- a. i ' b i ; G-EO. S. y iiiaitor ana proprietor. vol.. v.. . ; :. -; TERMS: 02.00. per Annmn: W J w LOUlSBUltG, IN. C, FRIDAY. 'DECEMBER- 21, 1875, ; fir r NO.-S..; i V. u vi Professional Cards. DAVIS & COOKE; ATT'IS ail COUNSELLORS alUl LOUI8BU1A, Fit AN KLIN CO. N:C. i . Will attend the Court! of 9sl,Fra&k i. tin, Granvilie. Wanen.r.nd Vuk fViun, . tita, also t'hju Supreme Court t Ntiflb Caroliim arrl the U, 8. Circuit and d'is tnctCoutts. N;' 7 -tf . W. H. SPENCER, . ATTORNEY ! -' , ' , L0U1SBURG N. C. ATTOltNEY AT LAW, . lrKJOrKLIN10S K. C. ptalioe in the c-ourts of the 6vh Prompt jtt'Ution gien toth? cf-llc tioni.f claims. ' N W -tf (Wtitten expre xiy fr th- Cou. ier.) BY ETHElw DENTIST. hts Proiessjinjal Rf rvices to the public in Every department of Dentistry. OFFICE, LoaUhurt? at Wtrrennn over P nt Hottl. I Norwood & Davis Stow. 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. UlCilTEIt. W"atcliinaker and Jew eler. VIVP Watcln'S nud jewelry of. the hea Mamir;ii-toraiHl t the lonct piew. All woik percoually uttended to and war, ranted. ' ll t3 Sycamore 8L , reteriburg,V C O TJ R I E R JOB OFFICE. We huve added io our tock a pplna did JOB TRRS, irh an tUgaot fflectii.n of type ol lb-. litet styles, and 'wt-. arc cow pr bated to do in the neatest and best manner. ' S vou nwd not pend your JB WORK N.rtb, for we will do it iust a? writ and cheap as yon ran get it else- 1 where.' 1 .- ; LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, CIIAVTER4l.,r I Mrs.' Nathier was a widow ladj. wita only one child, Gerald, - yrho; was ct ct)t;rsj tlie cHif in all Jjer nopcBvitJ aims. IIi5 wishes wure cotisUiti'd al ways, and altho' from iufancy pottc-d and humored, he was not spoiled. lfi? apartments were as dainty as any fair lady's, and his toilets always elegant, still there Avas none of the dandy about him. lie was never conscious of his superiority in auythiig,atid none could be too poo: or too low for his notice if they were in need.--lie a very hand some, his style alrnuht etFeminateso soft and fairbtt hw statue was so stately, and his address so rnanly that one would never associate auy weakness with him, except excessive teiuh rnes and gent e forbearance with those he loved, if that could be a weakness. It is past break fust time, and by the glowing gratfc with his french boots elevated on the back of another chair,, a finely scented cij;ar perfuming the room, and the uioruitig paper renting on his knee sits or reclines Geralds The door opens and a young girl enters. , She is ver beautiful at a glance, upon better ac quaintance you find that soaiething is wai.ting. Slu has a slight knowledge ol most any accomplishment, ,; all of which t'au'be Sounded in a slmrt while, and the pretty face loses half its beau ty wl en talking of anything sarcfash ioa aud beaux, or light-bnuter ; these were to her tate and call forth irresis tible an i motion for a season. But ono of deep thought atid f.;eUng soon t:r,-s if such enmpauy. As she entered the room she had said : " Well, if you ars not indolence per s omeu. lie g'aneod over his shoulder wifh a smile. " Good .morning, (Cousin Eelle. you jtwit any -one with indolence? V hen it wants only ten minutes of ton, and you are just from th4 breakfast table. You see I did not wait for you.' lur cilibarrassmcnt.'. ' You wercbrvc to keep an appoint meut to day," he said smiling. Necessity is a greats stuunleaUI "iYes, ha sail thooghtfuUy, .vf also a tefct of worth." v;; v 'I I di.Ti?r with you sir test jof on durance - I' :ii . Why"," saM be, smiling, do you ''IM&ik&ulrifeS pralsj-forthj Jo o U;d to th.i eaurgeney ?'' " Praise-worthy perhaps, but is it a tost of worth when held in ranks at the point of the bayonets ?' "MrN thHr!" loudly called out Mis3,Lvndoi,. Are you feigning to be Let me thank you Jor this treat,' a said, ,iXniicpaViately fond of sic, and hope, I shall have this pleas nsany times il not it viil be uo he music ure many fault of mine,'' hb addedf suiiling. ! " I am glad I have pleased you, sir," she said, quietly. 44 M7 mother sent xne in here to judgo of your performance. If you GcnM ffom iJIooily.t1'' IIow ill Widow Crnulit ' Illn,. A gentleman of an autobiographical t-ro relates how he was inatnictd in ' Tlicy ay in England if a man walks le must Lc poor, if ke sometimes calls a cab Wo hi list be' better 'off, if one footman' Tides behind him he s rieb, I lhj cusomntlnj Vollbjr a sjright but if two nro on the back of hi car-1 lj widu, daring "a moon Uglit sleigli naze ho must havo a Rrcat inheritance ride. wih a airtrrj party. Ho says: God Lasno poor children 't thejy all will agree to t ike tharga of pur musical haTo reat iuheritances, wo footmen departnA inti you will add greatly to my ar always ibtlund ' Goodness' snd CTetx Jc.reijf rif idw, Ik-, lat iu the sanie blr.gh,. ouder the, same buffalo robe,with me.. enjoyment,asaiso that of our gucsKt; arid mercy shall follow me all the days of ,"Oh!oh! Jon' t, don't P sh ex now I will t ke yon to mother, unless,1' n life- Or gsodness and mercy may claimed, a's wo' came' to ilia Erst bridge, he said, Toolung wLstfaily at tho piano, 00 called God'i. watch dogs, .following it llje ean'ie . Vtiuc takhtug'mo bj the be deaf to irritate me or to be fascina ted to amuse ?''. : He colored and angrily biting his lips, said;". -;'V fff'! t; Miss London, I am feigning neitheT one oi- the 6ther.,, Then added in a lower tone, ': Gallantry in : one's own house is not always" a test of siiiccrety," and ris'ng followed the ladies into au -other room. J Poor Clyde, she did not know exacts ly what Mr. Nathier meant, whether to you will play more.' " gPi t? ryou WQther if you piease. ' . : After escorting her to the library and having heri he thought what pretty manners the girl hd, and how grace ful.:!? . f i i ; It whs findllv arranged that she would - be paid twenty fivc'dvnani ; ten cf which was paid in advance. ! Upon reaching home she told her mother ' she "felt like a fortune been had left her. . . NoV," said her mother, ''youniuit in the rear. ! 1 ,f v let her know that Miss London's taunt forth, thjjet you a, dress lor.you havb had been for nought, or that he was j needed it a long time." displeased with, that ladies rudeness. u Oh, I am not talking abour early rising. I allude to your appearance I am ready: for a race or ti dance,' she said gaily, waltzing to a seat, " aud you look as tho' you were laid upfwith rheumatism.,' -V. , " He laughed good hun oredly, sayings Probably if your stately sLter and Miss London were to come in, a current of electricity might enliven inf." ' " irell. 1 declare, -'you are compli--mentary to me." "To be candidwith you cousin, mine your want of. dignity cmoufles the same in me.' ; ; h 41 1 don't care if it doesT-I am glad I haveg t some one to( quarrel with,' Tcan't bear to read, "and it is f raining looking no w,she added pctulently from the window, " just to keep one from sleighing." Just then the dooif opoded and" a for-' 4 lorn looking cnat ure timidly "nteedt the dark and homely dress, thread baio shawl dripping with rain, and hat so many seasons out. of style-was a very Mrs. Nathier came in, and after some pleasant remarks said, ' ' ' , ; I did Hot look fbr you this morning, the weather is so disagreeable." T " I could not afford to lose the slight est chance to benefit my condition. ; 5"; :' Are you .then in needy circum- (siaua-s ; . . ------ . A trembling of the lip, and the low answer, " ' f ; , , " ' - v ' ' - ''llVtr work very "hard to keepTfora suffering. IV m get very little pay for sewing." . ; It is a very hard jtar on the poor," Siiid Mrs. Nathier. ' If j'ou have a kuowledge of music, why don't you tea.di ?' ' . 4 1 have no scholars, and no influ ential friends." ; After a pause Mrs. Nathier suid, ? ,;.I shall have a good deal of com pany next week, my sou has such a passion for good music, and so thor oughly dislikes v '.fashionable banging, playfully requested me to he sure among my visitors to have one who could play Wvll, in order to keep hLsmiod bal anced. One night they will have Tab leaux, and w&'ll want some one to play between the scenesV-rthen where there are so manyjyoung people I they some times get up a djuicewhcn no previous arrangement has been made about the music. So I concluded to bo iudepen- dant in any case. I. will pay you liber ally it you can' and will fill "such a place i 4 1 jhiCk I could witha.Jittlo prac ticed I have not touched the piano in two years. ? i ? . . ; :H Olii you C: ;uld Traetice:"" if that is the oaly, obstacle," sad . Mis. Nathier looking reheved. But mother,' said Clyde- thought fully, "you and Lomie need clothing too, I can wait until ' f. ' . ' No,J interrupted her mother,," you have g;jt an opportunity to do !some- -1 woiidered how the shepherds, in the East ; could kuow i eyery sheep of their flock v individually, till cno told me that one has a little spot, that one. has a dartre; ptecc ont of his ear, that one has a bruised foot, etc. He knows some defect in each.' So God knows all his sheep, not by their pcrfectness, but by their failings. , The king Nebucbadnfczxar went to the door of' the furnace, : looked io, turned around, saying, pale and tremb ling, "There were throe cast into the furnace, but I bee a fourth, like unto the Son of God. Yes, the great Palestine 'Shepherd saw' his little lambs among the flames, and leaped right down among them, made green pastures and still waters for them even lgrangerj -' ' . ' . Yt; and you know old Georgs Krickon, down 00 Eagle Crock T Well I'te heard of him., ell aid tho editor, gThTcly, 'ho stopped bis paper becattio 1 said be was tho happy father of twini, and congratulated him on bis succes so late in life. He fell dead within twenty mtiiutes,' There arc lots of similar cases, but don't matter; Til just eross your came off, though 01 don't look strong, and there a bad color on your nose. ; See here,'-Mr. Editor. said tle iub scrlber, somewhat alarmed," bcliero TIP just keep another year ''causs I 'always did like jour paper, and cotuo to thiulc about it, yvu're a young inaa, and son e allowance rter be made, and he departed, sdiaficd that ho had made n narrow e-ipfl JVvh 'd.ath. arm and turning her veiled' face to ward me, while her little eyes twinkled through the moonluttt . . ' - Don't bat Y I asked. -I'm not doingianythir,g- ;;,i ! "W ell, but I thought jou were going to take toll.? replUd the widow . "Toll r I rejoined. ""What's that?' I "W oil. 1 declare I" crid the ndow, her cleariaugb iingtiig bu. above the bells, 'you jiretsnd! you doa't know what toll is lv , . - .:-:-. ! "Indeed I don't then ' , I saidrlaugh iug , Vexplain, if you please. j ' y., . Mm i,rd, then; u ih. QUEZB, G DD MSH -4H wiuow, mosfc prgroaiDgiy ';you never thing fbr us all and you shall not spoil there ami caused the fire should only it by looking like A beggar, and thank DUI? mJ w,c,r Dana8' ' Darius labored till the going down of the sun to" save Daniel bccaue he loved him. But he did not" love him as our King loves us, he did not go dow:i amotig the lions himself, bear tho penalty fulfill the law, and let the victim go free. j Marcus Aurelius is said to have chained two liens into his triumphal car. There are two lions which can never be yoked - together, the Lion of the tribe of Judah and th roaring lion who goetb about seeking whom ho may rlevour.' ' . , , j .. .. . . .. God don't direct our paths all at God for his-help before we ever come to that . ' Who knows but what you may get a good umsic school, and child wc have already got'a week's supply iu the house." - . i "Yes dear mother, said , Clyde 'much too weak,' - "Wdl dear we can add to "that as we need it You go right now for your dress a worsted one too. 1 want to" make it r'gi t oil. We .can carry on the sewing for Dupont. 1- feel I can work with a better 'spirit.'' 1 'Mama,' said .little Lomie, cheerily catchin . the light fi om their cunte nances, liAiu t ve rigi.t well oa some more time.' Clyde kissed hr happy little face and went out to make her -purchase; The week'h ad passed very "pleasantly to ( lydc, Cjich morning she had gone to practice at six to avoid. meeting any of the family. The first monuin was clositithe piano, Gerald came iu After the morning salutation he said, 1 ''You arc eaily.' I "Yes, "I try, to 1 through before any of tho'fauu y arc up. so as not to be in the way.' . You are- very considerate, he said looking at her as she arranged the muuc, and thinking now a little care of the frail creature would make her s beautiful... , Miss Camron you will find the rovkaway at the door every morn-- mg for your use ; jus.' state what tinn you like' to come,-and I will Order' John The practicing part of it only, j to call for you.. j v r ; , j ,v ; would be a bright holiday to me,'' said I "Iodecd ' sir !'! my services aro not Cljve with kindling eye, , ; I worth th it trouble ; 'ou are too kind' heard, that when we are on a sleigh - ride tbe gentlemen always that is,' sometimea when they cross a bridge calls a 'kiss, and claim it (oil.- -Bat I never pay it. ' ;" JJ; ; : I said that I never heard of.it, be fore;' but wberr we came to the next bridge I claimed the toll .'and the widow's struggles to bold the veil ovtr her face were, not enough lo1 tear it. , At last the , Teil.was - removed, her round, rosy faee was turned directly to Building Contractors ' . ' AND ''.' CA.'BHsT'ET . r LOUISBURa,'N.-a .W'T1, SASH. BLINDS JND frosty moon tho toll was taken, for the I - . DOOES Crst time in mjf experience. Soon we came' tc a long '.".bridge.', with 'several, arthes; the. widow . said it was cf no use to resist' a man who would have his own way,, so she paid , the toll with out a murmur. ' - ' - "Uut . you won't take toll for etery arch, will your she : said,-' so archly that I could itot fail to exact all my Til . MADE to'OUDEK, and all kinds rf Machine work done at short notice, oa asieasonable terms as tlmwberaia the S ate. All grades ot CoUiai, Fu'rciih ed, with bcariK. it once, but he orders ono step at a time, dues; aud that was ''the beginning of OngilO and UrOOYO OOT r. When j.hoso that were bidden would not cqniof Jo the supper they all began with one consent to make excuse, they did not , have any ready, but Satan she I r0 tem an between them the cwstructed . a cradle in which sinners my courtship.; Providence ' Joilrnat. IIo-v to t Stmelolv ling and ceiling, a Dot.t' stand sighing1 wishing and waiting, hut go to work with sn energy and perseverance that will set every loll themBcIves -to sleep."' May God I object in the. way, of your socts fly- to-night turn the cradle upside down I me Iiko leaves before a whirlwind. and leave every sinner without, excuse I A milk-and-water way 'cf- doing busi- PlMttriog hand. SPECIALTY. . - - 'Hi. .1 Lathes alwsys CO room, saiaJlrs. IN atiaier, rising, " nd let's see if you can readily recall your music. ' CAUDS, Whitelaw & Crowder, , , .-'.'' y.-." - Marble & Stone WORKS,' Raleigh. N C. PcrBbn' wishing to purchase Head . stonM or Monuments, fan etc and con-. suit with, our Mr. Whitdaw, at Mr J, A; dtoju's boardlig house. An. 13-I2m..' ' .NOTICE. t I have four fine fat bocves which 1 wish to sell on the hoof. ' V ' ,A. E. BOBBITT. . 0.-dar Ilock, N. 0 "The house was very haudsomcly fur- showing perfect touch and time, after which t she played scverart beautiful pieces. Mrs. Nathier wis delighted. appropriate. cotun?qfor the care; worn. JusihedJ aud the piano a grand one, and faee, f showing . so plainly that want a fUng of delight, Clyde tools wa-j -wasting' her lifVaway.'r Gerald K seat, running the scales lightly, Natliicr arose and with a bow placed f Via tmtt Ml Belle Nathier rehed: her brows add turned to leave the room, meeting her sister Stella and Miss Lucy London, said as she passed them in a loud whisper, " Sec tho witch of Endor." They laughed and gaily entcriruTi WlngoQ in'the liveliest friii.' Poor Clyde Cameron 1 hovf she wish cd she was at home, " There too was "You said that to me once before. he said quietly, ! 'but I think any little service oue can render another, es pecially when it involves no trouble or expense, is certainly not worth a re fusal,' ' .'.Then I am sure sir, I am much ob liged to you. She colored to find that Uo remembered meeting her before. His habitual politencs? made .him thmkof seeing her to, the carriage, " Oh I" she said, " you play bcauti. J but he felt it would annoy her. - fully you must promise to come. ; Thb sec md norning as she was go u I am glad that you are pleased, it I ing out she met him at tho gate with a 3d a pleasure to touch the piano, J roll of music was in hopes 1 ie is so' rich and full.'' -S i I would uet back in time for v ju to learo Mrs. Nathier then handed her a port- I some new music, he said, helping her ls inuee the toue folio, saying. ' Perhabs vou nlav some of this. the very gentleman who had befriended h She selected a wng, und after soft lier Saturday evening; and these finely J prelude snog ma clear sweet voicc.- dressed ladies who took no notice of her presence, greatly embarrassed her. The red excited spot came to her cheek, the tearful brilliaucy to her eyes, and fr-m his heart Gerald iitied her. He loot- ed kindly at her and saidsoftly,. - uia you wish to sea my motner privately.t! "I she directed me to call at ten," she replied with an effort to overcome Her whala 01,8061064. threwivintp he musicv v She thought of none ; present or the impression she was 'making,' for- rot that her ierformanee was a trial g ... ...... of her ability thus doing -herself jus- licew As she arose frouv the 'piano. cxpeciing 10 conciuue uer arraage- lnenta with Mrs. Nather,- sha oer he earnest gare of Gerald who stood ji ear hei. into the carriage f-J'Tbt fUl ) 4 nfcc treat Jfon io- uiorrow. she replied. As he went into the house he thought what a beautiful ? mouth and teeth she had. while Clyde wished from her hart . . w V .ir .,1 . mat .ur. maimer wouia steep as late as the rest of the LmWy. f ; - ... . j. - (TO BE CONTINUED.) ; Mice. latter?'jn-Bonaparte has cros sed the Atlantic sixteen times, and; pro poses ta do it "again; Uheugh - ninety for not accepting Jesus. , ' , It would have been a waste of time fur Paul to preach to the natives of Mlta with that viper hanging to his hand. Letth? Church phake off the vipers of pride, wdrldlioes,'and un belief: and then she can preach Christ. '-Memory is God's oScer a faithful officer, and in hell he will present no star Of hope. ' Has Judas forgotten the thirty, pieces of silver? ' His Cain forgotten tlie pleading lok and mourn ful cry of the first murdered man? Have the antediluvians forgotten ft'eah? the Sodomites Lot and his heavenly mesenger? "Son, remem heir . ' ' ' ' " " God does not do things in our. way; tbe Holy Ghost makes his own chan nels.' Who'd havi thought that march ing, round and - round Jericho could .bring down-the walls? Suppose Dr. Buddington and Bishop Pottei march ing -around tooting on their rams horns. At least ; we would say, let them be silver trumpets, worthy of the dignity of CburcU oScials. - There was a vessel wrecked in Cleave- land harbor, tuoagh the upper lights nvif leaves a man iii the Inrch every time. He may have ambition enourh to wih himself On" tho topmost round of the ladder, of success, but if he has not got the go-abcaditivene&s to pull himielf 'tip there,;, he will Inevita bly remain, at thq bottom, or at best oa the very low rund. Never sVy I can't, never admit there is such a word. It has dragged its:' tens of thousands SMITH & BEACHAI1' COOK AND JOB PWSTISfJ Executed la tie very bet an! Utctt lo. Srorcd atrle. We lre tL onlr f'-r..! LvhI OB OYVCZ AND TXy)K-lAUVUT IS THE CUT i)7 TlALKI'ill, ani the LAJUJVaT ESTAJiUalDlEXT of tL llaJ i.N THE 8TATK. Oar rrtctlrs. lncin ::r. . rareplueta ana Ixxjl La Urn tx'uilftlj nutu OJ ice i. rr .lunana ronixj. . to povsrty- aut degradation and it is iweo bj wma. . it , . . . , . B- Burwell. A- M JWe lnuiat-. lU- bigh time it was stricken from our MIhavnerrr Lal tx'.ir.r wUh any langusge; but carry a lexicon of I . Vrychd ralrUh ycinal.? rlr.rv: C'jou, rrncH liAua Jtmaii rr.:r.ry: Done ail my prtfa.n rr tL Lvt tva ytarv do a cood wora xi3 on u r-"-.3.tkj terms as any ratlkllr llu ! cans and twills with you, aud thus arjedevcry obstacle in the way sf your success will vanish.. Never eDvy your neigbW bis success, but try SBd become like him, and as much better as you can. If at first y ou don't sue- i wt ...ud .tm apoocj rgFsuti&tt suCr-,. u and I can't, tat rird on tho armor of toa.XUratea.Aitorari,' :?..rw:w. V , . . . ... Uaa br m the crfct. t'U i r rat: :.- wii or fionth." MJ. li"Lt. Lraia. f :;-'t 1 ? Lara tkhool : We lcnow cf cjTt;ut L in their line. Fn-sltari CV -r Uti atna Nallml Einli, of IUIcJ zb: V.e know Of no Ev.aMUtiiuent tarr ' t crt r ikf or more aatVIartory fjt. 1 i sc h ci t . j jrl a. tcr and Llnlr? dune 1! LJL tlxi : t XXovrr to keep n inl , !orII?x, An indignant farmer recently en tered a printing oSce ;n4 ordered Lis paper stopped, .because be diiTered from the editor, iu Us viewAretrtrdina: the 'advantages of sutsoiling" ft'ace rails. Tbe'elitor of eoune ccr.ceded ' TJmt voa want r---1 twrt, f.TT rrtetlrx U ) '" ' - TA '! T. LTTT?, fcCIHKlt CATAJUXH'IA Cl.-iXiKlJi, Lrm:u asi mrrz v.twk all 11 LA Pi, CAiOri, YXVLUXL, IL Zlcx mnrnra or ay xd, fTTf rcn wtrx LTr" DIT-TMX) I5, r.Lcoun eciuu xkj:l. cll rcoi-nnDira or att zizd, EDWAHB3, cnoucic:; 6 co. K,Li:iGn, c. w era all ..bright, ' because some, one's carelessness had let the lwerones go I the man's right to stop his paperlot I JJIBLTCAIj KriCOIIDi:::, j. out. God will take care of the upper I hi rcmrkci kflldly, htliinj UvcV his I evrry wtt f in r tr'-tt t n lichtf. but he has left tho responsibili- I list ty of tho lower ones to us. , You can't be . a Christian .because there are hyjocntes ia the Church? 7 :lhen you (had bettcr get jut of the world as soon as possible', for three quarters cf the world are hypocrites, and there are only liars in hell , but there wont la oue at the ciarriago sap per of the Laxab.;? . "'.. . '. -ia yoa know Jim Sow dm, down at Hardcralle T ' . ' " Well, le stopped Lfff.jaTer U&t week because I'thougbt'a farmer wss & blamed fuol who didn't know1 that timothy was good tliuj to graft ca hoekteberry buthes, and be died ia a few hours.' . . Lord, ta that so?' said the astoauh- LU.t II. : 1 - k ra la t ry? t --wt 1 X . alvrrtUir- r."'.".'l r-.-r; U 1ft.:.'': iv:i & to . i-i-'-.x :i. c . ,;""LAnp.?dns.LEi.: 203 acres cf Uz$ en I-re Imrt nJ llir tr-r-n !' . -. ir t. m-j cf Jno I. TLc:s.s, G. G. GI Vi'ilicn aiid ctLers. Ar-'f f - : Jr. i i IU , A'cx.