"Frfmklin Courier " OEQRQE S. l!AKETt,;j , Editor and Pkopwktor. . All lexers adircFsed to Geo. S. UajvEi:, FRIDAr fr SMT., 17,l87i A yicious sysTE3j, In our last we adverted to the perni cious results arising from the selection pf the Ju4fi9 of tnp Supreme cpd Su perior Cguftt 'by.tbo peoplo pKW?, Instead of leaving fbi matter in tbe hands of, the fcgis bjture to juig of the qualifications jnd tjtncsa "nf aspir ant for these pUeas. We pow. pro pose to comment upon the ban'ui and .disastrous effects, resulting frpmpbang ing tbe system pf seletfogtfw Justices of the Fece. ffntler tho old order of things the Justices of the Peace were, appointed by the Legislature from among the Lest men in the com munity. .They nerved without com pensation ' of s pecuniary kind, but felt themselves amply remunerated in beholding the go6l 'prder and peace prevailing in the toinmnitf in1 which they wero instrumental in maintain ing. They settled any small disputes that might arise among their. neigh bors, turned over tho violator of the Criminal 1 Code to the County Court to answer for his offence against Jthelaw, and to be a gbnorgl popserra tor of the peaoesad good order in bis neighborhood, ' To sec things raov,' ing around him in perfect concord and unison, the citizens all ! pnjuying pros perity and being wjppy , in the sense pf security that tnay felt under the protecting bandi cfthe la, he being an instrument in the maintenance of ills state of things was a far greater The President announced the follow? ins Standing Committees: Committeemen Privileges anTEleC .ttons.MessrsIanning, ot CatUsm, Avery Wituer CbsmUrlain, Jordan, Robbies, .Yi:cox,JJowmau. and B.unu. Treamble and Bill of Rights. Messrs. Turner, Singh tary, Bliveo, Blocker, Nicholson, McCanless, Motz, Bean and Yaogbau, Legislative Depart rnejjr, its .Organi zation. Messrs, Cliogman, Cunning bam, Barrow, Carter, Frenpb, Justice, King, ot Lenoir, Allman end Yaugban. On the Executive pepartnient. Messrs. Reid, Roberts, r pf Gates, George, Ifassey, Kerr, Pripe, Manden, HaftseU and Taylor, On' the Judicial Department. Messrs. Bonnet, Shepherd; Albert son, Coleman, Barringer, Manning, ol Chatham, Lehman, Green and Fair-, cloth. .... On Revenue, Taxation and the Pub lic Debt, Messrs. Durham, Stalling, Hoffman, Cowell, Dixon, Dobson Do! a. Cooper and Page. 'i.:. On Suffrage and Eligibility to office. Messrs. Bbober, Jams, Bateman, Holton, Stroud, Woodffu, Roberts of Davidson, andCary. On Muncipal Corporations.-Jleesra. Shepherd, LUmihop, lieuderson, Bur; nant, McEachip, Jontf, . ot Yadkin, Farrior, IJlapJf and McCorklc, - ; On Cotporations, other than $Jnni- OncfourtU-.of ; its population dies be-" fore tfic seventh year, and one-half be fore the seventeenth, Out of 10,003 persons only one reaches bis hnndrfeth year,1 only one in 500 liis eightieth, and onlypnem-100 his sixty ;fifth. Mar ried people live longer than unmarried ones, and a tall man is likely ta live longer than a t-ho "t one. Until the fiftieth year women have a better cl am e for life than men but beyond that perjo4 the chances are equal." Sixty five pwsons out of 1.000 marry. , The months of June and December are those Jn hjch maniagea are roost fre rjucnt. Children born in the spring are generally stronger than those born in other seasons, The number of men able to bear arpis is but one-eighth of the population. " The population of the United States Js sow over 40,000,000, of which one-eighth are negroes, myitis 20,000 Indians, and three times as- many Chinese. ;' -y .' A Field op BAttlhsjiakes. The Newbern Journal of Coyimerce learns that Mr. Franlf Ifartly, of Pamlico county, lias a two acre wheat field an! the grain has teen, for some time ready for garnering, .but owing to the count less rattlesnakes therein, no reaper can be procured to (ll the work. It ap pears that sometime since, M r, Ilartly Rent one of his farm hands to this field cJpai,-Mesrs.pocktry Jones.ct paid- f;tha "- nf ;Jn tfca wlieat ill 'tt.t.v.. 'M.Ko,.;.1' noA'.'..'"'!;! I . , " X t . . ... 0 . . w-. 1 hn tha man rirtn rMntnftit VArV milph excited, and - informed his. employer that by the Very fipst sweep pf the cradle he " severed the heads of three huge rattlers while a fourth, in the ac: of springing - upon , him, came in con tact-wiih the point of tlje scythe whkh passed through its body and rendered nix, Marshall, Bryan and Byrd. On Education-. Messrs. . Morehead, Badger, Anderson, of Madisoo, Bux ton, Cing of Pitt, Rumley, Boj 4, Scott, of Ocslow, and WbeeUr, - -i'..- . . On Puaisbiuentp'. Penal Institutions and Public Charities. -Messrs. Cole man, Anderson, of Clay, Bell, Sinclair, Jlort.on. Spake, Grantham Hodge and j it hors flu combat ; he tben dropped U. HARRISON. OF RICHMOND VJL MranioN, OF HENDERSON N.C. iO;- M ot 1 r ee. ! A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BD uuuyu is In as much as County Orders have been altered, thereby practicing a fraud upon the County, tbe Board of Com missioners this day direct the Clerk to issne public notioj throogh tbe COU RIER, ami Posters in each Township, requesting all persons holding' COUN TY ORDERS issued prior to Jnly 1st 1875, to present them to tbe Register Deeds ior Registration. r,u, UWKira Cbrm'o. Board Com. " J. a TUCKER, Clerk. Louisburg, Jnly 5tU 1875. Professional Cards, We announce to the citizens of Franklin, that wc have opened in Iouisbuig a large and well selected stock of DRV GOODS, FAMILY GROCERIES, BOOTS fc 3UOES, Hats, CLOTHING & c. in tact, you can find most any ar tide usually kept in a firt class Tillage st-re. Bat the best remains to be totd, we intend to sell our goods at the VERY LOWEST PRICKS FOR CASH. We pay special attention to our clothing department In which line we defy competition. We earnestly ask that you give u a call, and examine oar stock and learn our price", as we can make it to vptir iotereat to do so, COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, for which the highest market prices will, oe paid. ... - .. . . . M. ECarrion Co. Court Street Louisburg H. C. BiDghac;. . Oo Military Messrs. Badger,; Red wine, Neal, JfowplJ, Wilson, Bullock, Evsrttt, Davis and Harrington. . On Amendment. Messrs. ' Tourgee .. , J3 ft Clingman, Watts, THorne, Love.Lowp, remuneration, than the paltry fees anM , , u , . . ' v Goodwin, Symth and Manning, ot . New emoluments that are now appended to Hanover the office, whieh act as an inducement M.Jaa Jjiii:'tl2'' ' . - Pn MjacellaneousPsp visions. Messrs for the worst men in the community AiberUoo, Crosby, young, Green, Sin oftentimes, toscramble fH these plflces, gletarv, Scott, of Jones, QUarra, Sum- in oraer inap vppy may op cnopa to mer, uud McloweJf. make something for themselves out pf it. Such men as formerly held these places, and as are fit to hold them now, will not enter into these scram bles for them, and the coniequence is, that instead of getting the purest and best xnca in the community in these places, we as likely nsany other way get the worst. Good men, men fit for tho . office i of , Magistrate, Men whoso influanco in tho ponmupity is such as to command and retain' tho respect and confidence of the mem bers of that community, an not generally be prevailed upon to enter, into the lists of candidates f r these places, with such men as want to get them for the emoluments pertaining thereto. In the Kaste.ro pounties generally a great hardship bj? ben endured for this reason, all jtme since the adoption of the present Ppn stitution.. Our County wo suppose, has hardly been afflicted as badly p this particular a: some others have; Yet ire have bad to contend with, ig norance, favoritism, and corruption in V On Revisiona.-j.Messrsl1 Reid, Clingy man, Manning, of Chatham, IJennett, Turner, MortbeaV Shober, McCorkle, Pockery, Coleman, Barringer,' Tpurgee and Albertson. At a meeting of the members of, the bar of this County on Friday the 10th Inst., to give expression to their fceU ings of sorrow at the death of Mr. W. K, ' Barham, His lion' Judge S. W, Watts, was requested to act as Chair man, and Armsitpl ijones as Secretary TUo Judge on taking the cir doHver ed a - touching and feeling eulogy on the life and - character of the deceased. The following resolutions were then of fered by Mr. Gatlin, seconded bj' Messrs, Batchclor, Davis, JJullock, Ed wards, ppoke and JIjJ,chell n appro priate remarks pn c papaptr dT Mr- Basham, Whereas, since oy r, last njeeting, it has pleaspd tbo Qret Jjaw-Giver pf fjie world to remoyc ftoh ; midst our late brpther William , Baran, uhftsp the implement and ran frouj t)ie field to report the startling bceuRence." Mr, Hartley thinking the man . must be laboring under some great hallucination, immediately proceeded - to the field where he ' realized to his horror and surprise the facts as related; whereupon he took up the tUc cratjlp and in mak ing three swipes killed as many snakes "by cutting them in twain. It was then that his ears beenme deafened from their hissing, and the virbratjon of the rattles of these venomous reptues, caused tho ground to tremble ftiu pjmke like unto an'earthquake. t Seaside Dangers. "Coma on now, Ned,'' cried a New York girl nt Lonij Branch the other day to a stripling lover at hep aid papa now kt's.takc a dive," ; , "Your lather, is an awful , big and stout man,"; observed the youth. -Oh, never mind ; tha," ; exclaimed the miss petulantly; "let's take a swim just see tho great waves." , . Pon?t you think it' dAngerous?',i anxiously infjuiiel tbe lover, ghziug up and down tbe botch, "Dangerous ! No I There isnV hardly any undertow at this poiat; It's ' ' " ' , MOhjhut it isnt the undeptow I'm" airaid , off'' , interrupted, the young man. MLm't it ?' . . , ' No; it's your father's toe!" ... And she couldn't get him to risk it. COTTON C0HKI1SS10N MERCHANTS, Respep;0dly solicit consignments of Cotton. Shippers who consign to us " will le afforded every facility. . . BAGOINQ aii4 TlES furnished. AN ACT TO ASCERTAIN TflE IN DEBTEDNESS OF TflE DIFFER ENT COUNTIES, CITIEd AND TOWNS OF TIH3 STATF, AND . TO PRESCRIBE A STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS, Becttos 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enacr. That all claims against the several frontlet, cit ies sod towns of of this State, mhetbet by bond or otherwise, shall be preeat9d to tbe chairmen of he Board of Coun ty Cinnrais iooers or to the cbtef otH otraofaaid ci'iea and towns as the ease may brt - within two Tear ttter tbe matunty ot aucn claim or claims, or the holders ot such o'niro cr claims shall be forever bamd lrom a recovery there of. - , : "' i ' ' Pbovidep, That claims which hare already matured and become due shall be presented on or before the first of January, Aono Domini one thousand eight bundled and seventyseveo,' or the holders thereof thall be forever barred of a recovery thereof. Ratified the 22nd dav ot March; A. D. 1873. ; . : . .;. : ' 4 :dter. h3 - ' DENTIST. Oflers his Proressional Services the public In Ercry depart m tut or Dentistry. omcEa, Louisburg st Wsrrenton ori Dents Hotel, Norwoml A Davis' Storr, Pr. S Clalass -i .Dr. E. J3slne J Physician k Surgeon. ! Practicing I'hysicijin, . OFFICE ; Market Stiwt cast of Court House. ' - . Louisburg, N. C. 50 EE'WAIB, Ordered by the Board of Conoty Commissiom-rii, thit tbo above reward ot $500 will ic iaiu to uy t arson rho will farn'sh evidence umcirut to secure the conviction of the party par ties- guilty of cbangipg or altering Coufciy Onlers. . 2STOX LCJE . O TO THE PHYSICIANS OF FRANK LIN AND WAKE COUNTIES, ' Having lieen appointed Ag-nt for the "Kentucky S iitual L'etiefiS Amo; ciation of 1 113 siciiiiis," for Franklin and Wake counties, ResiH'Ctfidly Iufoms tin" Vhtsiciausof fuiid counties ; tliat they can pneure t crtificatt's of Life Menibursblp ly npjdying to ine.! J, B. CLIFTON, .V, D.i Lotiteburg, N. C. I; , i we've got clear 01 - virtues nmJ apeompjishmeuts ihjew tp the administration of the Magisterial brilt p gW PYer pur socjsl apd pro W l T it. IKlWUUill IUIWI.WW , I IU U, At yurK, us uiiYo a o usiiuu 01 iae Pcaoo in the Lonisburg Township now, is t,hatbut fqr an accident,- would in all probability hayo bpep in the Peniten tiary. Who, too, on Qpp ppcasion, was roady and offered to put bs har4 on the word of God, and add fchp ttujn of fessional intercourse wjtU blip ; now ' .- :. ; RESOLVf D, By the members of the Franklin Bar, met together to ex press our respect for his memory and our grief at his loss; , That in the death ,of our late perjury to Lis other crimes, which had brother, Thjs Jr has sustained a loss he done it, could and would have been which brings sadness upon ftll 1 nuim- proved by three witnesses. Sinco that a Constituency who cares nothing for the laws havo elevated him agaiu to to this office, where he is to pass up on tho rights of his fellow citizens. A system that produces such infernal zesutts cljfiild be abandoned and some other adeptotj in ta stead,. (fho ber.", and palamity upon the pop)imni- 2. That in his intercourse with his associates we recognize the utmost kindness and courtesy, and in the dis charge of his professiona.1 duties, high integrity a n exalted sen- e of honor. Q Vlif vrra rilaanuli lis a tnntnAvw T f tftv ) TTW aa ion -3; ssioi , auvuiuijf pld system acted with eIko efrcpt. The with tenderness and affection, and last has been' pernicious in sll its operations Then why not return to that? Wo hope tho Convention now in session will devise means to remedy the greivances of the community in this respect. To it we look for succor We hope fjre shall no look in vain com- TO THE PVKbW. J, H. Richardson of Castalia having advertised certain notps I hold again t him as having been obtained under fa's? prepenses, I prorputpe the alle gntion an unmitigated lie. The nele." wjro in consideration ot a tract of land lying in Franklin County, and I put him in possession of the same, and no one has set up any adverse claim. I held tho title under the Sheriff's deed, ana in aaajtion tnereto, 1 nave tue warrenteea to the &am.e of J, J, Mint- tree, Thos. K. Thomas and Chas. H. Thomas, warranting the title to me, I intend to sue on the bonds at the next term of the Superior Court unless they are satisfied. If Mr. Richardson, how ever, will pay the interest on 'hb bond 8 for the o possession to him a.ud take in my obligation to make deed, Qr I will on bis paying up the bonds make him deed with fnll HALL'S SELF-FEEDING COTTON GIN. The fol'owing are some of thp reasons why II LTS GINS arc superior to all others 1 ; , ; - 'Iv It is moat rconomical; it requires th attend ince t no cx)6tienred gin- ner, and ii peners witii tne labor, ot one hm'i. 2d. It will pick more Cc t oa in a given length of time than any otbtr Gin in use. ' . . 3d. It never BREAKS THE ROLL, thereby 1 s'ng no time, and making a more evi-n and I'd ter tarn pie, 4U. It wil! run longer without whetting cr shtrpentegt th' -ir-Ffeder will not cairy to the fiaws any h-vrd substances t!-at will injure them, och as rock:, nails, ttickn, .hard unmatured bajl?, &c, which also roiuUy iht dang r from FIRE much less, 5th. It picks the s&id cleaner tban any other Gin in ue, thertby making a larger yield. " o caye in our possession the result of a test In which one iyunn af Lint Jot-ton was produced trom two pounds, seven and one-half ounces of Seed Cotton. These Gin-t arc perfect and complete in every parti ;ula. sod are ru&os 10 run a uigii speeu, iaej can oe louna in aimosiaoy seetoq m Mortn Carolina where Cotton is grown. Price, $5 per Saw. Send for Circular, if y -vx f hl - yt'X Sept 3 3-m. HYMANS k PANCY, General Agents for North Carolina and Virginia, E. C SALUSBURY, 4. C RQWF, alusbury Rowe mend his p janiple q osq who are to convj after nj," '- f 4. That we extend tp his family covenant, and warrantees in fee timplr, our sympathy and condolence, assuring Wilu J guarauiee ue Ksy wiSnf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FURNITURE, jssj hue lUbllos tu a-UU s time he has had the land Also, Carpels Oil ClolhSj Window Shcdos and , I will surrender them ; " . 'X -mm-r-s-.A o.tt..- dtr Call and eswine oit stock before purchasing elsewhere, , NO. 207 and 20P MAIN STREET, BLATCMLtY'S Improved Cucum ber Yv d Pumpis ihe ackniwld U HTANDAHU ol he market, ' l y po ulir ver ier, he best pump tor the t mon v - A 1 tj-uli in li in : vited t DiatcLley's Improved Uracktt, the Drop Check Va've, which can hn withdrawn with ; nnt di-tnrling the loinf. nd the crfp per chamber which never cracka. scales r rurta and will l.vt a lite time. -For aaJe It Deal&ra and the trale gen erally, In order to le sure tht you get lJlatchlej's Pump, he care'ul ami see that it has mv trade mark as apoye. If you do not know where to buy. de scrip tire circular, together with the name and address ot tbe agent nearest You, will be promptly furnished by ad dretsiog with ttainp. Charles E. Blalchley, ft 50C Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. April 2i'm. It. TUE CONVKTIQN. At this writing the Conventipn has been in session for seven days, is thor oughly oganized and ail the Commit tees aro at work, and we hope and be lieve that V Constitution will ' be frtimed, that will provo acceptable to pur pcopre, an J that tho present mil itary concern under which $ur peeple have groaned fqr sqyen years will be forever burled. Wo , Pptl;o with pleasaro the energy 4Uplaypd by the inemherato dispatch business, and if hey continue as they have started,, we hink they will not holjd thirty days jobger, alrcqdy he cntirp businefs of the Convention Is in the hands pf tbe different Coxutuittes, and they are working da and night. We give be joW the lidded ot .the nipmbcrs com Jusiug the several coiumtipri. them that his death, falljfig most heavi ly on them, brings us profound afflic tion. : -" '" ' . ::; . . 5. That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to his family, am rso to the Franklin Cqurieb and Warrenton Gazette, with request to publish; and I titlt the DruS 8,ore Et 5 Pr t LOOK TO Y0DR 1N TEREST1; . You can buy the lollowing Ar that a committee of this Bar request the Court tp hive them spread upon its minute. Statistics of ?iie Globe. The earth is inhabited by bout 1,400,000 000 inhahitaats, namely: 2GO,000,000 of the Caucasian racej 550,000,000 of the Mongolian, 190,000,000 of the Ethiopian, 200,000.000 of the Malay races, and 1.000,000 of the American "Indian. All these resptictivcly spo k 3.004 languages, and possess 1,000 different religions. : The amount pf deaths per annum it 33,333,383 or 91, 954 ir day, 5,73 per hour 60 per minute, pr 1 per second.' This loss is more than compensated by the number of births. The average, duration of 'ifp thpji'rhiyit the ilo!t is 3 yenrs, prices. - m r . ; Hostetters BittQrs, .Vinegar Bilters. Simmon's Liver Rcsula . . tor, COD LIVER OIL; And mapy pthcr standard articles. OB A Always charged and sparkling. SODA TICKETS $1.00 per pozeo. f3T CALL at the PJIUQ STORE. 8ept 3,C-ni Norfolk, Va. "SV A. l?v X & B E O. Frankllnton, N C, Are determined to closo out Mr LARGE and ASSORTED STOCK o G-ENERA1, MERCHANDISE, AT THE LQAYE3T POSSIBLE FIGURES. If you want goods CHEAP CALL ON TllEU. Any kiad of produce taken at beat prices, V. . .. r : AT WARD & e it 0. Farnklinton, K. Cs Itftleigli & Gaston l. It. Co, Offjob Gen., Pass & Ticket Aqt lUKigh, , C, Aug. 3rd 1835. Excursion Tickets at exceedingly low Fates good, fur the Round Trip are now 011 iali st Frankllnton, Henderson and Warrenton. to the following points iu Western North Carolina j YU llickor,y Moigantou, Marien, Old Fort, AshrUle, Warm Bprlng. Lin col at on sud herryTllle, tickets sold until October ltt, good to return until KovciAbcp 1st. For further iiifoin,atiei puneipond with Agonlsat Fmnklli'don; He der son anl TTcntcyt w with the um dersigucd, THOMAS BADGER, Gen'L Ptstenger & Ticket Agent. JOS. J. DAVIS. ATI't pi- COUHSELIOR at IkV jjouisbxtbo, ycAJikiiN ca N.a Will practice in the sereral coutta t Granville, Franklin , farbt Wane a and Wakp, ., ' .' . ! ' l?3L Prompt attention paid to tie Till : " rouccvion ana rcxuuitpca ci money. , Joty I5;;87!i' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 ! . ; . ; FBJL5HL1K10JT, N. C Will praetioe is the courts of the lih judicial district. , Prompt attention given tn the collect tlon rf elaims. No R0 tf C.'H. CC3te,: .W. H. Spencsr GQ.QKX3 & Sl'IISCKR ATTORNEYS AMD COUNSELLOR ' AT LAW, j Ami. SolicttQK in I BANKRUPTCY j LOUISBURG N. C. i Will attend the Ciirt of Xii.Prark lin,'GranTilIe. Warren,nd Wakf (Vun. ti. also the S.ij-rfm'5 Court id Nnh Carolina snl the U. S. Circuit and rif Ouits. No 7-tl JrL A. R 2ST 10 S S & SADDLERY ESTABLISH- . MENT.'v ! Sxddle h-p in Lrn;t.u-rt 1 hal keep al w ajK on hand a g'l tirk . Mscldnv ttindc Hitrro- bst 8add r I cmp'oy gCiOl ami xu rirrcvd woi. mfr, and I wamnt all the voik pot on by me ; sll kinds d repnirir id sty ine done on short notice and 00 very rsisonhle terms. My Simp is urtr Mr. T. N, Carlile Stor .m Min htrtrrt. fiTT I solicit the patronage ot the people ot PranMir, n -0 ; Y. B, CLIFTON. PHOTOGRAPHIC G-allery. : 4 MAIN 8TUKZT. ; At my Gallery o?er Itr, T. N. Car liles Store can !e foaod at all Umrs, round, square and rnstta Tram's I am also prepaipd to take Gem trpeg, rrd and csbioet aie Photographs. Wben yoa want s ood piefnn ol yourself sod family, call at ray Gall try. Very llespcctlally, ; Y. B. CLIPf ON. 3SL B, b U' i-T m V L 1. i 1 " AQKTFQUTHR ' WHEELER 6 WliSOU I)UISBUR0. n, c. Office st -Eagle lloteL" For Bale A nice con Te nte nt Cottage real deuce, on Eloi fc'trt, itli three com fortable rooms, snd a largo yard snd garden, can be bought on Terr reas onable tercii. - Apply to tbe Editor ot the Coxrxryu. SIX REASONS WHY TOO SHOULD INICBKIK TIIU PEXN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANEE COMPANY. 021 011ESTSUT street; i . PHILADELPHIA. 1st, Becaoit it U one of tbe oldest companies In tbe country, snd past Us day of ex period) tt, : 21, Uec3,uae etery policy holder is anvmber ot the Cosnpasy, entitled to sll it adrantages and privileges, bar ibg s right to Tote st all - elections for trustees, snd thus baa aa iofloence is its management, Sd ecacfe it has tLe largest acro mulatod futd of any Lite Insorascs Company in tbe State, 4 lb. Because by economical man sgement, its ratio of expenses to total tncome Is far below tbe arerage of Life Companies, (See 0cial Insurance. Ilepoitr,) 4th. Because iths declared mprs difidends 10 cumber, sod of s larger average percentage, than any Company in tbe Volted States, For example; Polity 2To It, for fSOOO, has beta paid ta tho widow of a pbtUdelphia i&ercbaot, opoo wbich twentjthrte dividends bal been de dared, STeagins City seven percent Had tLtte divirtends been used ti par-, chase additiocs to this policy, $5,046 mote monid bate been realized mak cg the policy wor.h $11,010. 6tn, localise it is liutrai w rJo. . - m -w mm m m m 1 T WJfw m mm mm w w St. Faill S Paronhinl I scement, prompt In lu sctttUmenU 1 sale bevond s continscacy, snd iU rates School, The second session of t, Paul's Parochial School will open September 13th 1875, and continue tarentj weeks. 31. II. VAronAc, PrfadpaL Afisa Jcxja, C IIamme Assist. July 30.1875. are as low as soy fir.t-clasa Company In tbe country. Principal restores,- Small expenses, absolute security Jsrgc return prtmioos, prompt payment of lotscs, snd liberali ty to tba lnnred. W. ILFINCU, GenT, Manager for North Carolins, W. Dr BHUrLL, GcuM. Agent, Frxn klia too t NtC.