!- . . .. . rii f ! w n H GEO. S. BAKEE, Editor and Proprietor. s v: TERMS : S2.00 per Annm. v rsx t 1 i.: ' - ' . ' I ' "'A : . i ..I . ; . i , . i i i - VOL. IV. LOUISBUKG, N. a. FRIDAY, , OCTOBER 1,, 1873.' Morning. Day is dawniDg. V 81im and wide, Through the mist that blind 1 Trembles np the rippling tide With the eea behind it. Like a warrior- Dgel sped On a mighty mission, Light a nd life about him shed, A transcendent vision. ' Mailed in gold and fire he stands, And with splendors shaken, Bids the sleeping tea and lands ' Quicken and awaken. Day is on nn, Drems are dumb. Thought !ih light for neighbor Jtoom! the rival gfnnt come IjO. t!ic sun and labor, ! year, THK COMET. V " J.:foro the carnival jnbilee lust rumors had it at Hunebourg that the world was coming to an end. Doctor Zacliariss Pipr, of Colmnr. -m the first to set tliis unpleasant intelligence afloat; it was to be found in the Messager Boi tcaux, the Persect Christian, and fifty other almanacs. Piper had calculated that a comet would fall from the skies on the Mardi Gras, with a tail thirty-five millions of leagues long, formed of boiling water, which would so affect the earth that the snows or tne highest monntains would molt, trees be dried to tinder, and all liv ing beings consumed. . , , It is trne that an honorable sage in Paris, by the. name ot Popinot, wrote, later on, that the comet would arrive un doubtedly, but that its tail would' 1 e composed of such light vapor that not a soul would experience the faintest incon venience; bo that every man -might go about his business, , forasmuch as he, Popinot, answered for things turning out happily. This assurance was a dam per on terrors. . Unhappily, there was an old wool spinner in Hunebourg, named Maria Finck, who lived in Three-Pots street, a .bleached and wrinkled old woman, who was consulted by many persons on the secret incidents of life. She lived in a low room, with a ceiling decorated with stained eggs, red and blue streamers, gilded nutshells, and a hundred other queer articles. She wore antique tatters and lived upon broths, which gave her great authority in the country. Instead of siding with good, honest Monsieur Popinot, Maria Finck upheld Zacharias Piper, saying: " Be converted and betake yourselves to prayer; repent of your misdeeds, and bo generous to the church, for the end is nigh the end is at hand 1" At one end of her room was a picture of the infernal regions, with peopie go ing down into them in a way strewn with roses; none of them suspected whither the path led, for they danced forwards, a bottle in one man's, hand, a knuckle of ham or a string of sausages in another's. A minstrel, whose hat was garnished with blossoms, played the clarionet to enliven the road; many revelers were embracing their mates, and all the wretches thoughtlessly capered into the flame-filled furnaces, into which, indeed, some of the foremost had already stum bled, with outstretched arms and legs in the air J Try to imagine the effect of any rea sonable being on beholding this picture. No ono is so virtuous that he has not a goodly stock of faults upon his con science, and is full of unfitness to sit at onco on the right of the Judgment seat. No ; that man must be highly presump tuous who dares to believe that things will outlast his time a downright token of most condemnable arrogance ! " We will not have any merrymaking," said the majority, therefore ; "we will spend Mardi-Gras in deeds of contrite ment." Never had the like been known. , The adjutant and captain, as well as the sub officers of the Third company of the regiment, stationed in Hunebourg, were really and truly driven to despair. Since Jthe young ladies would not talk about dancing, all the preparations were a pure loss ; the great hall in the town- house had been bedecked with garlands and trophies of , weapons, the platform had beon built for the musicians, the bishop had been ordered for the supper table, and theother refreshments all were in vainl"1: ' -''''" "I am not a hardhearted fellow," growled Sergeant "Duchene, "but iftI had my hand on your Zacharias Piper, he would not be . very jolly after my squeeze." Still more disappointed were Daniel 8pitz, the town-clerk, Jerome Bertha, whose father was postmaster. Tax-col- held. Jerome Bertha intended to be a wild Indian, with plenty of i parrot feathers. ' - - We were confident beforehand that all the pretty girls would leave the soldiers to cluster on oux arms. 'Now, when such outlays have been gone to, is it not enough to make one confound the entire human race, to have cold water flung on the plans by an old maniac or Zacharias Piper! Still, it can- not be helped ; man remains ever the same, and lunatics always keep the up permost. Mardi-Gras arrived.- The clouds word full of snow. Eyes were turned1 to the right, left, east, west, north, south, tip, down, across, over, around, between ? ana no comet i loung ladies were abashed, and young men ran to all their cousins, sweethearts, aunts, and -godparents in every house, crying : " Now you see how mad old Pinck is, and how senseless your notions about comets are ?"" Do comets ever come in winter time?" " Don't they - always choose the vintage season t" " Come come, you give in V "Iiet's have our fun; there's time enough yet," and so on On their side, the non-commissioned officers were marching through the kitchens to exhort the servants. and overwhelming them with reproaches, many plucked up courage. ! : The old people came arm-m-arin tb see the great town-hall, where the suns made of sabres, bayonets and small i tricolor flags between the windows excited uni versal admiration. In a twinkling, - all was changed ; it was remembered it was a holiday, and the girls hastened to put on their best frocks out of the clothes presses, and wax their small shoes. By ten o'clock, the hall in the town-house was full of people ; we fash ionables had won the battle, for not a maiden in Hunebourg missed the mus- now and then broke off the train of their revelations to call upon Heaver, to be merciful to them. . I recognized Fevre, the old baker, and Mother Lauritz, who were beating About Beefmtemk. Some facetious man said once that al though he cared little for a beefsteak in the . country he liked a steak in town. Famed as the country is for many good I plained .of the innovation,' and' it .. . ' . - i i -ji Jfe M4i JKea6ra CmnirrrBB. When the new pct-of3oe in New York was opened an immense pie stand opened with and in it The ' city-papers oom' theix breasts like villains of the deepest I things, perfectly cooked beefsteaks are I found that the stand belonged to; a Ne-: dye. But such matters little interested me,' from my having quite enough atro cities of my own to grieve about. - I soon overtook those who were run ning towards the - fountain. There, in deed, groaning and wailing were to be heard for there the comet could be seen. I found that it had increased to double - its former size ; it flung out lightnings, it shone as red as- blood in tha darkness. . . - Standing up. in the bold night, the crowd never ceased lamenting in these strains: :. -"',;" -i ;!.,. ! " All is over ! all is over ! O, heavens all is over 1 we are lost !' The women called upon Joseph, Chris topher and Nicholas aye, every saint in thtr calendar. I - A& this time, I saw all the sins I had committed since the age of reason stand up before me, and I was horrified with myself. -J shivered to the tip of my tongue at the thought of being roasted to a cinder, and, as old Balthazar, the betrfrar. happened to be propped up on his crutch beside me, I hugged him to my breast, saying: "Balthazar, when you are in Abra ham's bosom, you will have pity on me, won't you ?" j "Monsieur Christian," answered he sobbing, "I am a great sinner. For Ietrit Prcat IViw Ovwrf. "I belong in Cnicago," was Maria Morton's greeting as she faced the 'desk; '' : i can't help thai.-. ., V And I've got my trunk packed to go out to-night, she continued. Silence. " r And I'm going if it kills tie. : More silence.' 1 ; " " j j . ' " And I'm going to have a lawyer if this trial goes on." ;A'Still eating his apple. And Tm going to see if the polk not among them. ' Scarcely a greater I rada member of Congress. The Herald contrast exists m me wnoie range oi moralizes asiouows: . . . j civilized cookery than that between a Paragraphers have been blazing away badly and a well-cooked steak.' , The for- for two or three days at 'a pie 'peddler, mer is fried the frying pan and the pot and behold they have brought' d4wn a are the only cooking utensils known in Congressman. In the' person of .the many households), until it is so impreg presumably humble individual who in nated with fat as to be almost tough, the new post-office was dispensing ;ie i o even if it was originally tender, and then a depraved public appetite we; are , deluged in gravy, in which the original startled to find a representative :iof the flavor of the beef is almost lost. . A steak sovereign people of Nebraska: What is better broiled than fried, as indeed is is the story of Bands and Philemon oomi almost every sort of meat ever submitted pared to this ? t People who have " en- to these two processes. A good bright tertained angels unaware " had no such fire topped with charcoal, or, in default reason to be startled as the public and of pure carbon, with coke, will produce the paragraphers and the postmaster the intense heat without smoke abso- have over this discovery 'of a political lutely necessary to cook a steak to per- potentate, for they have ' generally! per fection. v. The ..bars, of the gridiron j formed good offices for .their iguesta as should be thin, and not too close togeth- did the simple old Greek couple, and so er. When these are thoroughly heated had their reward ; but the public that tney snouia oe ruooed witn a mtie ,iat, i.nas lumoieu ine pie man out oi a sure and are then '.ready to receive the steak, fortune, and the postmaster who has oo- which, after being severed from the pa- operated, have to consider the po&sabui- rent rump and trimmed, should undergo ties of Congressional wrath. .Is it not no preliminary treatment save a slight possible there ua. some .doubt in thisi dusting with pepper. Salt should never story! Could a Nebraska Congressman be by any means put upon the Bteak till ever get his soul down to pies and penny I be ' in Chicaffa. or we may not. . As it is cooked, as it causes the juices of profits? Are therq no more 'silver mines healthy as I am- myself,-1 may 4e dead the meat to flow ; and the steak should in the western country, with chances lor Wf ore I reach home and get away with be turned, and only once turned, with a aspiring spirits! Would it not jhave my' breakfast. ' little' did yon think pair of tongs or a couple of spoons, and been easier to go to Nevada for -d million when you were prowling around last should by no means be "prodded " trith than to come all : the ' way Id the j neV jght smashing windows and raising' dia- a f ork. " All hammering of steaks with post-office ta sell eighty dollars'", worth fm-banoos that the moraintr sun would ... v . " ? rwn. "i Li- ri . . .... ,i r oi pie per aay i ... , xnero is one mjavcrj i 8hineupon your CCLL had any right to arrest me.1 Xjastbite. - J " If they hadn't 111 make it cost ea 410,000 apiece." . ..'."Maria Morton, said the court, as he threw the apple-core away and wiped his chin, " do you realize that you are now' standing in the shiddow of destruo tion, as it were?" " I want a lawyer," she answered. J M JX yon realize that the. brink of an awful . legal chasm it at your feet, MariaJ" , .! She looked down, failed to see ths brink, and replied : ' '-: ; ofil tell you I'm going to Chicago to-night.". .'..,.,.. .:.. Life is very uncertain, Miss Morton. We are here to-day to-morrow we may thirty ye&r3 l have been cheating the cleavers or cutlet bats shtJuld be avoid town from love of sloth, for i am not so lame as people think." - " And I, Balthazar,: am the greatest criminal in Hunebourg." We blubbered in each other's arms. Thna -will men behave on the Tst I for about ten "minutes over a clear fire, dyspeptic placer! or did he come' to1 ixuucuuuig uuimiuiemns-i 7; - . . . , . , , , ., t . i L iv. f ' . . . . ter roll. Clarionets, trombones, and the ; monarens will emorace shoe- me steas is copaea, ana snouia inen pe vyongreBs as uio res uo, vagueiyu me lIie Maria drives around don't be back biff dram reaming thA hioh winawa blacks, and the merchant princes the sprinkled with salt and served on a hot make, and was the pie stand the pest 1 ward aDOUt flrettinir in. The sentence is in this case that we hope the future will I h took three of em to bring me solve. Did this man have is- eyes on K ere y ene exclaimed in tones of and -clapper-clawing the the pie stand and get himseW iected to I trinp . . . it tender should be es- Congress, in order that he might have j ' ' jjut' it .-will only take one to carry you away... Go in and take seat number three on the blue saw-horse, and when ed, and' the use of hideous, contrivances resembling gigantic 4 back-scratchers," for punching meat to make chewed. Turned only once and broiled the influence necessary to for about ten minutes over a clear fire, dyspeptic placer! or 'secure this shone out upon the night ; waltzes were madly blended with the country-dance ; youths and maidens were in a state of inexpressible jubilation ; the old gran dames, seated as comfortably under, the garlands, laughed till their sides ached. The drinking saloon was crowded, so that enough refreshments could not be served, and Father Zimmer, who had obtained the right of catering, could boast of lining his pockets well. All along the outer staircase, those who had partaken too deeply of the wines were to be seen staggering down into the falling snow. Uncle Tobie had given me the door key, so that I might get in at any hour. Up to two o'clock I had not missed a siugle waltz, but then I had had a suffi ciency and my gorge rose against the refreshments. I went out -of -doors. Once I was in the street I felt better, and fell to musing on whether I ought to return or go home to bed. I wanted to dance still more, but on the other hand I had need of sleep. Finally, I made up my mind to go home, and set off for Saint Sylvestre street, with' my elbow touching the wall, reasoning in all sorts of ways to myself. I had been rambling ' along in the darkness fpr. some ten minutes, when, happening to look up as I turned the coiner by the fountain, I saw behind tho rampart trees a moon as red as cop per, rolling onwards through the clouds. It was still many a million miles away, bnt advancing at such speed that it would bo upon us in a quarter of an hour. This sight moved me to the very bottom of my soul. I felt my hair stand on ah epd, and I said to myself : "It is the comet ! Zacharias Piper was right." Without clearly knowing what I was about, I turned back at once to the town hall, climbed the stairs, upsetting all those who were coming down it, and shouted at the top of my voice : " The comet ! the comet 1" It was at the most joyous period of the dancing. The bis: drum was thun dering, the young men were beating time or whirling round on one leg, and the damsels were flushed a poppy red, when that voice burst into the room with "The comet 1 the comet !" A profound silence fell, and the dancers turned their pale faces round, drew in their cheeks and cocked up their noses. Sergeant Duchene sprang to the door, stopped me, and 'clapped his hand on my mouth, saying : 'i " Have you rone mad ? Why don't you hold your tongue ?" But I drew back and continued to roar in a desperate tone : " The comet 1" Already a thunder of footsteps resound- lector Dujardin, and your humble ser- ec on the stairs, for the men had. rushed vant. W e had gone over to Strasbourg out-oi-doors, while tne women moaned, a week before to buy costumes. Uncle SJi altogether there was a dreadful up Tobie had given me fifty francs out of rokr. Some old women who had been his own pocket, so that no expense Beguiled by the junketting, lifted up should be spared. I had selected a their hands to heaven and faltered : Pierrot's dress at Mademoiselle Dar denai's shop under the Little Arcade. It was a kind of smock with ample folds and wide sleeves, ornamented with onion-shaped buttons as big as your fist, which would cover you as in a bag from chin to shin. Upon your head you clap a black skullcap, and you flour your face, ' and, if your nose is long, your cheeks sunken and your eyes wide open, the effect is admirable. On account of his liberal corporation, Dujardin had chosen a Turkish attire, embroidered down every seam ; Spitz a Polichinelle's uniform, made of a thou sand red, green and yellow patches, with a hump before and behind, and a gen- ... - . .. 44 Lord 1 Maria ! .- Joseph I" . In a second or two the hall was va cated. Duchene released me, andl hung out of a window, exhausted, to see the people scampering up the street. Then I stole away myself, mad with utter helplessness. As I passed the bar, I saw Catherine barefooted vagrants. They will not be ashamed neither of the other, but will call themselves brothers ; and the well shaven will not shrink from kissing him whose greasy beard is never trimmed because fire purifies everything, and the fear of being burnt melts the heart. Oh 1 without any infernal flames, so many slacere Christians would not be seen ; those fires gild the dome -of our Holy Church. To make a short story of it, we were on our knees for over ten minutes, when Sergeant Duchene came running np out of breath. He had been to the arsenal, but seeing nothing in that quarter, he had .come up Capuchin street. about ?" said he to me. . , But the comet flashing .upon him, he jumped back and exclaimed : 44 Thousand thunders ! what tlse deuce do I see yonder ?" ; . 4 4 It is, the end of the world , sergeant ! ' ' bleated Balthazar. , :,44 Th end of the world ?" 44 Yes, verily the comet 1" Whereupon the soldier fell to swear ing like one possessed, and cried : 4 4 If the adjutant was here, one might have orders how to act. But, come on!" added he, drawing his sword and thrust ing out his hand 4 4. Forward ! , I don't thiuk much of it, and we must recon noitre!" Eeiybody admired bis courage, but I alone was sufficiently emboldened to fall in behind him. We marched slowly ahead ; with staring eyes, for the comet grew larger and larger, coming on thou sands of miles in a second. At length we reached the corner of the old Capuchin monastery. The comet seemed to. rise in the air, higher and higher as we proceeded. We were even forced to lift our heads, so that finally Duchene had his neck quite bentin order to look perpendicdlarly upwards. I was wondering to myself if it was prudent to venture any further, when the sergeant stopped short. . ; , i - "Odswoggeral" ejaculated he, in a low voice;; f4, it'aonly the reflector !" ; t 44 The re-re-flectorV stammered L drawing nearer ; ? te it possible J " And I tooked an amazed observation. In plain truth, it was the old reflector lamp of the Monastery. ' It was never lit, because the Capuchins had departed after 1792, and the Hunebourgers went to bed when the chickens roosted; but Burrhus, the watchman, foreseeing that there would be many drunken souls that night, had had the charitable thought of sticking a candle in it, in order to pre vent any ramblers stumbling into the ditch along the old cloister. He had afterwards gone home for his sleep. We could clearly make- out the sup ports of the lamp. The candle was as thick as your thumb. When the wind was high the light was made to flare up so brightly that we naturally saw such an apparent movement forward as a comet poRsesees; . . j- y. On discovering this. I was going to call out for the general information, but the sergeant hushed me. " Why won't you keep your mouth shut ! They would have a good laugh at us if they found out that we had dish. sauce. onions or fried mushrooms are ; variously , esteemed as thing that a corrupt administration had I thirty days. 4 4 accompaniments ' dish, which very woman should know how to prepare. ' - to offer! In the Eouptlan Service, The American colonels in the service of t.ViA irhAfliirft ctf "P.crxnnt. TPviva aa wa-v L . - . - . ' ,v , I the bank on his way to the police station, forty-six - guineas 1 per month, with al- IT , , , J , . , .TV lowances for quarters and duty in! the Did it llitnnelf. The Planters national bank, of Louis1 ville, Ky. , was robbed of a large amount of money. About daybreak the teller . of the bank, Louis Behm, was met near provinces. Contracts are made for five years, with the. right of renewal on! the part of the government. Traveling ex penses from the United States are paid, and in case of an honorable discharge the return expenses, with six months' full pay, are . granted. If an officer is obliged to resign on account of the cli mate, he receives two months' pay and mileage home. In case of death from He could hardly speak at first, but after a while informed the detectives that three men had taken him from bed dur ing the night to the bank and forced him to deliver the keys with which ,they opened the safe and abstracted mpney. Behm alleges that he was chloroformed and stabbed in the side, where there is a slight wound. ' I Detective Bligh took charge of ijehm whom he had known very wel as a steady ordinary causes, the widow or family J" 6 aujourneii, wi aru utc cvux.u uu receives on fnll mvr bnt if killed Btor7 was rted tyBhgh, who regarded ft boy with a stone bruise on his heel - s. j ' : 1 :. v i,..i:i.i,M,'i;.uj .1 it.. 1 it. - -.11 I l T . 4 . 1 1 1 1 T . 11 . up ai a aoveu ine airecbors oi me fana met, and, after consultation, came to the conclusion that Rehm's story was A fraud, and be the robber The president so in formed him, but Behm asserted 1 his in nocence time and again. Being! told that all regarded him as the robber,' he asked for" ah "hour's "pleeji ah3 ( ptired en sues, his widow receives a pension equal to half his pay, which is continued until her . death or re-marriage, when it is divided among ( the children until the boys become of age and the girls marry. An oath of fidelity is. exacted, and all American officers are obliged to renounce, the protection of our diplomatic agents abroad, and trust whatever cause that may arise to tne .Egyptian tribunals. Item Interest. In what place are two heads belter than one? la a barrel, j, j JU . Senator Jones' income from, a single source, his Kernville mine, last month, is said to have been tlGJ.OOO.' An Indiana newspaper 'mildly ,but firmly protests againats ' putting a two dollar collar on a twenty-fire cetxi dog. ' It has been said that 'Americans beat the world in making axe ; and it may be said they have more of them .to grind. Take a man's obligation for a large turn of money and he will generally bo much obliged to you until asked to pay it . . , , Boulder City, CoL, has no tax. li cense for public shows, saloons, etc, .... .. i pay all tne city expenses ana mto balance. "Any letters for Mike Howe!" ak ed an individual of a clerk at a pot office window. No letters for any body's cow. L , f : Offlecra in the French army are not al lowed to marry unless they can show that the bride has an independent inoome of 1,200 francs, a year. 1 Ths -man who accepts aa aiflce for which ha it unfit, and knowahe is unfit, commits a crime against the- State, and draws from its treasury unearned money. . . Artemus Ward once said to (('publisher who had altered his manuscript : "The next book I write lam going to get you to write. Mr. Ward was verj sensitive about his spelling. A gentleman who was asked" what ho thought of a lady who had appeared in that half -dress which is called fall-dress, replied : . ."She was a'very handsome woman as far as I could see." 'at Youth V Gran'pa, what's' the mean ing of glass of port winafrom the wood ?" Gran'pa (gentleman ot the old school)" Logwood, my dear boy, now adays t Logwood 1 ' Logwood !" ' What kind of a man is Squire Sim mons any way !" ' WelL you've aeen them snow storms along in eay winter, when there's a good deal of wind but not much sleighing ! That's the sort he if. A lady missionary in India has con verted a whole neighborhood by simply inducing the people to wash themselves. Cleanliness onoe established, a' marked improvement In morals at once followed. . A Maine fanner -was curious as to tho internal construction of a hornet's nest, and cut it open. With careful nursing he the rage,, and you won't have any invi- will probably be able to see a barn and tation if you keep on." other Hke small objects in month or She : clenched her hands, gritted her two. . . ,-.,: teeth And wanted to 44 sass back," but . TerT bad taste a lot of , Indiana Bijah induced her not to. ixrart being destroyed . package of lore letters which had been carefully laid way by a young lady in a bureau drawer, and there is danger that the ; young lady' will be-' r T l att ' i - jjiu j. Bee m lawyer i j " lhere are lour or nve right wnere - you are going. 1 ' 111 have damages for this you hear meV . I do hear you, and 111 make it sixty days I',' " Yju do, eh ! Well, I'll make some body prance for this." wrong side up. It now reads "90," Miss Morton, and if I were you I wouldn't say anything more. In about a month more husking bees will be all played the.iewsharp while sang: f i 1 It'a klDSer sad to e her cry, ' 1 ' And it makes a feller bias r Bat when ths op sod rawed the court, i f, Wbat eooltl Lis honor do." ' A Brave Woman. " Burglars are getting so numerous and On awakenincr; he eonfeesed Lo the de-l bold . that the women nave to tale a tectives that he robbed the safe the! pie-1 hand with them. A house wan entered are Long, who made the famous expedi- 7mS lu u""" "JT T-Tr" 7". "- hLlVllX mjUfC 11UI llUu)c. JXM frXIUlllllflUUn I UbUCf uuMn ui uia nurui(j w.u.u ; come insane. ' -1 Thirty-five years ago a' young man pawned a blanket to a Berks county (Pa.) farmer for five dollars, and took Greeley's ad vice by going West. He re turned last week from California worth a coo! $100,000, visited the farmer and redeemed that blanket, which had been carefully put away at the time it was received. The recent Bear river tragedy La Nova FWkiia. waji mirltl trv umi avnMiicmai turn to M tesa, and who is now visiting Zonej of Mrl Higgin.. the wife of thVowner, features, . Bobinsfirst butchered hi. wife. nrLttn fnSr XrTho in a she under a CTmnaaium in the whoWasalone. She had a queer dream, then took to the woods, whence he iasned r3 t rearWlSsSUdenXTnewae'ar- and awakening, saw the robber leaning t burn his brothers' barns and kill their reached the capital of Darfur, and found .,A l . .. . v m . iiv TTm wu TnnntMl downbv armod 1 - . 1 XTil-.' 1,- I t Vt3ll, tUlVA 0 ilV 1X1 --jiiCI US mil V1U IUP WOA, cxtevuk wwiv vuu w . - J UI1 UUUilUUUCC Ut HBII 111 mo XlllC uxs- I . , - r I. 1 . , . . . . ... the robbery ltenm was regarded as lion-1 awaae. one at nrsi inienaeu to aaream, tween that point and his camp ; and Colston, whr is now penetrating the In terior by a ystill different route.' Gen erals Stone, Gordon and - Loring are great favorites with the Khedive, and exceedingly efficient soldiers, while Pro fessor Mitchell, the geologist, is so en tranced witn his explorations that it would be difficult to draw him away. He has discovered two gold mines be tween the Ited. sea and the Nile that had been worked in ancient times, with the shafts still open,' and he,is about; trying his hand at mining. Lofe est as any one , in. ihe bank.O He says 1 but changed her mind and grasped the at he doesn t know why he burglar by the throat. A desperate struggle ensued, and both iougnt to tue window, through which the robber had entered. , He had thrown wearing ap parel out of the window, which had himself that took the kponeyiuvl ncrfjjac the improbability of being . taken from bed as stated." '. "". 1 c I'll Ifii j 1 r.- r- XYfvem antt Teme Barber. men, and first discovered by his son, who hesitated to fire on him, and let him cape, to fall into the hands of another pursuer. r Money is so plentiful in Massachusetts that one savings bank at Northampton recently refused to accept deposits on been gathered up by his companions, j account, and a Springfield bank has had very exciting,, bnt there for drones. . is no opening A feature of 'the fashionable watering places t in Virginia this season is the e-1 maid barber-Lj Uue ( of ithehi has an es tablishment . at ,.th. .-Whiti , Sulphur bpnngs, and her skill with a..mxor is in Egypt is j only excelled by the fascinatiomol her person and her manners.' - The-' other day, as a Baltimore lady waft passing the snop, sne met ner nnsuancy wna , u per- iecuy Deanuess, . -coming, . out, ana; wiui such a : pleased expression on his j face that her indignation. was aroused; j ' 1 ' : ;' What were yon doing in there, sir IT ah a RnYftirpI r innnirnd. ' '.') ! Taking a shave, my' dear, he placidly replied.' ' ' " 1 t The brave woman struggled and shouted for assistance as loudly as possible.. The robber 'sncceeded'in overpowering her and he escaped out of the window. He fell on his side and was assisted away by his fellows, who shouted they would shoot Mr. Higgins unless she stopped screaming. At this moment Mrs! Hig- gin's bou, a lad of about fourteen years, who had beea sleeping upstairs, made his appearance with a revolver and fired Several shots at the burglars, but without effect. . An examination of the house showed that over 150 in wearing ap parel, about $100 in cash,' and a pocket- boos containing some valuable papers to send money away for investment. Despite the hard time the saving de posits are increasing, though the depos its sre smaller in amount than usual, evidence that peopie are becoming im pressed with the necessity of economiz ing rigidly. , , . Wit Againmt Hit. Father O'Leary was very anxious to be introduced to Dr. Jonson, and Mr. Murphy took him one morning to the 'doctor's lodgings. On his entering the room, the doctor viewed him from top to toe, without taking any notice of him; at length, darting one of his sourest looks at him, he 6poke to him in the He brew language, to which O'Leary made no reply. Upon which the doctor said to him: 44 Why do you not answer me, sirl'V, ; ' ' " aitn, sir, saia v x.eary x can- ii like to pfVWnh in I Lmcthv wa- not reply to you, because I do not nn: . -fZif n- CT. ; . T,- f. t - ' lv-:FroJeaBor. Rudolph, in a lengthy pa- '"-! 1 1 -II If JIa r7xT ,1.1 Mrs. Higgina was badly injured in the raise half a dozVWont!bra the boU bnrglar, bntshe abmt $ir0(000,000. cheek of yours: if-yocriife d; Mndd on I Try7 - r-e, circnUUon That's very true, my dearlxeluWedJ WUat im the Sunt Lagoutte, the canteen-keeper, sharing ciarged on a rushlight. Groundarms!" the last drops in a punch-bowl with Corporal Bouquet, and wowing that a merry ending was best, since an ending there must be. A number of people were seated on the bottom steps, confessing to one another one declaring that he had been a usurer; ' another a vender, with false darme's cocked hat set back on the head measures and weights, a third a trick- never was a more .splendid costume be-1 ster at gaming. All spoke at once, and And, unhooking the rusty chain, the apparatus fell with an awful clatter; and we took to our heels. The otliefa had'paUeintly waited and lingered stiU 'leuger ; ht as the comet had gone out, courage came to them in the en!, nd they went home to bed. j . Thii is truthful) picjurej-of how events happen In the good little town of Hunebourg. derstand the language in which yon are addressing me." Upon this, the doctor, with a con- semptuous ; - sneer,- sua to juurpuj: 4 Why, sir, this is a pretty fellow you have brought hither ; sir, he does not comprehend the ' primitive language." O'Leary immediately bowed very low, and complimented the doctor with a long speech in Irish, to which the doctor, not understanding a word, made no reply, but looked at Murphy. O'Leary, seeing that the doctor was puzzled at hearing a language of which he was ignorant, paid to -Murphy, pointing to the doctor: "This isj. pretty fellow to whom you have brought me ; sir, he does not , un derstand the language of the sister king dom. The reverend padre then made the doctor a low bow, and quitted the room. lUemntiiatian2 j One of the - latest incidenta. in the per ( on, . the. sun, says: a molten or white hot mass, 856,000 miles in diame ter, equalling in bulk 1,2CO,000 worlds like our own, having a surrounding ocean of gas on fire, 50,000 mile deep, 44 Era of BecOTcilialion " is ths unani mous election of General Wm. F. Barry; j tonguesxf flame, darting upward more commandant 'at ' Fortress 'Monroe, as a I than 50.000 miles, volcanic forces that member of the , Norfolk (Va.) Light Ar-1 hurl into the solar atmosphere luminous tillery Blues. In accepting ' and ac- J matter to the height of 100,000 miles ; knowledging the ccnnpliment General I drawing to itself all the world belong ,' The Greenback. . , The present circulation of the United States is 074,821,985 in legal tender notes, il,145r333 in fractional notes, and $343,037,333 in national bank notes. This amounts in the aggregate to $7C4, 90817, or $19.12 for each individual in the nation, supposing oar total popula- tion to be 40,000,000. It we add to this the coin in the united Btates, which is it gives a total 24.05 per capita, In England, where there is $400,000,000 of gold and fl9G,170,62O oi paper in drcu -lation the amount of currency; for each individual is only $15.50 ; while in France the total paper and coin In circu lation is $18.34 per capita. We have thus much- more money tin circulation than has either France or England, while we do vastly less business. And yet we are told that inflation is necessity. nimDmeU A fire-eating fighter, covered with As brother artiUerypra, I ing to our family of planets, and hold-1 wounds received in duels, challenged a let us hope and pray that our guns may never again be. pointed at each other, bnt rather, should dire Vecessity .ever again draw us upon the field of battle, may Wtuel Itsswth'oarj J guidons will be arrayed upon. . the same line and our gnus pointed -only at a common enemy." . Gen.i Barry, is known as the father of the artillery., service id the United States. ing them all in their- proper places ; at-1 barrister, who gratified Ha by accept- tractinjr with such' superior force the ing. The duelist, unable to stand with millioss pf solid and stray masses that out support, requested that he might arc randrring in tha fatbornlejw alryas have a prop. Suppose, said he, 44 1 that they m.sh helpleiely toward him, lean against a milestone !" With and fall into hit lkry embrace. And pleasure," replied the lawyer, "on eon thus he continues his sublime and rest- ditiou that I may lean on the next. less . march through his mighty orbit, The challenger burst into a fit of laugh having a period of more than 18,000,000 ter at the joke, and swore he would not of years. fight so good-buaored a gestlmsn. t