it TP In fj Xmmw waBWBwawBt aB Ww ana IK o o ro GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: $2.00 per Annum. . VOL- V. L0U1SBURG, N. d. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1875. NO. "2. (Bcd pn TO'- I i Professional Cards. Dr. It. 13. It IIS O, DENTIST. Oflers ins Proiesaional rk-rvicitn the public in Every department of Dent 11 ry. OFFICE, Loaixburg at Warrenton over l)ots Hotel, Norwood &Dvi'e)t JOS. J. DAVIS. ATT'Y ail COUNSELLOR at LAW L0UISUUBO, FUAKKLIN CO. N.C. Will practice in the several couits at (Jraoviih , Franklin, Naih, Wancn and W k. jjc. Prompt attenton paid to li e coll.cin nn-i rmi tmceot money. July 13, i -71. ATTORNEY AT LAW, i Frasklinion, N. C. i , Will practice in the courts of the 6th j dicial district. Prompt attention giveirtotha coUpc ti n t t claims. No 50 tf C. H. (Me, W. H. Sje'ncer COOKE & SE-EWOEB. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR I A.T LAW, Ami Sellpltes ia BANKRUPTCY J LOUISBURG N. C. Will ftttend the Court of Nash, Frank tin. Granville, Warren.nnd Wake(iun. t. .!ni "the Supreme Courts ti North uiolin and the U. S. Circuit and dis Court?. N' 7 tf 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. UICHTER. 1 Wiitclumiker and Jenv elei TIN'K Watfhos' wild .lowil y of tha be jrumfiu'torsand :,t iwe t lev. All wnk iK'rsoiiiilly attended to and war tl 53fSyiainoreSt., l'eteiKburg,Y ' Whitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone W O K S , Raleigh. N. C. Persons wishing to purchase Head stones or Monument, ean see and con suit, with our Mr. Whitilaw, at Mr. 1, A. Stone's boarding house. Auj?. 13-I2m. O O U;E IEB' JOB OFFICE. We have added to our stock a splen did JOB PRESS, f1h an elegant selection of type of the latest styles, and we are now prepared to do in the neatest and best manner. 8a yoo need not send yonr JOB WORK North, for we will d t it frst a well and cheap as you jean get It else where. ' i LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, &c Tlic Tni Cioiitloiiinii. Whether in legi utivo hall, Or at the plow we rVnl him, He does, wkh sU hU uvh'.the task V hte'er it be, asfine-J hm. As nature's nobleman he ranks. He knows no pride of station ; lie owns no masLer save the Oue, 1 heJIasier of Croat ion. His words have cheered the dying hour, , Wkh hope of ss ns forgiven; With triumph-song of faith and love He points ' the eoul to Heaven. His vofre is se'dora heard to ch'de 1 he failings ef a bt-olher ; - He otten smootbs, with gentle hand, I The path way of a jotber. If e'er from vhtue's path he strays, Amid the wUes of acton, Tiue as the neeu'e to the pole, There foilowa suie leaction, I !s sphcie is found In any place, V hc)-ever help is needed ; He cannot Tietr t'.ie opjan's cry, And lei it go unheeded. Vkbnr Lee. When tho theatres were letting out in days when the theatre hours were longer than they are now the c step pod forth into the frosty winter night, amid a crowd of play-goers, a man of about four and twenty and al ut the middle height, broad shouldered, dark hair, and with black eyes a ver , hand- A11 ,,5I,t he smoking and think some man, and ll rosed in a style which, ? al,d by llaw l'is plans were formed, costly and elegant, t came Jum won- A consultation with the laudlady ended dcr fully well with the consignment of the cliild to the There came a little wail upon his car care of an eldeily woman, warranted -a crv a'most like that of an infint,and looking down, Harry .-lioUon saw upon' the pavement, close beside him, a little gill not more than five years old. She wore what appeared to be a handful of rags, and her tiny feet and curly head were bear. A more miserable, object moo.i never looked upon, aud the uioa it she made touched the young man's heart. He knelt down and caught her as she passed by. " Stop, little one." he said, " what brings you out this night ? And where is your mother ?' The child struggled to escape, but when the last question came, stood still, and answered with sobs,: ! " In heaven ; I want to go there " ' You are on the right road, then, this wiuter night ; half naked and star ving, too, I fancy." said Harry to him self. He began to question her again. " Where do you live r u I don't know" Who takes care of you "Nobody." It looks like it. IIac you had any supper?" u I don't want any supper. I want my mamma," and the child began to cry. Harry Bolton endeavored to remem ber some portion of liis childish educa tion. " You want to go to heaven, do you?" he asked, " It appears to me I remem ber being told that children who cried never went to heaven, and, I am sure that children who do not mind never dp; remember that.' Tho child understood, and the effect of this doubtful moral teaching was, at least, to silence her. Then the moon witnessed a phenomenon. Harry Bol ton, the dandy , the dashing gambler, 9 the man of betting books, shouldering a ragged child and walking away with her in the most self-possessed fashion. " We must have" some supper, he hastily said. " V e must not be too fashionable Tinder the circumstances." And so saying he descended into a cel lar eating house,where, at the late hour. the few guests were too much intoxica ted to notice the singular pair, and only the proprietor and a few of his em- ployees remained to be astonished. Marching down the room with per- feet sangfroid, Harry Bolton perched the cb'ld upon one of the chairs, and seating himself at the table ordered beefsteak, and brandy and water for two, and the order being filled, ordered bis companion to t4 ro ahead" and watched to see the mandate obeyed in vain ; the child stared at the viands in astonishment., but made no attempt to cat. 1 ' Harry remained in a puzzled condi tion for some ame, then beckoniig to a in this wise : f " You look like a family man., waiter. Do you know any way of making a child take to its feed f Not such feed as that, sir.' replied Uu waiter. ' " Milk and water is what they like, and bread aud butter, or if meat,' chopped up into bits like. Bless ye, look at her tiny teeth, sir." To be sure,' said Harry. " Well, cut the meat up, then bring her some bread and butter ; but milk and water you'd make the poor thin sick, won't your Jt would mc." " You and her is constructed differ ent, sir' arid the waiter. Harry nodded. r oou oeuiir prepareu to suit lisr an- petite, the child ate greedily, to Harry s satisfaction, and after sufficing her to ta his heart's content aud stripping himself of his overcoat, wrapped the waif in it and started" for home. He had a splendid set of bachelor apartments, and there he found a glow ing fire awaiting him. The child, when he opened the coat, was sound aslet p ; so tucking her into bed in a grimy state, which would have shocked any good housewife's heart, Harry composed himself in a great arm chair, aud light- i"g axigar beg-an to smoke conscientious anu aunabie. Harry lioi ton found himself the guardian of an adopted child. From that moment a change came over the young man's life. He had an object to think nf and care lor. He said to himself, " I will bring up a daughter for my old age," and set to work to become a fitting parent for the wonderful woman he had proposed to make her. He quit ted his habits of d;ssipation,h. If his time was spent in visiting his charge, who, well cared for, grew every day more lovely and engaging. lie taught her to call him Uucle Harry, aud it was strange to see the youug man devoting himself, as some old grandfather might, to all the whims and pleasure of a little child. As she grew older he placed her in a boarding-school, and there, of course, s tw less of her, yet still as much as the rules of the establishment would allow until the child was somewhat past twelve years old, when a violent illness i piosprated her guardian upon what came ucar being his death bed, aud the doctor ordered him immediately on his recovery to goto Europe. So they were separated, though a regular correspondence was maintain ed. Delicate1 health detained Harry from his native land five years. At the end: of that time Harry Bol ton returned in health and from Europe, improved anxiou3 to sec his adop ted daughter. He knew she had grown older,! but so little do we re- neet 0n tne cuanges ma time must "n& that when inquiring for Miss Stella GrayJ (this was the name the child had lisped when . questioned) as ke aited in; tne Prlor of the 8eai nary, a lovely girl of saventeen opened the door and entered the room, he could scarcely believe his eyes. - Yet it was she iudeed the ahild he had left, grown into womanhood. Es tella was seventeen and Harry Bolton ihirty-five. He was young yet in look and thought. There seemed, af ter all, but little difference between i . .. them. Both felt this, and their man ner toward each ether was more re- served in consequence. Bat Harry as charmed as well at surprised. A lovelier creature never met his eyes.- As he walked homeward, he said to J himself, 'What if, after all. I have betn rearing a wife for myself ?' Then with a half laugh he mutter ed- "No, I am too old for her it is all folly." . Folly or uot, the thought remained. He paid Kstella such delicate atten tions as suitors do. lie anticipated t her every wish and did his best to ap pear in an agreeable light. "Whether she understood hitn or nut, he could not tell. She might regard him as an mdulgcnt guardian, and the thought chafed him sorelv. At times he I hoped, at times he feared, until calling one afternoon (a holiday) unexpected ly, lie found Estella telt-a-tete with a young friend, Ernest Clark. It was a good excuse for intimacy, but theknow ledge that Estella had another m le friend so much nearer her own age than himself, annoyed and angered Harry. And when, time after time, he saw them together, his suspicion f trengthencd. They loved each other. She would wed youcg Ernest, and he would only be the middle aged guar- I gian togivo her away with his blessing The tho ght onco in his mind rooted itself there, and at last drovo him be side himself. "I will go back to Europe, said he, "I wdl forget her. Love and, wed lock are not for me," And on the impulse of the moent,he I ordered his baggage to be packed, took passage in the next steamer for Europe, and went to the semiuary to bid Es tella gvKxl-by. She came in smiling, but his moody looks made her grave at once. She put her hand in his and he shook it coldly, and sat down beside her. For a moment he was silent, and then he said, "I am come to say good-by, Estella. I am going to Europe." "Mr. Bolton I to Europe? Are you ill again i "No. "Will you stay long?" "Forever." The great tears swelled in Etella's eyes, and she put her hand on her heart she evidently could not speak. "I would advice you to remain here until you are a year older unlets, in deed, you marry befire that tiiaa. It. that case you will, of course, re ceive the necessary fuud, and a cer tain sum I shall leave in my banker's hands fer that purpose." "I shall not marry," sobbed Estella, "there is no need of any such pro vision." Harry smiled sarcastically. "The proposition has not come, then?" he said. Estella's head dropped lower . "I fancied you were engaged to this young Ernest."; Estella sobbed again. 'I care nothing for Ernest, nor ho for me. We are mere acquaintances." Harry caught her hand. "Is this girlish evasion," he asked, almost sternly, "or the truth?" Harry Bolton looked into the tear flushed face, and took the other little hand. "Estella," he said, "do you guess why I was leaving America?" She shook her head. 'Because I could not see the girl I loved married to another. Am I too old t0 iovej Estella?' "Ohno: "Too old to be loved T' "You are not old at all. "Estella, can you love m?" She made no reply Harry drew her closer to him and repeated the question ; then tbe answer came in the lowest, faintest whisper, "I love you better than my life; it would kill me to part with you.' Harry BjI ton. won his treasure. A week cfter ha sailed for Enrone but not alone. It was his wedding trin and Estella. his vmm and lovelv bride, was with him. JFaeH Aa -rr Fame is like a shaved pig with creased tail, and it is only after it has slipped through the hands of some thousands, that some fellow by good lnck holds on to it. To make a drum stick Set it on the h;ad of a tar barret In tlio UI1 !.. On the seventh day God ended his work. On the seven1 h month Noah' ark touched the ground in seven days a dove was sent. Abraham pleaded seven times for Sodom. Jamb nmnnrxl r. t - j v w a-a utijo iui W seph. Jacob served seven years for Rachel, And yet another seven more, Jacob was pursued a seven day's journey by Laban. A plenty of seven yearj aad a famine of seven years were foretold in in Pharaoh's dream by seven 'at and seven lean beasts, and seven ears of full and seven ears of blasted com. On the seventh day of the seventh month the children of Israel fasted seven davs and remained seven days in their tent. Eveay seven daya the land rested. Every seventh year the law was r.-ad to the people. lu the d is t ruction of Jericho seven persons bore seven trumpets seven days. On the seveuth day they anr- rounded the walla seven times, and at the end of the seventh round the wal a fell. Sol )mon was seven years building the temple, and fasted seven days at its dedication. In the tabernacle were seven lamps. The golden candlestick had seven brtuches. Naaman washed seven times in the river Jordan. Job's friends sat with him seven days and seven nights, and offered seven bullocks and seven rams for an atonement. Our Saviour spokes even times from the cross on which he hung seven hours, and after his resurrection appeared seven times. Ii the Revelation we read of sevn churches, seveu candlesticks, seven, stars, j-even trua pets, sven plagues, seveu thunders, seveu angel, and a scvcn-dieadcd monster. It is not always the achiever of no toriety iu any art, profssiou, or calling, that can justly prefer a legitimate claim to distinction, in the world's estimation Some writer, indeed, whose name we forget, but whose knowledge of human nature was alike profound and accurate, has remarked that "men of greatest minds are those of whom the noisy world hears least. Certain it is that' distrustful sense," or diffidcucc, the accompaniment so often of deep research and profound iuvestigation, has a decided tendency to shrink from too close contact with even an appreciative to ssy nothing of a public at once unappre- ciatlve and unobservant-ita almost morbid solicitude beiog to pursue, in quiet and alone, its researches and in vestigations. That an individual of this descrip- whose chief design it is to "shut out the world, and "let no passion stir, (uot even that of a love of renown) should be apt to despise the public and its ways, is not much to be won dered at; for, depend upon it. however ambitious, of genuine 'fame such a character may be, he will never culti vate undue intimacy with the public as a means of securing the same The lover of notoriety, on the other hand, whose unceasing aspiration! are ever- lastingly at work to secure recognition on the part of the public, lets no op- portunity pass of flaunting before that publio'i eye bis wonderful achieve- men" in . , ?T- .J , , whatnot; ana snouia m. mue woria - i , , , ... t - ooaers-tm oewaj crv .o i expression oi approval, or anweanw pursuer of notoriety would, (we were a going to aay) "blush to find it fame," I but no, on mature reflection, we should lather say he would beooaie at once I intoxicated witi Tanity and prttump- tion, assuming airi of superiority and condecenwon inch as would be well caculatedto strike with equal rever- nee and awe the astonished beholder. (Sointo tho IoutlMt. 1 like to come across & nan with the tooth-ache. There something so pleasant about advising him to stnflf j cotton in it, to ue camphor, creosote. peppermint and "relief, that I always feel better after giving iu I hav been there, had an aching snag, and 1 know just how it fcls. It usod to wake me up nights, and make me mad at noon, and set me to swear- uig. early in the morning. I didn't meet man r woman but what they advised me. One said that a hot knitting-needle pushed down on the root was excellent, another si id that opium was at. excellent thing, and others said that it must be dug out by I the dentist. If I sat down to dinner, that old tooth began to growl. If I went to bed, or got up, or went tor a party, or stayed at home, it growled just the same. It wasn't always a growl; aomctimei it was a jump that made my hair stand up, and again a sort' of cutting pain that made me make up faces at the baby, and slam doors, and break win dows. I ate cotton, peppermint, cam- phor and opium, until 1 got black in - - - the face, and that old song kept right I on. I put bags of hot ashes to mv I cheek, applied mustard, held my head I in the even, took a sweat, and the ache still ached. After the third week ncignbors didn't dare let their bovs pas mv house, and tin peddlers, and book cauvassers went around on another street, I was becoming a menagerie, and at last I decided to have my tooth out. I decided to, and then I dect ded not to. I changed my mind four times in one afternoon, and at last I went. The dentin was glad to see me. He said that if he eould not take that too'.h out withoua hurting me he would give me a million dollars. It got easier as he talked, and I concluded not to have it pulled. I started down stairs, but a jump caught me and I rushed back. He said he would look at it; perhaps it did not need pulling at all, but he could kill the nerve, By dint of flattery he got mc in tlic chair. Then he softly inserted a knire aud cut away the gums. I looked op and said I would kill him, but he beg ged me not to ; said the cutting was all the pain there was to it. He finally got me to lay back and open my mouth, and then he slipped in his forceps, and dosed tliem around the tooth. " Ohsordorordonbordosoforsor !' I cried, but he didn't pay any attention to it. He drew io a full breath, grasp ed the forceps tightly, and then he pulled. i Great spoons ! but dida't it seem as if mj head was going! I tried to shout, grappled at him, kicked, and then he held up the old snug, and said : " There ! I guess you won't fed any mote aching. I leaped dwn and hugged him. I promised him ten million dollars. I told him to make my home his house forev er. I bagged him again. I shook hands with everybody on the street, kissed my wife, bought the baby a doxro rattle-boxes in a heap, and it seemed to me .as if the world was too small for me, I was so happy . Frlcrlitciictl to !(itli I Monsieur Berger, a Fanjitn, lout his wife m 1866, a very beautiful aod youthful woman, whom he had married I but taree years before, lie became qa ncarvoroaen over bis joss, ana nas sincerely mourn eu lor nis wixe ever since, living in the same suite of rooms where she died, and keeping everything sacredly as she had left it. A few weekj since a singular occurrence happened in that suite of rooms, forming a moat tragic ending to the constancy of the widower. His wife's sister, at the time of her marriage, was a small girl, but she had inoe expanded into a strikingly hand- some woman. Nine years had ripened fjCe and f-'ra tn Y f womanhood. For years tdie had tot seen Monsieur Berpr, but btin-.ia he resolved to call odou Lim. and came tut &w days since U his apart- n,enti where she knocked at the door. Tno a rrant was not at band, and M. Merger opeuod the door himself. She entered the apartment,' calling him by name, and lifted her ?aiL' M Do you not recognise it?" she asked. - t ; "My wifeT' alma acriamed the excited widower. v " No, no, MouMcur," she said, lootfi injly. r She L dead ! she is dead ! : - " Monaiear ! Monsieur !' ' sail the JounK wmn, striving to iiuict him. l ter 'I1 '" houtel the wid- ower. Nay, Monsieur ; will you not listen for one moment to me ?" ' 1 A ghol ! a ghost !" hd shoo ted. The sUter-io-Iaw became frightefold as she saw M. IWger'a excitement. 44 Help ! help r - he exclaimed. v , . In vain were her effort to soothe the half-distracted man, who rushed toward a large portrait hanging upon the wall, : and which was a Iife-liko picture ot his' departed wife. For a moment he look ed first at the sister and then at the P'nlino ,lB chwpcd hand anJawtld "Passion in his eyes. Then he once moPe hried at th top of W Voice i Help! A ghost! a ghost P 'lie then fell upon the floor shaking in ev ery limb. . ;:! The neighbors hurried !n and'' at tempted to lift him op, but M. Bergr was uVaxL V. Y. Weekly. Mo t i ce. Building Contractors : AND CA.BI2STET LOUISBURO, N.' C." SASH. BLINDS AND DOORS MADE to ORDER, and all kinds xA Machine work done at abort notice, on aa lesson able terms as elsewhere in tbe Bute. All grades of Cofiisj, ForsUh td, with bearse. ' v TongUOcUld GrOOVO fl()0r ing and ceiling, a SPECIALTY. Plastering hand. Lathee sJwsm ca SMITH & BEACH All John Armstrong, No, 1 Fayetterllli Street, RALEIGH, If, C. . SOOK BINDEIi, J . ..- -.. UzaJL' Book 21avfvcturtr.J. Krwipiper, Uitzi&es -aad Law Books of every description bound La tbe very best Style aad at Lowest Prices. ia&SOlza NOTICE. ' I hereby girt notice that all personi are forbidden to trespass oa ay Uad, adjoining the lands of Dr. B. D, Perry aad others la Fraaklla Couaty,exUcr by day or by night, or wita axe cr gua, node? the penality of tbe law. JOiiX ELLIS. Sep 10th S-tn.

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