Franklin Courier GEORGE S. J5AKER, Editor and PnonsiKTon. All letters addressed to , , Geo." r. Tai i r, Friday Xwr;, 10, 1875 ORGANISATION OF THE CON - VENTTCN. Just as we go to pros the news of the orgauiz:it'oii cftlic Or. vent ion, by the election for ihc President of Ed-' Ward Ilnn.oiu Ind. I!e;ublitan, by the Democrats, ovrr Dckc.y straight out Republican. on the 14th ballot oya majority of t ;.v . AVe will have more to say of this :.ct xvo-.k.. A VICKU'S SVofEM,-. Anterior to :hc advent of the car pet sackcr and t!io apostscy of the ecalJawags, in th'.'ir ' combination with 80.00!) ngro vctt-rs of the Stale, who were at that time "invested- with the ballot, not one of a thousand of whom had a binglc idea of the vast and im mense benefit or injury to result from the correct or pernicious use (f this potent weapon of a Republican government. To be the nominee of a certain party or faction . all the (jualifica .tion necessary in order for the most illiterate and infamous parsons to got the votes of this immense solid bkek of voters, Though & man the day be fore had been convicted of the most heinous crime known to our laws, were ho placed upon the Republican ticket, ho might surely, count on all Iho ignorant black voters, and venality would carry the few white manipula tors for him, and with, the extension of the privilege of sufTerago to this largo class of ignorant voters, these men who were manipulating them, knowing that their party would confer places upon them vhieh their merits never would attain, made all of the Judicial officers from the Supreme Court down to Jrstico Of the 1'cace, elective by the people; instead of leaving it to tho Representatives of the Legislature, where they can scan, anu compare nnu eo':'rast a:ul weigh tho qualifications of tho different appli cants for these j hides' Under this system, there sat uj ou the bench of North Carolina, a Gaaton, a'lluffiin, it Badger, a Mangum. a Iredell, a Cald well.a (lilliam ami a numhor ( f ethes, tut lights if any le.-s eminent for learn ing and high intogrity, than these named, many of wlso. e doeiions are quoted with approval and high words of commendations, wherever our g. aixl system of jurisprudence is recognized as the law of the land. There never was theu so much m a hint of susni- cion, that a bribe liad ever lecn of fered or received Tourgce with his liamld all f.Ilcd tuul his Cngers inter woven with money received fiom aus picious corruption fund. Watts with lu8$.i.00Q. bribe Kcho and who is continually pumitting clients to talk with hi.ij concerning their cases, and who in additi-m to that disgraces tho ermine by public urunkness,- who goes about the country .-dangcrhanging jn which ho is joined by Ruxton nd others of that ilk. Jaybird Jones tho same who tho Legislature forced to resign to avoid impoimhmcnt for his misdoingx, oould iwt have sat upon that IJonch. Nor would Pearson have then made the public declaration, that the Supremo Court withheld license from white applicants to practice law, that were better prepared than black- applicants, whom they licensed, for . tho reason that the white men were ex pected to know some law if licensed, and if hcenso was withheld rum the negroes that it would bo attributed to pro.udbo of race, tsuh a declaration! Coming too, from tlio highest Judicial officer in the State ! Our most fear- lul torcbodmgs never contemjUted that such ail utterance cuuld fall from the lips of tho Chief Justice of the Supremo Court of Nor Mi Carolina. Could Taylor, or llufan or Nash ever havo been reduced to this? A system that can biing tho man that Judge Pearson once wos to this must, indeed be a fciiiieious vile age hellish in its cocscqueDces. Iie. might as cll charge if two men were indicted for murder, one with lied skin and the other with a . liluo ikin, both equally guilty that the Kcd man should bo convicted becans red skin men were expected to Ino v l etter than to be going about killing ppojde, while the blue sum man .should. 'be acquitted, for if thcjblue kin man was convicted and "hung, it v.- uld ba alleged that it was wjiim ri.uiiiv uwiiufc tic was iX dene finally .1.. v i black; skin uuuv. Language fails u's tt characterize this dutlaration in tern s suitable to its degree of infamj-. Who believes that before 1S6S that a Judge of the Supreme Court Would have permitted a usurping Governor to havo suspended tho writ of Ilabeus 'Corpus, beeause ho alleged that the Safety of demanded it.'' Yes! I'taiMMi uiii tlil j. Ti.e tame )VaiHoM, t(M. ho,..u:d ih.,i - ;1 war in enforcing this great writ, defy and successfully resist the armies of the Confederate States. When be knev7 to whom lie owed 'his place. He knew that his term of oSce de cried upon his good conduit. He in "187U, and 1875 knew 'that .he held his place at the will of 80,000 negro votes, who did not know there was such on office ap Chief Justice, but who voted for anything and anybody they were told to vote for by the few mean white men who control the nt groes, because they can maka money and get high place by managing them. The difference in the system then and now make3 a great difference iu the man tlen and now. We will pernio this subject further-next week . THE ORANGE CANDIDATE Major W. F. Patterson is the candi date to fdl the vacancy caused by the death of Governor Graham. Ike Younk and Billy Smith it is said will canvass Orange to defeat the Majory. They are too kite. The Major's great grand father canvassed' Orange one hundred years ago. His grand father tanvassed Orange nearly one hundred years ago. His father canvassed fifty years ago, and the Major himself can vassed and the votes arc all pledged to him except the negroes and the whites allies of Guthvio who said the negro had no soul. ; Ike and Brass-Eye Bill will find it bard to draw the people from' a man who has canvassed Orange by his good acts and. deeds long before be was nominated to office Let There be a full turnout for" Patterson, on the lGtn of September. Raleigh Sentinel. . . Tlio Otililoi'iiiu, Election The DoiMQovatss Cany tlio Ststte. ' San Fuakcisco, Sept. ' 3rd. In complete returns indicate the election of Irwin, Dem., Governor, and the entire Democratic ticket by a large plurality. Three Democratic Congrcsncn elected, the fourth in doubt. The Democrats have a plurality in the Legislature, prol ably a majc rity. Tho decision of the Mayoralty contest wdl .probably require an official count. L.'.tep., The vote of the State as far as heard from, except the cities of San Francisco and Sacrament), which arc much mixed, irives Irwin, Demo crat for Coventor, 21.G04, and Bid- well, Ind. JtyVTii-' Iu the 2nd Cougrcs s tonal 1'i.strict, i arc, iwe roceivc-i 4;3yi, Larkiii, Dem. -Vo, and Tuttlc, Lid. l,2l)7, In the 3rd Congressional District, Lv.ttrell, Dem. receives 5.0-11, Denio llep. 2.GG1), and Kekl. Ind. .2,105. ' Initio 4t! Congressional Dis trict, .W: Linton. Iom. receives 6,4-42, Ila- lilon, Rep. -t,803, and Thomp- -.-son, in;;. l.OiO. in tms citv, i'lr'er, Dem. fi r Congress is undoubtedly elec ted, but the other officers is still unde cided ' IIO. THOMAS S. AS HE. The Louisburg CouniEn says that "htWTi ll nreoil 1 o nvrarf litn r f f r M II II i. LI . UIW V Jli"U 4 till Asite." otir entite concre.csiimal delega tion took the stump in favnr of tbe Convention during the recent cam paign, and in so saying, rloes uninten tionally, a very great injustice to that gentleman. Wc tak-i great pleasure in assuring the Courier, that Mr. Asns not only tock the stump, but that he k-pt ii during the recent campaign, speaking in behalf of the good cause wherever opportunity offered. Only the day be fore the elec ion he spoke in Lumber ton, m "Robeson county, and we well remember the complimentary term used in regord to Mr. Ashe's campaign pri or to that time and further up the coun try, in our correspondence from tUat section. i Mr. AsnB ie not the man to falter in the peiformance ot any duty that his State or his party demand from him. The same strong sense of duty controls him now that animated him in 1868, when, at the request of the State Ex ecutive Committee of the party, he con senicci to icaci a rotorn nope as our candidate lor Governor, and that too wheu others had vleclined tho perilous honor, -k North Carolina has no truer Bon than Tuoms S. Ashe. Wil. Jour mil. We publish the alnve explanbtion with pleasure. When we penned the article from which the quotation was made by the Jours al we had not seen any mention in our Exchanges ol any part taken by Mr. Aslie in the Cam paic. We arc happy'to be corrected, and thank the Journal for calling our attention to the unintentional injustice to tho geatkinnn. Wc fully and hearti ly coincide'with the high estimate ot that gentkmaii'd character for patrio tism and exalted eense ot duty enter taincl by oai Contemporary. We hope h;.3 eminent and ustful services will long b$ ecj yed by LU beloved North Carolina. UUKCUAXT'S BANK OP SAN FHANCISCO REpPENED. San Fr.kcisco, Sept 3rd. The opening ot tho Merchant's Exchasge Bank and ths prospect ot immediate resumption of the Baak of California can c 'h.' bivt p-x,-Rhl f m bn inevs ci:c'es and with the exception of the cloiinsfof the stock board?, busi ness has partially fettled down to usu al routimv Thi3 morning tbe 1 Board of Brokers will hold ameetiDg and pos sibly may conclude to resume business Monday thoush! mere cautious mem bers advise waiting until the resump tion of the Bank of California. The time is not yet fixed for opening the the Bank, as mnch work remains b done in the examination cf recounts. Mr. Kalston'a successor is not yet named. At preient D. O. Mills is at the head of affairs. The amountofnew capital subscribed to date $4,800,000. The bank frffaira will be taken in charge and business managed as before the failure until collected, all debts paid and engagement and obligations ol the bank will; be regulated quittly and prudently so as to restore confi dence among merchants and relieve the city of any anticipation of more in jurj in aDy respect. The stock-holders are expected in their own interest and in that ot the city to give the syndicate a controlling interest in the stock, and when the bank ia frte from its obligations, and its assets have been realized, any benefit accruing will be distributed among the stock-holds ers pro rato. . Assurance is given on indispensable authority that the buai nes3 of the bank will be closed up, as it affects all creditors and stock hol ders in most advantageous way to time be given to debtors who are unable to meet tbeir bills, but aa effort will be made to collect a3sets as soon a3 cir cumstnnces permit. Fa3t aa cash U available, the indebtedness of the bank will be paid off.- Wneu the affairs of the bauk hav been cleared up, tho syndicate will take into consideration the advisability of continuing J;hs old arganization or starting a new one, or some there course will be taken. 53 53 PETERSBURG Ya, E. IIICHTER. Watclnnalcer and Jew eler. FINE "Watches and Jewelry of the bes jJIamifactors and at; the Iowec t pi ices, AU work personally attended to aud war ranted, j tl 63 Sycamore St. , Petersburg, Ya r a -j i i Wliitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone W O E IvS Rale gh. N C. Persons .wish in jr to purchase .Head stones or Mouunicnts, ean sec and con sult with our lur. 7hitJ-law, at Mr. .7, A. Stone's boarding house. Aujr. 13-12-mJ ESTABLISHED 1847. W. H. Morris & Sons., COTTON FACTORS AXD : , Commission Merchants. 23, 25" and 's7 Commerce St. ' NvrfoUc, Fa. Will make liberal Currency ad van ceson produce or bill lading in hand, ilr. A, M. Xobie, ofN. C, is con nected with ouri house, and will be pleased to receive the patronage of bis friends. j TEET & ATKINSON. VliolcsalcDry Goods Merchants.' No. 45 Roanoke Avenue NORFOLK, Va. Sept. 18 ly COURIER We have added to our stock a splen did JOB PRESS, .with an . tlegan-' Selection of type of the latest styles, and we are now prepared to do in the neatest and best manner. Sa you ned not send yonr JOB WORK North, for we will do it iust a well and cheap as you can get it else where. LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, , I CARDS, Posters, Bill Heads, COURT BLANKS Sc. &c.t all eiecu ted neatly and quickly. us atrial j tuid we guarantee satislactiou both as to price and quality oi work ' ' I , J St. Paul's Parochial i School. The second session of St. Paul's Parochial School will open September 13th 1ST5, and continue twenty weeks. M. II. VAronAX, Principal. Jiss Julia C. IIamme Assist, JOB OFFICE July 30-1875. VINEGAR ! ! Pure eider Yine- gar Wholesale. and Metal! ai Barrow & Pleasants FLOUSS, from new wheats for sale at lowest prices Bar h Pleasants i a r At. and be a Ml U - M. j FANCY )RY GOODS TO MAKE K00M FOll NEW r I ( ! . K Barrc w h Pleasants. ATew leauire the eotlilag ft 111 de, call and o Filer a SUIT OF CLOTHES from saiapl lei'iai leave We iter measure and get a suit of clothes wiiiTanted to PLEASE op MONEY re funded. Barrow & Pieasants. COO Iv ;I M G STOVES. i. At Manufactures prices, without freight added. Barrow & Pleasant. Louiaburg, X. C. SI. HARRISON", OF RICHMOND V.A. :0: A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BUY GOODS!! We announce to tbe citizens dt Franklin, that we have oponed in Louigburg a lar2e and well selected stock o' DRY OQODS, FAMILY GROCERIES, BOOT3 & SHOES, Hats, CLOTSI'NG & c. in tact, you an find most any ar ticle u'u-tlly kept in a first class villas" store. Battheb.t remains to bo told, wc intend to sell our goods nl tlc VERY LOWEST PUICEi FOR CASH. "We pay special attention to our clothing departrcent In which timo we defy competition. We earnestly tsk that you giveua a call, and examine our stock and learn our prices, aa we c.n make It t your intertst to do so, COUNTRY PRODUCETAKEN IN EXCUANGE FOR GOODS, for which tbe highest mar kct prices will be paid. Harrison Court Street Louisburg. K- -- Hyxaans COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANT;, 3STO V TOX.Iv, ,VA. Eespectfull solicit consignment of Cotton Shippers conIn to im will beuliorJctl every facility. lT BAGOIKG ami TIES furuHiea HALL'S SELF-FEEDING COTTON GIN. Tho 'Vi'.vi;:ij arc s; -.v of ?:c rc-.i-;t-,s all "tl.r r : 1--. s ma C' noni'o t m?i:i. r;r qn 1 t't e c- r wrt'- tin 1 i'"-r of n 2 '. I' vi!l p'f !c in r ( t 'i 'n ti n "nc. 3 !. ! n vCr UltFAK THE P.OLL, m -rp i vi ri . p tcr fiiMijii' . 4'' I v.-il. rar I r zir v Mj.-mU w:ll rf ! crry t Ii e ny h rl roc k-, n hi'?, ti W. Ivtr l a v. turd h?t Sec., wi Kb aljso rti.dcr the dacg.r from FIRR mrli Ifp. 5th. Ir picks tba -ee l e'e ni r tli tn any o:br Gin'in u-e, thereby raakirg a larro- yi-1 . We have in rur p sssion tbe result ol .1 test in wl.icb one prund of Lint Crtton Wis priuc-d Ir.m tvo p m!8. seven aud on--half ou cia ofSed Cotton. 1 hf.-He Gin aic perfect and rr-rnpVf in evr-ry par!"cnid-, and r made to run at high sp e I, They can be luun'l ia aloioit auy section in North Carolina v.'.iere Cotton is grown. Price, S5 per Saw. Send for Circular. copt 0.0-ni. JF E. C. SALUSBUltV. Saras duty k WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS O ' FURNITU RE, . Also. Carpels Oil Clolhs, Vindow Shades and MATTEASSES, t Call and examine oui slock before pun basing elsewhere, NO. 207 and '20'J MAIN STUKKT. Norfolk, Ya, Fept Franklinton, N C, Are dttcrinlncd to cloa: cut t;ic!r LAUGE and ASOUTED STOCK 1 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIUURE. If you want gro ls CFIEAP CALL ON TflEiT. Auy kind of pmlcc taktn at ltst price, AT W A R D & B R 0. Farnklinton, N. c. If. SDIONT, OP UEDERSON N G. STORE! Go- -1 1' Dancy 9 Q w O a o w why II ALL'S GINS are superior to h HttenJrce ol no zpi-rit cred gin iinrf h g'v length of time tbnn at y otber ih;::tl y 1 sig ro tiir c, aud making a whc'tiio or slia'prrr 2: ih ; f If-F' rcliT tirce? f t w.M lijnre ti o-t, -uch n 1 HYMANS t BANCY, General AgcvAi for North Carolina and Virginia. IT U HE- J. C. IIOWK, Professional Cards, t - r.':i- ---r..-, - v . Ii-. If. XZ IZlsG. DENTIST. Oflcra Lis Professional Services to the public ia JOrery depart mt nrnllilrtf. OFFICES, Lnuisbarg at Wsrrenton otct Dnts lintel, Norwood & Davis Store. DH?. STAJiQjei), ' Dr. E Kaloce Dr. E. Ma lone Ir Practicing Physician. Phjsician Surgeon. OFFICE MarVct Street cast ofCourt House. Lou7Lur;, N. C JOS. J. DAVIS. ATI'I ani CODHSELLOR al LA? LOnSDUP-Q, FHAKKLIN CO. K.C. Will practice in the fvrr1 comts c Granville, Franklin, Xarb, NYanea and Wake. - Ci, Prompt attention paid to tbe collection and Trmiittnce of monrj. Joly 15, 1371. 3?. 2?, ATTORNEY AT LAW, j' FnASKLlNlOS, N. C. Will practice in the conrtt cf tbe Cih j'ldirvl district. rrtmpt attention given tthe eollec tinn f claim. No AO tf c! l!. C03i8, w. H. srsiicer ATTORNEYS AUD CODHSELLOR A.T LAW, And SoIlftitQs Iji BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG N. C. . Will atr-d tlicCo rtnf Nn5.,Frtr k. lin, Granvi':.'. Warrrnnnd Wkff'un tua, h!so tho Siipn mc (Jourt i N011U taiol:iifs 'n-i tlu- U. S. Circuit nml d"h C-iliitr. Ni 7-tf EC J. Isl 1ST K S S saddlery'establish- KENT. I hnv' Ht ) t. ban e tn-l saddle b p jo 1.- m: I np:'t I n ' ( koep rlvT on intn.! h p.. vttwk.'t lsrliin ninl,' Il riM-t or.! Sn!H. I cmp'oy .o'-d r; rit 1 ceil woik mt-!', nr.d I t-ir!;t r 1 1 tho w.vk'piit o;i by rue ; a!'t k jrds of nptiriri; i.i mr line done nport ro1re and na Tiff reason iblc t rms. My Shop i oer Mr. T. N. Curiilt S?nr .mi M5n Si reel. I I'.jcit t' c Dittrouscre ot till p op!e ol i'ranki'iP. O Y. 35. CLIFTOX. PHOTOGRAPHIC Gallery. MAIN STIIKST. At my Gallery over Mr. T. N. Car. lilc's Store ein lc found at all titan, round, fqnare anl rcstir tram's I am also prepared to take Cera tvpea, fxX aDd cabinet brc. I'botoprtpbur When you want a gnod pictnri of yourscM and familr, call at rny Oalltry. Very Itcspctlnlly, Y. B. CL1PI ON. STX REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD INSURE IX THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANBE COMPANY. 021 CIIESTSUT STREETH PHILADELPHIA. lkt. Eecauio it it one of tbe oldest co u; pan lea in the country, and put tie day ot experiments. 2d. Because erery policy holder U a member ot tbe Company, tntitltd to all it advantages and prmbge, baf iLg a right to vote at all elections for tru&tccs, and thus baa an icfluenco U its macsemeot. 3dk lucttu.e it ba tb lsrgcst accc mulated fatd or any Life Inaoxanc Company ia tbe State. 4tb. Eecauee by economical man agemcnt, ii ratio of expense to totkl iccoxxie i lar Uiow tbe t crage ol Life Cottj-aniea, (te Oillcial Icsnrince lltH)Tlf.) ... 5tb. Jl:cue itbas declared more dividend o cumber, and of alaxr average percentage, tban any Compaij iu tb Uoiltd trtatet. Fur txauiplt; Policy So 16, for f 500C, has beta pid to iLe-wil of apL:I.du:pb.a ruercbint, upoa wbKn twebty-lLrc-e dividends bad beeo clartd, ave.fc.c- t'.'.f teTen per ctnf. lla.d tLee c.iHtiiiis beta UKtl t por tbve auiiiti.:iiS to tbU pollCJ, fS0' mote.ouul bve Ueo realized mak rg tbeiolicy wenb $11,046. Ctb. lXcue it isliUral in it man ageo.entf priapt in it. ";Iffl"t; c Ujoud coulixgcxfj, and it 't are as U J r.t-cU4 Coopanj in tbe country. , Principal I'eatcrrf.-Small expense, absolute stcurity.largc return Pow. prompt paymcot ol losacs, and Uberali ty to tbe injured. Vi'. !L FINCH, Gen'l, Xlaniger for 2onh Carfbn. . W. D. SPIIUILL, Gea'J. Agent, Franklin ten, N. C. 4

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