r 7 M RANKLIN URIER H A GEO. S. 13A.KETI, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS : S2.00 per Annum. VOL. IV. LOUISBURG, N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1875. NCT. 50. Co Some-Fift'u 4 Borne day.'' we say, nv. tnj our rye Toward tbo fair hi'la of Paradiue. Home day, e.ome time, a ewfrct ne v rent Bhall bloHHom, fl ower-like, in each breas. Rome tim?,.Bome day. our eye hhtll &ee The face k"pt in memory. Borne day their hand Bhall clanp our hands Just over in the morning lands. Some day onr ears Bhall hear the song Of triumph over sio and wrong. Borne day, Home time, but oh ! not yet, But we tball wait and not forget That some day all theee things shall be, And reat be given to you and me. Bo wait, my friend, though years move slow, The happy time will come we know. A.STOItY FllOJft A WHALES. 44 Chips," whom I knew formonthsby r.o other name, -was carpenter of the have seen him long before had not his white, bush-like spout been loat in the angry whiteness that was fast spreading over the sea. For a moment all eyes were fastened on the long body, like a great, black tube, over which the waves washed. Every face was wonder stricken at the immense size of the whale. Capt. Gif- tious as old Kanaka Joe; and be an swered: "I can't help jit. It did seem that I heard that whisper, and so plain was it that I nearly dropped the wheel in ter Another shout from the sea cut off further talk, and we soon had two more boats at the davits. The absent one was in umps che-t. it was addressed to a woman, with the name and number of a Cambridge street. I found the place a small frame house, with lots of Chips handiwork around it. His mother met me at the door, an old, white-haired woman, She seemed to have been wait ing and watching for somebody. A few words told the whole story. The letter 1 A Year Ago and oc. They lingered at the gate until he could finish that last remark, and she toyed with her fan. while her eves were looking down from beneath a jaunty hat, that only partially shaded her face fiom the light of the silvery moon. He stood gracefully on the outside, with one hand rested on the gatepost and LITTLE CHARLEY BOSS, The letter m which htm Father Ite eetred firmm the Ily'm Kidnapper. At the trial of Westervelt in Phila delphia there were offered in evidence j which shows what a big country this L". the twentyfour letters which Mr. Ross sunshine received from the kidnappers of little . . , . , m . nmnnM.i hn u J 11 a m Item of Imteremt, There are miles enough, of railroad in the United States to go three times around the world, and yet there are not enough to go once around among u. foTd had! been examining him through a I Mr. Joseph's; and we knew that through was for her, and she read it over the I the other tracing unintelligible hiero- whaler Gazelle, of New Bedford. He was twenty-three years old, six feet high, and strong as an oak tree. He was the favorite of the ship and. no wonder. He was tender and gentle, perhaps because he was strong ; he was peaceful, because he was powerf uL And the soft word that tumeth away wrath, with the gentle hand to soothe a suffer er, is often needed in the whale-fisheries. Most of the foremost' hands of the Gazelle were rough Portuguese lads, from the western islands, on their first voyage. They were treated with coarse contempt by a few American seamen and lry tho officers. The only 44 white man " --03 the Yankee sailor loves to call him selfwho was kind and patient with the xnde-boys, was Chips ; and he was never tired of showing or teaching them some thing of what he knew. He was one of thoso unselfish fellows who do not be lievo in keeping knowledge to them selves.. He had never been to sea be fore ; but, during the first two years of his voyage, he had attended to so many thiug.s besides his own easy worlc thathe was looked on as ono of the best and coolest whalemen aboard. 'Although ex- empted from standing watch he had insisted on doing so from the first day out. At night, if the weather was good, ho would sit on the main hatch, in the canter of a ring of Portuguese lads, and with wonderful patience teach them to make splices and knots, and to speak English, lie never tired of doing this or any other kindly thing for them. In tho daytime, if there were work for him nt. his trade, ho still had them around him, explaining everything as he sawed or planed, just as if he wished to make them as good carpenters as he was him self. On Sunday, when every ono brought his letters and pictures on deck, Chips showed tho only signs of isolation he ever gave. He was the only one on board except myself who had neither pictures nor letters neither face nor word to remind him of home. When the ship touched at some port with a post oflico, arid every one else ran for his let- glass, which he handed in turn to each of his officers. 44 What do you say, Mr. Hussey ?" he inquired of the first mate, who glanced at the setting sun and an swered : " Go down, sir ; we can do it." 44 Mr. Joseph !" and the captain turn ed to the second mate, an old Portu guese of extraordinary size, and perhaps the most famous whaleman alive. , 44 Go down, sir, if we want to get that fellow; well never see him again." The two other officers were younger thick and thin he would hold on to the whale. It was hours before we found him; and when letter of her only boy, asking forgive-1 irlvphics on the panels. They were look ness for his one great and only disobe-1 ing very sentimental, and neither spoke men, and of the same mind. There was tern. QUips remained aboard he knew tlrero -was none for him. In one of the boy's albums he found the picture of an old, white-haired woman the lad's mother and every Sunday after he ask ed for that album, and always gave it back when he had turned r to that pic ture. , ' The Gazelle had been cruising for three months a few hundred miles off thtooast of western Australia the great penal colony of England and during that time had not fallen in with a single sperm whale. One raw afternoon, with a harsh breeze and a rising sea, at last we heard the long, sing-song cry, from tho mast-head: 44 He blows! ther ee bio o ws I" Four times, at regular intervals of about forty seconds, the cry waff repeated ; and then we knew it was a sperm whale. . It was five in the. evening when the first cry was heard, and the sun went down at. half past six with scarcely five minutes a of- twilight. As a rule, on board American whalers, when whales are seen late iu the evening, the boats are not snt down.' unless the course of tho whales and the speed of their travel are carefully noted. When on a course " a school of sperm- whales will move at tho rate of about 'six miles an hour ; whpn feeding " they keep on the same "ground, " not moving more than a few miles a day. When seen late in thy oriouiug, the ship is steered during the night according to the observations, and often finds the school in sight in the morning, when the boats are at once sent down. : This course was not followed on the evening in question. It was not a school we saw, but a 44 lone whale," and one of extraordinary size. The night promised to be a rough one, and the whale's motions were strangely irregular, as if he had lost himself in an unknown i . .. sea. . There is something solemn and mys terious in the sight of 44 lone whales," and marvelous superstitions are current among whalemen respecting them. Through spending year after year on the great waters, whalers become more im pressionable to supernatural things than other, seamen ; and long observation of the shoals or schools of the vast creatures thev pursue tends . to fill them with amazement and avre- when they meet with a solitary leviathan, who has aban doned" all fellowship with his kind, who lives by his own law lonely, mighty and terrible ! Soon after the cry from aloft we saw ' . tho whale from the deck, only a short distance from the ship, and we might no time lost in further consultation. 44 Swing the boats !" .shouted the old man. The lines and irons had already been thrown in by the crews. A ' heave oh I" and a straining sound, and in one min ute the four boats struck the water, and the men were settled on the thwarts with the long pars out. The sun was low, and large, and red, and the whole western sea and sky were magnificent in crimson, and gold, and black. The picture was one of the finest I ever saw. The rising sea was jet black, except where it was bloody ; a broad road of crimson shimmered from the ship to tho sun ; the long body of the whale, even blacker than the sea, was plainly seen in the ruddy glare ; and life was added to the immense scene by the four white specks the whaleboats closing to a point as they drew near the motionless monster. - : It was not until the boats had left the ship that we realized how threatening was the weather. Every moment the seas came wilder and heavier against the vessel. Only now and again, as they were ' lifted on a sea, could we catch sierht of the brave little boats. The breeze grew stronger every minute, and before the first boat neared the whale, was whistling through the rigging in the wild way that tells of a coming gale. The captain regretted the lowering of the boats, and soon signaled them to re turn. But the men were excited, and refused to see the signals. Filled to the gunwale, the seas lashing over them every moment, on they went where only a thing so nearly perfect as a whaleboat could keep afloat. As the first boat swung round to run down to windward on the whale the red sun stood fairly on the black field of ocean. Talk about the bravery of soldiers in battle, or of men ashore in any enter prise you please, what is it to the bravery of such a deed as this? A thousand miles from land, six men in a twenty-eight- foot shell, coolly going down in a stormy sea to do battle with the mightiest cre ated animal ! It is the extreme of human coolness and courage, because it 13 the extreme of danger. The soldier faces one peril the" bullet. Tho whale man, in such a case as this, has three mighty enemies to fight: the sea, the gale, and the whale. We saw theharpoonerof each boat stand up as they came within heaving distance and send in his two irons. All tho boats were fast before tho monster seemed to feel the first blow. Thea came the fight the cruel and unnatural fight between vast power and cunning skill. The black water was churned white as the flukes struck out in rage and agony The sun disappeared, and the gala, screamed wilder m the rigging. t ,We couli no longer see the boats from the ship. The few men on board clewed up the light sail and took a reef in the topsails, and by1 this time the night was dark as pitch and the gale had lived. win -inftil ana nowieu ltseu ixiwj uiu.ii- i umes 4. cane. - . . i ' . . . Tt Triva fpiarfiil to think of tne lour we did he refused to cut his line from the carcass. The captain cried to him that he could not hold the whale in such a sea. But the old whale man shouted back: ' He's a hundred an' fifty-barreler; and, if you don't take the line aboard, we'll stick to him in the boat ! Soon after, as the gale was moderating, the line was taken in, passing through a strong iron brace, screwed on to the starboard rail just forward oi the gang way amidshipsj from which it was taken back and made fast to the windlass-bitts at the foot of the mainmast, it was a new line, of stout Manila hemp, and its strength was put to a fearful test. A hundred fathoms astern of the ship it held the monster carcass; and, as the vessel rolled heavily to the sea, the strain on the jine was terrific. Stand ing forward of it, 1 laid my hand on the line as the strain came, and I felt it stretch and contract like a rope of India- rubber. Mr. Joseph's boat had come alongside, and the captain, standing on the star board rail, was shouting to him through a trumpet. Tho line from the whale, passing from astern to the brace forward, and back to the bitts amidships, made an acute angle, inside which the captain was standing. 1 saw and noted this as I passed forward, and I noticed also, in tho dark, a tall man, who seemed to bo leaning against the line. 44 1 hope he's forward of it,'f I said to myself as I went on with what I was about. I had not taken six steps from the spot when I knew that something strange hftd occurred.' The ship steadied, as if the wind had ceased. I heard no sound greater than the storm; but, instead, I seemed to hear a stillness. I ran amid ships and grasped for the line. It was gone! A rush to the rail, and all was clear. The strain had torn out the brace. The mighty pull of the whale astern had jerked the line straight, like the cord of a gigantic bow, and the cap tain, who had been standing on the rail, had been struck by the flying rope and thrown senseless far into the sea. All this had been seen by the men in the boat before any one on board had realized the affair. In less than a min ute the cry ; of 44 Saved!" reached us from Mr. Joseph ; and, in a shorter dience and, as she read, the white head bent lower and lower till it met the thin hands : and I turned and left the little room I had darkened with all its poor ornaments worthless now and, as I walked toward Boston, I could not help thinking that God's ways are often woe fully far from being our ways. Apple-1 ton's Journal. Trapping an Audienee. Some years ago an eccentric genius, Rev. Thomas P. Hunt, used to give tem perance lectures. One night he an nounced that he would lecture in Easton, Pa. Now, temperance was not in favor among the male portion of that berg. The women, however, were all in for the 44 pledge," and consequently, on Hunt's first night, not a man showed himself in ever take your place in my heart. for some minutes, until she broke silence in a sweet, musical voice : And you will always think as you do now, George !" 44 Ever, dearest; your image is im pressed upon my heart so indelibly that nothing can ever efface it. Tell me, Julia, loveliest of your sex, that I have a right to wear it there." 44 Oh, you men are so deceitful, she answered, coquettishly. True, Julia, men are deceitful," he said, drawing a little nearer to her and insinuating himself inside the gate, 44 but who, darling, could deceive you?" "And if I were to die, George, wouldn't you find some one else you could love as well t" 44 Never, never. No woman could Charley Rosa. The counsel for the de fense made strenuous but unsuccessful exertions to keep the letters from being placed in the hands of the jury. The letters were then offered in evidence, and afterward Mr. Hagert read them aloud to the jury. The court room was crowded at the time, and the most in tense interest was manifested throughout the reading. This was the first time the contents of the letters have been made public. For cold-blooded assuranoe they excel anything of a similar nature, and it is no wonder they caused Mr. Ross four months illness. During the reading Westervelt listened intently. The handwriting was rough, the ortho graphy very bad no doubt purposely so, as the composition of the letters was at times good. lhe first letter was dated July 3, and was received twelve spectacles. 44 Change the color of my snecUcles! said the veteran. " ua, no! France would be agitated for a. month. Mrs. Bloomer, the woman who U chiefly known to the world by the name she has given to a certain stjle of woman's dress, still lives at Council Bluffs, Iowa, . is on the shady side of fifty, and wears long skirts. It appears by the last report or Uio board of trade of Great Britain that tho United States supply about sixty per cent of all the wheat and flour con sumed in the British isles above tho home production. The man who spoke of the Indians as a dying race should immigrate. In 1 S6 1 they cost tho United State ?2,C2J,970.U7 ; last year $3,032,752.93 was required to Either the funeral ex- the hall. The benches were pretty well filled with women, though, and Hunt commenced; but instead of temperance, he put them through on the vanities of dress, etc. They wore great stuffed feather sleeves then. They the sleeves caught it, then their tight lacing, and soon through the whole catalogue of fe male follies: not a word about temper ance. -And the ladies went home hop ping mad, told their husbands about it, and voted old Hunt down to the lowest pitch. He had announced that he would lec ture at the same place the next night. Long before the time appointed they commenced to come in, and when Hunt hobbled down the aisle, the building was comfortably well filled with men. The old fellow looked about, chuckled and muttered: . 44 Hog3, I've got you now I" After the crowd had got quiet a little the lecturer said: 44 Friends, you wanted to know what I meant by saying, 44 Hogs, I've got you now," and I will tell you. Out West, the hogs run wild; and when folks get out of meat they catch a young pig, put a strap around his body, and hitch him to a young sapling that will just swing him from the ground nicely. Of course he squeals and raises a rumpus, when all the old hogs gather around to seo what's the matter, and they shoot them at their leisure. Last night I hung a pig up; I hurt it a little, and it squealed. The old hogs have turned out to-night to see the 44 Oh, quit now ! That ain't right," she murmured, as she made a feint to remove hi arm from around her waist. 44 Let me hold you to my heart," he whispered.passionately, 44 until yon have consented to be mine," and he drew her nearer to him and held her tightly until he obtained the coveted boon. , It seemed but yesterday since our weary footsteps interrupted that touch ing little scene, but when we passed near tho same locality at an early in the morning, ere the moon and stars had paled, and heard a gentle voice exclaim : 4 4 No, sir ; you've stayed out this long, and you may just as well make a night of it. I'll teach you to stay at the lodge until three o'clock in the morning, and then come fooling around my door to worry me and wake the baby. Now take that and sleep on it." It seems but yesterday, that little scene at the gate, but when we accident- An-v aftpr ihn Imv wan stolen- It eon- I support them. tains the following: 44 We is got him, pensoa are inconceivably high or tho man no power on earth can get him out of erred. our hands. If any approach is made to kind gentleman prevented some our hiding-place, this is a signal for an- boys from stoning a pigeon fastened by nihilation." The second letter, dated the lee. and extricated it with much July 6, says : 44 We set God, man, and devil at defiance. If you love monef more than the child we will make an ex ample of your child." In the letter of July 1G the kidnappers say r 44 If you . a 1 give us the money you get your cuua alive; if not, dead. If detectives ap proach our hiding-placo the child will be killed." A letter dated Philadelphia, July 7, tells Mr. Boss 44 to let them know as soon as he is ready" whether he will pay 1.000 as a ransom, in good money. He is out of the power of every human being to detect him. Tell them to offer $100,000 reward for the abductors and see if it will bring them. His blood will be upon your head, and not ours." The kidnappers, under date of the 9th of July, say:44 We is set our price we ask no more, we take no less. It cost $1,000 trouble, putting it U?ndorly into Ln bosom. Tho next day he remarked that it made a much nicer pio than he ex pected. Here is a puff of an advertiser by an editor: 44 Mr. distinguished decorative painter (seo -advcrtiing column), informs his patrons that his imitation of hard wood is superior to the natural articloj the latter, for in stance, being yellow oak, hU yellow oker." A little girl came into our house ono day, and some apple-parings lay on a plate on the table. After sitting a while, she said: 44 1 smell apples." 44 Yes," I replied, 44 1 guess you smell these apple-parings on the plate." 44 No, no," said she, 44 'taint them I smell ; I smell whole apples." A woman in New Orleans and her allv became a witness to thislatter scene, wo remembered it had been longer. to prepare this work, and we have him daughter, girl of eighteen, having in a place where no one can approach I been severely burnt by an explosion of Waiting to be Swindled. without the siirnaL" By the 13th of n; hiu fillinff lamn. have recovered Whenever a person who has been en-1 July tho men became bolder, and said I $it250 damages in the supremo court sratred in some swindling operation I that 44 the whole detective forco com- I from the Sentotian oil company. This through the mail is arrested, says Orange bined could not get one oi us. A letter Judd, his letters, not being called for, of Jnly 15 says that a visit to tho boy re are sent to the dead-letter office, and vealed the fact that ho was in good then the noet-office authorities have a health and that his hair liad not been fun, and I'll roast you," and so he did, time than can be imagined by a lands- pitching into their favorite vice with a man, the Doat was dangling at tne uav its, and the injured commander was be ing cared for in the cabin. Hard mbbing and rum are the potent remedies on a whaler; amd by dint of these the captain opened his eyes in a quarter of an hour. He had been stunned, but not seriously injured. He was amazed at first seeing the mate and mvself standine over him with a rum bottle. But without a word - he re alized .the situation. 44 How is the weather?" he asked. 44 The wind has gone down," said Mr. Joseph. 44 We're under foresail, jib and reefed topsails, and running right away from tho whale." 44 Gone?" said the old man. 44 Gone," answered Mr. Joseph, rue fully. 44 Stanchion dragged, and the line parted, and eight thousand dollars i. :n i we uii wimuLiii hu uwuci. 44 Tell Cliips to see to that broken rail," said the captain, closing his eyes, drowsily. 4 Ay, ay, sir," said the old second mate as he stamped on deck. I heard f him stop at the after hatch, where the boat steerers and carpenter and call 44 Chips" two or three At last there was an answer, in another voice not Chips' ; then a sound relish and a gusto. chance to see to what extent this kind of cut off, while a later letter rays that it is correspondence is carried, and those at probable the clothing he had on when the dead-letter office can know who are J he was stolen has been destroyed, that the foolish victims. It appears from the boy's hair has been cut short, and these facts, and other evidence, that no that he has been put in girl s clothes, scheme can be started, so absurd or im-1 Tho first letter in regard to his a p pear- probable upon the face okit, but a large ance mentions the fact that any arrests Milling off Xetcspaper. An effort is being made to drive busi ness from the Bulletin and Call, two newspapers in San Francisco, and thus cripple them, on account of the stand they took towards the Bank of Califor nia and its president, Ralston. Similar movements are not uncommon in Cali fornia. Indeed, the rise and success of the Bulletin are due to a popular de monstration which ruined in one day number are ready to catch at the bait. Let one advertise thathe can for ten dol lars make a return of one hundred dol lars or more, the remittances will begin to flow in. The readiness to believe whatever appears in print, and to trust the representations of absolute stran gers, is perfectly astonishing. The old saying that the 44 people want to be hum bugged " is iu a great measuro true, and it is a melancholy phase of human nature that there should be alwavs alaree uum- that will be our loss, and you will have the leading daily paper published at the ber of persons ready and waiting for any your boy returned. In a letter ol July time on the Pacific coast. In 1856, and swindle that may bo ottered. All uie for years before, there was no more ably forms of insanity have not yet been rmrlnrfp.rL nmsuerons or popular I studied, and in our opinion the morbid journal published in California than the desire to try every new quack medicine, San Francisco Herald. It enjoyed the or to invest in improbable schemec, are confidence and respect of all classes of as much forms of mental disease, as the community, and no one doubted that kleptomania. When some new swindle it was destined to retain its high posi- is offered, there are a few not so far gone is a timely warning to tho innumerablo manufacturers of 44non-losivo " ex plosive oils. A charity patient in a Baltimoro hos pital was recently searched and moro than four thousand dollars in money was found in the old clothes he wore, and ho is an owner of two farms near tho city. He had been living by leggary, or by sponging upon the proprietors of cheap boarding houses, and now thirty of his small creditors have turned up. The head cook of a Saratoga hotel, a giant in size, receives $2,500 for the soa son, or at the rate of $1,000 a month, yet it is not considered a large salary. He lias thirty-two cooks and ossiAlanU under him, and is responsible only to the steward, who is autocrat over 212 waiters, fifty laundry women, thirty-two cooks and assistants, and a constabulary of storekeepers, contractors for supplies and runners. 23, the idea of Mr. purcell, of New It is said that thero are tricks in all York, offering to pay the $20,000 ransom trades, and agriculture is no exception. that 44 will be made will be of innocent parties whom wo do not care about," and that ,4if one of us should bo taken into custody the boy will be killed in three hours." On July 18 the kidnap pers say that the money would never be solicited the second time, and that Mr. Ross did a wise thing in not giving thoee letters to the press. From Philadelphia, July 24, the abductors say: send the money, and we don't 44 If you get it. of hurried feet on deck, a shout down small boats out in such a sea as was then the forecastle, and a shout back in au- w W nn thfi shir had to cling: swer. inere was no v,mps mere. 1 UUUiugi . JL to the' rail or the rigging ; the terrible strength of the waves swept the heavy vessel about like a cork. I saw the cap tain's face a moment as he passed the binnacle-lamp, and it was absolutely de formed with grief and terror not for himself, brave old sailor ! but for his boys in the boats. 44 Who's at the wheel?" he shouted ; 44 send a steady man to the wheel ?" .i Ay, ay, sir !" answered a deep, quiet voice ;. 44 I've got the wheel." . That was Chips, and I walked aft to be near him. , Just then a long hail came through the darkness, and we saw the flash of a boat's lantern, on the lee quarter. In a minute more a line was flung 'aboard, and we soon had one crew safe on deck. It was tne mate'a boat. . 44 Where" are the others? ' was the first question. 44 Fast to the whale, was the answer ; 44 and there are no lanterns on the boats." One of the men from the boat relieved Chips at the wheeL; and went forward to rig lanterns at the fore and main tope. When this was done we stood together on tne iorecastie, loosing ana listen ing for the boats. Suddenly he turned to me and said : , We're coiner to lose some one to night. ' While I was at the wheel fcit seemed as if something whispered in my , ear that we were going to lose one man to-night" I said he was growing as supersti- Two minutes after, a heavy foot came aft to the cabin stairs, and Mr. Joseph, with a white face, entered. I knew what he had to tell. I knew now just as if I had seen all who the man "was whom I had seen leaning against the line. , The captain looked at the second mate. I 44 Chips is gone, sir," said the old sailor,with a tremor in his rough voice; 44 Chips was knocked over by the line, tion for an almost unlimited period. Tho vigilance committee was" formed in San Francisco in 1856. It originated in the indignation of the people at the assassination of the editor of the Bulletin as he was leaving his office in broad day light by a miserable man, who had been cruelly and persistently assailed in his personal relations by the editor of the Bulletin. It was proposed to" take the life of the culprit without the forms of law, and the Bulletin passionately advo cated this course. The Herald insisted that law and order should be maintained, and that the established courts should be allowed to deal with the assassin. The vigilance committee would not listen to this counsel. Its executive committee met and resolved that all patronage should be withdrawn from the offending journal. In a few hours the Herald lost all its advertisers and subscribers, and in a short time ceased to exist. The Bulletin became the favorite, and was with the disease, but they have sufficient caution left to lead them to inquire as to its character, but for one who does this, hundreds walk straight into the trap. is ridiculed, and the writer says he would not treat with him if it was for a million ; about that time an order had Iran civen to search the houses in Philadelphia, but the kidnappers told Mr. Ross that it would do no good, as Charley was not in thai city. A letter dated July 30, from Philadel phia, directed Mr. Ross to proceed as far as Albany on the rear platform of a car with a white valise containing tho $20,000. 44 You may go 250 miles before you meet our agent, and may only go ono mile." said the letter. Oa the 1st Some Scotch exhibitors have been de tected artificially turning np the horns of their Ayrshire cattle, blowing in air beneath their shoulders to increasa the girth around the heart and sewing on false bushy tails. Others exhibiting milch cows have been found feeding them their own milk soon after it was drawn from them. William Tell a Jlyth. The romantic legends which enlivened the; historical text books of our boyhood pf AugU8t Mr. Ross was told not to flatter Rosa Snooks' acquaintance. Very well. himself with the idea that the boy had I Miss Rosa Snooltms in the habit of com ACImpter on Hair. One of the most curious features about Saratoga beauty is its womflrfnl mutability. You have the honor of Miwi and we've gone four knots since it part- firmly established. It changed hands many years since, and has long been con sidered a very valuable property. Its owners purchased the Call in 1871 at a very large figure. ed. I've put her about, and we re run ning down again." Thero was dead silence. We all knew the search was hopeless. No man could swim in such a sea ; and we had a thought, though no one spoke it, that brave, strong Chips had been killed by the line before he struck the water. All night we beat about the place sheep in England, more especially the where we thought it had occurred. The stock imported for slaughtering. The wind and sea fell, and the moon came method of checking its ravages adopted out in gi eat beauty to help us in our sad by the government officials is the entire search. Every man on board staid on slaughter of every tainted herd or flock deck till the suu rose, and then we look- noon their arrival in port. In one m- ed far and vainly over the heedless swell stance only three sheep in a cargo of freonentlv fare but ill at the hands of modern inquiry; but it is not often that they suffer so signal and, we may add, so painful an explosion as the legend of William Tell has recently suffered from the researches of the Historical Society of the old Swiss cantons. The conclu sions arrived at on this subject by the learned body in question are thus stated by the Cologne Gazette : There never was a Landvogt Gessler nor a William TelL Tell never refused to lift his hat, never fired at an apple on his son's head, although the very crossbow with which the deed was done is exhibited in Zurich; he never crossed the lake of Luoen.e in a tempest of wind and rain ; lie never boldly jumped upon the Tell platte. never spoke his speech in the defile at they had Charley. been placed in an institution, as such ing to rjaratoga every season. Lost was not the case, and that ho would not year she was the rage on account of her be given up until the money was forth- beautiful golden tresses. Oh, what a coming. Letters of August 3 and 4 in- lovely golden hue I bow many melting form ad Mr. Ross to hare the money glances were cast on them shall I say. ready at any time, as the agent of hfl wkvt lovely hands smoothed them trem- men would call, and the money must blingly ? But, wlwther it was smoothnl not be marked or counterfeit. On the ox not, the fact remains that the hair 21st of August a letter was received was of an exquisite light blond, of that from New York advising Mr. Ross to a hue which poets have immortalized by celerate his movements, and telling him calling it golden. Such it was, and it that he was listening to old women s dwells fresh and fragrant in your whims and dreams. On August 26 Mr. memory. Next reason you come to Rosa was informed that his timely answer Saratoga. You see Miss Snooks, but saved the child's life, and told the father you do not recognize hr. 44 Why, to ask Walter how the men treated him there is Miss Snooks," a friend says. . - :i n . f i it .4 in tne carnage w veruy me ic ut A Malady. A malady known as the foot month disease is affectinc: cattle and and Knssnacht. and never shot the Land- vort. What is more, the inhabitants of Uri Schwyz and Unterwalden never met by night on the Ruth. of the unbroken sea. Chips was dead. The rough Portuguese lads found it hard to believe that the kind heart and atrong liand of their friend was gone for ever. We all knew that the best man iu the ship was taken away. 'Tv j years afterwaij,when I found myself in Boston, I took from my sacred things a letter, which I had found fifteen hundred had the disease, yet all were killed. The effect of this will be either to stop the supply altogether, or to vastly increase the price of the ani mals that pass the ordeal of inspection. The enhancement of the cost of meat is a prospect that agitates John Bull all the more because the grain harvest is defi cient in Great Britain. To Egypt. The Atlanta .(Cl-a.) Herald learns, from what it regards as trustworty au thority, that Gen. Joseph E. Johnston has accepted a thrice-offered appoint ment from the Khedive to become com mander in chief of the army of Egypt. It says that ho is making his prepara tions to assume the position at an early day, and that he is to have supreme control of the army, with a salary of S25.000 per annum, and the sum of $100,000 to procure an outfit. Twenty-ons million of francs have been so far robscribed in France for the sufferers by inundation. Letters afterward followed from Lans ing Bay, near Troy, N. Y. ; New Haven, Conn. : New Brunswick. N. J. : and Newburgh, N. Y. They were all of the same character, advUing Mr Ross to dis pense with the sen ices t the detectives; tellini? him that the S20.000 must be paid within a certain time or the boy s life would be taken, as it was a great ex pense to keep him. Mr. Ross was also advised to put the boy on exhibition when he recovered him, as he would doubtless then get 1 Kick ail the money he I transmogrification is accomplished it You look at the young lady who is pointed out to you ; you see a decided brunette, and you declare, 44 Nonsense! Miss Snooks' hair is as light as this lady's is dark. It cannot be she !" But it is she 1 You have forgotten, my friend, that women in Saratoga are as change able as chameleons. To-day they are fair, to-morrow they are dark ; to-day they are blondes, to-morrow they are brunettes. I know quite a rural r of young belles whe were brunettes last season and are blondes this ; and rice rer$a. How this marvelous and rapid had expended. New London luw the largest wharf in the United HUte. It U 1.151 feet long and 200 and 250 feet vide; hat twenty feet depth of water, and covers nearly six acres; the walls are a--lid btono work, with filling in of gravt L would be indelicate for me to say. Next season they will, probably, return to their color of two years ago. This seems very odd ; but, as the human heart craves variety, and as I think it rather tiresome for a woman to have tho same color of hair all the time, it is, no doubt, very nice, very !

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