FKANKLLN COUKIEK ! PUBUSIIKO EVERY FllID.Y IN Ixuibirg, N- C. Geo. i-thst H, & ProDfietcr. Zlates of Subscription in Advance. For nncyir Fur six mouth, For three $2.00 1.00 it . it 5 Church. Directory. MKTnoniST Cntnicrr. Ttev.-F. L. Jid, Factor. Services every Sabbath .it 11 A. M; nnd 7 . P M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 P. M. Communion service the Second Sunday in each month at 11 A. M. He ward's meeting Monday, night alter f he second fcabbath in each month. Sabbnth School every Sabbath at .1 o'r'ock P. M. E . W Fuller Supt. St. Pauls Episcopal Cncacu. Iv. E. Dolloway, Hector. SiTvfccs on the first and third Sun day in fach mouth, morning and afK-; noon. r" ; Holy Communion monthly on first Snu'l;iy. Muiday school every Sunday morn ing at 9 o'clock.' Professiona Cards DAYIS & COOKE., - " . f . ? ATT'YS and COUNSELtORS at Ll LOUISBUBO, FBANKLIN CO. N.C. Will attend the Courjjof Nash,Frar.k lin, Granvdle, Warren,nnd Walce Uoun tu. also tbe Supreme Court of .North Ciirolina and the U. S. Circuit and d'ib- rict Couita. No, 7 -tf W. H. SPENOER. ATTORNEY- i x 7 OFFICE, Kash Street, Rrick Store. On Hawkins' LOUISBURG N. C. ii. r. ijullock jr. t. t. Mitchell, Bullock & Mitchell, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Frank list oNr N. C. Will practice in the courts of the 6th judicial district. tionof claims. Jo 50 tf - --r r - - I'rnmnt nttinlinn -aive.n TO trie ro ipc 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. MCHTER. Watchmaker and Jew eler. FIN'E Wsiti-hos and Jewelry of the bes M'Minfiu-tor ami nt the lowest p. ices. All woik personally attended to and war ranted. ' . it B3 8ye;imoreBt.,retersburjr,V Wlntelaw & Crowder, . Marble &' Stone" ' "W" O R KS ,' Comer Fayettevllle and Daln' Streets. OPPOSITE THE i f YARB0RQU6H HOUSE 1 ST -Orders Solicited, -a '. ' " .. r - " CO:UErEE; JOB 0111 We have added to our ctock a aplca did JOB PRESS, mitb an elegant Btlection of type ol the l4test stjles i we are now prepared to do -n 'he ticMcst and best manner. bn oa neP(i not send yonr JOB WORK North, for we will do it iust "well aDd cbeap as you can get it elae- n ucic. . . LETTER HEADS, ...... ENVELOPES, CARDS, &c. im n: rai, I I K iff :-: M - )M ---- - r -- ; -I ,1'2": ?i;;''ti,!;' .' t. . ,y t., ... M,c GEO. S. BAKER, VOL.: V. -. i i By E ug exb Jl ALii. CHAPTER III. paragrapli read The tllllf The Dunrich and Williams law suit pending s long, has been finally decided in favor of Capt. John Dnnrich. Ve congratulate our frieni ; John upon ; this hand some aUdition to his already mam moth income. V'lTiis was : no news to Addie, for Capt. John had al ready written fcer about i.' Kbe was at a loss to know in what way her decision could effect Mr. Kw ing, he advised her to do as Capt. T)unricb wished ' her,'- but showing her the notice of his wealth and his comments upon it i nnoj ed her ex ceedingly. The next morning as she walked, to the fchool h.U3e. he oyci t jok her, "Miss Ralston, he said,' if you will pardon me for the interest I manifest - in your affairs, I would like to know, your decision npo it, I must act,' and immediately." 'Without understanding, at all in what way it, can effect you, I will answer. u I shall do as Capt. Dun- riMi wishes me: mflueneed by his better judgmetit- and my love for him, iind "not .': the 'golden bait 'so stranger. She felt with a pardon generously hint ed at last night: ' able thrill of pride, - that she never "Thank you, Miss liaison, your plain Speaking ; relieves me at . lea?t I excitement had added to the natur o puspe.nce...- ffr if,.yoUjhad been al flush on her cheek, and flashed, a less candid, I might have oeen drawn into an avowe! ot love, even against, my Ixittcr judgment." , , TiOt me thank you again for. your candor, am I bid you good by,' prQSS ing lr hand silently he left her. She was too surprised at his con- duct to utter a word, his last xycrJs, I rvere ringing in her car?, "If your to Mr. Moran beiore yon come decision had pcen different I mighi down' . .. n -have been drawn into an avowal of ! When r she r openexl the Library love, even against my better juil- door, r-hc saw, walking the room incnt" Tnc only definate conclti- impatiently, Mr. E wing. He turned sioii she could .come to was, that Mr.' Kwing acted very strahgely; Sh 0 was of t he opi nion t h at 1 i fo Jid ' not understand himself, and though sorely disappointed at the termina tion of this, their second' aCquain ,tance. she kept it to herself, re maining at,Mr. Morelands. untiHbf close Vol' the session. ,' DurtiogJIfie time she received a number ojfjet tcr$om Carrie, every letter said something abouv, " Charlie,' Ex- tract from No. l.said', UI was never so glad to see anyone in my life, as Mr. ' Ewing, " he is perfectly splendid, and I believe my longar- tialitv for him, is at last meeting with a rctnrn: heroines very often; I some times believe Sid is jealous" Extract from Ko. 2. VI thinklit ? thn. ctmno-pst thini? in the world that you ttia iioi i;Ke ncraei reallydon't see how yon could ecp irom lOVlUg; UIUJ - jjijio uv; iviujjyo .'.!. .... . t. 1. A you ynever'liKea mra, inuugii 4iujwnicn snu answereu iir. rawing. nercr.ftSkcil'y;QU cirectly; i Extract' frohifd.VSbw rajn . ' . " . . t .A ' I' gomgto sarpiLsayou, uj a piccti and of course want you for my first brides-maid. I know you will not refuse this request, though Charlie says you dislike him so muclrv he is afraid you will, I knowt before Uie wedding is over .ypu wUf le the best , bf friends." - - Addiafelt a little exed that Mr. Ewmg should yink she had any ob- jeclion to.waiting on hirashQ wonkl convince bbn to the' contrary, even if it must cost her a great heart struggle, i So she accepted the in- Vltauoii.-1-cis iiu w uunruLUiaicu herseirrorxicveft having betrayed her love for Charlie Ewing, and this helped to bear her up in the trying ordeal of being present at his mar riage. She pursunded herself that she would not have married a man news about myself, ;iou v.ui scarce- the ceremony, bej pure you make ly Jnevo"roea3 f I am tilwaysialk- the jnse wefhli a 1 i 1 nonnfe ;;ab6uralt for the boyp, j Xflt HoVbeiiie'gdid tdijgh- but c truly my darnngiAdilie, 1 am ; ing, J"are yoii willing Ihai I 'should going to be , married next month, make the responses J;' , Editor and Eropneior ; ;L0UlSBUllGt;40.;. F1UDAY. , JUNE,, of Cliarjio's, principles, grcii'liatli she loTori hiro; and tho : disappoint ment attending hi3 "marriage would soon pass olt, So. her. prido and good sense went far ' to reconcile ay ot the marrtogc, so when hex school A clrtsct1,; .?hc ' went to visit! 4 'Unclg 49-?hVA-eYenihg arrived forVthe wedding', shc got to Mr. ''Ialughtons .Inst in tinic'to'- urcsM iyi uiamagesauowing ipr, the deiajc -caused hy Xorrie'e in -ecssant 'chnttery1 rfnd, cxt rehie fdc;-" light at having '.hVf t . Jast. J 'She. was about" togivc up all "hopes of her cphblghiahdj reaiy .dpnM not bcJmarried.wiiliout ier dcarJriend,' but finally 'Addie waV 'left to make her to"ilet",."whire Carrie donned herr elf ifencrxidaHrobes r f whilcjiJlf uie was laKing a unai survey oi ncr self in th'e large'mirrow. tire maid t handed her a card, "on --.which, was. beautifullr penciled ' 'CfiaiTes "ITw ingS Uriot-for me she said J quickly; who is that other card for?' i 1 'M iss Carrie."- ; y-iq wrong-: one, i t hat was- intended for meandtbis for Carrie.1 "the ex- nangc ; was, mace,:. ana, sue rcau, "Sidney Moran's name, she wan- dcrcdTcr.thc '.first 5 ti'niej w?ij ; sh'cr, not tliow ght; who lit was.Fhe Lwpukt wait- wtth, 'and felt" rrlievetl that it, was an pld'friend 'and iiot a looked more beautiful than now the new, brilliancy in her deep blue eye, and a. pleased -smile trembled on her lip as Carrie exclaimed, f - 'How lovely I" . I came m Dar ling to see if you needed any finish ing touches "she 'said,' kissing her tenderly, but you arc perfection itself. ; 1, will run down iincl speak: ouickly as the door opened, and as Addie was about' fto-retreat, he ad vanced say;ng. 4 '-Surely yon' are not going to cut m 4 acquaintance arain"?' ; VOIi ! . no,:8hc., said shaking hands with him. 1 1 made a mistake in the room " which; caused me to turn5 back. , le gently drew her in, closing the (loorLs"a6 colored slightly, looking a little surprised," " ,j ;Wo have, ho time KotYl'ibr idle Conversation, tiie others arc wait- ng for me,-in order to arrange our posiwns.. 1 our pan is 100 soiemn lor the mocKery 01 a rctiearaal' she added .smiling aa, she turncVltrj feo- T f -..Jlt'l'- VitWlf- '1 ' 4What is the difference he asked I lobkih!?"at her nnizzieaHr. f .aaic-was-reaiiy aarpnsea at tne 'pgjfe4 rJoT wa? Prc5ing i ;uer iiuim;ii, iuiu siio liutuchS I ! ' " r , ? 'Itls trtiC Ve, libth itand before l-thc minisfceiv but yo,u tare bound for I: t f v uiiutwpucvara as.irfcs eierjuijcr; "What objetion . do you imagine I can3iayivtV:Sho afkes fjttbing?n dignantiy. Charles Ewing was marking with interest, her", words,, and not her m'atinerPand .lisping 1 her ' hand asked hurriedly, "what mm4 I in- for, from that ?- i I . ' That we arc keeping the others waiting, and detaining me against my will." she answered, coldlr . v' 1 " Tlis countenance changed, offer- I ing her his arm-silently,, they went i oui. 'I suppose I- am to give vtu away." she said laughing. "Yes, he saidplayfullj, if you ever get rid of me; forl amyour's truly You arc quite facetious, on the - ' .'. ; : .wcildingevc, fthe said trying not to' seem annoveii. ' - 4JIf I a Jiq iUauiPu JVl3 the thought that after all, it may tiTt be too late tp win you, tell ma itisnotl" he leggeti eagerljab xnost stopping in the long passage., : At prst sfce. ; was , tco, angry o, spcakr ,Ucn came lho - though tthat. he raurt., Jhavo.. been Urinkb?g, aiid she sqid almost pitifully,, donlJ. talk to, mo sp.ilicc very xld being with you, . your condnct tnake it.TAlisagrepablcji so, I, will thank you to put , me, irvcharge of Mr. Moran, immediate, K i A flush,. of woumled-pridevwept .over Ewiog's , iacet , while,, he saul, I feel that l am a-conurfluiate idiot tomqntion my . hopeless Jpe. to you,.. bvt it is iiot kind in you to deny, me the consideration due a( gentleman. I will pulyou; in charge fi Mr,, ;Ioran and leave thc4 hopse, Xoij it ccms an.: lmpossihility tj)-be.r with you and, kcepcsileut.g They.had reached the parlor door. A sicken ing thought of what all irould think of the grooms : absence, a pitying hbught . of , trusting, bcti ayed Car rie, a wild throb of pain, in her own heart, a dizzy drain and Addie was an unconscious bn'rden in the arms of Charles Ewihg. . . . . (TO BE COXTIXIJED.) What a thing it i to be the: ful, and to have cheerful peoi.le about cnc. Life, exempt Iuring the .pressure fits uifist ttrible calainitic?, always tins a bright siue, aitj tliosti who lofk at that side arc tar X lift wisest. let there fire excellent people wliogo abrut bowed down under a. weight of fore- iKidinps, who feel sure the worst tidng possible will happen; fihoiudeel make i manifest that." in their opinion, it hs happened already. A funeral is not move ead in their eyes than a wed- . . . ' . . . . ' w ' . ... . i . ding or a christening. To be . pure tl do not wear the 'custoinnry suit of Tcl'-mn black" at these. latter; but in their light silks and white" gloves, they groan, and they water the orange flowers and white rofc-biids with their . ... r ... tearas thoroughly i.s thy do the vvr-. - :, , ?. .... , v ,:r.oordoarlatijda Jane," they say, "mny the be happy-rbut it a not like ly pne knows what Risn, arc; or if she if he is all that can 'be desired, of " ' - . - - t eour?CfiheU boUft a widow; and then what will .she. do? for he Y tq ipiprovi deot to leave anything. And baby! all, yes, bct to have it clubtened soon, Somariy babies die! May go. off in the uigIiK.h.crourj; and if it lives, wbvyou can't tell, at its age, fcul that it may be deaf or dumb, or. bave. cur vaure of tlu spine, or, bean idiot, or grow up to be something dreadful, and break, its mothers heart. . Christen it either- bocause of sun or .cial veccasion alwsy. rainjAny social remembered by gettmg ready far it;- and tbe-faalta of a friend are ' enumerated- -when be is spoken of, noc 'his - excellencies. No scat is po m fort all eno condition agree able. One is tempted to wonder whether the. Dumps, family will not actually , be happier. Jn their grayea than anywhere t ehre.y . :. .c d In contrast to this, bow delightful is a breezy, merry creature wbo enjoya life; who lofes .'Hhe fan" of getting ready. for any thingko.docan t mind an hour dIayran(J rather.likes a rain though sunshine does make bim or Iter i-M) jolly"; wl,j b!i! jest as acoa have the chair that ? too high or too low and rather prefers the piano-stool that docsb't wo'rk:wcll;l WbVi lif foev: tably "had such a spbjndid, timcl". and shrieks with laughter over accidents that are almost the cause of suicide ofconr.e, poor dear; that's a duty; but --v.-.T .W i!, V-? ry f??-. " , .X":, don't be cheerful over it,", , . " J'TlvV DDoerpi4oxi jufTn frwOr ' dsdt ctsa el .lei.' , To;Mr,.udMrr.boiefal Vum lifibt,and:kedat, her. father ; ... flUe V 5Hf,f -d" ,crl: tbejky always threatens rain VWa- V'.'L-; ' " C-l ; 1 " dcscnbed J 3nS l55T71it ,WV.d .pariieltr. tutu irknrubT; f .Fhotb rxaasT. pawb .tried jt J ' M! eiJ tJ b.',: i , dfisthocostnio, they ilyi: tnhthcrce witV bowed toUtiJ,, 4 Mfl?9 ,r, Tocatc. .iFire ..miaati;, delay .'on . a -1 ? Mt i.cunJ joarne,,iataldri.ery to thenu rT. mind and like J.gaJJr; Ui$SiH ti eaU isalways cloo; Jtheroi.a H-t nl! -J.- rfemaTa.e fj,. i UMUtUlUr- draught Itrfectiyifrigatfun V ".'i JI1 4',V v i ,. .. r ' Hv on hia deathbed. "Pirn a rrun fT,nM.1lv... L i -TTtr i Lt. T: ' . 1 "f ! ' I v out ot doors, i H - ,t - ' a.- r'-.-rr 5 r . . ... ... 77 . . J TERMS $2.00 -per Annm. ,10, ISife. ' :rS .. ;r , ' ebeerfal creatarc ii more r; redoes tba gotd or' diintonds aLd" 4 though th ih the I Do!efnl Dumps may groan, blotn llem out as. snmhine doe.tU r darknew when one throws nide the door. 1 Ma rt i Kyle Dallas I T . : , BYKiiyAOARitisov joxer, Tbttywi beftfc Ce "tie, ''fa1 Ufe' f: had the last hit of fih this . moml There's nothing !re's nothing but the -.dry. bread, Tie child's voice, was very fad, and nov Tbq child's voice, was very fad. orywn aitca fipioic , d neat rt ner pcaat I ,vr "w-r.:fjf WkU 'i o i print frock; xcVcurla ' if a turn- brer. i'Tff 3Q bli, her pretty face weta 'cWcvf Tr?urr' J ? -L-M K M ! J r v...JZ5 . -Just Dow..tojpcnu you solop wap; Wnd .m;mm.'. T.f ... 1' .t" jl PJ W Mll'H put CO the, k .iclCownotelUticgliar. ,! ly ??VW W. PQlc-MbP" ci tlc iiat c. cr waae most original, phbr V ....J ' ! ' --i. flMrt fill! nflrtT-rnfT rrrlV,-t tri-' am 1' I lT HLJTL I i t iVnO mamsy, ' answered . Tptty; 'rwe 1 .1 ,1" . 7 r A "iTi .TY1I1 J w guunufr Dace, irtK ?q was hor mother's, as tte replied. , " oo; mfct ircmtTkably ,4 ,CaliOTtat,.'aud Oceans i tho an- -: ;VfU, m dew. it Jbehelcd; iimW-apprip jldjr- Afr. Pk Vli ' you mut toat "a fclice or two of bread, ,Jy. Dd JjUtnolicxv-that bsriat kaa fi!n'.'. A hJCftaiO..', Ar.d.whp, and aud well, we can have seme ra- tcr. Totty, maybe we 11 manage to get a little soup to-morrow.' , 'Toor mamsy," u.ufniured Totty. "1 wbh she had some soup . to-oight; f he's bo hungry" '. ., ' . , , , I Tbo tears roso io the little girVs j blue ryes, and began to trickle down 1 her round cheeks aftshe, ;.rat on. the I Wrth and watched Uie blr.zing faggots She was very hungry, too, poor little lotty, aod tired besides. She bad been gathciing pine-tnots all tjiolchill -.oveniDcraitcrnoon,ntcarryingthtio across ue ucsolate moor to ber moth- cr's poor cottage; and now die must go to bed so hungry, and poor manisy needing some soup so much. U. arth, with a rnbing , oa' n She rose up from the hcai Fobbing, little ihrh. and .clirabi chair., took a bit of loaf from .the cor- iicri uupboaru. one, cut uirce , slices. i . . .... . . ,, , t two for her sick mother and one for l.c-clf, and sat them before the coals to .toast. ,ThU done, "she took the brown pitcher, and. ran cut into tta moonlight, and, down to the Spnp ?for v: i-V.L" 7 1 t r"i. l j- WS v" A.tus... ,7M;tutu,,-l.TTi r wJt . mougni men. , r , . f . a aw .a ..a Prebcntly abe took the pitcher from berhcadand kneeled .down ci" tha frcfctv nss . x t-- V-"?; ??1 Ht; :?kl?S up with trusting. eyts at the ; shining stars; "when ppa died , le sai-I you would be my father. ' Will you pltase send poor maniy soma soup . tonight, she 'i Z sick and hnojV ' - ,v "u """o'J , . Then ahe jumped up, took her pitch- er. ami ran home . .. 'Totty, tbc bread's toasted Irowo "'W'C-l-' ,. 7ai:.u!t ,sr.r ; J. l Ju. u J1 S uf I" r 1 h color d feflllemsn A Httlc below he spring, .nder tle Fnndcr ttal the reigning hat is popu- ajk'aaother,it th fbet ct tha Waia 4 shadow" of a giant elm tfc. her fsthcV , n cbraforuble to the head-i-' gtalrw: ' ' 2 ' ' " ' ' ' teMnr fr ;.r -.i.j,;, ,:f ;' f. eTjr-,"d it Itjenmre, Janat Vo, Cat o, I vat letter . yesterday, Hl0;7-01 hiowp pUcber p1", aocy, old, sly, obatinate, coo- but fared I'm' cU!apJ igio.: polscd upou her. curly head, and looked t God 3farrcIaF.'ira'ilar no tcpi cf across atfhUgraTc,, - A, year j ago. Se JW.! yoirdlscoUrjft..-'!;', waa,alive,. and; mamsy . was ..well and loog: ;"It i, tl,e hat 'of- lhe pCTTod;' Tj'scc1axj Yf wlatg , Ct?" '." theyhad.rityjM everything, . Poor pinnrnjd deoetfuf.; lataloTean Iq doeoo ralrasaeamps 3 dxtVctchid"' Totty little heart ached with rain, as lb-lag desperately1 wJckedV ' yda'ar - ' V ".".rT-,"" . . T.;1,uvcf Ju. loreign snore;; men wp Jwo forwsrOcL pi a?k of llim lie will rite to you, j oat as four, lad ca J ebarwd. w TCA r: ';ilNiVm.triLf W ri ?: I would."., , :i . j turBcd'arcmndViee, cbaeiiretJ ffJei oreooftrwea 's!ot eocrutt 4d! fff11:115 wcrds.- -WayaJ IeVl' ti plat W &Uot&; eais, d fctal piat cay ha.wiitd; She, .whwpcred Uem over, .standing tide couples to th left; aide 'eouplca bet if fa.Ul amp! Jatica dou U.ereui si5ht of his .grave. . . , , . torn ladies; ladicTtnri kaldi' mjt aid ft vxtimnat' fa-allyirtlard I "r 0Bf !.:GoS aii.WMorittck.wgaia. ' nnt ta lell whedder disnir wu! 'nZ' m?msy some cnp,lc.iiight,, if ,He, fdlow tile oPpu,Il, aiiagf 1 c4d;iraWa' l.ia' - tcitU itaili ! -NO. 31. wo t itt icar?" a?ked her woihef. lull pleaB.M . .. lamsyoo.lerTj why, lot aall ,ojhtDg( and ToU. Mt down before the blazing, faggoti t;.and walled fyr Heaven o, amworj ier f raycr. Fire minatca went lyrf then, the little' girl got up, and tiptoeing acrtna Ue fiV.r . .i . " " 4 i i ofooff an, pcq in' . wet .chUd. faith.' et-1 !-"tZW-W?W.1 v. X-ttiijrttac ofi a JLtUmm ' - .' i 3 ; w j a luk ntt "banking indrtitaticnr in De crown ) v loaks av if it wasted I toshua.lbq wicked world aolhanff it. sfu UP ,n nutcryr Towrrowjou 1I? wt tbc m "dy, and what a plrgc! .Slie -anduwg aa Jooti of. Arc, ond $ I independent as tlo Prfidcut of a Wo j Congress. . Ai4 bcr .whole ap paraaeeja thus altered htUaiogtip front of that baC 'Nexl day she rhe appears like a brigand, j TU Uim naueaeq out and her, cyea glvaia fuiiousljrfrom if TUh in5, 39.9pporxnnHy.TO ,oraerr,roarto M,IU oeupr xon.ticr agiiD n lh tvn " turned up behind, while il ' vcry flat in fout. givingher an ap. pearanco oi a icmaie colon fcbinglo trrng to fiind a "eusfbmcr for that "barrel! cf apple' sas : Again, "and it is pitched" on tbe extreme tack of the bcadremmdlVg; joti pf Toodles lnbiscope.wLen heis asjur-""iaiIor rea - tbat 'when lis fattier beard cf tie "sailor mar' dcatfi f he went broken-hearted to li grave and died ihcre, I. ,.IT U."sJaVU,k P"?Hr!T? aoc-a nu scoxcoeu name again (from i I aroemd. lake vour own 1 and otlcf fe'ler's forward and lack . twice, both gab twu, tiinea tf orpsiU ww.IctTiia do as be pleascn: bgbtgew tleman Ulance to leavr lady, heavy ladr dnplicate; panada' ai; gala -to tbe'ecnter, fXUera Letdi. 1 dd.;cf each otlcr'a band, bob op and doTn,. each, fdlaw a ej bis pil back to place," ffFr&S .U? H sym kit gewt all tw eacb other, da it again; over repeat, keep I it aa; aQ tnrS t'other Uck ward, sideways, each . I eoacle rwiusrt other coanle. cross over. lack arram. to oar seats. 0?A8TZrnZ79. A TcTtiiti " te 11 i wrteS' at tlie trorinjrilrrrW aoare i . t. Ote Square oe tim . $1 CJ two'4' 1 Sfr . ytLie 2 01 , 4S- aFutxr " . J 50 . : - thre trail 6 0 FoutiK mlotan one year Half .. . .CJCZ Oce -: . iOOC? for Congm, "my reTlrTsfi; nd I am nrotd ta sTrH ia tot ftahasscil K It. ' It my W Ciaina pcTWB hi tkfe crrmt own.ftfil terj nncxmro'insv'" Ii; ' Cjtvny,1 there be wr rjdx,"! tlcuCsTJo hia haiKVl p Lis C'tiy out; W toc5. lcouHf thanicnir.UrtthieYl ' more teltrftnY ajune sort.:Ceu5r Wn,fl am prou drUchjg id crfrtj J or feiaUK chdick it. 05 and'cvtftraclratrU- for Smith, n alb Ttrnll-Lh - K?-ri " i aft hfen6rca:an(l 'rcc;, 1 a , w j waj tb3 bramt and boldest soklle jn St?n5icr,; jrtn'thoRctolni' ' .Hon J VA .Smith,, who , palate rod with; rPqwhittaD," Kalimntcd :witb - 1 Sta Urn quertJaa moro wngaw awi w-nT, no, 1 tar, that taarfnvli whit hi hU mmc, Lwnf. nas-ought UiO tnot battle". ma e most, spjcecbcs, preached ,tne "1st cnnona: beld the most oRlccl JWiirLtaa . toost son ga, nit- I.len lhc" powns, ' courted the .most V 6mcrr?sed he mosr girls, - I arrlCiT tnd mo.t widow? I llbvOfy ayf, Iby, and you uj 1 atm ecryoouy gays, jpnn sttb:, I AUit of Nouhodho The following, Uceititaly noneoIcal I bufabit cf nonsense now and then it rellsbed ty'flie ifct lnen. As I oTerheaid it I liuzbcd heartilrVani " the aon of Col. Wc .Hotel, ha mine hut laughed with ot. oleott, of the CotnmonwMlfV id broieht from Virrtniaw complement of rable' icTTaata. Th coloncla guest arocf Ike hijper crust,' and their diction is proper aod rnaU The tgro sr-aiila wer ebMrtlnj aoi rir1 tk oa ii a .- f ot tlUe wbora'theV served. a they tir li .. '.uarcc4is is job oeiier ois nonv -r"i r 'i?.- J t ' ! 14 W J'ed Asl. a I illl. Cif Crt-tt5d area C reaosiicv -If da sioalrusj ea I tl' JWl 1 .'tot An A vi rtA i, at " ' ' ' 'u- ' " J ' - '-' Iirclltti & j. e)' . . ml aded for btlla warm rum aal awiar, fuw Ua ml ly. aerera eoU. , - .r'. .. -! b Vhna.xiI crcrUstr ZTo with the rccnUutid cb . not tloslra In the hcrt,-C-r cry U a tZcvctt vhCa wc Jarir itcat cf theabon; n ... . dance cflU heart, oar . Silence U A I err, wumihuucs. tw rvacu'.fMU car, vet Clli thcVars of God. . 3 ...

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