o ID GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: $2.00 per Annum. V0L.-V; L0U1SBURG, N.. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1875. NO. 4. CBDPo JUL IW i vA:-1 1 1 P?1 t'-i V Rf j ! L if Professional Cards. & a. .1- -- - BY HE; EN FORREST GI1.W S. Xr. XI. E KING, DENTIST. OSers Ins Proiessional Services the public in 1 livery department or Dentistry. OFFICES, IjAiiisbun? at Warrenton over - o h nts Hotel, Norwood & Davis' Store "1 the JOS. J. DAVIS. kWX aM CQUUSELLOR at JAW LOUISCUKQ, FUANKUN CO. N.O. Will practice in the severil cowU o Oranvilh , Fiankliu, Niuh, Warren ami W,,ke. Prompt attention paid to tb colli etion and remittance ot money. .-, July 15, i7t. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, FUAKKLINION, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 6th PKlifMlll fllctrit.: I'ro'upt nttmtion n'lven to the oollec- - . V.. EA P M'" I I CHUM. i'U -H C. M. CflGiB CQOi: ATTORNEY W. H. Sracc AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, , BANKRUPTCY LOUISBURS N. C. Will -i'U' (1 the Courts o f Na, Frank lii,, J::r.vilW', VYarren,and Wake 0oin ti s. i.so the Supreme Ourc 1 North t arolimi ami the U. S. Circuit and Disr i( Couits. No. 7 -tf A rainy day in the country ! Drip, drip! soundcl the water in the barrel undjr the rvcs ; patter, patter ! tinkled do vu the raindrops upon ilw leaves of the seringas and lilac Lushes and Lucy Darl, sitting si the window, her round chin resting in her hands. and' her eyes, fixed dreamily on the woods, half hidden in vapory mists, be gan to feel ju.st the least bit inthe world bored. . An open letter lay in her lap- a let ter to which the referred, every now and then, with a pretty, hal-puzzled contraction of her b:ov.'s. Wash and wear !'' she repeated to herself: ' I wonder what aunt Judith means ? 4 She hopes that wbiehevar of my suitors I may elect to prefer will wash and wear ? I'pou my word, that is likening the lords of creation to a pattern.. of calico, or a gingham sun- bonnet!" ' And Lucy 1 ughed a little - very becoming process, which brought out the dimples around ier cherry lip?, and t'h.; dewy sparkles under her long au burn lashes. " I'm sure they are both models of amiability aud good temper," sxid she to herself " that is, as far as I know." And then, .11 of a sudden, it oeeurred to ier how lit lie a woman could' rea'dy know of the actual boiii llle habits and i i;:!i:;cter f ' a nan until she is mar- t: Ah, if one .-;,';:M only take ft M?ep ::rii:g Mrs. Fo'. iott, bringing 'r;:v of toat and tea. I wouldn't wait on a man so," said Ilij -y, indignantly. I're.-eu ly poor Mrs. Folliott return id. vi;h the tray scarcely touched, and stoppct) in Nell's room, to relieve her mind. - ; lie wont touch a mouthful, be cause it isn't smoking hot," said she, with a sigh. i; He's crosser thau one wuuld th'nk it .ossible, and'' But here she cheeked herself abrupt- tied on 1 is best neck-tie, and pinned a pink Cjiriiati-):! in his butt'jn-hole. " I think I'd go over to Mrs. Ihrl's for a little while," said he. 4 You net iu' t," said the ;istute Nell. " Why not?" , ' Because Lucy warhere th;s morn ing, and heard you scolding at poor mamma ; and because I saw her i'o bv just now with George Haven ; . and th -y'ro engaged-' " How dj you know ?" " By instinct." Mr. Foiliutt made a " grimace, Cinai tl Your Coiiverxa- va dcu't tcloLUe. Vou'ra nni t. I t,. r tl ft,. ,.r I blame for it. But if rou could iuit 1 tlmnd baring Lsn lfrnrl V ,V - e . 4 action of the dime. th tins U now If yna say auyth'mg about a neigh bor or friend, or even a stranger, say nothing ill. It is a Christian aud brotherly charity to suppress our know- pare 'em down a lit'.le, 'twould be a great 'com ui odat ion to the traveling public." The lady was pcechless with indig nation, the passengers" were convulsed. u.pendi bj tbe cuhcsiou of the par ticle of rait. leice otcvil el another unlej-sa n-gticr -t.,i ti.e r,.!-.,.,,, .tui public duty compels us to bear accus- jy to lllC Joor B.er to ti,e gr9unat i ig witness . s; and if it le tructharity anJ im!nediatfly sat down. As the un- at ly at the .-ight of Miss Z;rl. " I beg you pardon, my dear !' said pinned the carnation, aud stayed she. ' I did not see you." Loiec. " Oh. don't mind mo," said Lucy, The engagement became a publis af- oloring. " I'm going over to Mrs. fair the next day, and Lucy Pari wrote thou.h we felt that by pushing our Haven a lew minutes, to see about a back to her aunt Judith that she had fellows down or back a peg, we were root of fern she promised to get me accepted a lover whom she could war to keep our knowledge of such evils to ouraclves, much more should we re fuse to spread evil report of another. Discreditable as the fact is, it is by f.r the commonest tendency to suppress the good we kuo.T of our neighbors and friends. Wc act in this matter as behind the scone. V raid L'v.-y. '"if oue could put a lowr on trial i r a month us aunt Judi'h takes a s rvi nt girl, and dischar; from the Hartford woods." For it had occurred to Miss Lucy that this was an excellent opportunity to test the ' washing and wearing' qual ities of the second of her lovers. Fol liott had been weighed in the balance, and found want in r Now let George Haven take his chance. The Haven cottage stood about an eighty of a mil further tluwn the road, pretty littht h'--aey-sueke-gjr!anded af fair and Lucy Kail, Arling rather like a spy, crept up the stairs (no'. ody chan ced to be in the hall), and took refuge in Mrs. Haven's own neat little bou doir. Mr?. Haven had three or four un-ruly.i'l-dsei li.u-d children sta nig with hevr th;.t sunnner the children of an -itivftbd sifter ni:d Mis. Haven was ,not ri.li iu ihi world's gnods, like the FeiUts. As Liu-v rant as an articl s that would " vash and wc:tr.": Sa unity Night. To perous, There can hardly be a greater sign of prosperity in a community thau a disposition to help-one another lift a lifle when a neighbor's wheel gets Stuck in the muJ. We know of a place where a man's barn, with all his winter's stores of car moved aaj. ho arose, examined his clothe, looked up and dowu the stront, waved Ids band iu an uncertain manner, and walked away. n Novob A paper in Portland, Maine, has a putting ourselves up or forward. We singular story iu regard to a family arc jealous of commendation uulew named Rodman, The family consis- wc get the larger share. lcl 0f l,u,band (John), wife al two Social conversation, as knofn to children Charles and Jlarj. Thej veiy observer, U largely made up cf ere burned out at the time of th what is understood by tbe tern. scan- I nre Q Portland in 1966, after which dal. It would bo difficult to find a I they removed tollajlen), New York, talkative group, of either sex, who Soon after going there Mr. Kodman could spend an hour together without bad a chanco to go to Valparaiso, lie evil speech of somebody.N BIfc.-scd Mcft his family with" his brother wheu arc the peacemaker , is not tha max im by which we are chiefly governed in our treatment of personalties. Better a thousand times to stand or sit dumb than open our lips evcrsoelo- Hot ice. SMITH feEE&GK&TS Building Contractors AND GA.13I2TJET LOUISBCOU, J. a SASH. BLINDS AND s DOORS in the WKlit. Immediately all the I quontly in the disparagement ot others. men of tho country side mustered and him if ho u. n't give s:;lisf.';;-t;.:ij ! And then the wash-aud- -at tln re. wouderiu'' whetl r a i. ii-'r as ;t had iei'rt V.'.'.!. hi -h .-a s. ioui.h tribulation,' Hcirho!' I b-!"u-v. J uuirh i easily I shall huve to draw i: : .-a r.iarry- 53 r 53 TETERSBUUG Va, E. It LOU T E It. Watchmaker and Jew tier. KISK Wattlics and Jewelry of the b's l:itiuf:u t(.isand at the lowct p ices. All woik personally attended to and war lanteil. tl r3 Syi-amore St., Petersburg, T CQUEIER JOB OFFICE V' i We have added to our etock a len did JOB PRESS, with an elegant day?" flection pi type ot tue latest styie3 and wc arc now prepared to do ois which" I will tt. or Geor ge HaVen. Bur there's no Mse wrinkling upj my forehead with it i:o.v; time will decide. In the iiicaii'.iiue, I shall be hopelessly wear'fxl if I sit'he.-e staring at the rail, any Lv.ger. I ii put on my things and run over to Nell Folliott's, Kuirene will have started fur thi city long ago."' It was a pretty, shaded road, deli cious iu the fr.;s) uess of a sunmier mor niug, but rather .-drippy and dnurgly, just at present, that led to the old Fol liott .niansiou a sturdy creation of grav stone, with half a dozen honeydocusU keeping guard ver it like a band of sentinels. Lucy D.-.rl, a privileged' visitor, did not rii.g at the from dor belJ, but slipped quietly in at a back door, aad ran up to Miss Full;, it's' room. ' At home, Nell ?'' she cried, tapping softly on the panels of the door. " Of course I'm at home," sa.id Nell, brmhtlv, oieuinr it. " You dear little rosebud, you've come just in time to help me about tbe pattern for my new cashmere polonaise. Isn't it a wretched y chance was ab rat t befriend l ru htr boliire. a elieeiy voit-o s HUiJ-rl Ini-irt. ie.r-j;e hadjut .i it;, dripping but cheeriiii, fVoiu the post oliice. " Hello, ir.other ! what's thj matter ? Crying, and discouraged ? Why this will never do in the world ! Come, lit tie folks, run o'J tu the barn, every .one ot'you, and plav. The fire smokes. dow; it ? If 'ell, never mind : III have things all straight,- in a mir.ute, with a .few kindliugs. The fact is", mother. y(.iu st at home too' much. You get ucrvuus I must contrive some way of taking vou out to drive everyday." A sly, dimpled smile came into Lucy Par's face us, s't e heard the strong, ea- i s.jiag voice of her lover, bringing hope and courage with it, and reflected that he was cerfainly of a different stamped from Eugeue Folliott, whose dashing ma unci s and citv airs and oraecs had so nearly captivated her. It was quite evident that he would ' wash and wear,' according to aunt Ju dith's theory. 'I suppose I am a little nervous at times, George," Mrs. Haven awswered: but I never feel it when you are here. I don't know what I would do without a son like you. But if you ever get married-' " But Lucy Darl could not stand this she felt like a little Innocent eaves- hauled up timber for a new barn, and then a big raising came off. After that the soMid of twenty or moreham m?rs were heard until the whole was shingled ai.d sided. But their deed! of kindness wa not done yet ; one uf-1 ter another offered to take a head exL his stock and w inter them fm- him, thus greatly reducing his h.-s and as sun.i heart of the more durable n-.:!ie.x ' f bnithetlv love ?nd ntiirhborlv tf w tf 1 r-o 1 wiil No o::c can compute in iioiiev tli va'ueot' one such ex:im-lj "f noble til.Giaiity in a community. opecially in its iiifluence upon the young. . Where tliis spirit prevails there 15 ure to be progress in a place even if all the improvements a?c in their iti- Peopli will com'? and settle in e which bears such a g vd name. What we sho ild do in this, as in : 11 other human relations, is jto practice sea. and the vessel wa lost", and it was the golden rule. If we would do unto gupposcd that be would never be heard others as wc would that others should do unto us, tve should be exceedingly careful not to. volunteer ill words about them. W1cro other than, a good word is to be spoken, let it be spoken to the person concerned, that he may kn that your motive is not he started, and for soaic time he sent money to them, but at last letters ceased to come, aud the brother having died, Mrs, llodman and ber two chil dren returred to Portland, and she supported them with ber needle. som. t-.M .bot 1871 chiient to Xonque and Groove floor MADE to ORDER, and all kinds ot Machine work done at short notice, oa as le&sonable turns as elsewhere Id th S'.atr. All grades ot Coftini, Fa milk ed, with besxse. from. So:ue tinio ago Mrs. Hodman saw uti advertisement in a New Yjrk paper stating that if Mra Elizabeth llodran, wife of John Hodman, of Portland, Me., would address certain New York lawyers she would bear of something to ber advantage. She at ing and ceiling, a SPECIALTY. Lathes always Plastering band. oa Mle, cowardly and sinister, and that be once started for New York with ber u ay have a chance to defend himself. TIo -wcir-i not X)iiiiil. r as wee in the neatest'and best manner. So you need not send yonr JOB WORK North, for we will do itiust a well and cheap as you can get it elsewhere. LETTER DEADS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, Whitelaw & Crowder. - i , Marble & Stone "W O IRK S, Raleigh. N. C. Pe'rsons wishing to purchase Dead stones nr Mouumentt", tan se aad con sult with our Mr. WhitUw, at Mr. J, A. Stunt' boarding bouse. Aug. 13.12sib. And the two girls were presently deep in the mysteries of ' bias folds,' knife-plealiugs" and ! side gores,' un til, all of a sudden, a surly, masculine voice roared down the hall : Where's my breakfast, I say ? 1 want my breakfast 1 Confound all you women folk-, why don't you bring me; my breakfast ! Am I to starve to death? Nell ! iJother I Come, wide-awake there 1 Bring me my slippers ! Fetch the newspapers, somebody ! Aud look sharp, do you hear ?" And the doo. was banged, shut again with considerable emphasis. Nell looked at Lucy with a crimson ing bro x. Lucy opened wide her in quiring eyes. 'It's Eugene." said Nell, in rather aii embarrassed m'auncr. ' He was out late last "night, and he overslept him self this morning.' " Oh !' said Lucy, beginning to be conscious that a flaw existed in this patern masculine diamondthat this pattern of goods 4 washed' but indiuer eui'y. " ' At this moment footsteeps burrk-d by. It was the patient aud mueh-ea- faney. a plae Now, if you desire to see your phuse Iignity with which he commanded a growing popular, do what you can to show yourself a good neighbor, es pecially to tuose who need a little extra help. If a man starts a tin-shop or a black smith's srhop in your p!ac don't har ness up and drive Sve miles to buy your pane and get your hor e shod, just beca sc you have been in the habit of doing it. Patronize the new corner when you waut anything done m hit liue. Speak encouraging ly to him to your neighbors. Little words '.of approval or censure go a loi.g way, and when ouco you have spokci. them you cannot call them back. Help the sick, especially if they are poor, for poverty and illness are in deed a heavy burden. Perform all acts of loving charity which fall day daughter, and learned there that bar husband had become very weaPby, and wa3 soon to arrive in New Orleans, He had not r.'ceivod a letter from ber for a long time before be ceased to write, and supposed she was dead,' bat inserted the advertisement to see what he could bear. Tho mother and daughter started for New Orleans, where they arrived a few days before 1 ormer SMITH & BEACHATil. m Atlantic ' Hotel. A few days since a man dressed in good clothes, an eye-glass and a gold mounted cane, and possessing alto gtl cr a rnther clerical appearance, hailed a passing street cr. There was nothing unusu! or particularly notice ably iu this except the air of lofty I the vessel which was to bring the ab sent husband and father. One day halt, and t!i desperato effort which be wl'le Hie street they vrere insulted iiad made to maintain his centre of by a young man, who was promptly gravity as he parsed to the car, and to knocked down by a young eaiLr, rb. cj::ccal the f..ct thit he was slightly proved to be none other than Charles NORFOLK. VA, ft. B. D0D30X, dropper, as she was, and hmrieddown by day in your path, remembcrin it is who has said, " Ye 9 alt iu no rr to lilt inebriated. Arriving at the door, be solemnly raisod his right foot to enter but not raising it quite high enough, ho fell heudlong oti the fl or of the car. Haisirg himself up with difficulty, he cat a severely reproving lck at the ohl gutleman who sat near the door, and .'-aid "Sir; what d'ye lift up this car foi just s I was going to get in !' 'My dear ir, I didn't lifi the car replied the old gentleman, meekly. Casting as stea l a gaze upon the old gentleman as he could uuder the circoTii-tances, he replied, 'Well, perhaps you didn't. I won't 'tempt to argue ith a man la your condition. My amiable friend, it's Hodman, ho bad been saved from the vessel which was lost. On the ar rival of Mr. Hud man the family were once more united. stairs. "You here, Lucy?" cried Mrs. Ha ven, who was busy at her stockiug- darning, . You here. Miss Darl ?" exclaimed George, who . had just brought m an armful of fresh kindlinjrs. wie lose your rewrd.' lu-sMajriY, and looking A citizen of Gratiot Avenue called ou the Chief of Police, tbs other day, and " Icouldu't find any ne up stairs," without any skirmishing round ho en quired: 44 Isn't dere some law about dot ?" 44 What is that?" asked the chief,' " an aot bo dot a . vellor shall call hb dog 4 Bismarck Y replied the man. 44 Why, a man can'give his doj any name he wants to, I suppose. He can?'' The Dki-tii op Meanse s. The Washington Gazette ba-s found him we mean the n canest man in Georgia a young man in Wilkes county, who confessvl to his sweetheart to whom be was engaged and who was anxious to have the marriage ceremony consum mated, that he bad not tbe necessary amount (1.51.) to purchase the liccusc The poor girl raised $1,55, wlikh she had beeu caiefu'ly hiard.ng, with whkh to buy a Christ ma dress, and sent him I'OUXTAIS HOTEL, rroplCor. Til mtgnifint IIOTIX, sftr bsrlnjl beu tht roaxbly rtnre'! wid reflud, U uow open for tb c raiaoAatioa cf gQMt. " Board, flnt ad second floor, t3 pr dJ Third and fourth floor, 12,5') P' J ULcrtl una to prmnut UoJeTt ISTOTICE. I have four fine fat beeves wbica I wish to sell on the hoof. A. E. BOBBITT. Cedar Rock, N. C iOOK ASD JOB PIUNTIXn oojx jmaxziiT Exemted la th vry bert ani latest lm- SruTed ule. W bTe 11a oulr c.,3t.irvj OB Orf-ICE AND COuK-hlNDEHT W THE UTT Or IlALRKilL and tLa LKWTT K3TABLlaHMr.NT vt the kind IN THE STATE. Orr rnoting, tocloiitt; huoplot aad books, a Un cxumlrdy rltcJ by Mi Trt Sonkmnd Pmlh. tmy B. BarwrO, A- IL. Tc-f )ntlln(, IU. Irfti: " I mt aerrr aJ dkt. k h any Printers who do bttter Wfk. t. P. liotn rood, Prtodral IUifUh t SrralRsry: - lXn all toy lrlnling tt tM lMt twt rear do m Cd work xA on a rroiMtl aid Lucy, bl painfully conscious. 44 1 lo,.ked all over. I've just come to ask if you got the root of Hartford fern you promised me, Mrs. Haven ?' 4 It's set out in a flower -pot, vuder the back kitchen window,'' said Mrs. It'vven. ' But you'll stay all day, now that you are here. Lucy dear ?" Miss Lucy did not refuse. Mr. Eugene Foils, it lay in bed uu til eldvcn, and rd novels. At noon he came down stairs. : Confounded dull here, without a mu1 to speak to,' said ue. - Of course Uis mother ai;d sister were i outside the aie of tividz nl huuiauit .. 1 And at -u-. set; 'whea the crim ' beams ot the devliuiug ort of ;av broke radiently out turou-h joruu,; clouds, he 1 w. " Aud dot man schall call bis dog Bismarck T 4 Yes.' 44 And zjlaw Lsh no good? "No." ' lit t ! -a- Iia aud 'I : yes ! I shalt tj mit my luui. n:y do ihorge- Staer-d-'j rant-Iiofetmas- A. 1. wus re4 in re Serrna aa air PabOstlnz !ias North or South." Ma). Kott. fcincktn, 8upt lilrtic tiam tV-bof 4 : We ttyw of do tw-ttcr boru In ttv ir Un.m FrrVUnt and CwhW Uti trw' N lvml Bank, of Ealeih : We know f no EataMKbtnent to mine ont mtirr or more aatUfaotory yA. Mart of thrU-rtat to town to procure tbenecesary licwe. my calm and uelibera e ' pinion that He invested the nyrnej ia license to that you have been looking upon the """J tr girf For raal, unmitU wine when it is red. Vry sorry to sa jpted tucanB-AS, this ejo is without it iu a man of your age. Wlat d'you Fkrauci. so tar as we know. sicse your mother would say if she should sea vou intossicated? Mv Sozplk Experiment. Puce a to- fricud, I've wept many bitter tears I " in such a rositioo on tbe over such cases as yours. Yes, - eon- j the tacls that, if it were left tinned he, in a faltering vcic. and unsupported, it would fall to tbe Lullincout bis handkerchief, "and I'm ground." A.-poker may aow be su - d-d if I ant't weeping now, as you'll Tded 'ion, tbe pipe io sod, a manner JSSt wST- i- I that the weight of tha l o';er will be I Our It L. A ti.fl Cor IVtLl drrtiT, Rrr- ICAUtif uvawiiv. I o 1" . , . . . . -- A the hrat lo the tnarkxt. tor eatalojrc Hfjrlf yoo want fwd work ait Uiw VrZc. for Prtnttne DOOK.S, PAMFIILETT4, MH(K)l. C-4TAUMHTA CIUCVLARS, l.ETTF.tt AND NrT7 ICJU tlLL ULAltt, CAJtDS, ENVELOPiTACS, or P2EITI5Q OF AST ETTD, tTTlf rn want IXDGT23, DAT-BOO t.Ijla)kd pxxika ecaAP uooKa, old fcOOKS REWOUND, or roor-Bnronra or A5T nsD, 8cn4 your erdrr to ; EDWARD5, BHOrGIlTOX Cl CO. rWNTIXS A5D PCCDIXS, OrtfX ut N. C KapJt. P-:VLe3 rrrry wrrk at titO ir annfim. Ooo t the idily Whereupon be wir ed bis eves with sustained by the pipe. The looped a grand flourish, blew bis uoe, and tring on which the polker hangs navigated to tbe o'tber end of tbe car. should be as close as possible to tbe When be reached bis domination, be bowl of the pipe, and tbe end cf the pulled the I ell-strap and started for porker niut fall under tbe edge of tbe the door. Wbou bo got about half- hle. The centre of gravity in tbil way. and just as bo got in front of a se t below tbe ce-tre tf lady, be tripped and fell at full lengto suspension, and tbe pipe cong ou the floor. lUUing biuivelf to a 'iucntlf supports the icr; rrneudicular. be turned to tbe ladv. If a little thread be well toaked in i r - y aud iu a tone of miuglci severity and hiky, Sail, "Madam, you've certainly pot the bigg-st ftct I - frsawia my life." a strong solution of alt and water, and then dried and tied to a rirg not ipuch larger than a wcWng rinj. vou may apply the Same of a candle the thread, which will burn ta asbe?. 6h,doa't 'pologizi, madam. I beg 1 i jet it will loitain tbe ring. The sir uUcU !U iiKa- Papers la the Pooth. A aa dr.r,-ui mMlam n tv ni-j d , "7 1 , the .A'f. Adlrwa. EDWAJO, liUOLOU TON o; CO.. Balrlch, S.C