THE FA MIX AXn HOUSEHOLD, Seasonable Hi tit: Straw and chaff are too valuable to be wasted in the yardsy or for bedding, where leaves, swamp muck, or even dry earth or sand can be used. By, using some oil-cake meal, bran, or other meal, Btraw or chaff may be made equal to the best hay. The proper use of straw as fodder, is one of the most important economies of the farm. Clover seed will be a good crop this year, wherever there has been a good stand of clover. When well saved, it is the most profitable crop on the farm. Both seed and liay at the same time,5 can hardly be paved, and the hay may as well be sacrificed for the Bake of the seed. This crop may be cut with the mower, and raked with the horse-rake into winrows, where it may be exposed to rain and sun for many days without injury. On the contrary, the seed will thrash and hull the more easily. It should be drawn in when perfectly dry, and thrashed at once. The chaff may be stored in a bin or heap in the barn, to be hulled in dry frosty weather, when con venient. Setter the chaff, which will contain Forno seed, over the meadows. Hheep nhould havo some better feed than the bare stubble at this season. With Homo grain or mixed feed, sheep will pick around the fields and consume much of the rubbish. No animal has a more vigorous digestion than a sheep, or can more readily turn fodder into meat and fat but it must have some thing from which it can produce these. Not even a sheep can bring something , out of nothing, and yet many farmers who keep a low sheep, seem to act as though they thought sheep could do this. Those who make a business of sheep raising, know tkat they must have good food and tho best of care, or that with their low nervous system and small supply of blood, they go down very quickly. A sheep has a very small brain, and but four or five pounds of blood, and possesses no force or power to resist misfortune. Bat having little nervous force, it wastes no energy in ac tion, but eats and rests, and turns all it cuts into profit. This explains why shocp will fall away and die off so quick ly if neglected. Neglect now, will be irreparable by-and-bye. "A sheep well summered is half wintered." As tho feed falls off, two quarts of corn-meal a day for cows will help to keep up the quantity and quality of the milk. Calves and yearlings should not be alloweH to fall off in condition at this season. Pork is high, and will probably re main so. But it will be safest to hurry up the feeding swine, and make sure of the market. By giving' extra attention now, providing dry feeding pens, and feeding liberally, twice as much pork can bo made from the same feed in this , month, as can bo made in December. . While we can hardly expect higher prices, wo cannot toll what may happen to affect the market unfavorably, and it may bo well to make sure of a profitable market while we can. away until perfectly cold. It will then turn but like a pudding mold. Cut in dices, flour, and fry like doughnuts. There must be abundance of boiling lard to make the mush crisp and free from fat. Salt-Rising Bkbad. The morning before the bread is to be made take one tablespoonf ul of fresh corn-meal and one tablespoonf ul of new milk ; on this pour a half teacup of boiling water ; let this mixture stand until the next mora ine: in fome warm place, like the tin oven of a cook stove ; then stir a pint of warm water and flour together, and when of the right consistency stir in the meal mixture, and if the flour is good and the meal fresh the risings will be up or run ning over in an hour or in two hours and a half at loncrast. When lnzht and ready to sponge have ready sifted flour, into which pour about half a pint of boilincr .water, scaldiner a little of the j w V NEWS OF THE DA Interesting Item flrm Home ana Aorom. flour: then add cold water until cool enough for the , risings, stirring them thoroughly into the flour. After spong ing one-half or three-quarters of an hour mold into loaves. I much prefer water to milk for wetting the flour, and to housekeepers who have their milk to try this way seems best. Donn Piatt Tells a Story. Donn Piatt, describing Madame Tu3- sand's waxwork show in London, tells of a funny little episode of recent occur rence there. To the great mass of visi tors after night these wax figures are so life-liko and real that it is dangerous to get out of line, for it is not uncommon for some weary man or woman, who has seated himself or herself, to be mistaken for a wax creation and commented upon and criticised by the crowd. That is what happened to Raymond, the actor, who has made Colonel Sellers immortal. John was tired, and so hinged into an old chair. He had not observed the number placarded over his head that in dicated he was occupying, the seat of 'a wax figure removed for repairs. The crowd soou gathered about him, and at first Baymond thought he was subjected to a common process of being' stared a as Colonel Sellers. Then it flashed across his fun-loving brain that hp was being mistaken for a wax figure, for one of , the ladies exclaimed : " How very lifelike and natural to be sure. Who is it?" Catalogues were hastily searched, and Raymond humored tho joke by sit ting very still and putting a glass glare in his eyes. This was not so pleasant as it at first appeared, for directly a man said : "Wll, I rather think he is the have been held in trial. Six more of ugliest little fellow I ever saw.' It is positively the most -horrible looking creature in the place. Who is it V asked a lady." The number was found and the account read out : " Tom Thug, the crudest .murderer ever. hung; cut the throats of' a whole family -'of fourteen persons for the trifling sum of ten pounds eight shillings and sixpence." " Well, I'll be hanged," cried Raymond, jumping to his feet, Mif it is possible to make a charge in England without tack ing on that miserable 'sum of sixpence, It would be a good plan to keep a note Here is the late Mr. Thug charged with of every little thing that needs atten tion, so that by-and-bye all may be done in order. There will be drains to make and to repair, fences to close that have Imjcu opened, stacks to top off and prop up, leayos to rake up in wood lots, brush to clear off, roads and lanes to repair, tools to gather up and repair, sheds to repair, stables to clean out and whitewash, and a hundred things to do that must bo provided for or they will go nndono. Every farmer should carry a note book and pencil in his pocket, and make use of them. For early lambs tho ewes should be turned to the rams this months. A two-year-old ram will serve a hundred ewes, if he is well fed, kept in a yard, and the ewes put with him at night, until all are served. A ewe remains in heat twenty four hours. As the ewes are served, which may bo known by keeping the ram's brisket smeared with Venetian red a wholesale assassination, and they had to slap on that sixpence. I believe the late Mr. Thug was swindled." The crowd laughed and screamod. One more cool bystander said : " Oh, bother that is an old game here. This little fellow is hired to do this. Mme. Tus- saud pays him one pound six shillings" " If you. say sixpence," cried Ray mond, " I'll make the number of the murdered an even fifteen Tiro Hank Presidents. There is a remarkable analogy in the death of Mr. Ralston, of the Bank o California, and that of Mr. Ethelbert S. Mills, of Brooklyn. Both of them were officials in financial institutions which held the highest place in the public esti mation and confidence. Both of them tumbled into ruin, and dragged down the institutions with which they were connected. Both perished bv drowning and linseed oil, they should be placed in shortly after the exposure of their mis- n nook by themselves, and well fed. fortnns Anrl in prnnnlotn tVi r.ain f On tho condition of the ewes will depend in a great measure tho value of the lambs. A puro Cotswold ram, crossed . m sr . on gooa merino or native ewes, pro duces excellent lambs. Agriculturist. itomestie Mteeipes. To Drive out Flies. Cut news papers or sheets of brown paper into long narrow strips and tie them to long rods. With these it is very easy to drive flios from closets and rooms with out eudaugering brackets and bijouterie on tho walls or mantlepieces. Mangoes. Cut a piece from the cu- coincidences, it will never be known whether either or both of them com mitted suicide, or whether their deaths were accidental. At first everybody re garded Mr. Mill's death, in the Coney Island surf , as a clear case of fclo de se, but his friend 8 have always scouted the idea. They say he was a man who never nursed his troubles, and that his circum stances were by no means desperate; and the lady who last saw him prior to his going down to the beach, declares that he was in excellent spirits. So too was Mr. Ralston. At first there was a story of a vial of poison and a deliberate cumber or melon to be pickled, scrape double dooming of himself to death by out the inside, and let it lie in salt water two days. 'Ihen fill with bean pods, grated horse radish, chopped onion, mustard seed, cloves and peppers, Re placo the piece. To Clean Cakved Furniture. Ap ply a paint brush dipped in kerosene oiL It will romove all dust from cracks, make the furniture look like new, and the smell" disappears in an hour if the windows are open. To Reuse a Stove. Ten cents' worth of clay from the potter's, worked to the consistency of putty, pressed firm ly around the sides and into the corners of the furnace-box and left to dry over night, will make in every respect a more desirable lining than the fire-brick bought in the stores. Mock Chicken Fricassee. Take a fine fat veal shank and with a pint of water allow it to simmer until perfectly tender ; remove the large bones, season to taste, and'add two tablespoonfuls of flour, smoothly blended with a teacup of milk. When thickened, pour the whole very hot over a well-beaten egg and a half teacup of parsley. Stir well, and serve. On no account allow the egg to boil. Fried Mush Superfine. In a pud ding boiler or water-tight kettle put In ,dian meal, a little salt, and enough hot water to wet thoroughly. Place the ket tle in a pot of boiling water and let it boil for about half an hour, then set it the unfortunate gen tleman.N6w, "how ever, the vial has entirely disappeared from the storj of the case.; Mr. Ralston, it seems, entered the bath-house " smil ing, cheerful ;" he had overheated himself by walking, and was .in aicondition which would be likely id produce po-" plexy if he plunged into cold water; and finally the doctors say that his body presents all the marks of death by apo plexy. The remarkable careers and mysterious death of these two men are examples, not without their lesson, of the vicissitudes and catastrophes which sometimes illustrate human life. Jits Sermon. A minister was paid to preach a ser mon on some special occasion in the chapel of a country town. As the con gregation was not very rich, he was in formed beforehand that they could not afford to pay him ". more: than a guinea for his discourse. When the service was over, he received in the vestry the con gratulations of the elders, who were loud in their admiration of his eloquence. He turned round upon them with almost a smile of contempt and said : ' Do you call that an eloquent sermon t I should just like you to hear my three guinea one I" Men and women are extinct they died about sixty years ago, ' and left no heirs. Ladies and crentlemen have usurped their places. A duel wu fought In the dark at Waco, Tex, , between Charles Carrick and J. 1L Turner, over' some trivial matter. The distance was four feet, and the weapons need were six shooters. Three shots were fired. Turner was killed. ; ... .One day's heavy rain in Wash ington, D. C, caused some of the sewers to bunt, and thus overflowed a large portion of the city, doing much damage. Eleventh end Twelfth' streets were flooded sufficiently to float an ordinary boat Near Fiber creek thirty houses were flooded to a depth of nina feet...;... Four thousand Serbians have en tered Turkish territory and are endeavoring to incite the Balgarians to rise against the Porte. Bosnia is reported in full rebellion against the Porte, and Montenegro and Serbia are actively preparing for war. In Herzegovina the in surgents have formed a national government under Lynbobratich..... The English polar expedition has been heard from at West Greenland, being all well and on their way to Upernaviky whence they will visit Capt. Hall's grave . .. .A boy named Morris Byan, residing at Hopkinton, Mass., started from his house to kill a cat, when he was stopped by bis two sis ters, who trie! to persuade him to desist. A struggle ensued, during which the gun in Ryan's bands went off and killed the two girls. ... .The publishing house of Lee & Shepard, of Boston, and Lee! Shepard A Dillingham, of New York city, have suspended ...... Two new cases of yellow fever are reported from Fort Pickens, Barrancas Barracks, Fla. . . Seveuteen ' tramps were arrested in Rahway, N. J., and they thereatened to have revenge. On the night after their release two barns and a lumber' yard were fired by the incendiaries . . . .The Atlantic mills at Lawrence, Mass., have recommenced running, and there is a prospect of steady employment' for one thousand hands. Two of the Franklin county (111.) Ku-Klux J $1,000 bail to appear for the ontlaws have been ar rested. The testimony shows that there are 400 of the organization in Franklin county, and 600 in Williamson. ..The total outstanding currency of the United States September 1st was $415,938,229.02!.... Hon. J. M. Tnacher, commissioner of patents, has resigned, to enter npon the practice of patent law in Chicago... . The Khedive of Egypt expects to be called npon by the Turkish authorities to aid in put ting down the Ileizegovinian rebellion, aiid is consequently calling in his officers on f arlough. The liepullican Banner and the Union American, lot Nashville, Term., the oldest papers of the Southwest, have been consoli dated under the name of. the American. . J. Viscount de Meaux, thy French: minister of agriculture, recommends manufacturers to ex hibit at the Centennial exhibition Auditor Thayer testified that the canal board let con tracts for the Champlain canal improvement in direct violation of lw, and expended $253,- 000 without any law whatever The paint factory of Baxter, Bell & Co., at Brooklyn, N. was destroyed by fire, involving a loss of $150,000. The California election resulted in a victory for the Democrat. .....By a collision of the two. English ironclads Iron Duke and Van guard in the channel, the latter was ' Bunk." No lives were lost . L . . . .The anniversary of the surrender of Sedan was observed thronghout Germany as a holiday and day of general re joicing Heavy rams in tno ttaroacn dis trict, India, will necessitate the replanting of a large part 6f the cotton crop there . . . .Infor mation has been received from the State of Colombia "to the effect that articles of peace had been signed by General Delgado, comman der of the national forces of the Colombian government, and General Santo Domingo Vila, commanding the insurgents. This re-establishes peace in the republic, and leaves the national authority: unquestioned .... Panama advices state that the republic of Ecuador has been declared inj a state of siege, and tho governor clothed with the extraordinary facul ties provided for J by the political code of the country. The governor appeals to the chiefs, officers and soldiers to aseist him in maintain ing order and sustaining personal security. President Moreno1 was assassinated in the cor ridor of the public treasury, ia the afternoon, as previously reported Corday Harrip, chief of the negroes arrested in Georgia for attempted insurrection, has . been tried, found not guilty, and discharged One Rehm, the teller of the Planters' National bank of Louisville,-; Ky., Reported to the police that three men took him from his bed to the bank and made him open the vault, from which they took $100,000 and then chloroformed and stabbed him. Rehm was afterwards charged with the robbery and confessed, showing where he had hid the $100,000 A train on the Wallkill (N.Y.) valley road went through a rotton bridge near Goshen, while having on board an immense crowd from camp meeting, and twenty-five people were more or lees in jured, but none killed outright. A special dispatch from Berlin says that after the recent appointment of Muhmoud Pacha as grand vizier of Turkey there is less hope than ever of the insurgents coming to terms 8iguor Pietro Vaini, an Italian artist resident in this country,; committed suicide at City Island, near New York, under singular cir cumstances andj from inexplicable motives. While reciting some verses from the tragedy of Phaedra, at a clambake, and jnst as he had uttered the words " God, who judgeth all things, will also judge this act ef mine," he suddenly placed a pistol to his head and t lew his brains out, to the horror of the, assembled guests, who at firet thought it was a part of the fictitious tragedy, but were convinced of the true nature of affairs upon lifting the body from the ground.....: Advices from Hayti ttate that seventeen follow era of General Canal, who are! now antler the "protection1 of the United States minister, Mr. Basaett, were condemned to death on the twenty-ninth of July; and it was stated that the government contemplated a forcible entry into the Ameri can coneulate to take the refugees into cue tody, they having been condemned as mur derers and assassins by the Haytian Tribunal. .... A German ministerial order has been issued declaring that the bishop of Paderborn has forfeited his rights to citizenship by his depar ture without leave from the city in which he was "interned." A slight shock of earth quake was felt at St. Thomas, West Indies.... The association for the reform and codification of the law of nations was formerly opened at Hague. Delegates from the United States were present .. . .The secretary of the treasury has issued calls for the redemption of 13,000,- 000 of five-twenty bonds for 1864, of which S,000,C00 are on account of the sinking fund. ..... .The poet-office department has changed the color ofthe .two-cent stamp from brown to red. The seven, twelve and twenty-four cent stamps will be withdrawn ...... The Atalantas won the four-oared race over the Beaverwycks. at Troy, in eighi minutes and thirty-four and and-quarter seconds. Courtney won the single scull over Riley, of Staten Island, in nine minutes end forty-six seconds. In the pair oar Union Springs woo over Beaverwjcks and S Nptnnea in eight minutes and fifty and one- half seconds. Rehm, the bank teller of Louisville, who robbed the bank and then confessed, has been held in 50,000 bad. His property has been attached by the bank, under charge of embez- a S a. zhng Six murderers .were execuiea a Fort Smith, Arkansas, at one tune. James H. Moore, white, one of the unfortunate men, shot a sheriff's officer who was pursuing bin for horse stealing. Daniel IL Evans, white, murdered a man last November. Bam. W. Tooy, a quarter black Cherokee, murdered a young man for $300. Wa J. WhitUngton, white, murdered a man in the Chickasaw nation, while inflamed with diink. Edmond Campbell, colored, killed a man and woman. The other was Smoker Mankiller, a full-blooded Cherokee The London TUegraph says the prospects are favorable for the hop har vest, which has already commenced. Damage done by mold and vermin is below the average. The London Times, in its financial column, of modesty or womanhood left that would not be sacrificed to vanity and love of display. The great feature of the new styles in hosiery is their cost. For a good but not extra quality of gray An Old Timne Aneeiiote. One day the facetious John PhD pot Curran, who was also very partial to the said corned mutton, did me the honor to meet Father O Jary. To enjoy the or brown hose, with an absurd and Aim- society of such men was an intellectual ay little clocking on the sides, $1.60 per treat. They were great friends, and VIOITINC CARDQ. f i FtM White Brbaol TWHM lraa.wh m. eta. XU tterp or aaa.Bss. e-emgs vr M.1D eta. We here a M) diSsewat errWs Cerda, laciadiaaT Giaaa, 8wl. MaxttU. I 'IH naM. . ritin taaap uw cimy,. " iu cio. wot v.M. H. V1.I)K. rew inm. says : "It is known that we shall have to import an unusually large quantity of wheat, and it is equally certain that all the malting barley will have to come from abroad." Owing to a rain-fall of seven and a half inches within a few days great damage is announced in the central provinces of Japan, farms being pair is charged, when seventy-five cents would be a high price for them in white or unbleached cotton. " For my part, says Jenny, "I consider these dingy grays and browns in hosiery very ugly, and stripes only fit for children and clowns at a circus. The quicker we get back to the fine white or ivory -tinted stockings the better." Derfectlv Dure, requires less than com mon soap. Hence its economy is ap parent. Ask your grocer to get it. Good tt8 from Tfasbington City. Depabtxzxt or Statk, ) Washington, August 23d, 1875. ) Wilson Skwtxq Ma chink Cojcpaxt, Cleveland, Ohio: There have been received at this department a medal and diploma awarded to Wilson Srw ino MLachihk Comtajct, as an exhibitor at the TTniTersal Exnosition. held at Vienna in 1873. I will thank you to inform me wnat aisposi tion you desire to have made of them. The denartment will deliver then to such agent as you may suggest, or to Adams Express Com pany, addressed as you may indicate, upon the return to the department of the In closed re ceipt, duly signed. When the same are deliv ered in either way, the responsibility of the department will terminate. Your obedient servant. W. Hcntxr, Acting Secretary. Gin a body kiss a body need a body cry t" quoted the young man from the city to a rural maiden. "Wall, yer needn't kiss me if yer a ginny body, was her sole remark ; 44 1 don't want any flooded, houses and bridges demolished, and I young man whose breath smells.' upwards oi z,uuu,uuu in produce destroyed. There were also a great many .lives lost ... .The Chinese troops refuse to follow the aborginee into the heart of the island of Formosa, and have revolted by regiments. The savages re main master of the situation, and the Chinese military operations have been suspended. .... Goldsmith Maid trotted a mile in two minutes and fourteen and a half seconds at Hartford, Conn., in an effort to beat her own time of two minutes and fourteen seconds Heavy rains washed away abutments on the Chicago and Northwestern railroad, near New Jeffer son, Iowa, and a cattle train went through the bridge at that place. Twelve cars were smashed, and nearly all the cattle killed. There were no men seriously injured The Boston and Charleston steamship company, organized in 1872 with a capital of flOO.000, has sunk its entire capital, and has additional liabilities to the amount of 1 125, 000. The steamers have been withdrawn. . Gen. Sherman contemplates a revised edition of his Memoirs, and has written to some offi cers, whom he misrepresented in the first edi tion, promising to corect some of the errors in the second The defalcation of Ralston, late president of the Bank of California, will amount to between $3,000,000 and (4,000,000, and an overissue of etock has been discovered. It is not suppoeed that this will in any way prejudice the arrangements now being made to rehabilitate the bank Frederick Heitz, a laborer in Redeker's brewery, Port Jervis, N. Y., while scalding beer kegs fell backward into a vat. He managed to crawl but before assistance arrived, but was scalded to such, an extent that the flesh peeled from the bones. The immigrant steamer Collingwood arrived at Auckland, Ant traJasii, from London with fever on board. Twenty immigrants died on tho passage, and fifty more were removed to the hospital on her arrival The great strike at Oldham, England, is ended. The terms of the operatives have been accepted. The British consul has arrived at Mostar from Herzogovina. He witnessed horrible cruelties, perpetrated by the insurgents, who in one instance roasted children alive. The insurrection is jpaX do an. Only raids by the Servians and 'Montenegrins take place, and these are exaggerated tenfold The popu lation of Queens couuty, N. Y., is 85,158, agaiMt 73,847 in 1870 A duel was fought betweeu Major Edwards, of the St. ' Louis Times, and Col. Foster, of the Journal, over au article in the Timet. One shot was ex changed without damage, when the difficulty was settled Hayden's government sur veying party Tvaa attacked by Indians in western Colorado, but succeeded in escaping with the loss of their instruments aud baggage. seemed to have a mutual respect for each other's talents, and, as it msy easily be imagined, O'Leary verm Curran was no bad match. One day, after dinner, Curran said to him: "Reverend father, I wish you were Saint Peter." And why, counselor, would you wish that I were Saint Peter I" asked O'Leary. Because, reverend father, in that case," said Curran, " you would have the keys of heaven, and you could let me in. By my honor and conscience, coun selor," replied the divine, it would be better for you that I had the keys of Dobbins' Electno Soap, (made by the other lace, for then I could let you Uragin & Uo., jfnuaaeipnia, x'x.) Deing ou.t If you don't bridle your tongue, sad die be your fate. RjX4 a4oklca mmd pnrtraS. ia torn sr mm m tt MILTER Tir u war. PrntU Ihta, tlMf Ut tvto mm m. rca pot. Cable Screw Wire Boom and SboM. lac. '' able. rT, nd k"P ! orj. iSotea. SMOKING Tr oSS &il3. Bw Vrk J. M. OSKUXKR A OO.. P. O. Boa Important to Travelers. Persons visiting New York or leaving by the cars from Grand Central Depot, will save an noyance and expense of carriage hire and bag a.(re Ainresa7a bv storoine at Grand Union Hotel. oonoite Grand Central Depot. Over 350 elegantlv fnrnished rooms and fitted up at a. cost of 9O0..OO. European plan. Guets can live more luxuriously for leee money at the Grand Union that at any other first-class hone in New York. 8tages and street cars ps the doors for all parts of the city.' See that the hotel you enter is the Grand Union Hotel. Com. -y-, - Send for a free specimen copy of the splendid mammoth double-eheet San Francisco ; WeekXiT CHBOncxJt, an able, spicy and fearless n&ner.i. It alwavs contains complete and re liable market, minine and etock reports ; alao a valuable agricultural department specially prepared by an experienced editor. Full of valuable information of the Pacific coast. It is only .$3.00 a year, and twenty cents addi tional for postage, in advance. Com. It-is no wonder that invalids lose faith in all specifics, when' so many worthless medi cines are advertised for the cure of various diseases; but which, when tried, are found wantinsr. We have vet to learn, however, of the first failure of Dr. Winter's Balsam of. Wild Cherry to cure coughs, colds, and pul monary disease. Fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, large bottles moch the cheaper. Com. The most astonishing cure of chronic diarrhea we ever heard of is that of Wia. Clark, Frankfort Mill-. Waldo Co., Maine. The facts are attested by Ezra Treat, Upton Treat, and M. A. Merrill, either of whom might be ad dressed for particulars. Mr. Clark was cured by Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. Com. S15.00 SHOT GUN. rMUWi Trifvm. War ft Ktm a soy. n.iw, m a a - 1 VIRY BOOK AOIMT - ? tw -mi TLf Jnalan. u4 HUM aaU at ma mm nrk, tArabistari 02.THE LAID OF THE ABAI1A1 XIOlTt, B COU WM. PERRY POOQ. whaaa ivTinni MION bv RlVlPn TAYLOR. TV. ' l..n bofc af rrwt ttiratuin RTaa 1. T. w. u Ka. rr H -af "W - -" "aJA. -aruf) M anaMIO 9ifwn WM M BO p aaJd mo ajauaa;a rnvfOM m j Tu ao0 aoaanaiBg 1 ! OPIUD ni U& 1UU .,,. 1ST Waahlal M..Otoa .IU. S10sS25ritt; 0b4 nr Caraoe CataUraa NEW YORK TRIBUNE. The Leading American Newspaper. TIIK BEST ADYTEHTI!U MKfHrSI. Dairy, $10 a rear. Saml-Waakly, S3. WstlT, V (a A JW-rtW. g pi. ha as Onptai IdwiWM lUtaa FVaa. Wkty. elahaa SO ay i at t. said. Mr Twm Tararna, H. V. ft Knvalopa, Gt4aa Fa. rm tl4W, TracU. Palaaj T ar4 ktaaaara. a4 a Ptaea of Jwatry. Sb-ala rkaa, wHb Wat Prta-. fmat-paJd. g& casta. CtrcoW fraa BRIPK OO.. Tiiii Rraadway, Hmm Yacfc. YY a A.joptrBapolcbiaarv EVKRY FAMILY WANT IT, Vaaa to tt Vwlmu. AMm M N. IXVBIjT.Pa Arrati wM4. Oalflt ad m f m J,t at 1 l rraaT Addraaa TRUK A C., Aoraata, Mala. v aw tin, BTlAMjn a t -. i-mnm PENNSYLVANIA I) at 4. Ma. Vfllltaw AMdaaa. CfcMf UtU KIaiinn. IB tuwm. p.nuaa Htm. Mlhtu-r Art Uwwnv tanrat Ooi. THRU. HYATT rfaatOaal for eti an lira m-pMs Is ' ifcw " Tide m tram tm axrs tla parfaat fart fZL AIT ICV-- i t us .J J rga TX. uaretaaaraaaaraatatraM VM fMkt aUl MratiM auna. 1 OO beaaUfal tllaMntk-aa. Tiau tr. "7 PrtMtowMawrttbatlaM. T EXCELS Al nUTCIT HEE rttbatlaM. IT EXCIL8ALU W all thai luawK. WrM DtaTm. W1LMAM CO, Umrtord Ct , CMcafa. ItL, ar "HEAVY YOKES" bjr tha antbnr of "Axalae tha nn in tba I!ataa Wrekly lor Nav. 6SS Br um& aaat by iiU. OaJ a bvta Elastic Truss Co twmr N. T. CIT fa OtraaJa. mmA ba PlrtiMxC a4 ffrafltabl FawFlayaarw - BaUfnl !"" ;brtaln ! - OH. him iovaty !" " WW ara tbay worth f ata. Saab are icI.m.Ipt8 by thorn who aaa tbm larr" lUcul Hrr Cbrotaoe prodaaad by tba Karep a and Aaaartaaa Cbra rnbllabla Uo. Tbt ara all patiaet o4 art. Ke oca eaa ra.let thai aaaptaUoa to boy wbaa ln tba Ubraaaoa. It raaalraa o taiala to aaU tba ptetaraa. Uwr apaab lav itiii ulna. Caavaaaara. Aaaata ant U11m aa4 are t a a ent o4 aapn ajaut. will find thla Ua baat opaai-a-avav offered asaka mom. For faU parUcalax. oo'l ataa for awfWUnlUl otreoiar. Addraaa - . OLtLASOM A OO.. 13H Waablagto ., Boatoa. Urn. Jfli AO i tlxat Moot ta aaa1a by Amta eelua- ear i ! rw Maoaaaxi rncra. 4a K. O. B RI DO M kX. A HareUr bt- Kmw Yorb aaA 119 Waat4tb 8L.CnBdaaaU.fX : ; Sella at aUbt. A new thriUlns atory by . I k. .w. WL mym K. - - J mm Kft eta. AGENTS WANTED IOB PATHWAYS OF irk, vbela or eoare ti iddraae rRAIEK OLUCK, fWn4 etanp for Cotataa-Be. Waw Bedford. Maaa. THE HOLY LAND BHik a Fall Dcriptoi of Palaatlse. IU Hlatory. Aatl qaltia. Inbabitata and Cnatooia. aaoordtac to tbo Arut rian.riM nMBtlf istd bw the Palaattoo Ka- ploriaa Kipedltkna. It aalls at aUbt. Read for oa( extra term to Afn. aad aao whr tt aolla laor taaa aoy olber hook. riATlUiai. run i.i n u i n u ACJKNTH. ad.alaa il la toe wnrld. aU to KLKOAirrnn.cHBOMoi.1 PaiUdolph a. , I for H J jfO for U.. LrraaH variety RITKITIALDHROMiim, PbUadelpbia. Pa. C0UNTYI BONDS ! i WtXTID MISSOURI CX)UIfTT ROXUH. Hand faU daeertpUoa aad amant bold. Upbeat ratee pld for land warrsnta. CormpondaBoe aolte tUfd. HAM'L A.OAYMRI.Ht Loata HMltb oV Kryaoldo, rt . m - We tun aold and aaad roar Hmm fira for eoverai yora aad aabUt4lnflr fooqiaaod It aa the bet iUktoc Ptrvder ta tbo aaarkeC" Haaltb, Kmrnm eV Co., 0r. vr-, Wfamf, M... ay We aaa tt la oar on f amtlW-a aad ballao tt to be rfecidadly tba baet Baktac Powder. It, oooBomy kt oubiIi fat : It mak 40 lira store bread to barrel of Soar. Million of oaao aoid aad Boca tlor ia onpUial. Read tor rtreoUr to tiro . CiiFTt A Ox. ? B lraaao M . 5ew York. mm FT VI 2TT Bbo-DWaV. ?Ua York, a tl a lw AOllt maoafartorer of MjnCotU J KWKLiRV of tT7 da. rtpio Tbaatock U Utra vara cbnoa,aad M otTTd at rl a 1 1 at trade prxwa to ap workmea aotaJT Ktlla aader M I A. P. t.orVr taanvaa The, Hay Fever. Hay fever, if not a malady of the most serious character, is nevertheless an un pleasant one; and in the interest of those who are liable to it a discovery which two continental professors appear to have made between them cannot be too generally known. The victims of this curious epidemic can never venture into the sunshine or get heated by exer cise between about the middle of May and the end of June without an attack of violent sneezing, inflammation of the nose, severe headache and general de pressionin short, all the symptoms of a most distressing cld. Professor Helmholtz observed that the malady was invariably characterized by the presence of very minute infusoria, not unlike the queer little creatures that we some times see in rain water butts, only much smaller. These he found sticking most tenaciously in the lower cavities and re cesses of the nose, and he noticed that at low temperatures they were very slug gish and inactive, but woke up, as it were, when warmed. Here, then, was the secret of the disease ; but it was Professor Binz whose investigation sug gested the remedy. He found that in fusoria might be poisoned by quinine, and of this fact Helmholtz availed him self in his treatment of hay fever, from which he himself had been a sufferer in the early summer for twenty years. The learned professor made a very weak solution of sulphate of quinine, and, lying flat on his back with his head down, he poured a little of it into each nostril, and found instant relief. The remedy is a cheap and simple one, and ought to prove very valuable to those whom this queer affetciou deprives of half the pleasure they find in a country walk at this delightful season of the year. ... Hon. Joseph Farewell, mayor of Rock- laud, He., Isaac M. Brsg. Esq., Baugor, aud Messrs. Pope Bros., Madiias, Me., lumber merchants, fully Indorsed the Sheridan's Cav alry Condition Powders, and have given the proprietors libeity to use their names in rec ommending them. Com. A MAN OF A THOUSAND. A CONSUMPTIVE CURED. Wbeu death waa hourly expected from ConaHBiptlon, all ramediea ha ring failed, accident led to a dlaooTcry whereby Dr. H. James en red hla only ehild with a preparation of Cannabis Indien. He now glree recipe free oa reoatpt of two atampo to pay ezpeaaea. There la not a single aymptom of UonrampUon mat it aoea not aiaaipeta Nla-ht 8 wonts. Irritation of tba Nerrea, Ulffleolt Kipae. Nolhlns- like It la aaedielao. A loxary to tha palate, a paioleaa eraenaat, a fenUe aUaialaat ta tha circulation, a perspiratory preparation, aa aatl billons medicine, s stomachic, a dturt aad an admirable aeaeral altaratlra. Such ara tha acknowledged aad dally proren properUen of Tarrant's Effervescent Aperient. SOLD BY ALL DRUCKUSTS. TIIPdHTANT Til f'IINIT.MITlVKS. JL A recLleouui ha Ting barn so forlnnata aa to earn hie eon of Uoasampttoo In its worst after botng- rlTn an to dta b the most eelsbratad Dhyvletaaa. de sire to maaa known tbo euro wbteb provae eaeeaaaf al la every ease) to those effltctod with Asthma. Broac hi lts, I Xiiuros, uoias, uoaaomptioa. aaa au inwumw OTecfl 6,0-0 D. prtTtlacet'ta-avntaa. Catsoa fra. S3 SAMPIil li wsssad ta rnaVa arrerr. where. Addraaa Tm Ull'l t Vn t'o. Nrwrk. H. J. COME "AND SEE Thaoa Bieb PratrW. rTaar s nilUton serae t" aaU oa the btonaClty aad St. Paal K. K. aa4 oa iba aad Mlaaonri Hirer R. R. Horaral Urge Uacta lor Colon tea. Gome or eand aiaaaalUae s aaamlaa. Kfory ona who aeaa the land lis as It. Apply o lAVID!m" aV t A l.rt Hlblt, Ox-rela. 4'a., lawn. I Geo p. Rowell & Co at-ga. U U I 1 1 if anyf Tbensoatsaiesasfa tag. Prof. I. Mrrkrr. P.O. Boi 47o. lavporf.lad. sir symptom of Oonsampt torstlon. Sharp Pains tn tho Lnngs. Nanaea at the Btomacn. inaction oi too noweis, aaa wasting or ua Moscloa. Addraaa CRlDDOCK A CO.. 1032 Race Street, Philadelphia. J'a-.alTlnarnajna of thla paper. SCIIKNCKS PCL.3IONIC SYRUP, FOR THE CURE OF CONSU3IPT10N, COUtillM AMD COLD. The great virtue of this medicine la that tt ripens the matter and throws it ont of tho system, pnrlfiea the blood, and thm effects a cure. ' RcHisca'a Ska Wbd Towic. roa th Crax of Dtbpxpsia, Ixdiokbtiom. The Tonic prodneas a healthy action of the stomach. creating an appetite, forming chyle, and coring the most obstinate eases of Indigestion. Schxxck's Maxdraxs Pills, for tux Crux or LrVXB OOMPLAIXT, F.TC These Pills are alteratire, and prodaco a healthy action of the Urer witboat tho least dangor.aa they are free from oalorael and yet more efficacious In restoring n healthy action of the Hrer. These remeUos are a certain care for Consumption, ss the Pulmonic St tod ripens tbo matter and pnrlfiea the blood. The Mandrake Pills act noon the lirar. creaUi a b'slthy bile, and re more all diseases of tbo lirer. often a ctae of Oonaompt (on. Tbo Sea Weed Tonie rives tone and strength to the stomach, makes a good ducks' l- n. tn1 ensblea tbo organs to form gnod blood ; sn1 thus create, a bealtby circulation of healthy blood. Tiie combined action of these, aa thus explained, will cure every case) of Consumption, if taken In time, and tha use of the medicines peraereied in. Dr. Scheoek la profeeelonaUy at bis principal office. corner Hixth and Arcb Streets. Philadelphia, ever Monday, where sU letters for adriee meat ke add Schenck's medicines for sale by sU Druggists. The Markets, XW YCBJL. Beef Cattle Prime to Xztra Bollocks .UMt ll V Oomrnon to Good Teiana .18 k .19 MUchOows 45.00 eiS.OO Hoga Live .X SVi Dreasea ?X J0 the Throat and Longe. aad wUl aaad the Recipe, free rM daadra tt if ther will lorvtM U address to DANIKL ADFK, 32 tiberty 8Cew York. charge, to all OOR AGENTS WA5TED SDAGIISIIEESU aa Ufa ui AdTawtaraa tn the Orteac. Bv Tbea.iV.av bo z. ll iwrsak the Weaders. Mar vela, aad Mystrriaa of the Load of tha Rieieg gna, and aorbrays life as it really w la the old aad sleepy East. It tells what tba Aatbor saw, beard, sad did. la sack inimitable atrW. that rrery oae laagha in rrxie of klasself at its geneine kowior and 4uu. It u Lire. Racy. SpVcy, brhnfall of good tniara, snd yet so meaty " that tOO CblLree rcMdVva, i'luisswa. rrvrairt. nnwn. nr. n a iwmm. siom m iu XO UlostratioBS, mostly executed in larooe at a cost offinjiai. To lt, resoer. ano srery woe-s-aa person. (o to DOUBLE YOUR TRADE Drnggiata, Orocwrs aad DwrJo.a Pmr. raa d - f aaaTLa eeeiad packagaa. aw, eaaa. botaa. wr ball eheata 47ra.r' awa. Seed f. ttrcolar. TB Wri la Tsa OoatPAirv. 20 1 Fatton rc, N. V.. P.O. Boa 4.MKI. in UllKTIIuidKXPI'MiKJileall. ArUrieal esrlaas flour. Nam pane ireaj. ... i.a. T4IN, NKW YORK or VHlOAiHt. it sfloMs a spieanid raaaee io cam uiw rai. cwv Aial, ;iM partes. SaO mmrh fftswtrtttiomm. Te rre Areata, f far fk nrrantt.1 the OatSt is Fee. Larrs Pamphlets, I. peclmen Psrea, snd Terms, free to an. Addraaa, A. 1). WOBTHLNGTOM a CO, Ilanford. Conn. $2501 .IONTIl AganU wanted oewry whore. Bastnaaa boaorablo aad Brat pea mesa ooaoraoea ssa armm a M - Particular sent free. Addreee IR L I TL. 1 1 sL.T.n S3 a 4 fAA-a. " mm WURTU A CO.. St. Loala. Ma irncm tnicin rmtki Volt s k-Ltr-rau IlatTsaa Bands are ladorsed by lb moat eminent physiciaAa In the world for tbeenre of rbeta watism. aonralgla.U'ercom piaiut. dyspepsia, kldaeydia eae,ncbea. pai ns.nervons d ie ordera.Su. female eoen pis I a ta aev-vons and geaeral debility. and other chronic dleeaaee .f tberbeat.bead.Meer. stomach kidneys aad blood Book will fn.l pmrttcalsra frt-e l-T ! . HLT 'o- iiw ieesli. FftSHIOFIS and GOLD COItl PRESENTS! ZmWt "Instant Dratt Devttor." Tata CCT I V I tTvoar Part af aa Bhlrt rwrroaar aida oatv wit ia "Xia ator aaad ta. Vea aaa raiaa year asm walla aaaalBg a mea i dy ylssa, aad thee let H ywaeaa keep rt wins iiaeaasiaa aklrt traas raa FUta. di T-oe-paraeatn tm ' a Taatarol aad Fa- ahiorjabU Kairnar. I drswa as the ruilnaan aa taa aaek, asaktag the traJaht front." I a No. SIX. This Coatama wlna the admiral ion of alL It laoue of thoao atyka that la turn to pleaa. especially as It is apiroprUt for any material, and reqoires leas gvode H make than any other atttxeqaai beauty. uwioi lead lag rostaaaaa of our mj wUl end It poaaeaaes laat tha Itnprorea her fljpirs, whUe list form cost Tcel Ihe-y were nerer a tUred. The waist Is taea Taa Tlmea tta Ooas, Itaaa raaaced fraas Oaa Dreaa aaotha ,0 easts aeaa. th the overakirt ia draped to : aids of the taah, wbKtt mar t sunt, or Ribbon. Requires 14 yai loch foods lor en tore ami. ja. i S773; pauern. with cloth roodei. 1 No. of oreraklrt, TTH; patters. cloth model. Z3 rta. no. of S733: Mttrra. wrlUi cloth m Maifed oa receipt of prW. OR tTae Pstterwo nl Hfdk MaeHi ( Ike EXTIRK ftriT will Te FRKK aa rrtK3.ll U lass 17 e Striped Stocking JIania. , Jenny Jane gives her sex a good round scolding in her last fashion letter. She says that the epidemic for striped stockings which has been raging more or less for the past two years has at last taken a form which will speedily put an end to them amone refined women. Luxury in hosiery, of course, there is no objection to if ladies can afford to pay ten dollars per pair for silk, and five dol lars per pair for cotton hose, there ia no law against it, and no reason why they should not. But there are reasons co gent with every lady who possesses deli cacy and taste why she should not dress her limbs in the attire of ballet-dancers ; why she should not set herself to stimu late and encourage the ribald conduct of men who watch on hotel steps, on the street corners, at the church doors, for opportunities to make their jokes on women who suggest them. A lady may wear, aa many do, the finest of silk, the most delicato of thread ; 6he may match the tints of her dress, and thru harmo- wze.every portion of her toilet with per fect propriety ; but when die wears hosiery only fit for a harlequin, and shortens her dress in front to a vulgar extreme, to show it, there is very little I Sheep. .aaaaaaa a. .......... a. ...a Lam be. ... ............ ...... . ....... Cotton Middling ...... . .. aa Ia9UfE xtf a et pro ...... ........ State Extra............. Wbeat Bed Western .....a Ko, 3 Spring'.. ...... ,.4. . ... By SUte Barley State. ......... ............. Barley Malt. ....... ........ ..... Oata Mired Western .. Corn Mixed Western......... Bay, per cwt...... Straw, per cwt...... Hops 7&a. 1320 aids Pork Mens...... Lard Tlah aUckarel Ho. 1, new Ho. e-w...... Dry OodL per cwt...... .... Herrtajf, Sealed, par box IKroleji-Crnde...... ..MXetlX Wool Calif ornlA Yleace 'Texas Australian Butter State Weaterri Dairy. ... .....a . Western Tallow. ..... . . .... western Ordinary.. ....... - Prnnaylranla FLn.....Maa Gheeaa State Factory suxcj&ed...... Western SUi - .04 & .0 .01 (a) .OS 10 a) CIS .is a .io 1.4t A 1.48 1.SS 1.SS 1 IS 1 1.1S ICS 9 1.1 S 1.27X-S 1.43 .41 (A, Al .78 fc) .18 .90 f L10 .SO A 90 .04 M C 21 CO A111S .IS'Kel J 19.00 4919.0ft 1L00 MtSttV S 00 ta IJSA M A Be Used, 11 . ti .24) 4 4 9 A S S w 4 w JO .47 AO, .2 .18 .17 .2 JH .07 X8 n A jn .re .24 .23 . n J0 JM Al A. OURDETTE SMITirS FINE ARTS and POUTE Utiture. Slirsls Cdpt IS Cta SaberHptlen Price. S3 a year, paet-asid, tacTradlaw a premmm of Two Delia r1 worth of peuenu Ires to eacit abeenber. We aead ear C ERTTTTC ATM for thh a-irt Tm reeerd "f aabacrlpUua. (TWO ef ear PR EH I KLKTATORM arttfeareea IX TUACK ef Oaa lXMiara wort of fattens, U aeatraa. OP TXHITIOI.w tk Try ntJ mett teeautiml, attractive marjl to b found ta tli la covrstrTa atll every verso wh lerertats .wltlt tavlt lnr IU will REYEQ etlscosiUaMO It wkUe It la rrlUkeWU secret charm that i alicht or perfect aoaTBAtaceaasly regular tabiler snaps ; I forma wWe roGe each J v I naersaixt, r l odd. 50 Cta. i 1 7 Smith's Ulastrated PatteraBazaar - - - aVava M SaBaal Saberrlptioai Prieti f.lo a year. poeVpald. ima iwiar'a vrorih oi rattcras rlvea to each saba lacriber ft-eo as pretoJam. $4,500.00 in Gold Coin to Give Away! aaaeaaaee aaaa . . a mmmm . Wheat... Bye State... Oorn Mixed. .. BerVey State........ Oata State.. scrraxA. rOTLT . ......... ...... .. .... . Wheat So. 3 Spring Oor n Mixed.. Oata.. D ' "J .... ." nerisy..... ... aaa.. ..... ... .. BaLTtvoaa. Ootton Loa- Mlddnngs t tour itra .... ...... ....... Wheat Eel Weatera. Bye OOTO Yo&rW. . ae ........ a aa.aa . Oata MlseJ...aa ...m. ......... Petro lectin...... W KlLJLDaXrBLa. rionr Penneylrania Extra. 1 CO .SO S3 1.1S SI 23 1 25 A3 JA 1 30 1.40 ISO 3 lit 773 A M A JK A I 33 tja 1 0 TTaaa-tll srtwa fla.OOO.00 ts COLO COIN to Oft persons who e Bjttaalexrat rnmber of eabecribers to onr FashloH,- at t sack, befors MareJi 4, 1S7. As follows t To tits Cettr- of Larreet Clab U fcU Cats. t4 Unrest riab ... tOO.09 la sU Cofs. S4 larreat lis.... ia.ww tn aiava (vein. .11; (4 X0 1.43 141 .10 4 11 A a .n . a .47 fX 4th Larrrst Meb. ath larreat flik . "th Lanreat Clab. ;tb larreat Oab. Mb la r treat Cleb . th Largest (lab. 10th Largest (lab 11th Larreat (lab If A Is 6J Cals. 1SS.04) Is CeU Cairn. 110. SO Is CeeU Cota. 100.00 ! Ce44 Cola. 3i4) U 4aU Ce4a. a .09 la 6e44 Cola. tS.OO la Cold Cola. taO la Gold Cola. aad soon to the 6atta Largest Club. Tfo will trlTS 83.&00.O0 la COLD COirs to XUU persona w ba ae-tvi aa i ne tarreat : a. -ruber of aabacHbera to oat ulsxztXMT,, afc fl.ld sack, betors Karek 1, 18.S. As follows t To tiso CettT-p oftlao aatrrraci ask (300.00 Is 414 Cels. Zd LArrresA Clab. S4 Lsrawtnab 4tk Larreat Clab.... Atk Lor fast Clab.... tk Larreat Clab.... Ilk Larrast Clsb.... Stk Larreat Clsb.... ftk laUTWA Clsk.... IStk Larreet Clsk.. . lltk lrrrati ci sod so tSOO la Ski Cols. 1M.04 Ia4ee44 Cota. 11S.SO la eki Cots. 10S.SO ta aid Cats. 7S.OO Is 43e44 Cats. AO .00 Is Cold Cats. tiJO ta GU CoJa. ti.oo la CsM Cala. ttO la bat 4 Ce4a TOTJ ret a preralrna for orrY so harrlbcr yoa send as. aBy V4 a, ai . a Oorn YeDow. Mixed. Oata Mixed.. AAO I S3 . .79 M .20 ..CI C9 Bstnsd, 7A0 L4I M JO tiM la to tbs 1 SSA largest Clab. r-r anTterrlbrr roa send a AVTt u errrr wnomaiucz ItnTII nf tkaa. alla S".l. - -a . tr Ka tntmA at fnil Vrfietk tm the 9teWm Iter WBsnWr. kveatdew the aamee sad P. O. additsaiii of 1Q3 pcraotia to whom we bays lost paid 8a, 1 ao.OO tm Gotd, mtxanUng to oor prsvtoos offer. ' Toa cam writs to oo w oil ot loeta, aaa they Trtil tea yom thst ws s exscUf SS we prenuae. way Is to send row en smbecrfptkaa to enher cf om iiapxaw-. whea yoa wlJ ret Uve trat aamber aad yoax Cerfuflcataa of PrezBiuaa, which row raa ahow. and at once beria crtting- sbsczibera, or acad 23 cents for otve copy. aVema! Ktavjatp for Favavltiora CotsJotrnc. A. DURDETTC 0T.11TH, P. O. Box COBB. 0 1 4 Droadwttji NaywYorkCrt?4 YOUR BEST