it. ' r ERIER CIJ- s- BAKER, Editor and proprietor. TERMS: SQ.OO por Anmim. VOL. IV. ,: N. CvFjLi ,;' r SEPTEMBER 24, 1875. KO. 48. ----- . - LOUISB0KG Afloat. 3Ty keep time to half a rhyme, That clips and lide away from me ; Acropn my mind, like idle wind, A loHt thought beateth lazily. Adream, afloat, my httle hoat And I alone steal out to sea ; Ohh vanished year, O lost and dear ! You rowed the little boat for me. Ab ! wlio can King of anything With none to listen lovingly? Or who cau time the oars to rhyme When left to row alorio to sea ? Elizabeth Stuart Phelp. and a slice of buttered toast; and be sides this, a delicate capful of fragrant tea. : " You must not scold if J have any thing wrong," said a clear, sweet voice, " because Aunt Jane is too busy to look after me. I cleaned the fork and spoon. for silver gets dreadfully black " then more tenderly as she marked the painful effort to move the tortured fingers " Let me cut the chicken, sir." Grimly wondering, the old man suf fered himself to be fed, finding appe tite as the well-prepared food was eaten, and listening well pleased to the cherry daughter to you. I wanted to make you love me," she said, in a lowi tender voice, " for Rob ert's sake.". I "And for your own," he answered : " but I am bewildered, my dear. Where did those things come from ?" 'From my Sold home. They are all mine, and you will let them stay here, will you not, for our new home t", she added, shyly slipping her 'hand Into I Robert's. " I don't want to take Robert from you, Uncle James, when he is all Building a Bridge. The bridge over the East river con necting New York and Brooklyn will be a stupelous affair. The anchorage on the New York side now being built ' will take up nearly one-half of the large block bounded by Cherry street on the north. Water street on the south, Rooser velt street on the east, and Dover street on the west. The base of the anchorage is 141 feet long by 120 feet wide, and the structure will rise eighty feet above the JTJ-V IXG THAT DOES XOT FAY. you have to love, but if you will give me J sidewalk on Water street and sixty-five a place nere, too, l will try to be a good 1 leet above the tJherry street " sidewalk. izonr.nTs wife. "I am real sorry about Uncle James!" There was real sorrow in Robert Franklin's voice and eyes as he spoke, and the lady who listened drew her mer ry, saucy face into dolorous puckers to fcuit the occasion. - " Because, you see," contined Rob ert, " he fancies because you have twen ty thousand dollars that you are a fine lady, affected and useless, not the wife for a poor farmer." "We must show him his mistake," was the reply. " But he will not see you. ; He posi tively forbids your coming over to the farm." , .. "Does does he know we are mar ried?" " I have not dared to. tell him. Cow ardly, is it not ? But he is my only rela tive, and I love him dearly. It is not bocauso he owns the farm and can leave a little money, Daisy." "Hush, love, I know," Daisy an swered, putting a soft, white hand over her husband's lips. " I have had no other father or moth- r, dther, for that matter, in all my life," "continued Robert, "and if the faim is dreary, it is home." " And Jike to be banished ! Well, if you will keep your promise and send Jane over to see me, you shall not - be. Now, talk of something else, : Oh, how can I let you go for two long months 1" For Robert Franklin had undertaken to go in person to see about some West ern lands in which his uncle had invest ed, and w hich threatened to involve him in loss. Daisy could not well take the long journey, and besides, Daisy had other .schemes in her wise little head. Loving Robert well, she resolved to re move tho only shadow from his life the resolute opposition of his uncle to a fine lady wife. . Robert rranklin had been gone, from the farm three days when his uncle James yielded most reluctantly to the pangs of his old enemy, chronic rheu matism, and told Jane, his-old servant, that ho must remain in his room. The old woman answered promptly : "If you are going to be laid up," Mr. Franklin,-1 must have some help. I'm getting old, too, sir, and trotting up and down staiVB jsn t so easy as it was twenty J years ncro ! "But who will come, Jane ? Girls are not plenty hereas you know." ." l'vo a hieee, sir, would come to me, though she's never lived out." " Send for her, then, and oh rub my leg, will you?" , t Lato iii the afternoon, a little bustle below stairs told the invalid of the arri val of the niece. She came with one trunk, in a wagon, from the railway station, and standing in the wide, dreary-looking kitchen, looked a picture of healthful beauty. Soft brown curls gathered in a rich knot left their , crinkey ringlets on her f ore head and caressing the round white throat; largo brown eyes lighted a sweet fair face, and the neat dress of M tie vo len covered . a , dainty form. . "Will you go upstairs Miss f " Jane hesitated." ' ' 1 . 1 " Margaret !" said the newcomer; don't cull mo your niece, Miss, what ever you do. My name is Margaret. Has I" " you Mr. Fraukl in had his., supper " " Not yet; Therms ;dranerf: scarcely tasted." i ', , Margaret looked at her big trav, the blue plate with food heaped upon it, the two-pronged fork and half -soiled napkin and did not wonder at the neglected food. f ' "Show mo where things are and, I will get the supper," she said. Jano led her ' from closet to closet. ,In one was a set of gilt-edged china, some fine table linen, table silver and glass. . .. : " ' i "Those were bought thirty years ago," wliispered ... Jane, ". when Mr; Franklin expected to be married. She died and they have never been used." With her pretty face saddened by the hidden tragedy of those few words, Margaret took a small tray from the shelf, and covering it with, a snowy napkin, selected what she wanted from the closet, and went again to the kitchen James Franklin, weary with the effort to hold a , book in his aching hands, was now sitting in a deep arm chair musiDg, when Margaret tapped at the door. L ' "Come in I" But ho started as she obeyed. Such a sweet, bright face was new in the dismal voice so unfamiliar to his lonely life. " Jane," Margaret said, sitting down the tray in the kitchen' again, "I don't wonder he is sick. No carpet, no curtains, that great hearse of a bed, and nothing pretty near him," "It's all clean," said Jane. " Clean as wax, but oh ! so doleful. Can't we fix up a cozy room ?" ' 1 There's rooms enough. Six on that floor," said Jane, " and none used but the one Mrr Franklin's in, and Mr. Robert's the little one next to it." " Well, we'll see to-morrow. Can I have a . man to send to town if I want anything?" . 1 S '' J " mere s men" enongn. win you sleep down here to-night, or in one of the rooms up stairs?" ir , Down here,? in the room .next to yours ! It's all ready. I'll go up now and make Mr. Franklin comfortable for the night." ' ; .'"Comfortable 1" Margaret . said, shivering. , .But the next morning, after putting a tempting breakfast .before the invalid, Margaret selected the "vacant bedroom she meant to beautify for his use. It was large, with four windows, light and cheerful, and well suited to her purpose,! In the intervals of direction, Jane send ing the man to town with her orders, and giving .her own dainty touch to everything. Margaret visited the in valid, reading to him, chatting with him, and making the long hours fly by. It was late in the afternoon when she came in to say Mr. Franklin, the room across the hall has a southern - exposure, and I think you will find it more comfortable than this one. Will -you try and get there if Aunt Jane and I help you?" " I'm very well here." h "But you will be better there. Please come." So he yielded, but once .fairly, in the I room, could not repress a cry of amaze ment. Softly carpeted, white curtained, a bright fire crackling in the stove, a dainty supper spread upon the table, the room was cozy and cheery enougb to coax a smile from the grimmest lips. Yet when James Franklin sank into the bright chintz -covered easy-chair and looked around him, everything seemed strangely familiar. That was the parlor carpet, taken from the never opened room below ; those were the parlor cur tains freshly ironed and starched, and held back with knots of broad pink rib bon. The bed "bureau; wardrobe, chairs, all were his own, polished till they shown again. ...The snowy -bed linen, the white counterpane, the bureau covers with their knotted fringes were all his sisters worKj storea away in chests since she died, long, long years ago. Even the chintz on the chair was part of some old curtains she had stuffed away in a long-forgotten corner or a closet. : ' . . ... : . , " It is very comfortable, and you are a good thoughtful girl," he said, look ing around with a keen appreciation of the added comfort. "I wonder we never thought of using these things." " Now let me read the rest of our book to you. . I have some new periodicals in my trunk if you will look at them.". The days flew by, cold weather strength ening, tdl Robert wrote he was coming home one chill January day. Margaret Of materials. It will consume 600,000 feet of timber and 80,000 cubic yards of stone. The weight of this immense Solid mass will be 60,000 tons. Four large wareHouses, 5 three Stores and several tenement houses had to be removed to make room for the anchorage. The structure is raised by courses, the bot tom course being of timber and concrete. ingher lips to his for the firsftimo; ThaUniber is Georgia "or Florida pine7 ' you4iave- made- me very nappy. - - 12x12 inches.-'. These- timbers1 are- put 5 Give you a place here !tt the old man cried ; "I think no greater grief could come to me now, Margaret, than, the thought of losing you. God ever bless you, child, for I few at your age would have cared to so kindly overcome o ob stinate an old man's stupid prejudices." " Thank you." she whispered, touch- And as she presided over the carefully I appointed .table in : a cozily furnished dining-room Uncle James had used for spare harness and bags of grain, but which was transformed beyond, recogni tion, there was j no cloud on the bright ness of the face of " Robert's wife." Alaa ! Toor Iceland. The New York Herald publishes a letter from DrJ Hayes, who is well ac quainted with Iceland, 'about , that coun try. There has hardly been on the face of the whole earth a more singular ex hibition ' "of the conflicting.', forms of nature than that which has been seen in Iceland during the past few months. How frail seems the crust on which we live, when, almost without notice, the whole rocky I foundation is broken asunder, as it has' recently been in leer land, through thousands of square miles, and into the midst of 'enormous reser voirs of ice and snow are injected liquid fires, w hich first flood the valleys below with water and then Overwhelm them with riyers of redhot lava, and at length bury the whole with hot ashes, which, mounting into the air from countless crevices in the rocks, fall, as a shower of snow may f all-over farms and tillages; spreading "everywhef e anv asphyxiating covering, until men, women, and chil dren, .hitherto., happy in their primitive little homesteads, fall down and die of suffocation, and. cattle, sheep and all living things are overwhelmed by the great destroyer 1 The picture is the sad- down in layers, alternately lengthwise and crosswise, and are firmly bolted to gether, the timbers in each layer being from two to six inches apart, and the in terspace filled "u with concrete. This wood will not decay, being kept contin ually moist and out of the air. . Pieces of old wqpden flocks built a hundrec years ago have been taken out in a per fectly. sound condition. It is expected that' the Structure will be completed in about a year. The distance from the southern face of the anchorage to the, -center of the great pier 930 feet, and it is l,3i It it tm a Jlinm that Sink Untf JIUllon. Dollar m Yemr. Item mf Interest. . Josh Billings y he lecture for fun, with one hundred dollar thrown in. When a man roe to a quilting party A correspondent writing from Nevada hotL He was an intelligent Moham-1 about tea time, and aits down on a ball says: l experienced a desire to go into meaan, speaxmg rrencn quite wen, ana i cj tinir with a lonjr darning needle in .i m n r -. I 1 LI a I -1 t 4 I . . a ... . ... . . me once iamous oavago mine, xay ae-i" wimuww t cu&rmcver wre UJlfc I it. he will think of more tninirs connectea sire was to go as xar down as u was pos- I naiienng. nue A was questioning mm sible to go, and the depth to which the about marriage customs, be declared. Jfmhammea'Mt Dieree. During the first few days of my stay" in Cairo, says Thos. Knox, our party employed a guide whom we found at the hotel. He was an intelligent Moham- Savage is down is about 2,300 feet per pendicular, pr, counting the number of feet, in the incline, over 3,000 feet,, or nearly three-quarters of a mile from the surface of the eartiu ' One of the first party volunteered to go with me, and dressed in the garb of miners we were dropped into 'the Savage. The first landing or station we reached was J, 500 feet. Here we left the cage and entered what Mr. Andrews, the foreman, called his "palace car." .This car, .made wholly of iron, was about eight feet long, two feet deep, and about three or four feet" wide," with" 'flanging sides. Two very large' wheels supported the f ron t with no appearance of regret in any form : " I have had nine wives, and am now living with my tenth. When I don't like a wife, I divorce her." The whole story is told in the last sen tence of his remark "When I don't like a wife, I divorce her ;" and the only form of divorce necessary is for the hus band to say to the wife, in the presence of a single witness : "I divorce yon. No residence in Chicago or Indianapolis is necessary ; there are no lawyers to be engaged and fees to be paid ; no trouble some affidavits about incompatibility of temper and the like are to be signed ; nor must one stretch his conscience in making oath to 'any document. Say and the work is and two small ones the rear end of I tho car the object being,' as may readily be I only : I divorce you, seen, to lessen the angle of the box in accomplished. order that it might hold more ore. ! In As a consequence of these facilities, this car, which .was .evidently used for the people of Egypt are very much mar no purpose but for transporting passen- tied. . Men can be found in Cairo by the gers, were half a dozen seats. A very hundred who have had as many as twen- with darning in a minute than he can mention in two hours. , ., Several of the students of Brown Uni versity have been turning their summer vacation to profitable account by serving as waiters and gardeners at the seaside resorts of Rhode Island. Their services are said to bring high wages. Dumas has written an American novel, in which a coon chases a couple of young United States lovers up a tree, and then tries to get them by gnawing through the txnnk. Dumas says the Virginia coon is as large as a yearling calf. The funeral cortege moved slowly down the street, and, as she left the house of mourning she observed to br companion: "' lizzie, if any of our folks should die, I don't think I'd wear crape rosettes on xdJ bonnet, would your A drunken man drove a horse nd wagon on the Boston and. Albany i ail- road three miles the other night, passing powerful engine at the surface pulled ty or thirty wives in half that number of I over several cattle guards and coming the car, which ran on. rails, . presenting years,' and women who have' had the I out uninjured. ' He kept out of the way fil 0 i " t a 1 1 ! . t 1-. i ! I . . . a . a 1 liuie incuon, anu, me car was urawn Dy i saxnei piurauiy o nusoaoas in a similar I ox several trains ins lo met oj vue way, feet from the , northern chorage to the end of faod of the an time. , But divorced women are. not con in diameter.., Andrews 4 said that if, the sidered as desirable as thosewho have rope should break the car would atop, never been married, and consequently I looked in earnest for the philosophy these frequent divorces fall more heavily to support his-assertion, but -I did not upon them than upon men. The present fidd'it The angle1 of the' nclhie 'was intelligent ruler of Egypt, is well aware the approach! on I forty-five degrees, which, as railroad I of the debasing effect of the marriage Printing-House square. The anchorage men isay, was y a . pretty stifl; grade." laws, and has improved them in several will receive four cables, descending from The incline is over 1500 leet long, and ways. the top of the -tower and entering the the car sped down it; at a frightful pace, anchorage about seventy feet above 'the Going down Jn, or j rather on a page ground, so that they clear Ithe roofB of and going up again had begun to be a the tallest buildings that stand in their fascination.4 k;It VaS l&eHclJng in ojbal line. Tnese cables will besixteen inches loon, but here was a car without breaks, in diameter;, . and. made jof. steel wires driven down a'sorFob ttmnel so low that woven first into strands and then into it was necessary b incline the head, at the cables by strands. They enter the a breakneck speed, at an angle of forty anchorage horizontally, arid run along five degrees, nercTohly by a aingTe iron through tunnels a distance of twenty- "cord. .Each . passenger carried a lamp, five feet, when the strands, of which and lights were placed at Intervals along Polygamy is becoming less popular every year, and would probably die out altogether in course of time if it were not expressly sanctioned by the Koran. I was told that among the middle and upper classes there was not one husband in fifty who had more than one wife. Polygamy is 'more prevalent among the lower classes, but even there it is not common. The legal number of wives is four, but not one man in five hundred in and says thai one 'of the trains turned out for him.," ?ri . The Hornellsrille Tims . is authority for this : Twenty-five years . ago (in August) it rained eighteen diys in suc cession without a skip. Hay blackened anil molded in the swath, wheat grew in the shock, and even in the uncut wheat the kernels sprouted in the heads. It was a wet harvest. The New England peach train is ex tensively utilized by the tramp fraternity, to which it offers opportunity both for free rides and free lunches. One day there were discovered upon it, at Meri Jen, Cotm., five tramps who had ridden from New Haven, and on their way had eaten their fill of the fruit. And now they have found out that there are nineteen in each cable, sepu- thq incline. . By. these we were enabled Cairo or Constantinojjje avails himself of Gutenburg, the inventor of printing, rate, 'and each strand takes hold of two to peer into the' frightful prospect ahead the privilege. A Mohammedan whom I was tried at. "Mayenoe, in 1422, for th links of "a loop dfcf lain, which makes and it was by no means assuring. There questioned on day on the subisct of assassination of bis uncle, and only .... ..i... i I 1 i ' " X ' ' . . .1 i . I i i . ti tnirty ignt iinKs to receive one came, was, nowever, a saie ena to inis supier-1 polygamy, mue ne louowmg repiy : The - two cables-thus, merge into four great chains which pass on through the anchorage -in a curved line until they reach the bottom and are made fast to the plates' ' put there to receive them. der that we had such, pleasing accounts These ' four plates are of past iron and are seventeen and one-nail ieet.iong by from Iceland last year." How proud were the Icelanders then over their cele bration, the parallel of which was never known before ! What a Bcene of misery and desolation now succeeds to previous prosperity and contentment the island rent and tortured through a third of its entire area, and at least a third of its population either destroyed outright or rendered destitute I When we reflect that the Iceland winter is a period of darkness; that the ground is then covered with snoj? to the depth of many feet ; that communication with the outer world wiy be cut off for several months, and even intercourse between the farms and villages will be at best difficult, and that the population, never more than eking out a bare subsistence at the best i of times, now become, burdened, with those whose homes have been' laid waste, ; and whose farms have been buried in lava and ashes, it is difficult to imagine anything more distressing than their prospects for the next half year. sixteen feet wide, each of them weighing twenty-three tons. The top surface is flat and the bottom convex.' The great stones above ' the plates overlap each other 'in such a way that the anchor plates .cannot rise without carrying up the whole mass. ' Eating Fruit. : The American Agriculturist says : Wehardly know how to account : for the-'popular irnpresaibn that still pre vails in many rural districts, that the free use of fruit is unfriendly to health. " I have one time two wife. Now I have one wife. One wife make house enough warm. Two wife make house so hot you bake bread in all times and no firei Yon have three wife-chouse hot so ho man live there." ' ' ' ; The mother-in-law has the same popu larity among husbands in Moslem coun tries that sho enjoys in more Western lands. Most men there prefer to marry women whose mothers are dead, and who rtavn v-"v n aa s ia1at IvA f VtAi rsmyy isv iui v u uvr sa a vw v w biavs w n a bva and some husbands forbid their wives to Noticing my surprise, I see any women except those who are re lated to the lord and master of the house. But .this latter rule is very sel dom enforoetL -.1 " s . i rancan journey. , Wp came, after a quick trip, which seemeci long enough to us, to the. lowest statipuT There were drifts on the way in' every direction, 'and we saw where millions of dollars had been taken out. ., Reaching the bottom there was very little to see. . There were men enough at work on all sides there, are 235 miners : employed in thid mine but they .were not taking- out "pay1 dirt," We climbed out of the palace car! and i stood on a rickety platform of boards. The sound of. picks came up Irom a re gion still below. Mr. Andrews said: There is a winze running down a hundred feet or more. Workmen are down there blasting and extending it." At that moment an ore tub came tumbling up filled with rock. It was dumped and down it went again. I asked Mr. Andrews if I could go down acquitted after a long imprisonment. Thus the art preservative is made to perpetuate a knowledge of hisbadnewt as well as his genius. , : A ragged little urchin came to a lady's door asking for old clothes. Sho brought him a vest and a pair of bow sers,' which she thought would be a comfortable fit. The young scapegrace took, the garments and examined each, then, with a disconsolate look, said : " There ain't no watch pocket. Tt W mnch to dr with th scareitv of L fa the boUpm of the.winze. You had fruit c-ardens and orchards in the .coun-1 better ndt,M he said,1 there fs nothing Vanderbitt'm Bvhl. The old, commodore, .was born , on Staten Island. " His family were Mora- vians. lne old cirurcn is suu preserved. A California Bank President. William O. Ralston, the president of the Calif ornia bank of San Francisco, who committed suicide after the; suspen sion of the bank, was born in Pennsyl vania, and at the time of his death was forty-five years of age. lie was a shoe maker in early life, but soon went to California, where he became interested in " A High Seume'of Honor. The Duke of Wellington had a high sense of honor in all money dealings. and would -suffer none of his s agents - to do a mean thing " in his -name. iHis steward once bought some land .adjoin ing his country estate, and was boasting of having made a fine -bargain, from the straitened circumstances of the seller. fruit gardens and orchards in the.coun try. As a matter of fact, cities and vil lages are much better supplied with fruit the year round than the surrounding country. J There are hundreds of farms, even in the oldest, parts of the land, where there is no orchard and the only fruit is gathered from a few seedling ap ple trees grown in the fence corners. The wants of citieis are pupplied not so much from the proper farming districts as from a few men in their suburbs, who make a business .of growing fruit for market,. Tle farmers wjio raise a good variety of email fruit far the supply of their own families, are still the excep tion. The villager, with his quarter or half acre lot, will have his patch of straw but the homestead is going to decay, L speculations, and also held a clerkship to see, and the only way to get there is I The owner will not lay ont any money to ride the tab;'? I wanted to see all that was to be seen and he offered to go, with me. The tub was smaller than a flour barrel but very heavily made and bound and strengthen ed with. iron. It, hung by a bail, to which was tied a common hemp rope. Andrews stepped on que side of the top of the tub and I on the other both were heavy weights and pretty evenly bal anced. We clung te the rope for sup port, ho guiding; the barrel with one hand to prevent its striking the sides of the winze and bruising us. The bell was rung, .the iengme started, and the barrel slipped easily down the polished to put things to rights. The barn is an old tumble down thing, and stands a a nuisance amid tine improvements. Yanderbilt when a boy was as far above bis associates as he is now above the business men ' of this' age. He was known as " Corneale." He was a slim, tall, daring, - athletic hid, doing what no one else dare do. For a considera tion he would row to New York on a dark, tempestuous night, when, all but the daring boatman expected to see him go to the bottom. When a mere lad he earned $000 by putting a crew on board in a banlr. subsequently lie, went to Panama as the agent of Garrison's steam ship line. About 1852 he returned to San Francisco and established a banking house with others, under "the came of Garrison, Fritz k Ralston. This firm was afterward dissolved, and he became a partner in the firm of Donahue, Kellry & Co. About 1861 he organized the Bank of California, with O. Mills as president and himself as cashier. Mr. Mills was already connected with a bank in Sacra mento, and his time was largely taken np there. Mr. Ralston became the head of the Bank of California, though com!- berries, his row of currants and raspber- stringers at ah angle of" about eighty had been busy for a fortnight before in h " What did you pay for iti'Vaskedthe mes, his grape vines-and pear trees, and the lower part of the house; but Mr. Franklin asked no questions. .He had been very ill, but was recovering so that he hoped to welcorae. Robert' in.tjie sit ting-room. How he shrank from retnrn ing to its dreariness and sending Mar Lgaret away, he told no one till he x held his nephew's hand fast clasped in his own. "I can never tell you, Robert," he said, then, what Margaret has been to me. No daughter could have tended me more patiently and faithfully, and when I could listen, she read to me and talked as pleasantly as if I were a com- lit hundred pbunds;"!! jwas the answer.. . . ,,- "And how much was it worth V , r "Eleven hundred pounds," 'said' the steward, rubbing his hands in glee at thought of the good bargain. 55 " Then take three hundred pounds, and carry them to the seller, with my compliments, and don't ever venture to talk to me of cheap land again." The steward was confounded, and could scarcely credit his own ears. The idea that any one could refuse to profit m m by a snarp bargain, and tnrow money panion to her, instead of a grumpy old away in paying more than was agreed bachelor past sixty. '"'. I nm! glad you have been well cared for," Robert said, turning his head to hide a merry twinkle in his eyes ; " you look Very fine here." 1 2 j"l But when he carefully led the old man to the sitting-room, both stood amazed. Was the handsomely carpeted, cheerful ly furnished room the dreary old place in which they had been so well content ed ? While they wondered, a new sound greeted tnem the tones 01 a piano touched by skillful fingers, and a. voice sweei ana ciear singing a Song 01 praise. Tnrowing open" a door, to disclose a on, was hard for him to comprehend. (leaning Steam Boiterm. Exierinients were made some time ago in England relative to the preserva tion of i boilers by placing unslacked lime in those boilers which could be kept empty, and in case they were liable is fust one of the matters in which farm talk intelligently of the varieties of these fruity, pis table is well supplied with these luxuries for at least half the year, but there is a lamentable' dearth of good fruit upon' Che farm from the want 01 conviction that it pays. It does pay in personal comfort and health, if in noth ing else. The medical faculty will bear testimony to the good influence of ripe fruit upon the animal economy. They regulate the system better than anything else, and forestall many of the diseases to which we are liable in tne summer and fall. A quaint old gentleman of our acquaintance often remarks that apples are the only pills khe takes. He takes these every day in the year when they can be found in the market, and fills up the interval between the old , and new crop with other fruits. He has hardly seen a sick day in forty years, and pays no doctor VbilL ..We. want more good fruit, especially upon our farms, and the habit of eating fruit at our meals. This a vessel in the harbor in a storm.- He owed his start in life to a darin fear, nally its cashier. All its great enter At the risk of his life he rowed a man to I prises were conducted through him, and degrees. Andrews was right .in saying the Battery, the man -' lying fiat on the wnen Air. Alius was present, trasj- there was nothing to see. at the bottom, bottom of .the skiff and not speaking on ness .men always went to Mr. Ralston Two or three men were at work, cm the the trip. That .man's fathcx wasted, a for consultation. About two years ago, rock, but the lime in it made it decidedly fearless man to run an opposition steam- Mr.' Mills resigned the presidency,- and .arm. rK jninsieV was -aoeugh, boat, and tLough years had passed away Air. isaiston became tue real as wen as anu up wo vent aram. ;c uurits were 1 vluj , w . new avi wu majou iw 1 going off in every direction, and the, j Corneale, the daring boatman. , VarKler- j incougn ins . Duaineas arjiuues, aimow etploiionii werja ppt sgreeaple to one s cars. We again took seats in oar car and were ;qsioky roxxnp to the landing sI m . a . 01 tne perpendicular snail, x wo minutes afterward we were on the surface. .We - at ..a mt Lilt Has no real estate in his own name except the house he lives in. It was all conveyed to William- for the oonsidera- uoa 01 i on lue eve 01 tne out man marriage. . ." . - - .-. ;1 '. is to leakage from the sea, by tilling them with a solution of lime in sea water. - The result of this experimental application of the solution of lime proved so satis factory that by direction of the govern ment its use is to be extended .to iron old farmhouse, strongly in contrast with beautifully furnished parlor, Robert saw and composite ships. The regulation the bare, meao-er room and desolate air also a little rhrure on the piano stool, prescribes ma m aii,, cases wnere w surroundintr, her. ; ' ' ' ' I clad in a snining biacK silk, with lace ' I have, brought your supper," - she and pretty jewelry to adorn it. jviargaret, uncle James cried. -But Robert said softly : ; "Margaret Franklin, Uncle .James, Daby, my wife ?" Then she came forward with shining eyes. said, drawing a little table near the arm cliair, and covering it with-a white cloth. Then, going to the door, she entered again with a tray. Upon a white cliina dish was half a chicken, delicately browned, a potato roasted in the ashes, era wives can exert an mnuence. .Many a good, man would set out fruit trees and bushes if he were only reminded of it at the right time. One right time will be this autumn at least in all but the' very coldest parts of the country. A few dollars invested then will brim? abund ant returns in from ,one to five years. impossible lo drr out completely any of I iTt is more? intimately connected with the compartments, bilges, or wings in j good morals than oni philosophers think. order to coat them with composition, With good digestion it is quite easy to were down something more than au hour, and take it all in all, notwithstand ing the little nervousness and uncertain ty. it was the mo!t fayinaljng experience ofmylife?Jk J n i I . J The Savage mine has been one of the most profitable on the Comstock lode,' but at the present time it, is not paying a dollar. Air. Andrews Informed me that no pay ore had been taken out for a long time. 1 learned subsequently; from trustworthy sources, that it costs th& stockholders half a million dollars a ye ar and that the other side of the ledger is a blank. paint, or cennt,, Ume.,wel slaked, is to be dejojii0iT'inf the Stereorrtairied in sut h places, care being taken, in order to lret?nt injury, that the lime used be first thoroughly slaked. fulfill the law of love. A codfish was recently caught at the Isles of Shoals that weighed sixty pounds and measured five feet in length. Bote tm Treat Then. ' The Boston Globe, solves the difficult problem of how to treat " watering place acquaintances when met in society after wards,-by telling this old story: The story told of George Selwyn, the famous London man, of the world of the last century, illustrates the combination of brilliancy and discourtesy, which are so cnaracterutic of a .certain kind of swell." Being at Bath during a sea son of unusual dullness for that fashion- entirely, that the bank attained its great influence and became so potent in all commercial, financial, and even political affairs. : In 1867 the bank reached the zenith of its influence, and was then the most powerful corporation west of the Rocky mountains. , Mr. Ralston .was . the most popular rnn in California. His munificence had won hi friends everywhere. " His career is full of instances where he has kept fromTailure men who were on the verge of financial ruin. His mode of life was on a plan commensurate with the extent of wealth at his command. At Belmont Yaneyhbu2tfarhimseUabooae costing, it U estimated, $1,000,000, and supported it with an annual outlay of $350,000. His house would accommodate one bun- able watering ; place, Selwyn became nuite intimate with an old ircntlman I dred and fifty cucst. and occasions were who was rather outside tho pale of that frequent whi that number accepVd his select socifty to which the wit belonged, horpltality. His stables are built on a Meeting. Selwyn in, London, in the raagniflcenf and extensive plan. Some height of the season, the old gentleman years ago he had some dificmlty with was disposed to reew the acquaintance with the railroad vhich leads to Belmont formed at Bath, but the man oX. the Valley- distance of thirty xnUcsand world rerristently ignored him. ! At last then pKrrided himself with a light buggy up to the jury: Gentlemen, it is ray the old f eaow came up to his 'quondam and having relays 01 'Mr business to lay down the Jaw to you, and intimate, and said : " Why, Mi. Selwyn, along the road, drove every day to and I wilL The law says the killing of a man don't you remember me; I was with you from San Francisco in less time than the In a duel: is murder; therefore in the at Bath, lasti year I" . M Oh, J",, said train could make. He was the last man discharge of my duty I tell you so; but Selwyn; fl. rprcember you; perfectly, at his office at night and ths first one n I tell you at the same time a fairer duel and when I go to Bath again at a dull the morning. He was known as a good a n - t 1 1 ti.. 1. i -.. t .1 .11 1.. 1 1 - t:mr m.nA wan manv friends by bis 1 mil l 1 1 im 1 nnrpr iirani 1 11 iu luc viium i mauu. K aiiaii i- ii-tiitit ui umjiua mwr i ua.. r Htm Change. In the case of King vs. Fen ton, where the prisoner wasv tried in 1842 for the murder of Major Hillas in a duel, old Judge Keller thus capped his summing course of my life. season, I shall be happy to j quit,ted with you again generosity and hospitality.

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