have been tf eited withniuch.reatA 1 consid eration nere. Easy 1 bay, . would i have been demanded, and if they had iound htx pedestal, on which he still - chose to . Blako looked strangely reflective! place her, justifying his bright dreams j avon't heard anybody say Willie,' to himself by saying : 44 It is pleasant 0 i I i nr u i . il:i ii ' Jf her eye, which seems to say: ; Would IW oimcuity to gei ina. uieywouia you not oe nappy u you couia noiu . w- - j somebody's head up." lonaoio uui, ur cy iuuwu nouses, unaer ui(J nominal Buxreiuaace of a sherrns' officer; : 'Burglars, thieves, even murderers, find no difficulty in get ting admiited Vo'bdUby rar magistrates.' A man nearly killed a police officer the other night, and was instantly admitted to bail in the sum of SI, 000. .How much better off Messrs. Collie & Co. would bo to-day if their offense had been cora- ago. s ... 44 These two are ( much "the . same. They live alone ; she mmdshim and sends him to school." 1 ft a i 4 4 You seem to know all about her, Will." " ' " ' 1 . if. "T i 4 4 All I am likely to "kno-w . There are no strangers like fellow lodgers, and she is pot the bird of girl to meet one pity, poor tian, f pr him to live in such a muddle, atid himiso clever, too." . V'i She had found some torn drawings in the littered fireplace, and carefully Bmoothed hem out as treasure over looked. Will, coming for a book, found her thus busy, and said smiling : 7 One, Idiot ' in the Family. The Salem (Mass.) Gazette narrates the following : A firm in a neighboring town being obliged to suspend opera tions on account of the unfaithfulness of one of its members, ' a number of citi zens subscribed certain sums to effect a resumption of the work, and toj en courage home industry. But their kind ness was imposed upon, and they found themselves so much put of pocket. ' xnitted in jew York, instead ol London 1 One I How rr is Doxe. At somelibuses of ot the parties in filling out the censnr JnJettainfn lft jcoapp tnejmce m tDor. Maced : und the head " How board and lodging is $50 per day. TW manv idiots in the family fone. ter tickftS4are : drinks at the !bar Miin..!, il,tr innnired the census 810, and rMiards 100 game. In.(ji that?" taker I was not were any in your family." " Oh, lye, there is one. I made a fool of myself when I signed that subscription paper." the census aware that there these cases notice is given of a liberal diaeouni to friends.""- Tiio- object, is to avoid the penalties of the civil rights bill Judge Pearson, of ; the supreme court of North Carolina, has rendered an opinion which is interesting under oer- tain circumstances. In this case the 18C5, dining with Lord 1 parties had nsade a contract of marriage, and on the day previous to the marriage thoTwotaan executedJa!ileed.of gift of her real estate to the ralne. of $8,000 to her step-mother without the knowledge of the man." After the marriage the husband sued for the recovery of the Land baek to the wife- trpon the ground of fraud. The court held that the deed was fraudulent, intended to deceiTe the mm, ' and the step mother is ordered to convey back the land to the wife. id credulity. This Mr. Hastings, 'it ap pears, was, in tion to express . an opinion that solitary confinement S "by no means so terriJilo a punishmentas it sounds. Lard S. disagreed t with the .speculative (actor, find Xurthwiih offered him 10.000 if he would be punished in . this jway for ten years. The offer was accepted, and Mr, Hastings left the stage to pass the next decade of "his, life in a dark cell ot fifteen leet uy ten. ue was auoweu c&nuieB nf rielmnc him to flv a lite.' arid thero samp I . . i. . ... , i ia..u strangles duu wiui lum wh h strips hint- ol tha trhy .trinkets with which,, ho was adorned. Yet f another conducts a boy, ged.nineto witness a religious procewuonVyat pdAsing near ditch suddenly ' Uifows hini down, par tialiy atrancrlos hinv icars thai silver or naments from' bis anna .and. ieet, and fling him : into Vbe ditch, which is for tunately dry, and where he is found be fore life is quite extinct. "By tjiepromiso of a'melon Leela" tnveiglejr Debee Dee, seven years" of agei froni tistfather's house, brains him with a hoc; i fid buries his turban and trinkets in a field, leav ing the body, where it -had fallen, and. where it was found by the anxious fath er. ' This murderer, like the'" otliers, on being charged ' with the crime, at onoo confessed hi guilt,' but pleaded as an fTtenntting rirmmstimea Jhat-ho was prompted by an evil spirit. , , . A woman holds a little girl under wa ter until she is drowned, Iho temptation being a silver collar of the wtigbt of two rupees. .Two women ooai evening ask a child eight years , Old to oome on the morrow for soma, fruit, and when she eagerly arrives, the one holds ber whilo the other passes a rope round her neck and pulls it till the breath has fled. Tho body was speedily found in the midst of some tall grass near the house, and the spoils consisted of a silver collar weigh ing four rupees. A woman of Tipperah ; was engaged in cooking her food, when, according to her ' own account, a child not above six years old came toddling up to ' her.'- Suddenly a thick darkness en veloped her, and a radce sound fd in her ears bidding her strangle ber Uttlo visi tor. Thereupon she seised the child by tha throat and the' darkness passed away. So she dug a hole in the floor of her house and laid the body therein, after taking off the1 few valueless ornaments. A girl, aged nine, herself recently be trothed, droms her playfellow in a shallow watercourse, while .a boy four teen years old leads in play a youthful companion to the. edge of a tan, mashes his skull with a flint, posscee! himself of the scanty ornamants and then lays the crima t the door of a neighbor. Similar c" mJLght beSjuot- iitCj Carrie by ta "f. .'7 lZrt ain of the .lone, were fP 4KS'" ?fl Uie CuXUi EUMOU mm mm hi uaxa v uu company of its murderer, "who straight way relates the whole transaction and points out t where :the - ornaments havo been buried. These usually conaiat of m very ithin silver, bracelets and anklets, with possiuly "small r Id rings oa tho finger and tiny pearl et as 'earring, the value ranging from' two td ten ru peea. L Tha trinket and sometimes the body, are buried a few, inches; beneath ho aurface either in' . the dry soil of a neighboring fieLL usually' the murder er's own plot of gTOund, or ln: hi hut, where its presence xntx&t' inevitably be . discovered a aooa aadaoompooition set in. ; Bodies . exposed Jn tha open field or carelessly thrown into" the nearest jungle are quickly rendered unrecogniz able by wild beast and bird of prey, nor doe tha scanty : clothing afford trustworthy means of recognition. -. ; i ; i tm Grief. 'A iarge'expedition to the Black Hills, composed of nearly two hundred men, soma -of whom were from New York, Pennsylvania and. New England, has Turner last fall was very anxious to have snow fall, as he reasoned that if the stones were thrown by living individuals, their tracks would betray them. The stones continued to be thrown all winter, even when the snow was deep. They would fall upon the roof of the house and roll down, leaving scarcely a vestige of their course in tha snow. No track of . persons whatever could be found. Mrs. Turner savs it is more as if the stones were s thrown. Certain carried home by the neighbors and pri vately marked. -These identical stones would soon be found again in Turner a themselves seen the stone throwing,' but vastly many more ha r6 waited and went way without' seeing .it, and - have pro nounced 'tha r whale? Uiings .humbugr Mrs. Turner say the, stones . ordinarily commence to fall at ten o'clock in the simmer, and the family art in hopes it will stop altogether. ; , Harmony. and books and writing materials and pientv of Tood. but "was served by a a f I silent an d 4 invisible attendant. 1 1 Ha has , . Hoxzstx at . m '. ParjtfTLTC Parson Brownlow, a latter political enemy of came to a bad end-They congregated at Sedalia, Mo., about the first of July, each member equipping himself for gold digging and ' Indian fighting, besides paying $70 into' a general fund. They went by tha way of Denver, ana were depleted by rumor that. United btatea troop were after them. Further on they dwindled to twenty-three,' and those were captured by cavalry and returned to civilization.- nmr won bis 10,000 and ' is spending it Andrew Johnson, in an editorial article in Pari, .whitfcer ha is glad to " escape in in his paper aay that tlie ex-Preaident search oi beoltli after his cenfinenient in was strictly honest,', and adds: ' This hia lordalap's cellar, i ; Instead ol looking trait in'his cliaracter in wurthy of ctnul his. aeehiriT-fiTe-die' .aDearH to ba tion bv all publio mcu. Ill boundhxai at leutt sixty ; but be iv fay, the (iau ioMpxtremtJy- anxious - to begia once iaoxe in Ida realistic career. , lle'stems to have made up for the part of Lo Con tenaire with great detormination. suncesB is 'eTidenoe ,that. tl. Amcricaq people appreciato .hoia-ty in their rulers and that when they find micb they will reward them with their couCdcnoo and support. Or Cou&az Sir Dnx A middle agl woman fell as aha was deacending a pair of stair in a Detroit ' building, and tho- first rum to - reach', tier , feet was a banker who liappened to . to passing. ,4Did you fall, tnadamt! he inquired, an he seized her arm. Fall I Of course I fell. ' You don't suppose I'd sit down in such a place as that to rest, do you!" she unapped. He didn't