f 1 UEIER hi it RANK ft GEO. S. BAKER, Editor -and Proprietor. . - ' TETEMS : Sa.OO per Annum. VOL. IV. ' LOUISBUEG,; FRIDAY,. SEPTEMBER 17, 1875J NO. 47. 1 llondcr Why. I wonder why The white cloud etay np in the eky 1 The Urdu light low that flr no fst The downy tbintle fallw at lat ; Tut the clonda are alwaya high. , I wonder why I I wonder how . j TIia liMft bird clings to its hongh Hofantimea at night when I awake " And hear the tree-tops moan and fhae, I think, How aloep the birdies now ?" -1 wonder how ! ; I wondr why We leave the fair earth for the sky ! I wish that we might always ptay ; 1 That the dear Lord might come some day, And make it heaven! Yet we must die. , .,, I wonierwhy ! J u . Mary A. LatWjury. THE N TEPSiO T Mi Ell. A Story of a Wife,' Devotion. Since his wife died, Mr. March's home had hot been a model one. It was left with the additional care of two young children to the eldest daughter, Maria, and Maria hail not faithfully performed her duty, therefore Mr. March felt4 she had no right to surprise when he told her ho was about to bring into the house a second wife, who would be a kind mother to his children. Miss Maria went out of the door with a Inng, and was found in hysterics on the best bed. . But Mr. March, giving the servants tho same intelligence, kissed the children, and was off to the home of Miss BH, which had made him tremble, remembering the domain where Maria was mistress. . . ; Miss Melicent Bell, the new step mother, was a sweet faced woman, not yet forty, and so winsome as to attract old carriage and and See . here, Maria ;" and she drew from under the sofa-pillow an absurd little sock she was knitting, and contemplated it as if it were Penelope's web. -'. . , " You must have been mighty sick 1" cried Maria. And as for your mamma, as you call her, you wicked little girl, it is shameless in her to talk so to a child like you 1" Mrs. March took her work and left the room quietly; and then Miss Maria, feel ing the welcome of this little new comer was the last outrage, broke into a flood of angry crying, and scolded herself into hysterics, with Julia exclaiming at inter vals: "Oh, I'll tell my father of you ! You see if don't, Maria March !" Miss Maria presently knew just how sick (i una nau ueen. x or it was not a week before the contagion, from which she had run when it ; was , at home, as sailed her in some of her outdoor jaunts, and Bhe went doiro as suddenly as the rest. Her first act was to send for Mrs. .Lee, who returned regrets that duty to her own family made it impossible for her to come. , Her next was to summon 1 0,1 , , , V ner iatner ana demand a nurse, ie . as sured her that the nurse still in the house should remain. rv .': "A creature of Mrs. March's, mured the "sick girl. " Tho sickness is so general that there is not another to be had. w Your? mother andX wili be with you," "Don't let her! don't let her!" moaned Maria. ' '- ' " "l am glad to see such consideration on your part, my dear," said her father J "But I am afraid she will insist." She did insist. When both the doc tor and her husband urged Mrs. March to keep away from t that sick-room, she replied that it was impossible. " It is nights of pity and sympathy, and felt all at once that !her stepmother was superhuman in her goodness. What if trouble should come! what if this late happiness of her father's should be robbed from him J and by her ! what if this gentle life, with : the beauty of; it that now she saw too late, should go out ! She was fast working herself into another fever. you to She sent sit down for Julia. "I' want " she said, i4 and tell Quest inn and Anmcert. After how many years does a promi sory note become outlawed ! Answer Seven. - . Is a husband liable for the debts of a wife doing business with her own funds and in her own ntaiden name I Answer A husband is liable .- for . the debts of his wife, , contracted as such, especially for necessaries. In the case mentioned, however, this responsibility would do me all mamma said to you about about pend upon the circumstances of the case, outside of the facts of doing business with her own funds and in her maiden name. . ; Can" a man with sedentary employ ment live -well on bread, -milk, tea and fruit, and nothing at all else ? Answer AncTMaria felt aa though her .own life There are manv persons who adhere ana xieatn nung upon ino iaco or mai at- to ana uirive upon a diet wmcn excludes your secret, you know." And as Julia prattled on, the ! secret became of vital interestrfOh. how blind, how blind and wicked I have beenrHsfie cried.' How happy the little thing will make us! how we will all love it together!" Orr a Century Old. He is right here in Troy, says tho Times, and his name is John Henry Blackwell, and he has seen one hundred and nine summers (when August is out) and one hundred and eight winters.! He was, therefore, born in the springs John Henry is an Irishman, and has been in this country sixty years. He lived in New York fifteen years, and remembers the city when it was, he says, no bigger than Troy. t He has lived in Troy forty five ysars, and recollects Troy as a small country village. He lost hi wife , fifty years ago. '. He had three sons and one daughter, but they have all gone to the other world, and now the old man is alone. He has lived alone for twenty-1 f aloes. Approaching sufficiently near to PeeultaritieM of the Dutfalo. There is a very marked and curious difference between buffaloes and domes tic cattle. The buffalo oow seems to pos sess scarcely a trace of maternal instinct, and when frightened will abandon her calf without the slightest hesitation! The duty of protecting the calves is devolved entirely upon the bulls. ' ' ! I have seen evidences of thif jxnaay times, but the most remarkable in I Unco I have eve; heard of was related '. to me by an army ' surgeon, who .was an eye- witness. He was one evening resuming to camp after a day's hunt, when his at tention, was attracted by the curious ac tion of a little knot of six or "eight buf- mur- thoHo tired of beauty, her expression of good will, patience, and purpose having I the only chancel have to win her love," grown with practice of her virtues. The new Mrs. March had not stennerl rt she exclaimed, with tears. "Heaven senas it you must not prevent my using it." And tho others, fearing too much opposition, let her have her way It? was a hard way, with nothing but thorns for the treading. With all Maria's behavior, Mrs. March had never realized till the girl's delirium how violent had been her execration' of herself. It was a sad strain upon the poor lady's nerves, to bear this torture of reviling, without If ever a woman had her trials, Mrs. the suffering which sympathy with sick inside hor homo and received the stiff touch of Miss Maria's hand before she h iw the lion in her way. She did not blamo tho young girl ; she rather liked her chivalrous constancy. She drew her to herself and kissed her; and Miss Muria, resenting it as an intrusive im pertiuenco, ran to Mrs. Lee to complain of it. March did. Maria was stubborn and was determined not to like her new step mother, and many were the trials through which the good woman, who tried to do lier best, had to pass. But Mrs. March had ample satisfaction in her husband's lovo and veneration. and the comparative order and comfort to which she had reduced his home. She had made the house beautiful. The table shone with her wedding silver ; the dishes wero faultlessly served ; the chil dren, bright and clean, received smiling encouragement to join the cheerful talk; and if when they were in bed Maria chose to sulk in her room,' she lost a great deal Of pleasure. , J ; ytiU Mrs. March's geutle heart was K0r4 wr Maria. ;She would have been glad to win tha girl, glad to provide pleasure for her. Sue ' understood her emotions, and seldom had any but ten der feelings toward her. It hurt her as sorely to think that the noble traits of tho boys isho w.is unlikely to bo able to train to noble ends. ness gives in itself, or the unconscious effort made by her hourly acts of for giveness. But though fierce, the fever had a short run ; the fatigue of unceas ing attendance was great, but the de lirium was soon over. Mrs. March trust ed that the last act of that illness was delirium and not nature. Left alone with the patient, and obliged to do some thing that was resisted, she held the aching head on her shoulder, saying, though hardly knowing that she said it : " Dear child, why won't jou let me love you?" and the next moment received a slap in the face. " ' ' If it was delirium, Maria had after ward an uncommonly clear recollection of her wanderings. It was not a tttrong blow, of course ; but in the amazement and recoil Mrs. : March staggered back and fell against the corner of the table that held the lamp ; and table, lamp, and bottles had gone over, and a tongue of fire was licking up the canopy. Mrs. March never knew how she got the sick girl out of that bed or upon the lounge, or how she tore the burning hangings down and trampled but: the She only re- tle unborn child. When Mrs. March came into the room, Having been compeuea to Keep hex -awn AomQ daysMaria took the hand gently down. p'How are you ever going to forgive me, mamma?" she murmurea. T Li U " CJ 1 ? i r ' ) The tears bursC out "of Mrs. March's eyes. (Jail mp jueiicent, dear, , sue cried. " Oh, I ant so happy shfiLSafd to her husband that night. "All the children love me-and it seems now as though I had more than my share 1" And at her prayers there was1 a sort of ecstasy in the way she repeated that verse: " Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy ; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." It was some weeks after, that Maria, hiving sent tho children out to play, stood grave . and solemn by the parlor window; feeling as though the universe itself must hold its . breath, when she was summoned by the doctor. " She is sinking," he. said, ' ' very fast. No- no hope, no help. - She was never strong. Be quiet.1 dear. r child; nobodv is to blame. "r;Maria did not hear him. She was flying up the staircase, and falling beside Mrs. March's bed. " Oh, it is my fault! I -have done it! II" she sobbed. ' "Hush, darling," whispered Melicent. "I have been so happy that I am almost content. JDear,". she breathed, " tako my placo. j -Make ; mm ana ner eyes wandered to her husband, who sat utter ly overwhelmed " happy too. I have shown you how. You mustn't mind his grieving for me just at first ; he he was mine, Maria, more than twenty years And, dear," she began again pres- animal food particularly dyspeptics and those whose pursuits are sedentary. A hearty, robust person, who labors, requires meat in addition to other food. ;Tj3 there any kind of paper that a man livelv old man. He can walk a 'mile signing as awitness only, incurs respon-1 without a cane as fast as almost any one sibility thereby? Answer We know seventy-five years younger. He never of no pecuniary , respon si hil i ty or liability rides. He is a thorough pedestrian- He wmcn can ue muuxreu .cy signing any. waa never on a street car, and only once see clearly, no aiscoverea ina uua littler knot Vere all bulls, standing in m close circle with their heads outward, while in a concentric circle .at some twelve or fifteen paces distant sat licking In fact, he is the type of a very 1 their chops in impatient expectancy at five years, ever since his daughter died, who was sixty-five years old. " He has no relatives now, having outlived the whole of them, grandchildren and alL . ' r.; - Blackwell seems as vigorous as a man of fifty. ago, paper or document as a witness only to its executions 'There are very grave re sponsibilities which may attach to j the signature of a witness, sucn as proving the execution of the" document; attest ing the circumstances of the transaction involved, proving the contents of lost instruments, etc. " ' ' - s Is a husband Dy law required to sup port his wife when she, without any real cause, refuses to live with him ? A ntwer That depends upon circumstances the question of cause being subject to different interpretations as between tho construction of individuals and tho re quirements of law. II aiwife abandons her husband, so that the" onus is thor oughly upon her, her husband is not bound to support her in -idleness and crime. " Science and Farming. One of the principal requirements of the practical farmer is to know the causes as well as the means whereby useful nutritive substances present in the soil, but not in a form available for nutrition, may be rendered diffusible and capable of doing their work. The presence of moisture a certain degree of heat and free access of air are the proximate con ditions of those changes by which the nutritive substances in chemical com bination are made available for the roots. As the smallest portions of food cannot on a railroad. . Then he went to Albany on the cars, got lost there, and walked back. He thinks jackasses superior to horses for creneral' use, and -often ex presses surprise that they are not in use. The old man may not be aware of it, but tho jackasses are, just as numerous as ever ; they have two legs though, instead of four, and are balky. ' Blackwell will not ride behind a horse. It is against his principles. He believes in ancient instead of modern civilization. The good old Oriental times are the times for him. He believes in an eye for an eye, and .ft tooth for a tooth. He is opposed to lawyers, and puts no faith in newspapers. Religiously speaking, John Henry least a dozen large gray wolvee, except in g' man, the most dangerous enemy, of the buffalo: ' " " ' " j ; . Tho doctor determined to watch the performance' After a few moments the knot broke up, still keeping ia': com pact nasa, and started on a trot, for: the main herd, some half a mile off.a To his very great astonishment, the doctor now saw that the central and controlling fig ure of this mass was a poor little coif , bo born The Haunt m of the Seat. On deck, man, on deck, and see the seeds!" The scene was peculiarly Gren landish. The sun had all the bright blue sky to himself not the great dx rliug orb that yon are aecustomied to in warmer countries, but a shining" disc of , molton silver hue, that yon can look into sud count the spots with. naked eye. About s nuarter of a mile to windward was the main ice-pack, along the edge of which we .were tailing under k grntle topsail breeze. Between and around us lay the sea, as black as a basit of ink. But everywhere about, as far as the eyo could see from the quarter-deck, the sur face of the water was covered with large, beautiful heads, with brilliant earnest eyes, and noses all turned in one direc tionthat in which our vssse! was steer ing. We were now 'in the-latitude of Jan Mayen; the mountain conei of that itrange island we could distinctly see, raised like an immense shiny sugar loaf against the sky's blue. To this Ions spot come every year, through eton and tempest, in vessels but little biggrr or better than herring boats, hardy Norsemen, to hunt the walrus for its kin and ivory, but by other human f t t it is never trodden. It Is the throne of king winter, and the abode of de'tolatiou, save for the great bear that finds shelter in its icy eaves, or the monatcc seals and strange ses birds that rest on. its snow- dad rocks. .At this latitude the sealer Jl i n - -A: i.ii endeavors to fall in with the seals, com- VttUA. KUUiK WIT m. yards, tile calf laid downr - The bulls disposed themselves, in a -oireloas before. and the wolves, who had '.trotted' along on each flank of their retreating supper, sat down and licked their chops again. ing in their thousands from the more rigorous north, and seeking the south ern ice, on which to bring forth their ybung. - They here find a climate which is slightly more mild, and never fail to and flat, and (it being late and the camp distant), ho has no doubt that tho noble fathers did Blackwell is a Protestant. He scarcely their whole duty by their offspring,' and ever goes to church, however, but he evidently reads the Bible, as he is con versant with its passages. , He has no fear of death, and acts as though he ex pects to live forever. ' II7iei the lliiptnunkm Go to Work. Dr. Abbott, in ropu'ar . iS'cicnce Montldy, says : About August 15 they commenced to work in real earnest. In stead of playful, careless creatures that lived from hand to mouth, they became very busy and sober indeed. Instead of keeping comparatively near home, they wandered quite a distance for them, and, filling both cheek-pouches full of corn, This tra a Mnnafsil a in an.l emiin siTirl I iOtteigfa-tto doctor did not thod fJtSt breeding takes place as soon as the seals take the ice, the males in the meantime removing in a body to some disintspot, where they remain for three weeks or so. The seal mothers are, I need hardly say, exceedingly fond of their young. At all other times timid in the extreme, they will at this season attack men .with all the ferocity of bears. The food of the seals in nursing season consists of the small shrimps with which the sea is sometimes stained for miles, and also. no doubt, of the numerous small fi&hcs to be found burrowing, like bees in a honeycomb, on the under surface of the pieces of ioc. , . of themselves leave the spot which they ently, am going to give you my little are firmiY gxed by the soil, we can un- chincapin (dwarf chestnuts), and small brnU) , coumf?e daughter for your own. You must be to Aa-raiar,A wT,af immncA inflnwim Tnnjf nmrna. hnm thev would hnrrv. lookinc . . her what, I would have been so glad to Tertert on the fertilitv bv its careful in the face like children with the mumps. mechanical division and thorough ad- This storing away of food was continued mixture. This is the greatest of all the until the first heavy white frosts, when difficulties the agriculturist has to over the chipmunks, as a member of Con come. If the field is to produce a crop gress once said, went "into a state of re corresponding to the full amount oS food tirac present in it, the first and most impor- The food gathered, we believe, is con be to you. Will you take her ?" ; And she laid Maria's hand on the little vel vet cheek. " Will you love her ?" " Oh, " whispered Maria aching- like1 ' a niurderer, " ,if I have killed her moth er I will die for her !" And she gather ed the little creature in her arms, and hid her ashen face upon it. There was a long, long silence in the room. Then Mrs. March turned her sweet, dim eyes once mora upon her bnsbundrjAnd when at last he lifted his face from hers, the carried it safely to the herd; - When feeding, the herd is more or less scattered, but on the approach of danger it closes and rounds into a toler ably compact circular mass.' Although there is not a particle of danger in ap proaching such a herd, it in a" novice re quires an extraordinary amount of nerve. When he gets within three hun dred yards, the bulls on that side, with heads erect, tails cocked in air.nostrila ex panded, and eyes that seem to flash fire even to that distance, walk uneasily to and fro, menacing the intruder by pawing the earth and tossing their huge heads. The enemy still approaching, somo bull will face him, lower his head and start on a most furious charge, ism aias xor f When he has gone twenty or thirty yards -Mr. Bull thinks Thm IV ty Valparaiso. A correspondent writing from South America says : The greater part of Val paraiso is built on the face of e hill, or rather hills, that rise quite suddenly from behind the houses in the main better of it, stops, stares an instant, and street ; for, though it has originally been then trots back to the herd. Another only one great hillside, the . frequent and another will try the same game, with earthquakes have so rent and riven it the same result, and if, in spite of these that it has become rent and divided into ferocious demonstrations, the hunter many parts. In attempting ' to reach still approaches, the whole herd will any particular house on the hill, one take incontinently to its heels. This I mmt be careful to take tho right turn- tant condition for its accomplishment is sumed in part on their going into winter bullying proclivity, combined with his ing leading from the shore, or, other- gentle soul of ed away, , this stepmother had pass- Occaaion, coming to everybody, came at last to Mrs. March, when every child of the house was smitten with the dreadful tire on the empty hearth, epidemic at that time raging in the vicin ity. " Miis Maria, frightened out of her souses, .betook herself to Mrs.. Lee's, lint Mrs. M uch, though miserable her self, dreamed no fear. She had the children moved into connecting rooms, and although there was a professional 1Vir.su. i.tMVm vibrated between those rooms u wo think onl? mothers' can. membered having thought that tven if Maria died of the exposure, she would rather be supposed guilty herself of care lessness than let the girl's father know of the vicious act. And Maria, whether stunned or overcome, fauk into a long slumber, from which, when she awoke, she was out of danger. ' I owe you my life, doctor, "said Maria, Xot s night did sho sliep till the crisis feebly, some days after, wis over ; and in their convalescence it "No, indeed, child," he replied, reomed to tho children that it was only " You owe it to your mother. I should an angel moving about in her long white never have pulled you through but for robe, bathing their, foreheads, singing her care. You owe it to her, too, tht them to sleep, .bringing them tempting j you were that its physical state be such as to per mit even the finest rootlets to reach the spots where the food is to be found. The extension of, the roots in every direction must not be obstructed by the cohesion of the soil. Plants with their delicate roots cannot grow on a tena cious, heavy soil, even with abundance of mineral food. None of these three important constituents of food (potash, phosphate of lime and ammonia) exists found four chipmunks very cozily fixed by itself in a soluble form in the ground, for winter, in a roomy nest, and all of and none of the means employed by the I them thoroughly wide' awake. . Their arvi i An Ingenious Device. A capillary correspondence was recent ly attempted between a notorious Paris- iau .tuiet .in 'durance vue ana ni3 com rades outside The prisoner was sent a letter from his fiancee, containing mere ly a lock of hair wrapped in the leaf of a bokThe jailer did nokoonside 4he I withdrawing them ;from.- the:. ablution. souvenur.mportant enougn to De aeuv- Tha. principal end gained by he means ered, but in! a few days came a similar be employa oniy a uniform distribu inclosure, and yet another. This arous- tion of the food throuehout the soil so ed suspicion, and the governor took the nt it -ah the reach of the roots quarters, they spending some tune in their retreats before commencing hiber nating sleep. This belief, on our part, is based on a result of digging out a third nest on the 3d of November. The last time we noted down seeing a chip munk, belonging to a certain nest, was October 22. Twelve days after we very carefully closed the three passages that led to the nest, and dug down. We natural indisposition to ere t out of the way, has been the cause of the death of thousands at the hands of men to whom buffalo killing was no novelty, who need ed no meat, and would not have gone fifty yards out of their way to kill ; but in whom opportunity so rouses that spirit of murder which is inherent iu every sportsman's breast that the temptation was too strong to be resisted. agriculturist to make them available to his plants deprives the soil of its power of retaining them, or, if dissolved, of matter! ihana f Hg pxamihed the peat of hia plimts. ox me UOU&. , lb wus iuul Ol a common novel, twenty Bix lines' on a Jage. Then he studied the hair, ' iind f noticed the small quantity of the gift. Counting the The Difference. store of provisions was wholly chestnuts and acorns, and . the shells of these nuts were all pushed into one of the passages so that there should be no litter mingled with the soft hay that lined the nest. How long this underground life lasts be fore hibernation really commences, it is difficult to determine ; but as this torpid state does not continue until their food supply is again obtainable out of doors, the chipmunks, no doubt, store away iood Advice. The author of this is not known, but ho or she is' certainly a .wise man or woman: would you show yourself really good to your daughters? Then be generous to them in a truer fienso than that of heaping trinkets on their necks. Train them for independence first, and then labor to give it to them. Let them, as soon as ever they are grown up, have some little money, or means of making money, to.be their own, and A desperate villain eight years of age, I aufficient for their needs throughout the teach them how to deal with it, without wise, after a quarter of an hour's walk ing, you. may find yourself separated from the house yon wish to reach by a deep, narrow valley ; and, though with in a stone's throw of it, unable to get at it without another half hour's toil. Some of these gorges are four or fire hundred feet deep, and in many instan ces nave numerous , natural terraces down. their sides, in which houses are built. It has a very pcturcsque effect to look down from the head of one of these gorges and see house rising above house, some perched on isolated projec tions, others clustering in groups of three and four, and all appearing' as if the merest accident would hurl them down the almost perpendicular . side of the valley. The volcanic origin of theso im mense ruts is plain enough, and one is filled with awe on reflecting , how terri ble mutt have been the convnhuona of nature that left such fearful -traces behind. " named Robert Gordon, has recently messes, telling them entrancing stories, winning their hearts at last completely. On tho whole', though tired, out in , the effort, Mrs. March lid not know that in .all her life she had had a happier time than during that mouth of convalescence!. And then Maria came hdrae.' ' Mamma and I havo a secret that Bhe says I may tell you, Maria," cried Julia, after tho greeting. .1 ' ' "An open secret," said Maria, inso lently, " that all the world knows." . Do all the world, mamma ?" cries Julia. - t ' ' Mamma !" says Maria, with a sneer. " Only a small fraction of it, dear," answers Mrs. March. "I have told no one but you." , " Yes, Miss Marin March," cries Julia, "mammal and the dearest, sweetest, best mamma, who took care of me when she could hardly take care of herself, and when you ran away!" "Oh, no, no, Julia," exclaims her mother. " Don't say so. Think that if Maria had staid and taken the illness, it would have occasioned us so much more -trouble that it wasa kindness in her to " Oh mv !" said little Julia, lauehinar " Well, I don't care. Look here, Maria r-whisper. Mamma says I may name , it. She toU me when I was getting bet . ter, so that I might have something pleasant to think about." " "Pleasant!" ' - :': . . On, yes, so very J And we have had such beautiful talks about "how it wjll look, and what we will do with it Aud I am going to wheel it out in Charlie's not burned in your bed." " Oh, doctor ! Did she tell i you, then"-' -' - "I : i " Tell me whaW 4 ' : .'J.J ' " That I 1,"; whispered Maria, hoarsely " I slapped her then ?" "You did!" " It seems to me I did," said Maria, who knewfperfectly well she did, J "No," said the "doctor. "She has kpt that secret." Miss Maria said the nurse," as the doctor left, "I saw it all. Jnd it is a miracle that the shock did not kill Mrs. March. You should thank Heaven not only that it is well with you, but with her I " The doctor came back and found the tears trickling through the gul'&,fin- " It was too harsh medicine, nurse, said he. " But we will do the best we may with it. I have known you too long, my dear, to disregard the happi ness I see you throwing away." Oh, dector," cried Maria, "I think the fever has burned all the venom out of me!" sAnd she burst into her old hysterical sobs. But the doctor soothed her, and did not leave till sure the nurse had not misjudged her strength, and that the truth would be a tonic. As Maria lay there, thinking it all over, the enormity of her conduct and its possibilities made her blood run cold. If her "stepmother had died in conse M a a , '- a v . quenoe oi mat snocK, sue did not see how she could live herself. ' She won dered if tho doctor was right in thinking all danger of accident pat. She, was amazed to think she cared enough to fear it, and then she recalled days and i : u j i 1 ii iv F ' - W WrYTSr "rW?. been'pentencedby an English clergyman and twenV-in rafter, the same vs d to 6ne'mmh'hl prison early ' spring, and perhaps until berries are ripe. the lines of thepago jStruck with the coincidence, he laid the hairs "ildng the line of the page which they respectively reached, beginning at the top with the smallest hair. After some trouble, he found that the end of each hair pointed to a different letter, and that these let ters, combined, formed a slang sentence, which informed the prisoner that his friends were ;on the watch, and the next time he left the prison, to be examin?d, and five years in a reformatory, for the offense of placing a few pebbles oh the track of ihe Midland railway, with the hellish purpose, to quote his own blood curdling language, of hearing them "go smudge" when the train passed over them. Taken in connection with the sentence on Col. Valentine Baker, this example of clerical justices justice will ing her grip. " How came you by these An Obstinate Mother Mrs. Blissof Mullett street, found a euchre deck in ber boy's packet, and when she took him by the hair he calmly said': . .'.,! 'Hold on, mother it isn't your play." " I'll play you ?' she hissed, tighten- go far to reassure the average public mind of England which has been grave- car da I ' : i t j , ; ""Mother, you shouldn't tramp an attempt wonltbe made to rescue , b y spreadof immoralit y this way !" he exclaimed. him T Hrt trn Jtvrrtcir lain hia -nlann n- I " . . . .1 m me cordingly ; the attempt was made, but the rescuers fell into their own trap. . $ Hopes. M i and ruffianism. To be sure CoL Baker gets only one year in prison, while Rob ert Gordon gets five ; but then Gordon is? not an officer and a gentleman, and besides, being s? much younger than What do yon Blighted i A prpcocious. five -year-older received, the other railway malefactor, he has the her sister, a slice of wedding cake possibility of a longer career of crime with to dream upon. For three nights in suc cession ir was; placed under her pillow, witn turee sups or paper Deanng tue names of three little boys. Golden hair had an auspicious dream concerning her next-door neighbor, a lad of seven years. It r was exult in gly,-. 'related to the family circle, and ou the following day, when the children were at play,- tho little dreamer took aside the boy on whom her fate depends and 6&id, archly :- " Willie, will you be my husband ; I dreamed it." before him. j'l v JJete Site Did It. . - 1 . . It takes a woman to repulse a travel ing agent sometimes. In a neighboring village the otner day a man called on Mr. ,C at his place of business, and wanted to sell him a parlor organ. Mr. C. not wishing to buy, to get rid of him, referred him to his wife. On tho man's making his business known to the lady, she asked him if Mr. C. sent hint " Trumps ! trumps I know about trumps t " Why, mother, any fool knows that the right bower will take an' ace every time.!, . " It will, eh f" she hissed as she walked him around. Of course it wilL II diamonds are trumps, for instance, and I hold the ace andleitbow" !i I ?;,. - Bowers I bowers I III bower you to death, young man 1" she said as she walked him the other ay.) ' ) "Or, suppose, that spades were trumps, and you held the nine vpot and king and turned np the ace, what would you dot' he earnestly inquired. ' " Ob, 111 show you what I'd do 1" the growled as she got in a lefthander on needing every momert somebody to Help them. Calculate what you give them or will bequeath to them, not as is usually, done, on the chances of their making a rich marriage, but on the pro bability of, their remaining single, and according to the scale of living to which yon have . accustomed them, Sappreas their luxury now if -need he', but do not leave them with scarcely bsrenecrssaries hereafter, in striking contrast to their present home. Above all, help them to help themselves. Fit them to be able to add to their own means, rather than to be forever pinching and economizing till their minds are narrowed and their hearts are sick. , Give all the culture you can to every power which they may possess. If they should marry after all, they will be the happier and the better I or ic ix they anonld remain among the million of the unmarried, they will bless yon in your grave, and say of you, what cannot be said of many a doting parent by his surviving child: My father cared that I should be happy aftrr his death as well as while I was his pet and his toy. Ax EnTAPH. A Vermont maiden fell from'a crag while plucking a wild flower on the British side of Niagara in 1847. A stand for the sale of refreshments toner., "Jtes, ma am,' "There! arJIothll Willies in? the J Well, sir.T saidtMrs. C, "yon just rld,".was tbe-replVi '''.' 'go back and tell bisi that until he can he replied I his eat. 111 teach yon a lesson yonll world," -was the-reply! " Yes ; but it was you," she said. Willie retreated a step or two, and an sw. red:' M:,"1' ,i' : "It takes a woman to ask that question." furnish me with something liesides mackerel to eat, I can make all tho music that is necessary around this house. Tho agent concluded he cculln't sell an I and played a lone hand Detroit organ there. Press. never forget ! That wouldn't be Hoyle, mother ; yon could pick up' tho ace and make a point every .".'''"' ' ' ' But she drew him over her knee Vee a buuu iur ue raie vi reircsumrnui was immediately arranged near the rpotwith to all si a sign-board with this inscription: . - ao!", or in a - - Xor and of the bonus Oh, WMoao ! moet L&ntrw racs. B careful when yen ri-it til W1M . t For bor Hum Mirth l! twenty- tnre -CTm lumcbed into errrlT : kxA if sh b&d Dot lort litr. 8h would bars mml a icttM wili. Triekm of. pee eh. Xothing is easier to acquire, nothing more diocnit to lose than a trick oi speech and manner ; and nothing is more uxuversaL II-. we look round among our friends and acquaintances wo shall find scarcely one who has not his favorite word, his perpetual formula, his automatic action, his unmeaning gesture all tricks caught probably when young. and, by not being corrected then, next to impossible to abolish now. ,Who docs not know the familiar " I say as the preface to every remark f and the still more tamJIIar "yon know as the mid dle term' of every sentence ? Who, too, in these later times, has not suffered from the infliction of "awful and "jolly milestones in the path of speech interspersed with even uglier and more obtrusive signs of folly and cor rapt diction milestones that are for ever turning np, showing the successive distances to which good taste and true refinement have receded in this hideous race after slang to which our youth is given. Then there are the people who perpetuate ejaculations ; who say ' Goodness l" as a mark of surprise, and "Good gracious!' when surprise is a little mixed with reprobation ; lower in the social scale it is "My word I" "Fa tiencel" "Did I ever!" and indiffer- stations, .' Ton don't say a voice of depreciation. Sorely Hot! To judge by, voice and word, these ejaculstory people are always in a state ot surprise. They go through the world in unending attoni&hment; and their, appeals to their goodness and that indeterminate quantity called good gracious are iuevs-. tant. - . . v . ,t

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