Franklin Courier GEORGE S. BASER. Editor and PnorwEToit. All letters addressed o QUO. y4. ftApfft, Fbiday Skit., 24,)75. The following Ordinance have pass ed their final leading before the Con vention and is therefore a part of jhe new Constitution that will be submitted to the people for ratification. " Ordinance, fixing the pay of the jnembcrs of the Legislature at $4,00 vcv day for CO days in two year, vith lOcts mileage each way. Ordinance, reducing the ixuxubr of Supreme Court Judp-s, trom live to three, and Superior Court Judges fiom twelve to nine, Ordinance, fixv nj: jhe time forth meeting of the LcgiJat; re,xw.iVcndes (day after the 1st Monday in January. "VIIA.T WKWANT. Everybody else in the State almost 1iavc been telling what they want put in the new Constitution. We claim aiow the privilege of expressing our wants in a concise manner "We do not propone to go jftto tbc reswitf for any of the cjwngas V want uadc, for it seems to us they must to patent to every man who loves honesty, purity and ability in the government. We want : I. The Judges and other judicial officere elected by the Legislature from the ablest ud purest lawyers in the .Stale. ' " . 2. 'Hie number of Supreme Court Justices reduced to three, and the Superior Court Judges to a reasonable n.unibcr. 3. Tbe Superior Court Judges to rotate, so that the same judge shall not ride the same Circuit twice in iiicccfc sion. - 4. The Township system abrogated and blotted out. 5- A $eaj) system cf County go vernment, C. A judiciary sy. ten that shall visit speedy puuishmcnt upon the violutcrs of the Criminal Code, and afford speedy and cheap relief in the Civil practice, 7. Tbc disfranchisement of felons. 8. The original design of the Peni tentiary so circumscribed, as to make only the higher duss & wtfenders inissable thereto,. 9. The Whipping Tost for thieves. 10. Residenco six months in the The country could never have been stirred to the depths, as it now is, by ordinary errors of administration, And surely Massaclmset ts, which tol erated Butler, Boutwell, Richardson, anJ others, in Congress and & the -Cabinet, would'nut have relapsed f rojn her Republican faith and seventy-five thousand majority, to which the Vice President pathetically refers, for mere trifles. . The causes vLich hare destroyed all confidence in the epubl;coa earty, and wliich doom it to vtrthrow and ex tinction, lie far deeper than these sur face indications. It has outlived its wjtu me in thinking it far battel that good nine; usefulness, and integrity. , jS preference was not ratified. . Gore- It is rotten from core to circumference 4 nor Rs;d is jeatirelj too useful upon the On Miscellaneous Pip visions Messrs AlberUon, Crosby, Young. Green, Sin gletsry, Scott, of Jones, O'Uarra, Sum mer, and McDowell. On'Revisiona.--llessrs. Beid, Cling maoManciDg; of Chatham, Bennett, Turner, forehead, Sbober, JlcCorkie, Dockery. Coleman, Birrirger, Tpurgee and Albertson. It will be renumbered that shortly after the e!ec ion the Journal f x pressed its decided preference tor Gov ernor David S. Reid aa tbe presiding officer of the Convention, but ii it readers had been with roe for the last few days they would doubtless agree tf. HARRISON, OF RICHMOND V.A. M, SIMOH, OF HENDERSON NC ay :0;- and there b not vitality enough left to $ave it, even if ' there was the disposi tion for heroic treatment. After fif teen yers of eoniued jule and com plete Ttffestsion of jevery branch of the Government, legislative, executive, acd j.udjcial, this party has brought the country to the very verge of bank ruptcy and ruin, demoralized the whole, public service, spread corruption every where, encouraged fraud, exerted force for political cuds, seized States and governed them as satrapies, created in famous Rings, 'squandered and stolen the people's ujopey, sustained huge monopolies by Gjjyessive t$aton. and struck at tije liberty of the press for exposing such iniquities. t . The (Jistasc 'has become chronic. it has grown into the system and can not be extirpated. Mr. Wilson rccoai met da that "its tried and trained V?4" era should be brought to the front again, and their wisdom sought for counsel and guidance in ths effort to retrieve what has been lost, and to restore the party to its former prestige and power." These tried aud grained leadeis aye answerable for the utter disruption of l r n i i tnc party, liieir venal dealings in Credit Mobicr, f'acific Mail, Memphis- El Paso, and plunderings of allkinds have been partially exposed by investi gations eveu with -packed committees ; but the worst remains to be told of them; and this can only be fully re vcaled when the Opposition come into power. Mr. Wilson tells his friends, ' hu man rights have ever been the watch word and inspiration, the guiding tar and dominating idea of the Republican party," and he advises them to take no step backward. Human rrhts are in no danger in the United States; and sentimental theories will not answt-r to meet the demand for hungry labor, stagnant trad?, idle factories, prostrate commerce, and st rving enterprise. It is like offering ruffles to a man who has no shirt. If the .Vice president can f nor to be permitted to occupy the chair. It is really a pleasure to see how orderly and smoothly and harmonious ly everything proceeds under his lead. There ia neither break nor jir, but steady, smooth, systematic work. It is true he is splendidly supported as no man in North Catoliua was ever before supported. But much is due to bis own individual influence, and the con fidence be haa iopired in every one with whom be has come in contact, and many of them for the fust time. Gore nor Reid ought to ank the victory of to day as Pfla of the- greatest triumphs of his life. Wil. Journal. John Armstrong, No. 1 Fayetteviile Street, j RALEIGH, N, C. . 300K BINDEtt, AND Blank Book Manufxi&.urer, Newspaper, Magazines and Law Books of eyery description bound fa the very best Styje and at Lowest Prices. jao012n FARMVILLE INSUR ANCE & BANKING COMPANY OF. FARMVILLE Ja, Assets 223,935.00. $10,000.00 United States Bonds Deposited with the Treasurer of the State, for the protection of the Policy Holders. A SPLENDID OPPORTDNITY TO BUY GOODS!! We announce to tbe citizens n Franklin, that we have opened in Looishmg a Uree and well wlec-ed of DRY GOODS, FAMILY GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, Ha's, COTIIING & c. in tact, you can find moat any ar ticle U8ualy kept in a first claaa villas st"re. Bat the best remains to be tb, we intend to cell oor goods at tbe VERY LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. We pay special attention to our clothing department in which line we defy competition. We earnestly ask that you giveai &cs.'.?, and examine our atoclc and learn our price, aa we can make it to your intertai to do so, COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, for which the highest market prices will be paid. M. Harrison Go. Court Street Louisfourg N C. It. a? much as Cnpnty Ortlera bare been altered, thereby practicing a fraud upon the Cocntr, the &ard ot Com miasioners this day dirtct the Clerk to issue a public not e tkroogb tbe COU RIER, and Posters in each TowD.hip, rqucstinfr all persons holding COUN TY ORDERS iesoed prior to July 1st 1875, to present tlitm to the Regis te Deeds lor Registration. P. B, UAWKIN Cbrni'o. Dit2 Com. J. B. TUCKER, Clerk. Louisbarg, July 5th 1875. COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NOEFOLK.VA. Respectfully solicit consignment of Cotton Sldppers Mlio consign to iis . - - ... - . will be afiVrded eyery facility." BAGGING and TIES furnisbca. AN ACT TO ASCERTAIN THE IX DEBTEDKESSOF THE DIFFER ENT COUNTIES, C1TIB AND TOWNS UF TllrS 8TATF, AND TO PRESCRIBE A STATUTE-OF LIMITATIONS. Bkctio2C 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact. That all claims sgJnt tbe several c untie, cit ies and totns of of this State, thrthet by bond or otherwise, shall ie pre-entd to ti e chairmen of iL'e Board of Conn, ty Onairiinoers or to the ch)ef f5 cer of said cities ahtl tavna as tbe case may be, vrithiu two rear sl.t-r the maturity of sach dnirs rr claim J, r the holders ot nich claim or c'aims kball be forever bam-d trom a recoTery there- ol: Pbovxded, That claims which hare alrehdy matured and lwnmj due shall hi iresentel on or ! fire Ih? first of January, Anno Domini one thousand eignt nunUfe.! una seTrntvTen, or the holders 'tin r-oi bU be ljetr bsrred a rdverT thereof. . Ratified the 22nd day of March, A. D. 1873. 3f County to entitle a man to vote. These ten efcanpre added to wljat find nothing better than tlese woru-out everybody else wants, .wc suppose will phrases wherewith to revive tho droop be about enough to put into our or- ing spirits of the Republicans of Massa ganic law. Let tiieso be engrafted up- cbusetts, the case must be quite dos on the Constitution, and all classes will perate, and cannot be too soon turned feel a greater security in the protection over to Moody and Sankey, who have of the government ptfopjs. life, liberty been recently reviving other sinners in and property. , , , HENRY WILSON ON TIIK SITUA TION. The Vice-President is very much alarmed at the condition and the pros pects of the Rcpuilican party, as in deed ho well may be, yti twenty of the tiirty seven States, most of thctu heretofore Republican, in Jjie hands of the Opposition, and the probility that oihers will soon be added to the inw posing column, in addition to this mighly array of strength, the House of Representatives it Democratic by a large njajurity, ihid now controls the Presidency, if by any contingency an election by the peoplo should fail. These f tern facts, and the di ift of public opinion against Grautism, are in deed calculated to excite the tears of leaders who have had full swing for fifteen years, who have made political power su subset vicut to personal inter est, and who at last are beginning to rouse up from a long bebauch, on y to realize thai the party is doomed and their days in office are numbered,- Henry Wilson, as a shrewd and practi cal politician, has deciphered the hand writing on the wall, and now seeks to avert the impending catastrophe. Rut it is too late. In answer to an '-invitation to at tend a conference of hading Massachu setts Republicans to consider their du ties in the coining election," Mr. Wil 8on has written a lottcr, which is al most a wail of i.ljt jcai depair for the future. He mildly admits that ''mis takes have been made in the State aud in the nation' and that ' some men intrusted with official position have proved thcmnc-lvc unworthy," These pe gentle words for the crimes, cor ruption, and outrages, against which t-he peoplo luve revolted "o th and South, East aud West, with a united Yoice of indi nation. Mistakes arc pardonable, since to err is human. v If the Republican party had noihing cls$ to answer for bat the common blunders of ignorance or in capacity, and a fw bad appointments to office, there would haf e been no rero lutiou and no Miffieient canso fnrone. that State. A V. Sun. COMM tTTEES APPOIN 1 ED THK -CONVENT 102V. The armville has ever Usc poted for its promptness and equity in pay ment of losses, and its general liberals ty to the insured. Its increasing lu4 nees and. populatitj, place it in ti e front rank of the insurance Companies of the Country. All classes af riskj, such as, Stam, Water and Horse powet Cottn G.ns, Store Houses, 8tocks of Good?, Resi dences &C, taken at eqaitable rate?. ' GEO. 8. BAKER, AGENT for Franklin County. LouUburg, N, C. Sept. 8-3 m. Building Contractors AND LOUISBURG, N. C. The President announced the follow ing Standing Committees: Committees on Privileges and Elcc t'ons. Messrs. Manning, ot Chatham, Avery, Chamberlain, Jordan, Robbiup, Wilcox, Bownaan and Bunn. Preamble ail Bill of Righ'g. Messrs. Turner, Singktary, Bliven, Blocker, Kicholson, McCankss, Motz, Bean and Vughar. Legislative Department, its Organi zation. Messrs. Clingman, Cunning ham, Burrow, Carter, Freccb, Justice, King, ot Lenoir, Allman and Vaughan. o. ,h. Dep.,...- SASH, BblNPS JND Messrs. Reid, Roberts, of Gates, Gcorgef .Sfaassy, Ktrr, Price, Manden, Hasst 11' and Taylor. On the Judicial Department. Mesr.. Bvnne', Shephertl; Alber sm, Coleman, B-irringer, Manning, of Chatham, Lehman, Grcpn and Fair cloth. On Revenue, Taxation and the Pub lic Debt. Messrs. Durham, Stalling, Hoffman, Powell, Dixon, Dobson Dula, Cooper and Page. On Suffrage and Eligil.ility to pfflce. Messra. Sbober, Jarvia, Batcman, Hoi ton, Stroud, Woodffo, Roberta ol Davidson, and Cary. On Muncipal.C.rporationa. Messra. Shepherd, Hamilton, Henderson, Hir nan, McEchin, Jonef , of Yadkin, Farrior, Black and McCorkle, On Corporation", other than Muni cipal. Me5r9. Dockery Jones, of Cald well, Paison, Mahaon, Durham, Man- niXj Marshall, Bryan and Byrd. On Ediication, Messr?. Morehead, Badger, Anderson, of Madison, Bux 'or, Cing of Pitt, Rumley, Boyd. Scott, ofOralow, and Wheeler, Oo Pqnishuentf, Penal Institutions and public Charitiea. Messrs. Cole man, Andt-ivuij of Clay, Bell. Sinclair, florton. Spake. Grantham, Hodge and Bing'iaj. , On Military Mewa. Badger, Red wine, Neal, lowell, Wilton, Bullock, EvsTvtt, Pivia and Harrington. t?i w w -3 HALL'S SELF-FEEDING COTTON GIN. The f(4!owing are some of the ra&sons why II VLI.'S GINS ar hwi;tri"i' to all olherp 1. It U most iconomical; it requires 'h attendance of no xperitnc d gin ner, and dj jjencea with the labor of one han't. 2d. It ibjll pick m"re Cot-ou in a g:vn length of time tbtn any other Gin in use. . . 3d. It neyf BREAK3 THE ROLL, thereby 1 sing no time, and making a more evm and t etter f ample. 4U. It. wil! ran longer wi'hont whetting or sharpeni-g; th" 8- lf-Fwder will not cary to . tlxe.Saws any hrd subftarcwi t' at wdl innrf them, uch aa rock, nt??, tfick, luird unmitured bal', &c., which also render the dug r from FIRE ffjuclj less. 5th. It jicju the t4 clcantr than agy o'her Gin in uce, thereby making a lare yiel". We have in oar possession tVe result of a test in which one pnuo'l o$ Lint Cotton was pro lucrd from two pou.iris, seven and ont-half ounc I tt Seed Cotton. Tlu-se Gin are perfect aud comp'ete in every particul, ad ar made to run at high ppted, They can be found io almost any section in HrtU Carolina where Cotton is grown, . Price, $5 per Saw, Send for Circular. V ri v . n DENTIST. Oflws bit Pioxejaiuual Strvicc t tbe public in Ettvy depart uint Qt JDenttstru OFFICES, . Looisbnr at Warren ton ortr Dnta Hotel, Nor woo, 1 Ar Davia Store. Dr.E Maloa Dr.C.BloMlr Physician & Surgeon. 500.00 BEWA'RD. Ordered ly the Rnard ct Couoty CiHsmUsionrrj. thnt tbe above reward of $500 w'41 pnid to any erton who will furn'ah evidence ufEcient to secure tbc conviction of the party par tien guilty of changing er alttricg County Orders. NOT LCJE O TO THE PHYSICIANS OF FRANK UN AND WAKE COUNTIES. .. Having lxcn apjKilnted Ag-nt for the Kentucky PctuUt Asc .chitioii of I liyIciauyv" for Fri'ikliu mid Wakw cnunties, RciijH'vtfully biforuis the PliviciaiibofKiid otmtict th.-it they enn procure ertltUvate of Lite Membership by applying; to inc. J, B. CLIFTON, .V. I), louisbnrg, N. U. BLA I CULLY'S Improve! Cucum hr d Pumuis lie bckniwltdgttl aTANDAHU c! iuaiKet ly popvlr ver !e tin Im Ht i.uiKii lrtr tli i l aat m tu v. Ait-i i-n ia in Practicing rhjaicurvt OFFICK Market Strc-ct cast of Court House. LoulInrg, N. C. JCS. J. DAVIS. ATT'I Hi CQUHSELLOB at LAW JjOTJISBUBO, tpasxux CO. N.C . ' J' Will practice in the fertral couits ot GraaTil'r, Franklin, Xarb, Warren and Wke. t- Prompt attention paid to tlo o Kction and remittance of mosey, Jly 15, .871. ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRA5KLIS10V, N. C. Will practice In tbe conrta ofthe Cth jadicial district. Prompt attention given t the coll o ti int'f claims. ' No 50 tf C. H. Cocke, ' F. H. Spencer CO OKE & SPEECER iTTODKEYS OD CODHSELLOR A.T LAW, Aiitl SelicitQR ia "BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG fJ. C. Will attend the Co.utf Nali,Frr.k lin. Graavllie. Warren,aad nun. t a. Sn tlie Supreme Court N'ortb Carolina nnd the V- S. CSrrtut and Dis nitf. N- 7 tf it ) i feBH H AR N.ESS & SADDLERY ESTABLISH MENT. I hav Jnt e-" l.ari m nd.lle b.p in L":''n't, I vitel ti H.cble'5 IajjrTd I keej nT on V.d ..h trk t Sept .3 3-in. TIYMANR k DANC f6t0f AgcbU forNortli Carolina aud Virginia, 3J" DRNITUEE. E. C. SALUSBC11V. J. C. ltOWF, DOORS MADE to ORDER, and all kinds of Machine work done at short notice, on as reasonable terms as elsewhere in the S'ate. All grades qf ftpgiinf. Furnish ed, with hearse, Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a SPECIALITY. Plastering hand. O Lathes always on SMITH & BEACH AH. For Bale ! A nice convenient Cottage reil? deuce, on Elm Mreet, ith three com? fortable rooms, and a larrc yard and gardu, um be bought on yerf reas- ouuoio te ius. Apply Jo the Editor of the Octrier. alusbury & Rowe? WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FURNITURE, Also. Carpels Oil Cloths, Window Shades and MATTEASSES. Bracket, the Drop Check Va ve, wllchcan le withdrawn with oat di tnrlinii -he )oiuir, ni.d tnco;- per chamber wbirh nvr cracka aca:es or raa and will lat I ie time. For an)elT Dealers and ihv tra-t grn. erally. In order to I sure iht jtu ge: tilatchlrj'a Pomp, I e care ul and see that it has my trade mark a ip ve. If yon do not know wbeie to bny, de ccriptive circu arn, together with the name and address ol tbe ag-nt nearict vou, will be promptly furnubrd by ad drt Ming With stamp. Charles E. Blatchley, Hanmactnrer." 50C Commerce Bt.t PbiladelpSia, Pa. April 2-l,-m. Kalcili & Gaston II. It. Co. Office Gen., Pass fc Ticket AviT. Raleigh, N. C. Ang. Srd 1885, J yourself and family, call at my Calltry. Fxeursion Ticket at exccedins'.y try llcsptctlully, Y. B. CLIFTON. lxf.f roide !!rrr- nd Sr!il -. cnip!oj go'td aii rred wkik met, ird I rrn all tVe w. k .nt up ty iw ; aM kind of rrrin id rny line done on abort noMrt ann on yrrry r aon sb'e t rma. My Shop i over 11 . . T- J. -arlilt, Store n faio 8twt. ir I wlci tbe patruuage c tbe jvople ct Franklin. O Y. B. CLIFTOX. PHOTOGlt APHIG Gallery. MAIN STREET. '. At my Gallery over Mr. T. X. Car lilrs Store cao he fonnd at all tlrarf , roai( rqnare and rattf. tramts I am elo f k pared to take Oero trpen. ''trd anl eabi rt aire Photographs. Wher ,ou want a eood oictnrw ol J pll and examine oni stock hfifore purchasing cliewhcrc. NO. 2G7 and 209 MAJK STREET, Sept 3-6m Norfolk, Va. "W A. B X & 33 B O. Franklinion, N C, Are ditnnined to close ont their LARGE and ASSORTED 3TQCg 0 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. if St. Paul's Paroohial School. The second sessloq of St. PanPs Parochial School will open September On Amendment. Messrs. Tourgee I tn 1875, and continue twenty weeks. CILagman, Watts, Thorne, Love.Lowe, 31. H. Vaughas, Principal. Goodwin, tjjmtb, aa4 Manning, ot ;ew 4fiss Juwa Ct llAMp Assist, HanoTe-. I Jnly 3(1-1875. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES. you want goods CHEAP CALL ON THElf. Any kind of predoca taken at heat price, AT A R D & B It 0. Farnkllnton, 5 . C Jow lates good for the Round Trip are now on sale at Frnnklinton. Henderson ami Warrcntoii. to the following polutf In Wefctrtt'orlh Carolina : Vix Hickor.y Moigantou, Marten, Old Fort, AshvUH', Warm Spring. Lincolnton aud Ucrr; ville. llcWets Fold-until Octftber ltt. good to return until Kovemlr 1st, For furtlMT info ntiu correspond. with A gents at Fniukliutou; He h-r- sou and rrenton or with the uu dersigned, TuOMAS BADGER, Gcn'L Pasifenger & Ticket Agent. Br o I respectfully announce to the citi zens of Louisbarg and vicinity, that I am prepared to do plain sewiog for La dies and Gentlemen, also fHsmmlng, Stitching and Ruffling. Charges moderate- MRS. P. H. SMITH. Louiabnrg N. CL AGENT FOR THE WHEELER & WILSON ; Sewing SIfJcMRe. LOUISBURG, NT. C. P Office at -Eagle Hotel." FRANKLIN COURIER, : o : Tntxs, 1 copy onejearu. ,..,..,.,...$2 00 1 copy six months 00 Advertising wtj Jot "Wfirl; dne rxlon llbe terms. SIX REASONS WHY Ton should isiuxx in THE TENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. D21. ClIESTSUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1st.' Bectmse ll i one of the oldest eoispeal In the cocntry, and past tlo tiir ol ezperimcsta. i-l. Bx-auM every policy helJer is a nv mber ot tbe Coaapaay, entitled ta all its advantage i and privileges, bkV icg a right to vote at all election lor. trustees, and thus has an influence ia ' its management, 3d Because it baa tbe lsrgest accu mulated feed of any Lile Iosuroce Company In ihe State. 4th. Becanse by economical msn agemest, iU atio of ezpeasca to toUl iBcome is far below tbe average ot Life Companies, (See Official Issuance Report.) 5th. Becaaae It baa declared more dividenda m number, tad of a larger average percentage, than any Company In tbe United States. For example; Policy 2fo H. (ct $5000, has been paid to tbe widow of a ph'Udetpmie osercbaat, upon wbich tweiiZjHbree dividends bad bee a de dared, Aveiagiag firty seven per cent. Had tbee dividends been ned l pur chase addition to tbis policy, $5,048 moie woold bate been realitdmsk ng the policy worib $11,046. 6tb. Bxcaose it ts liberal in iu man agement, prumj. In iU selttlmeof tale beyond a contingency, aod its rate are as low aa aay cm-ciaw in tbe conatry. , Principal yeaterrt.-Small expenses, abaoiate security ,lrge return prtmlums, prompt i-ijoict ol lo-cs, and Uberah ty to tbe In'orrd. W. ZL riXCII, Gen'l, Manager for North Crlne, . W. D, HPRPILL, GeaM. Agcat, FraaUintoB, lf,C.

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