i FltAKLIN COUUIKlir GEO. S. BAKKR. Puopuietor. Louisbujw......Januarv -Jv 1 W 6r . . XOCL MATTE HStsA Sendee in the hpiscopal Church in Ibis place cnSanday last: IJ J , . . .' i i .; !e . i ; "... , . .,T ' V .-- ;:i : U V , ,pERS0AL.--Dr, Cli54 Hill has been spending his 'Christmas holidays Lere with bis relations ,aad friends, s Mr, W, V. Clifton arrived , here on Friday last, with IJlllsnian ,Morgatj5hp killed "John Crudup another negro in 1873. iTj'f' ''"! rr'foT; Mr. II. J. CaHsher has removed from hi brick wtoro, to'lho. etfbre for rnerly occupied by the Patrons on Main StreA.' ' ' h Tb ttioi, ?uvn:t 1 tunr, vof ,tJie banjo and the Muffling of number 13 brogans, on the Hying pigion-wing. has ceased on the street. . , ;; , MoYldWc Kave moved W tile upper rooinsover T. N. Carliles Store n Main street where we mil be pleased to have bar- friends call to ase Mi. ItemH of Interest. tion of the Baltimore Confetence.- Fromjtbis -time.' the work has been .vigoWsly prosecuted and the statistic no fcliow 1 jO active preachers; nnai- brofi members in all the charches cf itlte' Coafcrencef '54,99? '"an increase A ,4,08p, diripg the .yejr; jufaida lap tued; JvDO, doer esc of Af, ad alts baptised" 2;5'r5, acci4ase'Sf'2l8;-ntiin- per.pi ciinpay, acuooiat b4, tincrease of 38; number of Sunday i;hou 1 teacher? 8,835 increase of 440; num ber of Sunday School scholars 27,737, Thqpast.year; llieKip oneiuark ar witfiitraortiiiiarjf prosperity, and blessing to the people of Loui. - n- r j : , CouRiiat, T -j burg J Mlitlirough the r ' W.. ' H 'v 1 H Var isHiifidec irXvnat we assert New Advertisements. Bead the is true or not: We go first to the new Ak, of Mejrg. 'hiJhalrji ,X5tiletylake a look through E, W. Fuller, ai.d B. P. Clifton. that peaceful, fjuict rdace, anl we . House and Lot for ; ale at auction, Hnd there1 bnly two'new made graves by T. White, -only tyroof our citizens have been Land for sale near Fniuldinton by placed away in that still solemn t n t : , .. .T . r u I j cr:yj"- place in a THiore TZ' months; one nncreasr 8,873: wholo nuraborof t ounty order lost, by Dr. . 31. who had well nigh reached her three 1 chi.rch'ea ia the Cferiferme 706. valued score year and ten; the other an at 645,155; numcer of parsonages 54, luTant. onlyva few raoflths old. - valued at 71100, and th cpe figures 1 hen in this respect, have not we, do not include the vast intore tn the as a community, been7 peculiarly; State of North Carolina within the and greatly blessed ? Then again:1 bound: tof the Yircinu' knd"Holston Inconvejsatioirwithonefbjourmosti Conferences. prominent pbysftans, we learn that, not a single case cf stubborn or ma lignaBit fever hasjen in our midst for-a iprfholo'T year. Jnarkablei Crenshaw. The first quarterly meeting for thi Station will lc held ucxt Saturday and Sunday. Ilev. J. P. M.ore Pre siding Elder, Bav:1F;L','Keid, Preach er in charge . . Manning Brothers have 1 ought a j two- thirds interest in the Danville J Daily NetC9.rk Mr.: T. Manning is lobe the iMisjncss manager, : W; hope j our friends great success in their new field. The-Couiiier in' new Dressy The Couniia goas forth this week in al most eufjpe new dres. The typo have been sclcded with special refereoce to di.-dnctness and - clearness," so that it can be read with cast and not hurt the eyes. Wfe feci . satisfied that, the peo. pie of jErankhn . will appreciate this effort o Ajpur part, to ' give them a good paper. On the outside the sparkling and interesting story from the pen pi "Ethel, f Louisburg, entitled " Un to the End," will be found and read with interest by all, while the selec tions are from the very best writers in the lai in con parts of the country. The County -.4 GENERAL NEWS. W. J. Mtoner has been e&ctc speak-' er of the Kentucky House of Iv:prc . Then again, let's take aj look at I sedatives. ,: ; . . , , . , t: ; j ourCriminal Docket, awl s we find ; ; Gov. Ca'rponter- of Iowa,: has been there not a single " capital case re-; appoiuted ' second 1 Comptroller of the corded. - Not a single murder has Trp.-nrv ' t ' ' 1 '': ' J been committed in our midst Are ! . Ti -Ti--10 in , Remember Tlili. Now is the time of the year for Pceu monia. Lung Fe.vcr, Cohf, Col 's, and latl results o! predisposition t Uoosamptioa and otlwr Thr it und Lung - Diae. Bosciict's GaauAit STBcr bat Letn used in this might. r bood lor the out tiro or ihree venn without a aioule ' failure to cure. If you tave not ulcd thia mcdiciDeyour-- aeu, go io your JJmggut, DR. J. B. CLIFTON end 'aslc-tlna of its wonI dei Jul success among bis customers.! Two-doses will re ieve "the worst case. If you have no faith in; oy tacdiciner; fujt buy m sample Bo1 tie vt Boscber's Uerman Syrup for 10 cent auJ trj it, negul&r s ze Bottle 75 cents. Doo't ItrgltC" t c egb to6Tc 75 ce-iis. Clubs ofSubscribers to the COURI ER, are coming in every week, but we have a large mailing book and have room for more.. Friends dont cease your efforts, until the COURIER is put in every family in the county. - New Advertisements, NEW YEAR'S AMOUNCMIENT! Fe TUE GREAT rtiliser WHANN'S RAW; SiTDDD L3UI1 - We are now receiTing our supply ol the above Fertilir, which hat been lullj tested by the largest and bt far mers io th 3 county lor mauy year?, and which is well known to be oue of the best and most reliable :.. . . -i - t FERTILIZERS made in the United Stater: , Persons who have already engaged Wnann's Phosphate of us, can, while hauling their cotton to. market this winter, take a back load of ifcofihte. aad thereby save a special trip in the . oprmg. i ue price ol Yt hacu's Vhot phate will be ETHDielicalci-ScctariaijlEfeiEa't the mmm at work; T. Dc Witt TrJinagc, tiYz. .TaeBeat .liellsiott Paper PnbtUhed. Mr. Talmig'4 Sermon each--wet k. I, Foil Reporu of Mr. Mooxlj's Work. a nbw serial sronr, J Br Bar. W. M. Baksw,- 5 :; One of the m.a: popular of Ac&ericaa tory writers. TWO NEW PHKMIUMS.'' AN AMEUICAN PARUYAR0 Afttr Jos. John, eiccuteil U twenty nine printings and heretofore told for $15, also an . EXQUISI TE . FLORAL OROUp, Paitted expit-aaly J or this ptpr.br lira. WhItxet. ana ct.rjmod by L.,eao Jb Co. Boston. ' ttxT 1 hcM are genuine art wh';k, aad tb tnst and mows- ezpensiva picture premiums ever offtrtd. . Most Libeml Terms to - Ascnts," 7r , ,L ,0o tbo will be found "ffiZOPl H,'. OT "' olJ Aot aad killed l-U' si-fer-in-law, finirn rrt'MlriAa l n oAn tit ta l-ra Nkw Pt Office. Mr. W. W. Jones, the acting 1W. blaster of this place, iiinred in his new bfiek office on Main strest, pn Tuesday 4 last. This is a very handsome office, sufficiently large and conveniently nrrangod.' news is a specialty with us. We spare TH)'pHins or fabor to make this depart1 ment full and interesting. There is also a space for State news; wand,. humor,- Cushion note &c Subscribe now for the Courier and it will be two dollars well spent. finite goodness has seen fit to be stow upon us ? Let us now see if we , have.-been as greatly blessed in tha.t .depart-; meutgovernel, controlled and reg- ulatetl by our felfbw-nieh. . "We: fear that we wilt find "there is not. that oeanuini narmonr, ana wisdom in this asitfttfc first:: '.We'flncf: that ' '.-! f- 1 4 Snipe: Hunters On Saturday the taxe3 im posed upon .our peoplc tucky and Tennessee, on the 30th night a' number of ;fun loving young for the past yeaVto be ; $28,3T6.68,': a large- amount of property was nien,jsJartod.: out for o troy cd,. and a number, of lives ' rHhnljJ.' J. l)avis Cogrcpsuiait frpjn ! tin District, who has , been' spniding several weeks here witlrhis family, re turned on Tuesday last to assume ngain his duties in Congiest;. 'flic coplc of North Carolina have no bet- tcr or myre faithful ''rcprflsttitativo' than Capt: Davis. ; . , , , ! .' hunt snipe. At the nost important stand tUcy j);tccd Vcerlajn young nVan, (whois , i'-lerking fr a large hou.ce toVn ith' alargo -meal: bag; for the snipe to enter, they then cut dovn a largft quantity of brush and entirely c.jncp.a led , the - young nran! witlr the uiii'iMjag 'from" view, and after tiving , We call ntteniion to ;he Advcrtiso fiicut of the Louisburg Female Semi nary, Mis 0.. A. Crenshaw, principal, , Mins Crousfiavt is'a thorough ncliolar, luving graduated at one of the' first colleges in thcSutp, und ha had.Lrge experinnee in toaohing. Send to'hc'r for circular, and ' get' toruis fy'r'tuard pud tuition. ; A burglafous ittcnpt jkva atl'h 1Ic!s'rsPcrsou & Upperuiairs.-tore on Friday night last, they succeeded in breaking one o the locks, anj alsbTu tearing off some of the wcather-board- ,'lhc thieves wero friirhtcned off him all, necessary-' iistruclions, they left him, for the.; pur po.se, as they hafdoir 'invmg '.iie birds in tlie snare. The young man waited patientlyrLut no'birda.ciuuc, and after setting, in hi? blind till the "wee sma" hours of mortiing, concluded te go and liuiit for his , companions, when lo ! he found, that they had left .hi in alone with the hag to hold. He finally succee led in finding his way home, where his com. pai:.ious had been comfortably hnoozin forw-Seteral; hours. 'The advice wa Vive to our vouur incnd is, that when he goes sniping again, to look sharpe and not get sniped, Christmas Tree. On Christmas ft what was paid in the. 'year- I860. Why1 this immense' increase' and burden, is put upon pur bankrupted people, we arc nQfc able to say. It is the working of poor s!iort-sightcd,; (and very often corrupt) men. TAXABLE PROPERTY. ' ' - The amount of taxable property in the county is 2,527.391. TOWN PROPERTY. J t The" estimated va'ue of the prop erty in town is 227,923. 1 marriage licenses. ; " There has "been issued by the Register, of Dqeds, 158 marriage license; of this number. 85 were lor white and 73 fur colored couples The taxes received from this source to the county is $150.10 for the State $75.05y and for the Register of pefed4"lij05. T ,5 i ; .. - ; ' merchants in the past 12 months 4,109 bales of cotton, an increase of Train up the boys right. Miss Maggie H., Davis, daughter of he Ilon'.'Jcffersdn Davis,' was'marrled in Memphis on the m rning of the 1st to J. Addison' Hays, Cashier of tho State National Bank. " 'J A yery distructive tefnado1 passed through the western, port'on of Ken- inst. 'des- lost. From the land ofgreat moral ideas comes to us the mirks of advancements in the shape of Myer Mensr shooting his wife and child, and . then blowing off the top of -his own worthless head. This oceured in New 'York City, in sight of the city of Brooklyn, where brother. Beaeher lives and moves and h?s" his being . - Cotton Market s . Having recently finished a warehouse for the accomodation of my growing j GROCERY TRADE I take pleasure in informing the pub; lie that I shall make a SPECIALTY ot this d p irtment of my business, so that I can offer such ' : V j B A R ft A IN Si in Bacon and Flour, no ons will desire to go t Uewbcre even to inquire prices.' Every pound of ; $2.5 lower than last year, Farmers will do ( wtll to make engagements with ns early and secure the beat article ot Fertilizer. ASD KXCLCJinS TRIT0RT. TERMS TO SUB5CRIBEU3 :. Without premium,. postsga.t pre paid ,.........,... 1C5 With either premium, uomouotcd poa'agc prepaid .......... .. 3.25 With eithir prxmtwm, mounted, by ,etrcs atsaLmraUrsez'tVi.OO lir,F.rj(ttllpart:c4UraX' tooia mission and canv, allicM B. a IORW1X' Publih-r ; : r: Sox 5103, ywYorlf. MlftT I everv' barrel of FbODR ng. and In thoir hurry 'to get off dropped their axe, which-is'in possession of Mr. UppernianSidw.' V ncaty ldQleHheVreceipts1 will maki jteutule , ' I. : , oVr e Christmas; as I need' all We n RALEIGH. Jan, 5. Cotton (Mid- sold shall be guaranteed tou.i and dling) 12i: : ;;; : Peteiisb eg. Jan. 5. Cotton, 121-ets. "NohFOLK, Jan. 5. Cotton, 12c. LouisbujiG, Jaiu 0.--Cotton, llj.c Nolice lo Settle. , remwsi AlPwltdewe nid before w" mniinv I for the 1 874. Every department of mu ot , i VhItt ru. U inA In r. llidit the Methodist Sabbath Schdoi F1 trade 5las bcCH Stead ilr lncreasine:. nest and those dLsremrdinr it will find of this place prepared aUbeautifaJ t aitd wj have every re.ison to believe Messiis. A.: D UoysTiot . & Hko tj It give ?' us pleasure to!MOto the iW- mg popularity of-this house. The Cor.fectiouetios Manufactured by them caunot. be lexeellod. Their brices are i Christmas Tree for tho benefit of the children of? Jthe school, at which we had the pleasure of being present. Wo have seen many beautiful Christ mas Tree's, ' but this was the -most that the.. condition (financially) of our county is much - better than when the year 1875 first dawned uponos. L- Wre have made up' this- summary their claims in the hands of an officer - Tlierefore pay up and save cost." ' ' ' ' T. N. CARLILE. Nov. 12 1875.- J ' The Courier for three months only Fifty Cents. Let every Demo- beautiful one we ever saw. ; The ;jbhape,l of' news . and events because we j crain the County subscribe at oree. ot the tree, the decorations and the thought they would be of interest to arrangement of the presents for the our people, and probably stimulate children all conspired to make it a them to .make creator efforts this most beautiful scene. The i xercises new year which has iust been usher- 1 m M low a tho iiaaaufactnrers cNorth, t were opened with a beautiful ChrisN" ed in, to make the record,- s6 far as and their warrontcd to be' of h?l Pd8tor they areconcerned. still .better for . - v - ' - of t io iUethodist UhurcU then came l7fi. superior quality; .;Urdors ;wi It receive fofward and took froin thW tree two prompt attention. So go good Can- j elegant silver cups and presented them h LG6 to T. if. Carliles- andfjoa will Sod that Santa Claus has emptied a huge bag of pretty things in his store al? of' which writ be iofd cheap." : 1 " warranted to prove satiifactory, or it will be taken back ; , Betides this, i Tt-ry depsrtment of my, business wilVbe kepv up with epcia! Laic, auu nuu V3p;;i i Yuw iu ILic 'hard aess o i t i"e tinrtso tU Vt th e) 2 I '. " . i Least,. Money w'll buv the " , f Most -Goods j at my store. V'..'- . .' " ' i . , Low Prices the great Specialty at K W. FULLEirS. WUITB & SHAW, Manufacturer's Agents. Louisburg Female SEMINARY The duties of the 10th session ol this school will be resumed Wednesday 12th of January 1B7C. And continue" twenty weeks. C Ircu'ar s lure ished on application. 2t , MISS C. A.CliENSHAW. Desirable Residence In Louisburg FORSALE AT AUCTION! On Saturday the 3th day February 1876, 1 will eel', on the Court qaara in Lniburg, ai I'ablic Auction, a dc airable residence occupied Irst year bv the Ber. M. H. Vaugi an. situated on Elm street, and fronting the bead ot Coll. ge street. The lot contains two acn a, more or Ies, on which ia located the dwelling ot six rooms, with kitchen and other necessary out houses, with a well ol good watet; all within pleasant walking distance ol the buiiness part pt the towo. Terms: Oaelfoorth cash, ; it.. 1.-1.. i'. r . i iue oaiance on acreau. oi i . isonius, with interest at eight per cent.' from day ci sale, Time payment to be se cured by & mortgage on the property. Bale positive. , Jan7-1870-tds Til O MAS WHITE. , LOST! LOST!! I hare lost ot mislaj'cd a routty order of fifty dollars (f50). -No. -11,! dated April 15, A. D. 1873, so that I; cannot command ft. It is a ci-h or-1 der properly sigoed by the Chairman; ml C'lfrk of tlit Tlrmrd Anv iwitmn -...j f - nnaing u win pie&se return it to me, Wm. M. CUENS1XAW Ja. 7 4t. 1 Land For Sale- STAVE ITEMS. .V.We A:!nd tLe Courier and TWITATTftV Godey's Ltidy's. Boole, with beautiful A X UJullili JUX Y II AllUiN day at low prices and save freight by orderiag from .A. D. Eoystcr & Bro., ;j IUleigk,N.C.. . ,cynz Fatu and FestivAe.Wo have never been a very great admirer of Churoh Fafrsi Jor'Our experience in this line: of business has been that as prizes, for the best scholarship and the most punctual attendance; to Jos. J. Barrow and Frank P. Williams,' stating at th , same time that tliese too had not missed a single recitation, or a single question in a recitation during tldyeaf. They 'daserved tils'" . . 1 T 1 . ' . prizes tuey icceivea, lie. aisj stated that Herbert Brown" was entitled to a Oil ehromotlecue,,, 1 2. s months for 7 !,l(ld'fCnnt ITannah TTall. a colored '- x-r i -r- ; -r -s woman, died in Wilmington last week JVILA.' 1 i.A jvJLTo JL C at the advanced age bf 106 years. I offer For Pa'e the tract rf land lyine: on tne west side of tho R & G. Tt. II wlthinJbur hundred ya'ds 1 of the corporation of Fraokilntoa and rmi t a t ii I ii nr fii,nrlr1 ari mrirn nr TO all WllOm it lliay COn- less. On half is woodlaud, the othe- arab'e and excellent for cotton, wneai THE WEEKLY SUN. 1770 New York 1 nTO . - Eighteen hundred aad aevebtyaxta the Ventennial year. It is also the year in which an Opposition Hous of Ilrpre aeoatiTes, the year'uf the tweotyJird election 3f a I'realdeot of the ' cnltad S:aUs. : All of thceo tveots are sue to be rf great interest and importaoce, csptciailj the two 1 latter and all . at them and every thing conotcUd with them will be fully, and freshly reported ana expoanueu in iux tUJf. The Ofpoaluoo lione ut Beprasen tatiTts, takicg up the liocf fnqniry opened yean ago by Tub 8rj-t. will sternly and diligeaUy-Investigate the corruption and mUdeeds ot Gaaxt administration; and wilt, it U vo bo hoped, Ny the fouodation 'for a new and and better period in our national history. Of ail thia Tna Sun will con tain complete and accurate accotinU, tarouumg its readen with early aad irosiworuiy . iniormatioa .upon these absorbing topics. -. - " The twenty-third. Presidential eleo Hon, witn the preparations Jor it, will be memorable -as decidbg upon G bast's aspirr.lons for a tbiru term of powtranu piander, and st 111 more ae dccid.n wUo shall be the candid: ei lh pany ot Relorm, and as ' tlectiog that candidate. Concerning all the- subj cts, tb'otja who read Tcs Bus will have the cons aot mians of beibg tboi oughly well Informed. The Weekly ScsT, which hat attained i circulation vf orrr 7 60,000 ' 'copi-t, alrcady4hasJUa uaderi la eVeryi atatb and Ttrcitory, and we trust tbet.tbe year 1875 will tee their numbers 'doub led.. It wiltcontioua to be a tborocgh ntwepaper... AH the general: news . erf thi day will be found in It, condensed When unimportant, at full length whin ot moment; and always, we ttuit, treated in a clear, interesting ed-ta il -atrrictive manner. ' - It is cut aim to make tho Wxxxlt Sc the best family newspaper in the world, and we shall continue to give lo its colams a large amount of tniseeJ laneous, such s stories, ta!t, potmt, scientific intellgeoce an agncoliural In formation, for which we are not ble tw make room in. our Uily edition. The agricultural department eapcdally i one of its prominent It at urea, . Tb Wuhiodt are ain regularly reported la i!s colum and so are toe maxxeu ct every kina. , fc Two negroes trie.d.tomake sausage -UHjw-ot-iHF-vi.attr,--ii croiusooro iasi week. No very serious damage done. negro intant was. tound in 5 eta " ....... thnv a anvthinr hnt fair Imfc. in.t. 1 " "cruerv. iiruwu waa wuviw.c-u vo a A ueaa the reverse, exceedioclr .unfair. Our Pr inn6 ,n lhl lar6l;mu . yoldroIasVeck rapped ,?p in li'hAiri-mM' 1, tK ber r ncw cuolan, ana xrom some a white cloth. 1 be childs neck was prejudices have"beetfemoved; by the couduct , of the., one given ,by the Ladies' fcbf ''UhT "Jlcthcdistt Church of Hhii pkce on'1 Christmas eve,: Every thim 6.ar.afK wo.iwecoi able' to see and learn, was .cAnductcd k fairly and full yalue was giyen- jcverj buyer for his money.-TheCottrti:reortf,'whcre tho ' Fair was Jield..' WaJ Aiiautirully deeiVatath'tloweiii'A eVf?e2ns, phantom baskets, of the most artietic tniihV hubg'iniast ' in Hhe hill, yihUe, ti4ics,7"pin j oushiona, ,uedb eases, mbroided : saoques," toilet sets MJ$.Vw6re rrjngM'?a bfder atl several sale-tands. ' The supper was bdaitif a) ' ' 'nd u beautiful" ,? .The Tt 0$o DieparWot :tnd, tlxeiiFisWng pool seWedUo"- brifcg'k forth uMbj over sight tho prize was noj, on han', J brekn. . T left that faper, and connected himself ---- ' ' f laid violent hands on the tre theorll Carolina C.zeu at TO CONSUMPTIVES -The lppod it of au its beautifnli . V., t . ; vertlscr, an, old physlcan, re but would be delivered, . for which negligence he begged pardon. . After another sonjr by the children the teachers and stni presents and distributed them among the children aad made . .them, happy. which fact wis ."indicated4 by 1 their smiling fe'e and 'spajliling eyes as thev received them. After the tree ? 225.: Mr. Jordan Stone, one of the found ers of the Baleigh Daily Neics, has A rather serious riot between the whites and blacks -in Charlotte one day in the .Christmas holidays; one black, the leader killed, and several ,. Besst heavy BassH ns 10 cts.i Jw Ties i t ,-- : - Marsh&lls Liverpool Salt ' 1. Nails per leg 1 ,V t Eerything CITEAP.'; ' r, , Guano for wheat. : . , . f, . . , . i , - W; & MALLORY, : : Franklinton, N. C; ad mired f.xwn active practice, having had placed in his hands by an East Iud a Mission- , ary the formula f a simple Vegetable ': Kemepy, for- the .speedy and perma-' " nent Cure of CouSumptki, Bronchitis .Catarrh,. Asthma, and all Throat 2nd Lung Affections, . also x- Postlve aud ecru. You era' respectfully invited to cal-, at my counting room and settle your account. It is now ready andduril need the money to pay those that I owe. The 1st of the year is time to settle up. uan soon as I may be crowded. , I am selling a great many good.s was stripped w ould but linger in wuiteSt and colore 4wonnoed,,a en- 1 Radical cure for Nervoua1 Debility and, eiri ri t;mA Af..M tuckv driver bad bis horse shot dead wullu l" MTU15 was so much beauty, and we deep-'dVfhi ir our heart wish' that . V ' i..-..- orougniyiesieasoriaertui.cura- round t ylu uuci iuuc t uiug utung iue i HyQ strcebj. All qbiet-hdw: " '' we were a boy aniin and a sabbath; v p fp-rn.Tvft. t?,: ;:ZlXZ'Jt t JA UX U METnuW- This ecclesias- school ooyat that. Chiloren that are thus' trained and tteatridoujt sind surely "will malce 'eood uVen and wo- meu. ij tical body whieh has just closed its an- powers in "thousands of cases,? feela it hi tlntv ta mil. it l-nnvn tn his suffeVbig fellows.' ' Actuated by . this motive, and a conscientious desire . io relieve. human suffering, he trPl j ATCOST. ; You can buy a nice suit of c!othea AT COST. DRESS GOODS V ; AT : . . ; AND . BELOW , ' COST, and many other articles at rery low figures, FOR CASH. T 1 B. P. CLIFTON' , - Jai. 7-tf ' " ' ' . .-, - -NOTICE. AU persons a re .hereby warned not to hire or employ Drnmmood Neal,' as be was bound to me tor court cost, and merry , peall i ,o;laughter:. IWas a grand, gucoessth palljoaj , 'm r'T-. ' ciVlly.Tho' ornount realized was ;i'S?ndyourjobvorktQthep( SloO. not. . .'AMVi wi r.:i ER OF ICE, . I f . I ... .,. - .- T theCOUBI- .mrz srrs io'cSL-r TWSLTxrt mnD 5Ur,k 21,-. 18T0 -Riming " BwtfBvlN. that the Bret 'MetboJisl work in this I lnnr. Rlrl-'flrrn. N. v J . T V A. State began iu March 1776, by direc- their own bazzird as the utmost pen alty of the law will beeolorced against them. (4w) JOSHUA PERRY. ' or corn fbi nd Is vey conve nleut to business, good schoo's and ; churehes, and Is desirab'e, as Fiank-, llnton is one of the most flourishing towns on the R 4QRB., Any one desiring the above advantages, wiiha hea'thy location, cannot, do better than to purchase For terms call on the 'Subscriber, who wilt show the 'and. P.O. PERSON. .F.aok!lutoii,-. C ;4uM0SFuHE! In order to introduce our large, cight-psge, Illntuated Literary and Family Paper, Th Socvcsib, we wUl rnd it on trial tor six months for only COct v and to each sobscriber we will mail, poet paid four eltgant OA Chfn mot,"LittU RdBIdirg flood,'. Th Children's Swing," "Peca Bour aad M'tber,s Joy." Tbesa pictures are not common prints, but getuiae oil ibromoa in sixteen colors, that ' are tqual io appear nc to fine oil paau iegs. Jut think ot it four fine cbro mos and an eid'ent liteitry ptper six months for GO cu. Try it. Make op a club of five t aoscribers and we will send you an extra copy foi six months and four extra chromes. Xo danger Of vour monrv. we reier io iae Port Master, Bristol, as to oar reipon. Cash require J la advance free. Agents wanted to take aubseriptioi a and stll our fiae pictures.- From 3 to $10 a day caulj made. Address, 7. If. BURROW, 200 Main St. Dris'ol, Tenn. Tne Wkkklt Sea, eight pages with fifty -six Lroad columns is only $1 23 a yem.poatage prepaid. At ' this price bamiy repays the cost of the) paper, Uo diaconot etc be made from tbu rate to club, agenu, Poa masters, or anyone. The Dailv rSix, a large four page newspaper ot -3 cfdomor, gives all the ;newaf.r iwoceota a.' copy, bubtcri p lion, postage prepaid. Sic a mouth Lit (OGU a year, buao AT edition extra, 1.10 per yer. We bare no travelitg agents.. AdJrtr, Th bUKf 'k J; 31. FOREST & Co. i Near Central Hotel, CorW Hargetj and Wilmington Streets I'L IllLtflGH, N. C. Dealer In I reported and Dotaeatlo Liquors, Clgara and Tobacco .;. . JOHN C. AYCOCKE, formerly of Louisburg, hxs charge of the liar and Billiard raloon- and will be p'eaaed to eebU old friend. . Nov. l'&tao. ' J ! ' Carriage Factory.' ' ...... ,.'.- ''--'. ' flavin j bought the Interest of llr. JL, J. Pile in the Carriage Facicrt .f lTaco &i Conway, I respectfully tax the patron&go of the people cf Frssx l:n. I Guarantee saiufaction ta a! my work. ....... ,.- W. B. COl.TfAT. Iiouisburg. N. C 4

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