Franklin Courier ft GEORGE g, NAjjEEij Editor and Pitoi-BiKiog. AU letter frddrcssed lo Fbxdat . Oct., 1st, 875. Th6 Ilooenf JHtinWJtfon InTonH toy the Flootl. St. Louw. Sep 21-Super'nten-dent Clary, of the Western Union Tel egraph Coinpany, communicatee to Gen. oon Staler as follows; "The JIofgH iteanhip just ar rived at Galveston and retorts the tpwn Indianola, Texas,' almost entity de stroyed ; light-lujuses, wharves and Nearly erery bxnfsc laye been wcpt away, and one hundred to one hun dred and fifty Uvch lost. The steamer could find no place to land her cargo. St. Louis, Sept. 21. Col Clary, Awastant Gencnti Superintendent Tele graph, has received the following from Galveston; "Additional accounts ofln dianola disaster Bays : The-loss of life and Buffering is terrible. J)cal bodies arc strewn lor twenty miles along the bctvch. Over one hundred bodies have Lccn found and buried up to thU tpe. The telegraph Manager at Sanborn is discreet and wise manner that has char acterized its proceedings .thus far Frankim wfifgivft a t jAendidl xnajotfty for raUficatioiftv- i copy f the following from ' the Warrenton GityUe of the 24th. It ppeaks well fur these who have man aged the finances of ihe County, "We hare labored fc&rd apd earnestly to get our county in a like proprous condi tion, and we are not yet disheartened. ,We intend to do in future as in the past, all we can to advance the in terest and prosperity of our. county, ami in whatever department of the county government, we find corruption, we will tell the f people through the columns of the Courjer. We have no sympathy with s those who would steal the mouey drawn from the pockets the abundance of the heart the month speaieth." I Vet it is not the multitude bat the fitness I of words that gives them power. - And the heart that has this abundance, this fullness of spirit ual life, can discern spiritual truth in the analogies of the natural world, And from such a heart will come words fitly sdokenA-J&v. W. W.Dow, The following good story on Judge Watts, we-get from the. Roanoke, Neics; JTinkinq (Wavj.-A good story is told on Judge Samuel JFatts, of Frank linton. The judge Is quite a politician, and at one time know every voter in his district. Time, however, had faded the judge's memory a little, although he he will not admit it. He shakes hands with and pretends to know everybody. He was holding court in Halifax county If, HARRISON, OP RICHMOND YJL y if n i If . BIMO!?r OF HENDERSON N.C. W - J BT0B.E? -:0:- ' ! ' T WOODS!! ' . .... . of ouir over taxed people, Dor for the j a short time ago, and was approached corrupt officials, whose mouths cgnba I by along, lubberly specimen of a coun- locked up by money. Wo fight them I try man, who held out his paw and under the black flag, neither asking or trivintr Quarters. ( Ere Moos these ro-.. gues who have grown fat and sleek on their ill gotton gains, will be brought to justice, and made to disgorge, and then find their way to that home in jfalejgb, prepared for all such. For the sake of our beloved county, we say God hasten the day. Tho Gazette says : "Wc are informed by MaJ. B. V' Williams, chairman of our Bead of CoinmistonurV, that our county is now reported safe, but the office and lines entirely out of debt, and will have a Surplus in the Treasnry by the 1st day of Janunrir nest, and ho advises par- gone, Tho Ellootn of tlrorXrfito MtoniL mul Tliol utGnl VKHton. ; . New York, September 21, ;Tbe following telegrams were rooeived last evening by prominent merchants do 'ng business with Texas : Houston, Sept. 20,Thtt greatest distress prevails among the poor peo ple at the east end of Galveston. Several hundred liavc been rendered utterly destitute by the storm. They peed help immediately. A Committee of -Relief has been organized to help tho sufferers, with tho Mayor of Galveston at its head, and contributions now being received. Can you help them ? . . ; . Galvestox, September 20, The greatest suffering prevail heio among the poorer classes, and in cy in the wealthier class are in distrc&s . The people at tho ca6t end have been washed out of their houses, their clothing lost and provisions destroyed. Help is needed now So far as It has done anything, tho Convention has fully met the expecta tions of the friends of Constitutional reform, All tho amendments that have been passed up to this time are such as will commend themselves to the favor of - the people, . and would no doubt bo ratified by a large majority, if submitted to . them unencumbered by any others that muy not meet with so much favor. Wo hope though, from the good beginning ( iuade, that the other work of the ConvonUou will be in accord with what has been done, and such amendment will be proposed as our condition as a people demands. So far the progress li98 boen rather tardy, much tiutc having been con turned iu discussing tho' removal of Holdings disabilities, and the Robeson County contested election case, We hope these will soon be out of the way, when tho Convention will ad dress itself to its legitimate duties of devising a good systoqi of gpycrunent for the people of North Carolina We havo rarely sea the peoplo as a mass take so deep an interest in the deliberations and proceedings of a body, as thoy do in the Convention, JPheaever we met a countryman, the next thing after the usual salutations is "what is the Con von t ion doing.' ipon being advised thoy express satu faction and say they hope It will con- said: y "How d'ye do, Jude you don't know me, do you?" ; : ."Ob, yes," said the Judge. "Ho is your ' lather? ... . Countryman. "Oh, he's been dead eleven years?" v Judg.-r"Sure enough; but how is yourmothei?" ;. Countryman." Why she has been dead eighteen years." Judge, "Well, how the devil are you! You ain't dead I know!' This brought down the crowd, which soon adjourned to Hock Neville's gro- ties holding county orders not to part I eery to drink to the live man's health. with them for one cent less than their A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO We announce to the citizens of Franklin that we have opened In Loulshuig a large and well selected stock of PRY GOODS, FAMILY i GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, Hats, CLOTHING & q, .in lact, yon can find . most any ar ticle usually kept in a rt class villagn store. Bat the best remains to be told, we intend to sell our goods at the VERY LOWEST PRICES FOR CAS . We pay special attention to our clothing department In which line we defy competition. We earnestly ask that you give us a call, and examine our stock and learn our prices, as we can make it to vour interest to do so, COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, for which the highest market prices will be paid. . .. For toe-Courier. of niy Iopnirtiii'o : Teens, face value, . Well done for old Warren; we have a new jail, a new and well arranged Poor House, neither of which will cost us any ihlng of consequence fur manv years to come. AH thU m been accomplished in I And I enter on my second score, the last tour or live years and all paid tfoi knowing what it has in store, lor. l nis 13 indeed a grauiymg exniD it, and our Commissioners and their efficient Clerk cannot be too highly commended for the faithfulness and ability with which they have managed the finances of the county. Out of debt and money in the Treasury! How many counties in the State that can say as much? Our Commissioners have done well and deserve a vote of thanks. Harrisoxr Court Street; Louisburg N- C. Go. OKIES & BEAGH ATI Building Contractors . . ' j i AND LOUISBURG, N. C. SASH, BLINDS ..AND i DOORS, HADE to ORDER, and all kinds of Machine work done at short notice, on as reasonable Urma as elaewbere in the State. AU grades of Cofflins, Furnish ed, with hearse. . . Tongue and Groove floor ing and ceiling, a SPECIALITY. Professional Cards, ' DENTIST. Offers his Professional Service the public in " Every department or Dcixtltlry. OFFICES, Louisburg at Warrenton ovtr Dents Hotel, Norwood JfcDavU' Store. Dr. J2 SXaloat Practicing l'hysicun. 8 Dr. C HalomaJr Physidao &, Surgeon. OFFICE Market Street east of Court Ho Louisburg, N. C. w. Plastering hand. Lathes alwavs on H ymans & Dancy My teens are gone to return no more, - ' ' For me and mine, O God of grace, 0 Lord of love, Within my youthful bosom move, And let me daily, hourly prove, That I am Thine. COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ISrOBFOLK, VA. respectfully solicit couignments of Cotton f hippcrs who consign to us will be aflbrded every facility. Jgf BAGGING and TIES fiirnUbed. SMITH &BEACHAM. 9 H otic e. A WORD FITLY SPOKEX In my day and generation, Let me strive to bless my nation, Aiding it in preparation, For Thoo and Hcaveu. With learnirtg'8 light and wisdom's rays, Fain would I set the earth ablaze, Nor rest until a world of praise, To Thee were given. Then whon on earth my race is run, And a Christian's victory won . Happiness will be but just begun Beyond this vale of woe Harassed no more by fiendish foes, My ransomed jsoul will seek repose Where Eden's fountain sweetly flows, And fruit g celestial grow. The triune Godhead will be there, And praise will take the place of prayer, A blight and starry crown I'll wear, And with the angels be. There once lived in the ctwof Bos ton a merchant who, like many another, 1 was wholly indifferent to personal re ligion, lie tvas a prosperous man of the world, and entirely engrossed in business. He had. a godly wife, While she went to the sanctuary on the Sabbath, he used the day in cxm fining. his accounts, or in any way that inclination suggested. Whilo he loved her, and wished her to edjoy without hindrance her religious privileges and duties, he disregarded for himself the claims of personal religion. On one most' genial day in June, they were riding ' together to Cam bridge. Ho In business there. All natuvo was arrayed in the fulness of sprlngtldc beauty. Ruing n great lover j While there I feast my ravished eyes, of natural scenery, he spoke with en- I And many loved ones recognize, tlusiasm cnkthe subject. "Who mado all tuis?'' quietly asked the wife. 'Why, God Almighty, of course,' he replied, with some surprise at the question. 'Do you love that God?' she asked It was a natural question, directly sug gotited, and so having no abruptness. It arrested his attention in a manner that was at onco observed b' his wife. She thought and prayed within herself that it might be the Holy Spirit's means of conviction and conversion, He made no reply, and said l'utlc dur ing tlia vast of the journey On arriving at his destinatbn, he at tended to his business without uimcccs sary' words with any oncand at once star ted for home, As the hoar of retir ing drew near, the wife ventured to ask her hufeband the reason of his unusual silenoe. He replied, "Wife, that ques tion that you asked me this morning has not been out of my mind since. You asked if I loved God, Certainly 1 have no reason to say I do. I have W -3 W CQ h3 B O irr W W U cq' O w la as much as County Orders have been altered, thereby practicing a fraud upon the County, the Board ot Com misaioners this day direct tlie Clerk to issue a public notici tbroagb. the COU- BIER, and Posters in each Towothip, requestinf? all persons holding COUN TY O RUE ItS issued prior to July lit 1875, to prrtent (hem to the Itrguter Deeds tor Rgisi ration. P. B. IIA-WKIN-i . Cbrm'c. Board Com. J. B. TUCKER, Clerk. Louisburg, July 5th 1875. JOS. J. DAVIS. ATl'I aid COUNSELLOR at LA , L0UI5BUEQ, rttlUKLIH CO. K.C - fc -" Will practice in the several conits of Granville, Franklin, Xatb. Warrea and Wake. ' , ,, tgfc. Prompt attention paid to the o liction and remi;Unc of mooev. July 15, 1871. V . J ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fkahkukiok, N. C Will practice in the courts of the 6th judicial diitrict. Prompt attention given to the colleo uonoi clatma. No BO tf HALL'S SELF-FEEDING COTTON GIN.' The following are some of the reasons why HALL'S GI'S are suerior to all others : . ' r- li. It is most economical; it requires the attendance of noexperuncd gin ner, and di penccs with the labor of one hn I. ... 2d. It will pick more Cotton in a given length of time than any other Gin in use. . . 3d. It never BREAKS THE BOLL, thereby 1 sing no time, and making a more even and better cample. 4th. It vvili run longer without whetting or sharpenir'.p; the Self-Feeder will not carry to the Sawg any hard substances that will injure tlcm, tuch as rocks, nails, ttick?. burd unmatured balls, &c., which also render the dangtr from FIRE much less. ' t 5th. It picks the seed cleaner than any other Gin in u.-e, thereby making a larger yield, ' . We have in our possession the result of a test in which one pound of Lint Cotton was produced Irotn two pounds, seven and ont-half ounces of Seed Cot ion,. These Gins are perfect and complete in every particular, ami are made to run at high speed, They can be found, in almost any section in North Carolina where Cotton is grown. Price, $5 per Saw, Send for Circular. AN ACT TO ASCERTAIN THE IN DEBTEDNESSOF THE DIFFER ENT COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS OP. THIS feTATF, AND TO PRESCRIBE A STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. Skction 1. The Central Assembly of North Carolina lo -nc. That nil "laims agiinst the acvrral c. untie, cit ics aud ton ns of of tbi State. bethel by bond or othtrwHr, shall e preemad to the chairmen of lje Board cf Conn ty Commissioners or to the chief cerj'ot E;ii! ciiiea and towns as the ca?e may be, within two yeara ttttr the maturity of such claim or claimi. r the hold r; ot Mich uluini rr claims thall be forever barred troni a rvcovcry ttere- olr PKovroFD, Thr.t cUins which h.vr already, matured and le-ouie duo 'bball b presented ud orb. fre the , flrat of January, Anno 'Domini one thousand eight hunJred and fevnt).stvtn, or the holders th-rel t-hnll be l(,revr barrd ft a recovery thereof. RaUfied the 22nd day of -March, A. D, 1875. 850 o.,ia CH.Coote,. W.H.SjEicer COOKE & SPEUCI5R iTTORHEYS AND COUNSELLOR ATLA"W, A&d SeUcites in . BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG H.C. Will attend the Court of Nah,Fri k lin, Granville. Warrcn,ind WakeO-uo. tnjj. Kiao the Supreme: Court if North Carolina ami the U. S. Circuit and nil- j Conits. No 7-tf HAE 1CSS & SADDLERY ESTABL1SH WENT. I have Jot ojhtc harr- n saddlo iliop in Louirhnrtr. J ltl keep alwuTH on Tnnwl a 'cKk.t Machine niile IInn.f5 and 8ddv. I employ pjx and xjrii rccd woik men, and I warrmt nil the w. k j t up by m ; all kind of repamrj in my line done on bort no'lce and on vrrr reasonable tt-rms. Mj ShopH over Mr. T. N. Ctlile Store on Min StrU lf I solicit the patrooge ot the -people ot Franklin. ? O - Sept 3 3-m. HYMANS & DANCY, r Geueral -4gentd for Nortli Carolina and Vlrglnhi, FUENITUEE. e. c. SALrsBunv:. J. C, KOWF, Harmonious will our anthems rise, Through all eternity; FARMVILLE INSUR. ANCE & BANKING COMPANY OF FAK3IYILLE Va. Assetts 223,935.00. $10,000.00 United States : i - , Bonds Deposited with the Treasurer of the State, for the proteotion of the Policy Holders. The Farm villa has ever been noted ln!Xatnto Abor Cet. Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Y. U 111,1 PTOV- HEW A 1KB. photographic Samsbury & Rowe WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FURNITURE, time to do as welt. Tho body U be- no regard to the subject. I ng closely watched, am CORUKCTION. Io this last election the Republicans strained every effort and put out every man. TheDemocratson the contrary trerc not active and there is not a. precinct in any county in the State, where dotens cannot be found who did not go to the polls. sensible that my whole course rf life has been wrong, I fcnow that I need something T do net possess, "NVhu you havo te)d me' of the Sayiour, I have always pu off the subject- But I am rewired to 4o w no louger, Will you help mo r Jll you jjray for mo now ? The wife with nn overflowing heart bowed in prayer oh Uia behalf, and he also kneolcd, $he felt that her many TTliA fnnwminn tvu Tmm tka T.,1 I .... n .. . . v" petitions tor his salvations were how to eigti Aetc, witl. ;.V view to correcting lc answcredt g,, he fo, the same so far as Franklin County is concerned, Here, there was not a sin gle precinct in the county in which a dozen men stayed away from the polls on election day, and in most 'of .the Townships i.ot half of th&i number failcj to vote. Take the Loulsbun Townhip as a sample, and wc fin4 that found forgive ness and peace n Christ Jesus, and henceforth led V new life. lie soon became a member, and tlitm a deacon of the Church, honored and influential, until the close of life. And all resul ted from a "word fitly spok6u,,, The power of words is not in their number, but in their , ntnesa. The put of pver 230 Registered voters, that bumble, consecrated soul sees in aU tke not more than six failed to - vote, and they embrace the Post Master , mail contractor, and an employee of the lat ter. The white people came out all pver the County atfd did their duty like men, and will do the same whenever the enemy is met again. Tf the Con tention continues it work in the same natural wor d the emblems of religion and duty. All nature is full of these analogfas, This was our Saviour's mode of Instruction.-, lie turned the minds , of ;hU hirers, by means of the things that are een aqd temporal, to the things that are unseen and eternal. Soshoull In followers do. 'Ont nf tj to the insured, Ita increasing but! nets and popularity, place it in the front rank of the Insurance Companies ox tne uountrv. All clause af risk.,- such as, Steam, Water ana Horse powei Cotton Gins, btore iiouses, BtocJcs of Good, lieei denoea $x,t taken at equitable rates. GEO, 8. BAKEh, AGENT for Franklin County. Louisburg. N, C. Sept. 3-8 m. TT TV1 tl T VVIJ T . n l JS SJber WocdPumpia vv i the acknowledged O i ail Un.l.iJ Ol ;he market, by popular ver diet, the best pump for the least money. Attention is in vited to Blatchley's Improved Bracket, the Prop Check ValTe. which can be withdrawn with out disturbing the Joints, and the cop per chamber which never cracks, scales or rusts and will last a life time. For sale bj Dealers and the trade gen erally. In order to be sure that you get tilatchley's Pomp, be careful and see that it baa my trade-mark aa a pore, if you do not know where to buy, de scriptive circulars, together with the name and address of the agent nearest von, will be promptly farmshed by ad dressing with stamp. i Charles E. Blatchley, Huilactoer. 50 Commerce St, Philadelphia, Pa, M ATTEASSES. l Call and examine out stock before purchasing lilsowhcre, NO. 207 and 209 MAIN STREET, 8ept Nrfolk, Va. "W -A. R D & 13 H O. Franklinton, N.C, Are dcterolncd to olote out their IAJIQE ud ASSORTED STOCK of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Ordered by the Bard ot Couoty Commissioners, that the above reward ot (500 will le paid to any person who will furnVu evidence funlcient to secure the co iviction of the party par ties guilty of changing or altering County Orders. NOTICE O TO THE PHYSICIANS OF FRANK LIN AND WAKE COUNTIES. Ilaving been appointed Ajrnt for the "Kentucky Mutual 1'enetlt Asso ciation of Hiysician.M for Fiaikliu and Wake counties, Respectfully informs the I'hjciciansof said counties that they can procure t ertillcates of Life Membership by applying to me. J, B, CLIFTON, M.D. Louisburg, N. (.'. John Armstrong, Nr, 1 FayetUviile Street, RALEIGH. N, C. ; SOOK BINDEit, AN'D Blank Bock tlatiufucturer. Newspaper, Magazine and Law Books of every description bound in the very best 8tyle and at Lowest Prices. an30 12m If AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES. you want goods CHEAPCALL ON THEM, Any kind of produce takezi at beat price, AT WARD & B R O. HoticE. O I respectfully announce to the dti xnn of Louisborg and vicinity, that I am prepsred to do plain tewing for La dies and Gentlemen, alsn (Usfnmie, Btitchicg and Raffling. Charges mod erater MRS. P. H. FMITH, Louisburg N. C ! jS or FarnMinton, N. Ce A nice convenient Cottage resh deuce, on Elm Street, with three com fortable rooms, and a larro vard and I garden, can be bought on very reas onable terms. -. Apply to tho Editor of the Coxmiau Fraklinton, N. C. Cxailery. MAIN STREET. At my Gallery over Mr. T. N. fa- liles 8tnre cao V-e found at all timet, rnnnd, square snd rustic irtnvs I am also prepaied to take Gem tvpea, trd and cahioet sire photograph. Whrn you wsnt a good picture L yourself and family, call at my Gall try. Very Respectlnlly, Y. B. CLIFTON. "STX REASONS WHY TOU SUOIXD ISSCKK THE PENS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. - 021 GUESTSUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1st, Became it is one of the oldest companies io the country, and past Ui dy of experiments. 2l, liecauae every policy balder Is a member ol the Company, entitled to all its adTantsges and privileges', bar tag a right to vote at al! elections for trustees, and thus hu aa inflocsce ia its management. M Becanse It bas the Isrfat accu mulated fotd of soy Life Insurance Company io the b'tate, 4lb. Beeaose If rconomical man agement, iu ratio of ei pen sea to total income is far below the aversge ol Life Compaoie, (See Official Inaura&ce Reports.) 5th. necsose it bas declared more dividends in number, aad of a larger average percentage, than any Company in tbe Vol ted States, For example; : Policy No It. for $3000, has been paid to tne widow of a Philadelphia merchant, opoo which twentjrtbree dividend bad been de dared, ftveiagip City seven per ctot. Usd these dividends been used to pur. chase additions to this policy, $5,048 mote would have been realized mak ng tbe policy $11,046. Ctb, Recluse it u liberal in ita man agement, prompt in. its setttlemenU, sale beyond a contingr ncy, aod ita rates ara as low as any first-class Company in tbe conn try. Principal Features. Small expenses, absolute security ,large return premiums, prompt payment of lo&tcs, and liberali ty to tbe inured. w. si. jrii;u, ucn'i, uacager for North Carolina. W. D, BPKUILL, GeaL Aseat.

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