.Tf fticfe IF epIIDD: DS: Dfi dd : (D (BiEtfflcifib . - " 1 ' - - : . " '- G-EO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor- TERMS : $2.T30 "per; -ATffitffi7 - - - ' i i i , - : - 'I VOL. V. L0U1SBURG, N. C, FRIDAY. JANUARY 7, 1876. . ' NO. ' 9.5- i 4 . Professional Cards. DAVIS & COOKE, iTT'IS M COUNSELLORS at LAW . LOUISBUEQ, FEA.NKLIH CO. N.G. Will attend the ConrU of Nash frank lin, Granville, Warrcn,and Wake Coun ties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the U. 8. Circuit and d'is tnct Courts. No 7 tf W. H. SPENCER ATTORNEY LUUISBUrirj N. U. (WYiMeji expressly for the Courier.) at& til Endt" ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fbaxxlinioh, K. C. Will practice in the courts of the 6th judicial district. Prompt attention given to the collec tion of claims. No 60 -tf 13 1.. IT. E. KING, DENTIST. :: Ofleis his Proieseiunal pcrvicea to - i- the public in BY ETHEL. ; CHAPTER III. At the breakfast table Belle said, with a mischievous tfl inkle in her eye. "Cousin Gerald, what handsome lady was that you were so attentive to this morning T 'At what place cousin? "The gate." I don't know.', he said tbpughtfully, 'Miss Cameron is the only one I remem ber seeing at the gate.' 1 B ellc,J' said her sister Stella; laughing, you are too bad. If I was in" Cousin Gerald's place, I would not -take such an insult so quietly." i " If I could see the insult, I would be sure to resent it," he said, smi ling. ."Why, don't you see the drift of Belle's question?" "I do not." " Oh," said Belle, " 1 rise ear lier than you give mo credit for, and I am confident you improve in that line, at least half hour daily." "Let me thank you for the inter est you manifest in me," he said, with twinkling eyes; "I was not aware before, that my fair cousin Ltpok any note of my movements,-. whatever." Belle blushed, and the others laughed at her. - "I do not understand 'the con versation at all," remarked Mps. Nathicr. "Why Aunt Kate, Belle is tcas- to set something for. little. Lomic's stocking. A' number of persons crowded the . counter, and in the hurry to wait on impatient custo mers, a large doll was knocked down and badly broken. Exclama tions of pity did not ihcnd the mat ter. Some one remarked, ".You will sell that cheap, won't you?" 11 Yes," was the reply, " A six dollar doll can be mended. . What will you give for it ?" Fifty cents, " said first speaker. As the clerk glanced at Clyde she said quietly, ."One dollar." . , , "Two "dollars," said a nicely dressed lady. . For whom it was wrapped up. Clyde got a pretty ; little mug, a small knife and fork, an orange and some candy; and as she turned to ATouchlnc IuolclonU I day aho took a pca-knifa and, 1iU1j pared away the akia frota jcat tha tlpa A compaaj of poor daldrcm, who I f bet fin-era, hoping that so ber fee!- minued, " I ought ,That u a ity- UcVaid strokinir ben gathered oat of tU lleyi ng would U, more Under, W U presents from Mr. hi3 finc mustache. "I suppose you nd garreU of the city, wer prepare I ajuM getoa foiter. W"bai waj ber r .11 t i i a . . . . . ing for their departure to new and distant homes in the WmL Jost be t It was the . day before Christma3 other presents were from some one and as Clyde was returning home else, and I am afraid M but she fmm frs .Kathier's she stonncd in colored painfully, and after a mo- i a. variety utorc. The large windows I ments pause continued, displaced so many beautiful things not to receive she could not resist the temptation Dupont, for, Mother, I have never can neither return thanks, or chat- sufficient remuneration. But docs he not always have some traces?" he asked with interest. yet encouraged his preference for me." ' But darling, you don't know that he sent them, and of course he has no thought of your returning di treat la fiadiag, after a few day, thai ber akia k4 gnewa aala. batao them, even if he did. sending thorn I a girl in my situation ouht-"Then in this wav It would bo verv awk- hesitating blushed deeply; exenso tela. Quite a dilemma, what is to "Now Air. Nathicr, you are laugh- Iorc uie wmc 01 tUrw,,8 vl lb -m m 00040 w .4fU ing at me, but you are a gentleman on0 J WM noticed aside from of a iuagU ktterl Sh UlsA aafi of the world and know more of these theothera, aad apparently Tery busy tried, bai all ia raia ; tbea, bantbg mailers man 1. uo you think that with a enUnff nmnt TL nrin. I into aa artxiY f tears, aba creaaed tendent steppe J up to bint, aad found that be was catting a small Apiece out of the patched lining. It prvvedto person, ho ao not let that Uislurd I friends. I will not detain you from 1 be bis old jacket, which, having been you; I am happier than I have been your company by a recital ol my replaced by a new one, bad been m a umg ume. vc nave now., a I """w"ww ...... (to be continued.) ward to send them to the wronjr ni(1i.Mmflfn . So do not let that disturb vc nave now a good start, and I feel like we can get along. 1 1 never saw any one Improve as you have, even during the past week." " "lam glad you are in good spir its, mother that is my best Christ mas gift," she said, putting her arms around her mother. Mis. Nathcr had sent a note say ing she would send the carriage for Clyde that afternoon if she would accept an invitation to take tea with them, and be there in good time for the entertainment. Clyde throwu away. There was no time to bo lost : , 'Come, John, come," said the snper- tbe xaach-lored pages to W 'lips, to bid them, as aha thought;' a hut fare well. Cut aa aba did to aba ssl&aly found at that ber lips bad lie aWlisg which ber Angers kal lost. v The tct Ura, the won! , wcro cjuIU f Uia 1 I cannot tcil J a.hr- jay that abafU could read. And hundred -of tinaa Sluice IInto Slowly. intendent, wUt are you going to'do I since a.bJeaaed, bok bwa .bcU Ftstina Lentei" Hasten your steps, my boy! You are only just starting on the long life journey, and there are innumerable ob stacles in your way; and you have only three-score years in which to reach the end, crowned with honor. Don't lag in the journey yet remember that wiu mat oia piece cauco i . i. . "Please, sir,' aatd John, "I am cat ting it to take with me. My dead mother put the lining into this old jacket for me. 'Ibis was a pice of her dress, and It is all I liave to remem ber her by. . ! Aud as the boy thought ' of that dear mother's love, aud of the aad to, ber. lip, .not, in isornwp,for Cars- well kus, but in thaakfolncvf aaJoy, Uiat even aha ca-Hraa4-tks words at ererbsting tlf. ..wkL . ' ; r- ,' . . . .v(:nli Tcnolilut; Children Oout Guararo Is a vital elemtht ef Chris- go out was surprised to sec Mr. had much rather have gone later, sometin,e3 the "rthest way round is death-scene in the garret where Ishe tian chivalry. ; Without Mi,1 ladeed. Nathier standing near the door, which he opened as he bowed , to her. Little Lomic was wild with im patience for Santa Claus to come. She would say, - "Sister, lo you reckon he can find this little high up room ? Mama make haste ami let the fire go out, so the chimney . will ,-cool, and be sure to let the light burn, so he will find our little chimney." After she was fast asleep, there worn hrnirv fivifritiMic nn tlio ofnii-j livery tleparttncnt r Dentistry. OFFICES, Loo'uburir at Warrenton over Dt-nts Hotel, j Norwood & Davia' Store. 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. KICHTER. Watchmaker and J ow ing cousin Gerald about your prima but they did not heed it much, asj other portions of the house were" tenanted; but when they came up again and knocked at the door, Mi's. Cameron went, asking " who was. there ?" . "Santy Claus, mum," said a good natured voice. .-.'' Clyde brought a light to the door and exclaimed in a little flutter of delight as her eyes fell on a nice Sewing Machine and a Saratoga Trunk, ' clcr. FINE Wiitchcs and Jewelry of the bes Mannract(rn niul at the lovet nriccn. AH woik personally attended to and warl hOiTar. it 63 Sycamore 8 t,Peterhbrjr,Tt - donna." "Was that it?" asked Gerald laughing; "I did' not sec the" point.'' How innocent," remarked Miss London, " That alone will acquit you. I know 15ellc did not imagine for a moment that, Mr. .Nathicr, could be teased about a -A beggar girl." "Beggar girl," he repeated, with emphasis. " Surely " you do not! call an- intelligent accomplished lady who . has , the independence and ability: to support hersclfy a but thought probably it was more convenient for them to send for her early. Late that evening she made her toilet: The neat gray worsted that her mother had made for the occasion, and from a little box of old laces, she had. quieted a pretty run", her hair as usual was prettily arranged, the wilful curls would twist themselves into numerous waves and rings about hero fore head. She was indeed beautiful. "I am glad I have succeeded in making out my costume without going into the new trunk," washer only comment as she turned from the little mirror. When she arrived at Mrs. Na- thicr's, she went to the library af ter removing her wrapping .was kneeling belore the grate when Ger ald came in. He shook hands with her saying pleasantly: ma?." " Thank you, it is the happiest I have had in years, aud I owe it all to your kindness," she continued as Mrs. Nathier shook hands with her. " You will also add to our enjoy ment," replied Mrs Nathier. "Gcr- the surest wav home. Don't trv to leap the hedges or knock down bould ers. Go around them, and you will find that though you have made haste slowly, you have learned something of wisdom. "Festina Lento !' died, be covered his face with bis hand, aud sobbed as if bis heart would break. But the train was about leaving, and John thrust the little piece of calico into bis bosom, to re-' member his mother by, hurried into a car, and was ' soon far away from the Pause a few moments in your eager place where he had seen so a uch sor hastc, young man. You are in haste row. 'We know many an eya will to be rich but remember the cood moisture as the storr is told and re- " I 4 neither troth ' ssr fidelity ' to rioolM ?an be hoped for. The eoward U rur to lie whQ truthmtamTpanUhoenl, and sure to , reireat roa bhj eogagt meats whea they icTolve pent' W need valiant 'souls that bare learn ed to en dors' and scorn painaad to face danger fearlessly and; prciCly OO.UEIE.E JOB OFFICE WcH, I did n6t mean exactly alms-asking," conceded Miss Lon don. " but a person of low birth, low social position, and low purse." This was said with a disdainful laugh. , aid has been impatient for your ar rival all day." . - . , n...-.11' . n.,.r? LU.I r..H "Oh, mother, do you reckon thyi ,aJ th h hccolored somevvnat. . "I have missed your practice hour to-day," he said, "And I do not know what will become of me when the holidays are over. You have given me a greater thirst for music than ever." 4M am srlad to know that-mv en- are for us ? ' 1 Are you sure there has been no mistake ?" asked Mrs. Cameron of the men. ' , "No mum, for the gentleman come hesef to show the way." A manly figure stepped quietly from the . shadow of the st airway and walked off the sweet voice of old motto of our grandfathers' time "slow and sure T' Do not be careless in your haste, and do not be prpycrlcss, or you may bo tempted to rush into evil ways to yrin tho wealth which is well worth all our honest endeavors. There arc a thousand tricks in trade to put you ahead of old father time. Don't try them. Trust to your own honesty of purpose, your own energy and ambition, and you xri come out right in the end. You are in haste to be wise? But pause again- Your brain will only bear so much, aud if you overcrowd it your only chance is gone. Haste makes waste- tho wrong kind of haste; I menn; tho haste that makes vou rush on, heedless of health or of anything save to be first at the goal. But make haste slowly, and the battle is wou I I remember reading when a child, a story of a brave man who was escap ing from his enemies, when somcthiug gaaej way in his horse's harness. A whtn'daty requires. Soma' 'pajents rada this vital part of'traitlcg Jjy told throughout tuo country, and many J glorses-' and deception. A 'tnetber who has tsen ber boy to the dentin's to get a tooth oat; will tiay. if U is shrinking, "Sitstill, my boy, it won't burs joa.,- Now aba knows it will hurt hlmrbut thinks iffbaeaa only get him by sthhj dtriea tositstiQ and let the dentist, get bold . cf.tbs tooth, then his discovery d th pala wdl net hinder its extraction. This is a double mistake. . It destroys ttr boy's confidence in ber; for bs detects ber in a lis. : Awd thvoh It ct tba boy this time to ait -st ill it. Is oadsr delaaioo that. there is .to la no paii, whereas bo. should, ba iaagbt to faea tba paia aad . to scora jL Tbls cakes the difference between vha oowardi aJl the heroes, t A regimentf poltroosts Imagine what a sensation a lady j could march op to a battery as cbco a prayer will go to God for the father less and motherless in all great cities, aud in all places. Little reader, are your mothers still spared ' to you? Will you not show your love by obedience? That little boy who loved so well we aro sure obeyed. -Bear this in mind, that if you should one day have to look upon the face of a dead mother, no thought Would be so bitter as to remember that you had given her pain by your wilfulness or disobedieuce Old School Presoyfe- ruitu What IMIjrlit AtonlsiH a. Modern XSollo. We have added to our stock a splen duV JOB' FBESS, titVan elagaot .election 'typo of the latest sty Us, aad we are now prepared to do , ; JOB WOS.S in the neatest and beat manner. - So you need not send yonr JOB WORK North, for we will do itiuat a well and chwap as you can get it else- wLere. 4 I lon't know anything of Miss Clyde still sounding in his ear. Cameron's genealogy, " he replied, After mother and daughter were but the name is a good one. She left alonethey found the trunk con is acknowledged in this house as . tained many useful and beautiful a la(Jyswhichshoultrgiveber apass-! articles. After taking out the tray port into the best society." a cry of delight burst Iroin Clyde as gagement has not been entirely one J buckle had broked, and ho coolly dis of charity. It is really a relief to mounted and bean to mend it. What, ieci mail can m some acgreo. re- waste the pay your Kinu liDcramy tor tnat time with . the foeman in which is to me only a pastime. B1Snt 1 An ounS o . time Gerald found more to admire in wa- t wastea. mo buckle wasmcn- this beautiful girl each time they dod, the horso was . mounted, a life was met, and when he spoke with regret save(i i nQ iaA vaae(i ilia i:fe of the time when tho holidays would be over, it wa3 not owing entirely to Ileally ! I beg your pardon, Mr. she held up a lovely doll, larger and I the loss of sweet music, but tho loss V LETTEiTllEADS Nathier. You are more interested than I would have believed. One caunot be too careful in remarking upon others, as the infatuation of man is unaccountable." more beautiful than the one she bid for that evening, a card attached " Excuse pie, .Miss London, if I have expressed myself warmly in kerchiefs, delicate perfume, &e. of a sweet face that was a study in its thoughtful beauty, Hashes of in SiliU, lUC UlWCBUier.. tlnn thof mn.lit vorv nntifnl nn inero were several bcautuul suits a womanly prido was so interwoven already made, a number "of pretty J with her gentle modesty that he was necK uxLurea, nouun. gioves, nanu- Vidue ours. He had made haste slowly and he was well rewarded. That story gave me my motto for life. It made mc think, and sober thought makca wise. ' ' ; Wc don't believe, with a celebrated would create in tbeso times should she make her appeal ance dressed in tuo following costume, a description of which is taken from "Mai corn's Ance dotes,' A black silk pcttieoat, with a red and white calico border; cherry colored stays, trimmed with blue and silver; a red and dove-colored gown. Cowered with largo trees ; a yellow satin apron, elaborately trimmed; a muslin head-dress with lace rufiler; a black silk scarf and a spotted silk hood. "Sucu .was tho eostame worn by a lady ic 1 708." Further on we read of ladies head -dresses costing from one hundred to two hssdred dollars. Arrest deal bar been said about the cztraragance of women of fully as a Kgiioeat4f heroes, if they thought.- there was ' no enemy ' at the guns. v Tba - diSsreuoa; is thai ' tba heroes know tba danger and yet faea it Taliaatly. .. ' : ' ' : :.: m ' " 1 e t t . 13 u rtl e naw . :.. ENTBLOPE8, Whitelaw & Orowder, r i 1 -'Marble & Stone Raleigh. NT v" ft Persons wishing to purchase Head stones or Monuments, ean see and con salt with our Mr. Whitelaw, at Mr. J, A. Stone's boarding house. Aag. 13-12m. wish tojsell on the hoof. A. E. BOBBITT. . Cedar Rock, .V. C- :behalf of thieHady. I am- interest ed, but no undue infatuation." Miss London slightly, curved her lip, hcr black eyes flashed resentful ly but she said pleasantly; " Surely my friend, wre will not let this insignificant girl be the cause of any ill-natured remarks .bctweei, us, and if any harm is done, Belle shall .paytho penalty for. m trod ucmg such an unheard of subject" & Bella ijhrugged her plump shoul AerSrtclla laughed Crood. hu mor was apparently restored as they left the table. But Miss Lon- " Who could have sent us such a fortune? Ana vet, motuer, l am sorry." . , , " I understand your feelings about it, but dear, we are too near starvation to be too sensitive. tWho at a loss to know which he admired most, .the two so beautifully blen ded, kept him m a state of per plexity, one drawing him irriutibly to her, the other keeping him at a most respectful distance, none guess ing at the invisibleinagnitism, see ing only his' habitual politeness. After Clyues last remark be look ed at her intently, then smilingly and tiue thingsi in his time that the maxim is all . on.v the side of dawdling men and women. - - It is . on the side, of honest people, who mean to "be rich, aud wise,' and great; but who wouldn't cheat you out cf a penny, or what is worth more, of ever sent it. knows of our poverty. I said, and means it as charity as such . "I can not read you as easily as I nave some lauies, out notwiinstana- charity we will accept .it., Perhaps Mrs. Nathier ii our friend." " Perhaps so;,; and with a shade of color she thought of how kind Mr. Nathier always was. Next morning when Lomic awoke and found her stocking full, and the mg una you uavo consiacraDic pride." : ; t ; "Of course sir," sho replied h'ghtr ly. 'poverty and pride go hand in hand." v - He colored slightly. ' ' ., Bnt yours is not the pride that usually follows poverty.' Clyde looked enquiringly, and he continued, 4You seem to have a horror , of being, placed under the slightest obligation " . - ? You are . reading me right so far, she said laughing, "I do con- beautiful doll they were afraid the don felt very spiteful towards Miss I unusual excitement would make Cameron.-6he "could Bcarcely -tell her sick, for her . little .limbs were wny, tor she was very sure mat I all in a quiver. There was anoth fastideous Uerald Nathier could not I er surprise In store for them Mrs. lHty;tedl taa ftVi?P sne I Nathier's footman brought in "a tre- sidcr them burdensome. An nn certainly did not fear that, as she I znendous basket of !cood thinsrs. -a l known Santa Claus has thrown .a utveyedhorself.iiv; the Jarerei ?mir- coudIc of nico blankets for Mrs. damper oyer ray spirits, Jy the im- -TttfA Unwtn r. n n. ni mensity of the obUgaUon." . t .. ! . .. . . ' I - "Am; saia ne.iooianff at ner H (,uwuvuv v iuiv,l ikjx UUkllU vrvuiu never marry one beneath hiraof that she felt sure, divine, wboVhaa Wid a thousand good I tba present day,! but tba modem belie would stand aghast should she be asked to pay wo hundred dollara, for a bonnet; and it is doubtful whether the expensive , bead gear rcferrcd.to was any more becoming to tho wearer than the jaunty and, stilish bats worn a thought, to reach the summit of their I by the "girl of tba pariod.' S)diy ambition. I Time and Metnoer it is on too siae ot me unsiian; we follower of the lowly Nazarcne the man who means to do some good in the world, and to get to Heaven when his little day of doing good and getting good is ended; but who finds plenty of time to stop by the way and wipe away the tears from sorrow's eyes, and bind up the beggar's wounds; who finds time to weep witL those that weep, and joy with those who rejoice. . ' It means all this. Can any one. af ter: sober second thought, say such a maxim is to be abhorred? - ----- Aixrsa. Audixt. In the number and sixe'of oar debts wa can beat tba world." Franja wifi take tha premium for paying; wa probably Uad all the tutioos fa promises so pay. Wa ara-a tAOritX paopla. . Look at New NttkIfy; tri a 'million of iahalitxaU iica .cah bandrad and tfty . cuH-ca7' dc!!art; while London, with nr aillica ec pU, owes only thirty ssillloa, CciTs debt is gTeatcr than that tf LcL& Tha thirty hicf dties uf tU U-!Ul States, costskiDgHess t&xa Cts cillica peophvassrits s!ebts cS fitifly fiva hundred million dollsra. Tha twenty chief cities of Kn'Und .frith a popu lation (if tlx mUHoa, owe calyoaa' hundred million, leas by tily ctica tbn tha dsbt of New York alooal Bat then tbey don't toIw .'bo'cIi rint-rala on the othar tide t jhf water and ' tbey are "old , Xes ovet 4' t. '. Tli.ifw t f a nine gin wan lovea ute inue i - Tfa3jj' '3 dearly became blind, and wbea sha I m,li ,r , SfPf.Z could no longer sea to read it she only I .. . v. ' ' . ' .1 li . ,. b . .. , r. . J I and all. It costs, as saore tbacitx loved it more. A kind, fnead cava I , , . ' ' -r". i telves. ' Tha taxes and ' deUs" -cf czr States, counties and cities, ara snnuu Tlio Blind Girl Blllo. and'lior ber a New Testament, printed, for the usa of tha blind, in raised - letters, which aba could feel with her fingers, and so make out. Never was a child moxe dslighted than she. It wis a MIf the Bible Is God's word, why 1 toothing thing to see ber, every 00- didn't He make it so plain that every body can easily understand it t" asked a caviller., - "II God made coal for our use, why didn't lie diatribute it in convenient uiaees on tne surface so and a pretty rocking chair for Lo- keenly, Hhat should not be; Santa lhu tTeIJ one could pick it pP with mie. -Claus's light heart edness is made by utaay trouble, instead of burying it!" Mother said Clyde, " the 1 disburdening himself, and that is WMlbe reply. ment sha could spare, passing ber fingers slowly over tba pages, as ber lips silently altered tha precious words. Bat ber touch wss net quick enough for her; ber finger ends, poor child, were rough, and sometime sha bad to stop a long tints over a word. So 000 Iy larger than tba total revensa ofth British Empire. ChruUaa Urn. U as m asBW- i ' Why da yea IxV so alary V fIi a cross mother to her dirbtcr, as 'si? came do tn - stairs. ia '. tha ' ccrris "Because, macs," the - wind blew .-a hard it kept ess avaka ocarfy all t.t2 "Well, see thatii dosca't happen agaia or it D be worse for you f '!