IFraiildia Courier Local Items. GEO. fi. BAKER, ViiontiKTor.. LouisBURa..,........SeiT., 17, t 675 .The. new bridgr cost about $6,000. V A nutber of sktinuges on last Satur day, none serious. . SPECIAL fTEMS. Wc will tl.e- Courier, and Godcy's Lctcty Bock, with beautiful Oil chrumo l Rescue,'' 12 months for 64.50. : Persons going to and front Franklin ton, 'will A cli to take the Mail Hack of Mr. tt. O. Jones. lie is tiod courtco and obliging, and leaves rioth- . Discoursing sweet music your own trumpet. -bljwiug- The new German greeubaefcs Ate called Reischskaisenscheiae. They are pronounced good. Young ladies profess to be dc-eadf al ly afraid or a pistol, and yet they do sot want it to go oft. Died In Taarboro on Friday 3rd September 875, Mrs, Settle Austin "Williams aged 3 1 years. She wis the grand daughter of the late Ww. Jef- 'frejs -of Franklin The disea con sumption. Three small children a husband and largo circle of friends mourn her early death. I C. M-W Cwtxt adjourned on Monday, having held session seven days. The Grand Jury wene discharged en the same day dial Cwrt adjourned, There were at one &ae thrte set? of jury men out, and &e Sheriff summoning the fourth set, sueu thing does not often occur. We (earn that there were a large Bomehotly advertises for a laaehine- : Arn W will add tn thft nnsatrtt 1 Ctrl. I she better tlien a band -maul? UJ UUM"' ..... I of the traveler. Joeli Billings sy he will take the nu ..ker of canes disoosed of. - - ; , r - etaee this winter; also, the r abroad Mv Stetfc of spring and umer - a goods, is tety Urge, nd I pledge my- j : . jjelf to sell m cheap as any one in IjOuW 1 CX5Rf tit for three months burg. 1 have also a good stocK otv,oiv ony Fiftst CENf s. Let every -.Denier foctionaries, Groceries &c &., atl at J mt in the '.County subscribe at once. the lowest market price for Cash. T. N. -OARLTWB. Mr. 1 D. Watson, is agent for the Wheeler &' Wilson Sewing 3achine. lie also repairs and puts in good work ing .ordsr roacllwnea -of other patents, and also keeps on hand needles fce. &o. rhich he will furnish at the Wwest price, he warrants all his work. Call a him at the KagJe lUteL - MALLOEY'S o PERTJVIAN!! GUANO. ; .n Genuine rKttWVIAN Guano di rect from Government warehouse G uar ranteed pure ed unadnltcraietl Very (ow for Caslv 1 W, & MALLOBY, Frank lint on, N. Ague Conqueror; No Quinine, o Arsenic, no Poisons; This w strong language, as Physi cians and ClcuUs have for years fried to compound a preparation that vnuld entirely cure Kkvicii and AUE without the use uf stixg uuaUicuie fiiuA nsrtu;' Arsenic -nd; other poisons injwirtus to the sytem. Thrtre in W7 case of l't-vci and Ague, " Jntcruiitt-'iit or Hilious Feveri, ('on gesttve Chill-, Night ,SvfitV-trcr Complaint, &c:, thuttht riiody will ftot cure at once and jicrinnnantly. It piiqfies the Wod, Liver, Spleens HiA ulUecr.!t.',;y organs so cffectival ly that the 15!; il ' tt'iU tit.returii W in" the K'asou, eve. liA'. Jufy)S iitu-'i liad tlfcm f'r .vca'rs. -UU-by J. 15. OUb'VON LouUUvg, The Salisbury Fair, will commce on the 19th of October next an! con tinue four day. The number of students at the peak ing of the UoMrrty term, it is ai4, will bcUrger than was expected. The addition of a new porch i j Mr. Y. B CHftons' House nn Chuwh street, a great improvement. - ' Rev. Mr. Boshammer, spent sercnl days in our . place last week. His family lias been spending some tlme0 oh a visit; to M'ss Martha ArreaieU. We would respectfully, call your at tention to 4 new rich, and cheap Watchrti, Jewel r) Jmondif, Silver , Ware, Clockrt and faney . gnaia fc Vmuiii;s, Marble Front .Twelry tMt corner Syoawre & V vnk ttreet v lVtcrsourg, V-ld 18kt. plain fiold Kings for engagement nnd wed-. Jiing purpose Vouags, Celebrated rerfected Periscope Kpaetadsa nd J1 ''yo G hisses, will iiuprovo .d beiWlSt your eye-sight. . . Call and see them when you visit Petersburg. 4 ' f( A mast (-.ntcttainiiig and useful book.' T 11 II, txJwfeIIi.tory ot the ilocky monitaln ISulnW The writer w;u for twenty five yearn a M-mon tflder, Mis.-ionaty4 nd Editor of the Salt Lake Daily Telegraph. This is a moyt rcadible and interest" inn book, and well worth the ttiopey Asken for it. It U sold oidy by wb. script ioh . Mr. J jo. Uarris has the agency for this Couuty, call on him And give him your name. Sept 10-4-w ' "The ; Well on Fair, Opens o Ae 26th October ami ecmfaMa until die 30th. ITon. Jesse J Yates is Pre dent ud Pr. II, E. T. Manning eare iary, ; l'itsON.-.i Col, Thos. C. Fuller, formerly a resident of this place, was in atlcDdane on our Court last week, he left for his fw?2e jnjtaleigh oo day. . .-. We her, tonic complaint about the onditlpn f the side walk, on Naslr fitroct near Wynns stable, the walk is filled wih rock, so thit parsons annat pass, without going iuta tSvst ti oat. v C!bs of Subscribers to the COl'Rl ES, are coning in every r&k, Wt v& Ivae a UfZfi mailing Look d lave room fur nuwe, FriemisiVsntecjweyrmr ffb?t.,unttl the COU Bl'KIt is jt jn every family in the couaty ' TJie IWrd of County Commission--Cre'held mission on Mood y and Tue day cf last eek, TWy aujomeJ until list Tuesday, oa hich day . (Jay met &r the purpose of making Rtti- meut with Mcscrs. H'hit&Jw & Cmx der, for t ue building .of the new brj4g4?. CiiANtu:. -Ir, H. C. Jones hs j sold out his' mail contjat from this ' place to Frankliuton,. ta Ih, IL Y JoyneY 31. E. Joynr & Co,, ''purcUiis .'d the lkery stable of Mr, 11. C. Jones', and will ma dally lise from thU place to Franklii.ton, 'Jhe foiiowigoScersJavebecc ejec ted in the Convention; t 'For Secretary Johnstoa JoKg, Pem. X ' Assist. 11 W. M. Hardy Dem, Seargeut at Arms. J. (I. Hill, Pcm. Doorkeeper, J, P. Jfcrtoa, Deru. EnrolUug n4 KHgrosslng Clerks, M, Q. Widdell cf Chntliaw U W. Herron of Jackson, both Democrats. Mr. B. Pr Clifton is having the old Hawkins house, which he had moved n the vacant; lot e&st of his store, iiioroughly S renovated, he is having mother story added, and running it Laek about twenty feet, He is having U fitted up for a Photographic Gallery, and it will be occupied by that master Artist, Mr, Y. B. Clifton. J Sad Death. A young man Dy tne 4 jjame of Guttndge, aged about eigh teen years and living near Hilliards- ton, went fishing last Saturday after noon. He did not return, which caused! S3 oncasioess to his relatives, and up oti search being made he wag found dead ia a small branch. Itreemsthat he ras subject to fits,aad it is believed thxt he had one on this occasion, as ihe water was too shallow to have 4rowned him otlurwise. it. Mail. New AdYcrtiscments, NOTICE. I herebv tnve notice that all persons are iorbidckn to trespass on my land. adjoining the lands of Dr. 15. 15. ferry by dav or iy night, with axe or gun, under the penality of the law. JO UN ELLIS. Sep 10th S-ra. NOTICE Anyone "wishing to employ an ex pcrienced Miller, to run a Grist & Saw Mill, for the year 1876. would do well to apply to the undersigned. L. E. BAHTHELIMEW Jr. . Lame) Franklin Co., N. C EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg, If. C. . Propbiktos. o T!)e H-t)t propri tar has leased the Eagle Hotel, (formerly occupied by James DcDt) fo a number of years. F?e ia prcftarcd to accommodate regular and trauent boarders, has nice rooms, we 1 furnished, and fitted nn In the best strle. He h a.lKolarre and eonventent roam for Salesmen to display tbelr aim pie. The table is dallr supplied U'ith (he bct the mar ket afford ITe u HI spare no pains In lMuklug (tU boarders comfortable, and liopes he will receive a liberal patronage from tbe pubile. Jan. 8ih 1875. . Death of Jas. A Williams. Tt :s thk pain that we chronicle the death f Mr, J. Al yrilliams one of the Ed itors of tbe Wilson Advance, which took place at his fathers residence on Saturday night last. Tt was our plcis re to knowjMr. Williams, and in all our intercourse with him, wft always found him to bo courteous and polite, a gentleman', of strict integrity, kind nd generous. We mourn tho loss of this go jd man, whoso career of nseful- ti.ss has been checked so early in life by the relentless hand of death, f lic -:ts aged 24 years. , R(C5UEi !' Caught. For several I'it'ccks Mr.S. H Perry, of Marlboro Wl reason to believe that oomo rogues 1 rrc stealing from his Stoye- 0:i ftatutday night la.st he kept regular watch, and the reult was thru rogues with a faUc key entered tho Store with view of helping themselves as usual. Unfortunately tor.' Perry shot t them . too soon and missed fire. Tho black scoundrels hmvevor, have, been caught, and are now confined in Pitt jail, Ad- 53 I 53 PETERSBURG Va: E. mcnTEii. Watclnnaker and Jeweler. .FINE Watches and Jewelry of the be ilaimfuctorn and at the love t )i icw. Alt wort personally attcuded to aud war ranted. m ' H 638ycmorSLtPeterburjrfY Cfc i u . - "WTiitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone W O EES, Raleigh". N. C. Persons wishing to purchase Head stones or Monument?, ean see and con sult with our Mr. Whit law, at Mr. J, A. Stone's boarding house. .' Aug. 13-12-m. NOTICE. Valuable Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills, for Sale Tbe Dans mill property situated on Sandy Creek in Franklin county is off fered for sale on reasonable terms. Tbe Mills are in good running order, and draw cuitom from 1 large scope ol country. Connected with tbe mills is 80 acres of good land. pply to W. L. THO BP, Rocky Moont N.C G. W. MINNIS, Photographer, Old Xo. 47. New 141 Sycamore SL PETERSBURG, Va ATTENTION Cotton FLANTE1KS! Maving just pur chased a "Georgia VS. and having put everything in the - - ' best possible or- i Tne only Racking that will Polish Over Oiled Sur face AXD PRESERVE TRE IS JLTnERl H. A. REAMS & Co. Manufacturers of lteams Durham Boot and Suoe Polish, DTJRHAMS N. C WuTTtwdoX to Exxl AUOtliers Honey Refunded! . or The fourth and last, quarterly meet ing for thb Station, will be held oo next SJ.urday,at the M E Clmrch, Rev. J, P. Moore. P. E. There will be preaching 'on ..Saturday at 11 o'clock A. M , aad the Holy communion administered o Sunday after the morniog serrice. We acknowled ge the receipt of complimentary ticket to the fifteeth Ni C. State Agricultural Fair, to be held op the J2, 13, H, 15 Mid Ifith 6fO tober next. Extensiye prepm- 1 tion are being ma4 to make this Fair the largest and best ever yet held iu the Stata, Rev. Dr. Burkhead has been p nr.inted bu llishoo alarvta. of the r -r - . Methodist E, Church, South, to Raleigh station to fill the vacancy occasioned by Rev, A. W, Mangum's aeceptanae of WITH . .T.VIlS li THOTT, WHOLESALE DEALRB IV HATS AND OAFS, 34 HanoTer Street Baltimore, Md. s VALUABLE AND INTER ESTING WORK- . TIjo life of Qcnl Robert E. Lee, by professefshtp at the Uui?6slty, and Jno- Esten Cooke, withj Illustrations, Rev. R. O Barrett succeeds Dr, Burk head as Presiding Kldcr in the Shelby district. Portrsitapnd Maps. The Pjno of Lee is beloved and re enccted through the world and partic ular in the South, as a foldier be was crcat but as a man he was grcatei. No Southern man should be without the History of Genl R. E. Lee. The work is sold only by subsctption Prico In cloth, Leather, . $6.00 Half Morocco, $7.00 J, N, HARRIS Agt.. forlranklin A Nkouo Vkeaciier in Limbo. A colored individual wearing tho livery of heaven to serve tho devil in, who has been figuring in this county under the style of Rev! Tobias Joy ner, was caught last week stealing hogs from Mr. Moses Dew, and landed in Wilson jail, where he had several day's opportunity to poodcr over the uncertainty of man, and the duty of observing the eighth commandment which reads : Thou slurft not steal. Wilson-Advance. Left Us. While we always re gret lussdng a good citizen from our town, yet we are glad when our friends get positions by which they bet ter their condition. Our young friend B, W. Ballard, who has for a number of years been in the employ of Messrs. Barrow & Pleasants, in the mercantile business, and who by his strict atten tion co business, ever showing that he had the interest of his employers at heart, had gained their entire confi dence and respect; and by his genial and social disposition, drew a large number of frieuds around him, in the strougest tics of friendship cavefed his connection with us on Monday last to go to Franklinten to engage in t'ae mercantile bnsiness with his brother Capt. W. II. Ballard. We congratulate our friend? at Frank- tinton, upon the accession of Mr. Bal lard to their town. Mr. Bftllaid car riea with him to his new home the kind wishes of his. friends' in Louis burg, for his happiness and success in his nw enterprise. A Faithful Delegate. The Wil mington Jou as al learns that Mr. Wm. Kirby, one ot the delegates from Samp- ESTABLISHED 1847. W. H. Morris & Sons., COTTON FACTORS AS D Commission Merchants. 23, 25 and 27 Commerce St, Norfolk, Fa. Will make liberal Currency advan ceson produce or hill lading In hand. Sir. A. M. Xobie, ofN. C, is coo heeteel with our house, and will be pleased to receive tho patronage of his friends. PEET & ATKINSON. Wholesale Dry Goods Merchants. No, 45 Roanoke Avenue "NORFOLK, Va. , Sept.. 18 ly der, we are pre pared to gin any A A A s. A. Stevens & Co., quanniy OI COt- ton at the short- Executes erery style ol likeness from catd to life size, in the beat t vies of at : Prices moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Gallery established la 1874 Oct. 2 ly DEALERS IN Furniture, Carpetings & Pianos, Corneu Mais aw Guakbt Sts., NORFOLK, Ya. The larcest Stock of the above j goods in Virginia. Alt poods guaranteed to ce eoia as low as in any Northern City, as our business facilities are unsnrpASsed. Our goods are all manufactured to order and we ask a visit or an order from those desiring goods in our line to convince them of the advantage ob tained in dea'ang ntarer home. Having been established twelve years and having sold largely in the vicinity n Franklin County, all can refer to the public generally. We are Agents and keep on hand a large essoitment of Pianos and Parlor Organs at Mannfacturs prices, bead fur Circular. Sep; 1-1 -y. est notice. will We guarantee our gin to make good " turn The .on!y Marking that will polish cn oiled surface. It is guaranteed ta reserve tbe leatLer and raaka It pliant, tcciring leas quantity and time to iroduce a perfect JjiSlbsn any other, thehrash to be applied immediately alter putting cn the blacking. A per fect uloss Imb this wilt not soil cvea white clotlita. We guarantee It as represented., nd for patronage strictly on iu m rit. In testing 'cur Marking -oae a brash that has nu other on tt. Fmx as low as other Blackleg., Liberal arraogt mrata made with' merchants nd wholesale dealers. ' H. A. REAM 3 &Co., MDUfacturrs, Durham, N. C, This Blacking Is recommended la the highest ttrma, after trial, by Geo. P. Brown, J. Howard Warner, New York; tbe President and Professor etT Wake Forest College; and a Urge suca berof pen tit men ta and around Dur ham, whose certificates have been fua bished the Manufactories, Orders aolicitcxl and promptly filled. Carriage Factory. as 55 our' as any irin in the County. All cotton de- TRY YOUR LUCK. We want everybody in the United States to see our larire. eichtya2-. lit erary and family papir, odab mu' and in order that nil may judge ol its merits for themselves, we will send it, cn trial, six months for only 50 eta, and to every subscriber, we will send' by mail, poBtagy prepaid, one of our Mammoth Pnmium Packets con taining 10 good Envelop, 10 sheets extra note i paper 1 good penholder, 1 good lead Kencil, 2 sied Penf, I Mtm orandum Book, 1 Card Photograph ol all the Presidents of all the piesi dents of the United State, and a nice Pbeh miuu of JewelbyI wtrth lrom 25 eta. to $1. . Don't let this pass you try one package. Everybody is sure to $et more goods than they ever bought be fore lor the price, anc the luckiest set I for it nromptness and equity in pay n.enf ot losses, and its general noeraii- FARMVILLE INSUR ANCE & BANKING COMPANY OF FAR3IYILLE Ya. Assells 223,935.00. Sio.ooo.oo United stales ed by insurance. Bonds Deposited with liver ed at our gin is fully cover- ITaving bought the Interest of Mr. R, J. Place in the Carriago Factorr it Place & Conway, I respectfully ask: the patronage of tho people of Frank lin. I Guarantee satisfaction ia all my work. W. li. COS WAY. Louisburg, N. C Lumber For Sale. . I have on hand one hnedred thou rand feet of first rate weather-boarding Floonog, bastard Flooiicg, Ceiling &c. c, aawed last winter, which baa been piled acd well cured, and la la excellent orHir. , I am also prepared to fill bills for timber at my mill a bo at six miles from Louisburg and same distance front Frankliotoo. Persons wishing bills of timber would do well to see me be fore contracting witn any one else, as tbe body uf limber in which my mill is located baa nerer been picked. J. P. TIMBERLAKE. July 31-2 m. the Treasurer of the State, for the protection of the Policy Holders. The Farmville has ever been noted from five to ten tunes the value of their money. The paper alone is more (ban worth 50 cento, and we give joq ibis magnificent prize tx'ra, hemembtr the'paper and the Packet lcr only 50 cent. Agents wanted. Address W.M. BURROW, P O. Box 58, BriatotTtnn. Valuable Town Properly for sale II I have for sale in the Town of Frank linton, a splendid dwelling honse, it has six large rooms all neatly painted a good office and all necersary out houses and good well of water in tbe yard. The lot contains about two acres of land antl is ait o a ted in tbe business part of tbe town nrar the Rail Road, and ia well located ler bnainess houses. Foi further information apply to, MRS. M. A. I. MORTON Klnston N. C. Sept. 3 3 m, B II. Buqn, Esq., of R cky Mot nt nd a member elect from iVash county I ( wno by the way is a btothei to Motic E Trinity College,1 THE SESSION COMMENCES r Sapto 2nd 1875. Pi;!l cultr; .'elegant buildings first clua ac-jommodatinn. Seventy five a ninty dollars will pay all cx penses for live months Wc off r the very bctt at low rates. Aid given to young men of limited mean?, ' ' '. P. O. 4 Trinity College, N. C.,! ' B. CltAYEX, . July 30-1875 ' ' . to the State Constitutional Convention, had hi pocket book, containing $60 in .5.00 I mqncy and $5000 worth of notes, stolen one day last week- negro was sus pected, and on being arrested the p pers and most of the money were ro ' covered. SWOULARLY MAltKED Co. T. flf. Wiliiam LitUc, of this ity hs a filly, two years old, that has never been sad dled or harnessed. It is a bay iu color, and has tho perfect form of a small saddlo dotted in white ou itg hack, run ning, aTwould a crupper, to the roots of the tail. Its dam is &1&0 bay, but without any white 'or marks of saddle or harness. The Sire of the colt is not known. Agricultural Journal, our townsman Uirby) was in Fsyette- ville Friday on business, aqd the cars for Raleigh left him. Unwilling to remain until the next train arrived, which would have enabled him to reach Raleigh on Monday morning, fearing some accident or delay might occur, he procured a hand-car, and employed two negroes to take htm to ganford, a distance of forty miles Qe started after night, and reached San ford Saturday morning in time for the train reaching Raleigh the same morning. Such men can be relied up on, i i . - -: " - - YABBOROTJGH HOUSE RALEIGH. II C. O, W, BiACKNElI,, Propictor. . -O- I respectfully announce to the citi-" xen of Louisburg anl vicinity, that I am preparefl to do plain sewing for La dies and Gentlemen, also Hemming, Stitching and Raf3ing. Charges mod erate MRS.P.H.BMITH. Louisburg N. C FRANKLIN COURIER, , : o : ' TOUC3. 1 copy oneycar..... i....$2 00 1 copy six months.,,,,,,,. 1 00 Advertising and Job Work done ralon libe terms. ty to the insured. Its increasing busi ness and popularity, place it in tbe front rank ot tbe Insurance Companies of the Country. All clasea af riska, such as, Steam, Water and Horse powei Cotton Gins, Store Houses, Stocks or Good, Resi dences &c Uken at equitable rates. GEO. 8, 'BAKER, AGENT for Franklin County. Louhburg. N, C. Sept 8-3 m. Building Contractors AND CA.BI3STET LOUISBURG, N. a SASH, BLINDS AND DOOES MADE 10 ORDER, and all kinds of Machine work done at short notice, on as reasonable terms aa elsewhere in the State. All grades of CoQia. Furnish ed, with hearse. Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a SPECIALITY. (Bive us a trial 'Barrow & Pleasants, 10 O O Bales Co.tton Wanted Inime- diately. Be sure to call on us be- fore selling. Barrow & Pleasants i POTJ 2ST D S Seed (Cotton Ml- CANVASSERS wanted tor two superb work of French Art, 'Little Runaway and her rets," and the pretty pair, 'Ihe Dinner, and t he Nap." These pictures are worthy of a place la costly homes and Inez pens! re enough for tbe simplest. Sel ling rapidly, and take on sight. We guarantee ready sales, good profits, and qnlck returns.' Any act ire person who will take hold can make a hand tome Income. Send for our best terms at once. J. B. FORD & CO., 27 1'ark Place, V, T. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE, Green bUtto, N.O. The Fall tiesslon will begin on the lit ot August. . TERMS REDUCED. Charges per Session of 20 teeefc. Board (ezduaire of waahlas & lights) 73 00. Tuition tn regular Cagluh course. S3 CO, Chsrgta lor extra studies, moderate. ' For CatslogutrS coatalniog part leu- lara(applj to T. It. Joxca, Frcaidcat. N.H. D. WILSON, President Board of Trustee. John Armstrong, No. 1 FayetUtirie 8trtet, RALEIGH, Nt C., 300K BI5DEU, Blank Booh XJUnufacturex, Newspaper, Migszices and Law Rooks ol crrry deaenptioa besed la the very best Style and at Lowest iVicca. jtc30 13a Plastering hand. Lathes always on SLIITH & BEACHALI. For which we will pay the high est price Barrow fit Pleasant. Louuburg, N. C yiluahson upcauncn THOMAS, 7UOLSSAL)S GliOCKRS AXT Couuis ion Merchant ZZ. FsjettcTillff Street, RALEIGH, X. C. ' Oppoiite Uctropolilaa II all.