ITS ItTa :i 1IL Dot. iimrn vril FmBll IS f ft- 1 Jjouisburg, I . V- to V0" i i . A'I.c!.Uai '-Uisk-wTtl at the X-IIo'slr " rx!r rvr " no Square one Uat .$100 M? Biter ftftfttroiitol ' - . i - . f Zlates of Subacriptian in Advance. j 3 i j!'f ?ri 3 ' 'i ti, Js-jmiT'- tz (J50S SrBKERditor MlPiboptbiri1 f f 7' "f Ufni u' 1 TERMS j 200rr-- 1 i t : 1- ' . " J-'1V" I ' ' "j1 .1 A liT t.t.H . rf J $2,00 1.00 jror one ? For six months.. Y1 atA4l it- , " Irco nonthj . i 00 u VOL. V. touii Fourth jwJarsa one jrar Z$ 00 '4 i-iitj , v, , . 'it ' ft ;t. -. -ATA Wl I lfiir i a - m Art 4. Ar77Tmn : I r i ii i XV 7 ' CO 00 ..CtaWQji Director, V ,j'.JM till J '1U5 ih ta . i Wbthodist CnrjRpn. Rev, F. L. Reld, Pastor. Herviccsejcry Sabbath at U A. M. and , P, M. , Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 P. M. - , Communion service the Second Sunday in each month at II A. M. Steward's meeting Monday night after the feecoild' babbath in each month.. . ' ; . , . Sabbath School every SahbaM t 3 o'clock lM."' E' W. Fuller bur, St. Pauls Episcopal CneRCH, He?. E . Dolloway,' Ktfor. Services on the fir and third Sun flay In each month, morning and afternoon Holy Communion' monthly on first unda. . .,: '! Sunday nchool every Sunday morn jug at 9 o'clock. ; - ' , : Professional Card? DAYIS & COOKE. ATT'IS and C0ONSEU0RS at LAW LOUISBUBQ, FRANKLIN GO. N O. . -:A'- . ' . fH Will attend the Courts of NaRb,Frar.k. lin, Granville, Warren,and Wak-Onuo jttvB. h!bo ttie Supreme Court t North I'arolipft and the U. 8- i Circuit anc di Courts. ' "No 7 -if W. H. SPENCER. ATTOHNEY A. T L A..AV",. OFFU'E, On Nash Street, over Brick Store. Hawkins' LOUISBURQ N. C. It. F. UULLOCKJK. ... T.-T. MITCH ELI.. Bullock &' MitghelJ. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, F n AN I) 1.1 K 1 ON, it. 0. Will nractice in the courts of the 6th judicial district. Prompt attention given to the collec tion of claim. ' . Xo oo ti -z.r-t 53 63 PETERSBURG Va, E. HICHT ER. Waiclimakcr mH Jow- clcrv - - VISE Wiitrlies nnd Jewelry of the bes Mauufuctoi- uijd nt the lowt'st p Uvs. All worlf personally attended to and war rantcil. ' ' ' tl 63 Sycamore 8t, Petersburg, Y ' ; ' L - -:- - Wlntelaw & Orowder, Marble & Stone "W O R K 'S, Cprner Fayetteviilo a.nd Dain St r acta, OPPOSITE THE - i YARBOROUGH HOUSE; Ralei-h. N C. Orders Solicited., -a c o u ja i E ii; Te have added' to' oqr stock a splen did 'JOB PRESS, with an elegant selection of type at the latest stjlts aad we are now prepared tq do '' ' work ' - "i . ' ;. -i . in the neatest and best manner. So yoa need: not .send Ynr. JQB; WORK North, for weafill do it mt .a, well and cheap a'you can get' it else-- there V. - Lf TEIt HEADS. '-- EYELPE?,' lit t ) i'ti .t. JOB Sx?rteKujEeOie ask' Simon AYadso retijrftiiig" home with his aYrns full of groceries arid his nflnj j full 'fit ictentipeht a ith: prospect - of -a ' n-yerVeJ dfnner and a iuiet, cosy evening in the bosom f his fanily, frand hiaprpt aimrie'Abn nrrlfat fh1s bVesc,. slightly up?ct, and the prospect of a quiet evening as badly shattered as a lw)kipg-gWssvc''a:farion-ball has passed , Miyongh. Instead of a waiting ipifc anddinneT, a caiV petl ess floor, soft soap the funitiitq ttaked arrccted him.1 " 'lias tlvera been a fire?' he rneek; ly inquired of , the servant as he da- posited his parcels 1 in Hie coal scut- tic, vvlucUJjaii beep converted into a corner ornament for the mantel- piece 4 I No, sifl' wipViciL tl usually neat girl, who appeared to he in an awful staub'-'isf rags and spapwls. , -.... .. ...... I visum ny an earthquake f . ue calmly a(i; iiWiig:Vb:ir!Woap a loaf of bread, and a wet 'dishcloth off the crown of his' best' silk hat, and smoothing it-en his sleeve ;'Sui-c tlie rnlsshs Is'liouse-clean- inr siir:' nhrvoiW.u- hnin.wavin"-' r-TT -rri : . 1 7 r- a dripping flcrubbin brush madly o 'and fro pn' the door, .' 1 Tli wife of hi3 bosom entered at that moment, .disguised1 with a patch of stove-black on hpr fair cheeky her nHc rievyj od from the cold, a pillowraso won") as'a tur ban, a badly lorn 'dreW 'festooned about he iv' ahd;h"er feet encased in a pair ofWud.-o's -Arctic- overshoes 'Jood gracious ! Maria, wh'-t's the ...matter?' he gxcaitned, glaii3lg f.oiTj his badly - damaged his d'sieputablc-lookiiig matrinionial partner. s ; a uWhy,: Fin Spring hpusctclcan ing, and have got all thephrppts up and out in the back yard for you to bet this ; evening, alio 'rcpliei in an - cxuliaut vpjee 'and I'm so glai1 you're baok to help Anne and me move the statco j7i "Don't ypu thinks loyp,' Jjp said sloomilv, ' it would be better to hire a man to come in the morning and boat them ? I" . ,onseneI w.onx have a strax'ge ''Tnan hcrclirYxvuan ghakdthem asnpt,heinterTutpd briskly.brusluhg his, eighteen dollar seal-skin gloves-off1 thp top of tlie scwing-mac1iiuQ;'lntb,a , solt soap Tmddleft'S; "When will " (liniier--ba.ready r ..he asked, despondently, ay he res- i.cucu ns gaunueis anu wjpea tnem dry wito, h'5. poCKet-hanukcrcnieL Ohl-hadltolet the tire go out to blackhe ranged If you're hungry, I'll ffet you" something to eat,' she replied, leading the way into kitchen, w herbhaving fishod. up ;ironin;Wanket;i'tlic family Sieat, OHt "T mutton : wcat :cake3rw-cre i discovered, the.l table Spreau on the cprnpr or.tle mantelpiece and dinner aiinpnnccd aS' rcdyvi;VvC M??. .AVadsO -groanoil " 'in ".Ur'sgritftfc tho lgh(of : t n'cc' iRayorf 'iancL u.pv jh uppbun; .vnuisQeuf jifcea boy's kitejwiicn the string breaks r: q -MJ6w 4fr you're , through move the stove, sam m rs. u,, alter allowing .him about seventeen seconds to worry the mutton-bone in, r-v ? - t ; r Wadso rollpd up his sleeves .monteiirHlW-.h.8- t cave $ a wrench at' the nine hdrd M ' , - j. ' v J " 1 " f " . tho mud.' The next hiQutcni tlief tabteha turnetl a . lek somer sanlt,-he '-hadipcclcd the skin of his shins ami knuckles bv falling over -Til f. screamed topia a& ifshc mbonnetr an sqmi. clpthepins1 ttie mess you've : made", snapped I iney gor. nun uown mere anu aeprcn- . r i.. -r:- . ' of the-wash-boilcr,' a iveek-old 51r as i,c oodpcii -around irr ,w ",u, v v,,s ,uu,"f '.u,u. -i Mil it-; nun iiiiii r-iini iiiii'k. uiHm-viutu ; iio. ui uli i . . , . , . - . mtPF?? ami, his wife", was &tnj .F mt SMft.fcW3j catch - 'l40 youM carry Urnt clock' ,Ci and about a peck of sbotpoul'6i oown to the parlor," said Mr. W.T Yes. jnur, rhpnor. tid J cwdd not OFcrhcrfacci t morning, as hp was boutde- WlmWfYtW 1 lThnaH-- lW U. uC WMingthbiVtm titbit v Skii adtaiiVil.Ba Touldli KinH . Waddo roailo no neptyt tu3 attain lion being divided ,jiwt ttiea lie-' tween his,? lacerated -, &zU,.,'and;s broken window, tiirofcgii which jie t i 'You ili4ruorj phrpo-ifi, I believp,, solib&l his soot. wife,. nipiqg lier facwith licrpettkoat: ' 7 j ' iVai,spsaitl;Pot,mpf:j Jiat tuggbd away at the pipe and, after knock ing dojrnWird cage, upsetting a lciro. tuiniris hi3 clolhes oniinear- next two hours- thrashing ditty, car- pew wuu a nroom nanoie. cnoKing and WiiiUipg . himself With 'dust, JW-K udsliump' wu u,s f'euV aim . pi"aniiy whs - u i his conseienae,-that tattles oflini- mcntand weekfl piety will scarce- li rf i. . i ii.i l. tf - euecL a vuru in., uwn.uc um goint was witn tueiace ot a cnun- "v c ,v ri '.. v'::0 r; v"?: . r " "r nor oiporin mnculnu flffh.nn" horiila I smarting, suins paining, eyes water- mff. 'awfl titmper sourett to sucn an t'Jrms ot ie coi inuyum j uonu ished uP.?HWfo,r Vs PPerfwilr to -entirely restore him to good humor, , . . Mrs. V', retired early worn out with .the duties rof the day, and Vadi?o. having - added- up his gro cer's and butcher's books, washed nk ivitli I himself at the kitchen si yellow soap,, locked up-the hi.Ue, extinuislied the gas, and went sadly sorely, r and hungrily to bed. ''!): rnation !' he exclaimed,; as he fell o vcr the 'rQcking-ehair rn f . t ' ' -.. ! : f : . , , f it t tt , i At . . . . entering the pitch-dark ,:voonr and was KiCKed rocker? Jy i 11 . tlii-ii nni. jiMtli ', tlto . tiru iun'i ji are 'making!'' scrcamttV" his wife fnTO t!C bed. Why in thnndrr didn't ytm leafe 4hingUn4UQg.-u-hcretlujyi)clp hcy4)clonH I he veiled, us he tried , to get out of the clutches of the kicking, fiuiiud- j it's vdur own stupid awkard ness ! she answered. , .. "It's your own confounded up setting retorted Watlso, getting up on hi feet Hud-Hating down in the place where4 the bed used to stand , . 'Xlppd.LorjL!, what iij, Ue dl is thfivl tWrol(pi 4 ftifl Hndin tx T s f , K 'O - i betl?gone, ne, Med lie ieintcheu wildly at a table to save himself fromj fall ingdragging a globe of gold fish down upon hts - head Nvith a crash. .-Myouir,brai& everything in the house!- fctied hi3wife,.jumping out ot jnclied in the opposite corner and lighting the gas. t i fHoqspbe ha-bangerl, wo-wo-wo. mani i mi ur-cirownact ? gas flopping fish: and put them! iu a .oasin. .!v .;---r. r, j i . .jy?Va hating got on hisibct asmn, washouto rej)ly; when he held the 'partner ofthis jojjsand 'rjpp suddenly! drop the basin, ' f kick, put use a uiuieJana prance 1 111 a ttr,rt,'J,S In,'um"f; ninp-. nysiencai ncap oi oare icef agny, "4 Jh ?" ho inquiredso-1 licitouslv, is,. fcwlped bis neck dry with the corner of-the couqterV panel' ' Z " 1 : ioca-y-you. care 1 sne soppeil. , nursing her loot, alter having ex ousp burnt .own sthanthe wayilt YU?d&?? "ie? i arms, axd preceding her, treading: puddles, and wa pacing, s.ueceedeo m gcttrtstttrcrand said:-; in:pvranjid? .l?np. Iul iirc garaen. lie aiq i iryouIdojrUCvfctoprihl v i r, pot return jst;, then, but spent the housc-clcaQng business right awoy,' thW ned -Wadso. wr nsr nr tho watei 1 oarKceper aain nc wasu .oi vioaier, .. J t ... . n - l -m -. f3 I I L i " . -' i' i m- - t inil 'MtliAAninn.ivita (mf Cr. trv I mnr infn hia vrrr?if iwlrnt an l.pui oi nisnair, eyes anu-aiiTt; : !!" ' " " - : ? ! -r a I around the room on one lbut, like a I r ajt Jtdancing deevjah., 1naJly collapsing I to . W.. after 1 nra: ffrftanutg"- rmwimngi sonrang. -. Utractoil a uilrpwn. .llHleycloiy J.this rimeLT. wked the gwieTaL edvtaek hc had stcYnetl ;on. . ; ." " r .O.Qt inning rAn I "t. i ri4ilo ,fQpir hTQ the darned Does it take nearlTM.Lmi iA He'charjecda tostcrx oo a piece of j dajr ibefore find oftep4rjing tokickH.:n the eeilibff ovrhls head td iail- i tog, m foet Hw .otttjjjtuulj he 5fid . down the remainder ;of the flight I itb a.rdccitytnatllhrcattticd ta I carry ftlttl throu'thiJhall dcWTiat.' 'era, foster her i a a- txajdercp-ahi the fbot, the oldtlock bdnndinfe aft and 6h9ii a tkLnn otfancy.iwiy ler arid ..striking yhn ru'tbebackof wardness and folry; annayedr b j a the headfeveryt second stair hard flew drop,' "fretted ? by:tho' toucl. o ehougli'to loosen hi& back teeth. ' b,' baiter fly'a -wing Teady1 to faint MrsC W. sat down 071(31610 and at the sourtd oCabeeUe-theirat. begai'td crv tJiiiningh'd was killed;' 'tllngof a wlnflow t'pane -at rdght, but he arose after: a nllnutew ihooyr JU1 get a.iyorcc IrviP. rue ; took:: hs Uat.iOfl .thexackv jammed it over his eyes: wefitont, and slamniedj fiiq! ijoo'r alter him, wnen nis! ncx ioor neignoor mei hmV and said; pteasantlr: Ah! Wad gmprning, . . . .(jo way onv me,'; he, replied, or j'n mpf?h; you into; a mjlhon 1 : - ' VYT:i.l , -... ( l"'' . : i A . New, Capltnllnt; Tie didn't look as if his' pocket held fifty cnts, but a rich man has ... . ' ' ' i , , I a nnt to aress as ne encodes. a ngm io aress as ne cnooscs.- ! ;.v ysr.xr.h r - v":"' ne saw rurni .sorL oi .a iace..i n iiim inn lira r-i u vi ii t i bi rui i iiriiiiaa - i i ahdthfnbe' h'Ca8howLwa7- ft,ilfe 'of kilcnt emlurance. me a bank ?' v : : r .l : yes, sir; three, doors below, ojM 'isScHIS I'ALMi thy?V vrifp : " money in some banVbntI'lB. a lit- tie ntraut, x)f PaiiKs.i,,.! atwajM .(Iki preler a note or hand. to a rranK. 1 I ' rr. : ..' ... I -l.'J 1 J''l! ' .i.. I -c 'm cpizen pricKc up pis ears and a sked : :Yon have some . money- n iA trine. was unc janswer.i ik yon know of anvbody who'il like to take some and give nic a note for a fTI ff? r!pnt l"4Wnk-of ' &'?$i VWMiVy a wum i i t,i!5 Let's see?' mused the citizen. 'I don't know but I'd take gome my- self,' I 'T-emme frit a drink, and then we'll talk,' said the stranger. 'Yes. certainly, come on.- re plirftnccillwn j' tivki th4 Wb went into a bappment. Drinks were or dered by th'e citizeb. one after an other, .unfil.. his shinnlnstpjrs . felt lonely. He -Raid he could make use of a few thnnsand dollars for a year and some of hi3 friends rnlghl'1 aVdJ tako a "few thousand and -hiskcy; iagcr and brandvnn til hi legs srare out. The citizen laid jhirrrpn a bench andtrifd to .Bober.Jiim.bnt thefellow,went rlcad asleep while they were trying to force vlnejrar down his thrnt; t The In his pockets, and the citizen who wanted to borrow a few thousand. dollars went to see if the moil had I comb inVTetroit Free Pre Ot?ytricr Or-cler A certain , general, suppoalng his favorite hors4 dead, ordered a soldier go and skin him. , , j . r naii is cpTPruui qaaa r asked , -, , ' WhatV that ta ypa T, replied the Pfficclr : "D-8 J" Wd.yani ask no .questiona - v I w 1 ' . Fat went about his husinesa, and iq an hour or two reta.Ded. : 1 perTotm incb4ri"hpetltlo0 JZ ' ; I then, you aee; .'To be wire" I dld.,: vtrar aonor 1 Ap'roris jauP.oW; Xtwt'obey cx: Uy wUhoat ttakpg any qocatlanat; , J" : 'jTTelh Pat. where havevou been all Oeiwt Ifiil Xrtlutci toWb. . .j ;s i-i i-ilr . . i-Mi 0 ?;? ,"d '.have Matk uinr .hmcii tribute ta- lovely: wtKuan.lut he toilowlnpia one of tt6 finest vo'etcn ra4: f Place, her among - thc.fljw? and shQ is bverfKmercd' by tho pcr- fomo of the roiobadi ii But lot ca-I lamity come; rouse; her; affections, enkindle tbo-finNfof hep heart,' and mark' her i thcai'IIow strong Is; her heart ! l Phlre Ucr ih the heat of the battlc-givo her a child, a bird, 'or 'anything ito protcct-i and see her in' the relative- instance lift ing her vhit arras' as "a shieW. as her - own blood '. cVUnsons - hef upr -. lurneuiorneaa; prayjnjy. rorUer life to s protect- tuc lclpTes3 - Trans- r.I4iM' Itait in lhfla.k.l.i. -f . plant her in the dart places of the earth, call forth1 her energies to action, and her breath' becorhcsa healing, her pi-esence - a' blessing. - She disputes inch by jocli the Miides of' stalking pestilence when man, strong and brave,: .pale-arid af. irignteu.-snnnKa away.- Misior- . : ahd?goc frrward-vitta Jeas timidity th'dnf to her -btidal.!?In rnw'neritv 3 ri-bUd-'full-or: btitfbr ib'wind; of irtverrfty -to roodpbld'valu- in the f.macc. ... . . ablfe; but; untried m ;i ,jn. -shoit:! woman is a miracle, a. mvsterv. - tlm eohtr from . trhhh I -I .... - j. . . . . raaiate the chanrt ot existence. - : or. IT 'mux, ... , 1 : ot An old apple woman in Detroit offer- cd her fruit to a vessel captaiu who was sSWnS 0V( the good times of 18C4, She wantad thtoo cents ipioca ; For her, apples.- Uo ave her iT plcasaht lo;k andsaid:' !.;! ri! . - '"Well, well." Why ' you . look as ypung as jou did ten years ago.' Samq, bright eyes and rod cbeokft sanio white J teeth." - ' "Take an apple for two cents, cap tain," shd rrpiiad; t "I presume yob arc fifty years old, he continued,- bnt wlto'd know it? J Lots of ladies at thirty look ; as old as you do,n , j ' - "Take an apple for a cent, captaip," uSoroo rich old fellow will come along some day searching for a buxom wife," said the eaptain, "and yon won't have to peddle any more." ' ' 'ilere, captain,' two for a cent, take two of the biggest?'? she exclaimed, and then ran after him and dropped two In the middle of the wloteaf 183S, a .fire broke out in the female . seminary, at Umoes, France, and read irith , .... ..... . . sucn rapiauy uiat it was teared ail tbo .i, .i, was a err that one Kttle rnrl - had been left uxher.roonu As the excited spec Utari.weTeboginnipgto pray for the nnfprtnpatey a Ull rl, kwith dLher- eiled b ond hair and flowing nightdress, rau through the crowd, and with a sliriek.of fH aare her! j . that arose, above thq sound of cracking . ticibers. aad fallen masonry, dashed into . tbs doorway. .A loud hurrah that was pro doorway. -.A louq hurrah ttat was prot loqged to the echo, only U be repcaksd again, attracted the . attenijon of the devoteeA;and tbe.i acod Jgi'l hurrying through thJUwUh i 1 1 .r-r; k-TvfeM ?Wr? the, texrtfed chfloV A Ciwdays there-,. aailorv : 'What's thatf'.'.'Whj, th3tfJ Cart 1 all kiadrcJ dhw afr;KingaLpuis JCTippcae tV he- lonfct,' Was tfco rtply.ii Soraetr JfSouSErC roagoWorbrsr and a exclaiared: Pat; 'and.docfjheV ?ft9 1 .iWnctbn, captaiawtiowPrea,, . ,' - ..... - . ' ''iM'V i J;w, caloCrcmce,.?, . , atea-7A c?7er VoTf? . vniaV ::ad-:..iu.u3y to lu Mdam iIaLLVon.r. rr I . ' x& V naturr hcJUw 1 Cr.-- ' !iritVjf3ntl Tcxtliaany! : 'A young friend cf niae wii -tpU;. to Hk: the'Ohcr day of his fcuJinca; 'TV?S-uhl tbat k!fnUto-kjm 4a4ur -i. ' "Wotjdn'tUbcTestforycmVrcaV; 1 fjMta 'freely abont U?: I tirrcitaL he gTOws more absorbed fa' Luanc cre- ryteai'. Ue wants us to tafcc cir f oureelv: he aarii'that we ncedat look ! forlelpfrora him; tut I: wouU: re etrry cent I cjpeef to hare tr I had a real father." ; I do not car'e'for money, bit I do care ftr trnst and itfcctlon I iiuw b wu wiuiucat opo3 aralQcra life were these words 'from his iimj I doubt not ihclovea hi famny. yet low- Wat a sad comment upoa a fctbcr'a I im per loot H the love thai amasses earth-' ly wealth hnd fafls'of tha' o'ore'antis- X- '-v- v uv uli k: u liilt iwiuii iiiia s i ' . V7. r, 7-'" v 1 that fchould be ao dclichtful "to i th w uwitiuiui u i M-cro, word. ' ofrcprooC "'1 v'"- T'- .'f.W ."f ? f""1. W,"-!,. PfP. snow that 1 e loses a rrecious rift when he turns from hU a heart that longs' for hissympathj?' ' ; r ;; Tlio XlalM Iontli. (is How Under fjooisa Chandler'roul- ton touches upon that " sharp J grUf a Mother's heart' can knW the death' t ii-t' i the little hloasoni which 'unfolded so gently beneath her love, but which tho There came morning at Iajt when beating its last. 1 He trembled for Elix- abeth, and dared not tell her. She an imated him; :" uDoctor,M the said and her roic was a6 pawi on less that it might alrooai have belonged to a diwnubodied Spirit "I know that my darlinc is dying. He bowed his head mutely. , Her very oalmness awed 1dm, -Ts tlwre anything you can do to case her?' ' . "Nothing. 1 do not "think she taf fcrs." ; : Then will yon please to go away? She Is mine nobody's but mine, ia hcT life and in her deah and i want her quite to myfclf to the last." , , ' Sorrowfullv eoon?rh h Uft l ' Pi;,.k v 1 1 .1 m , . " Ehttbeth held tho child closely but gently. She thought In that hour , she netcV lored any tbing else. She wanted . ' j , . ft " "ct J wcrc U17 wirn- p " J Dot tor rjl Kul sp. I turned lac. rhaniF a M.u.t , . - T, Hhe bent over and whispered somethtoir ia o baby's ear a 111, passionate Prefthat it would remember her the Infinite apace. JA! look 8cciaca. 10 n,rcr rr raaTant, loving look, which' aho thooght must be bora of the near heaven. She pressed .her lips in a tast'dfsriairiog agony 'of Irra 'to ihe Jkde face, froM1' which 'alread througli, I'm sure.-:t ri- Wtaia.a,U u, whoa Ura "Ah. cousin!" ho rrtScd, I kidd Scoa! laid EiBc. ToUcca ... . . A, MCIIOLS, Durham, 1 Eerina. Low fc!erclj he pahulMja y faulti va3iEasicta. 1 5 r Mml fr.rrili i,V'V-A.iV :i .1 W 8 ilALLORY. Fraakliotoa ta. me. I could haru loved him onc if ; . ,T CKltOrrY.:7i7doa, Orf Juni. he had ftltrvHt It hnt ntar tr Jf I ' I A BLXTOJf. X-lflT.-TVM th baby's eyes did not open. : Dr. T ifit t,Uort wcUjorraUBft. . . ; . - bijc business after Apni. 3D, 1878. Erskinc fdt the hart throb faintly an- , Tbe Taaes rmbraord witLla the Pro- der' his fingers, but he' knew it' iru rlsioosot tha Law abuTCi ifBAUd are as she kissed it the soul had h i. fe1orrl, 'V" aac. : T,V?l,7. ?..?lhttrt TrS' , - . . . . -. . ; 1 ,' 4 An Irish . cmtaint. bearinir the 8ttnJtiniri,fit ilti aalcd . for the trcach?a cT t ririlcgca, lin ,sTTikcctitf DjAoinnninrs", " PRICE' S liCOO: r;t i 'll '"f"-" m ovK O W OlUHEi ItedT Cr K Mm.'- a E fj POGUE iniUboro. Tabacca linfSt f:" , raaUiag lTxchlarj jSTIUEYALT, & CO Happj Uoiaa, r , t v V,.'i,,r V c mcnAnDS -T&rfalll." rui!, (g fj aad tU! J ID2 Factory.' J fc AL't OJC nddivllle, Ko!fr aad piping lor raerof?.' ' T J LENOiit, rstU of riceaa. UU1 jjicijiiiii;, j . i. .7i X3HEfi .U I Thoaarrllle. Saw . . . . "' ooj'P1".- t -r W, T TA J.LUIL WblUaer. . OatBt Au!.?r. . TV ' ' V O' Tf 1 - 5 (3 ,.U . J. V ?"Jf ' r?ii ..hM' W "T'U '" U::,S.r' Internal Revenue llay U'187, la, April rVJ877. Tha Iteriaed1 StatoxeaVf tWfalUd Sutes. Sections tZZll S23S. aad reqaire erery peraou .oflwl la 7 'Tf S'S1'10?' Pot which rrdcrfbira Ubla to a BpidU Tir to procure aid placa coopIeobuW lo'hia aatabilsliBcnt or 1 the Spedal-Taa Tear brclablft Ksj tba folio viog, Tin iuctiflfirv Dealers, retail liquor. 1 .... 23 00 Dealers, 'wholesalallqaor i 109 00 Dealers ta caalt i V, t wboleaala SO 00 Dealers la cga't r , ; retail, , SO 00 Dealers in teat toUcco, v 15 00 Bctaal dealers ta la! U bacon, &00 00 :Aad ro salts pl over; flf0p fifty cents lor rcry dollar la excesa oi 1,000. ' 1 Dealrrs la taaautac tared tobacco 5 00 llaBataciaiersof stills, ' 0 00 Aad for ear hat 111 maaafactcrad SO 00 And ior each worm maaafactartd tO 00 llaautaotarrrs of tobacco 10 00 Haaalactarrra oi cara 10 00 rJdlrrs of tobacco, frtt clasa (mora than two borte or other aslmalay ' ' ' - M CO Peddlers of tobacco, teecad cUas (two borsrt orotbt aaimaU).. 13 00 treadle: t el tooacco, Uird clxts run itnwA nt Athkr mrAT'' horse or oiUr aalaaT) - 13 CO Peddlertcftothacotoartacbua (oa foot o-puWle eowveyaacey 10 CO Braarers of ksa thaa CC3 barrtls CO CO lrJlJTsln3 person so tlaLk4 wbo saaU XJl i to comply wita. tb loftolcjr rrqair jju wiU, W jtjat to strt I urf P Persotr. or Cms Uab!a to pay aay of a -.i VTl Si' ' apply to ISAAC J. Collie, tor of latere! Revrsae- at TUltlgb If, aad pay lr aid tf tcura the Special -Tax &srap ;pr t:?rpa thr nd; prior to lUy I, Wit, s-4 T7ITIU out rrnTnEitxurici t n n' T'TTitT CoDdfoirmrr 6f T.toJu Seres oa. Oca rt Is tarsal Carcsse; 1 T AsaurOTJX, D. EL; ft ti ry' - n rj' it "3S l WOfJS 1 1 "UO0SI I ( ' I r- XNPatXICLn TOMXpT. a Yl ! "f. r- ....rrr.,- ''ultX:i.;jr:ipATcl.ur.

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