FRANKLIN COUHIEH. GEORGE S; IUKER, Editor and Phopkietoiu y r ft All letters addressed to " Ono.'-ft: Baker, pptnAVj . .Xo vem HER. 1 2? 875 . CoL rFrjan,t saym rchreiigsto " the railroad1 liistory of North Carolina that the Wilmington and Weldon Rail rood was 'tho first undertaking in the State. Um rt ercd in 1 K.k c OiamCOA cedln 1B3G, and finished , in 1842; and was at that time the longest rail road line under one char'cr in the world from the Cape Fear to the Roan oke rivers, 1G2 inils; and continued to bo the longest until the Emperor of 11 . T ' J 1 I. 1 an iue ivussias. ouiita longer one irom St. Petersburg to Moscow. '" " ' Ml Ill'' - Hhv, , ' As yet the pcoplo of Franklin, know nothing of. how the money be longing to the County, has been spent by the Comtnintioncrs, notwitlistand- ing the law as is very plain as to their duty.' , . , ;.' Tho people should not stand still and see plain Isws disregard ad, by of ficers who bavo i worn to them exe cuted. We venture that this is the only County in the State, which has not made n exhibit of the receipts and disbursment, on .account' of the County. Are our Commissioners ashamed to let. their, transactions be known to the people?- - We hope nor. '' Tlio Vmiiliiion(K to OoiiHtit ution. tlo Commencing with this week we will publish in each issuo of the1 Couh'eii, ono or two of the Amendments to the Constitution proposed by the late;Coo vention, with such comments and ex . planalioos as will make;, them plain, to our readeis, so that they cau form an intelligent opinion as to them. Ordi nance number one, is a follows ; , AN; ORDINANCE. TO AMEND AKTK LK WINK OF T11IC CONSTITUTION,''-1 PRO VIDING FOB THE THESEIIVATION' 'ANTTTNTEST'Sr E N r bK THE PI'ITliC SCHOOL FUND. s The people of North Cu oh'iri Tr Conventt07i assem'tted do ordai. That section four of article nine of the Con stitution be stricken out, and two new sections b insetted in said nltiele in lieu thereof, as fol'ows : Sec. . Tho proceeds of all lands that have been Or hcVcjiltcr may be granted by the United States to tli's State', and not otherwise appropria-ed by this State or the "United ?uitcs 1 also, all moneys, stocks, bond and other . t , . . a property now .bclouyng to any Slate lunmor tne purposes 01 euucauon ; ai- eo the net proceed of all rales of the Bwamp Und. lands belonging to the State, and all other grau.s, gifts or de- Tisca that have been or hereafter may bo made to this Stato t and ndt otlu?r vrise appropriated by tho State or by the texm of tho grant, gift or devise, shall bo paid into the State treasury ; and, together with so much of the or dinary revenue of the Suite as - may be by law set apart for that 'purpose, 'shall bo faithfully appropriated for establish ingaid maintaining in this State a sys tem of free public schools, and for no other uses or purposes whatsoever. ' Sfc, All inbiioys, stocks, bonds and other property belonging to a coun ty scnooi lupu , ww, tne', ncc.i proceeas from the sale of esttays ; also, the clear proceeds of ull poiaJtic and foi feitures, and of all fines collected in the several counties for any breach of the penal militarv lawa nf th Sli And nil nio... , eys which sliall be paid by persons an equivalent for exemption, from mili . j.. t.n t.'ji 2 . if tiii:!L v vi -T.". "i in the several counties, and shall rAitfifiillvtannpAriMiRirlMKtulttnff , r 1 iuu maiuiuibiu ui'u I'uune seuuois 111 the several counties of this State : l'rc- yided, Tluit the nniount collected in eaeU county shall be annually reported to the Superintendent bf I lTblic In- m - - - - - Btruction. Read three times and ratified in open Convention this the 4th day of October, A. D, 1875."- ' This amendment requires that ' the moneys collected in1 the several counties in the Sut-vironi thy sale ofestrays, the penalties, forfeitures and fines ' col lected by tho courts, and some other moneys shall- be paid directly into the County treasury by the.. collecting of ficers instead of being sent to tho State treasury al lialeigh, and then sent back. again. Tl.ia is a good amendment, . in that it will do away with much of t- useless handling of a large portion of the educational fund ly both the State and County Treasurers. It simplifies the governmental machinery, and in government as in othci things, thesio;- pier me maenmery, mo more sauiiuo turn results from its workings. "The State shall bosdivided into'12 judicial districts, for each of whtch a Judge shall be chosen, who shall old a superior court in each county in said district at least twice a year, to con tinue for two weeks, unless the busi ness should bo sooner dhposed of." Article 4th Section 12th Constitution Laf Ok&r th Carolina. - - - Granville" comity is a large evi.nty and its court docket are always full to oci flowing. Tho regular Teim of saiJ court commences this year under the lawso' the State on the ISth Uy of October. Samuel Washington Watts fiom jatin county, who was clccLed by the vole of the'ytyorrs".". o this State to fill the position of .Judge in tics "'dislv"ct, ought to have opened the said court on Monday he 18th and continued1 the couit for two week, but the facts in ,th.j case arc thf'Si; Monday be spent the day he e at the circus, Tuesday he omvsd 'he Grand Jjry, with extracts from- lVycology. Phrenology Spiritualism and Demon ology Wednesday, one S.ate eate w?i tried a Jury .nine of which were 'nisrser?" and dd not have one half the inloligcnce of biboois, ' ctuming a verdict upon wh't-h no judgment could be granted. Thursday he man aged to dcc'de that ' Chief Just'ee" Dick Jones hairmaii'of tho board of Cwunty Commissioneis ought riot to charge the count r with mileage -he never traveled, which Richard hail done, and on Friday adjourned the court for the term having done ''absolutely nothing at all, like the man whose cart 1 ad of turnips rolled doVn the hill, words cannot express it. Of course a. special tcrm'will have to bo held afjain at a cost of thousands t:f dollars to the poor old county, whose script is already worthless, , and yet there are men who claim tohowh te men who will vote the radical ticket, or for a bolter which is about trie same thing, just as though these th'n gs weic perfectly right; IlSstderson T, ib ..e. OonKtitiitioiial mcntN, AVe copy from the Raleigh Sentinel the following synopsis of the 33 pro posed amendments to the Constitution : Is. Amendment : That section 4, ot article 9, be stricken out and two Lew sections be substituted. The section to I e stikken out is in regard to lands given to tlii State by Congress and the appropnati n ot fine7 penalties, The sic ion t he substituted givea all lands and proceeds ot land?, given by the united btates to the Mate. r- ..educational purposes ; andnllsarap lauds, fines &c are to be used tor pur p09es ot education.' aoa Amendment strttces out section 17' arV.c,e eubstlt,u,te? a Sll,'n bureau of agriculture, immigration and statisticp, and the protection of. theep , , Amcnt w8 to S(Ction as ' .01 article 1, mat. secret p-mticai son cietit-s aro dangerous to the liberties ol a free people and should no, be toler ated." 4th Amends section 10. article 3, by providing thai the governor, with the advice of the senate, shall appoint all offices" who-e appointments ae not otherwise providid tor. : 5th Abrogates and amends section 15, 16 and 17, ct article 4, and allows the general asstmbly to allot and distribute all judicial power among the sevtral counties except that ot the suprtmt court, which is fixed by the ctnititu- tion 1 self. Ctb Strikes out sections 1 and 2, of article 13. and forbids calling a conven tion wit: out fi;si consulting the people at the poll?. 7th Provides tor submitting- the amendments to the constitution to the people, at the 'polls, Tuesday after the or Is' Monday in Novernber, 1876. Th e "Dndments will be ratified or rejected together. s as 8th Provides tor pub'i-hing the or - di nance for the iclorroa ion ot the people. 9tu Bequireg tbe judge to reside in be the district for "w lich he is elected, and foi bids ' his holding court ins the I same county more than once in four 10th Reduces the number of judges from 12 to 9. ; and authorize the legis ture to iocreasj or diminish the num ber. ,s 11th Provides lor the'asserabling of the legislature in January 'instead of Xovember. 12th flits civil right oa the head by forbiddiBc white " ud" black children going to the same school, and provid ing that no discrimination shall be made to the prejudice of either race. 13th Fixes the pay ot members of the general assembly at $4 a day ai? 10 cents mileage, and limits the session to 60 days.' If the session is prolong d beyond 60 days, members receive no Pa?- ' , ' , ';.;'.-: f 14th Provides that the term of office for senators and members of the legis Iature sha'l begin at the time of thtir election. ' 15th, That section 29, ol article 2, is amended to allow the general assembly : to cnaoge the time ot holding elections the for the 'general assemblr. lGih Strikes from the constitution section 4t of article 2, which is the old republican gerrymander of the stntto rial districts iu 18G8. 17tb Beduco tLe number cf supreme iudcesfrom rive to thiet-- asour umtrs 1 3th Declares the judiciil power shall be vs ed in a c -uit lor tue trial of impeaebments a supreme court, ctl- jptriotcourtif. euUrts ot justice ot the ptac, awttocii others iuuri(r w tue kuprem.: couit us may be established by law. 10th Establishes the supreme court in Il&ieiU, until o herwise provided fcr by the general as.embli. . 20in Strikes tcction 8, artide2, from the cocitution. , Tais secti ax was the old rf publican, gerrymander. at, the house of rei)resentativc9, and the peo- , pie win d ihut itjftr ' 21st Ftirbids vacaurg, any ofiice or term of office now txisiing under the constitution. 22ad Provides for the election ol judges t the fcureme court and tu liur cui"f, by general ticket, or vote t -all' the ptrupb: but allows ihe general assembly to change the mode ot elec ting superior court judges from gener al ticket to district election?. 23d K quires 12 months' residence in the State, and 9J days in the county, before a man chd vote, and exe'udia felons 'and ex-peAitentiary convicts from holding ffice or voting un'il n stored to citiz;uliip by due process t law. Threwas .two . 'dayt' deba e o'i this ordinancf-, Messrp. Biiring-r, Pockeryr Alberts'-n aud Buxton, wi-h all the negro delegates speakiug against it and declaring it was aimed at tht negro. ' .2itb Provide for. the removal by th legislature of any judge ot tiie superior court, for mental1 or physical disability. It also provides for the removal of clerks of the supreme at-d superior couns by the judges of the courts fr the 8 me reason. Appeal in case removal is allowed as in other uasea o suits. , ! . 25th Provides that article 7 constitution be amended by ot the adding that the Gtnnral A ssembly shall hav power to modity, change or abrogate any and all ol the provisions of the ar tide, and substitute others in their place, except sections 7, 9 and 13. This allows the legislature to'appoin; magistrates as under the old constitu tion. . 26th Givesjurisdiction to justices o the peace ovrr evil actions lounded o contract, when the sum d es u-t ex ceed 200; and allows the justice t cull in a i r ot tix men in ccitai . r.i- 8 a. 29 nuthorizs the ' emplnymt nt ot con v.c s tin pn'Ji c works ami high ways. 28tt A'U the loll wi'g new stcti'-n to artiele 4: ".'' o ease ti.e ge er 1 as- s- mbly shad tatubtith lnlerinr court -. 'the pr -s-iilirg officers and cleik therfut s lab le e ecu ! iu ucli m .iiue Hi the.nfrneial assembly nmj prtbi.nbe.' 20th F.ibids luarriage be e. n wlu and black aud all persons ol uegin de scent to th third geiieratior. SO.h .d U to nrticle 1, t-ejti m 2: ''Nothing herein containeJ shall m fyxhe practice nt carrying oneoul; weapons or prevent the l-t:is!Mire fr-'Uieiiacti g penai statulc uaiuoi said practic .' . 31 Abo ihes section 1, of article 4, and provides for fining ail vacaticiej 1 offices provided tor by this ariic 1 by the governor not oil erwiae lor. ,; ' -, ' 32 Provides for paying officers and members ot the conveutiou, 33 Oivis 1 ovtr to the suprem court to try ' itSdes Sinn questioi.s ot fact as unltr the old constmitior. S. A. Stevens & O o. . DEALERS IN Furniture, Carpetings & Pianos, Corner Mais and G rami y Sts., ORFOLK, Ya. The largest : Stock cf tho abov toods iu Virginia. All s'c oda guaranteed to be sold as low as in any Northern City, as our business lacilitita are unsurpassed. Our goods are all mauutactured to order and. we ask a visit or an ordtr Irom thosa desiring gtKds in our line to convince them of the advantage ob tained in dealing nearer home. Having . been i established twelve years end having sold largely in the vicinity of Franklin County, all can rehr to the public generally, " . Ve aie Agepts and keep on hand a large assortment cf Pianos and Parlor Organs at Manufacture price9, Fend tor Circular.' : Sep. 1 ly ' r The Death Bed orAndrew Johnson. A MAGNIFICENT Engraving, just published, oc heavy p!ae paper, 14 19 aches in size; It 'toachingly portrays the lat. moments ot iie great states ir an, with, family; friends and pbysU tuns grouped sorrowinlfy around him. a gtm oi art, beautiful in design, Hiid artistic , in extcntico, and should iiang in every home and cottage in the land. Agents wanted everywhere at once to U this and other popular pic ture. Large Pay. rQ roonty required niitil pictures are' sold. One copy of the fine engraving Deathbed cl An drew Jo husou,', with terms and in strncuons to Agents, will be sent by mail on a roller, and post paid on re ceipt of K0ceutfl, or .two c-piea for 50 cents. No terms sent unle&a sample copy Is ordered. Address the Publih-er.-, ' : ' ' - SOUTLERN PICTURE CO , - . ' Nashvi!lt,Tenn Railroad Schedules- fSEABOARD & ROANOK : 'i. RAILROAD COMPANY. - Office 6eaboasd 3l BoanoeeU R Co.. ) rorUmoutU, Jan let, 18.5 ( CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On an t aftr FfiJy. Jaumrv 1st 1875 Train wd; leave WrlU iu ttiay (SutitfAy tx Mail trjiu dailv h, ......... ,...4. X x.. 1 "Ko." l.""Ffr?glii" tiu d ail y at 4 a. m. No. 2 Freight train t 3 a. m. AKRIVEAT I'OlirSMOUTH. Mail train daily at........1..... 715 r x o. 1. Kreigh trkiu dalr at 1 2 oc 00011. 'o.2. rr.iaiit Train at 4 CO r. jc. Freight tiau.8 have a paaaenaera Car at- Uched, t teamer for Edetitw. T b month & land- h gs . 011 RUcka'L-r. and Ct.owan ltivers leaae JrracKUn at 740 A Wedn&dCa aud Fridays. H. on Mondays, E G .GOIO. Geo1! Rupt Raleigh & Gaston R. R company. Supekintkndet'sffice, , ) Raleigh, Si. C, June lith, '72. J On and after Monday June 17tht 1872, trains oh the Ualeigh & Gaston iiailroad, will run daily (Sunday ex cepted) us follows: Mail Train. Leaves Ualeigh 10.00 a. in. Arrives at Weldou 2.30 p. 111. Leaves WclUon y.15 u. in. Arrives at Kaleigh 3.0. p.m. Accommodation Tkain. Leaves IJuliegh .., Arrives at Weldou"; .' . . . Leaves Weldou. . j Arrives at lialeigh .... Miil ra.a maKis clis- . . 8.00 p. ni. . . G.20 h. 111. . , K.lo a. in , . 8.00 p. in conutctioii h( Weldoi; wuh the seaboard 6c 11 unoke Hailroad aud B y Libe bitamcra via. Baltimore, to and lium ad pointy, North, Wet and North a tat tml w ith the Petersburg Itadioad via Petersburg. Itiuhinond and Washing. n City, to and Irin all poiula .North and JS.uih- I west. , Aud at haleigh wuh ih J rth Uur oliitu Kilr"!ni i ui d iii in in i puin . txju h iiinl S. utii.Wv.-t. iud wi:h Hit ltalt.h & Auu.-u Air L ire to II. ly wood and Fwyttttvule. cui uiiim it i u hum Fre'uht train- conuici al we.uo 1 i'.h Auiiinmi) ih 110 auil rri-i-ihi. truin on b;i;trd A: Hoauuke Ka:ir ad ttnd l'tttrabutu Hauioiiil. Aiul al lt:d. igh wi h At C)Hiiiio la lion and IVcig u' irAiu-i on i.rth Car.' ina U ti , I't r? ns lii g a o;ig the hue of tlu 10 ul icuii v;8ti Kaleigh iu the m rni.i y Accoii 111 nmtiou train, and runa i Sc.c al Louro aud return the a;ut ti uin-. J. C. WINDER, Gk n'l Mip", fcCIlr-DULE OF IHE PE'l'Llt LUKG .'RAILROAD COMPANY. PASrENGElt TllAlNcv Lkave Weluon. TT7 1- r. Moii i rui H o.iju a. m. Jliitl li aiu 4. 15 p. oi. Arrive at Pktkksiivrg. Exp resa. . . . . ; ".Vi ail....'.. .. 1 2.10 a. m . : 8. 05 p- m Leave Pktkrsiiuuo. Alan 0.1 a. m. Express 3.17 p.m. Arrive at Weldon. aiau..., y su a. m Exprts j 7.00 p. m Fi-EionT Trains. Leave Petersburg. . ...... 9.00 p. m. Leave Weldon 8.30 p. m. Arrive at vvution o.oo a. m. Arrive at Petersburg.... 4.00 a. m. Gastoh Train. Leave Petersburg.... ... G:25 a. m. Leave Gaston. .......... . 1.15 p.m. strive at uaston l' p. m. Arrive at Petersburg 7.00 p. m. i leiehts for Gaston Branch will be rtceived at the Petersburg depot only on aiU-HUAYSsndHlUKSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 4:00 p.m. N,o goods will received alter that hour. , . J, C. fePRIGG, Ungineer and General Manager. J olm Armstrong, No. 1 Fayetteville 8tree ( RALEIGH, N, C. V 300K BINDER AND Blqnk Book Mauufucturer, Newspaper, Magazines and Law Books of every description " ' bound In the very best Style and at Lowest Prce. janSO 12m NOTICE. I hereby give notice that all persons are iormaaeo to tnspas on my land, adjoining the land ot Dr. B. It. Pr.l and others in Fracklin Countv, either "J UJ r y nignt, or with axe or gun, unaer the penality of the law. JOHN ELLIS. Sep 10th 3-m. SUBSCElBE PHE OOURIHE,, t . ... . t -.. . . . J OB O W e are prepared to do all kinds of JO Send in your . - will guarantee to give you satisfaction, ev b eu F 10 Orders and we fi7!!) F E B A Penny SaiEJ ju Penny Earnsd 310,000 GIVEN AWAY. We will send the Cockiib nsral price $2.00 and the I.oisvilU Wtek!y , COURIEH-JOUltXAL nscil pnee ?2.00, os'ge pnpol on both pspers, for i ne 3car, lor J75. The wetkly Ocncr-Journal is the Riat NATIONAL FAMILY NE A SPA TEH. . ItwiIlvoa'Drcrmber 31',1S75, 'rihute impartially 310 000 in Tt!utl e pr.s-nt amorjt i; utribr?, m.i ry iub-cnptioti w:nt thiouzh n wi.l emit), d to r(git rtd aud cumber receipt lr.' ff." thi distribution. 53.73 Aid set NMh ii -i.d as ptpcrt. BOOK AGENTS AND 6000 SALESMEN Are "Cotxixa M'SKtn with the famous BIDA DESIGNS, The Fr ccb edition of which sell f r $IC5, and tie London dituu f2lK. Oui P. pular ciitifn t,$3.u), ' c'ntioii g ovtr Oi:e Hundred lull pj,e quarto plates, is the cl and nint eKkjant pub icat on IsAmeiira, ano the liJisT TO SELL. Ctitica vlr with acb c tuer in praising, i and the nivt-i-s buy i. Agents in Cbarlctton, S. C, iiports 97 order; one in Mil ety bix, tJ. C, UH; one in V., 247; anothtr in ilea. ph-, 2h0 rder. , taken in trbee work. FULL PARTlCTLAliSFRLE. Ad dre-j. '." J. B. FORD A CO., Publisher, 27 P-k Place, New Y. rk. COTTON GINNING. J havejecctitly got , "a CONDXNEH, 1 1 f: V: anvl ndUdtoraT new Biowo Gin, ard am tiaw pn pared for gin cotton t xactly like it n?ht to be. . The CONDENSER bol a th co!tn0 atxl t kes 1 ut all thr t and dirt and ri-y inproe ihe lr , mkirgit i in a better prict . I tiiiJ that the coil n ill's ean hi a gnat man) mti :n it, -'.d -i oure ..nt- aii'i makaS go hI turuout as Ust e r, but I will UABANTEE i to get all hfl lint olT lh ed. Have bit 11 making thus tai Iron. 33 1 1 31 .l-s. . cotton. All Cotton Insui id. Cousnlt jour own i; tint aud I r ug v ur oiu n 10 in v g:n. -1L P. ILIFFOa, Will s j-tl coyon at .tl e li'gl.. maikit'i t'V fal-i ial- . ;. 1 tK. .f j.xnU 0 llnlltl a Git A O'i I'KHM and Gkanol Tmim, Hi i CASH OR AO eo V. V. LlFfOV (Qhina, (Glass, & -Earthenware. Full sortrr.ent it Crockery an I GWtft wif, u liulc tor lunclant tr nlr. Alao fine C" in'.a and O Use ware. Silver platid waic and llc.u -ke prg goods, and faocj artichs. F-r n U i louts, tattr. L. A. MARIlU- Y, 45, Sjcau.orr tt. Petfinbur?, Ya. WITH WHOLK.SALE PE.LKK IX HATS: AND CAPS, 34 Hanoier Street. Baltimore, 31(1..- E AGL Er HOTEL Louisburg, N. C. Propbietok. o Ihw pretit proprl-tsr lias leael the Jiale Hotel, jfonuerly occupied by lames Debt) fo'a irriiberof year. He Is prepared to actonmiolat; regular and traunlent boarders, ha nice roomi; we'l furuUhtd. And fitted up in the best style.; V. ha also large and convenient rooms foe Salesmen t display their samples. Tlie tajle ! dally supplied with the best the uii -ket aJTords.. Uc wills; are no pain in, making his boarders comfortable, and hope he will recelre aliberl patrouage from the public Jan. fcih 1875. Valuable Towrf Properly 1 for sale!! , I laTfior tale in .the Town of Frank lintoo, a. splendid dwelling houae, it ha six large rooms all neatly painud a good office and all rtecersary out houses and good well of water in the yard. The lot contaios about two acres of land and is sitoated in. the business prt of the town r.tar the Itail Road, and is well located for iusintss bonnes. Foi farther inforrnttion spply to, MBS. M. A L. MORTON Kinston N. C. Sept. a Z m. FRA (.EC W'ci Store. " A ot is offer The pollisli' the liv Uplc ihanU o shipped Wl.t Cornet hear t 8ect t Dr. ( inii .to in thi Mr. K. R ty Col m f Churc! Geo charge - jwdit'' artii Mr ilrce t'411 . (' head ij'if 111 Kt this at St the t th- : T! l- oj p.,... 1... t I'M 1,:. Tin! it 'I " nrt W kn Iri hi- ll v J d. Ik I In tt s t! 1; t r c 1 1 t 1

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