, ... 111 ' " " - - " 1i" ' ri-Maaaas m r mwa , n . , . , , FltA KLIN COUHIEK, PCKLISllKD T.VERV FRIDAY IN Loukburg, N. C. - . C?A3T 'by One Squire cc i li:; . $100 2 CI 2 iO "j CI - . . Rates of Subscription in' Advance l uur . 1," th ic: ' in. i 6tfc, good inecti' . . it aid0 died." my 10 r on' friend Mdect lot locsO0 ' l ho r it b "raUoi Tor one year, ' lr six mouths, ' ' For three. " . , Yu : $2,00 n- 1.00 Church Directory. One-- -"a', - Fourth cxiaiatt cna Year 'minions in it.' but he hadn't IJxq AIkthodist Cntmcn:. Rev. P. .L. Reld, Pastor. eer1ics every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7 . P.4M. ;? . Prayer meeting every WcilnePUar at 7 P.fM. " " Communion service the Second Sunday in each month at 11 A. M. Fteward'-i meeting Monday ' hight after the second babbath in each month..- i' -.'-,-.h'm' Sabbuth Sclicol every Sabbath at SoVoek P. M. E AV.Trlcr Supt. St. Pauls - "Episcopa.l j Cntnacn. Ilev. E. Dolloway, Rrctpr. Services on the , flrt and third Sun 4l.iv in each month. morninjr and afternoon;, f r 7 ?K j 'tat lto ToJrj vwifaUyiu Holy Communion monthly tn finft mU2t lookior truj, srnipathAvhen: Sl'nv hn vorVpimdav 'rnorn.; vou arc iri thr tnhlst ' iof business ins at 9 oMlock.: J , f t ; perplexities, 'and slJc is tftgo&Q that - j-'', . M.youslionld contUlq.i,, ,liogg lain Bogrs 'rciui a fafagraph:Irtfnie newspaper, the other lay, advising ; husbands to confide their business: affairs 1 to their wivcsO It "said'M great mistake was frequently xua4e, by not doing. so, and that many a mail might have savel himself fromf i din!jy adoutialiJiQ ulaiusnuge?-? look tu,o, smpath jryhen; jafcU to try it - bn. r lie , offered to k uuy man iwo-uuras oi toe 'profits wlw wmild furnish the capi tal.' . . 5 . "Yes," 'said Mrs. Boggs. breath-' Tng harder' through her set teetlit 0oth upper and lo iver set, on rub ber .and her lingers playing ner Tously around the mop han3le? 'aid -you" recollected the bonds.' ' , ; uKec6nectetrr;4jnn7: Had 'cm 4 my p6clccC,gbinij' to the bant just thatr minute.-OAvr my dear. I never, would have told you this if t hada t reatt an itrticlehi arniews Professiona Cards COQKi ipUcopfi(ipg w cowhhc irei; rill ptfdered pter! HiatlCJ. LIU UiUllJ li Wtll IU lUli paper, about con udmg-r- ; i-?(3opn, Boggv' said.Jklrs. B. jq a yotce : pretcrnat urallT calrn.;- ? rripenx told joifwBa't hls'scileihe va nnii vnii ' . . ' ; li about anv llllOMt too !UtOl i6 10 r :3 s I liaVe r heard'a. stdry--I cannot tcllwhether it is true or- not some of the Jewish llubbisi iL'is a ale ; concerning. ;the -tcit; -"The "FS .inKJo j hor he Ftone which the buiWer : refused ,M jUQuUako wiMof little 'tocBdy; tlmaame ia .biQine tho sheaAstonrf I nalljL mot ,"Dwtchnjan nho Sra of; the c6rrier.V 4s Paid that folUw-bj-Vi gret r.tgly, 'coYardl t when Solomon's .Temrjle'rvvas baiLl- 1 110 entered. iDto- conVjareaticn A Y.nkeo .while footing it tewirasj vnt west got very hard ujy tod ,wms ingj ao4: thoVstonesinere Jbroiighi ( v f V" r-i .Vi' from: the qnarry ready - cutaad faehionetU-and each block -i marked for :tlie plice iti tran-tori oecupyir-;. 'Among tbe j stones-.; Was a x. Very MuriooJ ) Ofiflf Aa seemed. of no flc- acHbble shafie and appejared unfit ..,WhatUhd6t?u 'Andt joahifc'r see OTanylpbrtibri VAf.theibailding.,' " dot-'tHgfof V?' y' .V ' ' ; aney LTeuiu uiwTf weiiu si : , of ofteotirsd not, tut Ni3drge yoh'Ve got" tutrfeVaSi he. ;,'' -f . r, il 'YawVhe jei a fine' tog. j I V Wyoortfddllar ihat r eari'teli -what hfs faima' fc.''f-T 2 ( i 1 I " 'Tou lore Viio no longer, said a bride of a'feir monlhs' to Her letter half In his "gown "and ' lipprs. "Why do you say that, Pass?" 'ha asVei! .quietly, . rem,aving a ' cltfai rrom "his lips. - v'on do not cares L-auino pci naracj; Toaho d -1 mc nor ,22. Hof3. PbXvcr-Nc7 fVu'!SteaniSavnm.-'-' nmrf o i n r v longfricfcK sd aiulousV 1 for :'mj - " ' . w r uu' ' Company," was the tearful atiswcd Pfw eircvlar 'Sccz4 Ul iWy aear,w'continHcil difenri ,affttT-f Pto2ai-L4 1 w doehifr-rovcr stoned brbngh cruJ J . ' jLWortU Cxiroll unt es tKo car, ano he sefV.cj am! 's wlrii tirr, 8 EB$ine.- -on. Thcn'hb'qWtiy scats" himself -.vV & UaLL9UVf rraakHatoa Ea. other, dated :threw f maiiT became! .graes. ATT'YS aM'GOttHSEitOBSafUf : he onoa)atimei,,neitU.IoaId it .:t- ' ' V;' : a mistake. But it was a intake; was the Ccnteanial year, "and every- LOUISBUEQ, fbanklw co. N.c. he yould rectify ,fHc. yratft m the - -ttlil , iti . rectfying buabQSS,. exactly. ;but be T , ;:nUh'ir' .;tlw. hovMntinn i passing by laughed, at tfe jstpnc: tV )ll BlICIIU 1115 VUUI k V" ' wi, . lio, Granville, Warren,nd Wake Ouo. tics, also tle Supreme , Court t't North lin find tbe U- S. Circuit ana Dis- Curolii net Courts. No. ,T-tf :W. H. SPENCER. ; ATTORNEY ; , A.T L A W, OFFICE, On Nash Street !oycr rnawklns' Brick Store. ' IQUISBURG N. C. 15. K. UULLOCK J II. T. T. M1TCHKLL. Bullock & Mitchell, attouneVs JAr la?w v Fuasklinion, N. 0. I '' Vuu!V.i' LV'.0:' "c" T ;. He knew where! there wai a Jot of I-.e.. go home ai ones and pour tory nlmental - money ribat 'coyid be "doubtleS3 of tle; int MJ3 - bought ch'cand' it woiildlt fer ' risht 5 b :af Boggs' sympathzing ear; j iSsV any luice we wcrc amiiid to m,SUt as wcl1 ; Ho went directly to his doirestic abode and found Mrs. Boggs mop ping ."the lioor. - Ifc- was wash day, she tiad got the clothes out on the lino 'and was ' cleaning' things up. She looked hpt ana tired, and was vexed, too, wjthal, because the hiteii girl had left that morning without ask for it. He would do all the business, buy the Continental money himself, and go to the Centennial r Exposition and selj-it; and I thought il was a grcax cnancc never nap- pen again 111 a, nie iucQ at lease not in a hunxlrcit years.' ,buch an I'll Wt ' and reads his vaicr ''.'A'And 1 at I ,f u. : . . , ... butdt ccnjldoto aconjo- dillar IaWcll:you wllatldnarue lO' "doei tnaf raeinT "An i! n.rrn a4VL"? ???iu'lL vfcxed.amiuangryr;u1pJ; t' earBrbuildingtUtthestpneidonaTr-v'; Vv 'r4 - t -t -is cTiAsrn& tt-Ut ftlanffMioA iBJ 111" ' r coyercd:miurups3. .and tvn!i ilLi-iiLr'.L iriu.i JlrJ9 .0WSCT 'Mte; thMTick.tbcr ;"uyeitittcaMiWtWi.ca proofed Urj3aii4ti,jr li2V ell send it back, to, the T ,'1 . mnnirWftAf' ?,o?tV -'J dPJPin;f tgr Fcvorj,r u ;t edhim m.the eye, and. finally rnnmntcr the tkt f jt t i 6aLTu:J IUUstuVlJMler.tad fn0(i ' 'f. a. '.'j f4At. ' ' trri-.- I nin4rT for FacUrr. . - ' I quarry, for was sent for nothing. Year afler year rolled on, and the joor stone was still despised; the builders con stantly reCused 5 it, t Thccypntful day eame-whea thqcuiplc-WRSto be; finished Y and ppened, aw). the down ' his thVoai ' 4 His namdia Frittj' f aid he, with oenoeraiion. "Bless th ptwrhiHre who luiTetA T J-LEKUin,1 FotU e( Pbtton. ZIU1 Machfcaery , .. . GREEN U LEE Tbomuvinew fiaw Mill 6uipllef, r. :tAiihilin1o' irB lit con th rrranrl : H..cut v .vuu.,u opportunity, too, Mo .invest roar 1 - v T " . ; . . warViing,'anrsiie was obliged to do- - '.-njWght 'XM builders said,. where is fcm:Eaid United States bonds mightl tQ -torsUne?vvl .good any. time. ; Bless - me, wliat a BiggF;, tracking 1 the flcSorV'iecied. Mr.-, -ii.'tostilr. "Take that chair on the hearth thare, and I will fetch-. you - your ; hi 'ecu. j Precious little you'll get this day;- and'; I All the U1 U' t - .-7. "T ' of mother's bond to frlnpni ?" said t : i . i . .i. 'l, I i . . : , r,i ,.. .:-i, . i r wi1 luJ,CJu:f!11 Mrs. Boggs, in low, soft.tones, creep-: inrr little closer t to the old man. -where M - the pin- j.--r? - - -ii,v . - , ... :- 5? nachi ? Tiler littlo iJiauirht where I .Vrf bust up, but. Continental moncv is HaPV ?V -J. fJ r -r'-' , noud , ' v4,"i thecrowmuc: iiiarbV-was nuUl one -L""" ;.tA ri .niV: i i-;iT: i .--got any beds to 01 prated aUittfe w TAYLOR, TVb!Ukcr,r Otttit DonJer andt; U.xen!' exclaimed f . i,"1' f - BtLfdrtarrl ' '.ir thoDutchman,. with open' rye and .7JTWt M i!s .ttt; im,uo'V -JrTT'-; . mouth-",-" f .7 ' ntcd w iacUcHriadyt. Mhiim-ci iHicor, Am. I not .right? , j ; aaid:, . "You W .ja.tok.bJd cii (10 , . 1 . uUW, voudota Utkthem .Aut t- i .1 Hl it k a 10 1 my tog c 1 ry 11 s card t own hm Urout, 1 cbuat choke, hi, Thehoyt!whtaiDl6ontj:,1by,. tarn neck if l htd aj,anJrei i cakeVb for in the chair -with bi8k, feet. on the round Jo-jke'j them ofl'the -wet Will practice .in the courts of, the 6th hcartl), and wi?h a partake of a' .judicial district.; , -.; .it ; . frugal hical.: Ho was tliiaking .all Iromi)jr. attcnuon given to the coliec f !K, . :r, P to,, of claims - v No 50 tt A mo time. mv vu...ucgiu uiumum ui his business troubles. lie gayev - -- - -- - i 53 ' ; ' e. itioiiTEii. ; Watchmaker and Jew eler. ' TIR Watchps and Jewelry of the bea M tnufactomtuutut the lowest pMceS. 1 " AUwotk personully atteuded to and war ranted, i I it MSyfumoreSt.,retersbuig,V . Cih -. ?r ' - - , t "' - r. Whitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone Corner Fayettevllle andDain Streets. OPPOSITE THE rv YARBOROUGH HOUSE; :- . Raleish.N. jD.J r '. Orders Solicited. -a I I rn mot lr i r - rm nnnv rvnoiiin:' tn . . ii v; "iV V iVi'rVh topstone.- They hoisted it to thc-lV.,- mr? kV.u PrS mo'' "T" " f ;T 'tf'U0.' HiiCril ' iljVCnUO "But,, dear, jou didn t trust all ., , , 'i.J.n.nMiW W riti wn'i,;milf -.1 V I' - i U sJ;- vm , tothe place. - -Ixud- hosannahs Ff?n. .V9Ver ft.t.Wea.ft. kre wlhrnAod ' ' " "t t 4 ij lf ilS.to'Aiiil Wfc 17.' 'Inadeintf welkW VlngVas tiio stone k'iVl!! sonisDUtin on; Uc iqadstone of this ( corner f ; - ' '! "-LJ. , Jcft.?.r- O r W?i uryr ''U so.iy.&pu ung pii ner : nanus as sue , . : :.', - - .- " n ;'. -li v wr ' ! -BatfottniTriJri utaLioj. trailed the mop "along ;. on the flpoi --ollniip,. VJlow.inanUag ibeet, afeh. , SmetFS11 nit wLicbU, L' r.u with the handlereVar :5 ' " V. ' ' ' how 0Y iWmiuT a L fl.y ,p.d HfW ". P.-? ivo 1 r liAl --'Lv- , -tLf' ' - i ;Tun,n,,.:f;!,t. wrU "-i s v . wi.l Lave: What, will ton do to bli tin contpKtouair.j t&aia esaomiKrri or three prehinuuii 8!gli luqli nnsupect?lT.g Boggs.;; ripem's all, , who areafraiito . tehavr.y .who go e Vas teVn CneiK lipw, many' ' 'S? ';h ;J.;CJ ifV. - L ihamt ! t.id . Pretiil Tax for racted Mrs:s attentcauy-: ,1;: :ne'4'off bunting upt'that moping abntwith ;he ecomulated inrrcVedl.ownia' UiS? t' , VTi" FJ ; erstaQ e ?jtJb; be, gK i iaa ;hcen; red lnT.ftJ.5 J h il itter:withyou?..I)oat,tmtc ? 'cfoclr'that" notblni sfiorof an earth-" Wii'i,,, - . i;, ..tl ,W 4ri, n .rirr ,!if t rf .HiTSteiwidbi-a tU Pro- " 'i 1 nnaker resdrrecUon" could hhale' it I' r. ., ..... , I. v?Uien 1 couU earn Inoxwj; and Ld r t 'bli -ltt JAw-S-ort' tcttd are khs-Knm.J nff. threbv denvm? he:nselVes the i j' :f. " j. ii I , lrX3ciI . f .'iS, i ' VI ar . . . mutton agree - with vcr It s all yOU'4 will rrt '.lliia mvin :TT1 nmmisp vht Boggs Waid tlis c)3dBiui ton whs' , delicious. . :la lacMiCi liked his coad: mutlon letter cold tlinn h t that i Q; tocr hot; VJtTKfT fl?aHh&tJ niauo Jinn sjguj .neauj spciuiog ;oa his:min(..?'U ' -'!". xtlif,rm T" . ... :Therewasa -Cry dike" theom:f fvVHWl tSf;sv, .a crib or cradle stands aileat nowTwl Icb XT' ' ' IhV-r ! Hcctlf f,,tf, , CW Inned -"yell of a dozenn!ur!ated pUaproorseeiug, the lauAhla- of: fet Saturday night held the' 'rarest of. . !-? '" " liW Hrrjn P?a.TU;Ur,r- 'm' a 25 09 wiltfefe. antrSnre,t,fthUeart?' Aeekjb ;W7f 7 quick; ,ampwhiSk--ofia--mpu .Ksivc JVLclr IS j" w thptheaCTMg .(uirki eveVtf wrfci for feIj iU 7 J - ii-'-r.S itonthVwfhisbalhea aUsadi "Mrs:, BoggsUHlS was :Th End this antidote for sorrow V -When j,0mc5 you KeartrVVwinde & 'JV- larWcwJda'l .fiW0jr-,:.. ,...Tt.J Eiteand she ae livered by: thaf enraged female,; an 0-10 cWrhwaitsyou, winged rg: ,no,t-hi'. j ;1 Jcll ' 1 :V5S all abputMt: -;;r - iningled withrsacbcfici as:'?ViI- VfOwo; lieart. en idult'W, Waf 0-f ;riACs'reaent"Oo"bVmc to bboTOkitica' iili-41'7 ' Ard fotttch sUH m a.:trrc J I3Ca FactissaiilBoggs Tvebcea lain !--wretcb ; lefaulterl --rob- woc'anguish, hunger; thirst "has pen V those you lovetnan of toill nd gire ' ' 'v,5 n ?Tvr;.LO. fj'ca j I 'And f5tcacmt:.. ..; ...:;J 20 00 thiki beror the wldder ! -embezzler 'etratk tou iXU. joS right In not tellingyou moraabout !c' you?:rascalitF to"me, will you hkve,Vived long enough to.. detect1 BjJnj." Ive vo oki co- ' , fr -rW' f Vf(cr iitf Lr.i ilid my business.'; Itlsto jthawifeji: Vortr:? Ohyovile tonfidchce minY the mockery intLe'keyteof 'picx"fiWr; your dirty' workihor " vdur v iy- :A;U.icrxi- I criediBbgfloarisbius the mutton fjonttal moneyferdwr motber's When yol depend !eV upon tl-edis busy ito&r t&t ii& tUcyou Lt' r TLi 'vlti i--" ir' - " bone in a highly dramaac poattlon and act. Mothers than W iofcU only knowa wL.Vtfci next SU ' !Xt V- ( W b3a cr otJ i-tU)! I J C9 gest vet pf deep; feeling, "that; a iWiiV'f A;. ? your own. When tko rooms In your nrdayni-ht will 'brio- toxL Forfcoi- ' vm n V". tit- r Kdd' Ulte: :..... tli- man must go for sympathv when T.16 ; tiproar' Cbrotight; jBo.rgs'; Lead d.hert'Vrc all : reVted ;jo Ve- 'the Iworid of cVrehd'tSetot!e4cf Kfe V !&"u ' c- 'f" the cares of the -world arc too mi.t.Ii.i.iaV'rvln. nn. WW' 't..f r t r ni t.'i?: '" ti: tx" T1 10 tc- oT.c a-j erf:ca.f, Xora 1 r. .:-., . , "C" x'iAw.- .vuv 1 - J . T J WV OOUEIBS JOB OPEICB. i We have adad to our stock a aplen -did JOB PHE3S, with an elegant election of type ot the Utest atylta, and we are now prepared to do many ior,nira., -T.:-A,-; j -;-?.r when slie was taken Into confidence I acrccment' wllrbo in I keen t;e .fur Mrs.' Boggs; .-who ,had:tesnmed too as it were? and learned what njture nud drapery ..in.,'' repair , and her :moppinjg, said he was! right; .nad become oi lier ' bonds, she cpn- wLose lease "will only expire witb'ljfr. she had alwaystold himo She eluded the matinee 5 by tiiping a .When fergetfulneas, selnahneaai'enjry, could ,sympatUizc witn nmi m ail tub full of hot suds over on huu. malice, hatred and all the catalogue of I Tiio'ti'nii'Viloc ?f f WYvnlil rri , P lot Vior I I Jim uwuuivn' iwiy wu.v. v.h; tv w uicu nearly. '--wapncii nira'into ine 1 aeaaiy fuis.whi uci ran visitors -in-know. . . ". r. -j . v,ri t vtNfr;i--n-irj i5j.-- 1.. I j fi.tn U'i.'m T :AW -' '' "l know V dear,' sahl Boggs, scen outside of the house since, but hope care,' thoughtfainesa, and at-ove 4 tenderly, "and that, is the. reason I thc doctor nays he Uhiuks. be can all, charity : hare taken possesion, and wa?tj2 W about thoselwnda- get enough new skin on him, s6that otyour ucar motuer s ttiat yon gave mo to put in the bank.f ? : 7 ;A J Yes, deai" v said 3Mrs, Boggs, quickly, pausing an her labor and leaning in an attitude of intense interest on the mophandle. j . will thuj secure to yen the fall and unabridge edition of happiucsa in he can go to Philadelphia about thc Fourth of July and se ehow Tripem j this world, aa well as in world No. 2, is getting , along with the sale of I and will open up a thousand avenues that Ointinental mcney. fa thousand outlets toward God' tuf- A Cass of IjiruDENCE.-Tlie two ia the neatest, and best manner. - . fcV you need not fend yon XOB "WORK North, for we wjll do it iust a well and cheap as yon'can get it elae wherc. LETTER HEADS, '" ; r . ENVELOPES t C4P.DS,f : ..1 feiing children,, and, the poor, whra r Kor.i slitiva vitliftrnn 72 nth t1i0 lJll. VUU tWv Wit. (.uiuiuucil 1 uuu, iuiuj uu iv iu u a ivj uiunu I jir. iioggs, "i;was going to Keep t noise ct.tnc strec: car aaa tne pas this , Irom vou, but I am satisfied j scnger? bveihardone of thenf ask. ; M bo the match between you and Au gustus iss;;fcft!r..naT'l ;..?". . T'' an Fm sorry was , the rts ply. " Father is laid up with fhcunaa tVm, brother George " starts for the Black Hills to-morrow,, and I'll he "WeH" said Bogs, urumming shut up in the house ail the Spring. on t he empty plate with the mutton I d;d:Vt .ore Angn.sj, eif eoufse but' bone. 'Tripeai told "me off a: good I ouglif ta have made Vim jthiok so, I speculation he kn6w of if he only j and kept him on hand for opera nujhU haa tne money, saia tuere was j till tatter gets well." that a man ought , to teilrbis busi ness to his wife; and "V , Go on said Mrs. Boggs,' rather sharply, an eager light coming in- 1-i ri i t-n iv uv-j. j the bonds. - "go on, and tell, about A trareler oYertaklng an- i6ld ' Pres byterian miaUter, whoso nag waj much fatigued,' quizzed the old genteraan up on his tarn bat.'" ,A'"rTi:r borse ydnrs, doctor, Very raluaUe 'beast that bnfwhat makes him wijr hK tall so, Xjciorr in Wht; asryoaT late 'asked me 1 will tell yoa. .' It ik fcrthe aauie reason that yocr tone wistb a sort 6' natural weakness ' , - Laziness travels so slow.that pov erty is almost sure to overtake it. wot enable to- pre it to nltl tVif if it f. w close aiound the family heartb. - Co v . " ; . 1 , , . , v -f .keenest. fufirajg-.u met when it Wthose,joave,lan : - ' I "'an could sec the woman ha laifUrV return tne ioved embrace or vfcur I . . .. . i.--.. r. r.rjrV-1': wyiamg, ana M ' t . , . , j. 1 . . ' i i ' J bcr, and not au.Tcr children so dear a sterpingone io th I n ' j . . .1. i c. i I . I rXaslnS " and all reward fate river to the eternal as Saturday night. I . .-i . - . - . - i L.ic vim ill i rin m v.. a i - . - iigbtr at whiie iWt it alone dlwers' its Leaven, I :'l bare u c-dan-r itha't Ungaag9 en U';ftri25 loo C-r-tently used to portray thecrricu; of love- By cradle and' ccncUT ty akk-( bod axd cofi,: b Lul tnd plice, thV roxajstrici'of lore are being wTeczkt. fcCAyDAL 4t waa the saying of .an old acqi a'nUnoc of ourSjWh'eu 1 i atte;' tiou was called to auy thin; that had a smacking cf icandal in it,' 4-1 hare so much to da that I csnnot hear it. ' One half my time is taken up with my ixrd bucineff, the other 'half -with Icttini alone that of my neighbcrt.? Ereweraof C:tr icrr:;j IC3 C3 r-f- ,r",,1 I ' - 14"-. fill to ecaply w.U,t.' in jc. - j--lr-meou wUI.bcf t-Lt t j t: .. : ; zziU ties, . ' . J -pcrsoca or Jrr-t I' ' 3 t f - j ci tlif bcla! Tax - - c " 1 " ' ' t ' 3 apply to ISAAC J, V J!.;. ( .Ice-"" t- f LstcrUl P.: tt- - . : . . w j 2T. C'xaoJ ry.'i-f I ra.'taa Psacial-Tax S-m rr L;td:'i ihrt On--; rt Iatcrr-J T - -.! ! rrrai o-J now many exca lent orpcrtunitica pf I JC CI Wi "itld tbe bc,rt kuinjs alone other tpeopleV lysine 01 rc st ' are slighted, and the world is troubled with the interference vf people with what does txt concern them! Neih- borhoods are driven crazy by reports of idle or pkcbLrvcas jecple who watch , An editor, ia wiadiDg ap a moat toucLingolitcary article, raid to tbe xaoarnin fxiea&s,; 'Be cjzifdled, yt sorrowing ones there i a'.iU a kila ia tlilmd Thi n-Tt tnr.rriin l.rrt for occav;cns cf scan Jal, and lj5e no on- .t " V . , . F Beom!orted Toanomi3cr?j.tbexe portnnity of making it pnllic, recard- . .mi n -yr ii , . . .f Tw tuilla tarn ta Guilfjrd. t u Ies3 of ita . truth, or cf the injury it in- r . flicts upon tLe. fcolings cf others." Cos- Tle Crt "trick horse'ca "record ippasca fur Cict,- andaurmuefor huv- The wooden one ia which tLe. Creek tory. , I entered Troy. IIorjsI 'Hcn:!!. IlcrrsI! - ''AkSpiixiDbn nnirruT. Palkflr'a'IIt-raJCLt.L.a c'L?!rr CarcT A crti; J Pi r . s U and i4. sedy Cur forCkTaii allk irrJ dia caaet in he- r 1 ct.'.:'.trt, Lirle box $100, tix t -irj C3, twelre bcx. la r.tt, H' -c - li Vi'Uioa e t; d J I - f " :!-itt. ; to iU !:- tlca, i . r' rr, r.-c; : ttr.

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