Good Things. Railroad Schedules. Never carry hood. two faces under one Two heads are better than one, from a batefl point of .view. ' A good hotel at night is like a rail road bed fall of sleepers. 3?h.en in hot water, call oo your rriendi; they will be cool enough. Jn the journey of this world the ravi who goes right ia not apt to get left. What should a man always keep, especially after he has given it to aa otber I His wor1. A Penny Saiei jsa Penny Eainei $10,000 GIVEN AW AY. I Z& JJJ2 U 1 " e 8ena ine vouKira. usoai price SmTf33?-! $2.00 and the .Louisville Weekly COURIER-JOURNAL Pen-makers arc a bad lot. They made people sted pens and then they aay they do write. "Wood is tbe thing, after all the man with wooden leg eaid, wheo the mad dog bit it. Josh Billings says: "You can't change a date by cussing after an edi tion has been worked off." Courtship is bliss said an ardent young man. iea. ana matrimony is blister, snarled and old batchelor. SEABOARD & ROANOK RAILROAD COMPANY. Orriex Beaboaud Jc BoanoksR R. Co., Portsmouth, Jan 1st, 18 5 CUANGZ OF 8CTJSDULE. On anA after Fridv. January l9t 1875 Train wilt leare Wl&n daiijr iSunday ex. cr-fc) ad f niow; Mail trail, daily a..... ...... ...4 P. x. No. 1. 'Freight" train daily at 4 a. . No. 2 Freight train at 8 A. M. ABEIVE AT PORTSMOUTH. Mail train daily at..... 7 15 r. No. 1.""' Freight train daily at 1 2 00 coen. No. 2. Freight Train at 4 00 r. m. Freight trams have a paasengera Car at tached, ttcameri lor Edentoo, rivmomn land ings on Riackater, and Chowan 'Rivera leiAe Franks i at 7 40 a. x, on Mondays, .vyedneadats od Fridays. EG. GHIO. Gen'l Supt Raleigh &fiaston R. R. company. 72. Superintendet'sffice, When a man drops his hat in the street he always picks it up with a sort pi meals look, as if he bad stolen if. make your scire at home, la- diOi7 laid a lady one day to her visi tor i Tarn at home myself, and I wilhypu all werell You -will notice that when a boy stepson a Canada thistle, er sticks a splinter into his loot, it's invariably a few seconds before school. A jout.1 on being questioned by a lady as to his occupation, replied that he was an "adjuster of movable alpha be its'.' He was simply a printer. 'A veteran bousckcepar affirms that thr scarcity of go d servants is largely attributable to the scarpity of mistress es.who know how to keep house as one should be kept. A Delaware clergyman was the vic tim of a donation party the other night, and the next day he had to exchange a pecc or oeaas tor soanetuing to eat, go without food all day. or A fond husband boasted to a friend, 'Torn, the old woman came near oall Ing me honey last night." Did she Bill? What did she say ? She wijd, Well,5ild Beeswax, come to supper.'" There is truth as well as wit in this paragraph from the Vicksburg Herald: -We have long since forgiven the North for licking us, but the North has never forgiven us for being so infernally hard to lick. "John P exclaimed Mary, throwing her arms around ber brother's neck," i what substitute can tlere be for the endearments of a sister! "Well," said John, "you see, sis, that depends on whose sister it io." On and after Monday June 17th, 1872, trains on the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, will run daily (Sunday ex cepted) as follows: Mail Train. . Leaves Raleigh. . ........ ip.00 a. . Arrives at Weldon ....... 3.30 p. ra. Leaves Weldon 9.15 a. m. Arrives at Raleigh. ...... 3.05 p. a. Accommodation Tbaik. Leaves RaliegU 8.00 p. m. Arrives at V eldon.. . .... 6.20 a. m. Leaves Weldon..... ... 9.15 a. m Arrives at Raleigh 8.00 p. m Mail train makes close connection at Weldon with the seaboard fc Roanoke Railroad and Bay Line Steamers via. Baltimore, to and from all point North, West and Northwest and with the Petersburg Railto&d via Petersburg, Richmond and Washington City, to and from all points North and North west. ' ,: And at Raleigh with the,' North Car olina Railroad to and from all points, Sou'.h and Southwest, and with the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line to Hay wood ami Fayetteville. Accommodation and Freight trains connect at weldon with Accommoda tion and Freight trains on Seaboard i Roanoke Railroad . and Petersburg Railroad. And at Raleigh with Accoiamoda tion and freight trains on North Car ina Railroad. . Persons living along the lino of the road can visitKaleigh in the morning 1y Accommodation train, and remain uevetal hours, aud return the same eve uin. J. C. WINDER, Qcu'l'Bupt, fcCiJEDULE OF 'tUii PETERS BURG RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSENGER TRAINS. Leav? Weldon. Express Train ........ . .... . 8,30 a. m. Mail Train. 4.15 p. in. usual pnee f2.00, postage prepaid on botbspsper, fdr one year, for $3.75. 1 Tbe weekly Conner-Journal is the gieat NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It will, on December 31st, 1&75, dis tribute impartially $10 000 in valuable presents among its subscribers, and every subscription seut'througb us will be entitled to a registered and number ed receipt for this distribution. 8erd us $3.75 and iet both papers. BOOK AGENTS - " AND GOOD SALSMEN Are "Coinikq Monkv" with the famous B IDA DESIGNS, Tbe French edition of which sells for $165, and , the London Edition 200. Our Popular Edition ($5.5 ) containing over One Hundred fullpge quarto plaics, is the cheapest am.! most elegant publication in America, and the BEST TO SELL. Critics vie. witu t a b other in praising, v$ and themaa es buy it. Agents in Charleston, S. C.t reports 97 orders; one in Ninety Six, S. C, 108; one in Va., 247; another in Mem phis, 200 orders, taken in trhee wetke. FULL PARTIUTL ABS FRE E. Ad J. B. FORD & CO., Publishers, ; Carriage Factory. Hating bought the interest of Mr. R, J. Place in the Carriage Factory of Place & Conway, I respectfully ask the patronage of the people of Frank lin. I Guarantee satisfaction ia all my work. w. b. CONWAY. Louisburg, N. C. lELymaiis & CANVASSERS wanted tor two superb works of French Art, 4Little Runaway and her Pets and the pretty pair, Thc Ivinuer, and the Nap." These pictures are worthy of a place In costly homes and inex pensive enough for the simplest. Sel ling rapidly, and take on sight. We guarantee ready sales, good profits, and q: ick returns. Any active persou who will take hold can make a ha?d- some income, ccnu lor our Desi terms at once. J. B. FORD & CO., 27 Park Place, N. Y, VALUABLE AND INTER ESTING WORK- The life of Genl Robert E. Lee, by Jno- Esten Cooke, with Illustrations, Portraits and Maps. The name of Lee is beloved and re spected through the world and p.rtic ular in the South, as a poldicr he vraa 27 Park Place, New York. J great but a? a man he was greatei. No Southern man should bo witnout the History of Genl. R. E. Lee. Tbe work is soli only by subsciption. Price in cloth, ?5.00 Leather, $6.00 Half Morocco,- $7.00 J.N, HARRIS A gt. forlranklin. COTTON GINNING. J have recently got a CONDENSER, and added to my new Brown Gin, and am now prepared to gin cotton exactly hk it ought to be. The CONDENSER bolts the cotton and takes out all the dust and dirt and threby improves the lint, making it bring a better price. I find that the cotton this season has a great many motes in it, and of course ne can't make as good turnout aajast year, but I will , UAMANTEE td get all the lint off the seed. Have been making thus far from 33 to 35i lbs. Beed cotton. All Cotton Insured. Consult your own interest and bring your cotton to my;gin. I P. T ! tiiJii1 1 v V&Will buy seed cotton at the highest market price; also Dales. A large stock rf ponds on hand at Gkasce Prices and Grange TKjtMs.thaJ, is CASH OR NO liO. FARMYILLE INSUR ANCE & BANKING COMPANY OF FAltJIYILLE Ya. Assetls 223,935.00. $10,000.00 United Statos Bonds' Deposited wilh the Treasurer of the . CffQ few Irto protection of the Policy Holders. hris ever been noted anu equity m itt- B. P. CLIFTON- oc22-4m. QMna, (Glass, ;& artlieaware. The Farmvills for its iironiMtuo-a a.enf ot losses, and its jjontra liberalv ty to Ihc insured. Its increasing buvl r.iss and p puUritj, J 1 vca it in lUe front rrk n the -Inurauce Compaui'S ol tlic Country. All Ias- f risttJ, such as, Steam, Water and Il irro ;owei Cottoa Gvn, Store Houses, fct ck v Good-, Itcsi dences &:., taken nt t-quitabic ra9. GEO. B. UAKEU, AGENT for Pri klin County. Louie burg, N,'C. Sept. 8-2 ro. A. wltncEs in the Court of Common Pleas lately gave her name asuEliabeth Martha Salina Georgian a Augusta Cu ham Burrows. This, she said was Jher Chnstendom name, but she did not In general 1 'write it in lull. V ' Busy not thyself in searching in qth er men's lives; the errors of thine own are more than thou canst answer for. It more concerns thee to mend one fault in thyself than to fud out a thou sand in other. Bishop Lbigotoi. A Brooklyn man, who had the toes of one loot cut off by a horse car? sued the couipany for $5,000, damages $1,000 per toe. The company denied responsibility in toto, but the jury awarded the plaintiff $500 a a memen to of tne affair. Arrive at Petersburg. ' Exp ress... ..12.10a. m M ail ........ . ....... 8.05 p. m Leayb Pktkrsquro. Mail.". ............... 6.1 a. m. Express..'...'.... .......3.17 p.m. AmuvE at Weldon. Mail ..........930 Express........ ..7.00 a. m m Full assortment of Crockery and Glass ware, suitable toi merchants trade. Also fine Chiua.and Glassware, Silver plated ware and House-keepieg goog, and fancy artipes. Fr eal at lowest lates. L. A . M AH BURY, 45, Sycamore St. Petersburg, Va. S. A. Stevens & O o. DEALERS IN F height Trains. - She was brushing his hair and be en joyed it amazingly. Rolling up his eyea, he said, My dear, why wa, Co jumbus, when he landed in America like me now t,' She coulduM tell him and he explained; 4,Beqause he was tickled at being fussed over.". A compositor, bleeding and bruised, applied for admission to a BaUirao-e hospital the other day. It turned out fhat he had set up "the democracy have an abundance ot pleas" so as to- read hat they had "an abundance of fl as." And the edit er said, htd have his re venge ifhe went to jtil irtr days for it, ' : .. "Sii," asked an attorney yesterday of a witness who was testifying in case of assault and battery, "have you been in this court before !" "Yes, sir,' said the witness, 44I have been here of je.V 'Ab, been here often, tell the court what for.' Well,'.' replied the witness slowly, I have been here at laast a tfozm times to. see you, to try and collect that tailor bill you owe,' Leave Petersburg... 9.00 p. m. Leave Weldon . .......... 8. 3Q p.- m. Arrive at Weldon . . .". ."j . . 5,0Q a. m. Arrive at Petersburg... 4.0Q a. m. Gaston Train. Leave Petersburg. . . . . . . 6:25 a. m. Leave Qaston 1.15 p.m. Arrive at Gaston..' .13.30 p. m. Arrive at Petersburg .... 7.00 p. m. Freights for Gaston, Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 4:00 p.m. No goods will received alter that hour. 4. C. SPRIG G, Engineer aad Qentral Manager. The Death Bed ofAndrew Johnson. A MAGNIFICENT Engraving, just published, on heavy plate paper, 14 19 inches in Size. It toachingly portray the last moments et tne great states man, with family, friends and physic cians grouped sorrowtully around him. It is a gem ot art beautiful in design, and artistic ia execution, and should hang in every home and cottage in tbe land. Agents wanted everywhere at once to sell this and other popular pic- turea, .Large fay. jo money required until pictures are sold. One copy of the fine ecgraving "DeatbVbed of An drew Johnson,', with terms and in stmctions to Agents' will ; be sent by mail on a roller, and post p ud on re ceipt of c.ents, or two cpks for 50 cents, No terms sent unless sample copy is ordered. Actdress the Publih ers, . ' SOUTLERN PICTURE CO, -NashvilieTean, COTTON CQIiIEilSSlOU MERCHAHT5, nsroniroLiv, v.. Respectfully solicit consignments of Cotton. Shippers who consign to us Hl be afforded every facility. EST BAGGING and TIES furnished. P w w H3 HALL'S SELF-FE2D1KG COTTON GIN. The ,.JoiDg are some of the reasons why IIALtyS GlNSre superior to all others : la. It u most economical; it requires the attendance ol no experienced gin ter, and dinpences with the lalor of one baad. W. It will pick more Cotton in a given length of timo tban aay otter Gin ia use 8d. . It never BREAKS TlIE ROLL, thereby ling so time, and oaking a saore even and better taraple., 4th. It will run longer without whetting or sharpening; the Self-Feeder wilt aot esrry to the Saws any bird aubst.ncts tLat will injure ttcrn, such as rock, nails, fctickn, bard unmatured bal's, Jtc, wLich also render tfc danger fror FIRE much twa. I 6th. It pcka the seed cleaner tban any other Gin in use, thereby, making a larger yiel'i. Wo have in cur possession the result ol a test in which one pound of Lint Cotton was prod need from to pouuds, seven and ccthalf ounces i'f Se d Ctitton. Thrtic Gina are pcxfct and complete in every particular, and an made to run at h?gli tpied, They can be loual in almsbt any section ia Norta Carolina where Gotten grown. Fries, S5 per Saw. Send for Circular. HYMANS k PANCY, General Agents for North Carolina and Virginia. Desirable Residence In Louisburg FOR SALS. That Desirable Jlcidcnce, at pmtat occupied by IUv. Jd. II. Yaughar. lit. nated om Llm Street, and frotict: the head of College titreei, is offered for sale. The lot contains about two tcras of lead, on which is'toeatcd tbe dwell. tag ol tlx roma, witu kilcncn a&a otn er necessary oatUooe, with a wellcf good water, all within pleasant walkirg UikUnceof the buioeta part a the town. Trues Kcdkcatbl Tckus LrscnAL. Yox lnrtLvr intotmstion, ap ply to NovlS-1874 TI1QMAS WHITE. NEW - HARNESS. My Uaraas Shop otbt J. V. CarlBe a Store ia cow ct-aylet. with an a rt meot of Rady-made Hara(, Vu chine and huad made. 1 will warraat all Hartes mado by hand a rcason&ble largth vt rime. ' I also kicp on hand, a full supply of pole sniArs. 13D1XQ MKIl)I. . UUlVINU HUNS. WOOS UUOGT BUIUUJS, UAL1XR.O. U LLA KM. liUCKLHS, Cal) and examine my tock when yen Cumetotown. Very Rctp'ly, Y. B. CLIFTON. V. R. CXZLK. A. H. BAtI. COTIO.N FAOIOR-S WUOLSiiALE & RETAIL GROCERS AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 45, Wilmington St RaUigh, N.C' We solicit cuoiigcuifnU ct onuatry provtuc and cutton.. Order promp' 'y attended to. . ' UZZLE & BAKER, r-et22 3m. Haliioo, N. C: Sept 3-: mjuvtJTiwMyvf arja.f gAiiiw 1 E. 0. SALU8BUKY. J. C. nowK. LOOK TO YOUR IN TEREST! You can buy the following Ar ticles at the Drug Store at 5 per cant less than the manufacturers retail prices. Hostetteps Bitters, Vinegar Bftters. Simmon's Liver Regulator Furniture, Carpeting? & COD LIVEE Dinner. OIL. ' J And many other standard articles. Corner Mais asd Graniiv Sts., NORFOLK, Ya. Th largest Stock of the above jjoods iu Virginia. . All poods guaranteed to be sold as low a3 in any Northern City, aa our business facilities are unsurpassed. Our goods are all mauulactured to order and ve ask a visit or an order from tnosc desiring- goods in our line to convince them Qf the advantage ob tained in dealing nearer home. : - Having been established twelve years and having sold largely in the vicinity of Frsnklm County, all can refer to the public generally. We ai'e Ageala and keep on hand a large K8ortment cf pianos and Parlor Orars at Manuficturs prices, t-entl for Circular. fevMy Salnsburv &? Rowe, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FURNITURE, AIo. Carpels Oil Cloths. Wjndow Shades and MA-TTRSSICS. lP Call and'examinc oui stock before purchasing elsewhere. Np. 207 and 20DM AIN STJlEKf, Norfolk. Va. Sept 8-8m All persons in arrears at the DRUG STORE will please come forward and spttje, and not wait for another crop Trinity College. TH$ SESSION COMMENCES Sept., 2nd 1875, Full Faculty; elegant buildiogs first class accommodations. Seventy five to ninty dollars will pay ail ex penses for five months : We offer tbe very bett at low rates. Aid given to young men of limited means. P. O. Trinity College, N. C.' B. CRAYEN. uly 30-.187 Lj BLATCHLETS Improved Cucum ber Woad Pump lg the acknowledged 6TANDARD ol '.he market, by popular ver diet, the best pump tor the least money. Attention is in vited to Blatchlcy's Improved Bracket, tbe Drop Cheek "W J T & B E O Franklinton, K C, Are determined to close out :heir LARGE and ASORlED STOCK ol GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT TTIE LQWEiiT POSSIBLE FIUUU?. If yoi wait goods CHEAP CALL ON T II Elf. Aay kini of praiuct taken at lett prieai, AT W ARD & 6 R 0. Tarnklinton,.N.C. EAGLE HOTEIi Louisburg, H. C. lROrtiIKTOR. o The present proprl tor hi !ae4 the Eale I'otel, ttormvrly ccupied -by James Dent) to- a nunvber of )rr, I'e U prepared to aettninla:c regular and traiuieut boarders has nice rtHnns we I furii'ioln-d and fttled up in Uie best ?tyle. I e IiuIm; largo and eoiivniloiit rom tor c- 19 diiplH their ea'.iip'u'!1. the tablu U daily .ipplird illt the t?t lUv mart kct aUorils. lie will are 1:0 painf in .making his boarder c;ulorublr, and hopes be iI rect-ive. a liberal patronage from the public. Jan. fcib lbTo. THE SUNNY SOUTH, O Tub LaaaKar and Handmt Lusui ibT l'Al'U 1M .MMt.CJi. BRILLIANT ANNOUNCEMENTS. The following new foriea wtll roon be cmacnced, and will Uj the moat lotCDocly thrilling ot ny Mm abch jet published in an Arperieaa juarj&I. RILL A ROStOE; OR, Nokth AjiD South. A thrilling Rational R- raAi ce. btu-d upon the adminatt ttioua of f'reai i dents Lincoln and JoLcaua, and tb Execution f"Mr. Surratt in 1505. WniXTKX BT a DITINOCUHED t?TATfV MAN. Valve, which can be withdrawn with out disturbing the joints, and the cop per chamber which never cracks, scales or rusts and w'l last a life time. For sale by Dealers and the trade gem. erally. ' In order to be sure that yam get iJlatchleys Pump, be careful and eeethat it baa my trade mark asapove. If you do not know where to bny, de scriptive circular together with the name and address ot the agent nearest you, wiil be promptly furnished by ad dressing with stamp, " Charles E. Blatchley, Hanulactor. 506 Commerce fit., Philadelphia. Pa April trm. 1 1 WILLIAMSON, UPCIIURC1I THOMAS, Wholesale Qocebi C q 75 i j 3 i q n M e r. c h a t s Xp. 53 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGII, x. C, CrpoarU Metropolitan Hall. O TO TTIE PUYSIOIANS OP FRANK LIN AND WAKE COUNTIES. Having been appointed Ag-nt for the "Kentucky -Vutiul Eenerii Afeo ciation pf i llyicIau!,,' for Frmllin and Wake CAiintits, Respectfully infpmisthc Pli)icunsofsaid counties that they can procure 1 ertiflcates of Life Membership by applying tome. J. R. CUPTON, M.D Louisburg, N. C. WRITTEN IN BLOOD ; or, Toe Midxiodt TuuxiX. itory of the Ut N;xj1,l' Rig?. Bt M. Quad, of theMicH-oan Pxas. FIQUTING AO A INST FATS ; or, AL05B IS TBS WcKLD. A Brilliant Society Serial, nam runoicg, by Mr. Makt E. Buyax. wLo u the Sacst Story-writer ol tbe age. EDITII IIAWTIIORNE; cr, Tu TiutfTATipma cr a Factov GiaL Bt a PoruLAR Novelist. REMINISCENCE A or toi - CoxrspsaATX Govcbxxkxt. By Cou II. D. CAraas, Chief Clck ct Treasury Department under Mr. MkMMINOKB, taT" This wiil be a deeply interritbg erita of sketches giving the early trial, disadvaatages and many amusing iceir dants of our people in tbeir tfru to esiabliah an imtepenJ.nt Government. -:o:- 7 A number ofonnsnally- Bbil LIabt gnoKT SToaiaa appear in rich luue. with a great variety ot tJparkliog miactllsceoua n-aturon a-'l subjtctai Kcu3cmjrriof I3.C0 a Tkau. Clcbs or 4 asd UrwAUDa, 20 zcu. 20 2 25 jgy- Extra Copy FREE, one year, tor a clubci 5 at 13.00. Addrraa J. U. SEALS, Atlanta, Ga.