i noro r a 0 you nc, Ho o up- red, nerv lien shed said age, now lects. ears, You more sh&U hope. Do V land id " of mote U. de- rby l' jaty t FJtAKKLIN COTJMEU. t Published every Friday in , Louisburg, N. C. ' by ; Geo.' S. Eater El, S Froprietnr. ... .r o.kriPi ta AdT.cfc GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. Fan IM FAirm.i?;,-,cor.r -.lit t- Advtitisxaests will be fcsaerted the fuCowit,? rein per wwri ; 31 Ctf. 1 150 A r,. TERMS: C2.00 per Annum. For one year, For six months, For three " it u u it $2,00 ,1.00 . 50 VOL. V. L0U1SBURGV N. O, FRIDAY, : JUNE, 9, 1876. no. so; Church. Directory. Mcthooist CHUca.Rev. F. L. Held, Pastor. Services every 8abbath At 11 A. If. and 7 . P. M. Prayer -meeting every Wednesday at 7 P. M. Communion service the Second Sundav in each month at 11-A. M Steward's meeting Monday night after tlm second bubbath In each month. Sabbath School every Sabbath at 3 oVock P. M. E W. Fuller Supt. Sr. Paul Episcopal Cuubch. Rev. E . Dolloway, Rector. Services on the first and third Sun. div In each month, niorninz and afternoon. Holy Communion, monthly on first Sunday. Sunday school every Sunday morn ing at 9 o'clock. ' Professiona Cards Written for the Courier. . Suit By Eugene Hall. last interview, daring the course of He DAVIS & COOKE. ATT'YS anft CODHSELLORS at LAW LOCI8BUEO, F RAH KLIN GO. N.C. Will attend the Courts of N ash, Frank, lin, Granville. Werren,and Wake Conn t'ts, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina and the U. 3. Circuit and Die nct Couits. No. 7 -tf "W. H. SPENCER. ATTORNEY A T L A. W, OFFICE, On Nash Street,1 ver Hawkins Brick Store. L0UISBUR6 M C. 11. F. UULLOCK JR. T. T. MITCHELL. Bullock & Mitchell, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Franklioton, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the th judicial dibtrict. Prompt attention given to the wllc. tion of claims. No 50 tf CHAPTER II. A beautiful white cottage gleam ed through the Grove in the mcl low Autumn sunset. The irregu lar tinkle of the cow bell testified to the close proximity of the driver as did the wild and not unmusical re frain which re-echoed through the woods. The barking of a pointer and the baying of a half dozen deer hounds, signaled the ap proach of pthc-s, than Toby the cow-boy. The family carriage st op ed at the gate and Mr, Moreland got out saying pleasantly, " we are here Miss Ralston, it is only a short distance." "I am almost sorry it is ended, I have really enjoyed it." When they reached the porch she was introduced to Mrs. Moreland who was very handsome, ami pre sented her three beautiful children with considerable pride. Hugh. Lena and Robbie; they seemed un dca'such good control, and Mr. & 'Mrs. Moreland so kind that Miss Ralston felt that it would be ex ceedingly pleasant in this happy little family, and soon her cold re serve gave place to real affection. She had lcen domesticated about a week, when one evening after the mail had !cen brought in and read, Mrs. Moreland said, "Mr Son writes me that he will be at home t o morrow." "Your Son!" repeated Addie in surprise. 'Yes." I have really another boy by a former marriage." Here the delight of the children at the news made them quite noisy, and Addle walked down to the school the evening , Addie said, "Carrie rood, meeting the children who wrote me that her father was qnite said Hiss Addie was in school, he siokv Do yon know how he Is?" walked In pausing on the thresh-' There was a half merry, half re- old, Miss Ralston sat hy the proachful glance from his black table, her head resting on it, look eyes, when he said, ing very, tired; hearing the footsteps "Yes, he H much better, I should she raised up, gathering, her book, have volunteered the information, 1 only stepped in," ho said to had it not seemed like alluding to a 1 hand you this, placing the letter EXTRACTS FltOU "A 8PEECH DELIVERED IN CONGRESS OK TOE 18th MAY LAST, BY TUB HON. J. J. DAVIS OFTTi 18 DISTRICT. ' One Squire ooe tinic . M two - three M Fucr - - 44 tare troths Fotrrth colaxna ooe year ITalf 1 ' -Ooe "' f ' IIIWII. . .,pil Mil Ijl US 2 0 ioo'eir- Umm DscautUtWsfwmri of Joka Adaar, (oezx tieea as tavth as ta :iia la roa4 Bmmbers to 1 00,- 079,000, tia ocgit to lure pne into s kol cyt years of Jefcrsoo; I thiTrwury, has bew losU the rw-1 , niwti.M.iu.ii i.i..:t.tl .... . . I former acuaintacee." Addie determined to extricate herself from anything like dis- pleasure at his neglect, hid her embarrassment by an amused smile paying." s I cannot imagine Mr. Ewing why yon should have been vexed at my losing sight of having met yon before. I will be candid, at first I thought as I. had only a faint recol- kxtkavaoance or Tms republican PARTY. ' ' Economy and simplicity should characterize a republican govern ment and 110,000,000 sort than tU wUU eirat years ol HaisoQjMa bracing lL irarof 1812 with Great HritUla; 173,000,000 nor than the vbole eit years of llonrt; more than 1 120,000 000 CTBSsent, lost by the fkQare ef tfeca; wbcae slaty it wa to collect it ta so, or to aooouot &x k; L I aU tht pots it tatdlj, stolraftoJcaj j Iron the psfplc ay eottayt and fraods A on the table and relieving her ot the books. Thank you sue said putting it in I should mark the ner apron pocket as tney waiKea to pnblic servants. In the earlier the house, leaving him In the porch I days ot the Republic this was the to wonder if she realljr avoided Mm I case. . Prom the 4th day of Mirch. w m more than the whole four y-ers of J. lent oGcials tni ctrtaUaitioM al txs Vf- aaau; inera, uxa f40,OO0,0O0 And for the proof: more I ban the whole etrbt years of honesty and fidelity I Andrew Jackson; fGO.OOO.OOO more character Of its I than the whole four Tear of Yan Ta. Ten. And tome of as are old enough to remember how the economical spirit of The eommuako treated Vy CLm Proiicnt under the act ef Murc 4, !' 1871,conaUdng of Geors TTCUa uartia, Alexander. G. Catldl, Josrj ) llcdil, Daemon' A. Walkar, E. JL EI3- tO ..a or if her indiffererce to his com pany made her forgetful of his presence. If in days gone by, "lie had ever believed she cared for him he had no such thoughts now, but lection of you, perhaps you had fully believed her engaged to CapL lost sight of me entirely." , "Did you think that possible,". he interrupted. "Well it had been so long, we would really have had to become 1789, the day the Federal Constitu tion went Into operation, down to June 30, 1875, the entire net ordin ary receipts of the government, ex clusive of loans, amounted to t0,- 337,034,61825. Of this sum only Mwuuwy arouica uy ice ex- i U, Joaeph IL iaciras, an4 DitU" travtsaDcaofMarUaVsn IW, and 1 C. Coi. cade tWrV rwrt'U lSTi.T, A Aad the iVtsidmt by h spacalpea- , J bow in 1840 b was orervbeliaed by Ump people because of what was theught to be extraTtganc, but in com pari ton with tleae times wonld be considered stiogy ecoooay, for ia one Dunrich. ARer tea be challenged $l,ail,953,353.62 were colletted I single year of repablicaa rale wo bars her for a game of chess and check mated her in less than half an hour. She plead unusual stupidity. . ,"I should think you wonkl be un acquainted again, that is why 1 usually bright, after that nice let-' met you as a stranger, when I ter." found it vexed you, I feigned farther She glanced at him, as she re ignorance purely for aggravation,- placed her men, and replied, "pro- nothing more," she said laughing, bably if you knew the contents you Charlie hai looked at her quietly, would advise me to centre all my while she was speaking, his cxpres- thoughts on one point in order to sion niaj'le her cheeks burn and her make a wise decision.and excuse eyes aroid his. You arc willing then," he said, that a new acquaintance should be gin?" 4 ' "Certainly I never refuse an in tr xiuction to any one in the house of a friend." He plainl with trulv you springs duct to nceitate the counten- ancef your friends." ""Mr. Ewing,' she said with a my indifferent playing." r "I had rather discuss the discis sion than play," he said quizzically, trying to hide deeper, feeling." Sae smiled, saying "did you ever take a step in a business point of from the foundation of the Govern ment down to 1861, and $4,495, 081,264.63 have been ' collected since that time. That U. largely more than twiee !as much money has been collected from the people in fourteen years of republican rule than was collected in more than seventy years prior to their aaveni to power, now let us see how about the expenses for the same period of time. From March 4, 1789, to June 30, 1875, the net ordinary expenses of the Govern ment as any one may see by add ing the figures under the head of "net ordinary expenses. on ptget 05 to 67 of the official report (pampb- view without consulting parties who 1 let copy ) of the Register of the seen that $60,000,000, sore waa lost to the Government on spirits aloae than the whole four yrais of his ad ministration cost. Ia this one year $75,000,000 mors was lost orttolec than the cost of the whole fear years ef John Tyler's admiwMratioo; $16, 000,000 more than the . whole four years Polk,' tiabraeisg - tha period of the Mexican war; $16,000,000 ;taore than the foar years of Taylor aad Fill more; and more waa lost on whiskey alone la 1866 '67 '63 than the whole cost of the Goveraamt under tb combined eight years of Pierce aad BachaBan. The amount oat of which the Gov ern men t has been defraud! Is o ha- mease j that like the centennial txhi- V sage of Deoczaber 19,. 1871, trasrslt- ting this rrport U Ooqtcp, laities it " 1 ' and asks for all strtcrth which Cca-'.!i gress eaa givato enable tae Uaj ta carry out the rcCmasiootaadl by . . . . mm a. . tae cjomnusioocTa. Xbcao eostaav aioosrs say, (Senate DcowzaesU ITa.'! t to 2, socood ftffioa Forty seecaJ Ccrv.. . , , pmimfni),, ,. . ., t It is not east to cosduU In tz- ures the exact ccoaosilcal diTbrtnco bclweea a goodasd a bad tjzjcz r of the drQ EcxTka. s Ii is crcwrK lj, a 13 titter of lafcrcace . csd cfi oomparisoa between tha probabb. . ;. operation bf a carcka ana earcSul if method.: But it is . calculated, hji thone who have made a; carc'il-.i j, study of all the facts, that cac-triii : kj of the ucresues of the veiled? l States are annaaJlr lost ia the i czr, .a. . lecUoo,and tor a largo part of thati ,-. lots a cycles; of tho serrica tthh. . t" Is partially uaaoond .ciay ,resoza i bly be "celd responsible. , , : Kow, if thta estimate Is eorractrfri isa u u u auaiu wsxaw or -a;.i $ colored, his manner showed were particularly interested in you? Treasury, made November 4,1875 v:.;oB u vtuvu wn bichart fullkaa' astharitv. sail y that he was not satisfied- j"I suppose yon have done so ?" -amounted to $0,801,956, 954.69. .4 ...i ..t-? doubt not and I think I can show.la jtH matters as they stocxt. lam' he answered. I From March 4; 1789, to Juno 30r1 i-tk- sorry if in the faint recollection "Yes." she replied. nd an im- entire net ordinary expenses 'of the I . ... I -this estimate Is eoncctjOctBereJaAa,, have of6r summer at the mcdiare ilccission i foiccil upon Ooicrnmcnt ambanted to I guoOOO'to' oTiloS twm I Whlnl'&initTfolniiUm1-1 .mere waa augiii in my orn- mc, ami K-omao-iiKe I leci reoci-. 708,195.3. From- June, 50, J85I; I t. tl': WW tti. i. L oea . I liu li. "Tronrr. le.Tlcih.eiifr,, 11- I A V A All - V .." -.' lions." 1 10 ano fourteen years of t MYou must give up teaching or 1 republican rule, the net ordinary forfeit he had risked Hhis much of expenses amounted to t6,220, than the cae-fourth, amoaatleg ia exact florri. escaped to her room, wandcrinir charmiDo P001' you purposely mis- j his- thoughts, but hesitated, and 1 759.35 -ami this is exclusive pale ltae Uaoy nlied. 53 53 PETEUSBURG Ya, E. ltlCDTER. Watchmaker and Jew eler. VISE Watches nnd Jewelry Of the bis M tntifiK-tor him t thelowet pi few. All woik nernonullv attended to and var - - a muted. " . tt B3 8yenor8t,retenbnrp,V Whitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stone Corner rayetteviile and Daln Streets. OPI08ITB THE YARBORQUSH HOUSE; Raleigh. N-C. Orders Solicited. C O UEI 33 It JOBflMCB. We have added to our stock a eplen did JOB PRESS, mith an clegaat flection of type of the latest styles, sad we are now prepared to do JOB Y70D.IS io the neatest and best manner. 8a you need not send vonr IOB WORK North, for we will do it iust a well and cheap aa you can get it else wlere. LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, CIROS, fcc. why this happy little family could not be completo without a grown up son. But the children would not let her forget for an instant the unwelcome intelligence that brother was coming. Not until their bright eyes were closed in slunfber, did they lose sight of the coming of brother. Then Addie thought it quietly over, and although, it was a so iree of great annoyance, ., she, tried to persuade herself that; one" so much loved at home" coukl not prove much of a terror. The next day after dismissing the children; she remnined in the school roonr un til no excuse for delay could even be indented, and then with a re luctance that she had nercr felt at meeting strangers before, she walk-, ed slowly to the house which was in sight. She saw at a glance that the family were in the porch. The children ran to meet her. She did not look at the manly figure, who arose assho came up the steps, un til Mr, Moreland said, "Miss Rals-" ton, let me introduce you to Mr. rx lug , - t A quick startled glance, an in ; clintion of the head and Miss Hals-, ton-passed on to her room,- wander ing why she had not heard before the name of the absent son and brother. Charlie was quite as much surprised as she, and asked why In' the thunder they didn't tell him who it was that taught" " 1 - 4Why," askel Mr. Moreland laughing at Charlie. ''Only I I -was -'taken by sur prise"; "You know her then." "I know her by reputation," he said getting into a fiolic with Rolv bie, evading farther questioning. Circumstances were a little awk ward, but Addie determined' to meet them with sufficient tact for the emergency. So when the tea bell rang she was in her usual place so interesting and lively, it seemed that if no former acquaintance ex isted, a very pleasant friendship would soon be . engendered. Mr. Ewing made nojallusion to their take my meaning. , strange to say she flnishcl the sen- public or war debt; that is, (bar 44I am gratifietl that you did not tenec for him Capt. Dunrichs teen years of republican rulo cost mean it.!' he said looking rclicvecl ; favor," and without much embar- the Government more .than three then added thoughtfully, 1 ;J have ressment After a moments pause times as much money as the whole never forgotten a single instance he said very earnestly. Miss RaU- cost of the Government from 1789 in that memorable summer, and I ton more depends n pen this decis- to 188l,a period of seventy -two have built many hopes in the be-J Joti then you may think. Consider years, But It ma j well bo said that lief that yon remembered some of-pfcll, and I ask you t n let me know them, but ! suppose there was more your decision not from curiosity, but pure interest, a It will decide an Importent question for me.", " f Addie was ' surprised, fmt asked for me to vttIk mull a(a , I f 1 " I ror as "it nj to, lost, or ;ra, u; AUV I na.i as ahoaa'bv tha aaaaaa lfi70. I t.ti. v.v.. , m . . , I VP t : H mm m - . - 01 tbc Jaat think araiaf If all tieronertT Caatin correct in their crixrtff T. truth than poetry in Mr. Moran's remark, that l4yod made all of the impressions without taking any." V "1 consider one fortunate indeed 1 abruptly, "what is best who is not susceptible.' she rc-jdo?" plied without looking at him. ; v "I feel a delicacy in giving ad- 'I considered myself invulnerable, 1 vice in such a case, and he was until that eventful summer I then I much agitated when he said, 1t the ordinary expenses of the Gov- crnment during the war were ne cessarily increased. . That is true,' ami to make the comparison fair lctuatakoa perlod of ten years since the war; and I wish to be borne in mind that I am now speaking of the' 'net ordinary 'ex penses" of the government, exclu sive of the interest pakl on the pub- i i : - . . m oflhUcaro prood cU StaU-Uad, prepco to show their estimate till t boose, eorm, tTerytLin- were pat c apouat y, V aa ythirj too raaH , Tt s at auction aad sold for cash It would 7. tb. Trra.cry CMrTrr : I dsn) lo htaafinusi rercrt wt u tx'.j . not amoant i frao tpesi to in one year tiwaataero Uiaa tae I aio cervfs ot u szttv u: ji .34 aseesrod Ttlafiw sfflotriins, to tU eca. I wr0,o:3f C3; :asi lr-r- ii f sua cf 1870V of .AlaUeacr Arkaa J safely 1 tatti ctt:mt;rn cl,: 1; , tto country for crccftiattV 9 r -ic -pv U sas, erDeUware,-.or Florida, cr Hla- tJott ofardeatspiriuhsskerV fBU'r alasippi. or Kew .llaaphlro',or with tle inertajw cf .'rilatian, 'A . T e to aadacbaa UttWJuskey I auv;'---.i -t.M 'v x .r tho rrasao&lazsosatcd been.'aVout, ICOXCOOD D1151-.! found there was pleasure in the paiii of Cupids arrows. but it seems there also lurks a poison in these little flirting missiles that take ef fect afterwards. I have never for gotten Ihe thrill of pleasure, or gotten over the keen pain, aad now that I am with you again, the pleasure is still in predominance, and will be until we separate, then the pain will be 4 in propotion to what the pleasure has been; I know the better part of valor in this case -shall I profit by; itr;,' , ; j; 7 ;He was. regarding her with in tence interest, but Addle did not mean to put herself again la . the power ot the fascinating gentleman, so she replied somewhat pointedly, "Your own judgement must serve you in this case as it has in some others, but you must excuse roe as I have to write some letters to night." : He looked disappointed but of course gave his assent. The next morning CharFie said he would ride over and get the mail, also carry any letters tney wisned mailed; there was only one and that in the unmistakable hand of Addie, to CapU Jno. Dunrich." Charlie wandered why he had yon love Capt. Dunrich; do as he. Ilictebt, which amounted to over $1.000,000. 0001 nd the sums paid on the public debt which amounts to many ' hundred millions' more. From March 4, 1789, to June 30 1881, the expense of the Govern ment embracing a period of more than ssrenty-two years, covering thiwar " of 1812 the Indian wars and the Mexican war axnoonte J as I hate already shown,' to only $1, 581,703195.34. : The t set onllna- rr axnenses cf the fonr- xrr rf Don't stay later than eleven' o'clock I Johnson : sdnhiistrxiioa was Cl when you spend the evening with a 012,420,202,. 14; six years of rrcsi- preuy friend -the wisest aad wittiest dcatGrant, $ 1.021 813,25a-makic3 t--- ritr:rfnjje- k-, ia tea years of peace the cnorrsons nun ia Chnsteadoo becoei bore mm , u- ater that hocr. ; , r V; nearly one-third irore than all the juui oeiievo aay , woman to 00 aa 1 expenses ot ,tba Government tor angel. . If you feet any syoptcis of gcrcnty wo years, from 1 79 to """ wga ic 1 issi.lnclndlnsthewarof 1812jtha wishes you;; You . once said that professions of love was only a waste of time, unless they were; framed in gold. This may decide yon, rising he took ' from his pocket a paper and pointing to a notice, handed it to her, and left the room. (TO BE CONTWCTD.) "T ; . ; r XXIsatsa to Yonncp Oontlo- ntoui eont, or Texas. ; Who will say with ' this exhibit in which nothing is said of the frauds ia the eclleetica of the tobacco tax.-for J hare not time to got .into- that that the ertimato U Mr Cortis'a oocuaia sion Is large enough? Bat aaurmicg it not to bo over the math, wo hsrro ahewn by the highest proof that the Govern meet baa . been defraadol cot of ooe-fourth cf its revecu; that is ia round numbers, $l,500,000,000i but this dors ecs reprcscatJ all f ho kssi ' If this tanncy bad looa faillfdly ecilczrtd ; ano booesUy ar-p.i54, ;: would Lara got to too - axtit-aUi meat of that saach cf the puUU dsbti So that ta rrprckt tlo , jcil lea tlo interest tarst t bt tidtd.r 1U- czj 000 who will taxo the paias' lo fs!n-t lata it wttl aeo :that ZlCOfiZZOf M - .t r-. l! it T . 't in i t?s la tita tnti 0 lei -1 ixui-JT f . I J 22- Horso' Povcr Ucrf4." I i. ..i . ." - ; . U,m- .. - .3t!e , ' r.i?:-i4i' ;?.? $' XT''. . lift C-t r"?Tl t.J Las and go to bed U Is as much a mala dy as the small ' pox, and it w root business to get over it at quickly aa possible. An angel, indeed! If you don't find out pretty . soon that aho Jacks oonaidoably oore than the wiogs,we are mistaken. IKwi't make up yenr iaind about aay creature In a belt, ribbon aad vel vet rose tte without first aakttg yoar I frota March 4. 1801. Infian and Mexican wars: and if you add to the ordinary expense of the six years of President Grant's ndministraUca tho amount cf urin- cipaland interest paid on the pub- I ted tad hoatsily applied sad occiaxwjy Now, tie psilie dsU. Is .la la rczd tiatn tnu ts ctd ibzt ctsrly eacrS baa beca Id to the CLiuarrrst to pay tho entire polHo dabt. I la it cctthse forourpooplo to arocss t Seta scl res? If this occry bad bsea faUhfally ccllro- PniCE51,C0D. " i mcs.7T -circsai 58sa Lpa llacLlicry ca sp'pt Igatica ' VTe aae a taw to ' Uca wo bare cold Csscad kasd Errara, Tcb-"rta,j . . . ' . . . i i . . . . a 31 A. 7TICTT0L3. . Dsrtaa, 1 r-r'-V-ik : izzzzaw a p i.TT'.r.'.i.rJ, iw. bcrr, S Hz rlsca. ' " ,;cI m . . . . L'af . sisters adnoa. irpcnd open it. oao woman can . read another abetter ia Svs minutes than you can in five years. , Jnd, above all, doa't think that you mut keep yonr' lady-talk aad lie debt. It win amount to $4,00?,- 438, 46 1.82; that is' more than two and a half times as much as the en tire expensta cf the Government 1TS0, to June 30 vour pen tie man-talk in separate bd never heard of him before, just as I gofs. labelled and assorted unlets you though, Miss Ralston might not have a number of lovers, he had never heard of. The following want tho girls to laugh ia their leevea at your wishy-waxhy acnUsaentalism. Talk to tlien in frank staaly way as . . . ... . . you wouia to an inieuigen rentietnan. bad carked tho adaiaistralloa cf tha Govercsest, bow diTaxst wczU bo the ccadika f tho cocntry "to-dsy, -tTtAUDO.- r -I " ,Bct this b not tho worst. I have Let us look si this a littlo b ditxIL I ehova frcn the cZrbl rrport that tho It ia conceded that $182,000,000 were I act crinary rcveeua tctlccud by tho lost to tho Treaaary ia oao year alone Goveraoeslsad t:hkh west into tho 18C3. oa this one aabject of taxatioo. rreuorry tisco 1CCI ssoasted to $4 Juet think of it? Ia one sickle yearcf 40iC31S4.CX 2ow I propose to republioaa role there was lost or stolen show frca ah rr?alca authority front this aisgle aaareo cf reveaao tea aad front cTiriil aourees that waa act time as xaoch as tho whole expessa I core thsa threa-Crths cf tho sracsTtt , o XT c:::::r.i izstcj c-. B II rOGUB BlHihcro, ToUcco Flxtera?. : PRICS & CO. EiatcjvilU, T7oo4 waaUtetr Uadlsory, , CTUIHYALT & COS Barn XIcs Caw f.xtra. f ' "4 - JALtITXLcrfbiTrisTleV:,: ;i B C BI'jninD J LL:i-U9 BiUar aad piping Taclay. , 18 DALTOir ILidiTina, Ballrr aad pipicj for ractory. T J LSIIOUL rorks cf Pireoe, IliU Machlacry, . . i GTJZZU II LSB Tboaaseille. Caw Uia Ccriea, 17 T TAYLOH. TTbitikrr, Octtl gash & Clad Factory. week he brought her an answer, be I Don't suppose, beeane they are women I of the Gevernnent for the eight years I that ought to bare gone into the Trraa was confluent' irom toe post mark, i tnay aon.t w anywmg. Waahiagtoa'a adaiaistratioo, nine I ury, aad that tho resuiaing one fosnh, JIICIIMOXD. YA.

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