1 FiCAKELUT COURIER. GEO. S. BAKER. PoornreTOit. Iiouisnuno Fereuahy, 25,. 1876. LOCAL MATTERS. Sec adv. of J. A.-Latham. "It will " S Head the cardol Mr W. IT. Allen, he announce? himself a candidate for nominations to the office of Register of Dewl. . Married." Green Jonc. On Wed nesday morning the 23rd inst., Dr. W. W. Green, of Franklinton to Miss Sarah S. Jones of Raleigh. See the adv., of tlie National Pub lishing Cotnpany of Philadelphia, agents wanted for the sale of J. 1). Mc Ciibc'g Centennial History of the United States. ' Died. In Wilson, on Sunday the 13th Inst., Mr, Benj. U. Blount, aged 71 yours. Mr. Blount was married in Iuwburg, Dec 23rd 1824, to Mm Sarah A., daughter of Jonathan Wood. Mr. T,"N.;CAHLILB. Js offering great inducements to GASH buyers, in dry good?, groceries, confectioneries, notions, &c, &c. Give liiro a call st.d be will prove to you that the abort is correct. '. . rLr.CTUitE. Uy,rciucst, Dr. J. B. Maior.o will lecturer in the collecge chap el Monday night ' 23th Inst, at ,71 i);lock. Subject, tho Pysiological Anatomy of the Human Brain. la the couree of tho lecture he vill show why Phrenology cannot be practiced as a sriencs or applied as an art. . M srs. icrrel! k IT iirris have rented tli" west tenement of the Hawkins b.ick lions.;, where they will bo pleasetl to 8 t'teti friends cn 1 cuKtomers. They they intetd to Fell very cheap. Give" th'vn a call and sec that they make r ood their pronti-w. We call attention to adv. of Mr. J. S. .Tovner of Frank linton. Uo is aet f'r the sale of the Formula and chom ieaNor the manufacture of'tho Home F( rltHT.r, also Formula and chemicals fi.r other fertilizers. Call on or ad dress him Ht Franklinton N. C. Tho, Waverly Magazine, published weekly, by Mojm A. Dowe, Boston in one of the oldest and best Maira.itie in tfi Country. The or;es ato all complete, which is a feitnre that all will like, no waitin for next week to seo the conclusion of the story commneed the week iKifore, Send in your subscription and get the best. For Beautiful Letter Heads, Hill lb ads. Envelopes, Party Tickets Busi ness Card., Circulars &e. tic, always vmo to tho Courier Office, for you can certainly Ret what yon want done in the very bejt style and on U-rnis of which you will not complain. Printing in colors on cnamaled-eard board, cards ef all colors. Blue, Bed, Salmon, Buff, Cannry, Purple, Pink and Yellow; Cut to any sizsor "fihapc you may want, c.i.11 and give your order to the Coum KR. Mi-srs. A. I. Boystku & Bno -It give" us 'pleasure to note the grow ing popularity - of this house. The Cohfeetionerios Manufactured by them cannot be excelled. Their prices are as low as the manufacturers North, and their goods all warreuted to bo of superior quality; Orders will receive (prompt attention. So go good Can dsyat low prices and save freight by ordering from A. D. Roystcr & Bro., llalcieh, N. C. At DAoaERs Points. W, A . Hearne, ex-supervi.or of the govern ment building atBaleigh, and Solicitor J. C. L. Harris, are trying tq gel up a little war, all by themselves. Hearne says some hard things about Lege, in the New, Loge tuccts Hearne on the street and with ouo hand in his hip pocket, calls him ugly names. Well as this is not our fight, wc guess we had better occupy the same position the little boy did, when the calf run over him, "say nothing." Wc only stand off and say kurah for the best man. - ". . Tho Phrcuologist, stated tlytt , most of tho subjects examined here, hal too largo brain for their bodies, good failure. ,.....,,.' Soma good material, is being wasted by being directed in the wrong way, for instance, some would make good Ministers of the Gospel, who are engaged in the mercantile business, some would mako 'good echool teachers, who arc following other avocatioLS; some are honest some not, some arc truthful and some arc- not ' Get in - the right J channel and , mako , great men of yourselves. : ; f Maeeied.- Cooper Perry. Wednesday evening the 23rd Inst., at the residence of the brides mother, by Rev. Mr. Pettigrew, Mr. Daniel Y. Cooper of Henderson, to 3Iiss Leah H. Peny of this county. A fad tragedy occured at Magnolia on Tuesday. It seems, that Ash by Carroll, a boy about 13 years old and employed on the Dup'in 'riecord,' had beeu rbprwvcd by mother for disobe dience, -when he went to bin room, took a gun, and with the ltd of a string placed around the trigger emptied the entire load in his head, killing himself instantly. A CA 11DTO THE PUBLIC. From and afterdate my business will be conducted on a strictly CASH baste, and by cash I mean that the money must be paid down when the good.s are delivered. Of course in these times of pfcarec money I must offset myCASH sys tem by a ;rcat reduction in price. This I have done. My goods will be soM so low-that it will be to a man's interest to .sell h'13 produce even at present price in order to get the money to trade at my store. Come and ex;tuun3 ray goods and prces. I arn anxirus to buy cotton and will give the highest price in cash or goods. Respectfully E. W. FULLER. Tn n Farmville Insurance and Bankjsg; Company. The ' annual meeting of the stockholders of the alwvo company, shows, that it is in a prosperous condition, and that the officers have managed it success fully and judiciously. The follow ug figures shows the rapid growth of the company in tho past four years: $ 1st. Jan. 1873, $109,096.15 1st. Jan. 1874, 112,369.66 ! 1st. Jan. 1875r 218,280.29 . j 1st. Jan. 1876, i 250,716.39 ?laj. Chas. Pickett, of Norfolk, Va.. is the Geh'l. Agent for this State and Virginia, and Geo. S; Baker, agent for Louisburg and vicintiy. A Handsomb Tf ibute. Senator Furlong of Mississippi ho waR a Col. in thi Federal army, and now an fcide kpendent BepbliceTJ, contributed $50, to the Ieo Monument- and in re ply to the letter of the sweretary of the Foci..tion, acknowledging th? receipt of t!se donation, makes the following eloquent rcfonsc: If the Confederate caue had no other merit, it will at leat live in all time thror.gti the fume of its soldiers, mani of whoiu,liAe l.ee, posesed virtues un sarpased and unsurpassable in tha history of mankind, and they, as . well as many soldier of tlie Union in our late war, have shed new luitre on the American name. Books tnay be writ ten, but thy may be lost and forgot ten,' xnonumetits may be erected, but they ioy 1 e defaecd and crumble into d st: but the pure glory that surronnds 6ch names as that of llobert K. Lec will survive all existing govemmtnt nd b the common inheritance of all our posterity. If it were possible amidst the stormy ages which are now i a.sinp ovcr.us' that Virginia should lose ail place in the '-history of this country, tradition would still point to that ancient commonwealth and say. 'Here flourished a State vhbse -history commenced with a Washington and ended with' a Lee. Cotton Markets. Raleigh, Feb. 23. Cotton (Mid dling) 12e. Petesblkq. Feb. 23 . Cotton, 12f cts. ' Norfolk, Feb. 23.- Cotton, 125 Louisbuug, Feb. 21. Cotton, 11 J. SPECIAL ITEMS MALLOEY'S .. .:- -o- i x' ' Beet heavy Bagging 1 16 cts. Ties 5 eta. Marshalb Liverpool Salt 225. Nails per keg 425. Iron , 4 E'ery thing CHEAP. Guano for wheat. W. S. MALLOBY, I FranVlinton, N.C. WANTFD We will give energet ' -c"1-' i. jJt jc men and women BUSINESS THAT WIU PAY Iron $4 to 8 per day, caa bo pursued in your own neighborhood. Prtico lars free, or sampka worth several dol lars that will enable' you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt of filty cents. . Address J. L ITU Ait CO., Box 2,154. 410 Washington St., Boston, Mass. St.i - a. . ... TO THE PUBLIC; We take this method of informing our friends, and the public generally, that we are now fitting up the Store bouse in front of our old stand, and in a few days, will open an entire new Stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, which we intend to sell at the very LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. To our friends and customers, who have stood by us in the past, we re turn many thanks, and hope by strict attention to busitess, to merit a con tinuance of the arae. We intend to do everything in our power to pleaae ail of our frieud, and to do as well for them in the future as we have in the past.. We earnestly' request our friend to ca'l and see us at our new rju:rtrs, nul we will guarantee to do them cood. We are still in the mar ket for Cotton. We w?.nt 100 bales immediately, for which we will pay the veiy Ughest eash pnees. Wo alo have on hand the-largest Stock of Standard GUANOS in the place ar.d will sel! them at Factory prices. Give us a call. Barrow & Pleasant. A lot of SIDES and SHOULDERS, which I will sell at BOTTOM PltTCJES. I have in store a large lot of elegant if i y: tat u' which lam selling CHEAP. A full line of other , GROCERIES all at low prices for CASH. Don't forget the very low prices, and dou't forget the CASH. E. W. FULLER. Awarded the Highesi Medal at Vitni. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORY. (Opp. Metropo'ita'n Hote!,) MA.NUFAC1URERS, IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN Chromos and Frames, hTEUEOSCOri'S AND VIBtfN. . ALBUMS, ORAPHOSCOPES, AND SUITABLE VIEWS. Photographic Materials. We are Jleadqusrters for everything in the way of STEREOPTICONS hud MAGIO LAN TERNS, 1 Being Manufacturers of tbe MICRO-SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, STEREO-PANOPTICON, UNIVERSITY STEBEOPTfCOX, ADVERTISER'S STEREOPTICON. ARTOPTICON, School Lantern, Family Lantern, People' Laasem, . Each etjle betrg tW oest of its class in the market. Catalogues ct Lanterns and Slides, with .directions for using, sent 00 ap- plication. ANY EKTKBPBraDiO MAN CAN MAKE MOSEY WITH A MAOtC LaKTEUS. ' , Cut out this advertisement for reference. To The Voters of Frank lin County. In view. of te circumstances un- der which I was defrauded cf my elec tion two years ogi, ' 1 1 do not hesitate to appeal to my 1 arty tor a re - noim nation, a accordingly announce my- self a Candidate fur lwguter Deed: Subject, always to the action of Con- W. IL ALLEN. Fcb.25tb 1876 3m. CM CELEBEATED r ichor Brand O W D r. ct w MANUFACTURED BY THE nlliern Fertilising Company, RICHMOND, VA. We request our friends to give tis a call before supplying' them selves with what fertilizers they may need, as the w Anchor" is second to none in the market. 'WItJttER & CRENSHAW, Corner of Main and Nash Streets. LOUISBURG, N. C fc! zn O PS i i OQ TO THE PLANTERS Tour attention is asked to Bradley's Fertilizers now offered for sale by us. and a calm and disraconate consideration ot the evidences of their .worth and va'ue; and their claims to voor favor and pitronajje is solicited : Tne B. D. SEA FOWL GUANO in its adaptation to all soils, ita marked efficiency as a . (Dotton in not only starting thn plant, but in VAlue as a manurinl ent ; and his universal as its use. And it is with ifi tales Gentlemen who have used Mb. W. H. MITCHELL DearSii: We our Cotton crops this lat season class Fertilizer, and can recommend it J is dry and drilis elegantly, Very itcspcctfuUy. Gen'l M&tt Ransom, David Lewis, G B A I ford. Wm Balentine, II B Dewar, Tbos Green, A F Thompson, M A Bledsoe, W C Moore, Henry Pearee, Andrew J Green, - BEADLEY'S - isotirred to tbe Planters of this rtcttoa at the lowest prices, and upon such 1 terms aa 10 suiow 01 iutix oe uy au I Tjr" J-T IUTCIIEIjIj Franldinton9 N.C the agency for the H oa c o a, o. OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. (Krower5 pushing it forward U maturify, attest its gtven it tmD2 Planters a popularity a gratification wc re-r to the appended cetv it and ; who will verify our statement. nsed your B. D. RE A FOWL GUANO or. with great tucces. We cor aider It a first to :be Planters as an excellent article : it W It Perry, R D Weathers, RJIvey, A Btrher & Son, R II At water, . C G Harrington, Uzx'e & Co., R M Barber, W J Utasty, J R Bill, T 8 Askew GT Cooke, C J Green, Dsniel Stewart, J L Johnson, O W Prgram, Ransom Pamsh, Jno M Wilson, Dudley Peed, 8 D Strickland, G D Kearney, FERTILIZEEj persons. FARMERS MAKE YOUlt OWN FERTI Is will not pay to use hisa priced I . ; i . FERTILIZERS to raise cotton at present price. - I am prepared to furbish Usterials for the Manufacture of the HOME FERTILIZER at $12,00 per Ton, freight added from Baltimore. This Fertilizer was ued by tome of the best farmers fa the State last year, with perfectly 8stis I factory result. I For circular contiKic Formu'a 1 and mode ot preparations, Call on or I address. J. a JOYNER, Frankllnton K. C P- a I will foroUh the Materials of any other . Formula at the lowest wholesale pnerf. THE GREAT NATIONAL WORK- Tba Centennial HUtoryf the United States, from the diacorervof tb. Amer- can Continect to the close of the Firit I Century of Amextcan peodence. I By James D. UeCabe. Author of 'A Manual of Qeaeral HUtory," '-The qreat Republican," Etc, Etc Tliere hat lonjf been a Great and oaf vertallj-felt want of a Hiitory'fil the' United States suitable for general uae, This want is now being supplied by The National Publishing Co.. of rhila 'elphie, who havj issued a handsome voJume. s(jfld "Tboi'Oeeteanlal Ilia tory oft be United St," by Jamea U.McUatte, a well-known historical ) writer. TUis work will undoubtedly. ake rank a tne standard History of tht United states. It is 00 dry mass of 'detail no bombastic, tflort to In Came the national pride, bat Is a clear Tivirt and brilliant narratire of the events of our history, fnnn the discnv ry of the American Coetineut down to the present time. It traces the evi dences of that mjsteiipus race, tbe first occupants of our ccuatry, and gives amo4t interesting acccunt of the Indians of North America, from tbe time ot he enmeing of tbe white men. Tbe voy apes of Columbus, the ezplora none of tbe fJtfferrnt nations o! Europe' and the final occupation and conquest of tbe land by England are old with graphic p;iwer. Every step ol our colonial history is :iaced with patient fidelity, and tbe ource of tlioseTiobie, and we. trust en r'uiiog institutions which hare made cur country free and great, are shown with remarkable clearness. Tbe causes of our great struggle fcr Independence ;re told with a logical force and abilty unsurpassed in Any work ot tbe dav Then follows a clear and succinct arcoant of the formation of tneFtderal Constitutioii; the estabMshment of the Union; tbe course ot affairs until tbe ' reakiog ont of tbe Second War with Englar.d; and a fall and comprehensive ccuct ot tbit war and its f result. Tbe event ot our caieer from tbe clote o! that contest to the c mmeeccmcnt i.f the Civ. I VNV, follow In their order. Tlie l litory of the Civil War Is relatrd with Id tense vigor, and with a er ct fidelity to truth The autbcrplcad the cause ol no party or f ecticn. He st&tes fac'n, pelo out tbe , Jtawns which they ttach, ad appealing to n rimer fmssion nor poiuicai ieeiu. truu to the good sense of his count rjmcn to sustain bis views. The book con ains su Appendix, giving an account ' t the approaching Ctaentll Ezhibi 'ion. It is comprised in one large,, band omeoctsv volume of 923 pge, 30 contains 442 line n : av rg on ttctl and ffo of historical pers"nage and crne. The' price is so low that all can ffbrd to purchase a copy, nod each nbscriber is presented with a sup rb ithoraphic cngiaving of the Centen nial Exhibition Buil line and Grounds Le publishers want sgeiU iu every cnniy. I A i CHHJ UlTbllS u I wHJ LdiHEl 1 n t i S10.000 GIVEN AWAY. We will send the Cocwrn usual price $2.00 and the Louisville Weekry COURIEIl-JOUllKAL usual price $2.00, joaUge prepaid on botuv pperr, lor oue jtar, tor 375. he wttkiy Courtei -Journal is tha st, NATIONAL FA JULY NEWSPAPER. It wilt; 00 December 31 st, 1 873, dis tribute impartially $10 000 Jo valuable presents amoi.g its subtcritxrs, and evrry subsenptioa seat tbtoub u will b entitled to registered aod nomten ed receipt for this distribution. ' Send c $3.73 and j:et Imth pspra. The. CorjaiEit for throe month only Fifty Cents. Let every Demo crat in the County subscribe at once. OUR PROSPECTUS FOK1876. "Saturday Night" cracui-iTios srrnx kxtivvt rscxxAst'o In making our annoaccmrnt for the !t Comio5 K rTtr with great pleasure to the success which bis steadily attended all our efforts to keep , oaiuiujayIUIII- tar in advance of all competitor, r ' ; Last year onr circulation increased with greet rapidity, and this assnrc .f the public favor has determined, us . mote then ever to relax no eSottf, ta pare no money, time, or attention .to make Saturday Night the beat fani ly paper. t ..- Its Serials will be thrilling! Iu Sketches will be entertaining! Its cettany will be interesting! I s poetry will be carroiog I XotU'.og will appear tn Its prres that can offend the religious or politkul be lief of any one. " ; Tens ot thuads of dollars - wtre paid last year to onr ezctoive corps of writer. In the coming vewr. which' Ircady shows e wry larje increase, in our subscriptions, we shall not only re- tain all our old and popular n liters but we shall add to our exclusive staff tucnaotbora a may prove thtlr dais) to popularity aol sbow tUc(DnlTt-s wor thy to write lor a paptrr wbtcb boldi a proud pit -eminence over all c nspctl. ton. It is reidom that wc ask a favor ot nr friends, bat it would be a great ad antage to ns U each one ot our readers would readers would draw lb atten tion of some petsonal trienrt to the merits ol jJaturday ICitbtM and thu H'a Uit,n "siog, even mora lapwiy -83 jTl eVVi paper, or a word otcoramtndatlon will aocceed is putting a jmroal where ever Hfierwarrt it becomes welcomo visitor. l We recive many letters of commends- . tlon tbousambof them and for these we here return our sincere thanks, and -leqnest that those who to admire 5at-. urdsy Night" will do-us tbe kindness to directfy show and recommend it to their acquaintances. . t NOW 13 THE TIME TO SUBSCRlBtl A Magnificent Cbromo, So Twcxty Divtkbkmt Colors, and 20x26i tocbra in size, wlH be presented to every year ly suUcribcr of tare dollars td 'Satur day Night," . S Every deviee known tn the art of Cbromo Printing lias ben adopted to produde a finer picture than has ever been given as a premium to tbe tub tcribet of any psper. ' This Cbromo is a perfect gem of art It would eatsily retail for six or seven dollars. It will cost as many thousands f dollars, which we shall never get let back. But never bavitg , given Cbromo to our subscribers we determ- ned 'that when we did do so onr Cbio mo should be as good a pictoro as tha est artist could Ue&igu and the most areful printing execute. . Kememner, only those sending Three Dollars for a Yearly Subscription ' will tc entitled to a coey of ibu Cbromo free. Parties wishing to take (Satardsy Night9 for a shorter period than one year, can have tbe paper mailed to tbem -iz months lor $1.50, or lour months for tl.00. 137" We;pay all postsgeon both pa Papers and Chromos. 4 ; ; TItsroLLOWI50 ABE OUTt CLUB BATK3t For 10 we will send four copies for do year to one address, or each sepc tate addres. ' - For $20 we will scnJ eight cnpba to one addrrs, or each copy to a s pa rate addres." " "" ' " 5 ' " Tbe party whe sends us $20 for a rub of eight crpies (ail sent at one time)wfllbe eotltlU to a copy free. Getters-op of clu'w ot eight copies n afu-rwarjj add single copus at f ?.tJ0 acb. . fStrnd rst OSce Orders, 'or register 11 money letter. Write Namr, Town I county, State, plainly We will stMid speelmen papers fret to any who will trnd'us their sddres. DAVI3 A EGVERSON ; lbliadlpbiar4. 00K AKD JOB PUIXTISn Zxeeuted In tbe very bet and litet ln roroa stvleu Wl lve luo vair cicmt I -rj,, clTT OF kaleu.IL and the I LARGEST ESTABUSilifENT cf tU kio4 IN THE STATE- Our rrtotlrt. isH-lurlin FsapaieU and Books. L Lcen erierWrelj praiMd by the Press North anJ fVmrh. Hays J. B. BarweO, A. IL, Peas lotaot, Jia la: MI have never fet deaiioi wK4 soy Printera wba do teller wTk f. P. Ub. good. Principal lUlrLb Y erode grratcary: "Dona all ray tristin? t the hut two yeaiv-do as Coa wtnn and rm ss reafvmaU? Sena as sny PaMl'hia IlTuse North or cVuath. 3tL Kott. Breton, 8a;t I-ng-haa nVhool : We know cu bctf ho- iM their Una." President eAi Calmer Clt fcitf N aiload Bank, cf iUkl;-h : " Wt know f no EstalUhramt torslnc cnt rv-alcr nvr aat kfaetory Jut. iS icS of tblr J rVU- premiums at di flemit Fair. ' Our BLA HILB tur Clart a. C5er. TuH ten, Maelrtratea. AttovBeTa, Ac. preoaMoeJ the bft la the market. red t:r eaUkp K7"lf yoa want rsood work and unr pnee. tot twiatinc PA If FH LETS, fcCHiiOL. CTAXKH'Cd, CIIXX'LAXA, LETTER AND NTE HILL J1XAD3, CAJUa, XNYiXOrH-i, TAC3, or. PEEtTiEG or inx rnro, ElOraRD lXXiKZ. feCILAP iOOXa, OLD IHiOLb, cr - - roor-xnTLnra or urz zjjtd, . - Cead yaar crlert to EDWABD3, BEOUGnTOH L CO. nuNTxr.i and rnjDrsa, mnLicAO ni:coitDcn, Qraa of !t a itar'Jsts, rutUaU every wck at tl 3 per an nun. Ouo of taa ol ict lU-lioo I'apera in tne Booth. A aa dre-tVi- tnMiam rn'irr-4 t-v any Is TUN A CO, Csld, N.C.

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