FTn"P nx- T"nq-- ' ' n no (D(D o (O GEO, S. BAKER, VOL. V. Professional Cards. DAVIS & COOKE, ATT'TS ail COUNSELLORS at LAUST ; . . LOUISBUEdl FBAJiKLIK CO. K.C. "Will attend the Courts of Nfsh,Frar.k lin, Granville. V(arrcn,cnd WakeOoun tics, also the Supreme Court i North Carolina and the U. S. Circuited Dis trict Courts. No 7 U-tf ' W. H. SPENCER, ATTORNEY A.T -L.A. , L0U1S3URG H, C. r ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fiumliniox, N. C. "Will practice in the courts of the 6th judical district. Prompt attention given to the collec tion of claims. No &0 tf Xr. 11. E. 5ITSrG, DENTIST OQcrs his Proieseiccal Services to tho public ih IHcry department 7 Sicniislryi (: OFFICER InUburjr, at Warrenton over I) nt9 Hotel. I Norwood & Davis' Store. 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, , Ev KICaTEil. "Watchmaker and Jew eler. FINE Watches nnd Jewelry of the bes if unufactoi s ami at t he lowest p"i ices. All woik iH-TsonaJly attended to nnd war ranted. ll 53 Sycamore 8t., retersbuig.Ys COUEIE JR JOB OFFICE. We have added to our stock a tplvu did J OK PRESS, with an cleyaot f flection of type of th latest styles, aul we are now prepared to do i as WORE in tho neatest and best manner. & you need not fend vonr JOB WQRI North, for we will do it just a Vll ami cheap as you can get it else wl.ere. x J letter; ILEAPS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, &c. "Whitelaw & CrpTyder, Marble & Stpnq Raleigh. N C. . Persons wishing to purchase Head-, stones or Monuments, ean sec and con sult with our Mr. WhiMaw, at Mr. -J, A. Stone's boarding house. Aug. 13-12m. NOTICE. I have four fine fat beeves which I hshtoJsell on the hoof. A. E. BOBBITT. , Cedar llock, N. C. Editor and Proprietor Written expressly for Uic Courier.) "TSntQ tk EMS BY KTOKL. CHAPTER 1. ' Clyde Cameron sat near the attic window tryiug to catch the last rays of day light, in order to finish the weeks work due Dupont & Co. The face of the young girl was almost ghastly in iu p.Hor, while the eyes largo and dark looked wild in their suukea depths. Yet the. incessant "stitch, stitch, stitch, in povarty and hunger, had'aotwholy obliterated the beauty that nature with lavish hand had bestowed on her. It could he traced in the rebellious waves ofgiossy hair, that fringed her broad white forehead, and when the thin Jips pgrted in a f rce$ euiile at the chatter of u little girl by ber side. They displayed teeth white and regu lar, 2nd tho she was greatly emaciated, the dimples had not been canceled, if beautiful and roguish in the pink rouuded cheek, when trembling like a shadow of socio deep emotion in the face ef silent suffering, it has a 00 ai muiication direct to the heart of the behoWer, und makes a deeper and more lasting impression than any word or glance. . The little girl sat crouched down on the floor patching the snow fill on the nairow window sill, folding her little arms she shivered as she thought how cold it was. Ttan turning her great blue eyes to Clyde aedj "Sister are you going out this, even ing?" lYes dertr,'' she answered whje the needle flew in aa out with increased rapidity. "I mut get some wood and something to cat,'' 'Lot me go too, I ean help bring a heap of things," she said pleadingly, t.tretching out her little Lands, the threadbare sleeve slipping back, show ing the thin arms. Drupping her work, Clyde caught her m .her arms aud cried out, u Oh, Lomie ! little one, . if I could only care for you as I wouh ;'' the tears rulle i jlown her pale cheek and tell on the golden curls of her little sister. Hearing a footstep approaching she brushed away the tears, and was fasten ing the last stitch, when the door open ed and a sad faced woman entered, lit tle drifts cf snow rested on each shoul der and the rusty black shawl was spotted with the melting drops. " Olt, Mama!" cried Lbmie, dartinjr to her, " I am w glad you have come." Kissing the little upturned face, she, said, " I am glad to get in the bouse again darling, tho' it is such a poor one. Ilave I kept you waiting ?" she asked, touching her lips to Clfd'i fore head. , No, mother, I am just through, and altho' I am anxious to know the result of your visit, shall have to wait until I get back, it is go late." 44 Yes dear," and shaking the snow from her shawl, she said, Put this on over yours for it is bitter cold.' " No. I shall walk rapidly, and you will heed it before I get back with any thing to make a fire." Taking the bundle of vrorl she hur ried out. The sum she was to receive for their week's work, was not sufficient to keep them from absolute want; at least two days in every week they were without fuel, and too scanf often were their meals, to which the emaciated ap pearance of each testified. The little family even during Mr. Cameron's life time were never in af3u ence, but since his death five years before, the struggle to live had been greater each successive year, until poor Mrs. Cameron felt that the strife of life was wrecking her constitution $nd wa king prematurely old her daughter, and with a pang of anguish she felt that if help did ; not corne tliey would die from privat jouj for delicate constitutions can not hold out $t hard work even when ell fed. Clyde entered, the hrge establish ment of Dupont & Co., waited patient ly tfoe inspection of her work, received another bundle and the pay tho a LOUISBUHG, N. pahry tow, it Irightcced her fiee, for it held in check grim want. It was ahnoct dark, with a uick step she patsed out and - sought a grocery store. Several others were ahead of her, but she went straight to the counter and waited impatiently to be waited on. A manly figure in a heavy over coat was giving an order for Oysters, after which he turned to go out, but on reaching tho door was arretted by the angry voice of the store keeper declar ing shoplifting could not be done in his house, and seising Clyde by the shoul der, shook her violently, ordering her to give up that bundle be had left on the counter. With a little gasp of fright, she denied the charge. The youug man rteped back sayjng, "How dare you be so insulting; the lady came in after I did and . stood by me until you came to wit on her." f 'Oh! sir," cried Clyde, "I do so thank you, I only hurried to be waited on because it ig so -late; "how could I conceal any thmg?" she said, throwing back her old worn shawl. This is a bundle of work,and as quick as thought she broke the string and displayed its contents, then wkh a burning spot on her cheek and an. indignant flash from her dark eyes, she refolded her bundle, and started out. The Grocer was very much ashamed of his rudeness, begged her to let him wait on her, asked her pardon saying,- he bad lost so much that he was getting irritable over it. Clyde turned and made her purchases there. As she was going out the young gentleman stepped to her side, aud said, ' " You have so piany little packages, and it is so cold and hard walking in the wind, let me Lelp you." She looked up into his fvce. It was a handsome one, and looked back into hers very compassionately. " Oh, sir, you are too kind, I cannot take advantage of you, and " " I would like to help you," he in terrupted, holding, out his hands for some cf hep packages. But stammering out ia .distressed confusiou that ' her evening's wcrk was not over yet,' she left him as hurriedly as she had entered the store. She felt sick at heart for fear she had acted rudely; but what was the uso to permit his kiuduess of heart to take him to that miserable place. She was poor, but 'Jid not want to le pat on tie char ity list. No,' no, they would work on, living honestly, and looking unto the end only for peace and rest. Unto the end ! How many sufferers arc looking forward impatiently to such an event come as it may. Upon some, fortune smiles, and from hard "work and want, they glide into the joy of dreamy eae. Unto othrs it comes the saddest of all the melancholy dajs ; yet it comes the same to all, at last. Whether delayed by seasons of pleasure or hastened by penuary, death puts its icy fingers alike on tlie bounding pulse of the rich and the feeble flutter of the beggar each the world forgetting, by the world for got. Clyde's painful reverie was broken by the kind voice of old Mr. Timms, the corner grocer. He generally closed early, as he lived some distance, and Clyda would not haye seen him in her deep thought had he not spoken. " Ah, l.is?y, it is pleas nt to see thee." ' And looking up she saw him locking his door. "Good evening, Mr. Timms, I thought you, would be closed, it is so late, but if you could letm,e htve a little wood; sir, I should be so glad, it ia too late to go to the wood yard." Yes, yes, child., t too cold to be without R-ood," and unlocking the door, they went back into the shop. Placing a quarter qu the counter, she said, , " I am so glad I can, get it here." " " Keep your money, child, you shall have the wood' ' But Mr. inims, you gave me some once before, and I can't come to you any more if you, do not let me pay you." He looked at hern minute, and then dropping the money in the drawer went into the back room, returning with his C; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1875. arms full of wood, refused to let her carry it, abg: , " Your arms are full of bundles, I will carry it." "Youaic very kind to me, Mr. Timms, J wish I could roMira it eome time. " Never mind, Jassy,. rfever mjnd," beaid, toiling np the narrow etairway. The first landing all was dark one more flight apd the door is pushed open, throwing a bright ray of light on the' well loaded couple whilj little Lomie capered around them, Mmrinjr out Uh. mama ! here is some sure 'nough wood, and unele Timms, too," who, putting the wood down, caught her in his rruis, saying : 'Good evening. Mrs. Cameron, don't thank me for the wood, it is Miss Clyde's aud only came to see my little girl," he said, laughing, and putting Lomie dow,! 1,5 added, " I must go back for the rest." M am glad to hear there ia more sit down Mr. Timms, we won't mind go ing for it." ... But he would go. and soon came back with another large turn of wood, re fusing to come in, as it was Saturday night, and he had a number of little chores to do. In the moan time the smoking em bers revived into a glowing fire the one little fshje was placed near with thqir stoek of crockery, tho' scant, was often more than they wefa able to GJ1 with provisions. Thus enjoying their simple meal, Clyde told of her little adventure, and concluded with--. "I do hope the kind gentleman did not think me rude." "No my dear, I .think you acted widely, for although his interference in your behalf seemed kind and gentle manly, wo cannot' always judge from appearances what one's motives are. Wc mut manage it so that you wi l not hp .ijt so late." - " Now mother, tell me of your secret business this afternoon ?" Her mother smiled, and said : " I saw iu yesterday's paper, that a good vocalist and performer on the piano, would find it to hep interest to jcall at Ktrcet No. 49. So I went to see if it would not turn out for some good to you,' "Oh"! Mother, I have not played on the piano any in two years, how could 1 answer to that discriptiunY' "I knew your modesty, aud that-is why I did not let you know what I was going to do. - 1 called at the place, it is that splendid establishment of Mrs. Nathicr, and she is a perfect lady, i Clyde I went to school with her and we use o be quite intimata when chil dren. She did not recognize mq.. I am greatly changed, and if I had not beeu fche would never expect to find Clyde Fremont in such poverty, I could not tell her. but I told her I came in behalf of my daughter and your ignorance of my doing so , that you had quite a tallent for music, but was out of practice for the waut of a piano. She said she had some pressing engagements, but would see you Mon day at ten. o'clock.' ; "Oh ! Mother," said Clyde clasping her thin white hands..' "I don't believe I hare forgotten. I do believe I could play even without looking at the keys," , , , Her eyes b:ightencd and, the crim soq spot burning ' on ber pale face showed that music had a charm for her that few possessed. I thought so darling," said her mother fondly; "and poverty has not taken away your voice, if it has your piano. rs. Nathier probably wants you lo teach, at any rate I hope H is something that will pay you, it will be better than sewing so constantly, 'Oh ! said Clyde, while great tears rolled down her cheeks i( J onjj could do something to keep off waat, I would cheerfully work. (to be continued.) Call a lady a "chicken," and tea to one she is angry with ynu. Tell her she is '.'no chicken,T and ten to one e,e is still angrier, Wlmt I IIiia-o Hcen. An old man cf experience lays: I have sten a young man sell a good farm, turn merchant, and die in the inane asylum. ' I have seen a farmer travel about bo much that there waa nothing at home worth looking at, I have seen a man fpend more money in folly than would support his family in comfort and independence. I have seen a lyogrig girl marry a young man of dissolute habits, and re pent of it a? long as she ffved. 1 have t een a man depart from trnth where candor and veracity would have served hira to a much better pur pose. I have seen the extravagance and folly of children bring their parents to poverty and Want, and thauaselvea to disgraca. I have seen a prudent and induj- trious wife retrive the fortunes of a family when the husband pulled at the other end of the rope. I have seen a young man who des pised the' counsel of Ue wise aod ad vice of tha good, and hia career end in poverty and wretchedness. How lie Wnnteillils Pic ture Tnlten. Yesterday a young man with a wart on his noee dropped in at the Sherman photograph gallery and remarked that he wanted some pictures Uken. Will you have it standing or a bust ? queried the artist. 'Bust !' exclaimed the fellow, ad he picked up his hat. 'Bust ! Mister, do I look like a man who would coma iz. to a picture gallery to get oc a bu t? They explained to him, aud finally persuaded him to sit long enough for a negative. Tho picture was a good one, and the r.oso stood out like a black cat in a bay window, 1 ho fellow looked at it, and as he handed it back said, 'Shoot again, old pard,aud sec if you can't make the wart look like a jioco of chewing gum. They told him that it couldu't be done. 'Well, see here now, pard,' he plead ed, (iay name's TroCbs, and I'm en. gaged to a girl back in lnjiana, and she wants my picturt. She don't know I've got this wart' it's growed since I left tberc and if jou could just rub it out of tho picturo and make it look like something that she's familiar wit'; a slice of bacon, for instance I'd feel better.' They fixed it up for him, and when he went out he chuckled. 'That'll fetch ha- she'll just natur ally think I'm floatiu round in eolid comforts like bacon and string beans and sich. Tlio 'Women AVI 10 tiro LovchI 31oKt. The women who have been the most loved froju the time of ftvo, have been of great activity and industry. Penelope, to whom the great heart of Ulywcs turned faithfully in all his wanderings, wove by day and unwova by night for twenty year, the weh that fascinated her impatient suitors. The fair, unfortunate Roman, Lu cretia, "gpun among her " maidena. And when King Harold cam to take his last farewell of his affianced, tho lovely Saxon, Judith Edith of the swan neck he found bar at the loomt The most precious and valued old laces were wrought, stitch by stitch ai.d loop by loop, by tho fingers of patient queens and royal ladies, and were often, the product ctf a lifetime of labor. They are not Ike idle women who have inspired, aud been tho heroines of song and story, , They arc not the idle women whose children rise vpand call them blessed, and to then gTateful husbands say, as said Brutus to Portia:' You arc my dear and honorable wife, As dear to me as are the ruddy droa TLat visit my sad heart.' Truthfulness a sound basis. TERMS ; Hard "iNyotltlcli lu EIo qneuco. IIo walked out of the depot with a satchel ia his handa good-looking "tchel, yet terribly gaunt and thin. If satchels had ribs, one could have ecen kat satchel's ribs, and noted how thin in flesh it was. Wuen a profes sor of back-driving asked the stranger if he would have a carriage, he smiled blandly, and replied, "Not this time, colonel not just now, although I watn thee that it is plebeian-like for a dake to walk around with his baggage a his hand I am ia search of a hostelry a cara vansary whero I can rocupcrat. and refresh." Finally, whan be stood bef ora the hotel e'erk, the clerk noted that the stranger's hat was full of deuta asd caves; that his shirt-front was badly soiled ; that his garments wars be coming threadbare, and that there was need of thoough repair. 'I desire a seat at the banqatt board without delay. said the stran ger, "I have traveled far; and caed refreshment. The cleTk smiled as the aatchel was lifted over the counter Ue l4hcftad it, and smiled"again. J carry the ducats bore, iu my wal. let" said the stranger, "and after I haves'.ppcd the amber mocha, carved the spring poultry, I shall cheerfully requiUthee. He might hate seventy five cents about him the clerk would chance it. Victory lurked in tho stranger's eye a ho turned to one of the bell boys, and said. - Youthful slave, conduct mo to. a place where I caa lave my fovered brow.? He was conducted, and after he had laved he looked a little bettsr. Even a bootblack is improved by a liberal application of soap and water. Still, there was that lank satchel behind the counter, those thrcadhare garments aud that hungry voice. "Now, serf, proceed to the banquet hall, and I will follow thee," said the stranger, as be ran a coarse comb over his head for the tat time. Seated at the table and approached by a waiter, he remarked, "Thou canst bring mo rare viands of any kind, nnd I shall not quarrel about tho cookery." 'Beefsteak, fried ham, mutton chops, or liver r queried the girl. 'Fair lady, to thine own judgment do I leavo it,, he replied: 'only let wings be added to thy speed, for my castle is leagues away, and I hunger. She brought him a well-selected stock of groceries and provisions, and ho got away with them as a steam ditcher goes dovn through wyidy.soi!. He ate his fill, and then be'erammed another meal down on top of that, ne emptied his coffee-cup again and again and when he finally rose fjom the table he coa'.d hardly lift himself. Turning U, the fatigued waiter, he gently said, "Fair maiden of the valley thou hast done thy culinary work ia a man ner which speak volumes for the. Pemit mo to offer thee my heartfelt thanks. .He strolled into the ofEce, put some matches into one vest pocket, snd some toothpicks ia tho other, and then leaning bis tlbow on the countar, laid to the clerk, "Thoa knowest thy do tic well, and when Jam far away I shtll gladly sound thy praise- 'Cone, 00 fooling now cut with that seventy-five cents., "As soon as my retainers arrive I shall give theo a weighty purse, and thoa canst keep ever ducat in it. "Dncats be hangod I want scrip nickles etampal I waat pay for your breakfast V "Gently, my friend with the Roman nose, continued tho stranger; 'thou canst ootaaj but I an a ljrdora duke tQ dUguite,' "And Idoo,t care a cent ! Are you going to pay? 'Am I going U turn thsse fragments $2.00 per Annum. NO; 7. of wood into gold r querricd tho stranger, as he held txpanmubcr cf fine twthpicka, Tho elcrkcame ouf of the ofS having the lea satchel iu his hand, and.ho took the stranger to the door, kicked htm with great good will, and pointed up tho street. "I go" said tho aiania asolema voice, "b t when my rctaiacra arrivo I shall seek revenue human rort shall be thed to satisfy me T u v . . . . . . iV guro rijrv away nom Lcro quicv smartr exclaimed. tlV clerk. lis went. Hit' 0 was clouded for a moment, but thea grand smila covered it and bo stopped a newsboy, and asked. 1 "My faithful minion, canst thou di. rect meioanofHcs over tho door cf which liang tie traditionary goldea balbj oftne base i:ioney lender a place whero I may exchange a few precious heirlooms for smt vilo drossf And the boy did. . , , o 1 1 6 e. - " ! Building Contractors ' AND . OA.BiaSTET.J LOUISBURO, N. O. SASH. BLINDS AND DOORS ! MADE to ORDER, and all kinds of Machine work done at.short notice, oa as reasonable tims as elsewhere in lbs 8:ate. Alt grades of CofSins, Furnish ed, with beam. Tongue and Groove floor ling and celling, a : SPECIALTY, Plastering Lathes , alwsvs oa hand, ; SMITH & BEA.CHAT.1. IOOK ASD JOB PEKTIKn OoJx Bintlinl') 'kill K3 fcoeated la tie very bet and latest io OB OFflCE AND BOOK-lilJJDEKT IH TIIE .C1TT Of RALENJIL ' and tS largest est a blxsiimjln t of the kS Pamphlet and Book. been r timbrel r rUed bv tbe IVcas North aod Soma, a Barwell, A. U- Prare buUlafe, Lju M:rt: -I bars nerrr &4 draltnp wkn any Printer -who do better wucfc.-. J. p. ' rood. Principal RaleUm JcmaJe enalcaryr .Done alt raj printing fJr ILc Ust tw? Tear do as good worn aud on as reaaor&ila Vena as any PablUhlnj; Uosm Hard off barn 1 School: - We know of no better boti la their Una." Prelm and Calmer U: Mm Naiiotial BanJc, of KJeia:Wt know 01 no EtabllLmmt tarnlmr ont ncaicr of faore"Jt.lo,7.ioU- ttacbcf thJrprtat. tag and bioditiike forth ttfik t l.v presaluiaa at dcmt Fair. Our B LAX US for CWka. thaX Tj ttn, , lUfUtratea. AttomrT, AprcOTace4 thebestla the markxt. fceod for eatalors Eylf yoa want roni work and low Vricr, fnr prbrtlne rxxiCS, PA Tl". : LITTTV feCII(X)L CATALOOlTd, CTKCVUir LETTEIl ASD JiiXTZ TTTJUrT 1 . DXAD3, CAKD3, ZSYtUOlZ msrnra op auy eo, m.rmrtrJon WKtx ixrxrzrj, DAT-toe T ELUOUD BOOKS. C2Af lJJZZ, Ci-J Boos-Buronra op aut eetd Send roar otter to EDWABD3, BROUCnTO 6 CO, rsisTma asd rcuzis, IIAUIIGII, it. a ninLicAL nncoim: Onrta of It. C BptUta, rcUl-ljrl rrrry work at 12.10 per annum. Omotttm oldestitellowsPsacrilatbeaocth. Aaaa drertkm; mwrUara rrttrjed bv a-- f- the Plate. AliiT. EDWAEIXJ, tL&LblL TU3 A CXX, N. C, . LAUD FOR SALE I ... .2051 acres of land ca Line branch aaJ Vtcxn swamp, adjolnis the Isuda of Jno 1- Thomas, Q. G. Gill, Alex, Wilson and others. Apply to j, c malont: Md.

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