1 1 1 - 1 - ' . . . ' " . 1 " 1 Mill I , , ..Jll . . ' FHANKL1N COUMEB, Tlie nklii Courier, . iiin . . - Published eveey Friday Louisburg, N. C. Geo. S. Baler Ed,. & Proprietor. tlates of Subscription in Advance. TOO CATZ3 cry Arwr .Trr-T . 'n mtmmm - - - - Advcrtismcatt win bo inserted the following rates per square : One Square one time u two r three M " Fuur M three months i 2 00 5 0tf 2500 ,50.00 GEO. S. BASER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS : $2.00 per Annum. For one year, For six months, For three " ' $2,00 1.00 50 u u Fourth column one year Y0L. V. LOUlSBUltG, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH, 3, . 1876. NO. 1 6. ?Jf u u ..- -J . u On - ; f i Professional Cards DAVIS & COOKE. ATT'YS ana COUNSELLORS at LAW LOUI8BUEG, FRA&KLIN CO. K.C. - "Will attend the Courts of Na8h,Frat.k lin. Granville. Warren,and Wake Oun tiefl, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the U. S. Circuit and ph net Courts. N ) 7 -tf W. H. SPENCER' ATTORNEY AT Xi'jL W, OFFICE, . On Nash Street, over Hawkins' Brick Store. L0U1SBURS N.C. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frakklinion, N. C. ,S "Let us go hack." "Tc the States?" -"Yes."-.;. v "To Buena'Yista?" "Of course. Where else ; would- 'as thesiunbeams. -;? ti . . .? t "she wouldn't know me now," ho munnured. "I look so old. I wonder if all silver-hunters get so haggaril, I onght to go back to her; but not without; the treasure. No lino! no !M "Is the silver-hunter a coward?' she cried. ' ; "No ! but you have , asked too much, Neva. It would be murder.' The Indian girl laughed. "Well, if the pale-fa oe's word is VvCgO?" brigand:sh-looking man of five and j forty; his cou panion a handsotre worthless, he will die near the lost lie repeated the monosyllable pilver; but his eyes will never see i n; lasvspcaser as u .uan&iaceQ. -i . . t, .v i or fin.i i - - - ' epond propheticaly, for he said: fellow at least fifteen years his iuni-1 t. . v1- t , ' i, . . - . v . . 1 no hem for it I or. Thev sat in the light of a small-1 4 . ' . ; ' .. lioss laugncu when ne saw nis burly companion had spoken in his slumber, an! a minute later having scuted himself before the fire, wras asleep himself. Will practice in the courts of the 6th judicial district. Prompt attention given to the collect tion of claims. No 50 tf 53 53 PETERSBURG Va. -1 Wivtclnnakcr and Jew eler. YW, Watflms nnl Jewelry of the be I:iniif;i'-tiinnl at t tic lowe-.t , p ires. All work prrsnniallT nttendctl to and war raiitetl. , tl 53yy3.moreSL, Petersburg,! j fire in one of the famous gulches' of New Mexico, and seemed to "be alone. Their carbines nested on the ground beside them, and the twain looked fatigued. i The words ol the elder caused a sneer to ruffle the lips of the other, and determination . flashed in his dark eyes. " I am not going back to the States, much less tc B.uena Vista, before I have found the treasure." ':Then, by George! some sun will find you in a gulch, with a ...dozen feathered sticks fin your body. Where's PuvisT 11 And Ange:biight?r' "Dead." -Yes, and if you'll go up the Uio Ur-'.nde you'iil find poor Knight's anatomy, and in the best heart that ever lived in Ohio is an Apache ar rowhead. There were five of us when we left" Buctia" Vista; you and I are all the Indians have spared. And Heaven knows that they are after us now !''., "You can go back if von wi-h, There arc rocks of shining wealth, but tho skeletons of the old Span iards guard them.' 4 What care I for skeletons?' crie'd Itoss. "I will keep my word! Where is the mine? Where is the mine? : . 5 "In a few words the Apache girl located the . lost eilver mine, and lie' did not hear the stealthy swore to. guide the hunters thither.' .rvvie. i am treasure. ''What! go back and leave you here? Chalbert Hoss, ybu don't know Kyle, Bains. I never more'n .believe -tho story about the lo t silver mine, and we have been up on a w ild-goose chase' , "I believe we are near the treasure," responded the yonngcr ad venturer, , confidently. 'I do not think that the information I gather ed in Taos is altogether deceptive. But we will talk while we hunt to morrow. Kyle, 1 guard to-night. Lie down ''and go to sleep," ' T Obelient, tkq. bearded man drew a blanket about his pey son', ;.and threw himself upon the ground. A moment later he was asleep, and it seemed that his guard, Chalbert Boss, was not far from the land ot dreams. He seemed worn out wit h traveling; but there was a fire in his eye, and his ear was on the alert for admonitions of danger. Perhaps ne thought of the three Ohio boys who in high spirits had crossed the Arkansas at his side a short time prior to the date of his present encampment. Brave fel lows and lull of adventure they wer-c; but there were Indian arrows in their bodies, and on the banks of unexplored streams they slept the sleep of the dead. Now but two of the little band of 'five men who left the Bucke3'e state to rc-dis verone of 'the many hidden silver mines ct New Mexico remained, and they had hunted many weeks with the shadow of death's wing above them, and dark mystery before. The ignis fatuus, invented .per haps by some (imaginative - writer, had lured them-to-the gulches and chasms cf the, to them, terra in cognita of America. Would they going to find the. C G U BIER1 We have addel to our stock a splen did JOli PRESS, with an elegant selection of typ? of the latest styles and wc are cow prepared to do in the neatest and best manner. So you need not send yonr JOB WORK North, for we will do it iut aa well and cheap as you can get it else where. . 1 LETTER nEADS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, Whitelaw & Crowder. .. : '. P V,'..- Marble & Stone "WO UK S, Raleigh. N C. Persons wishing to purchase Head stones or Monuments, can seo and con sult with our Mr. Whittlaw, ai Mr. J, A Stone's boarding house. Aug. 13-12Mn.; : ' J r v r castaliahale BprlugSoKHlon 187G, ever escape: It was a question WILL BEGIN MONDAY JAN. 17 m not ansr V.UUU w 1" stealing over him while he watched his prostrate companion, and coveted the refreshing slumber that closed his heavy lids. He rose and paced, up and -down the!canyon in the light of the fire. Far above footstep inthe canj'on; he did not seethe figure that came from tlie5 gloom his eyes had failed to penc- ,trate. ........ Ii, was the figure of an Indian girl, , who carried a bow, to the string of 'which was fitted an exquisitely-shaped arrow. She saw the sleeping men. md never, took lnroyes 'from them 1 ' Tin d she, marked them for her shnfts? We shall see. Stealthily approaching, she stoop ed over Chalbert "Ross, and touched t his shoulder with her bow. The touch roused him, and he looked into her eves astonished. She touched her lips indicative of silencer--and stertpincr back, mo i tionod him to rise. He glanced at Bp. ins. TIip frinnt still slept, and. confi dent thit he would not awake for a wliHe, "the younger hunter arose and followed the Apache girl. Without a worth she led him down the canyon until she ,began to ascend. He followed her up the vongh path to the country above, and on tho edge of. the gulch the precipice she paused. "The country so fir as the white man can, see. belongs, to Walpan, he Apache," she said, sweeping her hand before her. "He own5 a thousand rifles, nnd more horses than the two pale-faces can count. Neva is his child, and the only child he has. She has followed the pale face for many miles, and she knows what brought him td the land of the Apaches." ' " ; - - She smiled as she spoke the last sentence, and Chalbert Ross started forward with eagerness. "Tell .mctell ;mc, Neva, where it is!" he cried. "The lost mine cf shining silver?' she asked. . "Yes! ves!" . ' "What will the pale-face do if Neva tells him ?' "Anything you ask !' "Anything, he saTs,' she said, triumphantly, in a low whisper, 'tne says he will do anything Neva arsks if she tells him about the lost silver mine She will try him. Neva will see if the pale-face i3 as good as his word.' ' 'Try me . gi rh . Chalbert Ross never broke a promise." Then her right hand pointed to the westaway from the canyon. "Do the eyes of the silver-hunter behold a fire?' she asked. s "They do.' "There is a -wagon trhin from the white man's country,1 continued the Apache. ' WaTpau has Taidthat it might halt in his land, for the pale-faces do not hunt silver mines. In one of the wagons is a pale girl.' gave hia steed tho ghiniqg spurs.. 'Ho is inad V ejaculated Bains, hashing after, him. "But I'll fol low him to the gate3,of Hades Iv ; He soon caught up with the ex cited Ohioan,-and -together the twain'dashed mpns'Jtno' combat ants, and dealt deadly blows right One Hundred years Ac One hundred years ago redding tours were not fashionable. , Ono hundred years ago farmers did not cut their Us off with mowing ma- : One hundred years ago horses which EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg, II; . - 11-V O 1 ami leu. 0e erai wagons were at- trot a mile in 2 .U xere eoaiJ reauy m names, ana, tne emigrants K,w area- were fighting for iheir families like tigers,'..;...; ,..t,J. v.;j.:t.,A . r't Suddenly . Chalbert. Rass heard his name called in a woman's des, paring tone. ,r;. YiI '..,'. He turned, and beheld . a.Srhite, face in one of the shattered wagons.- The next .instant, regardless of Ciiall)ert Ros startetl again. "But .first the white ? girl must step upon the long trail, V she said'. 4 'if the hunter fails, Neva's shaft will find, his heart. She will meet him to-morrow night. . Can he find the fire where his brother sleeps V "Y'es,' answered the -young man, and the next minute the Apache girl , was gliding away. . , , , . For awhile he stood alone, unde cided He thought ot making his way to the corralod train, and get ting a glimpse of the travelers, but, after some sober thinking, descen ded to the bod of the canyon, and rejoined his companion, whom he immediately awakened. Kyle Bains was soon made, ac quainted with Neva's visit, an J the oath she had exacted from his Iriend. "Look here,' he said. "Wc can't find the silver without the girl, that's certain; ami she won't guide us un til the white one is out of her road. A l'ttle case of jealousy. Her red lover has been smitten by the pale girl. I'll attend to the business. 'I've sinned oftcner than you, Chal R ;ss.' . . ' . "J ut it will be murder.' "Well, what of it! , Nobody will know it in Buena .Vista or else where. It will giyc us the silver !' . That seemed to decide Chalbert Ross. lie would escape the crime; but would he not be pa-tic-ps cn'm- iuis to the foul deed ? In his eagcr nes.s to find the lost mine of. untold wealth lost -, . for three hundred years, he never thought of that ! The ..men kept .awake, until the light of day dissipated the night, then, after dispatching', a frugal meal, they secured their steeds, which they had turned out to grazc and gradually left the canyon. , "Yonder is the train !. said Ross, pointing westward. if -We'll; ride down and see where it hails from They urged their horses into a Jjrisk gallops ant I were rapidly near ing the-?agcris, when! Bains drew rein with an exclamation of sur prise. ."I've been thinking for some time that black raas3 was ; a party of In dians," he said, - with his eyes fixed upon a dark body ' approaching the wagon-train from the south west. "If they're Apaches, Ross, we want to keep our distance for the pre sent.' V '"' " .' : "Yes,' was' the reponsc. 'We'll watch them frorh ; this point J It wa3 'Soon distinctly-seen that the moving mass - was a band of avages and some consternation seemed to prevail among the emi grants. Men were seen hurrying to and fro, seeing to their steeds, families and firearms. , By-and-by, the savages reached the train, and the silver-hunters One hunJrcd years ago it took sev eral days to procure a divorce and find, a congenial spirit. - . , : One hundred year ago 'crooked", whisky was -t not known. ; Our foro-1 fathers took theirs straight. , j Ona hundred, years ago every young man was hot an . sritlimn ds rlorlr nr the lances that glittered arjout him, tj. , he cleared a path, and Was along, 0nQ hu;drcd Jear8 lcroscne 'l"v t - . - . . It J? t t 3 . lamps uiu noiexpioae ana assisi women "Katelhe cried, 'how . came you here?' . v r,v .. "I had hoped to. find ybti, Chal bert,' was the weak reply! ;I left Buena VistaMj God 1 look, ' for your life 11 ' J " . , lie turned and struck th" lance aside, and slew . the Apache wlbse hands clutched it madly. Then a to Bh-afBe off their mortal coll . . One hundred yea is ago men didnot commit suicide by going up in balloons and coming down without them, " j One hundred, years ago, England o?4VWiiiiUnon St. iiavtelb' States in all. that goes , to ruakq a na t The present proprt tsr has ' leased ;thKajle Hotel, irormrly tcctipled by Jamei Dent) for a uuuiber of, years. v rle Is prepared to accommodate regular and transient boarders,1 hs nice rooms, we-1 funilshetliahd fitted up in the beat Myle. . He hax alsolars and convenient room for talesmen to display their nample. Tli table la dally supplied - wUU the best the mir hct affords. He will stare no nalns In ,niaklu Ms boarders eonfortable. and hopes he Mill receive a liberal patronage from tho public Jaa,'bth 1875. "' ' - - " - ' j. V. R. CZ2LK. A. H. BAKU, in Mi4r:fOFACTOrw,'2 WH0LE34ALE i'flCTAlt DltOCEBS . COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS. tion powerful and progressive," . . press of foes bore him back: but . 7 " ,1 h t. v. , ; 1 ' . I had taken; Holland but they; had not agfun, alter a minute's desperate . . ' . ; T y ' , , . . '. . . I made Prancfl "rvrmi rinwn' . trith righting, lie came to tlie wagon. , Wc solicit consignments ot .country produce and cotton.' Orders promptly attended to. 1 - t.: I ! r UZZLE & BAKElt, ... . oct22 8m. IUlkigu. IT. C: - ' ...... Kato Avlesford's was still face there; but it was so very pale. "Kate 1 Kate 1' No answer. Ho lifted her had, and then cried. ' . "Dead! the .devils have slain the woman I loved !' - How madly ho turned, then, and how fiercely he fought, the reader can tell. By-and-by the fortunes of battle brought him face to face with Kyle Bains. "Come V he cried, we must escape.' "Agreed !' said the giant, ami the two men fought themselves clear of foes, and rode away like the wind. Hotly the Indians pursued, but they never caught tbe men who, for the life of Kate Aylcsford, took terrible vengeance.' ; ' ' : She wasChall)crt Ross' Ohio love; hers was the face on the medaljion, ; and it was her life that the silver hunter had promised Neva to take. -, The Indian , cirl never met the In their hunt for thev forgot the lost' mine, and years afterward a man with gray hairs entered, the village of Buena Vista. It was . Chalbert . Ross, . and told a tale of vengeance that chilled many a heart. Kyle Bains' fell be fore an Apache arrow; but not un til he could . boast 4 of satisfying 'his hatred of the red race. Where Kate Aylcsford sleeps I do not know, but there is an old man who could tell you, reader. . hunters again. vengeance made France '"come down" with a handsoratf pile of "smart money." t One hundred years ago a young wo man did not lose caste by wetting her hands indislr : water or rubbing the akin off her knuckles'on a wash board. One hundred years ago tho physician Who could hot draw every form of dis ease from tho system by tapping"a large tcin in the arm was not much of a doctor.- '" ' 1 - ; One hundred years ago men were 1iJt running "about over the country with millions of fish eggs to be hatched to order. - Fish superintended their own hatching in those days. , One hundred years ago the condition of the weather on the lat of January wa not telegraphed all over the conti nent on the evening of December 31. 'Things hare changed. ' " One hundred years ago people did not worry about rpid transit and cheap transportation, but threw their grain crops across the backs of their horses and uncomplainingly "went to milL' ' One hundred years ago every man cutfhts coat according to his cloth, ercry man was estimtcd at his real val ue, shoddy was not known, nobody, had struck "He"' and true merit' and honest worth were the only grounds for promotion. - - , John AxTxxstrohg,, No. 1 Fayettevllle Btree ; BALKidn, n, c. :: -i flOOKBINDER, AND Blank', iiBooli Junuacurfr, Newspaper, Magazines and. Law Books of every description y .bound ia the very best ,p ' Style and at Lowest Prices. jan30 12a 1 ' Trinity College. THE SESSION COMMENCES '- - '' r ' - s i .: v . ' Sept., 2nd 1875. ' "V 1 1 . 1-1 Full Faculty; elegant buildings first ' class ac:ommodatioas. ' Bereotf five to ninty dollars will pay all ex penses for five months We offer tbe very best at low rates. ' ' " - Aid given to young men -of limited meanly . , ; . . . . j y P. O. V Trinity College, N. C.,f . July 80-1873 ; .t . i 1, he Exprosjion or tUo. Eye- Aft"iM-" ia l"J 1 I ooe prinrujgs and heretofore sold for EXQUISITE FLOIIA.L GROUP, r Painted ezprttsly tor this paper'by lira. WiiItket, and chromoed by L. PEixa & Co; Boston, : "s r These are genuine art worka,.asd tLelcst(aDd j&oi expensive picture premiums ever offered. XIi , XuuoiU lxiluiiuttoii. A Chicago woman who had been reading about the whisky frauds in tie paper turned to her husband last eve ning and inquired: "3Iy dear, what do the papers mean by saying that the -jnan, has - "squeal- edTV ,, J . , fWhy,M replied .the man Joftil, "They mean that some member of the ring has 'peached on the rests'. - , ? uPeached on the rest?'' exclaimed the wife; t'now what doe3 that mean?' "Why it means that he's 'Mowed, on TERMS PER SESSION OF. 20 sTEKS. Hair in AdTaice. him glittered ...the stars: on each side, dull, gray rocks Jon which his shadow fell. Once he riant-like ifcgular EnffUsh Course, f 12.50 to 15 Classical do $25 , Board, $50 Patrons of this school will plea tako notice, that tuition wilt be charged from the; day ot admission to the nod paused and drew a medallion por- pt the eeSSioD. witlinn nv deduction I . r l , i lor lot .?r ' -I,:;-Z. . trait irum u uuuiu, auu iouKeu ui, t -.v, uuicaa tiiiiucuicuK ww uiaae to enter for halt session by pay og ia advance. , Wm. J. KING, Principal, dec 211m , it. He saw the beautiful features of f"!ill the white man swear to obey Neva" if she tells him where the silver is V the chiefs daughter suddenly asked. "Yes.'' ... "Let him swear it.' r. The oath was taken, ' . "Now !' cried the Apache girl. in tones of triumph, "Neva com mands the silver hunter to slay the white rose.' With a cry of horror on his lips, Caalbert Ross startal back, staring at the Apache, cursing himself for saw them mingle with the whites. For a few moments the inten tions of the Indians seemed to be peaceful; but suddenly; a yell rent the air, and the report of firearms followed. : ' Heavens! they're masacreing the whites I" t , crietl Rass. "We must help them, Kylel . '; ; " ''NoP was the response. They are doing the work you were to do. em, : , .v . "Blowed on them.' o-irlhood bright blue eyes, and a his rash promise. ; wea radiant hair, as aureate For a moment hp did not - speak. "Yes you see he's 'given'em away.' "Given them away. -; . ; "Why, of course dummit! . Can't you understand anything? Do you think I'm an unabridged dictionary?? continued the husband impatiently. "It means he' he's 'let out on em 'gone back, on bis 'pahv 'squealed -you know?" - ' -J - ; - l Tbe woman did not seem quite saw ufxicd with the man's lucid explanation; Imt tuil wS.litnfr In !mnMnt in ill m ri 1 thA rnnnf. KmmI 7 9 4 w tnr. "I want to see that irirL Thev hcr husband's eyeathe remarked, "Ah, shall not kill herJ '. I yes; I see?" and forbore farther qucs- He unslang his carbine, -and tioning. ? - The eyebrows are a part of tbe face comparatively but little noticed. though in disclosing t!ij i entiment, of the mind scarcely any other , features of the facecwn come into competition. In vain tho most prudent female im poses silence on her tongue y in vain she tries to compose the fact and eyes; a s;ngl movement of the eyebrow in stantly discloses what is passing ' in her sou!. Placed upon the skin, ' and attached to the muscles which move them in every direction, the eyebrows are obedient, in consequence of their extreme mobility, td the slightest in ternal impulses. Their majesty, pride vanity, severity, kindnesA, the dull and gloomy pisssion soft and' gay, are al ternately depicted. "The eyebrows Xarater, the prinee' of phvsioguomuts, often give the most positive expression of the character." ETSlBllCal. KCH-SeCtaRHl, mlll l "Part of the soul, say Fdny the el- ' V i ' der resides' in the eyebrows, J which mnn f?yy r f nrr.f f XT IfTl UlllUMiilli Al T.Dc WlttTaTmftgc, Ed'r. The Beat ,; Religious Psper Published. . 1 , .- Mr. Talmsgt's 'Sermon each week. Full Reports cf Mr. Aloodj'a Work. A NE vT EEEIAL STORY, Br Ext. W. II. XUrza. 1 .-. One of the onst popular cf Americas Most Liberal Terms to Agents, ASD KXCtCB T TftWT0iT. ' TER5I3 TO SUBSCRIBERS : t Without premium, postage - pre ' paid ......$1C0 With either premium, unnouated, . , , - postage prepaid. 33 With either premium, mounted, by ezprcas at subscribers ea. -4.CO 37"Fot fullfTwrticiilars as to cobs- ujuwloaahd caarasa, midwrls. i ,t . B. B. COB WW, Pob'.isher . . , Box 5 103, Kew York. moves at tho eoramacd of tbe will, Le Brun, in " hit treatise on tie passions saya tint "the eyebrows are the least equivocal interpreters ef the emotions cf the heart, and of tho affco- ' . - tions of the souLM - ' A yrung printer Laving cecasioo the other day to set up the well-known line; '"Sbrve I have set my life upon a east! astonished the proof reader with the following version : "Slave, I have act my wifo upon a cask . i The ties that connect business men with tie public ad vertiaf. story vrntcrs. TW0NE7 PBEJIUi!3; All Aixraox:r FAEiiYAnD,' a'i ! " f :!. .' ":: i

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