7 UEIER ANKLIN GKO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: S2.00 por Annum. VOL. IV. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 175. NO. 40. i JVif rtwf Present. This ago is wise with, windom Mlovrlycnilod, And men, grown bold likj well trained hunters, leap From crag to crag of truth, with sight tra dulled, ; O'er procipiceH steep. Bnt when our father trod the le-el plains Tlie Htars hoi.e brightly in the gentle xtrnamq, The rainbow arch d above the Hummer rains, And Bloep brought happy dreams. The world in rollingBwift and far away From morniDg mists and early moi ning light, And hi the fulluetw of the middle day No f h&dowa meet the sight. But reaching from that soft and shifting sky - Of early dawn a radiant pathway shone, And angels in the morning ventured nigh, Who in the morn are gone ! i I ! 1 I . . . M -. v-. - I m -mm j - t m- I v I . v. I TIf fl n I "!I.1 .1 J A' THE FA It WEST, The gulch was simply a ravine, a hun dred feet wide!, with sloping sides, that were less tlian! a dozen feet high. The qeauty of the place was that the bottom was covered Iwith the richest kind of grass and near the center was a spring of deliriously! cool and clear water, so that it possessed every requisite for a camping site, An Ercltlng Adventure, of a Party of Immigrants Among the Mor mon. The revival of interest in the Moun tain iueauow massacre recalls a curious incident in which I became involved about that time, the particulars of which were only understood;. by three persons besides myself. It was in the summer of the same year, 1857, that a party of immigrants from Missouri penetrated the Territory of Utah on their way to California. This company numbered precisely fifty per sons, among whom were eighteen men, the. rest Wing women and children. They wen) amply provided with baggage w.tgons, oxen and nprses, and were un usually fortunate in coming through the Indian country without the loss of any of their number, and, with no serious de- A? fit i pnvauou 01 uieir uaggago. it was my fortune to bo one of the loaders in that enterprise, and my wife and child were witli me. When we had gone some hundreds of miles into Utah we were approached by ji iiuieu lronuer cnaracter Known as " I Sill Liggett "a grizzly, shaggy fel low who galloped over from. a neighbor nig camp upon a splendid little mustang, never halting until the animal almost ran over us. This Leggctt was a curiouf compound of the desperado, miner and scout, a man capable of the most atro cious deeds, and yet at times showing feelings as tender as a woman's. As he reined up his horse and looked around. he paid no attention to the numerous salutations lie received, but as he drew up abruptly to know Where the devi is the leader of this percession ?" sovera' pointed to me, and he looked down from the buck of his horse, carefully scanning me from head to foot." ! "Ho, you're the leader of this funeral, ar you?", ho asked, with a sly chuckle peculiar to himself, and when I nodded I expected to hear some characteristic nlur upon my appearance, but the old borderer vas disposed to be gracious that day. " You look like a purty de cent sort of a chap, and I'vo got some thin' to say to you so, if you're a mind, just walk out here beyond earshot, and we'll orate." , We wen 1 1 1T together. Leggctt, swing ing one of his immense, legs over the saddle of his mustang, stepped down to , the ground, and leaning with his back against tho hbr.se, looked mo keenly in tho eye, and asked me: " How many men have you got?" "Eighteen."' "All armed, be they?" "All armed and redy to defend the company at any time. They've learned something of Indian ways' while crossing Jho plains. " lney have, eh? Wal, they've got to learn a thundering Isight more afore r they reach California. Do you know that the very devil will be to pay afore you can strike tho Sierra Nevada ?" ' T ! ii i i -i a repu.'u imu wo apprenenueu no uu- Usual danger, and asked him to be more explicit. He seemed to have a peculiar . reluctance to explaiu the particulars of some important knowledge that he had gained within tho last day or ' two. He said that lie was in the neighborhood of Salt Lako City when ho learned that we had passed, and he found out too that an Italian plan was arranging for destroying our entire party. Beyond this ho seemed tin willing to commuuicate what he had learned, but ho finally ventured the . opinion that if we were attacked at all it would lie at a place known as Murder era gulch. If we could get beyond that without disturbance, or if we should with the single exception tjhat in case of attack the advantage was with the assaulting party. In view of the warning we had received from Leg gctt the question was debated whether we should halt here or pass further on. The grass continued along the bottom for several miles further, but this was the only spot where water could be obtained, and at every place the banks were much higher. We had seen Indians at a distance during the whole day, and we had ex changed shots more than once with some of their horsemen. There could be : uouot, tnereiore, tnat we were in a very dangerous section of the-country, and careful review of the situation led us to -t i ii 1 - . -, auopi a rainer novel ueiense, the sue cess of which depended upon the dark ness of the night. T t 11 rt .ueiore uarK tnree camp-nres were kindled, and ' their smoke was clearly out 1 J 1 t nrtt meu againsii tne sKy. xne teams were unhorsed and set grazing: the succulen grass, while a number of us took pains to show ourselves on the slopes, so tha' there could be no doubt that the red skins were fully apprised of what we were doing. This continued until some time after dark, the fires burning brightly, 11 11 ' - i wnne tne coniusion ana bustle were greater than usual. An hour after sunset ! tho entire caravan, with tho exception of four men, started silently up the gulch and never halted until they had reached the open prairie, fully a half rdozen mile, away. When they set off they left be hind them two larcre basreraere-wacrons. and each of us four men had his own horse.. j ' There was every reason to believe that the Indians intended to attack us at this place, as Leggctt had told us, and we adopted this not very original artifice in the hope of throwing them off the track. Favored byj the darkness, we believed we could make them think . the entire party was in camp, and by making a gallant show, hold them at bay until tho added, with one of his terrific oath3, the first shot picked off that loafer and the next that . one. They was down ir he gulch, and I hauled 'em up here, where I could keep 'em till daylight." " What was that for ?" " I'll shovr you." With that he leaped over one of the men and with some water from his can teen rubbed the side of his face. Then he split the sleeve of the other's hunting shirt. The result in both cases was the discovery that the skin was as white as our own. Both men were Cau casians, as no doubt were all the othors concerned in this little incident which took place less than three months pre vious to the massacre at Mountain Meadow. Worldl women and children, with their escort, would have! time to get beyond their reach. After the departure of our friends, we permitted our camp fires to smolder, f or if there were too much light a keen-eyed Indian would be apt to de tect the trick we were attempting to play upon them. All this being arranged a carefully as possible, two of us stationed ourselves on one side the i ravine and two upon the other, our horses being protected a short distance below us, where they could be reached at a moment's warnincr. All of us were Insanity anil Itesponnibility. The London Spectator speaks as fol lows concerning the defense of insanity in criminal cases : At the best we can only make a shrewd guess at these ques tions of responsibility. For anything we know, many; men who seem responsi ble for their crimes are not really so re sponsible ; their education may be re sponsible for these crimes, and not the men themselves. For anything we know again, many men who do not seem responsible ior tneir crimes, really are so. It is only a reasonable presumption we can reach at the best. But if that presumption is..to;be founded solely or chiefly on the criminal act itself, there is an end at once of all chances of intimi dating unprofessional and exceptional criminals. They will always be able to count on escaping the consequences of their crimes by the help of the apparent eccentricity of it and the favor of the doctors. Nothing can be more danger ous. We confess to the deepest distrust of professional medical opinions on this subject, if only for the reason we have named, that-the experience of medical men is limited so much to cases of dis eased brain, that their imagination and their memory are dominated by the pre cedents of physical disease till they can hardly be said i to have any opportunity of a really impartial judgment. If they have thoroughly broken down the ob solete and quite untenable legal doctrine on the subject,! they have set up prece dents of their 'own which are still more dangerous and still less reasonable on the other side, j The public must beware of professional bias on this subject, whether legal or medical. For this is eminently a subject where the evidence of specialists may be useful, but the judgment of specialists is utterly untrust worthy. A Han whose Hintorv la that of him Country. In the course of nature no event would be more natural than the death of a citizen in the ninety-sixth year of his age. And yet the announcement of the death of Horace Binuey will be heard throughout- tLe country with profound regret. In the course of nature but a little time was left to him. In his death America loses one of its illustrious and honored sons. ' Sixty years ago Horace Binney was a distinguished man. Near ly seventy years have elapsed since he was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature. Fifty years aero he was deemed fit by even as severe a critic as John Quincy Adams to be minister to France. He began his political career under Jefferson ; he practically closed it under Jackson. Fo?a generation he has lived in complete retirement in Philadel phia, preserving his remarkable faculties to the last and fading away in extreme old age. It is hard to lealizo in our hurrying world how many years are embraced in the life of this one man. He was eight years older than Byron, ten years older than Shelley. He, no doubt, saw Frank lin and Washington, and was on terms of friendship with many of the great men The Frodlgloum Featm of St. John Hirer Xete nrunmwlrker. Thomas, or Tom Gardner, as he was familiarly called, was born on the. river St John, one mile above the mouth of the Mactaquack stream, in the year 1798. Viewed casually, Gardner gave no evi dence of unusual power, but when stripped his muscular development was tremendous, and it is affirmed that in stead of the ordinary ribs he possessed Ietrolt JFWa JVe CHrrenev. A Cleveland paper asks : Are you fool enough to buy a lottery ticket ! Sundown seems to come a good deal sooner than there is any occasion for. An Ohio man ran a mile in six minuts the other day. So did his wife. She was after him. Suet butter is not a success. We are willing to take the word of a man .who lost $38,000 in its manufacture. rsrE.Ysio.v. Altogether Too JTneh Annovmne frotn Pomtmmmter Jmmem -t- ". n tiU JTr rr , Am IX UKU For several months the Hope Sewing Machine Company has extensively ad vertised in the newspapers of tho coun try, and circulars have been sent to thousands of household. The agfney for the machine styled itself the Hope of New lork. Manufacturing Company Train your voice if you want to be an at the top of the circulars was printed alderman in Denver. The alderman who a solid bony wall on cither side, and that I yells tho loudest gets his bills through there was no separation whatever. He first. Lincoln belongs to six dogs in her alleys tho other day to say L. ithaJ for i A First Sight of Napoleon. The memoirs of a noted Frenchman, just publislieu, give tne lollowing pic ture of the first Napoleon: I was lying flat inj the grass near the top of the strangely surprised at his appearance, uui, so tnat we couiu. peep into tne gloom without the danger of being seen ourselves . while we were enabled to make better use of our ears than our eyes, for by ap plying our ears to the ground we" were sure to detect the approach of a horse, no matter how carefully he was guided. We had lain upon the ground less than two hours, when I heard the faint but distinct sound of a horse's hoofs, to which were instantly joined those of several others. I gave utterance to a low. soft, tremulous whistlo to apirise the others of what was cominer. and the re plies instantly came back. Within five minutes I caught the shadowy outlines of a horse, whose head was directly toward me, and who -i "av rx i m ii -r jipproocncu wiiniu twenty ieet oeiore x could mate certain- tnat no nau a man upon his back. I took the best aim possible and fired. The horse wheeled ud ' dashed ' away, but as he turned, I saw the arms of his rider thrown up in tho air. Almost at the same moment the crack of a rifle was heard upon the opposite side of the gulch, and im mediately after the sound of a third gun, directly up the ravine, in the direction takeu by the caravan. This last shot caused us great uneasiness, for it looked very much as if our ruse had been de tected, though it had been our belief up to that moment that the - women and children were all of two miles away. After these shots all remained quiet for an hour, when I began to give way to my drowsiness, and assuredly should have fallen asleep but for another report up the ravine, evidently from the same ritle which we had heard before. for nothiner could be more remote than this from the conception I liad formed in tne midst oi a numerous stan l saw a man of stature- below the middle height, and extremely! slight. His hair was pow dered, and cut in a peculiar manner, squarely below the ears, and then fell behind on his shoulders. He was dress ed in a close-fittine coat, buttoned all the way up, and ornamented with a very slight embroidery of gold, and he wore a tricolored phmo in his hat. At first glance his appearance was certainly not ltfindsome. But he had marked fea tures, a quick and searching eye, while his animated and sharp gesture showed ardor of soul, qmd his large and thought ful forehead profound power of reflec tion. He made me sit down by him, and we talked of Italy. His way of speaking was brief, and at this time very incorrect. of the Revolution. the past. Horace Binney was old enough to have been the father of Lincoln and tho grandfather of General Grant. He was tho contemporary of Dr. Samuel Johnson and Frederick the Great, and of that Oglethorpe who founded Georgia and who fought in the wars under Marl borough and Prince Eugene. He was only eleven years . younger than Napo leon, and was in full manhood when Austerlitz was gained. Nearly a quarter of a century ago Webster and Calhoun died, full of years and honor. We regard them as of a generation long past. Horace Binney was older than either. When he was born this republic was composed of thirteen colonies. He could well re member the admission of every State into the Union, from Vermont, which came in in 1791, to the admission of Nevada and Oregon. When he entered manhood the Union had little more than five millions of population. He could have voted for president in 1801 as he voted for president in 1872. He could remember the execution of Marie An toinette and of Robert Emmet, the reign of terror, the career of Napoleon from Rivoli to Waterloo. When he was an active public officer the politics ol America were undefthe control of Jeffer son and Burr ; the politics of England under that of Pitt and Fox. He saw tho rise and fall of empires, and that re markable movement of thoucht which began with the fall of the bastile and ended, so far as we can see the end, with the abolition of American slavery. Horace Binney's career covered the whole life of the republic, if we regard the formation of the confederation as the beginning. He heard the bells which rang out the surrender of Cornwallis. His life had become almost a sacred heritage to Philadelphia. Many and fervent have been the prayers that it would be spared till the centennial year that one who had seen the foundation of the republic might grace stood five feet ten and a half inches, erect and full chested, and never exceed ed 190 pounds in weight The late Charles Long informed the editor of . the New Brunswick licportcr that at one time he saw Gardner lift from a towboat a puncheon of corn, con taining at least twelve bushels, and, swinging around, deposit it on the sand. In so doing he tore the sole off his boot. On another occasion a number of men were trying to lift a stick of. timber. In all the crowd only one man could raise it about two inches from tho skids. Gardener told four men to sit upon it, and then lifted it so high that the men jumped off to save themselves from the fall. Mr, McKeen has frequently known Any girl in Georgia, old enough to have a beau, will tell you just how many moonlight nights there'll be between date and January. When you go out to shoot and find that yon can't hit a barn door at five i i i T i -i i ill only low-pnoed rriachine ever manui land and Ireland were nicely scooped by turj v hi. American rinemen. Senator Jones ordered a 87,000 hat- rack the other day, but there was a time when he was glad enough to hang his old hat on a ten-penny nail, and there is a chance for the rest of us. Memphis is preparing herself for an other visit from the cholera. Some one counted one hundred and twelve dead "810 Wonderful $10," m big letU-rn. Then followed this announcement : " The new and improved Hope sewing rnachine, price S10, "with taWe and treadle complete. A thoroughly me chanical, fully tested, and practical uc cees. Complete combination of all tho good qualitien, without the faults t f high-Priced machines. Fully protected by United States government patent from all infrincrements whatever. The ever manulac- av- iest beaver cloth rapidly and with a fine, firm stitch." A glowing description ox ihe machine's capacity for work, and of its thorough adaptation to the use of tailors ibwH makers, hat and cap manufactun-r, ladies shoemakers, and for family now ing, filled two closely printed page. Tho company also Announced that in addi- inches thick. He has known him also with one hand to lift, by the rung of a chair, the chair itself and a man weigh ing nearly 200 weight. Once in attempt ing to lift a very heavy man ho wrenched the rung entirely from tho chair. Gardner at one time was possessed of a balky horse with which he exercised great patience; but when patience ceased to be a virtue he would fell him to the ground with his clenched fist, striking him behind the ear. It is re lated of Gardner's sister that on one oc casion a famous wrestler traveled all the way from Miramichi to Tom's home in order to "try a fall with him." Tom nothing of old boots and a few cats. Two Connecticut farmers have just bo- come good friends after a fend lasting twenty-one years, and we may trust now that the time will come when Bob Toombs will let Parson Brownlow hold him on his lap. By the way what about Sharkey? After every newspaper in tho country has expressed the earnest hope that he would be brought back and hung, it isn't sale a buttonhole worker ; price fifty cents ; and that it had a full supply of niblx r goods, and toilet articles on hand. Three weeks ago the Rev. J. J. rrath er, a Methodist minister of Clay City, HL, wrote to Messrs. Horace Waters k Sons that he had sent $10 to tho lbio Company, but had not received a ma chine. His letter was relcrred to tho post-office. Subficflucntly Superintend ent Wallinir cot a letter from J. F. Itu- righ for him to hang off and bo so mod- dolph, of Nevada City, CL, nay ing tliat est about coming. he had remitted $30 to the company, but An Indiana girl wanted to Bee if her had not got any machines in return, lover really loved her. and she cot a boy The money belonged to three of hi to yell "mad dog I" as they were walk-1 neighbors, and he supposed that he wan was absent, but the sister, looking con-1 ing out. The lover flew over a fence and I to receive a machine free, tho comjany temptuously upon the intruder, declared she could throw him herself, and, suit ing the action to the word, in a fair trial threw him fairly three times in succes sion. The stranger's experience with the sistej was sufficient; he never sought a future interview with the brother.. f The greatest feat which Gardner was ever known to perform was on one of the wharves in St. John.. Mr. McKean saw him lift and carry an anchor weigh ing 1,200 pounds, numbers of other wit nesses standing by, some of whom are yet alive. Frequently he has seen him carrying a barrel of pork under each arm, and once he saw him shoulder a barrel of pork while standing in an ordi nary brandy box. When about forty years of age Gardner removed to the United States, and never returned to his native province. It is commonly reported and believed that he met with a sad adventure on board a Mississippi steamer. . A heavy bell was on board as a portion of the freight, and the captain, a great, power ful fellow, was concerned as to how he should remove it from its place in order to make more room on deck. While captain and passengers were at dinner, left her to be chewed up, and she went right away and married a store clerk. The Floods and Tree Planting. One of the worst injuries done by the recent rains is the blow which has been struck by them at the treo planting in dustry which has begun of late to flour ish throughout the entire Northwest. It has been the story for years of the scien tific men and meteorologists that the extraordinary droughts -to which por tions of tho land have been subjected were. directly traceable to tho destruc tion of the forests. Very ingenious, in deed, have been the arguments by which this position was sustained ; and, best of all, the facts seemed to support it. Where the trees had been most ruthless ly destroyed there had the rainfall most signally decreased and the springs failed; and where the forests were still un touched there the windows of heaven were still opened with delightful fre quency and the earth moistened with re freshing showers. So plausible were the arguments, so convincing the proofs, that men at last accepted them and began to plant trees in self-defense, until over a large portion of the territory a A report is ; horrible crime A Terrible Crime. prove ourselves able to repel any as- Several times during the night Ve heard sault, we might consider all reaf danger passed. Having told me this much, Leggctt leaped into the saddle, galloped up tho ridge, and vanished. Tho guido to our party was a '49er, who had crossed and recrossed tho plains, but whose knowledge of the country, was less thorough than we1 had a right to expect. He had led us astray sevend times, but when I came to speak of Murderer's gulch, he recognized tle place at once, and assured me that he participated in the ceremony of its christening. He was one of a party of miners who encamped there a half- dozen years before, there being a round a m . 1 al' dozen oi tneni, wnen tney got into a fight, which resulted in the death and dangerous wounding of eight of the number, most or wnom were leit upon the spot. Murderer's gulch, as it was called from tliat day, was only five miles away, aud it was now early in the afternoon, so that it could be easily reached before night fall. So we set forward, and when we halted the sun was still an hour high. the sounds of cases, of men hoofs, and, in several moving about, but we coual see notning ot tnem, and no further shot was fired , within our hear iucr durincr tliat watch. We remained ou tue aiert until near morning, wnen wo mounted our horses to ride awav, certain that if the redskins found out how few we were they would make a rush for us; but when we came to j mount we found our number was re duced to three. An examination proved that the fourth had been killed and taken away, while the dead bodies of the Indians themselves had been stealthily removed during the darkness. Galloping a short distance up the gulch, whom should we meet but old Bill Leggett, on his mustang, riding towards us at an easy canter. Leading us up out of the gulch to the prairie above, he pointed to two dead bodies in the grass. . " You heerd my gun twict in the night, didn't ye?" he asked. We replied that wo did, and were afraid it boded ill to tho caravan. " They're all right," he in circulation at Halifax of committed two years ago which has only now come to light by the confession of a sailor named Green wood. The j schooner Mary E. Jones sailed from Clyde river, Shelburne "coun ty, for Boston, and two sisters named Sutherland flrere passengers. Shortly after sailing the two women were brutal ly outraged by the captain and the crew, except one man, who now tells the story. They were then killed, and the bodies thrown overboard. The crew afterward landed in their boats on the coast, and the vessel met with heavy was thrown on her beam ends, and the young women drowned in the cabin, but the vessel subsequently Barrington bay, when tho reported that weather and drifted into ueckloau was still on and tnere was no appearance of her having been on her beam ends, and no bodies were found in the cabin. The captain's name is Swain, and he is now bound to a New Brunswick port, where he will be arrested on his arrival. 77te HViy to Hitch I j a Team. Always get the lines undone, and in shape to pick them up any time before hooking the! tugs. Some people put up the neck yoke the first thing, and then hook the tugs before taking, down tho lines. Then if a team start they have no control over, them whatever. In unhitching, the tugs should be un hooked the first thing. Never throw the lines off. one each side oi tne team, as you would have no control of them. Let them lay in the watron till you do them up, when everything will be safe. A Utile thought in regard to such things might save a sad accident sometimes. presence the celebration of the centennary of our independence. But this was not to be. All that remains of Horace Bin ney is the memory . of a blameless, an honored and a useful life. He belonged to the far past, representing its patriot ism and its glory. It will be well for U3 in this sad time, with the degradation which lias fallen upon so much of our social and political life, if wo cherish well the lessons of such a career and imitate the virtues of the age in which he flourished and of the great men with whom he labored to strengthen the foundation of the republic. X. V. Herald. $ Protection Frotn Ilatcks. ' In the Southern Cultivator we find the following suggestive hints for the protection of chickens from hawks : Several years ago I settled in the woods, with swamps on every side except the south. For several successive springs the oak stumps in the yard. put out their annual sprouts, which soon reached the height of several feet. The hawks invariably caught all of my young chicks until the yard became sprouted in the spring ; ' after this they generally quit. I think several literally starved to death in a vain effort to catch my chickens ; one, at least, came every day for a month, and failed every, time. The best plan that I know of is to have a large yard say two acres ; sow the whole of it in rye in the fall, skipping the paths. Check your industrious wife, and do hot let her set the hens too early. The green rye draws numerous insects hav ing a delicious flavor to the palate of poultry. The matured rye they dearly love. The hawk is not very fond of going like a bullet through - anything that tangles his legs, and while he is combating with the rye, the hen is on her back dealing motherly blows, and the little chicks are. using their instinct ; wife is screaming, and the landlord is in full trot with his old musket cocked. The hawk soon learns that the game is not worth the candle. If flowers are not wanted, sow the balance of the yard in rye. If the yard is stocked with fruit trues, sow about two-thirds of the space between the tree rows. denuded of its timler the irrowth becran with his lorn, ur presence ot the crow, to their 8iowiy but surely to upraise ijaelf. utter amazement, lifted the bell and car ried it to the opposite side of the boat. When the captain returned he asked how that had been accomplished, and when Gardner laughingly remarked tliat he carried it there, the former gave him the lie, and as one word brought on an other, he presently struck Tom in the face. This was too much, aud for the first time in his life the strong man gave blow for blow ; but one buffet was suffi cient. The captain never spoke again, killed dead on the instant. Tom made his escape, went West, and has never been heard of since. Talking Like Mamma. How many parents realize that chil dren aro but mirrors, inasmuch as they reflect tho doings and sayings of their elders: - - ' "Jack!" screarped a bright-eyed, golden-haired, fair-faced little girl of net more than six summers, to her younger brother, who had dumped himself under the wall, where ho was digging sand with a strip of shingle. "Jack, yon ffood-for-nothincr little scamp, you are And just as tho theory has come to be fully accepted and acted upon, down came the floods over all the region that ought, under the theory, to be an arid, rainless desert, and the theory comes to naught. Along the shores of the Ohio, where the fields have been" ruthlessly cleared, aud in Colorado and Wyoming, where there have been no trees in the memory of man, there has been the same universal down-pour, and the man of science who should now traverse these regions with tho homilies for the farm t rs on the inadvisability of tree-cutting would find but scanty audiences. And yet it is to be hoped the theory will not be lightly abandoned. There were so many facts that seemed to justify it, and the tree-planting to which it gave rise was really so beneficial, in any view, that no harm can be done by clinging to it a little longer. It may be that the guaranteeing in their circulars to M ti.l him cne for his services in collecting orders. Po-tmastcr James bus x?c ting that tho company's operations were a repetition of the schemes of It. J. Mulligan k On, and J. Thompson, llanna Jk Co., dirccied that their post-office Ikix nhould 1j closed, and that no registered letters should bo delivered to them until they had identified themselves as required by the postal laws. A letter of rrmonHtrRiicu with the printed heading, "IIojkj Manufacturing Company, manufacturer! of sewing machines, materials, rubber good, and novelties of every descrip tion," was sent to the rxNttmaKter. It was singed J. Thommon, treasurer of the company, 137 Bowery. Detective Dunn made a visit to 137 Bowery, but (ailed to find any J. Thompson, lie re ported that the place was over a ftovo store, and that Mr. Marks, the proprie tor, professed to have authority to sign for letters and packages for Thompson. The detective, therefore, reported that ho thought tho Hope Company a myth. This week the Rev. Mr. Prather wrote to Postmaster James that his wifo had received a toy sewing machine in return for tho ten dollars he had mailed tho company, and as tho toy machine was worth not more than fif ij cents ho thought that tho interests of juMice de manded the company hhould be proHccu ted. The last letter from J. Thompson to tho postmaster announced the Hopo Company's regret at not being able to . identify themselves to his autisfactiuu. The writer added that as the company had been placed in a false position and accused of using the mails, it had de cided to suspend business an the easiest way out of its troubles. A Fortunate Lieutenant. United States Senator Stewart's son-in-law, Lieut. Hooker, is one of thon men who, the Hindoos would say, if they fell into the Ganges, would come up. with a fi&h in his mouth. Aside from the dowry which his bride received he U offered six months' leave of absence season is an exceptional one, that Jupiter I from official duties, with the privilege of or Mars is wreaking his spite upon us, I joining ins latuer-in-law in lu mining or that the absence of "Old probabili ties " from his post at Washington has something to do with tho unusual fall of water. Let the theory have another speculations, and if he likes the busine. or, rather, if fortune emilcs upon him with golden favor, he has the promise of six additional months, in order to make the torment of. my life ! Come right into I chance and let the tree planting go on. I assurance doubly aure, and then, if ho the house this, minute, or I'll take the very hide ofTn you! Come in, I say !" " Why, Totty," exclaimed her father, who chanced to come up at that memont: " what in the world are you saying ? Is that the way you talk to your little brother !" " Oh, no, papa," answered the little child, promptly and with an innocent smile. " We was playing keep house, and I am Jack's mamma and I was talk incr to him iust as mrmma talked to me this morning. I never really rpank him, as rnqmmA does me sometimes." Tho most cutting remarks are made by the bluntest men. The Reason. A female teacher in Rhode Island writes as follows to tho Xcic England Journal of Education in regard to her seventeen years' teaching and remuner ation : My salary has increased from S1 per year, lor tne nrst year oi my teaching, to $400 a year for the last two years only. Now permit me to aik, how far. toward supporting this mortal body will $400 go, if the female teacher de votes her time when at home to mental mprovexnent and rest f Irish Stew. After the best end of a neck of mutton has been used for roat or cutlets, take the scrag and cut it up, and the ends of the cutlets cut up in small pieces; the bones must not be broken. Put one pound of meat to two pounds of good old potatoes peeled and cut in pieces, onions, tapper and salt, and a little water in a covered saucepan. When half done add a few whole potatoes, and by the time these are quite cooked all the water should be absorbed, and the ingredients well amalgamated, and no gravy apparent. It is beit served in a deep dish. chooses, he can resign from Uncle Sam's service. With such prtwpecW succetui cannot fail to bo in kindly waiting to continue him in the pleasant paths which have been, so far through life, devoid of thorns and stumbling stonos. Heavt Raps-Fali. The amount of rain which fell in one day in August, in the territory with New York as a center and Philadelphia, New Lrradon and Allany a the limit, to equivalent to that of the two month of May and June together, while the firt twelve days of the month of August sbo-v a higher re sult than thai of the entire thirty-one days of July preceding. The FJTeet of Emotion. It is related by Sprcugtl, in hU " Gcachichte der Arzneikinde," that tho Arabian physicians sometimes relied with great succetoi on moral means for curing tlinesjse, of which the folio ing is a striking instance: One of Ilarouu Al-Raschid's wives suffered from paraly sis of both arms. Dachibrailthe court pnyaician, lnuaceu tne c-uipn to sum mon all the leading nobles to a Urgj hall izvhis palace, and then introduced tha lady to the assembled multitude. Without a word of preface he raised her yeO, when feelings of tdiaxne and fear restored strength to the palsied arm.. Tho lady hantily threw her veil down again, and was cured from that hour. rn. i i . a . he taxes Ids resources. f

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