i t FItANKLIN COUItlEl!; OEOKGE S. liAKKK, Editor Jlxv PitoriuEToit. - , - .", All letters addressed to y Geo. S. Baker,.. ' " ..r. Friday,.. ...... .November 2d, 875. Have the people of. the county be comjs reconciled to having a band ; of thieyes remain in the county, and put forth no effort to have tlicm caught? Some time ao.vc brought to the atten tion of our people that the county was being robbed in a rcdar systematic way, by some j-mrty or panics in their midst. We succeeded in arousing the people, but it seems they have fallen asleep again, while the s.wundrels walk abroad in ppen daylight unpunished. We alfude to the ones who changed the County Orders, thereby ef, audin the county out of a larg3 am:unt of money; We filt satisfied that the rogues would be caught, and speedy and nmple justice administered. The peo ple' tsecmed in earnest seemed d.-terin-iucd to find out the offenders. $500 reward by the county was offered, but lo, the guilty parties are still unpunish ed. We do not think, tho people ought to stand idly by aad see their county, yes, Franklin county, the banner coun ty in the State, fcwindled and defrauded out of untold sums of money, by thieves right here among them, and make no further effort to have them brought to jueti(Jor If all effort to catch the offen der! ccasef if our people eit quietly down, it will, only be licensing- the rogues to continue their stealing Then my fellow county men, let's all make a strong pull, and a long pull, and a pull altogether, and see if this corruption can't i;e ferreted out, and the offenders caught and put where they properly belong, (the Penitentiary. We know that it is a hard aud arduous task. We know that, with a corrupt judiciary and magistracy it is hard to bring scoundrels to justice. We kno .v aud have seen the power of the almighty dollar. Wo have seen how corrupt of ficial's mouths have been locked up, even in a night, by the use no doubt of t'jo all powerful dollar. But thank Heaven the masses of the people are honest, and it is for them to ofk. It is for them to put down corruption. It is for them to see that justice U meted out to all offenders. Then let's all to Work and catch the thieves. Tlio AmeiKlmentN to tli 3 Constitution. Ordinance four is in these words; " AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE THREE, SECTION TEN, OF TIIE CON STITUTION. TJie people of North Carolina in Convention assembled do ordain, Tlwt Article three (:i), section ten (10), of tjie Constitution, be amended "so as to read as follows : Tho Governor shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of a majority of tho Senators elect, appoint ali officers, whose offices are established by this Constitution, and whose appoint ment are not otherwise provided for." Read three times and ratified in open Convention, this Gth day of Petober, 1875. The Section that this amends reads as follows : . " The Governor shall nominate, and by and with the advice 8nd consent of majority of the Senators elect appoint all officers, whose offices are established by the Constitution, or tchich shall be created by laic, and whose appoint ments are not otherwise provided for, and no such officers shall bt appoint ed or elected by the Uenerad Assam -Uyr I . . ; .- !, The' clauses in italics above are those stricken from tho Constitution by this amendment. , tJuder the old Constitution the Gov rrn6r claimed the power to appoint all the State officers, whoso manner of ap pointments were not clearly defined, and pointed out by the Constitution, and in this ho was sustained by the Supreme Court. The confirmation by the Senate was made entirely nugatory by the manner in which the Governors have managed heretofore. In the very last days of the session of the Legislature tho Governor would eend in his nominations to the Senate, Bomewouldlc accoptable.and some would not be so to the Senate ; some would lo confirmed while others would be re jected. The Legislature would adjourn, and these appointments being vacant the Governor would fill them with the Yery men that the Legislature declined to confirm. Thus overriding the will of5the people, as expressed by their ac credited representatives, and thc-autbor-ities designed y the Constitution, to make these appointments in conjunction with the Governor. By this means the Governor had the absolute control- of the organization of-the charitable aud penal institutions of the State, as well as1 appointment of State Librarian, Keeper of the Capitol, and several other ouicers. The amendments puts it in tne power of the peoples representatives control all these institutions; and to make'the appointments to the offices, as these ojnets are not cifiishcd by the Constitution. This is as it should be. For the Legislature which comes fresh front the people every two years, is a much more fitting department of the btate Government to express the popular will than is tho Ex ecutive, which is elected only once in four years. For these reasons we think thi3 one i.f the best of the amendments; as it divests the Executive of thf' im mense patronage, that the old Consti tution confers upon him,, and brings the duties and powers of that off.ee back to the times when it was occupied by Dudley, Mprehead, Grab m, Manly, Kcid and others, under whose guiding hands the people o? tho State flourished aim were nappy, iisen the ftupreme Court. w?.s never or rarely called in to decide some conflict of atuhority be tween the different departments of the Government. Then such a thing as two Boards of Directors, and two Prei dents, atd different sets officers under taking to ru.u the stime "liailroad, was an unheard of thing. Let U3 return to a. system that worked so wU,iind leave behind the clashings of the last few yeas. . " 1 1 rri . A'SPKCK OF WAR. StUANGB PROCKEDINGi BY THE NAVY Depaktmexnt. Cincinnatti, O., Nov. 22. A spe cial from JSTew Orleans says the moni torCanonicus-has been ordered to pre pare for sea at a moment's notice. Pro visions and ammunition are on board and the officers and men are forbidden to come ashore, It is reported that Commodore Cooper reports favor ably of New Orleans as a base of operations incase of a difficulty with Spain. lioi-vil)loStoz-y, Says the Middleport (Oh'n)'Xews : We have heard of a distress inc; acci dent oceuring over in JaAson county, West Virginia. It was a 'Tiuuse rais ing.' ' As a cu.-tomary cn such occas ions, chickens had.been killed by chor ping off their heads. Two little sons of the owner of the Lonsa to be raised suwtlie chickens thus, guillotined, and during the day concluded . to repeat the operation. It was just at a time wlitn the men were lifting a heavy log into its place The , father, who was holding one end cf thq bg casting Lis eyes towards the little fellows, one of whom had the ax,e raised to sever the neck of Iu3 brother, let go of tl to save the boy, and it fell, killing six men, two instantly, the ethers living only a few hours. , The axe fell before the father could reach the scone, sever ing tho neck of hi3 son . Thus were seven person hurled to eternity in a twinkling: Coiihtitutinnnl Ainr-nd- We copy from the Kaleigh Sentinel the foihwhig synopsis of the 33 -proposed amendments to the Constitution : Amendment : That section 4, of article 9, be stricken out and two new sections be substituted. Th section to be stricken out is in regard to lands given to the State bj Congress and the appropriation of fines penalties, &c Tlie section to le substituted gives all lands and proceeds of. lands, given by the United States to the State, to educational purposes ; and all swamp lands, fines &c are to be used for pur poses of education. 2nd Amendment strikes out section 17, article' 3, aud substitutes a section providing for the establishment of a bureau of agriculture, immigration and statistics, and the protection of theep husbandry. 3rd Amendment adds to section 25, of article 1, that " secret political ao cieties aro dangerous to the liberties of a free people und should cot be toler ated." 4th Amends eection 10. article 3, by providing that the governor, withthQ advice oftbe senate, shall appoint all cfEces whose appointments are not otherwise provided for. 5th 'Abrogates and amends section 15. 18 and 17, ct article 4, and allows the general assembly to allot and distribute all judicial power aiaoog theT several counties except that of the supremt court, which is fixed by the constitu tion i'self. 6th Strikes out sections 1 and 2, of article 13, and forbids callir- a conven tion wit' out fi;si consulting; the people at the poll?. - 7:b Provides for submitting the amendmeots to tfce constitution - to the people,"at the polls, Tuesday after ihe 1st Monday in Novrmber, 1876. The amendments wiil be ratified or rejected together. ;' 8th Provides for publishing the or dinances for the information of the people. 9th Requires ihe judge to reside ia the district for w jicii he is tit r-.ipd rfl forbids his holdiai: court in ii., same county more: than pr.ee in four yeftr.- 10th Redncesthe number cf judges from 12 to 9. and 'authorize the K-gls-tura to incrcLSi dr diminish the r um. bcr. 11th Provides Jur the assembling of thelegis ature :u January instead of Xovtmb r. ' ' forwJain 12t! Hiiscivii rights ot the head:b g white and black children going to ti;c same school, aud proviJ ing that no discrimination shsdi be rca le to the prejudice of either race. 13th Fixes the pay of members t l the general assembly at 1 a day and 10. cents mileage, and limits ihe session to CO days. If the sessioD is prolonged beyond 60 days, members receive no pay. 14th Provides that the term of t.ffice fo senators acd memb-rs of the legis lature thaU begin t-t ihe time of thtir election. I5tb, That sectioa 29, of article 2, is amended to allow the gt-ncrsl asseml-ly to change the time of holding elections for the general assembly. 16th Strikes lrom the constitution rection 4, of article 2, which is ih-j old rdpubhcaa gerrymander of the stnato lial districts ir. 18G8. . 17th -Reduct a the number cf supreme judges from five to three, as our latheib had it. 18th Declares the judicial power shall be vested m a couit for the trial of impeachments, a supreme court, su perior courts, courts of justice of the. peac, and f uch others inferior to the supreme court as may be established by law. , pth EsUblh! les tho supreme court in'Raleigh, 4iotil otherwise provided lor by the general assembly. 20th Strikes section 8, arucle 2, from the constitution. Tais section was the old " republican gerrymander of the house ot'represtntative.-, aod the peo ple can (U without it. 2Ut Forbids vacating any office or term or ollice now existing under the Constitution. 22 id- Pn-vides for the election ol judgt s of the Mijreme court i!d supe rior court, by gtiur.il ticket, or v.e'or at! th- p 'Oi-b ; but allows th general assembly to change the taode of tlec--ting superior c-urt judges from gtiier al ticket to district elections. 23c! Ii quires 12 mouths residence iL the State, and iays in ttie coumiv, before a man c;in vote, and esc'u.b. felons acd ex-;ei;ilentiary eor.vi tt. from holding otiiec or voiiug un ii it stored to citizenship by -due pr-ctss of law. There was two day.-' deba e on this ordtnai.c , Mi-sbr?. "13-nrnig-r, Docke'ry. ,;i.es n aud Bux'on, y"r.h all the negro delegates speaking tdtt it and declaring it was ainieti at the negjo. r 4;h Provide for the removal by the legislature of any judge oi the superior t oun, for mental or pliysiea! disability. It also provides - for the removal f clerks of the supreme and supenor courts by the judges of the couris for the stitii e reason. Appeal in case of removal ia.til lowed as in other cases or suits. 25th Provides that article 7 of the constitute:! be amended by adding that the Gener-d Assembly thill huv power to modify, change or abrogate any and all oi the provisions of the 'ar ticle, and substitute others in their pi id , except -ssetions 7,9 and 13. Tnij allows the legislature toj appoinr magistrates asunder the old constitu tion. 26th Givesjurisdtction to justices of the peace over civil actions -founded on 'contract, when ihe sum d es not ex ceed $200; auu allows the justice to c!l in a jury of six-men in cettai'i r.a I s. " 29 authorizes the employment of convics en pubhc work and high-' ways. " 28th Addsthe following new section to article 4: ' i n c-ise the generl as sembly shall establish other inferior courts, the presiding offlccis and clerk thereof shall be elected in such maimer as the geneial assembly may prescribe," 29th Forbids marriage letween vhie and black and all persons ofjnegro de scent to the third generation. " SOth elds to articb 1, section 24: "Nothing herein contained shall justi fy the practice of carrying conc-al d weapons or prevent the - legislature from enacting penal statutes ?ainst said practice.' 31 Abolishes section 31, of article 4, and provides for Ailing all vacinciea ir offices trovideeJ for by this article by the governor , not otherwise provided for. - ' ' j 32 Provi.les for paying officers and members of the convention, 33d Gives power to the supreme court to try issues and questions of fact as under the old constitution. J ohn Armstrong, Xo. 1 Fayetteviile 8treet, RALEIGH. N, C. S00K BIXDEU, AND J Blank Bock Mannfucturer, Newspaper, Magazines and Law Books cf every description bounei in the very best Style and at Lowest Prices. jauSO 12nx A Peany Sareitsj Penny Eirnei $10,000 GIVEN AWAY. Wc will send the Courisu usual price $2.00 and tie Louisvillw Weekly COUKIEIl-JOUIJNAL usual price 2.00, postage prepid on both pper?, lor one year, tor f 3 75. The weekly Courier-Journal is tha gnat NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It will, on December 31st, 1S75, dis tribute impartially $10 000 in valuable j ns'nte amo?g its subscriber?, and even subscnptt.ij nthiosU us will be entitled to 4 ii girti red anel number' ed receipt for this distribution. Send us $3 75 nu-l yet both pipers. BOOK AGENTS AND GOOD SALESMEN Are "CoijiixG Money" with the famous BID A RESIGNS, The French edition of tfbich sells for S1C5, and tie London" Edition 200. Our Popular, Fdition ($3 50), containing over One Hundred iull-pige quarto plate?, is the cht aptg andmost eb gRiit ub icatiou in Ameiica, and the BEST TO SELL. Critics vie with i-a :h other in praising, i-'and the mas ses buy it. . Agents in Cl arb 3'on? S. C.t reports 7 orders; or.e in Vmety 8. C , 10(5; one ia Ya., 217; anotbtr in Jlem ph:, 200 oidei, t is ken in trhee ncckx. FULL PAltriO S L KSFHKS. Ad- d recti J. B FORD CO., Publisher, , 27 Prk Piiicr, New York. COTTON GINNING. J have rccsnllj got a ("OS DENVER, ad added to my new Trowo Gin, and am row prepared to gin cotton exactly hii it rnght to be. The CONDENSER Ma the cotton and takes out ail the dut and dirt tin 1 threby improves, (he liut, makirg ii bring a b-itttr price. I fml t hi ihe cottsiti this season hs a grear mniij jMor.M ir: it. and of cour.-e ttiie cai.'t nakeas good turnout as .that year, but I will GUAEANTE to gt t all the lint oft" tbc sfe TT-ve been making tiitiB far from 334 tn33j lba seed cotton. All Cotton iDsiin-d. Cop;iilt your to i?i. rt rt t;.d bri;:g your 1 1: it ii.io ' lUT'idn. "Br P.. MWi Will l ny sed cotton fit the highest niaiktt price1; also D-d.-.-. A large stock floods on -bund at Gi-.aoe Price aud Guaxoe Ti-.ums, that h m no ViV Vi Mil mi hU hO B. P. CLIFTON- oc 22-lm. ass, larthenware. Full esaorimtnt of Crockery an. Glass ware, suitable lot merchants trude. A. so fine China find Glasa ware, Siiyev iat--el ware acd ilouai:-keepijg goods, and bncy articles. For sule at lowest latts. L. A. MARBURY, 45, Sycamore St. Petersburg, Va. Valuable Tovn Property for sale!! I l avclor sale in the Town of Frank bnton, a splendid dwelling house, it ha-i six large rooms all neatly painted a good office and all necessary ont houses nnd good well of water in the yard. The lot cootaias about two ceres of lanel aud is situated ia the business p-trtof the town near the Rail Road,, and is well located lor business bouses. F01 further Information apply to, MRS. ii. A. L. MORTON Kinston N. C. Sept. 3 3 m. S, A. Steven & Co., j - t DEALERS IN Furniture, Carpetings & Pianos, CorseuMais and GranbySts., NORFOLK, Ya. The largest Stock of the above goods in Virginia. All sreods guaranteed to be sold as low as in any Northern City, as our business facilities are unsurpassed. Our goods are all manufactured to order acd we ask a visitor auttrder from those desiring goods in oar line to convince them of the advantage ob tained in dealing nearer home. Having been established twelve years and having sold Jargely in the vicinity of Franklin County, all can reh r to the public generally. " We are Agents and keep on band a large tssortmeiit iuf Pianos acd Parlor Organs t llsnufacturs prices, tend for Circular. Sep. 1-1 -y v O We .will sell Ihe Tan Yard, lo cated in. Lonisbnrg., with all ihe Sxtures nrAj fnrmtiiVQ. Teruis : Easy ami I&essoaMe. This is a rare an energetic mm, 4- W witli moderate capital to make a Paying COOKE. & BAISI. JO w-e are prepared to do all kind WOBiK. Send in your Orders and we will guarantee to giveyou satisfaction, 0 J r. : opportunity for 1- Investinea OFFICE. s of J O ATTENTION 0O ttbn! PEANTEKS! Having just pup j chased 5 and Imving put everything. in the host possible or der, we are pre pared to gin any quantity of cot ton at the-shortest notice We isarantee r "sin to jGiake as gv&'A " turn mil" ay any gin hi the eonsaty. All cotton "de flivered at .our gin is folly coher ed hy Immmme. Give ns a trial Barrow u. Pleasants. - ales Ootton Georgia GIN 1 -O o o TSTXT j '1 IS r. vv anieo innne- t diately. Be sure . . . to call on us be fore selling Barrow & Pleasants I(Q)O,0.. - ; i . . . ' p o tj 3sr r s Seed Cotton Wanted For which we "4 willpay the high- ' - est price. Barrow & Pleasant. Loulstmnr. N". 6. V.

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