FltANKLlN COURIER. PUBLISHED KYEttY FltTD.T IX Louiaburg, N. C. iu be ft in, 3-, ,) foe 1. Eh T3. port fyet j 1 JXtt- djir. Llitt Girl Mr. , trial 5 toci- irVln cts. ) 5 AC U. cur, W 5T- nmo'h. : 275, 5, Tick. 11 Iter th it ' Ui: rjot -3t 1 to. S. Baler Ed,. S Prorietcri tut. . rsab.crfptionia Adr.c- Fur one year, For six months, For tbrca " it u $2,00 1.00 50 u OhurcliDireotory. ItKraooiST ... CntmCH. Rev. F L, Reid; Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. II. .and 7. P. 2J. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 P. If . . . ; : Communion ; service the. Second Sunday lu each month at 11 A. II. Fte ward's meeting Monday night after the second fcabbath In each month. , t;i 'r ' ' ' 1 Sabbath rchool every Sabbath at 3 oVock P. M. E. W. Fuller Bupt. St. Pat-s Episcopal Church. Rev. E. Uolloway, Tfc-ctor 8ertlccs on the first and third Sun day in each mouth, morning and afternoon. Uoly Communion monthly on first s . Sunday school every eunday morn- I lng at 9 o'clock. Professiona Cards DAVIS & COOKE. ATT'TS and COUNSELLORS at LAW LOUISBUBQ, FRAN KLIN CO. N. C. Will attend the Courts of Nash,Frti.k. Ho, Oraoville, Warren,ind Wake Coun ties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the U, S. Circuit and Dit net Courts. No 7 tf W.1 H. SPENCER'. . ; ATTORNEY u A.T L A. W, OFFICE, On Nash Street, over Hawkins' . : Brick Store. , .. LOUISBURG N. C. B. V. BULLOCK JR. T. T. MITCHELL. Bullock & Mitchell, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Frakklikiok, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 6th judicial district. Prompt attention given to the collec tion .f claims. No 50-tf 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. MOliTEU. "Watclimaker and Jew clcr. FIE Watdiw and Jewelry of the be Mmufoctore aniUt the lowetp lees. All work personally attended to and war ranted. , ' ' tl 63 Sycamora 8L , Petersburg, V Whitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone WORKS, -, V. Corner Fayettevllle and Daln Streets. OPPOSITE THE . YARBOROUGll HOUSE; . , . Raleigh. N. C. T 15T Orders Solicited. CO URIEE JOB OFFICII. i.i u - - ' Wt have added to our ttock a splen did "JOB PRESS, mith an tlegan i election of type of the Uteat at j lea, aad we are now prepared to do 1 la the neatest and best manner. Bo yea nwl not tend yonr JOB WORK North, for we will do it lust a well and cheap as you can get it else wuere. : - ' LETTER HE IDS, ENVELOPE CARDS, 4 y GEO. S. BAKER, VOL. V. Mttl Easv Yoq see the people at the post- office soon recognize faces and names and after a man or woman hasOixppearei ; at thel gcrairde livery window, several times they arc pret ty well known. 1 1 is , a real pleasure to hand out letters to some, while the clerks care little for the calls of others to tret hold of their epistles. One day, a year or two ago, a uuny looKing iiuie , 01U :i woman. wearing faded earmcnts. )nt ha v- infr A - Qnil 9 mUthn,.ir rn0 . , WMW j 1 appearco; at the window and asked a letter. There was one for her, sent from a distant, city, and anybody could have told that an unlearned boy directed the envel ope; There was a little iHv' in 'Detroit, with a big T " to end the word, and it seemed Wonderful that the letter ever reached its des tination. " , The old lady felt so good, that T ;. "Thanks. It's from my boy Dan, a. . . , !. I imfd tn "lincrni cr rnn1W 'rtvov f ro I the liTMipsf niiio !n 'Vrt.l. O.vi:. I jL'ai'.1 ' . I ieare sianeii u ner eyes,' ana yet njzz Z-Z .LZL. w I- . " vau.iufl au8 uiainua wua ne waa i lent hnn I . by ruing, or siotio lad rare trv nr f a cm n chn nnf linn Tmnl fx I " W 1T1V .iCUf JU AVaU.i.arU I WliUl Oi iilienilUre. "lDOni?n QUlte I hlA firvfc rtn !! InH r UT. I . 1 . v. OUiuv, civ pu w. - - - ; - i'jt 1 , , , .1 . t 7" I .... . , " v" "P- "l'u I wngiea wn me ice, out Co- not ine wmuow ana saia, : .v,., v..v """-j musi, i- urn, siock ui liquors, ana &e i now I any art of h. . ... , , : and you don't know how much Borrowing iExtrWorai good it does me.": - 5 nnrv The lady delivery clerk rose up to look after the old woman; and when a second letter came she was looking and watching for -"mother ' a whole day before the, letter was passed out. U " "It't? from my Dan again," cried the old woman, as she noted tho superscription. "He's only a bit of a boy, and there was not a show for him in Detroit, and besides he was running out of nights and go ing to the bad. I sent him away and lie's working hard and trying to be good; God I -lees , hiy.Dan! I'm a lone widow with oulv lura to love, and I hofc he'll be good.' hope so, too. V addod the clerk, and after that the two were friend?. Sometimes the 'tcttersr'wcrc far be tween, ami when the old -woman would worry over the delay and the big tears would fall, the ladjr clerk at the office wouht falmbst ', h&i tears with her. uMotherV w6uld open her letters at the window, aud if Dan;: was , feeling, c-artc(VnttC - was all our clothes and getting , along3fel both would rejoice, while both would be still anxious it he compIaindri was discon raged .' H iil i ! and a half the. old lady received a letter, and just as rc-ularly she camo ,lu u" , r , U,; ;w wrote in a quaint old. hand, tat the boy could mako out everysword, writing was improving, shejelt all the pride which a school filrf,conld have shown. Ho improved as well. By and by he wrote Dtroit''. plain and fair, ami he tooarextra, pains to' commence ; hiaf Dear mother with a gran J flourish., and to add something extra nflfer the words ;Yonr Son pan." 2 ' j i TheW letters were food anSdrink to the old1 lady, and 4 she feemcd to actually t... . ft&totto ttwS Dan office, any carrier would haT hunted till midnight to find her. and iiahd her the lcoked for letter. Three or four weeks ago.when sheJopcnedi her letter, she weptfmd smiled as over tho first: Dan wrote ho was coming homo for a week, and her heart was fuhV She said sbel have the cottage looking like new; for him, and she'd be at the depot to welcome hint first of all. Every body felt glad with her, and , the- ady cleric was to go,np son: ? even- ng and have tea with h$r find see herhtue Dan, and praise; and couragOhim, for the norq kind wonL, a boy can have the better he will seek to do. There - was no letter the nex Tuesday, but the two excused its absence' by saying that ; Dab was getting ready to come home. That I :was early in February, and he was v - - Edrand Proprietor . i . " f.,. I '"t m- 9 S A .LuyiSiJUKtr, ,Ni U.v and she turned pale as she took thel I envelope.; tier fingers trembled as she opened it, and she had to wipe 1 the mist of! of her, eyes before she I could decipher a word not read " over ; fout when she uttered a moan down like one crushed by some aw- ful weight: ' . -- " f : Ban was dead! The letter said thathehadbeen taken snddenlx itjuvjr ior one with her. griv hair and child-" less heart, and her little old house is without a tenant. ' . 'No more letters, commencing "Dear mother," can e for the dead, and the tremblinff hands whieh I - i ftA thAi1.ngcl? u.p.cla!P-hei"' When Mr. Bounderby, of Gcr mantown met our reporter one morning he had a grievance... ant he soon began to unburden his soul to the listener.. Ho eaid: m eomffto move. I can't stand I those Thonn pv)ns nxt do r ' to me any longer. They're the ' awfullest people to borrow things t.iat I cvery 1 1 'Take cnair?,'' for 'instance. : Slie asked us to lend lier onr chair three times a day, at, every . jVnjeal phd she borrows tho rocking-chair when ever she wants to put the baby t sleep. "A" couple of times she sent c - over for a sofa, and when the boy came back with it he said Mr?. Thompson was as mad as thunder,, kept growling around the house all ylwcause there; on it. Las- Mondav she borrowed our! wash-boiler," and we had to put ofl our washing till Tuesday.!-y She did sorae preserving 'in it, and the were full of preserves. I've got on nnr. hi, iri W.i -n h paior furniture; and onco, because iVouhTn't carry the piano ovbr for . a down the .hflndftlinr .hRfn1t, onp rl thnt. thnm town, that I was a reformed pirate. uAm then, ' t,n Thursday, Mrs. Thompson ', sent that boy over to know if Mrs. Bounderby wouldn't chd h'ef our front 'doot.' She1 said theirs was- being painted, and she was afraid that t ho baby would catch'- cbjil jrWhcit " I - asked him what ho s supposed wo V were going to do to keep comfortable without uByironi?aoor.nesaia..irs. inomr i M a. J V r mm she reckoned we might J dinary people 1, Last fourth of July wasixr a xes -iasviourtn ?or July the boy came; orcr;;n Bounderby, that, rs., ; .Thompson jr?uWt!,c uch3blliffIfed lend her the twins Tor n few minutes SaiiVlreThompsoh wanted fern to snckbffaiiew bottldtop because it me :;to tastearesh India rubber. Cheeky, wasn't it ? Tyj'iki! iix uui mai s ner way. x es, sir; l m gomgiajnQTerdthciJive.ncxt door tA WnaUd a, and have rtEiiJStnS&C ib fck&ucv hlf the day. I would indeed. And Mr. Bounderby walked' awi to look . J A Chicago Jady wloaa . . lord and, I masUr indulgesrather freely in the I conyiriat glass aays'heiaa kind but in- 1 dulgeat husband, r .: : Trida theriwai a1 tetter; bpt &' -r"?;:.' 'i"";;.:; tvJ & 1 S.WP'ftP.iro CrtwaMastXXr lltW a rin hand,' AitjUfii cur feeHi ' DotJ;A4S' titaW r-- her as .he turned it orer. It miiht wilo ctr.afde! .V: eVf WmaW Vliil? jdS ll1 T lo.ot ' fW 4id. beXoW nWS; t ne feared mL n..de our friend asgeL Luguig,' iWi . P4 ViiS vwutv w kn uoutuuvui I ; V" , - - j'w. ium jitici vi I 11111 uau UQBII ITkUOTrQanQ DC I A I l! l 11 1 . . . - tl ... . 1 0 W Wit . t i ' - i , I an undershirt now that I'm roi-hty y 'UMV oiea fio. stmcfc a trk .f ln;. . doubtful if 111 set off. it's stuck to hoTne at Lou''rg, Frank fin county . . . ij'v.'-Jl W 6 mcso itahk: and then on Satnrdaythe 22nd insUnt ; : 1 7;h 7; -belionjn - . . - T 1 - rTt- .!. . . wwv. V. no ...1 .1 . a FRIDAY. .MAY tne h grasping feelings som and throw every emot'iou1 into U thus our pen staggers before the mourn ful task to-day. ' " l ' " . She had 1 nigh carnival of distress, when flf.TTlf I TVIfiSlrito fi avtnAif.'liM f A ? - ! I auu Sana. W1 WJe ocau-. Aoq i lUere was srreat, excitement in ibm t .In Louisburg on the inst., Rl.thi firrt toVek"d toiffer' a. W. Fuller, the poet and author, passed luiuwB ueiBw iuimormuj id iieaven. We U no particular, .f ,h.: cene, and must therefore leae that for another pen to telL' . Mr.- Fitter was I young jentletnau of brilliant promise, and had he been spared to a ripe.1 old ae he would doublcss have attained I - to poesy, sUll it was delightful work of fancy. nnd gave him an open field for the display of his fine descriptive por- I ers. . In it, the splendid symmetry and 1 i j: . , . m ...... Y . 1 w i a . . i i i pjtiuiui BiLrujimaieu amsuc 1 perfection. But his. ,' n-ecnest laurels " v ' ' were pathered jupon the fragrant hill- slopes of Parnassus, aiidiila "Angel in the 'doaoT'awiir I'live lifce the peren nial ' blospoms t ' of the skies fadeless Tlc writer knew him well and inti-' mately. and he nercr saw .a chnractef j pure, so gentle, no free from earth "I stain as that of the good, and spotless fid win. r jjiis, life , wa j blameless ; and beautiful, and his death a victory. Oer hia grave may the "Lamps of TIeaven,, shine brightly down; may the dews fall, gently; may the winds blow softly, and may his ret be sweet is the heart-prayer of this poer tribufp -rth:s r!011 farewell until Eternity, y itocky Mount Mini, 3I 1 r . ,x V DfATH Loves a Sitininc MAnk. gcntl familiar as household words anion" North Carolinians. Belove! for his gentleness and his refinement, he was looked upon as genius whom I all would delight to honor. l-He- gave to the literary treasures of our State ms of both prose and ' poetry, to which doubt'ess would have been added many other gems had not his days been cut short while yet he was in. the flower of his manhood. Wil. -Pto A certain witness, in an- action , for assault and battery, mixed things l up considerably in giving " hia account of. the affair. After relating hoW Dennis came to him and struck him, he pro-' 1 ..... ,. I avlM- .Sohoiori I ji Uuiei iff .od ."w I along, and 1 bit him again." : f "Hit the do?1 ; " u -'' ' I ' No,yer honor; hit Dcnnia.4 And u- ' Mm,:and' rotied Vim 'brer andf -oVer. "Threw al atone at Dennis?' "At the dog, yer honor. 5 And' be np and hit me" again.' :1 1 I f "Thed?" : : : ,J -oj De,,; nd ifr'i&i,! he .v vM tin hiwk u iU.a U. I. 'o- - - I 0 "No; the dog. - And when he came back he got tnt down and panded me, ' ? "The dog came back at youT,;: ; "No; Dennis, yer honor. And isn't hurt any at ahV ' mtfishvittTtr-?r-' -"" t "The dog, yer honor."" p in - ' be Cbort items are the cfteneat clipped via Die reDuiaiion. Dotn as t mrt anri I wnrih xinnnrt unnnn "tit i .i - i I authprj.hiaift.53'. wort, of good looking him fuU in the facV, .he Tn ? ? PF merit, and though it did not reach the responded: "You made that man what tl : . -it" ' m XCTJOIQ, Torki ol reot hish standard of excelienW whiih ' h.d h Wa iV.l kUt . It b like a Ifli bcauUfal Ut. w;i'(r ' been promised by his grand fliglit in I - a ne name oi mis rcntieman is as I 1 s l " , I on me pan lnd that is why ey keep short, 1 approach- the use oftroog dank .that it raj in-1 town. . Men and women wbo had' neVT er zeen inside of his saloon bpfum n I to the rmW' Wn1y. AaTe stretcned out aeadr upon tho saloon , .Wiat. liouS' dl.W Phi'adelphia aterrcd in AfW tU fint sWt t thn.'fiin 'l v:. good customers dead, he turned to? a prominent lady, a crusader and xti w w u nii.aLU w aciiin. i in the: nostril, cf aociety , and aent 1 him headlong into leter.ity and to it" drank,. ard? hell? it viio rt.- .r . , t , against wife worti demonndl the hairs of hbt head beoime l auu c . vww Vkni Dr' i H. love my neighbor as1 myself? Am I doing all I can to stay the tide that in bearing so many down" and' may ! yet bear me down? Au chfbltion 0fd Si! sas the' Atlanta met a darkey who owed him fifteen cents. Old Si stopped against a hitch iag posk'and cried to the other negro.4' 'T-o-t! T-b-tr , The debtor darkey did not heed. ill l t1J C?? ttft ..n uieu 01. ny oe mis- chief don't yer put on. tbe brakes dar, ni-ah, an' p When I toots ter yerr The darkey stops and returns to where 81 was. -"t; " ' ' ' - J O" aaa. a UIIUU1I ruuuu id yer Dntcqera, nigaariaskod . . . . . I . K 1 I . TBVWWW III. a lost acuk a! wastlr life, a ."'V ,7? . 6.m- t r 1 H'rA W , , .... .. . L,i I " 13 llltB a casx oi jewels and "Tv-Zmmr,-i"j f a widaw,and chudrea orphans?'' ! IJli Iv-vVt J, -rT ' rr rmxirsW k't 1 " . i.l j, i , ,K i -1 precious 8txmeslt, which Is not only jrKIC7JIM0MJt, VA. : j nreod deadly palevandi without! 1A .' . ..j-f,??? : ' " . f- , left tu o how. I; r,,x ivl I i , I ' . . ' ..m 4?. . .-L?TT .t a t o,. " ness and the revenue, to the milliotia - Lixk- i . . tSKa-Z!rXk:;,m u T It is like 5 a 'ireasnre hoasea ' aPXeXAX-X-Vriir J grayi ahdadruukrdahellf Put voir- -4riv, .' -n L V I' ''"-r- : . . f u iuc uuc8 u uai moiiier.t witosa t . vvn. .Vl.I. -1,-11 I- . . . . . !!.. . 'No, Uncle Si, I 'dar ter grashus lat I ain't dis ebening. ' " ' - When yer gwme ter (h!c)yap 'i A KIjd Wokj rbit MoTntaL--oat cash whatTli eer'youV (hie) iay, D.pie not thy mother eW ili la niggahr rejoined SL'r.i f i eU Af' '-.a-i-iV..! . Darrer, i specxa,- saia u aD- I mother's beaaty. atrearth, iff . V ...... I t tOr. ! . ... . . . tff.M..'iLi. 't-at-J ' ' .i 'VKti t , I aavajaa av4.M wMir, Oil abCc reiailOU J S 'Kf yer don't do it ter mor (hie) retY mother - ia 'aa' 'lf,"2 'n''li J u J swear out era!frya' "PS .ft5??, keya can't bite put yoj whar de monk , , . .... . yer:Veridal?,,t 'Shoo! dat ain't de law, ole mas, said .the jtraog darkey, . : A lZ ;.s v ... u - ;Trft ehr vVtaaaded ttaighien: ing up sayegely, ee dat fist? and dat ooe? (hw.) Dat one am de legislator. m m - ate. 4 i f 1 v 7 and die one (hie) am de prmb roart; an1 eT ret don't pwy 2afl5 cents in taonua (hie Am) gwins ter xaaka jer t3ok de wholo State jf5 Qtorzj done fell on yenj;. fk,.., ;.r., . .J iraviag loosed hishold on the port, left him anorUng there,' alW hurling the qaerry al him: '-'WhardiddeSuU eh Georgy stnks A Good word is an easy olliration.' but to.tpeaV UUequIrea Vcoly, oar iu I lec, whieh .c6at fMr :!.0P::um:i-; -:l: r. ii'fn I disuse water; ea Uio ;carlj Mv . Artto eas rot cnt tf i. frxgaeuU cf t&oso and. .wera aMutl .v., .v - - ' a WW IfcitJ ."water Thry ' ihocrht were frptca aalt; witcrj n'a theT wrrm furm- ? n l Und, and in ao wit launched. finto k. . t- . . . . . .kIZT Jir.T ."T ai Th T'r' aaltir a kti -t-. ' ' .Wtop FrcicnSiJa watci. xaaka frcibrl waigo water, it wUl Bake..U u pure I uthat ci.de of raia r. waters lYLin I . ... ... . . . matten Lave na time to escape, either J form .7""' J1 ,r?1?, M.:l.' 11 ... ' I 1, IS?r5? S1 T onu snauc ior me puzrlras on tht r I "" ".iui MiUUJ, UUU WUIvU HTu lO orW' rj. i : . - V J Itij' like a deep," broad; calm,.! are loving and happy. FFln.l,rAnA,i Trim . 'rk'- separate or. joar sake I will buideal .,1 wiil fiet tiefieU! I will. skim tbesevl I wdlcndare all hardship an aunereruig, ail muery. , .11 IT 4. . lie paused and , looked, eagerly at "l' 'J0..., ... : .. : ,1. . , At tv iVr 1 2 into his bora hat; eyes. ! '.. w w 1,lea,ya;a,thonaad,fune yesV I . 1 . , " t v ' r Dsnbary Aeics. v im m anntK tvxaptir te Ced . Are may wear nl ' TiDba Kth. la ,iV might, fJr ft is 'always 1o r the meridian and knowelh a evaiifng. o y w rxayHiaireo, Dat her oci2u erly rtlaticsa nevr die. .It may Va aaiuniq, yea. winter kriu a woxaan, bat with ihe ' m'otLer it ia always spnfi. ' 'XUa ! Jow tittle !o :ire 'sp oreUU a' WK ' (nJmru: UlU liViDgt -Tja( wLea 'fr de Won, when tlii .tares aad' caUaesi tt Uio world come withering to' ocr rU9 w aperiee L!ow hard It is to find trot ajripathy how' few' will bfr-M ri is n-tt-r-r T;n (t b iiTe rt. . - ' c- ' 1 tr:r-' '!.-? ? :i c - : I : - Ttrr r:!l! f -r !?r:'-, r- 1 t ". j ia all rrobatility tUey will gtt alig. fitynitf ws; W.4-(,A;r.'-:i.i I 1TT m - -r "'.u,m'''- j I r.v- ' r ,f f ? : , ; , r. TCfTaiea cabfaecd-wittia the IV r . ! I 1T Vn V i- mf viiloaaof the Law abov a entJ ar of Law. ..'::i., ;s ;i ; I the fcHoiL:-" vir " ' ' i sionately tqto hers, he Jalkl rapidly: Deaierr, retail iiquori. - 73 00 oonsfan- .XcungarianiewateMeyerniere iier wholesale Ueoor , MCD C3 'And if. we wed." A1BfIB .1,- I VTrrr4' V1 .WT" f: 'f inx aliVbtly 'will you ret an flrit I Peddlers cf tolaccn. tii.-i r'--- . ,- t. . T- -," i tiwo noraca or r! nci a-! ! l rM buUd . the fire? ., ,., ' ... - &B,,iofMi,p fiLif t-.. : . , i ' v ' . Peelers cftobbtca, tasrtic:iii,- - jul I ' rted at the ILIbU rlrs per i 1 50 : C3 tlrre M ' , , Tiers I ; !crcf? 5 fiasaa one your. - CO Half Or. s 100 CO 22 : HorsoVPpVvcr-Jiew "Slcan.SavniH.n- ,pnicE'spdij;; rfpilra tlrcalii cf Sccoijf Daad atry on t?Dlkalrea. . rt iae ia tojpk-a we hay cM S-cood hand' taiti. Tobacco t. t..aery &c, la " " , Portia 'Corollsiai r" BriKRow 5: p leasantj, lSu!J T. J. EIIOIIY. WtlW flrf.t tftM . O r .0UIUHi CeedJ cetkv clw . . E H POQUE mniboro; ' TrW "'w; ' 1 " - 1 1 tiTnUTTALT A CO, . Barry lisae m mt a J KSf aad Plji'Factorj. , , ) ttX aod urn uvi.i. ii iti.t. l&ociLAf ilia. Haw iL-FPi!?. ' - LT, ZJJtl1 ' i I .1J vr., - . . f . Butet, ,8ecilcms S::Jf :j7, aiUd aad ay. boaineu. avocatjoa. ct toj. In lace or "Mb the rt rant at t-.f ! t - l 7? f.r the Special-Tax .Ytsj U .1- U .1 ro.lwiorconr3X8Cir I rr Uatt- I lb L.I . . . l. loir boaiBeaa aTtr Aurfl 'j. 1 ' Dealer la malt Dealers la cali. lyeaiers la leai loDnero t a m f 1. 1 Uctail detltra la lea! Ubacrt Ana ca axJei ct otet Ll.CZX -tLw tot Wary dollar fa rxn&sa at I mm . rXjKm. I .wy(, i I ia xaaaaiaciared tobacco 3 00 1 Aadfor each wofracaaaftcttrsdiOOO n llaaclacttrsri of tobauo 0 00 11 J sasfactama of ciara , .10 00 ... ' . w w w i a, . . a. . . foots itaa two Lcrcs cr cilt I I If"1) ' ; ' - ' . -; 1 CO (caibot cr ptttlo ee3vt-c-, ia ca L'rtwers t;f leti thza fObirr-'i .fa CO l:rtwiraof CCObxrrtli crc.i lCJCO ' Any peroa a . x i4 Oil toexrnpJy wit! tht forest!.-;- rr-slre-. 'meats will be . nbjeut.'lo'errrrt rtaaV i I ?aa or Crca Ci: U rarovcf apply to I.AO J.' TOUI-' C:'. tor of Iatatixal Ilmsca at a rj- .C payrrut acl r-c:c the CpcUI-T.ix Cia? cr L.;r Umt Brsd;pTlir to!-y 1, irr:.r - ITI out: jrunn' - :i::cjtic v . a. n ' "'I - J .. - i .vt. . ... Cos c!f sweet, e! Ir' z- ITtTtaas, OSceof IotaraU Rrrr-: 1 . ' -:TaxaracTc3, Di'C. V HoI IIC3 1 1 IICIJ z i i ! ! - V.': AIT f!,ALLItL3 1 ;.n-JT. . 'Pari ifa- urtasdtpcrJy ' Vi- 'i dia- Cre r C 3 I J I t : l ' i -le rttj :j . . .:nr le AI J.aJf t. J. Pi ToUaot-7. . reryell tSwr his daith,

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