I i GEO. S.'" BAKER; ; Editor and Proprietor- . : vol. v. TERMS: $2.00 per Annum. LOyiSBlTRG, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1875. i- ? Professional Cards. (1 171ie lii-rlit Way anl tli "YVxvuo- Way, BY MRS. M. A. KIDDElf. DENTIST. Oileis his Proiessional Services to the public in . '."'.,...' Ettrf department or Denlinfry. OFFICER t Loaisburg at WarreDton over Dents Hotel, Nor wo oil & D hit iy Store. . , : jj : Tr O T T A TTT C? i , , v ATT'j Hi COUNSELLOR ,al W ' L0UISBURO, FRANKLIN CO. N.C. Will practice in the several couits of Granville, Franklin, Nath, Warren and 8f$. Prompt attention paid to ti e rolhction ntvi ftniiitauce ot money. July 15, i7l. ;The right way and the wrong way They nest'e side by side, And one i3 narrow, straight and rough The other smooth and wide. Poor weary burdened uilg. ims, ; The weak and oft the strong, Turn from the narrow path of Hight ; And follow in the Wrong, (And we as christian watchmen And pil glims of the day. Slioukf take our brother by the hand Andead him in the way ; ; Should furu the wavering footsteps Toward thelites of ; lit, l . .From journeying m the path of.wrong Jo walkhig-irrthe right. liut that unamiable damsel seemed to take a malicious pleasure in crossing my path ; and the next time I encoun tered her, .he looked as though dispos- eu to maKe a lace at me. 1 cknow. from liei expression! that Annie had repeated what I had said : probably with some additions !: and as sho lmd iot regarded me favorably - before, I could scarcely look how for any mani festation of pleasure at niy ''appear-: anc-Ci ' . . . I Jf'e passed each other in silence, and I wended my way to the sitting room. TirtM-e. I -iwuiid SUterihe stout motlieylbf uiy. " charges f iiaflsh .was graciously pleased t.bs q$ite,-sociable, hue was.not on Very " good terms Avith the English gtaminaiJmdsh used some expressions that wereriovelty to lny Attention. Whatever you are about, pay atten tion to it. Keep Tvur wind on what mt a small borpiet, marked rith her, or a week afterward, really thought llis, name. the maa was craxy: the way he ranted ' It always slcmcd to mc a kind of round about that fjokuy. as sc-n as he comfort to tako something home from oould get me aluti, as a caution! a party," remarked the good woman, Aud when I told him who fixed it, and you are at. " Think of what you arc "and they can have their bokays, you that you was m the house then, he 1 doiug. Close attention is very much a kujw, to keep. ' She gave me the list of names, and I was hot lon in finding that of M r. Middleton. It wa,s Mr. Frank Mid., dleton, too. lie ought to have what ever expressed Cckleue!., I thought ; 3 Tle ight way a. .u the wrong way, So very pla'n to see, That e'en a child may choose bet ween The two, all will agree. May angels fair attend us While journeying along, i Aud lead us thro gh the path of right And keep us from the wrong. X Y. Wefki.y. IJnlvv-. . -, , : We hate it for good authorifjliiat near this, city, few days aa gtme of "seven-up- was. played, little girl, of five summer Wing the prize." Tho father had played and lost everything he had, and, while uh-It th'c iu3ucucc of liquor, propel to put up Lu little girl against a certain amount of money. The proposition was at - once accepted nd tho game U-gaii. At the last band the game sUhkI fater, 5 : opponent, 2. In tho deal the father received the fol lowing trurups : King, then, scrcn' and tray. His opponent received ace, jack, four and ceucc The father begged and was given one, which madahjnj I . r : nc l l.ti When I asked Frank why he had ber of the volume, the name-of the "7." . h"'' vuw. ,ru"uT"7 not founJ me in all that time, nor case, the names of the counsel, the I ? ... i mien uunu mc tkiuii auairaT. cx- just dashed after tou aud there you matter f habit; and it is a habit was, a runnin' up Ftairs, and acting as which should bo diligently cultivateJ. contrary as ever yu could. And to Take, for instaucc, the habit of think that he was your own sweet- mind in reading. One law student hcart after all ! Mary Jane's ns mad has a geueral idea that he has ccn a as hops, for she'd quite set her mind I case reported somewhere, in which he but; ?hvol ntarily, I found myself on Mr. Middleton. But she ain't my rather believes a certain point arose own daughter, you know: and I don't . he is not quite sure of that which care much, only I've got to have her was decided one fay cr the other, he around all the longer. I hope she'll don't rcmcm&cr which! ' Another go off one of these days.' student who had the same book in his I hoped so, too, though I pitied the hand the same length of time, rcmem- man she went off with. bers what Ileporta it was in, tho num- ATTORNEY AT LAW, FltANKLlNlON, N. C. ' Will practice in the courts of the Cth judicial district. 1 Prompt attention given to the collec tion t claims. jno ouii C. M.Cook W.H.Sjencer ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR i hut esms q a 38 A.'. 1. KolicMos tm BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURG N. C. Will atlend tiie Coartsof Naslt,Frar.k li i, Ornuville, Warrcn,and Wake Coun ts s, k'.so the Su)rcme Court i t North Carolina and the U. S. Circuit and dish Cou.ts. No. 7-tf BY ELLA KODMAN. Several years since, and on a bright, crisp autumn morning, I rang the bell of the-palatLl mansion, for the first time, whery I was going as a governess. The neighborhood was in a nc" part of our city, and peopled by a new aristo cracy, and tUe dwellings and .sidewalks glistened with pretentious newness. ' The inevitable colored man admitted rislted me, r.ith a bow, up sittings mansion, it struck meliatj! wore a restive air, l encountered a sharp sorrow tugging at my heart :' but I had resolved not to be a blighted being, and I think I managed to escape it. Had I beeu Ariadnej-L would nev -er have called- Tjic.seu3 .back, but would have bidden him a happy voyage. One day, .on my arrival') the Slater the premises air, l encountered a huge epenjne being ', carried 'through the hall by a man from the confection ers: the sitting room was in process of a grand sweeping, and Mrs. Slater and the children had their hair in crimping pins. Mamma is going to hive party to night.'' called out the little ones in glee. JFe'il have lots u' fun, and ever so many good things.. Are you coming, Miss A nvers? he innocently replied I points that catne up, the view of the I , . . , , n Jli that; with its fleetinc. beaut v. had thnt n T hA nnt' mn ld-n ..1- A:rm. ;n.1 ;f I..,. CiUUJll,' "-u.0 tnal lor. higU Sht me ail exceeding haDDiliesS. I dri-SA. nml ' hm tnontinnV V I ftf Anlninn i,Tn 1it-i m-nA nrcWe 1 U ?U" It was a common-place story enough; three different cities in which I might what the decision as. He even . C?U J ' ? , : V i,t . ... , . '. . 1 I I hand. nd riainipil hnri T.oV rv.l uaint, uttie cw inland town, epend the winter, he did not think members the part of the book, the 1 , w. .b vV'TTTr me, and tlo one fiiirht of stairs to the room.'' . The .children Were- there by 'themselves, two frightened morsels of seven and nine; and I was obliged to devote my first efforts to the task ot convincing them ttiat I was twisting some violets, Mid ferns, and one.pink rosebud together; the rose bud in the center; and a double row of violets aruuud it, and the ferns form ing u lovely fringe-like border. I would not make a duplicate; aud as I fastened on the name, a few hot tears mc: but she evidently did toe best she I dropDed upou the dewy blossoms. I count, and tried to make mc comtorta- was living over again a nuuuuer pas- eTen written. ble and contented. 1 tnrnl The children were quite l.vable : and j brou I thought I had been rather fortunate 1 .v : . 'r . i ... J man oiuerise. xu ue sure mere was inn i where L spent the sumuer, quaffing this was to be wondered at.', I hung very number of the page where it it large1 draughts of health from the my stupid head in silent humiliation : found. In his mind' eye he can see Strang, breezy atmosphere; a chance and when I was informed that, the the lines, the words, the letters. He acquaintance, a warm friend, a devo- slandered youth had been reduced to has the habit of fixed attention, which ted lover, all developed in the space a state of despair, on his return from all students should strive to acquire of thres months ; a favorite walk past trouting, to find that I had departed The opposite extremo of looe read asaw-iinii, a bed ot tor-get-me-nots without leaving a trace behind: that ing and listening is illustrated by some growing by the roadside, and the tall he had been on a hopeless chase for amusing aneedotes. One is & man Dgurc bent humbly to gather them, ruC ever hicce: ar.d had followed several who said he had recently read in some turning back to me with laughing eyes, y0ui.g ladies for. a mile or two, from a paper, he couldn't remember where it is l demanded more and more, aud fancied likeness of myself: I felt that was. of a man named Johnson he be- would not be satisfid , wild roses and only the most abject submission would Iieved his name was Johnson who delicate ferns growing farther ou ; the ut0ne for my delinquencies. had raised a thousand barrels of pota- invariable bequct I twisted together "Had it uot been for this dear little toes to the acre he believed it was of forget-me-nots, stripped of their coquet," said he, tenderly crossing barrels, it might possibly havo been superabundant green leaves, a border- the object in question, " we might l.ushels; he was quite sure it was po- ing of fern, and a deeply-tinted wild i,avo continued wandering in space, tatoes, though possibly it might have rosebud in the center : how vivid it all like two lost planets, without ever been apples; it seemed a good deal seemed ! coming into collision." for an acre, he might bo mistaken I never sa.v a boque' like this be- "What wonder I call mv story -What about that reallv it was Impossible. i nere w-mt no enough white graphs, fre, my companion once said, "and I came of a boquct." Waverley Maga- it must have been more than an acre ! gHEEE & EE&GKalU m..y.,, awumuc- i "oe. .v o evmoii l- (U) not suppose 1 ever shall again, un- z. lie. Another is of au old woman who the game.' The claim was denied, tVe father hoping that he could take the game himself. The game went on, re sulting in the succcai of his opponent, who secured the game by two poinii. The winner still h-a the clili, and states that he intends keeping it, un less the father uses the . law to regwxa his loss. She b in good handaj much better, than those of her father, who is a widower and a man of dissolate haiita, although the possessor of a loudly hcait when not under the influence of liquor. Council Blvjf Glcfje, Hot ice; 1 did not relish any unnecessary addi tion to the iruests. j " I know who's cotn'!ig," continued Annie, looking very wise, " Mary Jane's nm a" i beau,- Mr. Middleton, Mary Jane said ogress come to devour them. They j shcM m.llcr mvc llIm eom if a1 ie looked delicate, poor liitle things! and I felt like takilig them into my lap, aud ctKldling them. While engaged in something Very much like this, the tallest girt 1 .ever saw. swept through the room,, in a trail ing dress of jibe, richest silk, overloaded wit b-i, trim)niag She was exces4yly urlv. with' a IdoiidhV so t of face:' and a. very "supercilious ""expression. This expression became a positive sneer, as she regarded mc and my FIN F. Watches and Jewelry of the bes charges ; and I felt myself eying her with a defiant stare, as the angrv blood 53 -53 PKTERSBUUG Va,. E. KICIITEll. Watclnnakcr and Jeweler; VI miirii l. 11-:111(1 :it t ;o luwe.t ! ice? All woik personally attended to and war lanteu. - ... il 53 Sycamore St., retersourgr, v t rushed to my face. Never a word did rest stayed away." Mary Jane's beau. Mr. Middleton !'' I repeated to myself. Could his name be Frank? I. wouldn't, asljJjut X-hat there treml ling all over, while the chil d fen jrattlcd oh. He had acted strAnge- ly enoughj io be sure : but " I couldn't f;ftcf him descending to the luVel of Mary Jane Slater, 1 1 UiX--. The lessons were quite set aside that day : for Mrs: Slater suddenly appeared, in a state of comical distress. " Isn't it too had ?" she half sobbed. That wretched Allen, whom we prom ised to pay cxhorbitantly, the only man C O TJ EIE.fi' .101. OFFICE. Wc'have added to our L-tock a splen did JOB PRESS, with -an elegant selection of type of the latest styles, and we arc now prepared to do in the neatest and best manner. So you need not - send yonr JOB, WORK North, for we will do it lust a well and cheap1 as you can get it elsewhere. LETTER HEADS, - ENVELOPES, she speak; and the children looked in th(J citJ who can give cut flowc:sjust ; awe-stricken, as she rustled out as si- the ritrht look, and who always orna- lently as she bad come in. I mcnts the supper-table so exquisitely, That's iIjuy Jane," said little An-, j)as deserteti ,nej aml goncorcr try Mrs. nie, the elder of the two children, as Parkers, who also gives a party to . though she expected me to be very mvlt She belongs to the very cream, i'luuch impressed. ' Well, Mary Jane's :i very disagree ablcdooking person," I replied, with j out a moment's reflection ; " and she is dressed in a very vulgar manner for this early hour of - the day. Who is she?" 'i Why, she'&frsister 1 ' said both of the'cliildren together . after staring at me in -amazement. "- you know: and I suppose Allen thought there was more to be gained in attend ing to her though not in the ay of money, I'm sure. We've gat about two bushels of flowers down stairs, and no body to fix 'em." less it comes from your hands." "Then," I replied, gayly, :if we should he separated, and get lost, each to the other, if you see a boquct like this. 30U will know that 1 am near." " You will not forgei?" he asked, quita earnestly, for such a thing might be, and in that case flowers would have a language more beautiful io ine than they ever had before," I laughingly promised, au 1 here I was, with a boquet as nearly like the old ones as possible: and yet assuring myself, all the while, that the man did not desci vo it. , : 1 had not, until then, the slightest idea as to the quartor of the globe in which he might be. He might now be a pirate on the high seas, for all I knew to the contrary although he had given me the impression that he was a gentleman of means, traveling about for pleasure. , rt had bjeen obliged, through the ill ness of a relative, to leave Maplewood very suddenly, while Frank was absent on a two days hunting expedition, and never from that timo to this, had I Ireard a wqrd from him, or received the least clue to his whereabouts. 1 thought, as I tied my boquet, of Blondel, who found hisilion hearted Tlioi.jjlit ior rntiiil If you always live with those who are lame you will yourself learn to limp. . He is alona wiso who cm accommo dite himself to all the contingencies of life. Men resemble the gods In nothing so mucu as in doing good to their fel low creatures. . Wo are never rendered so ridicu lous by qualities we possess as by those we affect we have. The superiority of some men is merely local. They are great because their associations are little. To know a man, observe how he wins his object, rather than how be loses it: for when we fail our pride J cj0,ey supports us : wuen we succceu ik w trays us. Don't bother your head about po ple who are going about trying to take away your character. Very likely it will do you good. Men aic very of ten like a pair of boots the more sail slrr had lt-arnt a sure ,ay to tell whether an egg was good or not: she heard a great many before, but this was certain, and it van 10 simple, too ; it wan to just drop tho egg into a pail of water, and if it was good it would either sink or swim', she really had for gotten which ! . It is very good practice aft?r laying a book down to take up a pen and sec how much you can write of what you Building Contractors AND- CABINET , LOUISJJURO, N. C. have read. After tiying it regularly for a week you will be pleased to find SASH. BLINDS A ND bow much more you can remember than you could at first. So rapidly docs the habit of concentrating one's thoughts grow with cultivation. Think of what you are doing and you will remember what you- have "DOORS MADE to ORDER, and all kbds U Machine work done at bort notice, cm as reasonable terms as eltewnere 10 tot done. Cultivate the habit of keeping sute. All gradea f Coffllns, FumU. wide awake, and fixinff vour attention I vrita "eaxse. j w m ! i A. UIllot-TDoiix:. Tongue and Groove floor Tho Detroit Fiec Press says: , , " The other evening a Detroit joker slipped a little pink love letter into the pocket of a staid old citizen as they were (hey arc blackened the moro they I . .. rr y nd:ng on the street car. Of course, shine. j.HooiulIllt'. CARDS, Ac "Whitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone "W" O EKS, Iialcigh. N. C. Persons wishing to purchase Head stones or Monuments, ean see and con sult with our Mr. Whitelaw, at Mr. 1, A. Stoat's boarding house. Aug. 13-12-U). They evidently regarded 'Mary Jane' 1 cntVv as the glass ot fashion, aud tue mouia u You think it presuming in me, oftorm. J Mrs. Slater, hut I have had sojne expo 1 ins was pleasant, certainly, ior every rieQce in 5, flowers. uind if vou word I had said would be repeated, but win aecept mv rv'xces you arc vory 1 naa to mate the Dest 01 it. welcome to them. m. war 11 1 T 1 ti T" . I - v en, never nana," 1 saiu, 1 want pm you're very to see now 11 my litue girls can read. Begin with that picture, Annie." Such books as those children had I So elegantly bound and illustrated : primers and ''helps," such as my child- NVw T felt renllv sorrv far thLs roor I . . . , . .1 . , - ,i-r f T I dear to Dot ti 01 tnem ueior the ius- woman, wiiu. uiu nyi. - oeiwg wfue 1 . i:W.t.: T cream, anu i waspaionatciy ioua.i wbrkiug Avith flowers : so I said, pres- , i could not be at all cure that mj master was worth finding. Mrs. Slater had exhausted her ex clamations over the "bokays.1 when the old citiacn'i wife made a dive for his overcoat pockets as ahe parsed through the hall, and when she bad di gested the love letter she determined to commit suicide. While going up stairs to get her bonnet . she got mad and changed her mind. Walking into the room where he was sitting before a cheerful file, she exclaimed : . M Loves you better than her own life eh?" ..... . Who what 7 be enquired. And she wants to know now taai ing . and ceiling, a-: SPECIALTY. r alwsji fl Plastering hand. Lathes master singing a stare of the ditty i Think bow much happiness you eon vey to, each other by kindljjVotice and a cheerful conversation. Thiak how much sunshine such sociability lets back into your own soul. Who docs not feel more cheerful and con- Mary Jane bore down upon us. more I tcnted for receiving a polite bow, and a supercilious, if possible than ever. I ceni4i "good morning with a hearty "I should say you had mistaken 1 shake of the hand? Who does not good," replied your calling ' she remarked, after a make himself happier by these liUle wif(J of poor Mrs Slater, and I shall' be ever critical inspection 01 my nanaiwora. i expressiona oi xeiiow leeungana gooa j j.i so much obliged to you1- ' -"- 1 iOU migm awo jwr i wiui oueuoc, u Mi.,uuu5uu6 . . tt really-"I canW " Tlien you 11 come to the party, won t I uowera. , reteruMB cmwmii.j i- yon.r said Annie, .:tk ' Perhaps I shall J replied, buoy- I gar. The generous ana pouw man " And I guess there'll le enough antly. My littU bouquet was a fragile baa pleasant recognition ana cnecriui hood had never eveu seen. An aurif- white grapes," whispered Belle. I venture that niicbt come back to me -I words for all he meet, lie acattera erous atmosphere jervaded the whole I 1 was busy during the rest of the I laden with happiness, tbougn I dared I aunbeams wherever he goes. He house, and I should s-aiely have been day. I seemed to bo needed every- scarcely to hope for it. j Pa'e lb Patn of ohera with smiles. surprised to see the tempting luncheon where.- Great taskets'of: Xloo tu, de- The party was not to be a crash, or I He mkes society wn genial, and the that appeared before my departure, j serted by Ihe faitldess Allen, were I a jam, only a choice gathering; and at world delightful to thosa who would served on plates of cold. enittied out upon the dinnincr-room I Mrs. Slater's Bolitittinn. I ttved. I else find them cold, selfi&h and forlorn. smra&BEACHAu;;; Atlantic HoteL NORTOLK, VA. XL8.D0D302, - And she wints fifty dollars to buy hex a act of furs, docs the ? CaIUsacr KA, lYoptialof Tfcis oacniaeeal nOTTL, aiUr hrzi " Wbv Mjutv why, what arc VOU I Uea tboroably raoraUd and ntllX, U talking about?" I ' " " . Eoaro, first aad aseona Coor.fJ ft oar. w Oh! its come out, I've got tho proof! she shouted, miking a dash lor his hair. The worthy man has sworn the most solemn oaths to his innocence ; offered to let her employ a TLird aa4 fourth floor, tlO pr day. libers! Unas to parmaast Coardtf NOTICE. I was quite pleased with the first table, and I reveled among tea-rose- just to look on from a secure corner I And what he gives is but a titae of 1 detective to shadow him ; accounted for I T. f - f. . y . day's experience: and I beiran to think buds, violets! feras. aBd' all "sorts of I I felt that I must see if Frank Mid. what h receives. Be social wherever "T oour. 'r .,"! T . w year ; and furnished fifty theories in I wish to sell on the hoof. that if ' Mary Jane" could be chained floral beauties, to my heart V content, dleton was my Frank, and If he cared jou go, and wrap your lightest words I yjjj k-Uer ; and yet the wife up while I was on duty, the teaching It was a fancy of ira. Slater's that for the boquet. intones that aro sweet and a spirit I Idly remarks that she is staying there solely :n the children s account. would be quite endurable. every lady and gentleman should, have I " Dear meT said Mrs. Slater to me that U ge :iaL A. E. COBB ITT, : . c ' Cedar Bock, N. C r