FlUjiKLIN COUKIEK. L Published every Friday is 1 FitAXKLiN courier. Adrcrttstncnt will to inserted at th f blowing rat per iiuarc ; .1 ae 111 Louiisburg, N. C. by A Ob Geo. S. Baler EL & Ono Square one time I,CO 'VZ two - - ' three ' " " Fuur M three .ponth Fourth column one year Half - a Ono 2 00 3 00 100 03 xuta. of sabscriptioa in Arance. GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS: $2.00 per Annum. For one year, Fur ix months, For threo " $2.00 1.00 VOL. V. 50 LOTJISBUIIG, N. C, FRIDAY. APRIL, 14, 1876. NO. 22. Courier. 5 ' Church Directory. S-eilto Mttaka. Vrthodist CnuFCu.-Kev. F. E Tfeitl, Pastor. e rvicesevcry Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7 . P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesdaj' at 7 P. M, Communion service the Second Sunday in each mouth at II A M rHeuard' lius-ting Monday ' night iiftfr the j-ccond . abbath in each month. Sabbath School every Sabbath at So'c oek . M. K W. Fuller Mint. St. P.ui,h EpwnpAfi- TiiDKcn. - I?cv. E. Dolloway, H ctor. S ivlc"H on the llit and third Su- dav in each month, morning and altVrnoo . Holy ommttniou monthly on first Sunda Minday school every Sunday morn Z "t 9 'elock IY .ir.S. A. C. M.vBSTON. Professional Cards DAVIS & COOKE, ATT'YS anil COUNSELLORS at LAW LOUISEUBG, FRANKLIN CO. N.C. Will at 'end the Courts of Naah.Frardc. Ui, Granville, Warren.and Wake CVmn ties. 'o te Bnprpmf Court of North Carolina nd the U. S. ru-1 Cout. Circuit and d'ib- No 7-tf .'Then yon will not hear me?" said Harvey Thorn, looking steadi ly into the eyes of .the girl who stood' before him. I tell you the matter is decided There Is no occasion for any further discussion of .the subject." ' She turned away, and left him standing there, alone. The Octo ber sun was sinking in a blaze of glory behind the golden hills; the long stretch of .meadow land in the foreground was brown and sere, secmbg to ITarvey Thorn, as he looked at it from the window, a fit- ting symbol of the dreams in which he had indulged, so lately dead. He thought how, in the long sum mer days just gone by, Nellie Car ver had received his attentions; how she had su iled upon him, and en couraged him; how all her actions had done what her words had scarcely failed to do told him she loved him. And now, when he him such a treasure! Two jqung ladie3 were chatting together, one afternoon a short time after the events related above- ' 'A lice TIardy is , to be married in May,' said the younger of the two. "Indeed!" returned the other. ' 4iWho is the happy man ?" "He is a Dr. Thorn, of C ,", replied her companion. "Why, what is the matter ?" she continued, springing up, as a sudden paleness overspread her companion's face. 'Let me brirg you some water.'' "No, no I am better, it was WHO DRESSED THE RUMSEL- LEltS DAUGHTER ! BY AMELIA V. FETIT. TCntliet Tnllcntive. -V 3Iolel Heiuuitlonni n Iort. 1872. I87G: "W. H. SPENCER. ATTORNEY n v r AT OFFICE, On Nash Street, over Hawkins' Brick Store. L0U1SBURG N. C. It. 1'. BULLOCK JR. T..T. MITCHELL.' Bullock & Mitchell, A r I OltNEYS AT LAW, Frank lint on, N. C. Will .practice' in the courts of the 6th judicial district. Prompt attention given the collect Ion of claims. No 50-tf 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. ltlCUTEit. Watchmaker and Jew eler. VINF, W:U'hoi nnd Jewelry of the 'be M inunutorHaiul at Hie lowe.t p ievs. All woiW personally attended to and war rante:l. ' 't , tl 63 Sycamore 8t., Petersburg, Y it Whitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone "W OU KS, Corner FaycttcvUle and Daln Streets. OPPOSITE THE YARBOROUGH HOUSE; Raleigh. N C. VtF Orders Solicited. CO UEIEE JOB OFFICE. V ' .,:' -: . mf? 9 ... " ' We have added to our stock a splen did JOB PRESS, Kith an elegant election of type of the latest stylca, aad we are now prepared to do mn woes in the neatest and best manner. $ you need not send yonr JOB WORK: North, for we will do it iust a well and cheap as you can eet it else where. "-' - -- -- came and offered her his great, lov ing heart, gave her all the love of his strong nature, she had coldly refused him; she had even seemed surprised that he should presume to aspire to her hAud. So he went away sadly, feeling as t!vugh the solid ground had slipped out. from under his lect. Do not lla'me him: the. hor.e-t love ot a true ' nrm is semcthing which is stronger and more eudur. mg tlmn the rock of Gibralter; even than the everlasting hills. . j .. . Saddened in spirit, lie went back to business, feeling as though noth ing was of much importance, now that his air-castles were dissolved. Rut people, must eat, whatever their disappointments may be. Time blunts all pains, and deadens the angni-h of spririt in a degree. Harvey Thorn was a medical stu. dent, and, a short titne a'ter the opening' of our story, he graduated with honor and entered upontl.'' uraetice of his profession "m a rteiiri. b.ring town.. Real skill and merit is suiv to be recognized in time; so it w;is not long. before Dr. Thorn fxrui liimself possessed of a large piartiec. which was rupi:ly increas ing. One day, about three years fr mi the time he began his practice, - he received a call to visit a lady who lived some miles out of town. &he was a widow, who lived with her daughter, a young girl of twenty, on a small farm left by her husband. Mrs. Hardy was a gentle, refined lady, and her daughter partook of all her mother's good qualities, and only pain in my head. 1 1 have it fre quently of late." Her companion glanced sharply at her. "Nellie Carver, you're as pale as a ghost. Come and lie on the sofa.' fl am much better," she replied, simply. .. .- - ' ' ' V The warm winds of May were blowing, bringing a load orswect odors upou their breathj when Dr. Thorn and Alice Hardy were mar ried. And no recollections of the past could mar the happiness of Harvey Thorn, as he stood beside his beautiful bride, and now listened to the solemn words of the man of God. Nellie Carver lived a lonely life. She found ih:it h; had coqr.ctod so ' n;. and refused so miu y thinking it rare sport, that now, when her beauty was departing, her lovers departed with it. A lovclt-ss life was hers, but she could blame no one but herself. As for Alice ami her husband, Little Rose Smith came run rig into her fathers saloon one morning, crying out eagerly, 'Now, papa, I'm ready to go shopping.' . 'Well, daughter, I shall be rendy, too, when I put on my gloves and fur,' was the reply. This being quickly accomplished they passed into the street. Just outside the door they met old Sam Hartley, ragged and shabby, though in Mr. Smith's pocket was a rive dollar bill Sam had paid him the day previous for whisker; and when Rose select ed a pair of the most dainty, beau tiful shoes, old Sam's five dollars just paid for them. Then the father and daughter, warmly dressed and cheerful-hearted, went to a dry goods store; pale, scareddooking, little Will Simmonds was passing, bare-footed, although it was a cold November day, as they entered the store; there a two dollar bill that Will's father had given Smith for rum, was exchanged for a handsome pair of scarlet and black stocking3 for Miss Rose. Next, they selected a fine scarlet merino dress, while at the counter near them, Mrs. Tom Brown was buying some flimsy calico for her little Julia. Mrs. Brown paid for her purchase with money slie had earned washing. Mr. Smith paid for his daughter's dress with money Tom Brown gave him in exchange for a quantity of poison called brandy. Now the lively" Rose, all anima tion and delight at thoughts of the that perfect love which filled their lives secured its inevitable result, pretty clothing she was buying. chose a warm mantle of snowy fur and mufl'to match; some of the perfect happines . Youiijr .Useless, aimless, drifting through lif' what was I born for? For somebody's wife, my mother says. 'Weil, that being true "somebody'" keeps himself entirely from view. And it naught but , marriage will settle my fate, I believe I shall lie in an unsettled str.te. For though I'm not ugly pray what, woman is? -you nngnc eusny una a more beautiful phiz; and those who seek for perfection will seek here in vain. Nay. in spite of these draw-backs, my heart is perverse, and I should money Julius Burger mortgaged his He was coining in to Vickbur on the morning train from Jackson, the Herald pays and seeing a vacant scat in the coach he occupied it without rcf erence to the handsome little woman who sat just in front. : "Beg pa. don, ma'am," he Jd, insin uatingly, "may I offer you the mor ning Herald to peruse?'' She had glanced at him slyly over her left shoulder, and taken his meas ure before ho sat down. Sbc knew the shade of his hair and the depth .of his ryes to a ticety before the had ever seemed to look ai him. "The scenery is not very attractive," continued the passenger, "and the pa paper is not very interesting, but one is certainly a relief to the other." She bad pretended not to hear him at first, but t b he finished the last sentence she looked up modestly, but archly, and said: 4 '-Thank you." He handed her the paper with an in sinuating smile and received a smile in return. "It's a weary ride from Jackfon to Vkkshrg; there's so little to be seen," he ventured, af.er some hesitation. "Quite," she answered. Are you fond of newspaper litera ture?' "Very." There was a slight pause, when the passenger lesumcd: "A little para graph in the Herald remids me that this is leap year. Do you think the ladies will take advantage of it?" . "Possibly." There was another pause." The monosyllabic passenger had not raised her veil nor lifted her eyes since she took the paper. . "May I ask, ma'am, if you npprov tha supposed custom of leap year?" "Certainly. "I mean to ask, would you care to see our social system revolutionized, as it were, even temporarily, so that the young ol both sexes should awame un usual, not to say unnatural, relative po- A Chicago newspaper say: "We took a new reporter on trial yesterday. He went out to hunt items, and after Wing away all day, returned with the following, wlich lie id wu the best he could do: 'Yestardaj we saw a siht that froic our muscles with hor ror. 'A hackmap, driving down Clark street at a rapid pace, came very near running over a nurse and two children. Tlerc would have been one of the moat heart-rending catastrophic ever rrcord cd, had not the nurse with wonderful forethought, left the children at home before she went out, and providentially stepped into a drug store jut be- fore the back parsed. Then, too, tho hack man, just before -reaching the crossing, tbouht of something that be had forgotten, and turning about drort in ihe opposite direction. Had it not have been for thU wonderful concur rence of favoring circuraitanecs, ado ting father, a loving mother, and affec- THE HQAHQXE KEVS, PRICE REDUCKD r or i The Centennial Year. , An - IsnxrcjcoMT 8rxi-T7xxxLJ' NKwsrArau Devoted t Politic, Uteratcra AjtW culture and Newi. ClrcoUtioo Urge aod dally !&ercat!Bg NOW 13 TlIK TIME TO SURSCRIBZ, It circulate la Thirty-two Coo o tit ot XUstrni mod If iddla North Caroliaa and Soath tiid Virginia, 2"AVEarrtRs win. Dtvzxua nuA Sabtcripticn Price, io avaoca 4 3 XX) jr year. Send for sample cpj to Mavvixo Bbo t Propria . - ' Weldoa.N. a Merchant Tailoring : Done at tfee abmlen Xotlca by C. M. FARRISS, WITH It P. HOWELL.. , tionate brotbers and sisters, would hare I Pactcu. DxLrxsaTo l5DCurTf, been plunged into the deepest woo and I No. 9 FajeUeTir Strtet, Raleljh NC FOR STYLE,-FIT, AND -VO" MAHSHIP. CAlITBESUa- passeo. ; Warranted to pleaaa tbe cost Fa tidioui. Bend for Bats plea and Prleea, aad be convinced that I aell cbtapcr tbia any firat class lloute this aide of New York. V Addreu all orders to -R. P. DOWELI. ' P.O.Boat38. . Utleigb.N. C. April. 7-3-m. 'Did you sec if the blind of tha .itions-the one usurping the acknowl- pntrj window werQ fiuleoed?. Yes rd'cd province and prerogative of the ether, and the year 187C being the so cial antipodes of tlie preceding and sue ceeding years. , If. we would preserve our tiaie-honored institutions an begiit society with an inexpugnable safe "May I trouble you for a glass of was, withal, highly-' accomplished. Dr. Thorn found the mother and. daughter to be very agreeable peo ple indeed, and, almost before he a(ent because was awaro oi it, nau tormeu ine habit of riding over to the neat lit tle farm once a week, and spending the afternoon; and he always found a welcome awaiting him. So the days went on, and summer had changed to autumn; the fields put on their golden robes, and all the face of nature smiled in the glow of the beautitul Indian summer. Walking, arm in arm, across the brown ireadow, were Dr. Thorn and Alice Hardy. Upon the faces of both there rested a peaceful ex pression ; a look of rcstfulncss and joy. And there was cause; for Dr. Thorn had just asked Alice to be his vifc, and she had answered, "Yes." She had recognized the depth of the man's heart, and her owu went out to him with all its not feel grateful for "better or worse.' to take the first booby who graciously came, 1 and offered me those treasures his home and his name. I think, then, my chances of marriage arc small, but why should I think of such chances at a'l? My brothers are all of them voungcr than I, yet the thrive in the world, why not let rac try ? I know that in business I am not an fr- m such' bn siness I'm strikingly kept; but this is the question that troubles my mind why am I not trained up to work of some kind I Uselessly, aimless ly, drifting through life, why should I wait to be somelnxlv's wife. house and lot for, was given for the furs The Burger children did not have enough to eat every day. but I'ose did not know that it was be cause their father paid lor her warm wrappings. Then they passed into the street again and crossing, walked to the milliner's. Mrs. Feathers was very smiling and pleasant while lilting the young girl with a handsome hat trimmed with a scarlet wing just the shade of the new merino. Mrs. Feathers dhl not know that the bill she took in exchange for it, was the indentical one her eon Charlie took from the drawer and paid his wine and cigar debt with, while she had sent Mary Brown home as the sus pected thief, because she was that drunken Brown's daughter and must have stolen the money.' Rose Smith looked charming when sue came to the Sunday-school the week following her shopping ex pedition, but somehow as she Ilittcd by tr her class, the scarlet merino just the color and reminded enc ol the great pool of blood, in which Josie Lake's golden curls were dab bled, when she was found murder ed by her father," one of Smith's best customers, who went mad with de lirium tremens. And when people I They are full of notion. A V 1 1 f musk unuucraoie xuncrai expense. The new reporter will be retained " a IIouHoliolcl Wortlw Along about bed time the Detroit wife says sheTl go to bed, and her bus band yawn and goca down the ball. After half at. hour he joins ber up stairs, and tdie sleepily inquire-: Did you bolt that side door?' 'Yes. And the back door?' Yes., 'And you fastened that cellar door? Yes.' .And did you pot a brace under the knob of the hall door? YcV Snre that all the window arc nailed down?' ''Yes.' I ll bet tbe window in the bed-room is up. No it isn't.' (ADVERTISEMENT.) 1ST o t i c fO pare Well, put yonr revolver on the U. S. Internal Revenuo HPECIAL T.VJCKH, -May 1, 1876, to April W, 1877. Tbe Reviaed Statutes of the United Stater, ' Sections 2232, 2237 22ZS, and 3233, lequiro every penou engaged la any bonioeM, aTocalioo, ct employ ment which renders bin liable ta a Special Tax, to procure and place chair, leave a bright light, and, if you J conpcuoutly io bis eetabiilbment or hear a burglar in the room, for heaven sake don't wako me up, for I know I should scream right out.' If I rote for license, when I ee the water?" she asked, interrupting him in J bloated, reeling, blaspheming drunkard, the luidst of a sentence. He said "With pleasure," as grao- fully as he could under the circum stances, and flatted fur tbe water cool- LETTER HEADS, . . J .; , ENVELOPES,' 1 QARD3, &c. wealth of love. So, in her heart, was a glad song of joy and happi ness. Just four years before; Dr: Thorn was thinking, he had asked another for bread, and from the cold heart had received a stone. Now, how different 1 As he looked down upon the fair, sweet face of his promised bride, he thanked , Uod for giving To think the more a man eats'H.he fatter and stronger he will become. To believe that the more hours chil dren study the faster they will learn. To conclude that if exercise is good, the more violent it wf- the more good is done. To imagine that every hour taken from gleep is an hour gained. To act on the presumption that the smallest room in the house is large enough to sleep in. To argue that what ever remedy causes one to feel immediatelj .-.better, is good lor the system, without regard to ulterior effects. To cat without an appetite, or to continue to eat after it has been satisfied, merely to grat'fy the taste. To eat a hearty supper for the pleasure experienced during the time it is passing down the throat, at the expense ol a whole night ot disturbed sleep and a weary waking in the morning. er. As he resumed his seat, after return- ins the glass, sho turned herself around so as to face him and oliscrred: "Now go on with yonr pretty talk, place of tatioe a STAMP deooticg the pajmeLt et ld fpecial Tax far tbe Special -Tax Yex begiaolrj May 1, 1876, htlf.re commencing or cootleo dj boa i new after Apnl -JU, loio. The Tale embraced within tbe Pro- vUioos oi tbe Law abet quoted are thm fnllnwinv. viz? I must say, I voted for tliat; when I Rectifier. . . W0 00 ec the young man wasting hi sub- Drm er, retail Hq nor, 23 TT . i . i .1 ueaiers, wnoieaae uqaor w v Mtauce and strength, shaming parent Dtef m malt wbolale 50 Oi and fneod by drink, I must say, I to- I Dealer in ma't reUil, 20 00 tdf..rthat: when Ilcarn of the wife H",e" la e,.to?W!CO' ' " XT lveiaii ceturt io I'a. tonaccn, wwv w Aad r,a ales ot over - II.CC3, 'Lfif cent for . tftery .dollar. J a 1 excess, gi lt I coo. o: me wife being beaten and tho children driven from home by a drunken parent I must say, I voted for that; when I see the prison and r oor-house fiHed with Dealer la manufactured tobacco-' 5 00 Maaafacioiera nf ml la. ;aco for I 'spose I've got to he-.ir it out, I tictima, I must say I voted for that; whether I want to or not, and I reckon wj my tax bill is rucsenteu, swelled the sooner it'a done the better." I out three limes what it should be, I He heard somebody calling him just I must say I voted for that, and when then, and he went suddenly into the on the judgment day thee all comes smoking car, to return no more. A. Boy' Iclon of IlencU. "Heads are of different shape and And for each atlll miaaltarei 21 CO And for each worm manufactured 20 CO Mannfactortra of tobacco 10 00 Manufacturer of cicara - - 10 00 PeJdlm of inhACcn. first c!a (more tbaa two borusorofutr anfmalal - SO CO up against me, 'aod the King shall ray I redd '.era oftohaccn, iceond clax ' in as much a ye hare done it onto lwo honn or other aaima'.i) 25 w say, 'how mccly Mr. Smith dresses his daughter,' I think of this and that drinking man who not only clothes Smith's daughter but fur nishes Smith's clothes and house Large heads do not always .hold the most. Some persons can tell just what a rr an is by tie shape of his head. nigh head are the best kind. Very knowing people arc called long-headed one of tlie !eat of thrso, my brethren, ye hare done it unto me.' 'Depart from me ye cursed iato evtrlasting fire, therefore, I Tote against license. ' Nirwsiurnt Boreowebs. Of all tl e ilia (hat earth or ciety i heir W, that of tbe newspaper borrower u the moat obnoxious. Newspaper borrow- uiou.vj uuiu viuiuvo uuu auu?v; i r t i & "-"'-'- i have do sense of Doct no Idea of and furniture. But in that other A fellow that won't .top. for anything 0Va&( "od country beyona this. Smith will be ot anyoouy w caueu hot-headed, ll he ctj They are a claw of people wh called upon to pay for the souls of n't quite so 1 right they call him soft- I mar jtwtly be tcrn.cd rampirr, who turned they call him pig-headed. An imal hare very email Lead. The head ef fools slant back. ' "Ybcn your head is cut off you are beheaded. Our bead are all covered with hair.' except commit larceny to become poarcssed VllJ tlMHa TVlVTCT t AfTtA WnAm t I vl It- his deluded victims, and what will he give in exchange for lost souls ? Some business men would rather sponge on a country fence than pay a newspaper anything for advertising wlik-u is so true that it is enough to make a printer crack himself on the bead with the "shooting stick" or drown hia 'deviF in th ink ken, Sme '-businets nin will walk throngh .the mud a while day with an old 1-aint pot in their bards, daubing upon every boad they come to: "gO To SmltbS foil Youll lAnD, wben cne soft dol- I cabbage head, at loggerheads, come to lar would add several more lines and I head, head of chapters, head him off put them in decent shape in ary re I head ;r the family, and go-ahead but .ii . - I - - , . apeciaoie newspaper in ine country. 1 do aorr jtu arr rgm. (noe borae or other animal) 13 CO PeJd'er ffobbaco, toonh el? -(on foot o public covejoc-) 10 CO Dr ewer of lea tnao 509 barrels CJtJ Brewer of 500 barrel pr taort .1C0 CO Any person ao liable, wim hi j tail to ctaply with tbe tortcltz nculra- xnent will be subject ia aaecre pesai- tiea. Persons or firms liable to pay tay cl the Special Tax eitnrd alxve most apply to I3AAO . YOCG. Collee- Cor of Intertal luvence at iix'.r.z n. C. and pay fof aod procara th Special-Tax Siaxap or b:acsp , tey . . ir . . o- -?n headed; if he wont be coaxed nor feed upon the fruit a of other. They BiiPLfl T 'if'?;oa V"' rtrefer tT bnrrnar roar nwtruir bnt I iiiiui.u.wtl if they can't borro, they don't hesitate to steal it. As an article of value, they think a newrpaper U worthleaa,. and yet tbey will lie. and if need Le. D. D. PHATT. CoDmUtmner of Iotocwl Errtflct, Ona ct Interaal Revenue, ) TfAaaiacrroK, D. C, rebrnary 1, 1S73 ) heads besides onr head. There are barrel heads, heads of sermon and some ministers used to have fifteen bead to one sermon; pin heads, heads of cattle, as the farmer calls his cows and oxen; head winds, drum beads, The reeont slower of firab Io Bath county, Ky., has provoked quit a fe ll pons revival among ths colored pop ulation there. They seat themselves about in little group with their face turned upward, as if the heavens were fall of mutton chop, and sing: "Kum avtycr, Imegry nirh, Kom act yere on the groan, De Lawd he am a gwine To frow de Ttttal down. v7Y0Mi:a ro:TULY L0TTE IVY Draw oath rClh cf each taesik. By ottrity t Lrit'.atcre. Cr73, 000 la Cali Prlt 1 LUtsct la 8, Tick ets SI each, or 10 1-r C5. kavi: C3 to be fledncted frf ra tie pric aJttr tl drawing. Foil paxticcUrs seat free. AtUtrn J. U. PATTXC LraiOiry T7jo-a!a "H

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