i. i VVT "IV UiTTDIFTJ if .tm w . .m ! ST':IB1. FUAXKLIN C0UKIEH Pt'IlLTSlIKD EVERY FRIDAY IX Louhburg, N. C. by :t. S. Eater El,. & Proprietor. or " Advert omenta will Us inserted the following rates per square : One Sruare one time three " Four " " three month Fourth column oue year Half M One $1 OQ 1 57 2 so 5 00 25 00 50 00 100 00 ' Ltes of Subscription in Advance. GEO. S. BAKER, Editor' and Proprietor. TERMS : $2.00 per Annum. For one ysr, For six months, For three " (i $2.00 1.00 50 (( tl VOL. V. LOUlSBURG Ni C; FRIDAY, MARCH, 21, 1876. NO. 19. F I V'lTI " " " ' " ' ' w,..--- r rr-y- r- - - - , , .... .f.,. u H(ri p.: raft ik, ra.: u ra f Professional Cards bAVIS & COOKE. TTY3 anft COUNSELLORS at LAW L0UISBU3O,- FKANKLIN CO. N.C. Will attend t'nc Courts of N?1,Frar k ... . . mm s n ();anvillp. Warren,n(l vaKfiun f h!ho tiM riipr'me . Uourt t imi aroliDa end the U. S. Circuit an.l I Is- irt Courts. No 7 - u HIGH LIFE ..IX WASHIXUTOX. V. H. SPNOER. ATTORNEY A. T L A. "W, OFFICE, )n Nash Street, over Hawkins' Brick Store. L0U1S3URS N. C. tl. J". MLI.oCa. JH. T. T. JIITCHEIX. Bullock & Mitchell, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fkanklinion, N. C. "Wi'I practice in the courts of the 6ik judicial district. . . J'rompt attention given totne coiifc tinn il claims. No 60 tf 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. Ill WIT Ell. Watchmaker and Jew eler. r'VF. W;tt.clifs and J-wcl-y of the 1m M him ictor-uirl :it tin- lowct p ici-s. ,11 WO.I.- IMTMMlilliy UtllMldi'll t' :t'id w:ir lantfil. . . ll t3Syinure8t, Petersburg, V i 1 1 1 Somr of Mrs. Belknap' Costumes 'Wk ARE CREATor.ES of the . v-: Hour."!.' Figure to yourselr a lady some what above the medium height, very slender, and as straight as an 'arrow with that exquisite pose of the head wliich made Mrs. Kate Spraguc so famous. Mrs. Belk nap's throat was covered to the chin with a band of the black vel vet of her gown. Around this band, which was headed by u nar row thread lace, were four rows of pearls of great value. I .speak of the band and pearls first because they strike the eye ?n view of the rich costume. There were pearls in the ears, buttoned on, apparent ly, in the present fashion, and the onlv relief to the black velvet hat was a couplo of delicate and rare plumes which curved in a line wfth the sweep of the train, as with quick step she came forward to pay her respects to Mrs. Grant and part) . The reader may by puzzled to get the plumes and train in posi tion in the mind's eye, but the ef fect on any actual vision was start ling. It was not until she moved off awl took her place with head erect, in the select coterie behind the table, that I obf.ervtd her face and learned who she was. It was not a. pleasing face, because ho cold. The complexion was glowing' and the features were irregular enough . Acmuio rsiffiit. man form; was it some victim ot premature burial from the plague When I United States Con. that had torn away from the un til at Rio Jan iro, I passed a night prisonment of the coffin, and come of horror, which morninir revealed under the most painfully distressing circumstances, and the mournlul results of which could have been so easily prevented had it not been for negligence on my part, that I have never ceased to blame myself for tnc horrible death that occurred. A rich trader from the interior called at the consulate to transact some business in regard to the ship ment of hides and tallow, and, as he came bringing a letter ofintro- to pursue me with its deadly conta gion? I shuddered to think it; and then I was forced to remain in my fright and weakness within reach Oi the fearful and ghastly form, to quaker, adamite, or other heretic. Xlo Oluo Lam No qaaker or dissenter from the es- tahl:hel worship of this dominion, shall La allowed to gWe a otc for the e'ection of magistrates, or any other of ficer. No food or lodgiag hll bo offered visible from the dim lights I alwavs kept burning in my rooms at night. The moments dragged by like hours, and hours seemed like ages, and still day would not come. Again I swooned away, and when If any person turns quaker, he shall be banished, aud cot suffered to return, but upon pain of death. No priest shall abide in the domin ion; be shall be banished, and suffer death on his return. Priests mat be next I revived, the broad daylight seized by any one without a warrant. was streaming in on the stark, stiff j duction from an oldTriend of mine, form lying at the door. ! I extended to him the hospitality oi Oh, heavens, it was the trader J my residence. And, yet. it was difficult in those He was a sociable, well-informed fearfully distorted and foam-coT- man, had been engaged in the cat- ered features to recognize him; but tie-trade, both in California and yet, it was my guest such a guest, Australia, and could relate thrill- and such a host! What ' an train ing incidents by the hour, an 1 so tentional turn, my hospitality had shave on the Sabbath day. No one to cross a river, except with an authorized ferryman. No one shall run on the Sabbath day, or walk in his garden or elsewhere, except reverently to and from meet ing. No one shall tratel, or cook fictuah", make bed, sweep houses, cut hair, or OOU HIEE JOB OFFICE. We linvp ndde 1 to our Ftock a fplcn did J OU PUESV with Bn lS?nt fl c i.m of typ r.f th l itest styhs. a I we are now prepared to do JQSWOES in the ncitcst and best manner. S v u n-'d jiot bend yonr IB YYIMUC N rtU. for we will do it just aa Me' tnd cheap as jou can get it else-wherc. LETT Eli ITEVDS, ENVELOPE?, to have piquant, if Hi ere had been much expression. Hut it was the pure red and white t-l.;n, r'u lips, .-black - hair and dark oyrs, which, out of velvet arv! the White House, one could just j well frame in the kitchen looking gbv-s a in my lady's minor. I do not say it is an ignorant face, but the -read r may make any inference he pleases. To return to Mr. Uelknap's cos tumes. At Lady Thornton's party shc wore a white silk "(imported trimmed with lace ol priceies value and lavishly1 adorned witit rWprs Tliere was' a wreath of flowers pendant, in all a quarter of a yard in depth, around the entire skirt, made en train, and orna montino- the waist. Ycrv little adornment was required for the interested me . by hid conversation that I forgot an important business transaction, and found myself com pelled to make my excuse alter tea, for the purpose of attending to it then, leaving the trader on the veranda to enjoy his smoke. I was absent loncer than I had intended to be, and returned to find my guest had retired for the niixht. 1 aho found upon my table a bot tle, accompanied by a note, but, supposing it to be some present of wine or (.(her drink, which I was the daily recipient of, I left it to be examined, and. perhaps, touted, by my guest, and myself at the breakfast-table next morning, and retired- The '' weather being very warm, it was 11:3- eustum to Ivavc the in ner doors'-of inv res'ilence all open 'or a free circuit. tio:i of air; but this night I retired, feeling an uu-n-uai oppression from -the heat, and there, seemed to lc tome strange 'influence setirg uj 0:1 ire so'tic foreboding of f.-ar that held me in wakefulness far into the night and then when sleep came to me it was hi fit tuli starts, filled with hideous; dreams, from which I would awake witli a cold perspiration on my brow. It was, perhaps, two o'clock when was aroused bv a most un- taken! And what a pitiful appeal No woman shall kiss her child on my guest was making to me, had I the Sabbath or fasting day. but known it ! I rang for the inmates of the house, and they came and gazecd on the fearful, yet, pitiful sight. My servant came and threw more light on the matter by telling mc that the trader had friven him the The Sabbath shall begin at sunset on Saturday. . To pick a ear of corn growing in a neighbors garden, shall be deemed a theft. r' ' A person accused of trespass in the night shall be judged guiltyj unless he bottle and note, and narticularlr clear himsplfhr hia oth. insisted npon his giving it to me When it appears that an accused has and calling my attention to it on confederate, and he refuses to discover my return. The note was brought, them, he may be racked. I read it and all was explained. No person shall buy or sell lands alas 1 too late. without ccrmissinn of the selectmen. Elophant Exeputincf a Criminal. Among the modes cf punishment in Yogui in tbe East there are few th-.t are not characterised by barbarians in a greater or less degree. We may, tf we like, hold the theory in America that the execution of a crimnal should be carried out as a determent to otters rather than as society reeng9 upon him personally for the offense commit ted; but with Indians such an argu ment would not hold Hater fur a mo ment, and this is sufficiently proved by the rc&neraent of torture wlich many of their anodes of punishment involve, and which seem specially designed as much to gmtify the morbid tastes of the beholdsrt as to accomplish their ultimate design ol the victim. Although the Krjgliah hare done much to abolish these barbarous modes of execution in the different native states under their control, they still prevail in some part of the Indian em pire; notably at Hyderabad and at Ba- roda, from the lattet of which ctpitols comes the following account of the mode of executing crimnals with the elephatt: , The wretched victim is bound hand and foot, and then by means of a rope around hit waist, Is secured to the bind lg of the elephant, which is then driv en at a brisk trot through the streets of the city. Of course, at every move Picture ornlnnof . Witness of the round daaee hxrt abundance to amuse themselves with, even if they do not participate in tie "shake of the light fAntatic,, 'The following closely drawn picture, by the author f "Good-bye, Sweetheart,- mir rors the ball-room complete, . "A galop is plajing, and a hundred, , two hundred people, are floundering, flying, and.bcundiug round, 34 Nature and their dancing-master have taught them. little women burying their noses io big meua coat-aleevcs; big wo-, men tiying not to it their chins . on the top of ht 10 mca's head; men who hold their partner's hand out, like a pump-handle, sawing tWe air with it up and dowu; men who hold their partner' band on their own hip, describing an acnto angle with the elbow; men who hug their, partners Lie polar bears; men, who hold their, partners uaoom, fortably tumbling out vf their arms, a if they were afraid of coming near them; men who run round their partners, men who kick, men who scratch,, men wlio k nock ;knecs every variety, In fact, of the human animal, rnduog violently round, doing their best to make them-' selves, giddy and tear their clothes., Homo. The trader was subject to fear ful fits, and the bottle - contained Best of all things to us is home. In hours of ambition . and plcaauro we may sometimes forget its exquisite ment of tbe animal's leg. the body cf fpctnc8S, butltt sickness or taduesa the man is lifted np and dashed violent- come, and we return to it at onee. ly against the guound; and it is well Let the hollow heart that feigns a for him if one of these concussions I friendship which ihev do not feed. the only medical preparation that would restore him: and his note explained all this, and requested me, in the event of his being taken, to give him a wine-glass full, and bathe his face and hands till he re covered. Poor fellow! genial, but unfor guest of mine we placed his body in a vault to await his family, a; d I have never ceased to blame my self for the mishap that scut him into that long eternity. Prosencj; o 13 Unci. A drunkard shall have a master ap- debar him from the liberty of buying Jnldjitplj prove ratal, in ubichcas ftand revealed before ns-et ns know, and Kellin. earthly groan, and, springing up waH, which was the very extreme in bed, saw the most fearful sight CARDS, ofdecollere, exposing to view an i;iimital)lG expanse of shoulders and bust. The dress was so low that the waist rested in it some what after the fcshion of a lily iu its cup. It was comely in view of the many coarse, scraggy, mottled, and disgusting spectacles of. the that ever 1 beheld, almost freezing the blood in my veins a hidepus form robed in white, with its mouth and clothing all flecked with bloody foam, each hair seeming to stand separate from the other upon its head, and its eyes deathly glaring as it came toward me with out- Ac. Whitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone "W O R E S , Corner Fayette v'dlo and Daln Streets. kind in view, but there was a little stretched hands, uttering the most too much of it. The precious unearthly groans, stones that were worn with this jn horror, I sprang out of bed rich costume were diamonds of pure and ran, pursued by the awful form, orrosiTE THE YARBOROUGH HOUSE Raleigh. N C. Li Orders Solicited, ""a CAST ALIA MALE ACADEMY. MprliiKr cKloia 1 870, WILL; BEGIN MONDAY JAN. 17 TERMS PER SESSION OF 20 WEEKS. Half in AflTance. Su'.ar English Course, $12.50 to $15 tc&l v do i . . ard, $50 'atron of this school will please c notic.-. tbnt tuition will be charged the day ot admission to tbe end liir.tion lost li'ut, unless anaagement be le tO filter fur lititt K ntv id advune. Wm. J. KlNG.'.PrincipaU lustre. At another party, Mrs. Belknap wore a rose-colored silk of royal'value, and at another cnter tainmcn she was attired in a pale shale of blue silk. The laces and jewelry worn with these diflerent costumes were of marvelous tex ture and richness. I will not try to describe them. Dinner apd visit ing costumes must all be taken in to account, furnishing in all, a wardrobe fit for a queen. It can- as I crouched here and there to es cape it; but on it came, growing more fearful as it approached. At last I thought of the latticed closet in the adjoining room, and fled for it, n y very knees knocking with fear, reaching it and closing the door as my ghostly pur.-ucr put his hands through the broid Jattie- work, reaching far in after roe; but I was safe from pursuit at last, and in the feeling of security mv not be said that Mrs. Belknap has strength all gave way, and there 1 indulged in any great extravagance in the way of a house. She lives in a block of several dwellings, rather contracted In size., Bnt the furniture is beautiful, aud mnch of it has been imported at great cost. She entertains very handsomely. In the sensation of -the hour., -she comes in for a large share of com ment, much of which is invidious, of conrse. It is told that at a lunch party the other day,, she was re minded that official .consequence was short-lived. Ycs,n said she, giving her pretty throat a swan-like arch, 'we arc creatures of the hour." Indianapolis Neivs. lay upon the floor in helplessness, as I stared out at the fearful form that was clinging to the lattice try ing to reach me, while it uttered the most pitiful and unearthly moans. The excitement had: been too much for my weak frame, as L hai only recovered from ari exhaust ing illness, and I swooned away un acr it. now ion": i lav in an in sensible condition, 1 kiwwrnbjt'jbiit, when I revived, the horrible form Professor Wilder gives these short rules for action in case of accident: For dust in the eve, avoid rubbinr: cash water into them; remove cinders, etc. h ith the round point of a load pen cil. Remove insects from the er by te pid water; never put a hard instrument into the ear. If an artery is cut, compress above the wouud; if a vein U cut, compress below. It choked, get up upon all fours and cough. For light burns, dip the part in cold water: if tbe skin is deftroTod. cocr , - j , with v. rnish. Smother a fire with carpets etc.; wa ter will often spread burning oil, and increase the danger. Before passing through smoke, take a full breath, and then stoop low; but if carbon is suspected, walk erect. Such a pUon wounds, unless your mouth is sore. Enlarge the wound, or, letter, cut out "the part as long as can be home to a hot ccal, or end of a ci- In case of poisoning, excite vomitiog by tickling the throat, or by water or mustard. . For acid poisons, give strong coffee and keep moving. If in water, float on the back, with the nose and mouth proje-rting. For apoplexy, raise the head and body; fainting, lay tbe person flat. Whoever publishes a lie to the prej udice of his neighbor, shall sit in the stocks, or be whipped fifteen stripes. No minister shall keep a school. Every ratable person, who refuses to pay his proportion to the suppport of the minister of the town or parish, shall be fined by the court 2 and 4 evpry quarter, until he or she shall pay the rate to the minister. Men-stealcrs shall suffer death. . Wlinsovcr wears clothes trimmed with gold, silver or. bone lace, above two shillings by the jard, shall be pre sented by the grand jurors, and the se lvtmon shall tax the offender at 300 estate. A debtor in prison, swearing he has ro estate, fhall be let out and sti 1 to make satifaction. Whoever seta a fire in the woods, and it bums a'houss, shall suffer death; and persons sufpected of this crime shall be imprisoned without benfit or bail. Whoever brings cards or dice into this dominion shall pay a fine of 5. No one shall read common prayer, keep christmas, or saints-day, make mineod pie, play cards, or play on any instrument of music, except the drum, trumpet and jews-harp. No gospel minister shal join people in marriage; the magistrates only shall join in marriage, as they may do it with Jes scandal to Christ's ehnrch. When parents refuse their children his sufferings are at an end. I wa &" must at momenta, that Otherwise the miserable wretch is however important w may be in our taken outside the city where he la wn estimation, our places would be placed frith his head upon a stone, and l.an. hour notice ihou'd we die the elephant, raising his enorrapus foot to-morrow; then we whisper to. our crushes it as easily as a Nasmith ham- "l magic word Home and are mcr would a Barcelona nut. Horcver comforted. it may be disapproved on humantarian ''Home, awtet 'home !'! it does oot 'principles, there can be no doubt that matter how humble it is, nor is it leu in the end the execution cf a crimnal a home for beiug a place. It is where iu this faihion is dccidedlv effectual those we lova d well wherever that 0 9 and, divested of the preliminary tor ture, less actually painful than maay modes of inflicting death which pre vail ehawhero. ANoblo AVI lb. During the revolution ia Poland which followed the revolution of Thad deus Kosciusko, many of the truest and beat of the sons of that ill fated country were forced to flee for their may be where we art valued for our- selves and are held in esteem . because of what we are in ourselves and cot -because of power, or wealth, or what we can do for other people; Who would be without a home? Who would take the world's applause and honor in place of the tenderness of a few true hearts and the coiy fireside meeting where the truth may be rpo ken without disguise, and envious car pings are unknown? In' life's battle even the hero finds many enemies, aud lives, forsaking home and friends. Of those who had beeu most eager fbr the nQch abuse and slander and detraction J liberty of Poland, and most bitter in but into a home, if it is what it ought their enmity against Russia and Prustia t0 thsse things never find their wsy. was Michael Sobieski, whose ancestor had been a king a hundred and fifty years before. Sobieski had two sons ia the patri ot racks, and father and sons bad been of those who persisted io what the Rus sians had been pleased to term rebellion, and a prise had been set upon , then heads. There, to bU wife, the plainest man becomes a wonderful thing a sage, man who onghtio bePrcsidot of the United States, add would be were bis worth known. How to Break or? Bad Habits.- Understand the rcaaoi, and all the reasons' why the hah' t is injurious. Study the subject until there is no lingeriug doubt iu your mind. Avoid' the places, the persons and the thoughts I hit Lf ad to the temptation..' Pre pay a fine of 10; a woman that strikes her husband shall bo punished as the court diiects. . , , A wife shall be deemed good evi dence against her husband. - No man shall court a maid in person or by letter, without first obtaining tbe consent of parents, 5 penalty for the first offence; 10 for the second, and for the third, imprisonment during the Ask a chemist what winter is ? ami he will tell you it is the result of the abstraction of heat by nights I pleasure of the court. uiat nrc longer man trie davs and by the greater declination of the The Archduke Constan tine was eager convenient marriages, the magistrates to apprehend Hichael Sobieski, and shall determine the point. I learned that tbe wife of the Polished The selectmen, on finding children I hero was at home in Cracow, and ke ignorant may take them away from I waited rmoa bet. "Sladaaae, ho said, nant the r.laces. associate with the their parents and put them io better I speaking politely, for the lady was beau- persons, induhre in the thoughts t,u n.nu,-u ...op, wlaHe'. - Jf now uu mJ roa temptation. Keep A man that strikes -his wife shall I where vonr husband andaons an hid- I . . . . . ., bopy, idleness is the strength of bad Iknoweir , . habit. Do not give op tbo strung! If you will tell me where your has- when jou have broken your reflation band is, yonr sons shall be pardoned . once, twice a tboosaed times. That 'And shall be safe T . j fa Duch need there b for Tea, madame, I swear it . , Tell me i6 $trU vn y ,u have broken wncre youx nuauaaa is couceaifa, ana both yon and your sons shall be safe and onharned.' ; earth's axis, but ask the child, tho common citizen, and he will noint was'still there, bnt it had fallea by, to lcaf.es trees, to snow-covered the door aud waa lying stilL with l frozen streams, to poor, saivenug, homeless chudrenpand then say ThatU winter." Vested interest mmey in tha ai.-t-coat pocket, its fiice upturned, and its eyes fixed in a deathly glare. Oh, heavens, what could it be ! It was no phaiatoa of air, and yet I could not believe it to be a hu- The saying -'Excuse hate and a bad pea" has been attributed to a pig who ran away from home. Married persons must live together I ,nd laying hor hand npon her bosom. or be imprisoned. . . h0 lies concealed here -in the heart E!,er3L- --eui ofhiswifo-andyoawUl Uve to tear round according to a cap., ; . J m this heait out to find him. Let no young man ever permit it Tyrant as he was, the Archduke ad- to enter his mind that economy lt mired tho answer and the spirit which meanness, or that It is to bedes- h inspired it. and, deemins the rood you to strive. your resolutions just think the matter over, and endsavor to understand why 'Then, sir, auswerad the noble wo- I it is you failed, eo that yon may be on man, rising with a dignity sublime, I jour guard sjpinst a recurrence cf the time circumstances. Do not think it which is honest, and which goc3 to establish ono's independence. tsrill smfs ssi Vnfflin VnrtK rsMn4nw led a pardon of ( father and KZJ is an easy thing that yon have cnder taken. It is a foHy t expect to break off a habit io a diy which may have been githeiing long years. A girl iu Wiscoaia swallowed forty , nercussion ctx- Her mother refrain. piseL It is he who Eaves, who can anoni io give; ana noinmg is mean r . ..... , . " i rmn.k!taUrLr fVtrcf cf Minuiuu luoo Vt ao 1 .. j a rj an txplowcn

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