FRANKLIN COUlilEK. GEORGE S; BAKER." ' Editor' aitd PropkietokI . V ;A11 letters addressed ta r ' Geo. S. BakeiC " FRIDAy,....;....DECMIlEU, 17, 1875. IIotTrail. We tare evorj reason to think . tl; at the county thieves will soon be brought, to justice. In spite of a corrupt ju diciarj, in spite of the money that has been and is still being used to hush up the investigation, the work goes steadily on. Tho tracV gets warmer and warmer wilh every new dcvelop inent. New workers arc entering the field, and with alcoves rolled , up arc eager for the race. - These thieves fellow citizens, must and shall be brought to justice, in spite of the in fluence and means that have been brought to hear to imped a the progress of investigation. The scoundrells can nottnuch longer hold the works' which, they have thrown up for their protec tion. The cry now i onward boys, and this ciy must and shall not be hushed ; 'till the last "mother's Fon," of them is brought to justice.' Then we will give the public, , a discriptive roll of them, and brant .them in the forhead with letters that can never be effaced thuf. r ' Trlmiiitnjy and Couutcr . :, ' Trimming.' V" For several weeks there have been goingori a number of criminal p ibsecu tious in St. Louis against violators of the Revenue Laws of the United States, regulating the distillation of wlmlccy. A number of United States Revenue officers have beon indicted and convict ed. Notably among these are onp Mc Donald, the Supervisor, and one Joyce, his chief clerk and right hand man. -Both of these men arc peculiar pets of Gen. Grant, and partook of , his hospi tality at tho White House, when they were called to Washington ; and when the President visited' St." 'Louis," they took special charge of him, ' and con, ducted him in his . mcanderings in tho city. A few days ago one Gen. O. E. Babcock, tho confidential Private Sec retary of the President, was indicted for complicity in these frauds upon the Revenuo of the Government. Then a' mighty commotion is set up at Washington. -All at once it is discov ered that Gen. J. B. ' Henderson, Ia TJnited States Senator from i MssburK who had been retained to assist the U. " S. District Attornoy in the prosecution ot these crimes, had made some remarks which reflected upon tho President, and he was summarily dismissed, as will be eon by the foMowin dispatch sent from Washington to St, Louis : v Dept. of Justice) ) WAsniNOTON, 1). C. Dec;" 1075. Uoiu D. P. Dycr United (States At torney, St. Louis : The sworn report of Mr. Hcnder-. BOn'r speech; forwarded Mr: "Eaton, nnd referred to by both you . and M r. Henderson in your dispatches of yester day as a correct report,-was read iufull Cabinet to-day, and it was regarded by every member as an outrage upon professional propriety thus to reflect, without shadow of reason, upon the President, by whom his employment by thi .department was sanctioned in or. dcr that no impediment might be placed in the w ay of bringing to spoedy punishment every defrauder of. the rev enue at St. Louis. You will advise .Jen. Henderson of his dischargo from further service, and wxure in his place the aid of the, most able and efficient counsel you cau find, without regard to his politics. : ." nEDPiEUREroxT, Att'y-Gcneral. . Before this dispatch was sent Gen. Henderson had heard the muttering of the distant thunder, that tho raajmatcs at Washington were quivering -ru the fex of detection, of their .complicity in these stupendous frauds, and that it yas determined to suppress theso pips ficutions. before any raoro of the cri'm inaU were shown up, telegraphed Attorney-General . Pierrcpont iu these 'Tfords;- y- ', St. Louis, Mo. D(s 9, : 1 875. JTon. Ed.'P;crrepont,Atry.Gtneml : I have seeu - your : last disatchto Col. Dyer. My upccch in the Avery cihq was extemporaneous Mr. Eaton mailed you on Tuesday a sworn copy froin the stenographer of so much as he thought related to the President. I did notsee ie hut 1st nd,by the speech f made. I sail .nothing beyond what my worn duty required, and for that I have no apology to make. ' : J. B. Henderson.; 7 And thus it will be seen that these trials are to he brought to a speedy ter .jainatiorr. .Thaj; for the present those infawou3 cnn inals are to go unwhipt of justice, and thattheir crimes are to be covered up and kept out of sight of the' eyes cf the community. That pa rade about securing the most able and efficient counsel without regard to pol itics is all bosh, and is not worth the paper that the dispatch was written upon. - ,. ' Gen. Henderson was known to be the most efficient prosecutor of these cases that could be found, as they had beca worked up by him, and he was tnore familiar with the eases than any other that could ba secured The zoal and ability which he threw into the management of these case struck ter ror and dismay into the head center of the great national King at Washing ton, and he was decapitated. Secretary Bristow who has also jnarufesieil some zeal to bring these offender to justice, may next expect to be told that his company and services can be dispensed with for the future Thus acts a Pres ident who associates with those .scoun drels upon genial aud ' Jovial terms. Thus have the highest officers in the land betrayed the great trusts confided to their' keeping. Thus have" they revelled in luxurious splendor upon the means stolen from the Public Treasury. ,Thus has disgrace been brought upon the American Government and upon Republican institutions. President Grant may in. his arbi trary power summarily dismiss a tem porary prosecutor, who trims too near tho person who fills the Chief Executive office of this country, but there is another tribunal charged with unearthing this rascality, that ho cannot so easily dis miss, and which may not ''down at his bidding". The Deonle have decutrsd a House of Representatives , that is not afraid to enquire into this meanness, and which will .'faithfully, perform the duties of its .commission, however near it may come to the mm who has so tar betrayed the . great trust that bas been reposed in him. Let the House of Representatives but ptr form their duty and expose the devil ishness that, has been perpetrated by this administration, and such a victory as awaits the Democratic party next year, is unprecedented in the annals of the American republic. The-ball has been set in motion, j he thieves are being brought to condign punish ment. This is the result iu & great measure of ihe great upheaval of 1874. Let it continue, and 1875 will bo no fsr beyond '1874 that tl iev will not "admit. of comparison' '' TllO IlKMItllllOll ( k to tho Oon!stitniiti. ' Ordinance number six is in these woitls; " An ordinance to amend article THIRTEEN. OF THE CONSTITUTION. ' Be it, jordanitd, by the people of North Carol na in Convention assem bled, Th?t sections ouc aud two, of Article thirteen, be stricken from the Convention, and the follo'iingHsubsti tiitcd therefor : 4 Section 1, No Convention of the people ot this State shall ever be called by the General Assembly, unless by .the concurrence . of two-thirds of. all the members of each House of the General Assembly, except the proposition, Con vention or No Convention, be first sub mitted, to, the qualified voters of the whole State, at the uext general election, in a manner to be prescribed by law. And should a majority of the votes cast be in favor of Siiid Conrontion, it shall assemble on such day as may be prescribed by Use General Assembly. Sec. 2. No part of the Constitution of this State shall be altered ""unless a bill to alter the same shall have been agreed toby three filths of each House of the General. And the amendment or amendments so agreed to shall be submitted at the next general election to the qualified voters of the whole Stafe, in such -manner as may be pre scribed by law. And in the event of their adoption by a majority of the votes cast, such amendment or amend mendaientd shall become a part of the Constitution of this State. ? Head three times and ratified in open Convention, this tho 4th day of Octo ber, A. D. 1875." The Article in the present Constitu tion which this ordinance amends, is as follows, to-wit : , u Sec 1. No Convention of tho poo pie shall be called by the General As sembly unless, by the concurrence of two-thirds of all the membeas of each House of tho Gene, al Assembly. Sec 2. No part of the Constitution of tlus State sVall be altered, unless a bill to alter the name shall have been read three time3 i each House of the General Assembly and agreed to by three-fifiht- of the whole number of mem hers of each House, respectively ; nor shall any alteration take place until the bill, so agreed to, i-hall have been pub lished sis months previous to a new election of members to the General As sembly. If after such publication, the alteration proposed by the preceding General Assembly shall be agreed to, in the first session thereafter, by two thirds, of the whole representation in each House of the General Assembly, after the same shall have been read three times ou three several days in each House, then the said General Assem bly shall prescribe a mode by which the amendment or amendments may be sub mitted to the qualified voters of the House of . llepresentatives throughout the State ;.and if, upou comparing the votes given in the whole State, it shall appear that a majority of the voters voting thereon have approved thereof, then, and not otherwise, tho same shall become a part of the Constitution." It will be seen from this that a Con vention of the people may be called by a two-thirds majoity of-each House of the General Assembly, or by a majority vote of .the 'people, should the amend ments be adopted. It is also provided that instead of the present cumbrous and tedious manner of amending the Constitution by Legis lative enactment, by having to pass one Legislature by a three fifths majority, and a subsequent Legislature by a tw4 - thirds majority, and then a vote of the people, taking about three years, that an amendment is only required to be passed by one Legislature, . by n three-fiitUs-ote, and then ratified by the peo ple. . ''''';" -. : .. "', .... : It seems to us that this is a great im provement on the old mode of amend, ments, as it permits the people, at any time to spt;edi! make any change that is needed in their orpinie law. A Fins art Magazias for tie Young. ST. NICHOLAS For 1876 Atter two yenn,' ot propperitv. nnex. ampleil in tl.c ana!s f juveniit? rcr ature, rturirp which St. .Nicir !8 con5clidt;ed;wit!i i'selfa!! i:s str.n- tt computi;ors, ihe pubiisiurs find tltesr elyts iu a poeitiu th prouuse that the Third V'.i;:m, beinuinir v''rh the iiu.uJier l.r November, 1875, kh:. , 1n its. uuusual. Kttrahtiot a Jor ;irU Hi,d l-njf , surpusa ivt n the prtccdirr vo -lime-. In mV.uion to contiibutiois Irom , '-.TUB yiR-T WRrr.ERS F ni ICA. h- rv will he Stone?, Pot m . and tket. he.-j by some of ihe Mosr, PromU ... '.-.. ..i ....... . ' ji.u&a autnors. '.Arranfmtnts have Iieeu made for a vi ry intcreaiii-g series ol papers on WINDSOR CASTLE. By Mrs. Oliphant, Treating or its 'iJistorv nd the Child Like ot sncecaive Royal Generations. CHRISTINA G. ROS3E I II Will contrsbuta to the new volurao. LOUISA XLALCOTT Will write 4M w,orie,s Birthday rrif(P and other short stories. . & Snuie articles on Astronmy for youn People have been' , promised by the" popular Engli-h Astronomer, RICHARD PROlrOR. There will be a continued story of "Lilf in Iceland by BAYARD TAYLOR. Ja thj Noviuibir, the open;Pg ot the new volume will begin aD. AMEIIIAAN SERUL STORT, ' "Thu B y Emigrants," Bj. XoAir Br.iok", : Giving the fidremures t a party ol boys iu the Cam F it ji i a gold mines, in the ebrl days of the Gobi Fever. J. T. TliOAEUIDGB, Author of the "Jack Uuzaid" stories will contribute st-me highly interesting sketches of adventure at "Bass Cove." ''TALKS WITH GIRLS.1' By leading r.mhort.wiU be a prominent feature ol the cew volume. Especial attention will also be given to INCIDENTS 0Fn AMERICAN HIS With spirited pictorial illustration. The various departments, 'Jck-ini the-Pulpit, 'The P.iddltBox, and Letter-Box,' and the pages for Very Little Folks.' hre to be mote attrctive than ever. St. Nicholas will contin ne under the successful editorship of-1 MARY MA PES DODGE. " .And no efforts will be spared by ed itor and publir to maintain and increase the attractions and value ot the mag tzice. 8ut script roo-Price,' $3.00 a year; Siugle S umber?, 25 cent-; Baun.J Vol. nme, 4.00 ench. These volumes begin with Norcnv ter The two now ready for 1874 and 18jo are elegantly bonad iu red aud gold, and for the handsomest gift boob tor chihlfenever issued. We will s. nd the magazine one year, beginn e No vember 1875, and either ot the vol umes bound as above post-paid lor $7 or a subscription o ie yr, anj ,;,e lv volumes for $it. Alt newsdealere will receive subscriptions and supply vol umes at tb -b've rate. SCRIBNER & co. 743 and 745 Broad wy NY. Railroad Schedules. SEABOARD & ROANOK RAILROAD COMPANY. Office Seaboald & Hoanoxe II Ti Co., ) " Portmoath, Jtu 1st, I8i5 . CIIAXGE OF- SCHEDULE. On anl after Fridr, January 1st 1875 Trains wilt leave AWldju daily (Sunday ts cptd) as follow; : ilail trtiu daily 4 p. No. 1. "Friight tiaiu C&ily kt 4 a. m. No. 2 Freight train t 8 a. m. AltEIVEAT l KTSSICUTH. Mtil trtin daily at...... 7 15 v a No. 1. Frcigbt lr' daily at 1 2 00 ti mi. No. 2. Freight Train at 4(0 r. m Freight tiaiDS hve a pass, j Car at tached, ? teimer E-ei tnn, Phmoii-h & laa-l-irgi -t-n, and Chowan Itivers leaae Fraakii. at 740 A. m i n .loudas, Weduedas aud Frid:ijs. , EG GDIO. 0?n'18upt Raleigh & Gaston R. R. company. SUPERIXTENDET'dFFICE, ) Raleigh, iN. u., JUUC 11th, '72. On and aftor' Monday June 17tlif 1872, trail!;; on the JlnK-ih & Gaston Railroad, will run daily (Siuiday ex cepted) as follows: 31 ail, Train. I eaves Rakish Arrives at l. eldon . . Loaves Wekiou Arrives at Raleigh. . .. 10.00 a. in. . .. iS.oO i. ni. . . 9.15 a. in. n: n" O.W I. Ul . Accommodation Tkain. Leaves RalieVh .......... 8.00 n. m. .Arrives at Weldou 6.20 a. m. Leaves Weldon . . ' 9.15 a. m Arrives at Raleigh .... . . 8.00 p. m Mull Uaiu uiaKus close conn- utinn m Weldou with the seaboard &' R auoke Railroad aud 13 y Line bleam:rH vi Baltimore, to and liom ail point". North, We.:t and Nortljwest wiiL the PctiTahu; Itaihoad via Ptters.bui-, Richmond and Ytsh:i)gun Uity, u and tioui ?;11 points JS or tii aud Ivrtu vvest. Aud at Raleigh with tho North t'nr olina Rilr iad to'itud 1mm alt pom s. 8.u'h aud t uttwefct. niid - v.iili m, RaU i-li & Air Lme to ily wu:d iiu't Fi ittvi le. ici'i'iijii:i u'i m iiml Freight t rui ii coninct ul weu'.o i wiili A'vouiiuo h lion Hiii Kr. i'ii traina mi y.Hii,, u, Itoanoke liaiiroud huv! l;cUici..-uri Railroad. ' And Rilcigh wi h Arcv)Uiiio a tiou and '( : 1 1. iriiia on Norm Curo ria R u r i . l' ri us );i -.rr a'ortg- the "le i f tli road can v:t; -t n-in ui ihK ,,.4 r i- y A;c.inniio,niit..:j irai , anl nm. : sce. v;i hours, mid return the 8 uuc vvv I. C. WINDER, fcCU K DOLE OF TUK TLTiiR LUHG RAILROAD COMPA.NY. PASSENGER TRAINS. Lkave Veldon. Express Train... .. ........8,80 a. m Mad Train... . .... 4.15 p. U!. ARHlVa AT PETEKfiBUEG. Exp rcss... ..12.10 a. m .ail. 8.05 p. m Lkavk PfiTEUSDURO. Mail -6.17 a. tn. Expresp.. , 3.17 p.m. Aruive at Weldon. Mail ........9 30 a. m Exprtss........... 7.00 p. m Fl EIGHT TllAINS. Leave Pi tershutg. 9 00 p. m. Leave Weldon 8.30 p. rn. - Arrive at Wt M.ui .... 5,00 a.m. Arrive at Petersburg.... 4.00 a. m Gaston Train. Leave PettrsLurg.... . . . 6:25 a. rn Leave Giston. ...... 1.1D p. in. Airive at Onitiui 13 30 p. m. Arriv at Petrshnrg 7.00 p. m Fxeihts fr Gaston Branch will I. rtceivcl at t!ie Petersburg depot oidy on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS- The depot wdl be closed at 4:00 pirn. No'goods wili nceived atter tht hour. H; J.C. fcPRIGG, Engineer nd General Manager. CARRIAGE FACTORY. Franklintoiij N. C. We TC3ppc:fullj announce to the pub he, that we have located at Frankliu ton, for the purpose of manufHCturini? Carnages, Buggies, Wagoua & c. We are alto p epared to ti 1 t.rders lot Metahc, Riteoid, MahoT Walnut and Tine Coffins, with hear4 and team furniahed. . very Re?pectlully. Nor. 5-1 yr. - NOTICE. I have four fine fat' beeves w litch I wbh tojsell on the hoof. A. E. BOBBITT. Cedar Bock, N. Q. r csl: FOE , We will sell ihe Tmi Yard, lo cated in Lonlsbnrg; with all the fixtures and farnitiire. Terms : Thin h a rare an energetic with moderate -capital to make a aying Investment JO We are prepared to do all kinds of cTO WO Bp Ik. Send in your Orders and we will guarantee to give you satisfaction, 2 LJ 3 k a Qpi$orinuiy for & BAKER. Vri-1 .J: r : J OFFICE. BTJTTElt! BUTTER J Choice Mountain Butter In kf a AJioieo fountain Itoll Cutter' on coii5!gumcnt. For sale hy .' WHITE &SIIAW. Hominy and -FruitBut-ter." Large lie mlny- made from pure whtte corn. Apple Butter. reach Butter, , " - Quince -Batter For Mle by, WHITE & SHAW. ETauzelical, Kn-Sestariaa, hicpen't THE CHRISTIAN AT T. l)c Wilt Talmasc, Eil'r. Tlie Hjt-t. It. tVi.ii 1'i.jtr P,tn;i ..i c -1' ounsiiCU. 3Ir. Talmagw'a iSirmon each wttk. Full Bepcrts of Mr. tVooda Work. A NEW SEhTaL STORY, Bv Bkv. W. il. Bakch, Oac of the m?$t popular of American story wri;rrs. TTOXEW PREMIUMS. AN AMERICAN FARMYARD," Aft-.r Jf. JC! n, exiTtitcd ia tweutr. nine pm-tings ucd Liixtcfote cold 7 r f 15, also an EXQUISITE FLORAL GROUP, Painted expns-h t.r tlii n;r 1m yi-.n. V. nixM.v, and c; rjnu-tU by L. ('haq & Co. Imj oii. fci- 1 lit-se are ;nuin nrt work, ind lLl. fet uud rn'Hi txjnri.nvc pitttr piciaiuQis ever clTrrrl. 3Iost Liberal Terms (o Agents, AND EXCLIMYK. IglUUTOKT. TERMS TO jTubCHIUEUS: Without prtirdun , o.-lj;i: pr .... rau,- $:103 i;h cidur pn mium, ui,:t, i,ntid, ''S prepaid 3.2- Willi otlur, .o'et. . ! cpu-S4 at -ul-cri;. r i-x'p. 4.00 I2'"I r lul! j.iitirtilnr! hj t,rt.m mss.-n'ii'itnil nmvi't., u.Mrn, r. :.toi!vrs Vu, ,u r THE WEEKLY SUN. v.' "VorK I T4J Llg llt .U i U l t.l H-Vcll. . X IJ :! e ciutti ii d iiar. li itt Vfir in whicft .u O, p j'ti. u li,, 0 i;jrr. ftnativ. U . jt..r i,l iJ,.. li id c!ct:om : A I '.t id. i i,; tj.c "iilc, but . A t ui it 1,- iv. n i. me ,ur to L l j,,.!.' IT, c.H i .lu-.U, tsp c.u:.y tuc . v. ,a i. ; ,Ul M f , ti tr.i in devtrtU - c i. ccusi wrti tLcu w t: t.t I., v h.:,1 lui j r .bf cJ un s ixp u n i i:k t. . "IIk-O, ;... !.!..., i:, Uej lUjHe uL ativ-,.l.i : up i.c;,f uu.uirj pvll-l V-iS - - hj iUli j.rx w jj sirny ni:d i:lfc., , i.4. Ulc i.-.i u.M ii.iMim, o. ojuvti ti.tiMiii.-iu'i -; ; n...l Ali , Ig lo hj u'p 1 .j t ,v i. u il .iio,, u,r a t,cw mi I h.,U I . t . I , ir;... in ,ir tu,,,,,! kistu. . . O: l i, is Tnu r;i-N Cou Mm r, i,j. J,- e u..d tccuraiu mciott iun.!Miu U rc.i. r vrul. eiij ,j Ufhtv. r hy ml lui-tt.uu utvn ie -u tr' i! g p c lie m. -.b td lipsi.iiii:ii tj,c. :t u, i h pnp. rdtlou ,.r i, U imu.iii .c iictuii jj lJpoa ORAM' a tiiiid i.rii nf p -wtr und.p -undrr, :..d mre il c d.r.j: wii.i l a 1 iIio cundi. a of lir p.i;y in 6iti tt, t;t,,nc2 :batcM.did.i:e. Co: & ruing all tht j ci.-, tbore who re.i lui; tf.s will ave lit Ci.r.s &f,t uuaca ol teitg tbci- 0 ildy wed in : m j. - Tb-i Wki kltScx, wLicliJus attaioed a c :cuIatioii i of ,.T.r fcy.uoO c pi , a:r.uJy Ltts i 8 r a erg iuc.nj i-tate nd Tvruto y, uial vre trust tlitt tLe )e .r 167G V.iil ,ec thur k in Ur doub le It will c n i u : i.j bj a thorough n v:pd,er. AJ lb.- gem-ral Dfi ol ii.-.Ly will bj found ioif, coudtofed Miru unimp.nat ,t lull Ci,tii wbtn wl lunin. n ; ad aUay, we truit, inatid :n aclcir, iatcrttiin-' atd it- ructive iiiaoLer. Jt ikui uim u make tl.o Weekly Sex tl e I -6: Lni.Ijr LLwttr in the w. -lid, bbil e til cooticue to give la i't tctros a Urpe ainount of micl. ianc-ts, ocb twthit talt, pm, tt tut Cc itteii-'tce i.i acr.cul'.ural u lo:iii:iou. lor Hh.cb we are Dot l!e tu make r ota in our d.ily ion. Tbe ancu ttral depaitrntot epeciallj is one of lit promiuer.t Icalurit. The kbinra tre nl o rrularly reported ia 1 colum; and o are tbe urkett ot tvcj klLU. Toe Weekly Bvy, tight papea with fill v-lix tro&d colutnoi i only $1 20 a youi, poaUKe p:ejld. At thi prica bireiy repays tbe cost o! the paper, no di&couot c-e be made 1mm tbi. rate to clabf, agt-DtJ, Pt nisaterf, or anjone. TLe Daily tC3, a large !oar p2? nepj er ol 28 cclamnt, ivea all toe new for two ce ti a copy. Subciip uon, poitge pitpid, 05c a month fur 50 a jear. bu.NDAY ectitioo extra, 1.10 per year. Wc have no travehu,' Addnr, Instfci Ne York City. J. 31. F0KEST & Co.' Near Central Hotel, Corner Ilarv tt and Wilmington Streets, JJALiilCJH, N.C. Dealers id Imiorted and Domestic Liquor, t ijara and TofJacco- J "N CV AYCOrrKF, furu:eriy of LniiUb ir, lus charge of tlu? Ear and Eilliard raloon. and will be nleaied toee bU old frieud. Nor. 190-wo.