10 ITS! I . t 1 rill ml Xifil.l r r'. Btar idt zisiomecnfl v. v i t ,3C lciyo CJCt, f tbT wall sJT Ci Oil CJ : i If t :!tV' Vlk S W I If J - M II II II II I i -.i 1 SdF'"ft waft tgi r 1 W . 35 t , 00 tht til- uU i orl three .?:i"l:f;? if AnI T, 5 il '"!Ww VOL. V. ft 1 iuiMi.nya cj ujW9Vi . V rjzXti .Tosfrnl -. ih!iT U IIW, - - Hxlf 0 ca 1 CCb.acdUHtbattTacd3'SQ7 jtbat i'Cdnfaiukloii rvtcd-Chi' -Secoaa " Stodir Strange as it may appear to o 8.Mi T wouldnt deny Washington anjtWri rarae, arnLI haT6 n(tdQnbr3 postage stamp. Ytolhtsr .tooi dt .1 parks, aijlCJ blacking anfr tiiiass jnay tbe asjnedAirsratTpa fa was but a boy Tthcayetlthpoy isTJ ! BS t ?MwJt. fact- where there are fT'Tti. I ' ' Boir Communloa monthly op, fir.f i""'" J' SKIW, :rHHS on you 'HftSfWHireHfaarried, an ld'-at tali hftlr bcefal stedbrrrdcinoe.roiqUTtt sruriixr cj t'n rja'.Y . ProfessiDnal Cards i u i flaunt n .tu In' ; f . ..! I 7 y 7-7 - 1 imv vnv -o prvuuw uv - vj- v I - ' , vw ikiaiWMfin.Miiiu wUd I - i 11 1 I . r T . .. f I TCTWra,.; Vrr berry bushes? And Tkff&tsilmft&r taiia araJoTLtUc4t)seinM'tnrgetib3 iftrerittifrrefytliit bVcdiirilaxani fcpgritlj missed 'byMiist-tt) ' countenance ligliting up with a siii-U ps of Cnriito4:mt:'add in1 t)mhrvn.' J sMiU r0J I repA.'rlIlrti irl4 cThiiW I " tpQUE IHVabcro, Ticco cv ih. i inn orm ri ma nn rnn mi rw t" vjhih mis nr yiia u ccai aot:nirrTirTi tr i '"n?jinh i " . - SlrJiceUiTsltfenriniesurrdcH Wdef, Wd52tlrMt IrixteiBtailrW totii5oak-rr tu uhuk, uujm wrong yoo; that .Voir feiflI?r4d Wtfijftot ' ttat Voungnd5 tede Mt-free.t mgmihm &furue?MfyU wntTftttaddthc Coaxtiofth,Fraiik Ctolini and ibelfcS. CireoU aod.pif- at Fairfax0 ' CddH VHouw,- liUtl. UUU1V Olllfc Mr. i? uJier. was .about iweniy- .LE.iIU.1 M If 1 t 1 W: H. ATTOltNEY; .4 ' b..:. A ' r: ! .' T :. ii . 0. ;. ITl JTl ! v.. - -vitl aaad ErHira. To obttcoo red, ftnd -boen a-en our Centenn'iSI '7tcr an indefinite peilod apdrVwRly interfering wiiU, J , me pecuniary prospect u im ; i ukfiiJ Wi'tdJ delnhia: A. neacacable man ati that r- . , -v :u r Lt U v . f wrr ,w..r-w and for her too, for th,watrJ with a desire) to -whin somebody, I , .r , t . . .UfiMibd.Ifldi'aiiSbe "5.a sa woruS ot. tongue or p4 HawKius 'i ' Lrt' LhJL ' 5 The saddest are these,. Utoik SrraSmSgr,; avebee;", ill 1 Oi .. . .1 ... i.ii.-i.rM a-j And life to her racstiall seem bdsh iuia uy, i.ua u.c, .uv u when she.rollecte sh .man' alone ana suueti into uie iiiina i" eif hut "I cannot teH-a lie. ... I did it wi a. OFFICE, " Onrush Street, over- Ha i . .... -; louisburb ti;p. n. f.' BULLOCK. . i-ToT' WlXCHPLl t L,l she might 'a' Yix ler town bf IJoiTir, atxl-ha :1 .thcc-h-fcf-ini scouii'dredlly Indian agents ,and. rv Mi r' f 5i iT4li-iili r-l'lXsWradejrs?.JHe-.was a qapkalln- -U U BUllOCKr.OC wWQPAljrfiani-Whter Jand if he had called v FllARSUNlON, NC, ,nU "W'iU practice in the 'coorfo ot tnV Cth , funilf fv?omdnciie' ' Georsrcr.' Wild n nie time 'there was m i vvasn, me ocufc ion kuiucuiiuli ui -wu ; "v y the Xlnr.'lie imsiht Have Staireait kuow ia me xrencQ iasuioimiJie wot ht ifherelhi coloring i)kn epic. ri fa 40 lus iawaFQjli;wife.jeltiieaia ida fenia Iurajja (yt gjd1 "-! irfVL , AAiidacUc, and. descriptive poem it chnh; r0nee JnpaJ in.: ? 7 iH&h nlA8 fciVAiiff V1 s ,xl'iJ?t Ii i! t. 'i:il I lull. ,l.w Jr-t .. I . . ' ' . . . . ... ii ... i . . . , " i li " , . I -w has few rivals' ir Anrcficaii literati .H-gmiiqsSrtnilWliWl.WMSOT 13 "JS-tiTWa WH'M'C- itCJvCtKjtb OI' T..vaAr'iTl.VrL j J.t is tritli .nrorounu reet kn. for thm hMnti nri mnlirirv anrl Mr. L. .7 . . . . . . ... .v . vwm i.V'i f- iv",wirr. 'u:.fti.,M.5. vi.z.: J..ccuiieman. AtoccureaaitufiresicKnc. i Known a man who t ih. Rimrt limri. nm tirntea oif--in,M,-vi " T .1 II iit.-m T-aiiHixn. I' II 111 I lul 1 lKW-fV.r I i . . L W l J . may i J r-s ' imlOi - Tt. is rfilated of 53 B'ie hapilHSG iriturli Trtjinrr m n Krtm Crv Rrt I ' A lnv. ITinr in fill ITiA ?1 .aJiir-ji. . ... .... l.. i4nn iLn eT Kncvu 7,M,rrnrtTrTrrtivfTO'af,J,,s iv.y r;r iT, vj ai. iw .iu thiWpof thdr. natiir. to t a tudetit roncoi e?c:da.?h . vlJP. W:it-bMi na Jewelry 01 iuo uc : i ' k " Jl LIU 'J: ii U.I .L , i.,vimMJiMi5 .MVVf vr i -r. r: ?n -T."'.T.r-- ."--'sfT" !"l-?tt.- , J .V'irfHcfcin fcAd il Wfcert hseiu- .. f , i UWflajtHJli0 mau 01 Ht r't r'lP i Vkrli: Ul! V-rt;,i o. ntfio:ftia; .Tlionh an invalid for omctime. Mr. WY home for a vacation.;. ' AUwor'rllratiedio.ua war nTto h shefointk ttleliigU Us soohai, Jbe frffT ''llVu yAMS&i f . .. .,M... .ii i:... ' ' i . . I - r ' . 1 T . . rMavorbf u1sbrirtf.u 4il J J:thtxr a, raerchaut, when. b& waste xc UlaV. Vail - 'SS nSX : U- FuUer,i?lP?cvliarly Xouch;ff3lo h ..h.Mh p.u cod ,oU saffnj. Ktet mi" S tfti hi been tcrfby the' Udlesot,, -4 JHfe -S'r. bS aUoaDay had consented and- W.i. aU Iuerelatioua4oa Wf Cv -J JSa ! r suppose prepared thet pejem,, c'uueo .a he grew in yeara. Jlelbas r..iUjoa be JinjUa ,tofi r, amtdBhouts of , , th hashed ifrtrftfATthlihft eone.Aoni'oar midst, but be .baa left ma!l fnyor? ' ' ... . j i tt. x. ii' 2U iurconienia i . .. . i. .. . ...... . - i ..rrt.i. . . ' r . .:. t " ". i ; 3lWV?fl: c'' . 5' .r.xiat. pi i ZjJV . swa;t p;uger forever. bUiinmeoicnioca.wnica wtiperpeL f 1' 'itCl ,4. 1 .im u"uuii I i -..- i 1 .i I ... I t V.. . ,,nr m-t m'' S !e aCdistinct .1 SSa TitiVaaM; "rC ,7,1 I"r "t r-'ruT-V iLit''c'J:l .L" j -J IT I Bt lectio- r" ..Wtf.aad . i I . . . i. .. , i nnniirv siiui mivir. ' tin lias iieuiiiii'. irfro. T,rr.-.T -r.-'.-vT v tt t.y.-v? v,'7 "-vn-rr. i.rifi"ii.rKL.'" ' 1 ii uviunn"v.iiu1 v reeui a .uonKy..Doggig.pa lyw ' . r . a - , - . ... JA. Y vnnna Var .which. nodr. hira Jl.le to tloVofcalml - No 50 -tf "fl'of ccfur " " the be adit of hiir .arerJan-l ?emus lUo!?H- UlC "-irequenci 0 -- f :MW Carey tliat ' Tt,o WalCiJIah WBta ".tT ii "'ifii 22J2J-31 i a ' -n . , i as mmm m m i iiJtia luai na 1 r in i w j r i i ir a . T"- w vw wt w r. v w w ' v i a aM . i . i . p;Q r5 ,vrt i,.1,1Ll4ti U i';ninmhnr to il, boUKhrirdred tTlTrrhe-Taiidi- F-v - -T v rf f--4J V '! 1.5 :,VT:,;f T t . - , i... .rr - ;. . ...iM (MTii79tmn antn ob tn thf PTflnt. .wiiJ.iiu-vywL,Aff:F W VKi.Wif". i 1 r . I u M,.lfl?ihi'r - -i r-niinu. I ttttsZZL' Lrria.!T7 i. r-a ilal are f. V -w Dealer, boleU llqaor .7 -lt W rtfj Jar cVJirufrt : y oo . cent lor Ttrr dclitf w xaia oi Whitel"& Growder 'narble 'Stone- : : v:i J-1 i 1,5 ufe u . ;i if f LA dead n Jtjpt ; i j MissCareyJ wjien w it er-wnoL'sme WW mgtoit i martn , aSiior tndilai; degbj.aji. . ! ..aivejtt historiaTTand "vve snouldTnever liave :1 -ilFiill??i!Sl HOUSE: .i i.i r. KJoiah. N. C. vere. Ilac1 - I v -ydifferenf . I nr1 nfrmnco riil ""tVr fnnA I K?atM"T r.f arrvfrrrvca anil 4tiIrltT.rrit 3 J fends afld'-irla tlt,.Vy' inj tbo JliSfnti,teI. Vj ,t;i ,.,L ; U?? alfV' Hart DcaUi or :.xa CSll'todib t t tin w nfi str I cr , - ?. speakc?s stand as a tribute ao the society? ,r.A-'-i,i:- v -'- ; gifted youn baru whoa God took steroa iciti- away. -TOmTnggXtjfc'"! i -li Will vou be ao kind at to do four mi. ururcv: - .1 ve.my well loppose the lady. was .1 - ' I-"- ..1 fS fj V t O 13 rcsident.otFairfaurt-Jaouse, w . ' . r, , 4 TM 'a Ktlvdrginian,? nowln his-biie-We hate ad-ied to our stock a tpfcnj-n .ti ....- ui Vul JOB PRK33, with an flegait hundred and twenty-ninth year, r lectin ot ,type, ol. thft ltest atjUi v0vk1ifiw .'WasWngton 'udmatety WW V 1 - . i I and , voted for him Lstxteen times f iitffioint3ijrbo-m. .Cfiinemi tOlJprncetVHntteiH 1 I tauTecenflyiglving tbe.cfEayvd -fTaXi the story. 3 rri ncjcj repajjor 53, W. Fuller anu a lipost eve - -' , . br l 3 'prom-; ii: fs trfthfiadne; nd a dceii rarbut to fix1 Vlaso.oT, fosi, to ' sxety and the, tircui.-ritecau.-uv. the Jthxr day Chtircliir.thal ' -tral annoiineo the U2HJJCaFir:& tin tripped deat ..of BlTinuIlEsq., up again by tbeitepa nd this time U T'aisljurir. N." CL- lie - -died on tVf?i3 She' j Saturday last, a ?ietinfto llte fell felt just wy. woimtt.wDoliJianil as be f plrnVpr c JWBICC5 gro1? fwile inonths had rew riscttb V ITlte3&3yrm.bid up. atot'VvtL; . We'cfc threo pr four month, and Igacsa you'll 1 n(Jt think that Ndrth'Caroliria con-' " Wc'reirrct to leirn tha t Ed7J V.r Fuller, of jLooteburg, the poet and au tnorfiad on'Satniday last at t-ishoojc1. . .... . ; v .. -v,4 . a--f r-ti ia 1 j j.ue neat imng 10 give 10 your " 'ENVELOPC3; u5 , - 1 jy, aiicr iisicuing 10 nis atgmneu C1RD?, cept your hand, although it is a ' .' M a w.a .I I good one, and? would "beat a Cash "Tn.n X I any time, Yott'iarcVgelieusfaal intheaeateat and'beatmanxier. TTUt-thejstory. rWWY ft FX ' 1 k tf W .i.iif So ?on need .poL.pead .?or I0Bf HewaMiss Carc didotrfe-, r fillyloM 4 thV I i iI work North, for we will do itfaat a vsrbv t :?v UU1 - rjfti?:.t U vtirUi. write' than-.ocx departed driend wZ.dXp M.iQ elrfeJ0:? ' und brdthert W-ia6V tbatlt coaT ntt r tit . awx i v a 111 n a ia a a aau a a .a iii i . ai .1 it " t I r" . ' r ' T . i " rgemahtt'W oui:"Thouglt . quite ,P 7 vWT5ito your opponenK itosi&ipcctc cJ WerU your cluld, a ood ezainple; I to a .7 J. 1 . f - father, defereaee; to your motherl coo- Ci tUt3 Jzi"ZtJ of Vxrgt;. 4rl;d ti'ai wiUjinak her proud ofjyq I raCu'f;-"cCCfcaly a pago oij iH6 Woarj elf respect; to all men, charity. of tKo University llagaiine. tut of pulmonary consumption Mr. roller baa attracted the attct tioc of the reading public by ?oinc , of his cjinor verses which haa found theu not unojcd , any luore by the uqgeu- lit nj an it n"u2c,pi iu$ wouki-De ... A 1 .... way into the pepert, but h wai- no$ , unUl the publicaliuu , of his . pocin, , A X t ' n'o ITT nn' ri I V novel, f'Sea Gift thai his true rank in the field of letters waa cabliishcd. His. poem' will bo read and admired aa Iou?.s poetry and br-Hiant scniuj Ctr ,..fl . y, '.-Ti.- ; deyotees, f JI is . long . contiauid ; bad health and early 5csi as robbed" Horth jCarohoa of roipy.ricb tfophies with which his btiUiaiit pen . would ' i t Yy . I 1.' rf tt , . .nave uecoraieu ncTi jH'Trry, ajnais.- ? ; - "'.-j, wiaWrulIer. tt?ttttrj: i wTTco:ar Ca Ivenu4 -VoaaV r Landed Wflattroni orr3 tU fc'ia hrf ne.ghboIe'tccfSo troti tni the - tYtkV'milS-are' -yVaidn ucitatsgood euc?sli UlC - J CP. " ' i k N ' ' - ' . J?f l.,4. ... -St .... nio tai i4ii caLcX A1-- r T. -- they bad gci 1 c?t his coat eff " ' alu L. f,.-. r , i'c:-,e ii tri COtb-Urfi: centa lor .Ttry Ccl.tf It t:3 aj ii4 1 iaJcraMaotacartnV&KJJ 01 Maxiuiactuiera rf.rt!!1', 50Ui Aodfore&ch ttipisfirtuaV 2ut0 Zl?'tCr?ra ,f W "J-t.tr r- La -0 0,1 ilirialactorera rl ci-r" " 10 UI YeJdlfri of totxo - .ltr c!a- dcui ttia, ta'L.-aoCrc'ijj. primal:) c?iii n -. uv;! r..-50 0) JVddlert of tobeeen, tr-o-l claw. "(I o Lori'cr Cfber asii.U) ""liej Jc;tjyraa rj- c".;r; .I ') 0J ilraessa is ic:ttc.U.LArna4&u Itrewcrs of 500 bxrtl or r-re oo Aey profl ro l;tb!f, i. fu toc.mIyiittt' It fkcLrrioUw . Perseus or Circi hib'e tt f t say mi the i flpriiliTtxra caartl k . ore-mBit apJj ts ISAAaJ.'TCCrrCColler. 4or of JaterttJ r-verr a: r,-:ii C aed pj. Isrt aad .rva the pedalTas H c.z Ury iired; prior ta?'?T,r, ! -;iriTU- l our. jucTiina :rtn ic . .Crvac.:;:rr H 7 ' Irreoa. 0 .-wt Iateratl ', "T VfiiarOT05. D-w., Y-V- , i:c:;!:.i:;:;ii.'.:c3sii - C .3 J i if 'fperdy ,.-'fc:rra - Edwin VluUer: "rq.mr-. t i. .. ' ' ' ' bargNcrUi u 'Z t VTw ' - - - : J I c ' i tw rii iti;?. r': 7- T: 7 . . , 7 " : : 1 ? ; ' : : asVCta'tallava btf f-nrautJ ''A "' " "' " . " i . W " 1 19 it ,lVar i . t4ff g . .