FUASKL1N .COUMEB. l'uBLISIlED EVERY FRID.1Y IN Louiblurg, N. C. , ' ; ' by th CHrrL-j nis lf t Geo. Batons jrietor., Xiatasof Subscription- izi Advanco GEO. S. . BAKER, , Editor .and Pr6pfiet6'r. i t .. i A .; ; 0&QQt per. -Annuni I--!.' i ,f.tlit3.x3ssthj.... taC)3 Fourth exlsaa cs ytxr 00 . i For one year, : For six months, -.: For three " , " .$2,00 J 1.00 50 U If Y0L. V. : r - :- . 1 . ' ' . ...... i. 1 ' - - yj "th - t ... - i ; l .--.. I- ing laU fcl i to ijnt. ach ling iCH. 4 Lior i 3tb. t'kk- th tree. mil JaO : I i . f irsn - t - -v . I .. . . - : I i t . ....... Churcli Directory. HmrtictoTff CmiBCH.-KeT. F. L. Reid, lator. Bervicei every Sabbath 'at 11 'A.' II." and 7-; P. M 4 f fraycr- meeting every Wednesday at 7 P. II. 5 :': ' " ' r -'":' " Communion gervlce the Seooud Sunday In each month at 11 A; M. Pteward's meeting Monday night after ' tlie second : babbath in each mrinth'. 1 - Sabbath School every Sabbath at ' 3 oVock P.'M. B. W. Fuller Snpt. Bf riuiaf 'Episcopal Church. Rct.,E . Dqlloway, Rector. Servicer On the first and third Sun- day. la. eachrmoyth, morning and cafternoo9i 1 . J Holy Communion monthly on first Sundaf. hnndayr',choi every f unday; morn ing at 9 clock.; U ,4 k. ' Prbfessiona Cards HALF-WAY DOINS, BY 1RTTIN BUSSELLf lU,' '' BelublxM fellow-trabclers:-r4 In hold- . DAVIS & COOKE. ATT'IS ani COUNSELLORS at LAW . . . LOUI8UUr.O. FRANKLIN CO. N.C. '. Will attend the Court of Natt,Frabk llo, Granville, Warreond WakHOrun t'e, niso the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the U. d. Circuit and i nctCoutls. No. 7 tf W. H. SPENCER. ATTORNEY 1 ' 1 .A. T L A. W, OFFICE, On Xnsh Street, over Hawkins' Brick Store. L0U1SBURG N. C n. F, 1UTLLOCK JR. T. T. MITCHELL. Bullock & Mitchell, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fbaxklinion, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 6th Judicial district. Prompt attention given to the collec tion of claims. No 50-tf phases of exiatcucc, as he emerges frprn, jackets to tail-, coata. K an) sure I was as absurd as mpsyquD ellow?' spcrjt p.hopr,; ovcr mj tfiUt ttrn with mv tnllrvr onil ran I doesn't fincaspeaiirfraefor lP.MTforjlowandpeiirOT wnai j nafno say, Ie sermon- "will be berry short, and his hercam 4le tex ; ? f Dat iitill'way Join's ain't no Voun for dis worl' or de nex' f a Dis worl' dat we's n-libhin in U like a cotton-row, . ' j Whar ebcry cullud pentleman- has 7 "got his line to?hoc : 7-"ir And ebery time a lazy njggeriilt to take, a, nap, .;.- De grass -keeps a-grmvin for to -smuddcrup his crapj 'w I I When Moses led de Jews acrost de .... i. . I. 4 ' ill' waicis uy ub ,e.i, ,v :u ,' Dey had to keep a-oinj'-jes' asfas1 as fas' could be; : - - j 5 Dcryou f sposolat.lpycfcldber. hab succeeded in .d"ir 'vish, t And rcach .de Prouiiscd Laiul 1 1 r last -if dey had stop to fish ? My fi ien's, dar was a garden once, whar Adam libbed wid Kve Wid no one 'roun' to bodder dem, no neighbors1 for to thieve, :; i And ebery day was Christmas, and dey got dcir rations free,, i And cbcryting bi'longed to dem ex- cept an apple tree. .uUh.bcredible rapidityaj h-.n j u-i JSMong upon,the elegance of,my iippea rsuicQ.atuJt.. grace ful mannurs I foiinil constant ocaaio to correct Dora one ot tbet.'wjldestri " merriest gins la.eyisicnccor, qct giru?, maucapyvraysjiq.rtnrn, orwmety shc.drqve,me1to desrrallon jbyber ra imicry of my gra n d , q irs. . :j j ;t. o.tvn, t that ;. ncycr , teas . gin , more :, Irritating,",. ,Asi; surqly as il ,rranged, , my , Jiair to the best.ad- - - ; vantage,; ail. antimacassar was a:- r dnvenbertb shonld alsobetninc:' Iiatlio Oiaoxx ITiiieir."5 ( tipon the rlafjlacld Hvw1; gTittci In Vng trith death' ,:wDor ately. ; ; 'Olio CSoiitloaaixiu 4 'l.:-.r ;.i ''I -' J : it, i 1 'T . tiiaeiaory if rclnowliTin;t T ::ETrrW-ei U'a ifl "JL ?, t:! , . r ytaobeara fliartl 4Hi coitooiif Rio famatW tSat I ilWnot br- rettics rick W-Vv l-.V-U u . ;:'.;! ...0 'deaYr'Tte'etfV kiclal EradeUaV'daimi tU 'txclcsive I !.. i ' ' r4f itlsV out ormr erto ebiHrehiaa 'ftg'-'krtihi' folfa1!riAl io rive.tKe bad-a ntTT; 09 . Uorck .rA-V . . , . . - - "J. " ' . I -v -ivikm v uuiut-fuua ClOXB. 1 vj miv wuiHTiiioa oi IQOSJ BaVI-.l' ,, I mm. ' ' A . , r m . 1 ' . . .. Ir . 4 . . . ........ f I...--- ...I v7ts mm i. 4 . l Till' fish, kind; and - ktlb" i:mlaea tUt i - OlUOlil.O.lX f,l.llU.,-t maketho geodeinan, 0 PniCE D ,C 0 D. ' we find aaaocg those nho'vcta thea- ' ..,r - j,..- L Selves the gentlemia and ladle, of hi. .WrW" now i wopm nave sunercti anytumg The bride went to her joyful htabibd rather tharT lose' you at'leastj dar- "wftbVgreit tort-t.f Ihien, prepared lmgI-wil! tdllir6TiIirjlhfireft. J by her own handa EUVShe''traYa will not survive yon r ' ' ' (. 1 l 4pirtern her tnotberV'booe; he 1 "I Wl-tftfady'irWTomii)f j -hired tmt In ilie faroiliea ofto neici You all know 'bout dc story how, de snake come snoopin roun, A stump-tail rusty moccasin, a-craw- liii on dc 'gronn' - ? f How Eve arid Adam ate de fruit; and went an' hid deir face. I Till de angel obersccr he ?ame and. I am confoundedly sorry forjt i; when two fair arms -clasped tner bora to earn mroey f o dl her tolcJ:s-td fct-r Zz-izn; ToUkw ItfTrracrryTpentrntface 'ry.UVdVerfWwart apoMotrTougU- metal' abotxV tncta'J ipmc&al cxm'tt . u ' " " ' looked over iny sboukler; aiwl a f-' ont"Kis ilme at the plow,- loom.'anvU. arrogWaad pUe,:aod: tMoftea Ja - kottla.Oarltnat millan -wehome'n-oicc Telon'W ? bench of torw' auWantUI' eiUteaVT aanifca of aplrit anda Uttknog that -l!n?tSi?Vst vAiat' ear. -'- - .-. " ' - He Krved seven yeari;aa Jtcobervtd dJflgrte toman itufe. :: ' - banr, s Enpinet ;"No; plea?6 don'tdeahf Jae)ci-p' -Kr Bathel, aha-'Wlibasbt :lhe yeaW ?-"8o far as b(iTobservmtJouf gocaid ! B lXALLORTi Triil Xa nptsv. twist cu., fturpan iaAUU'n. i Jorgive wei'it ri narft-waTtW'T-not lonir fm-tha l. fc'i'i-it-Mfi'A.W :f t.W . :w ' ii.,:-,;'L' about my brows, ,0. the ; utter anni. Oelliajhst ml fJl,Kt doif'tyrttt " fhei.ifed men aomaldsW atrtio Mgh'and low, fich a 'pVor-iwe 'are i ll A BirxwJ, tckSltS" bilatiun,of.,the cJiQicest f ui-ls; whije -play IW.mcorr Hke tlw'falF'CapU. table with their n.tra" an3 mUlress-'- constrained to ttyHhat,-' whlle'anotjr ' -5 .iUMEa.-Lexlr; poce IifQUQ(l her flog4!aa. fasn-i-let-ram :iioXdcnd V'l '. i.J''Tie 'maVoMT wrontn tie 'the- poor elaatoW U a 'gcacral I aJ?UI....l?l-.-Jw el in ajchair.bclbra.my toit-tableP "DoraV I ried.' .-Ofi', l4f:it.pai -aYidsYof ttierr binSniUjen v'jist ki tWhg; a aili Uek oteitemal 'caWiOi'' E" It-'pOQUE nu'uW 'Tc" ccw - atire4l.w,ray,bst,,crav.at and collar; - sibTo you are not browned - PenetopVdid ik'tbetuidn-of her i- of attention to little pciional'liabitj Titint. ' '"t, ' ' a scented bandkerc-iief on . his pa wnlM sturdr 'cbildreV' Wdld -Hhal ara not agrecalU to I eikc'ri, aid TefchP0 .and .panting,,, jpanely, at, his wrt' taken niy disappeararico Wlly.il through thesnowW frihni'xW which iiUto.b 'corroOtdttcre'tl mvY JLVt'A OOP XUpvram image in the glas4,In fact, I was -think l:f,shbald-' havd'bcciibjth;id Vttf ;dii'nct! -school : They'' were- -TeaUy,: thalower -and aiddW'f inU fxtam.r. jt t.-du a dandy; she.a lively, unconceitjd iimc.l It ,-wasj however, only a rftse 'wcndlvnwblpp:wrtS5tf tl'rLKenpd of society, to called, hito'aa oaoV rte' HfCPf girl, and ,cach . carried . theamd tosee if yoa 'really were sorrVy 9 or 'WK'A tllcyVcre itupid'or Vartily'. kid gentlemen and Udioa' haadng"thio tad XHrMr1 too far. I .certainly , did;, for, one had to marry me:' W.-f! k. f- jlid bsTono -who chin the divc tight-to theVc' la UALTOH lUidtyiKIJjHfniod day, when stung more than usual fa "Sorry'; my darling? 1 was a fool1 they 'were out of f pinafore In'?' k hooifablo dosignitioiia: i f I ,11 fc y 4. i'-fH1,1 ui.'.' fM; ftr r- - an iw.uv ; -,. : . ; , ; j ana in couotrv the 'ereatett wealth tro- iic tppTentice and thd brrfa Jov. I.tfachiaer. from tho sofa,-1 roared, furiously ? 51. tell you. what it is, Dorak you; would not ,dsir to act like, tl: is if you didn't know I must marry you 1 carries) a artiaan ? the GREEN n IXE Xiect!-! Saw Wll tVjrjlie " Oatlt druv em oil de place. "Her, face, was, grave in a second.'! 'Then I am' forgiven ?' ' ''Deat'es feel how- beats wbli joy let m. k ff . I. w answer I: i'rcpiFci;- pre3siWg ucr.w. I (tXvMl w,t ,ir.;i rn; , ikiiteftyfi v ivi m H,tr r. l-rrrS 'toy heartl ' ' ' -u t.v wou!ll ,eeni twj Wu, tfd'ttlwt f ci!. JKalllll-Ci "lilitinXQr r' ',:"." ? I cured no Buch luxnrv and convenience l-the man who diirs a ditch or r- - . an luai, einoveu uv dc miuaie ciass i uucwiuiuic' idu that 'btfiny toidaVV'' Tho' finesvcqnisitionacofn-Thor glrL thir aeaoutma;' arman, uie i wT TAYLOIt, T7httxrr,r Ca the cookland r Btib' & UUoi Fxtttry. c It! wntr-Wn i TTftlit'Jf"" or -'"- . an' 'oomah Kow. s'nosc dat man hadn't tempted fr to shirk, j ; But had gone about deir garcleVin,' and tended to; deir work Dey wouldn't hob been loatin whar doy had r.o bus;ncs3.to, , And de debbil never'd got a chance, to tem 'cm what to do. ' ' No half-way doin's,' bredrcn ! It'll neber do, I say ! ' Go at your task and finish it and den's de tunc to play For cben il'do crap is good do rain will spile de bolls, . f Unless you keeps a-pickin inde . garden of youjrsoula.,,;;,.,!.; f - t. J 11 1 I ..... I . . . ... .thcR SBWucaiPrrm ,s h ' -rournopriala and, as you kndarc.J- Jc -rmr.V rriV ,s "So you are sorry fpr.it, Jack?' - to'lxy matricd-moTfwrnii tz ? m v iivj w i nil ii ct ilvj. ukai.j3 awvi ' 1 ' 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. lllCnTElt. Watclmiakcr and Jew- w cler. riTB WfttchM and Jewelry of the be Munufhctor and at tho loweit ps Ices. All work personally attended to aud war ranted. A ' ' tl 6S8ycmora St., Petersburg, Va - ' Cch 1 li . -. Whitelaw & Orbwder, Harble & Stone "WORKS , i , V -i ' ' " ', '. V ' Corner FayettevUie'thd Daln Street. OPPOSITE THE YARBOROUGU HOUSE; a saint ?'4 I reoined. Hinging the sofa-cusnions. If you. plague my life like this now, yhat will itbe when we are mariied ? I may ex pecit a pleasant existence,, truly !' i "She looked intently at me, with blanched checks; then covering hcr face with her 5 hands, rushed from the room.,- I had , a half mirio to go conceit intervened- . . r - Keep a-plowin,' an' a-hpwian ; .VrVti'-gt'i ai'SWrr scrapitr to uc rows. . , A -t ; . ' : vJJ 'ii And when dc ginnin's obcr you can ani! i i . . . . ... . Tl" . whoWuKthe I?ul 33o3'V .amrmgMmmjtM gabOUt - . .,ro-i .t ii ; . , h, of l,f I TTa- ..u... Little Annie was prettily 'dressed,''! fitters!: , llowr: it fcouiids along- its I -;l l. .i i. i . if i r .. ' ..i . I ... i .... urn. - i ilia a iiiuuvmDu ueniloinarj' arn AmL'ti t - . , . w.l L. r 1 - - .t I i . I ... . . . . - . t I Vff" 1 ;-rr 1 I I U1CS OI LllC SOtllJ TT.I thrii imniiAn. I k. v -L: ! f olrorcxd right tb theeel 1 JuSj;' O' U'Z, TQ the5' tlr. ' 1 t ' 1 "5tr . . . CoHt of Foncea' 4 and .: . . i i. . . ) . , - , . . . .......... - - - jiMrintn,.B'rj ijfirt u. S: Inlsrnni 'Hovenufl uaatanduin frout of the housel IWbod, MiaAimcklobade:.m-j the Phthidelphia; Agricultural Society L' IAi,xxt' l w.l0.r,hf w go outito n.m5rDnna,au-inng?. as ii recently,' atd that the &ncts in 1W - MJ S 18:8, to April 13, 1S7 pay up what you owesr But if you quits a-workin' ebery time de sun is hot. ' -v ; . De fhcrttrs gwine to "lebby upon cberything you's got. ; Whatebcr 'tisyousj flribin' at be shore an' drih'e it through, ; : 5 An' don'tlct noffiin!. stojou, but aownai you sawinjuj uo - ... t - L ..VI I .W?ASn1 M ,;r "Ur. O00;.ndthciraonual expend' ea- UtiXn. MmTs 27!i wm pa-s:, when tho htUrl aaid : were oenvea irpmiWiWeif. -limtteJ '.f 1 10,000,000 'A'MUtin': S233. icqairo etery prsou e:0ri i :'.'Come,here,boy4 and ' s'ako liaad iow ,lt,wa.tW aTfltquId t.diamood cuUhed writer oanatlonll whh basioesj,' avocaUoo, cinr.ploj- named.IfoW.v.r. . f0juid fury over :fhi :rpdC;sik6w: It -1uvtmcatbUM'cBlrj:tEaW- Wplously la cis aauUUlfcuit or The 'boylaughed.hook'tiands' with Ja Wear, limpid, aa youth and innaceht 'coailv'nrodoction orhnmaV? 5ndo.tW ?J plt'cf uueaa; a STAlIP.Ce-stiBf . H e igot a httlo girl W Rle ycu, :Wd .with , thejTJiag-Mreams of dM Je the field-'. 5 Ko min 1. lS:.btJorecomceLc!?oniaa- . a a . l a 1 I .1 " h y i n x w nan jtr t nnvo t n n r r 1 ra r 1 cat ' t -r . ' i . r . r - . W " I.-'IT1'- only 'she' Wt-anv little1 cloak-with, thought and racrnQryitbat jare:fl6winf i'UJi . ' .Vli.i ' J never. kner Iliad .loved .her. so " ..... ' ; ,t . frt t ' j'.r irrr -Tr.- v- i , ' .j.u uy; . i pussy iur uu u. ; . ii iixbwi, uiiHuniw.fwni vi uun- misery in Jier,prey I Lidv earned lair bcamea after Acril Co 157-."" The Taiea embraced wltUa teTro- are "'" ' T crfWtV lead toward; art: oar cidea aiiaur 'towns,' Vila tli ' WfonowIo?r!x:; j,,,! j and said: vUV' ' ' encLrrJu voice, ioo; Tafia aa It' :ihutJ-i RecCCert; S ' :i3 -Well, dinner cume, but no Dora Ua g,;now it .ing,;lig!uly.a itdanW 2' mnenrerL he wa not to. he found ' i-1 tYv'.'- 7 . 7 . ' FLarvs,lDf:,eoce.a; farma are both Dealer, wholeaala Honor - .xlS0 .wwM.. SSS Wrtt. n hnn rnn sops ft Lfrrtii,. f,vlin ' ,4Tho rierhbors were interviewed; I . ... --t ;: ct::- ; , I ...i . - ..: . J -'1 , ,r, 101 deri:-as . shore's Tdri reborn w had seen her:, and. flnallv ! iu- -- .-.-? , A . -TT t.-. I w"o."Pw .. !,;. l-? " u" - "rrr.: ".i i . " i inar evening me laav was called I - onvu i inc. arcwa! .-oc.iuoi ei I t,n4 tt.- 1 ou's gwineio see urn earning ,pat f . . searched .the gnuuts; j -:L,,1,: iv.ir r.w.i M-:.C.t.A L i ?lht rr: v H X knoW Vhat. had passed .be- ufdrccAiff stood with our portion of it fuf thocalm .regular- r; Cocxsa. 1 tnariKS ,a maamaa.f a j- h-nd. - thenemy tty of canaV-even ifoaa r could bo tota of a fil!S" r ohia bf biereau ..posscme,, ana ortW-nV' - ; 0,l co.tructed without) locti -and. flood- raisin' ob a tune- to spot j At tell you tW I aV-nofa gates noon it hold ,5a tho peut-ar Uckt tho 03 00 CO 00 00 00 00 ' And ca aalrs"clcYtr Cl.C. . ,4tfij emu 4 for: every' dcl.ir U t:. ;iol ppoiotio yontj lawyers to Aod foraacb alii! r-tr-'-'ri cOCO pauper arimnaU rocclred a rK?J?J5i2? VIV.. 10 00 ntry, cauain an on- iture, beaiJca thi loaiof tho tba fences occupy. ' ' . - other day In oaf Dlitriet I Man af act a reri c rctr 1 f tho heart . till they are reaiy ort: t His hoflor, Jcigo ootian, Paddlrri of tobacco, , Cnt elwi through ih. tank J ' i had jpoiatedtwo yoatS lawyer, to K - defends old aa LSU B?30 4L ' L' . . WW EalexgKN C,; Orders Solicited. I sec dat Bruddcr-johnson's 'bout last I came.to the bank ofthq nyer, ud - he uj go ti s'unda- 'wateri lopass an.uu uc , ; ; uuyujju f c lf"r School, and help my mother all I can. to bant AnVdon't le's hab half-way. doin s whcn a wn-lte object attracted my T ' . r ,.-' v :', 1' ... . , when it comes to dat ! ' ! l...: t n L.. uccS"5.MHuVPfit..y n. "TirriWlifi,i,,i . . .V V . rexJdieri oiuco.eccad ciaxi ' ', - : . : . ; V; , ..'.if bd words: and I don't, like a lady to T " " T'Z. t """T " Aer. iaaeettog- blf coaaaW (two boriei orotber aalnaU) 2500 rrtWT, -BArf i48 : borror! Ui106' call'mcnamKand ikCaiVlf tv'e stab "l.. .C i 1 ? fQT.tcactiao-ia:iUaco.tio 'prUoatr dfrttk-irVc!,7 : fee EtQVeOSt. trtn: without ;the aid of thc;litt!c en hcrmde.girrs cVcbca vff oCheVr-. . I Tho Chicago TnW atyr , :Tacs-V rose' ia hii, ptaco and a4maed; tho iPclclu . r giovc and hat tangled .among the ry glad youVesd ood said AJ ajoong and , handaomcly at trod beach r.. V tn , -(oa t v psb!'" rsru-'uX . !0CO ' ; BTE.w. ; , tllauilb ger. woman with.. n . air of, decp: ilidiudo ,-, fAirlhem-to. defa mtV f .Jj "gtf tL'"ii2 .; r : " . cry cscapetl my lips, I I stood firr nnVv.V.-MMi: frt. :.uron ber. oountenaaco., called, ait the :-Ye.ir.toU'L:. hanki . f ' -7-. VTV;, paralyzed thro'flang'myself'nrion 'u.'1; ; t-lit I y oSce of aprpmment'pTactitiouer, knd.l 1 Both ef ornf ' tooulrcd "(So erba. 1 to'cenpty ''with tba retire. gronndiUTia. agonic of dcpnair t - 'ff' 'i,i.r .if.i'Tt: ii. I with a chokln2 earn, taid: -Oh. doctor 1 ct.'.. ' ? .L -1 .t :w.;;'i...: ; . . lea!?.r r --V;ai::vAc31 GOUEIEE : JOB OFFICE- We have Added to our atock a splen did JOB PRESS, with an elegant f election of type ot the litest styles, aad wo are now prepared to do It was the eve of Jack; Hudson's wedding day, and I was enjoying a hhe bachelor ptpeand a glass yith him, 1 In-doing so, I-perceived unoto on . Perhaps with a praiseworthy do, the gris34It Rof iddrssefdlfb my sire to see me a Bencdictr' 3$ ck. had self. I torcit open , and read ti esc la tba neatest and best manner. Bo yon need not send vmir JOB WORK North, for we will do it iut m several young ladies pfour acquain tance, when, leaning back in his chair, puflBng : his r cigar, he said, ecntentiously -;? "My dear Xcd they talk of wo men's coquetry, but I believe ;men to be every" bit as cdojjeited ai I was at one time. - I'll tell you how I had it taken out pCrae I listened attentively. ; ! ' ' "As you are aware, ' I and my father s ward, Dora, were?Jielrothed well and cheap aa you can get U'elae- Rt .aJ aSf ,:bhe-Joycd me, 1 reciprocatea the affection, brougui up, however, as wc were,' together, where. LETTER HEADS, ' ENVEIOPEV CARDS, from childhood, it was not displayed in the usual fashion. "".'T I "As a boy, I adore J Dora with a species of awe; but as a young conceited sprig f from college, I rather . iatronized ber. Kvery young fellow goes through these aon l want inn: - saia twin. nnuv. i - v.wi s-... .... . , .. - his head very high. "My lather l-aajn-ira. ..w ooDao:Daa pern 1 rawa.o rxsoawv rcrpccdcd . tho I "Pcca cr CrsiiUal'i U; Arta in a frttindrvr' and tnr. f I terO tO Consult T0U about .fbCTO I She 4 ii. - J ' ' ' ' . i . I .. -I tho F fecial JlTI t- mouey YbuVc got a boy biggtr than hinghadi historically), bout his hcOrt." 1 in aaoi ear, iEAR jack: l love! yon far too fondly tcu make vour life miserable. 'Tou vera sorry for our betrothal. I release you; Tor I could not iive, and sec you another's Farewell! ' r' ' ... . .'Dora'. - "I kissed the letter , a thousand times, addressing it inwortls of af fection, calling upon Dora to rctuir: Never had.I known Bu6h?WTetched ness 1 no w 'passionately 7 detWly, I: worshiped her J. groaned,'! wept indeedunder the'drctutistances, I belieTed like a fool, whcirl recog nized the trace ot .tears on the let ter, as the outpouring ' of a broken 'I resolved not to survive her.: I knew-after so many hours, res cue wa3 impossible, therefore, I de termined that the death I . had rL-w r 'nlri ruL t I apply to liAAO J, ...v., ( ..c LLcar i. plead guilty- cd ;tla ift.,M..T il-,:! u-': ' rr I,s haven't your " ' ' " : . J IPrayicahn ycmraeir' replied tho snaa' poor devil took Mi", tea -and ti-had I U.adry f.t-tr1 ! -rtrrn tho r :Y&r 'vir ;; ' ".'r -l ef ntticibepho fcaa.?' -iOh;idoctoryT- heaviy..;4 f ,. . , : . i' . ;;. Xsax .Ctas.cr; jr ,tby Doy.Wknow rthc aheoaid plead hwiib'ber beautiful lyjr- .t ;i ' tr" UCT .KstllH trVifi l eitsr- ' lJ 'rj -' i - eyes atlod witt' car.r'ia w tell Oo : VflXPPr ! " ,Tt .v.'i -4' - ' .v .t''."'"!! .i- r .who travels over t continent dixit co r- "" . - v li 1 ' -Tm afraid not very well- ' V : ;3 ? r v .1 ComBlaaoscr ci l.urcll liraoo. C?n he say tbe Sermon oVthe Mount tne; I am tia wife; I will be very brave, lP Pj.p. JIo wbo wntea a book '0Cracl Ictarail r.rt 1 ...:w andthoTweoty-ihirdPm and the bufy must'tell WH.1 "Thea ""r ' r'lA : . . . k . .who learna & m r-t - n,.tv ! x ;rctrv i. 1: . 1 Gulden IluTc "I'm very much afraid he ' cannot, said the lady, laughing 'at tho boy's bravery. . ( . f . " "Doesn't he rido on hia r pony." on Sunday iuttead of going to cliurchl7 mm ftoav 4 ri. tht rhri w a vaa ejs imw rii kmt . - - - kindly, "prepare to learn the woist. " ''J VJ vyrtr f - lTnt I f rrf-fl w -S ot .U- rpi?- . car iifa Hogsl r .pons 1 1 llcnj,!! mouth.; ho' may climb tho. goldca P?' UU cocrtcxica-111116 Vtair ero'thettrria-tlmo oot.rmtk !eaM, pleasant wort!a, gtnial aix T?;rAU.T"r: m afraid ho docs but i bof ; ought I rtHe. . . ..!J .1. i.J.ll.l! .1 1. rT PS oi that betrayed her deep c, tn- KnVhi KttV roU. -'l,nl V 1 llOOt "thlt 0 hit BO- old : TOOXZfT thuuxrhi 1 would just come around and I m that I paid to take ooundba cf oUru Kerect- replied :tbo wemaa,- S:"' I'Ciro XsrCmlc; dia'- i oovib xiie-i3e, ciy co , a tcrc?3 i casta is rr ci:-v -j. L.r-i' ... I action, bat tbo . Httlo itJij tbit 4 001 w 114 J w ,,T tola 1 . . .-. - i - 1 e O CO- - i m.m tp our iu noo ct uj ana whaikindof folka von wer. nwl I frnm T vmm1 f.Tm I WJ! T I CT1! boar. . ' J V - I O v w w Mtwi wis- A. JiiMBaiBaaaP-ia but you have TH0U3i:rD3 or wd-I t guess mother: wtmld: : Yes, tlU blcap ye-r; bu "SL! V:!f,?Jd r 1 over to next UL foe bkek Is awfaUy woa tee ycc LficJ Who to talk to bad bop m the street. w ww .u. -,u, rZ, "vTnVtTS mic Good gone she swept from tba room. boys hold up ; xhfir panU a3 they vauc over the ctorub - - la Tut, rJfC3b, Grc. f eair. TTilica aal ITii'j cortt!ri U . . ta iu dzxcu Tcsu5-U'.j r'.:.bd ear ;:- tico, . . . Addna. E. J. SPaktr, IVcpi U tar. ToIaoif:N. C.

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