.s ' f i Dastardly Meanness. On "Sdn-day-uight last some human devil, re moved a number of njanks from the bridge over Dr. Perry's Mill pond, and threw them into the pond, fortu nately no ano passed ; over tlie bridge 'during the night. Not belug Satis fied at setting this death trap, pile4 huge logs and rails from the bridce to the hill near Col. YarbcroughV place, thereby making the road 'impassible. We are f-ouie what like the man. whose turnips rolled out of his wagon to the foot of the bill, lie cm Id not do the subject justice, so ho ?aid nothing We cannot imajineanv Lui.i.-bnicnt - i lie v. Dr. Harwell of the Peace In- I severe enough ir . tbewi' midnight GEO. S. RAKER. 1'uorniETon. . LoUisi;uiMi......NovKsinE!t -'3, 1875. LOCAL MATTERS. Wet and niud-iy. j The umbrella man and the lace wo man are in totvn. - Save ihe Court Kpuire, before it is all washed into the rivir. us than the blood . of a chicken," and be shocked evangelist, basket, since pleached in a Unitarian church. Wasiiixgtox, Nov 22. The Vied President died very suddenly -at 7:30 ibis morning Ho. rested rell la.-t night, awoke at 7 a. in . and expressed , himself as feeling bright and better.- Sat up in bed to take his medicine, lay down on his left 'side' and, expired Tin a fow momcuts without a struggle. ' Senator Ferry is President of; the Senate pro. tern ' . 0 ; The cabinet is in extra session. - Cotton Mrfcer. . :.:'6,-: '.-.. . ' LouLsburg, NoV. 25 Cotton, . (Low .Middling) , lij ctV. Cotton, Cottbn,. , Ttaleigb, Iov. 24. i2i cu: .Petersburg, No: 24. ' . i2 cts. LAND FOR SALE I 205 acres cf Und on Line branch and Hears swamp, adjoining the lands of Jno K.Thomas, O. Q. Gill, Alex. Wilson aud others. Apply to J. E. M ALONE Md. THE WEEKLY SUN. 1 770 Now York 1 ftilute, wiir preach in the Presbyterian 1 (would be) murdtrcr Church in this place on Sunday next, rt 11 o'clock. A, U. Candy Factouv, Messrs. A. I). Hoy cr Hro., efpilalcigh,- have cs- The llieht Rev. Bishop - Atkinson ' 1 large mu.actory for can- .i..i :.. c n;t'u' ri...-,.i. I .die of ail kinds. Tuc v have in their !i i ' i rP. Vti.ff,, I.,- Mr T(uai .1 ! ii fUriiii-Mv I-tasluohably .than ever, arid they are Sunday , morning, and cverunsr. The -'ir. ijeouaui, wuo thwruuuiv . J . , . .. , , uiider-tai'.ds tlie liUhiness. Ihey keeji Jki newest style felt is a low, flat crown, with a very broad brin.' of plush asiotlerhas the halo brinV; another is turned up back and front. . .- Seal-skin ca will ' be worn more- rite of confirmation was adniinistered to bw persons. ' - Our city fathers' held a niecti?i this . - - week, and resolved - to go to work at f.ncc on . the Streets, ni liave them, thoroughly worked. , ' " '. rf V call attenfiou'to !Iesrs. White , V: Sliaw'H jticw Ailvertisetnent They sire receiving a nicaline'of fa'r.ey (!rw .;rricsv: whrch.thcy arc determined' to vMl very' s$''V " J ' . , Clubs of Subscribers Vo- the ('OIUU lClV, liriM'.iiniit)g in every ,.werlc,-Ju -. c .' havi'v a lh' wvmXui'i bo'ok have ro:'n tnr mure. I'riemw d.int ettise Mur; r: ..it ..t.. ....iti ,irir.!.,i ,.i': 1- 1 1 II I I ' 11 I III ' VUU1I,H i 1.1 Ull 11 to.Tiwy family in ihe coutiHy ' ' ' t ' . - .. - --'; r A little lj-)h!sburr u)ge l 3 y ars, vas ..cTiri.icd 'y her , parOr.ts to Sell!s i ircus. -She- sat upright, d'ul not svhiper'nr rwiile diiring tlie whole per-' ; '. f'trmance.,. A hen- she reached. homo', s;u id tn lirrr njanui, tna'nia; dj'dn't . I 'behav! nice .at '"lini'xh ti.-day." '-. a large htipply, nd . guarantee their price.? as low as aiiy turirct Xorth. This i? a trt eat indiu'.emeut to merchants in this Kectiou, as in the item of fielcht th.ey" will save a good per cent. These gentlemen are perfectly reliable, and will !iU all orders promptly, and guar antee their g od to ha fresh and pure. Tlion .-k-ep y uv nsitney near home by sending ;iirurd ?rs t,o Messrs, 1 oys ter v: l5--o., 1' JVTcrtfcVillo street, lialeigh, N. C;i for anythyig you mly- want in the ejiifc;.iioHerv line. . . trimmed with seal-brown Vfiobon.and ostrich tips, and bright wing makinc .th-m a pretty and stylish he;id-gear. Folds are cousidered a very fashion able trimming this wiutery. 1-a'ud tbe" latest openings are giving us potynaise-s again. Cot ton j 8 . Norfolk, Nov, 24. 12j cts. NeSv Ad vertisemeii ts. Eighteen handred and eeveotjs:x it the I'tntennial year. It is also the year in which an Opp litinn lloas ol Rj re secativeF, the jrrar of tbe twenty-third election.-! a Pre'ider.t 1 of the united State?. AU of these events are sure to be t creat jriteri at and importance, especially the two latter; -and all ot them and ever thing connected with f heai.'w 1! be fully and freshly rt ported and expounded in The uj. The. Opposition Uone ot Represcn 'a ive,. taking up the hoe of ioqniry onenl Tears ascIv Thb 8o. wdl HohlinV iiml I'l'llif, Hilt- sternjy acd. diligently investigste the Toe only Blacking tbatil! BUTTER! JJUTTER1! ; Choice Moiuutain Butter in kegs.. .Choice Mbuntaui Roll Biitterl on 'consignment. For saljii by : ' ' wnirE & sh aw. TheDealhBed ofAndrca Johnson. A MAGNIFICENT KosraviaMt pnbutJmi, on ttrvj p: ppcr, 14 II inchea in iie. U tiuctiioglj poctrtja ib lut momenta t ta great ttatea man, lth Itnilj, frteod tod pbjai cians grouped aorrowlollj arooni blm. It la a gem ad art, beou!al ia dtga. aod artistic Id execotioa, and should bang ia every home and cottart ii tb land. Agents wanted tTtrywnera at once to sU this and other popular clo ture. Large Pay. ' Jo money reaxred until pictures are sold. One eopy cf the fine engraving MDeatbbed cl l.a drew Jounoo,"f with terms and in POllSn UVer Oiled Slir- Utnctions to AgenU, wUlUsentby face PRESERVE THE LEATHER 1 H. A. REAMS & Co. tci. honed, ly th foundation ior a new Large .Hominy made.: from pure -I and and b tter period in our' -national nnrrmiMna a n TP. l an .'! a nr f-JnAnrr'a - - - , " I -mr t . m -n admimstrhtioo; and win, it is vo be jiianuiaciurers oiitcaiiis Cldahead'tiyeness is. the order of the tnuet; held." Everybody busy especial ly 'the inetlhaut.fi, the people are genial and colurteoiis. New-buildings sir.rHpringingup oil- ''evjpry .. hand and from the looks of theniice. hard tidies is fast.disappcaringi ' ' ; , I oiriil liv.- Jesse Crunch, n'yr.nth -o!' sa'jltf line., a-'e about" M ) oars, fo-gtrl order; fro.n Mr'; 1." D." ivt tu-"to . ;M ivy rS.--'. l-i n;ow & Pleai'Ms . It'was '. ho b;jdly executed tint payn:o.'it was. r fiii':d, and the b y arfested.' ' JIti now vests" . sei'ureiy, .s in tlie, l.Kfnsion'un Miliiei's IH1L granite' Tlie Ijtmi.-burr'ori'iKiilias beprui' 'itVffilr viiiuine. Tiie OouirtK'.t lias rxpi'd without. fearJa oi -or afTee ti 'n, the s!ioif comings of ..-.'Franklin. county .ufijeiais, and y unearthing . traNulsj has saved the county thou'svi'ds. debating. ' Society';, is fnfull'bLst, 1 the cent'r v v v i - 1 t!; prcsidee.tial.;pobiti)..n . -' I' ' , " . ".5 . - : " , - ,W are'conveni.eny-.to f.mrT'hurchcs. arnT.the morals of.'-tlie' pl-iee nacds no . . .' ' . - nnprovcFrent. ; - : ; - The-'academy is inn flourijing";on- tutwMi, andfthc , heal'h .of-. thc lueo is surpassed by no .other i:; -the State. - A pretty suit5 for girls, from four. to. eight years of age, may be made by using' any of the neatly-fit tihg gabrjoll'u' patterns. For a child with fai cov. plxion, light bluo will be pTetty.'in ei'.her merino or cashmere Trim in each seam connecting the gores yith narrow ruches of the same, xVround the bottom of the skirt have a knife--plaited flounce of the material, des cribing a semi-circle by being c' t quite shallow in fr.ont; aud increasing till very deep at-the back. 0 Forma heading to this, of a heavy silk roll or. braid, laid three quarters of an inch below the upper ede ; while you may 'ornament the. sleeve .'with n silk cuff composed of fine plaiting, banded iu whtte com. Apple :J3uttef; . "' .."Teach Butter, ;. " X s X'' Qujnjce Butter: For sale by,: WHITE fc SHAW Durham B-ot and Shoe Polish DTJRHAMS N. C of white basket -clotii will L- be handsome to wear with the suit a little later in the season. . Fasiiiok. . SPECIAL ITEMS. lustory. 'Of a!l tins T.sk Sex will con - . tain complete and accurate accounts. .furnislnn4 T8 reaiera witli 'early una v trustworthy . information' upon . these .ftfo-rrVinrr tonifft. - . The twentv-third Presidential elec- Warranted to Extel All Others or ; tlou, with the preparations lor if, will llvney ReftlTldedl iii' DWJiaoio ao ukiui upon GuAST'ssspirstiona for a third term ot power and p'unaer, ani stn; more, a The only blacking that will polish deciding who snail be tlie canaidatc or OQ 0iied lurfaea. It is guaranteed to 111? L1I L V l l IkCIl'. Ul. OUVi C1C.IIUI I npMAMa ihAloatl.ov mwtr n.k. It n lint .A'feituation as Dry Good.s;. TJrocery that ; candidite. .Conct rnm$ all -these rt.quirin less quantity and time to or bari ierk, uvy UooUs business pre- I put))ectet ino?ewuoreau iueous wiik produce s. perfect "loaa than anv other. lerreu.. ixeiexuiieu iiiFuiaiieujt . .. k w i"""" tne brasn to be applied immeutateiT .Address, . . ' . ' ougniy wen lnormeq,' aher putting on the blacking. Aper- 1 COURIER;- ' 'i n. " KKitw ouh,-wuicu hu men feet cloas from this will not soil even iiov26 4f . -Louishirrs, N.'C. a circulation ni oyer eu.uw copi- s, white . clothes. We guarantee it as ". J I a rj a io haa if a t-rfi1ri 1 arAfv Sit sf a I . WeekH. News con v 4 times and send n"'i "Fi"? 1 "v !."7r represntea, ana as K ior patronage rn.A H.jan- ' - ami aen-uury, qu wo -trust tut lue etrictlv on lU merits. . - ill .1 : i i . ypnr iotv win ece iiiwir- numucrs uuuu- J J ? tfli3 J. CO- r I n wspaiier. All the: geoejul new -of th d;iy -will: be lounn in it, condensed Tvl'cin nni mtrTf- nf o t f fi 1 1 lanVrt vh on iNear ventrai iioteu vomer- iiargett of raoracaT; and always we trust, ana n limington streets, treated in a clcar interesting and id h .r irm, XT " s ructive manner. xvAiiBiuu, a. v. . . Tt iBoUiaim to make the Weekly' mail on a roller, and post pdd on rs- ceipt of SO cents, or two copies far 10 cents, Ko terms seat unless sampta copy .is ordered. Address lis PabUb era, SOUTLERN riCTURE CO , . Xahvill.Tena . ' Railroad Schedules. L rr-" Dealers in Imported and. Domestic .ScN,t,hc family . . newspaper in th v . ; . , 1 world, and we shsll continue to give liquors, vigars aim icoacco. : itg coiura4 a iare amount of miscel- J- HNC. AYCO'KE, fortner'y of lapeous, such as stones, tales Pina, T . . , , , n , scientific mtelince an agricultural in- Iomsburg has charge of the Barand formation, for wliich we are not ble billiard saloon, ana will be p eased nm.tHoin iB!'ft, Hiiv ,15m, to see his old friends. Nov." 193-mo, V . STATE- ITEMS? , 0'-". ' . . . -' i-.: ' ' ' fH ie 11: nk: of . Wilson ha? declared -J a'dividcrHl D p.ef 'contort the C;vpi talbtobk payable on the Ist.Decembe.r . ;e will send the Cottkier and Godey's Lttdy's Book, with beaut i nil Oil eb'romo "Rescue,'' 12 months for 8 i.no. ';r; Notice to SetiS. . j - T earnestly request all who owe nio .will make it convi-nient to settle before : Christmas, as I.ueed all the money I P 11 0 SPECT U S JA.S. GORDON BENNETT ProprictQi. BROADWAY AND ASS STREETS. "Nilw46sT0Fi?ici'A liew 'Postr1 can get. ims request is made in' ear nest and those -disregardum it will hud " of -dollars. It.should be sustr.iucd bY, Oinee has poet) established in tuts .i , . . t- , .. .,' . ' - i - - ' " . - : ,. they elajms m tlie hand3 ot an oiheer, ; oveVy h itiest inun iu the county Wair- eoui.ty at Saratoga'; with N. P. Owens Therefore pay up and, save cost. Cl" witov. .. H Esfj' irs .Post iaster.Vilsou' Ad - V ' T. N. OARLILli vance. ' , Tho .No' th Carolina Conference vill meet in annual session iu the City o: Yiltnington, on -Wednesday; the 1st Nov; 12 1S75. CUT THIS 'OUT. It May Sav Your Life. Mr, . -K.rtWoodson,' who- has beet) conurted' with the Daily .Vevcs from -its- licgMiniug,- as Lo.-al . Kditor, lias veyefcd his couiicction with that paper, and accepted a position ou the. Wilson 4i... ' f 'iir -i i " . . -.r.tj'ee. vVi Wisu mm great success i:i. ritsneNv' field of labor, and con "gratuUto th 'A'lo due1?', which is-one, I "I'l'xiTENTiMiY . Toajias Jovhev who I for. a bottle of medicine that' would POSTAGE FREE. AN NUALi SUUsClt II Ii N TRIOE, CLUB RATE3. it - 4i The agricultural department especially .is one of its prominent feature?. Th -. f:sbions are al-o regularly reported in its colum; and 30 arc the markets o 1 every kinn, Tlie WEfeKLY Bus, eight paira with fil'V'fjx broad-columns is only $1.20 f; ye;n, postage prepaid. At this' prio - barefy repays tlie cost ot tte piper, n dis punt cc be made from this rate to c!nts, agents, Postm(tsterp,.or anyone. The Dail,v Sun, a lare four p ge newspfiper ol 28 column, yives all tne news for two cents a copy. Subsoiip tion, postage prepaid, 55 . a montb for dJjO a yean Sunday edition ex'ra, $1.10 per year. We have no traveling $2.-1 agents.. Addrcs. The Sun Net York City. ." E?ai3elical, lion-Sectarian, InaepeiiH o 15 25 In testing our blacking" uae a brash that has do other on it. Prices as low as other Blacking. . Liberal arrange ments made . with merchants and wholesale dealers. II. A. REAMS &;CoM Manufacturers, Durham, N. C, This Blacking is recommended ia the highest terms, after trial, by Geo. P. Brown, J. Howard Warner, New York; the President and Professors of Wake Forest College; and a large num ber of gentlemen in and around Dnr bam, whose certificates have been lur id shed the Manufactories, Orders solicited aud promptly filled. , I My BLATCO LEY'S Improved Cucum- er Wood rump is SEABOARD & ROA2COK . RAILROAD COilPAlTT. Orrice Br.ASoAaB ABoamocbK IV La., I PorumontU, Jan lt, 18& . CH N(.E O'BCHKCULr. , Oq aat sfter FriJ7, Jauuary 1st lftTfr ' Trains will leave Wrkloo daily (baaday sz eepSe3) a follow; ' Mail triu daily a. 4 T. M. . No. 1. -Frig&tN train daily at 4 a. K. No. 2 Preight traisv at S AKBlVJEAT POETCIOCm, Mail train dairy at. ? U T. k ao. l. r reight irta daily as 1 a no mb. No. 3. Freight Train at . . . 4 00 r. . Freight traios hve a pasMBg ers Car at tsclicd, - v hteamers (or Ed en ton. Fijmonth A tkd legs cn Blttekvster. and CtMWaa Jtfrsrs leaAe FrankUa at 7 40 A. H. on Uobdays, Wdncdars and FrUaj. G.QEJ0. j OenlBnni Raleigh & Gaston R. R. company. St'I,EKINTENUKT,8FFICKt"? ) Raleigh, N. C, June 11th, '72.' Terms cash in ujvauce. Money &ent Thr is no nursnn licinor biit.-whnt -. . . - .'"." : I suffers more or less with Lung Disease, by mail will beat the risk of the sen- lyeire win presiue,. Three Copies, per annum . i ive Copies, Ten Copies Twenty Copies, An extra copy will be sent to every club of ten or more. Additions to clubs received at club rate s. These rates make the Wkeely Her- ald tbe Cheapest publication in the T5ie Besfc .Religious Paper Published. country; TUB mWM AT WORK. T. De Witt Tahnagc, Ed'r. On ajid after Monday June 17th. the acknowledged 1 1872, trains on the Raleigh A Gaston iCy BT A N DARD ot Kaiiroad, wlU run dally (Sunday . e he market, by popular ver. ceptett) as follows: . lict, the best pump ior the Maii Tbain. ieast money. Attentioo is in T 1AL ' vited to BlatchleyImproved f W; 1J-00 a. si. iwwt th oron chr.v Arrives at Y, eldon , . 3.30 p. Da, ' r leaves Weldon.... 9.15 a.m. Arrives at Raleigh ....... 3.05 p. OS . Accommodation Train, u i Valve, which can be withdrawn with out disturbing the joints, and the cop, per chamber which never cracks, scales or rusts and will ilast a lite time. For sale by Dealers and the trade gen erally. In order to be sure that yea get tilatchley's Pump, be caretul and see that it has my trade mark as apove. If you do not know where to buy, de Leaves Raliegh 8.00 p. ta. Arrives at Weldon. ... ... C.20 a. a. Leaves Weldon .......... V.15 a. sm. Arrives at Raleigh .... . . 8.00 p. m Mail train makes close connection at .Weldon with tbe seaboard & Roaookt scriptive circulars, together with the S'JJf00? K'H" Steamer, via. ameand address ot the agent nearest F"w ,C6uhs r'olds or Consumption, yet borne Ur; . . " A ae r.ft.m n nort inn nf tn Wwpttt -v BOiRo ' Preaches!- for . TiiE would die rather than pay 75 cents Herald wid be appropriated to Ar;- cu ture. Horticulture, Floriculture, Po mology and the manayemeut of do-. ol-our. moVt Valued er.cian-e. in sc- nri,! ,s a r,rMM,,; Indue enrethem. Dr. A. Boscheo's German yJ "'auu lul U1 - . ' ; ... . . . . - . ' -r - - - me tic animals, ramcaur attention I curniff Mi W oodson on. its -cummus. ; t. n ur on-ueanesda-; to twu.rdars in coun.ry iroi . urermauy. ana us - . , jt . : 1V AVn loom ;i :.,.'ftnn la.i;- f.;ll l . : ... .. " . I i j'.i.. i .'' -. .1 he aim will be to make the Wbek A.W . .... j ;-.r . tliepeintenti:irv Mor stunir hogs. wonaoroua cures asionm.es every one LT Hkhald superior to. any oiher sgri- f,cr Tos die stre, t, on "their, way "to Church . ;Suiiday-init:.Tl "attention of our Coun. - It i nex,t to an inipossi- :.aaU:ortiie.4 have: ben . called to the, bil.it y to buy corn ay his place tor less " ' conditroh of tlnVndge.vtiud they rest lll3D per.barref. Why don't some ' apparently u'nrt'erncdr Valthough of our country friends bring some in? c!tiz3ri.4 veih-'daiiger of being severely Aliere ,s a Wl?e surplus maue, ana it in printout this out and take it to coun.ry. . . - your Druggist, Dr. J. B. CLIFTON, ALD contain a select story and the and get a sample bottle for 10 cents latest and most important news by and try it or a regular size for 75 cts. telegraph from all parts o the world During the session of Congress the vertiser, an old physician, retired Weekly Herald will contain a sum. injured' in- crussimV there.' Other I Pajmrj bo worth more than $3, four or f;.oni active practice, having had placed mary ot tin- proceeding and the latest -- . . Mr. Talmage's Sermon each week. Full Reports of Mr. Moody's Work. A NEW SERIAL STORY, Br Rkv. W. M. Bakcb, One of the most popular of American story writers. TWO NEW PREMIUMS. AMERICAN FARMYARD," .John, eiccuted in twenty- AT printings ana neretoiore sola tor $15, also an EXQUISITZ FLORAL GROUP, Painted expressly tor this paper by Mrs. WniTNET, and chromoed by L. Pkako &, Co. Boston. These are genuine art works, and tha beet and most expensive picture premiums ever offered. vou, will be promptly iurmabed by ad dressing with stamp. Charles E; Blatchley, Manufacturer. 50$ Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa April 2P-m. SIX REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD IS8URB 19 North. West and Northwest and " with tbe Petersburg Railioad via PeUrsburg, Richmond and Washington City, U and from all points North and liortb west. And at Raleigh with the.'North Car olina Railroad to and from all points. South and Southwest, and with ths Raleigh & Augusta Air Lint to Hay wood and Fayettevillev Accommodation and Freight traisj connect at weldon with Accommoda tion and Freight trains on Seaboard t& Roanoke Railroad ami Petertbsrj Railroad. And at Raleigh with Accommodi- V A l I rAlifbl AMtt lTftlk TIIE PENN MUTUAL " " " TT. Penons living along ths lion of tit LIFE RiSURAHGE COMPAHY. 921 CHESTSUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. bridges in towi .iieed immediate atteij- tiou. V - '. .."' ' ' . . f . . .. . THEOLOGICAL ' DISCUSSION. TVQ Franklin brethren, one a Baptist atid tiie other u ilethodist, were discuss ingtho question of BuI)ti;n by im mersion," and sprinkling.' Both main tained their position well until tho .Mathodist asked. uWho baptised John the Baptist?" "Tho Lord have mercy," said the good baptist brother, "that is clean out of the limitation."- ' This vi as a poser, and tho argument ceased. . ... t "five weed bene? 11.-Mall. Says the 'Wilmington Star relative to the Annual C mference of the M. E. Church of this Stat-; "We learn that preparations aiv being made to accommodate a large number of visi tors to the N. 0. Conference of the M. E. Cliurcli, yhich convenes in tldr city on Wednesday, the 1st day of Decern 1st. Because it is one of the oldest frv a nrt naa tli Most Liberal Terms to day of experiments. 2d. Because every policy Holder is Agents, A.KD EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY. TERM 3 TO SUBSCRIBERS : in.his hands by an Kast India Mission- Nes by Telegraph fiom Washington, ary the formula of a simple Vegetable Political, Religious. FasL nablt-, Ar- Keinepy, for the speed v aud perma tistic, Li brary and fcportinu Intelli- ncnt ure of Consumption, -Bronchitis, genet ; unituary notice, varieties, Catarrh, Asthma, and alllhroat.gnd ( Amusement-, L-;itoriil Artitleso i tbe Lung Afiectio-s, also a Fostive and. prominent topics, or me aay, a review Radical cure for Nervous Deb lity and ot tbe Cattle and Dry Gxls Markets, j Without premium, postage vto. all Nervous Complaints, after having 1 Financial and Commercial Intelligence i paid...................... 3.00 tharouhly tested its wonderful cura- I aud accounts ot the imiortant - and I With either premium, unmounted, five powers lit thousand of cases, intcristing events of tbe wvek. I postage prepaid 3.25 1 Company in tbe 8 tat a. feels it his diity to make it known to ! 1 he trice ot subscription, whenever I With either premium, mounted, I 4th. Becanse bv economical man- his -.sufl'ering lellows. Actuated by pract ipabie, should be transmitted by DT express at subscnoers ex p. 4.W I agement, iu ratio of expenses to total a member ot tbe Company, entitled to all its advantages and privilege, hav ing a right to vote at all elections for trustees, and thus haa an influence in its management. 3d Because it has tbe lsrzest accu mulated fucd of any Lita losu ranee ohs moure, anu coutcieuiwus ucMre post office Orders. It is tlie atet ber Bi snop 31c 1 eire presiding?- Ar- I relieve human suneriug, be wi.l I mje ot transmitting money by mail. ranjrements have also been effW-t ed bv ?cu? ,ree Ul 'i10.1 ,K CMC At small Post OHices in the country ... . L , , , f it recipe, with lull directions lor where pCfet office Orders canaot be which msmsters and lay delegates will preparing and suecessfulty using. obuined money nay be remitted in bo passed over tbo various railroad Deut D return ma i uy aouressing. i Kesisttred Lttters. lii. . o. aitiVXi-i?, KfFor full particulars is to com- missions and Anva, address B. IL CORWIN, Publisher Box 5105, New York. and steamboat lines for one fare. 1 KeV. F. L. Ileid the pastor of t'.io Methodist Church of this place, leaves on. Monday next for Confer: enco. We believe ye express the cntiments cf our entire communi ty and wo are certaiu we do of his oon gregdtiou, when'wc hope that he will be returned. His excellent preach ing. his faithful services as pastor, and his genial, pleasant demeanor have made him a general favorite, and we do uot think tfic Conference could send any one tvlio would cive more satisfac- I .tioa to our people then he. GENERAL NEWS. Masonry was first introduced in Virginia one hundred and forty two years ago from Kugbnd. In the Virginia Legislature, the total number of colored members will be thirteen, a considerable reduction of the number of previous session j Moody Shocked. Moody preach ed in a Uuitarian church in Northfield Mass , several Years' ago, and his tlienie was tbe atoniug blood of Cbnst. Af ter the service, the pastor said to hivi : "Christ's blood tms no piore to do with Monroe bloc, Syracuse, it T. Kov.l9-i-y, ; MALLOEY' S CASK &' ' O CARRIAGE FACTORY. Fraaklinton, N. C. Best heavy J5aging 1G cts. Ties 5 cts Marshalls Liverpool. Salt 225. Nails per keg . 425. Iron 4f Eerytbing CHEAP. Guano for wheat. Advertisement?, to & limited num ber, will be inserted in the Weekly Herald. DAILY HERALD. POSTAGE- FREE. I VI'a vAy-wt f nil nnnnnr fr thp T)tllft x.u v-..wu M. t v-'- i,fv that we have located at FrankUn- ton, for the purpose of manufacturing Carnages, Buggies, Wszous & c. We are also prepared to fill orders lot Metalic, Kosetrood, llshogaoy. VV altfut and Fine Coffins, srith Hearse and team furnished. very Respectfully. BEACIIAM. & SON Nov. 5-1 yr. ways in Advance. ; Newsdealers Supplied. POSTAGE FREE. Daily Edition, Three cents per Copy buudsy Ldmon, Four ceats per Copy We-.kly Edition. Tbrea ceots per Copy Write tbe' address on letters to the W. S. MALLORY, Franklinton. N, 0. income Is lar below tbe average ot Life Companies, (See -Official IniSrance ReporU.) ..; 5th. Because it has declared more dividends in number, and of a larger average percentage, than any Company in the United States, For example: Policy No 16, for 15000, has been paid to tne widow of a Philadelphia merchant, upon which twenty-three dividends bad been dt dared, averaging filty-seven per cent. II ad these dividends been used to pur chase additions to this policy, $5,046 moie would have been realized mak ng the policy worib $11,046. ... 6tb. Because it is liberal in its man agement, prompt in its setttlcmests, .sale beyond a contingency, and its rates are as low as any first-class Company m tbe country. Principal Features.- Small expenses, absolute security .large return premiums, prompt payment of losses, and liberali ty to tbe insured. road can visitRaleigk in tbe morning by Accommodation train, and remain several hours, and return the asms em ning. J. C. WINDER, Ocalfiopt, SCHEDULE OF THE PCTCBS BURG RAILROAD COIIPAUY. PASSENGER TRAIICa Lzavb Wkldoji. . . Express Train ....... . . .M. 80 a. ou llail Train .......... 4.15 p. m, r ' ; - Aesive at Vtttxssvno.' Exp rew... ........ ...,..12J0a,a ftlaii. ........... .v. 8.C5 p. a Leave Vtrziazvza. y ; New Yokk He&axj in a bold legible h&nd and give tbe name ot each sub- The COURIER for three months scriber, of Post Office, County acd I T?r-rv flrvT. lt rrr TVmn. North Carolina. ; State so plainly that no errors in mail- v . V . J W. D. SPRUILL. Gen'I, Agent, ng papers will be liable to occur, I K u vuc vjiaui . uuev-, Frsnklinton, Ii, U. Mail .... . . . . , ...... ..H ft. a. Express. ........ .i ...17 p. a. AkRIVS AT WXXDOX Mail .....C0 a. a Express.. .......... ....."7X0 p.o Fbeit.btTkajxs. '1 1 Lesye Petersburg . ....... 9.C0 p. m. Leave Weldon.. . &.S0 p. ta. Arrive at Weldon ........ 3,C3 a. ta. Arrive at . Petersburg. . . . 4X0 ft. im. ' -.. . - ., , . . - Gastok Tbao. Leave Pet tnLurg.,.. ... tf5 a. o. Leave Gaston.... ....... 1.15 p. . Arrive at Gs ton.... .... 11-23 p. e) Arrive at PeUrsbnrg .... 7JC0 p. sn. Fieighu fur Gcston Brandt will - be received at thPeterborg -depot eel on MON DAYS and TU UIISDAY8- t ' Tne depot will be closed at 4.-00 p. D. No goods wilt retired alter tbst hoar. J.C. SPRIGO, : Knglneer and General Z?astyt .1 I. I 1 t i 0k

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