r ft Is GEO. S. BAKER. Vnoruuon. room LoUKBUKQ......NoItKa 19' 1875 , ' LOCAL MA TTERS' More dangorous bridges in Louwburg than in wy town in the State. Dr. Ny, the Oculist, wil be at the Eale Hotel on Monday next. See his advertisement. Rt. Rev. Thos. , Atkinson, Bishop of tins uioceso wm nom umne eamce at St. Pauls, Church at this place on (the 2lht icKt. Heavy complaint about the condition of some of the bide walks i town. Come out ye street ccroinU4oifrs and silence these complaints. Como sonny," said i. f jnd Louis fcurg father to his little Mx-yer old boy, 'g to bid, and don't forget to fay your prsyer.,- like a good toy, papa wants to go down 'own and play euchr?.' Maj. Geo. W. Grice, President of ih H. & Q. and 11. & A. A. L. It. R. du-d suddenly at hw rei J2r.ce in Portsmouth, on Friday the 12t!i iust. Maj. Grice was about oue month ajro elected to ll:s above position, which officer he was filing most acceptably. Beforb the Ej:amineub. Question.-Ml Iiosoin." Applicant. l'lazum," " Correct," say on oof the exa.nin car.' '''il. handkerchief." Ap;h' v.nt. li Hauk'ch'ift." Ti;it .)4ii .-aut kV.ouIJ ' '.;-ive r?osivel'- a third Our neighbour Baker the gcotle mauly rJ;:or of the Louishurg Couki fcK, Iran "played quit" with patcntnut hides and is ji.nv - running one of tKc lol paper in thj. State Ti.e Cor;r:!ER b?e:i worth thousands to the neo j lc f Franklin .'eotinty, aini every citizuii should be g!ad te p tu.oize it. Oxford 'Torch Lnjld. Diviiit Services will he 'haj ut Pros pect 1 hurch us usual th first 'Sunday in December, next, iumicdiat!y pre ecdinj tiic services a conference will be helil i:i reference to repairing the (?hurch, on which occasion a full turn, out is earnestly desired, the time having fully arrived when this repair is a necessity," it is to the help of the JjorJ "your attention in invited. V. II. IIlSTSK, Jr, Louishurg, Nov. 1G 1875.- Two IiOuM;urg ladies went 0110 eve. I wishes for him and his fa uily'a happi ning artertea to visit a neighbor 'When.; es from h5ei Urge circle of friends in returning honie, the elder one not fee- j 'this place. ' - u very fvell, stepped' over what tihe thought w:h a shrub. ' H'heti lo 1 the caU1. (a.s it proved to bj) sprang up car ryifiir her some dsvtunoe on its Lack bc fote sitting her dot ti. The friend sec ing no harm done with much laughter asked her why sh'.' d;d not ride home holding on by the horns? IJeeause she cu.tly replied I wcr'tlt sitting that way. UiPTisT Coxvkntion. The Bap tist Stato 1 'onventi'.ui of Xiirt-h Carolina, convened inSi.o:.y on the 10th inst., and organized by ' the election of the tol Jowiu nnmed officers : President lion. John Kerr. Vice Presidents Maj. Y. A. Gra ham, Uev. R. It. Ove.by aud Rev: 11. JI. Oriffth. Treasurer---Juo. G. iniUanjS. Auditor Maj. W. W. xVrsS. Cor-yocretAry Uev. J. R. Ri-diaru 011. Rec Seen tary Rev. J. D. Ilcfham. Asst. ';cretary Rev. F. R. Under wood. Lectuue. Theo. N. Ramsey, Grand Lecturer for tlje I. O.GoodTcm )lat, lectured here ;ou Tuesday night to a fall house. His appeal in behalf of the innoceut suffcrcrii tfrom ,tlQ5 use of the fiery poison, was very toucT-ing,!! times moviug his audience to tears, and his arguments sgaiast the trafSo were conclusive and unanswerable. . He bs a faithful and tedious worker in the good cause, and we Iiojmj that his efforts will be crowned with success, that I13 will be tho instrument in the hands of the Great Rule: of the universe, in remo ins the dark cloud that rests over and upon the home of' the dm- kard, and cause the sunshine of happiness and love to take its place. After tlje lecturo a number were in itiated into the order. He left on Wed nesday for Hrakc Fdrest College, where he spoke again at night. dubs of Subscribers to the COUR1 ER, ire coming in every week? but ire have a large mailing book and have for more. Friends dont cease your efforts, until the COURIER put in every family in the county A Frankttn county man having rauk very freely of U. O. Whiskey, -went home with a friend to peaJ tta t,ght Next morning the Colore' sent nr. a basin of water for him to Uke his xnorn ing bath. The countrym-io turned the bowl UP to bis head drank it dr. and re- . . . . marked: " Ah ! tha GjI. knows what a man wants,' r.nd ttaniln to the waiter, who was showing two long rovrs of ivory said, " Now fetch mo np a norin cf water ia wa! mv free aiid hands in." Adyertisi no. Advertising is one of the jwwers of the world, cud the business man who fails to rvail him self of its advantages is f.ir behind the ageia which he Ifrcs. It will no lon ger do to Fay, "Oh, nobody reeds the j 001301113." The reverre is true evero.sij rezas toe euvertisements and the advertisements alone in the lo- 1 cal papers are .worth manj times the j subscription prieo. -A man too stingy or too indolent to advertise is too etin gy to ',ive you a good b rgkir.n as you can , get - from hi more , wide-awake r:rigi;'oQt3. Try it. Escaped Jail Three ncbleached Americans mr.dti 'good: their scape fr nn Inniisburg Jail, on Tuegu7 night Ust. They sacc?ed'd in overpoweT ing tlie jailer, wh very unwisely went witu tue.r supper withov-t .nu:? or as'iistauee. This is the tlri' d ! time prisoners hve "csped jaiitder.the aamuiutralicir' of tle jipresant er. and it is a faot - Ihut ! the' 100 grauitc jail built Lv'ro 4atyyai it eoti';Jered one of the safest in the State. ; All the prisoners. oonGncd for petty larceny, and would have found their way to the Radical Hotel in Raleigh, at our next court. Rev. M. II..Vaughav. This nious Diviiio who has for some time been j lteet-or of .St. PiiuVs ISisopal Church 1 at thj-5 .plsce, pnd d:M-hargcd every dmyfr-o w-lj und faitlifully, has tendered, his resignation .. from this tic'.I of v;.rk. to .go to -Oxford." "'By his pious walx r.nJj earnest labors in . hi: Church, he hes sucs.-eeded in draw ing around him a large circle of friends, who wilt fver rer.ieiu'oer htm a a faithful and zealous christian, a geuiul and s-i:il gentleman, aud wheie ever he may go, the prayers of the good people 'f his Churh, will with him, and the earnest and sinoevo Candy Factory, Messrs. A. D. Royter & Bro.j of Raleigh, have e tablichcd a large manufactory for enn- j dies of all kiuds. They have ia their employ, Mr. Leonard, who throutjhly understands the business. They ke;p a large supply, and guarantee their jnicea as low as any market soTth. This is a great inducement to mqrehauts in this section, cs in Hits item of fx eight they will save a good per eent. These gentlemen are perfectly reliable, and will tjjl ell orders promptly, end guar antee their goo Js to be fresh end pure. Then k;ep your tnchey near hou;S by sending your orders to Messrs, Rcys ter h Rro fayettevillo rtreet, Rakigb, N. C, for anjthiur,- you may vant ia the confectionery line. Work M ecu Keedep.- The loa bridg, runuing from the fewn Cecs to CHftonV etore aru w hirh 13 used as a side walk, is in very bad rq?.ir, ari if pemething is cot dene fi it verv soon, we will no' doubt be called u.cn to ebjoniclc a severe accideut to some one, and then the town eued for dam ages, and a ,heavy tar levied to meet the judgmedt, Wbich fcbuld certainly be given. Now thero is acd old but true saying, that a "stitch ia ticia aaves nine," and we lepe cur comiuia sioners will ct upoa thie'iirlnciple. and have this trap for breaking legs fixed up it 0 ace. JnJ to tba County Commissioners, we would sug gest that they cooperate with the town and wall up the ragged aad rough ido of the Court square, which is an eye sore to every-man iu town. The cost i would ba very trifiing, and the bene fit very great. WeAo hope that our town and county Com mission era will . unito and have this much needed wor. done without delay. We believe . we speak the wish of almost the entire community, in making the above request One hundred ! and five Wagons, Carts and Buggies on the street last Thursday, about the ?ame number on Saturday. . j Scexe at a Revival. Uncle Kin ehen, an old colored gentleman had been up to the alter duriog the whole meeting. On tho last day of the meeting, arn of the brethren approach ed Uncle Kinehen, and said : "Ur.ele Kinehen, T ttn sorry that we will Lave to adjourn the meeting, and leave you witk your sins still un forgiven j f 'Uncle Kinehen looked up and said: .'"I'll be bound you hears from me, afore dis meeting journs." STATE ITEMS. Dr. Hawkins lias returnel cm the Hot StM'cgs of Arkansas much Ira- proved, Capt. riato Durham died at his home in Shelby, cn Tuesday morning the Oth. sect., after-a brief illness. Mr Peter jyr.en, of Warren, received the premium for the belt bala ot cotton exhibited at the !ato Petersburg Fair A Bbak's Mistake. Wlnlc Mr, Bu fcrt was engineering the bear Cght last Saturday night Bruin mistook him for a dog and bit him severely in the leg. 12. Matt. lbs Raleigh Light Infantry won tho silk banner offered at the j7ilraington Fair tor the best drilled company. A Norfolk company as well as one from Wilmington competed for the flag. Anotiikr Incehdiatit Fras.-Mrs. Kitchen who resides in -.Edgecombe, near Mr.-H. L. Statou who recently sufiered a similar los bad her tin hocse awl several -bales oftiotton, bsrn and Jier entire crop of torn burned, oa ThursUniy night4 4h lns.' The perpetrator is iajJiefid but has n-ot beoa caught. - T. Southerner. fcpciAL Tkiim ArpwRD For. Th : b-iard of couaailRsioncrs ot Halifax county, supported ty tlie -bar of th- 'county, have petitioned Govtrucr JtJrogdcn to o:t'er a epeciai term ot the sujenr c-urt lor'the county. cnvec- ing tne first Monday ia .e-ui!'ert and iLai Jude V. A. Moore of the second judicial district. b K'j.pointed to ln;ld it. The petition nitl probably be granted. ' , - I . - - AnnK-o: or? I Gamblers Deputy' SticnlT K. F. AJartiu yesti r'Ky efTucted the arrett ol fit'tetn pertODs charged with gambling. Tliese gentry, we understand have boca plsjitsi; theU avocations hereairice the comcatneemtsit oi tiro Fai", and have 'been toe means perhaps of Kny ct Uii! ucsusptcting losing large sums ot money. The buveibs tUdctrf riid yesterday will lUiddDg thing quiet no doubt for'some time in this line. . . Wil. Journal, A Poske, Mamie and Johnnie, two little flve-j ears-old cousin?, cf this city, were dwputiug the other day about the comparative valua ot their poascssi ns.v Alter a boasttuliy careful eaumeraticu by each, Mamie at Itst ezclaime l: Well, I've get more dead kin folks than yoa have, I ajhow1,? Johnnie sat sllotit and pursled foi a moment, then triumphantly replied: I dou't cars it jou have; I cried enough at Mr. H 'e frceral, to make up for all your old dead kin V R. S Kims el. " ITiiKliioza Notctt The ccmsls Lair tbat came out first in Euber quiet tiuts, "natural colors'1 tLcy were called is new given us in 'itwltcd and plaidcd tints," known as knicVcr-bockersl j Taec another is mot tled with white. like snow-fiakes, ard U known as spitzbcran. Then there CfrlQ VWAV4 ' V i vw . Y " tiiers vte plaid id basket clothes,' and the brightest and gayest, of Sc fetch tar tan plaids, ( . fa wrips, wc find everybody is love with the deep circle. r , n 1 ' ; '.' ' " 'if --;; " 1'rench Jacques, . plain, suort and beautifully fitting -in the back, loug acd'poiiitedjan front, arenhxeh frorii. They are trimrnd fitb, fur vr velvet, or edged with fringe, 'and trimmed with a deep heading of basket woreu braid: " In hats, w find the prettiest are in felts, with bread brims of plujh or beaver; also the pretty tongue; a shape that has won every heart. The broad briroc "required hut little- trimming it is rolled at one side, and slouches o.er the bead the ret of the way ; a roll of velvet,! or soft basket trilled ribbon, trims the crown, and rich os trich tips, or a long plume, with the wings of some gay-plutnaired bird, mineied with bright flow era and au tutun leaves, usuh the turoed op side. The tongue is worn further off the face than in bright sunshin j days, and is Snished with & roll-or coronal of vel vet, or a full wreath of autumn leaves, with bright berriee. la gloves, the prevailing style u to match the costume; but where the very bigone taste that now prevails is carried to any exteut. neutral tints such as real brown. niVTtle. stel and r 1 pluui, are the preference. In ties; pla.ded (basket, of course) ATii rllAKI 1 nlvrt " rifll rr .lr-c Wk Am. . j , ' , 1 Dossed nds; and for more dressy wear, white ties, with eod of real point, or j malt aud other UctJi, are considered I the choicest and richest. r asuion. I SPECIAL JTE31S. nr. ii .'. e win sena u.e LOuiiier and uocey s Miay s Jiookt with beautiful I Oiljphromo uPefcue,,' 12 months for Notice lo Settle. I 'earnestly request all who owe me will make it convenient to settle before Christmas, as Iriecd all the money I ccn get. Thi3 Toqucst is made in car nest and those disregarding it will find their claim? in tho hands of t officer. Therefore pay np and save cost. T. N. CARLIJJi. Nov. .12 1875. The .Ccuhiir for three months only Fifty Cists. Lot every Demo crat in th-; County subscribe at crtrcc. TO fON8UMrTlM8V-Tbo ad vertiser, an old phycidan, retired from active practice, having had placed in his hands by an fast Tudia Mission ary the formula af. a Simple yegctablc Kemepy, for the 'speedy and perma nent ure of Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat gnd Lung Aflectio s, - also "' a Postive and Radical cure for Kervoul Deb lity and all Nervous Complaints, after having tharougfdy tested its wonderful cura tive powers In thousands of cases, fccl3 it his duty to make It knowr. to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a conscientious desire u relieve hujjjac sufierfng, ha wIU fceud (free of charge), to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and sucesefulty using. fceut by return ma 1 by abdressing. DU. W.-C. 5i EVENS, Munroe Block, Syracuse, K- T. Novl9-ly, GliEEN'S AUGUST FLOV7BII, It is natural lor people suffering with Dvtpt'psi and LiTcr Complaint or nny drrar.genifut ol" the 1 iem ire organs, sucu ts Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, tiabitual CosVirenss, palpitation ot the Heart, Heart bura. VVater brash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit ortae oiomacu, leilow Mcin, Coated Tongue and disagreeable tate ip the mouth, comipg up ot food attr eating, low spirits, &c., to put vf! from day to buyieg an article that they know has curfd their neighlor, iriend, or rela tie, yet thej have do faitb 10 it until it i too lHte. But if ynn will ro . to your Druggist Du. J. II CLirTOS Iouisburg, N. C , and get a bottle ol Gbeeu's AufifcST Fxx)WEB your imme diate cure ia as certain as you live. Sample Bottle of this medicine can be obtained tor 10 cents to try its superior virtue. Regular sise 75 cent. Try it. two dost ill relievH any cac. MALLORY'S 0&SK SSfGBEa O - . Cest hci.vy Digging - - 16 cts. Ties 5 cts Marshalls Liverpool Salt 225. NalLj per Leg. 425. Iron 4 KerytbingCHEAP. Guaci for wheat. W. S. MALLORT, Fraaklintoa, N. C. Cotton JIarij(s. ! Louisburg, Not. W. Cotton, (Low lliddlior) Hi els.. it Raleigh, ot. 17. 12 cu. Cotton, Petersburg 2?ev 1T Cotton, ' 121 cts. Norfolk, oTot 17. - U 'v. llj cts. Cotton, New Advertisements, J. M. FOREST & Co. Near Central JIulel; . Corccr Hargett and VVilmintoa Streets, RALEIGH, N.C. Dealers in Imported and Domestic Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. ,UUfll' axvo, xormeny iuisDurg, has cnarge or the Bar Billiard aloon. and will be p eased 1 very Re-pectJn lr. to see bis old friends. Wov.Wtf-mo. OCULIST-OPTICIAN. iormenj irom ine optica: inr.itQ tint Elkenreich & Nye, Maoicb, Qer- many, re pectJuilj aonouacea to the r . u . , .uaK J Vi Will the EAGLE HOTEL- of thoT. T!.r MONDAT, NOV. 22od, to remain tor Til HE E DAYS where may con sulted upon DISEASES OF THE EYE, and where be espcciallj reprcsenta his worn renowned AITOM CRYSTAL SPECTACLES, which arc ai in most cverr ressibhs shape of Gold, Silver, Steel, Rubber, Tortoise-Shells , Horn, Skeleton, or in visible Frames of the latest fcTYLESani rVTT2RN8. The convenient Patent Double Vision Glasses, (Bifocal) which enables per Km to see doth'near and far. Be t8- pecially manulactarea ' ' : I wiNasa, FORRE8Envma the d!fgnedfortheuof peraons suCering FR03I WEAK EYES (optkalmla) c particularly adtpttd for h-5 tua of tbosa who work much at I sight by artificial light. lie also man ufactures Lcnsea with focus ot various cwlors and tints, which tre adapted to parsons with defectira vision, ' .- Oiteu Lenses called Pbbla are offer, d at cheap rates, but they prove . dear ones to the uofoitcuatc purchaser, lor the crystals from which the Lcne are made ara cut at random, in every direction that will yield tha greatest quantity, hence they produce Lenses WORSE than USELESS, and do irreparable mischief to the wear er, la the msnufdctnre I have adopted thecoucava convex shape so similar to the corneal latticular arrangement , ot the EYE, which allows a larger field ot visionn and collecting a greater number I GSV""a " tecu"ea bJ cuSin"' . NYE begst leave to state that haviDg fo- many yare made the adaptatitu ot bp ctaclts and (Jptical contrivances a special stu dy whieti th a profession demQds, he tet-ls bimsclf fuby cempeteot ' to meet the requirements of the xn at dilBcult cases. lUspectluIIj, S. B. NYE. OK.cc hours lrvra 8:30 A. M, to 8 P. M. Ttrstimouittls from all piU ot the country furnished on'sppl-calion.t LAND FOR SALE 1 205 acres of land on Line branch and Bears swamp, adjoining the lauds of Jno E. Thomas, Q. G. Gill, Alex. Wilson and others. Apply to MALo: J. E. MALONE Md. ET2Delical, Hna-SectariaB, Iflleiea't THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK, T. De Witt Talmage, Ed'r. Mr. Talmage's Sermon each week. Fell Reports of Mr. Moody's T7ork. A NEW SERIAL STORT, Bt Rbt. W. i. Bakeb, One of the nst popnlsr of American story writers. TWO NEW PREMIUMS. AN AMERICAN FARMYARD," After Jos. John, executed .in twenty. ! nine priotiogs and heretofore told , for f 13, also an EXQUISITE FLORAL GROUP, Painted expressly tor this paper by Mrs. WbItset, and cbroaoed by L. Paaiuz a, Co. Uoatoo. tS" Tbeaa ve cenniM art works, aad tba best aod most expensive picture presuama ever oQered. . Host Liberal Terms to Agents X3TD XXCXCSIVX TAmiTOBT. ' terms to Subscribers : . a ' . : , ' Without premium, postage pre- . paid ...i 3.uu With either premium, unmounted. ; . poatace prepaid Witb either premistB. mouated. by express at snbacrtoers ex p. 4.00 tJ'k or fall particwlara as to coca- xaissiont and canvass, add ess . B. R. CORWIN, Publish; rf Sox 5105, New York. CARRIAGE FACTORY. Franklinton, N.'C. . We reapectfallj announce to the pub lie. that we bare located at Fraaklio- ton, for the purpose of maoufactoriog Carriacts, Baggies, Wsgous & c We are also prepared to fi l orders or wlnnt and Tine Cof2njwith Bearae and I and team furnuted. I BEACUAU & SON Not. 5-1 t. Bale! or -o- COTTACE RESIDENCE FOESALE I will sell on reasouable terms the new cottage residence on Elm Sti'eetj knovn as the Jesse JFur giirson lot, and at -. . 1 presentoccupiea 1, Ti!T-- fT3 -TTT. WJ iViLr 9 ITfolfl-lMO' -? A rTH:!1! IVJIUIUUC? Jl II house has three I ' CCOOli SIZC rOOHlS , . . mm wide pas- sage, and . porch in front and rear. The lot contains ' 3-4; of .an acre. 1 , and has a number of tlie very choi cest fruit trees in the garden. 5f the sale is not made pri- wrra walwr li rvfVana 4fax AlJJ 9M.JM. V IIH A:, t: w ism oi juec- Ji shall then sell it at public auction Now is the time qtq a IlICG conitorlable res idence for a . ' - small amount of money, yjau on me at tlie COU- imil office. - - it (Reo. . Baker. : Trinity College. . - . ' ". THE SESSION COIUIENCES SepL, 2nd 1875 Fell Facaityx elegant VuBdlags first class acrrtmra odatloma. Seventy five to cinty dollars will pay all ex- pensea for five moaits ' Wa oiler toe Aid clven to Tooxxff taeo or limitea r r 4 T-t:. nUmm VT P s ' B. CRAVEN. . July S0-187S . ' ESTABLISUIuD 184T. VI. H. Llorris Adns., COTTON. FACTORS ASD Commission r LTerchanls. 23, 25 and 27 Commerce St, Will make liberal Currency advan cesou produce or bill lading In baud. Mr. A. xl. Nobie, of N. C, Iscoa nected with our bouse, and will be pleased to reod re tta patronagB of his friends Desirable Residence In Louisburg FOR SALE. TLat Deairable evidence, at prtaent occupied by Iter. M. U. Vaubao, sit uated oa Elm Street; and froQiiojj the bead of College Street, ts ' offered lor ale. The lot contains about two acres of land, on which i located the dwell icg of six rooms, with kivcheo and olh er neceaaary out-housea, with a well at good water, all within pleasant walking distance of the business part of the tOWD. WICC J10DXIATK. Ts&ms LiaxaxL. For I nrtter iolormation, ap Pljto V Kovl2-1674. TIIOMAS WHITE, NEW HARNESS My Harness Shop over T. 17. Carllle Store is now complete, with an assort men of Ready-made Harare, Ha chloe and hand made. I wiU warrant all Hartteas made by hand a reasonable length of time. I also keep on html full supply of rOLE RTBAIS" , UimXO toBlULK.' - . lBlVINO hUNX. waoosbCor.T BHIDLS UALTEIW." Cal and examine my txk when you cwmetotown. Very Reiply, . , y. n. cuFrox. - P. IL CZXLS. A. IT. ZUJLXU : . COTTON FACTORS. ' r WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS COmiISSlON MERCHANTS. No. 43, WilmlnRtou St. Raleigh, W. O1 We solicit consignments of country produce and cotton. Orders promptly atteode4 to. : vir , We solicit consignments ol country cctta z k.,q-: EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg, N. C. PaoriiiETOK. . . ... o The prent proprl tor lias leased the Eagle Hotel, (formerly occupied by James Dentyfora number of years. Be Is prepared to accommodate regular aud transient boarders, lias nlco rooms, we'd furnished, and Uttd up in the best style. He has alo large and convenient rooms for Salesmen to display their samples. The tabic Is dally- supplied with tbc best the mr ket affords. Dc will spare no pains In making his boarder comfortabhl, and hopes be will receive a liberal patronage from the public Jao. 8th 1875. the SUNNY SOUTH. I Lama err axd HawDsoxcsT Litk- , aetPambiiAmiwca.,,. BR1LLI1NT ANNOUKCEMETS. 137" Spkctmkks Fkkx. fJ The following new stories will soon b commenced, and wilt be the moat iBtcoeely thrilling ol any romaoces jet published in an American Journal. RILLA ROSCOE ; on, Norm aud South. A thrilling National Romance,' based upon the admlnstrstioos of Prcsi 1 dents LIdcoId aad Johcaoe, . and the Execution f Hrr. Sarratt in 18 W. . . Wsrrrxji bt a DimsocunEO Etatzs MAX.- "' WRTrTEX 1 BLOOD ; ' The HiDXiorrr Plkxxzx. ( " story of the last NspoUoo .Relga. Bt M. Q cad, of the llicrr-aui Pbcu. FIOHTINO AGAINST FATE ; - or, ' . fm; ALOXB IB THE WOBLO; A Brir.iaat Society Serial, bow rtjoabg, by XIrs. IIsbt E. BaTAX. wbois tt finest 8urj -writer ol the aga. ' . EDITH HAWTHORNE ; . y or, - - j Tub TntrrATXOBs or a Factobi Oikl .... - - Bt a Poiclar Novaxirr. r. ,:BXlIINlBCENCE.-s:lf .... of tub .,. . - ;v COXTXDBBATB OoVXaXHtTT. . i xy - "Jr " Treaaurv lixBBixoxa. gCTThls will U a deeply loternticg - rite of sketches giving the exrly trials rl.sadrastages and raoy amusic ccf dents ot our people io tneir tTrx estabUsxi aa ladepeoJtot UoTcrttacpi- ;o: : . . rT A number of unoiuaJly Exit uabt bo Stox-Ies appeia wch Iseoe. with a great variety ot is pat kb eg misctllacct us o attrr oa all subj-eta. KciMTBirrxos, 1100 a Ycab. - - Cxcbs or 4 as d UrwABrx, $2w0Bcn. 20 225 gQT. Extra Copy FREE, one jesr, for a clabol 3 at3.tJ. Aauxras J. U.. SEALS, . AtlsaU. (ia.

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