...fr'r fir m w in Mm .; n n rim n i nwq m -tftiii ttrm mai in iiwaWMMwwwTtMBMJrji m:su i -'flaWllSW ! II FltANKLlX COtlUER FHAKLIN (X)UI11EH. PfBLISIlKD F.VF.RV I"l:ia.-V IN" or Aommnro. t t 4 Ixmibbur;:, 2s. C. AJvrrtiswttitj will bt iascrua il the flowing rttri rrx Pauare l.y i i - it . o One finite coe tlm 91 OQ 1 SO 2 00 500" Geo. S. Baiter Ei,. & .Praprietiir. two llrce " GEO. s: BAKE'R, : Editor aSa? Pri&orr ! ""'V ',' " f - TERMS $2.00 ' per 'Annum.1 J M States of Subscription in Adranco. - r T.'T !"T "!.' .:1 three noclh Fanr;h columa f.n tear For one year, , M For th months, For three " u u ., u $2.00 1.00 50 a T?Tc"vT TFT ' VOL. T. L0IJ1SBURG;; K:C., FRIDAY. . - 30; J87Ci ? vNO: '33:- ii 6nfe : h- M M-? K-H h. ' KUA' ' - " : V -11 f -Ml h J""' i " i " "" ' i """" - ' . i r.!1 - ' ;t ..... ..j . . I ff . . , i ..... : . ....... ' ?, . I IT i . -1.., - f -.1 - . , 1 f , biM lUttkt . mj4 i.dc. Tr - ... . . Jt-.i JUNE Church Directory. MKTnoDiST CnuRCa. Re. F I' Itcid, TaUor. Ferviccs'evcry Babbath :it tl A. M. .and 7 . P. M . . I'rajcr mcetuig every Wcuueiklay :t 7 P.M. ("oiinnunlon scrvlcft. tlc Secoitl iiv In neh mnntli at 11 A. M. ftcytrd' ineiliii Monday night after ibe trcund fcabbath iu cacli uioutli. S:i)aLh Pchcol every Fabbath at 3 o'c'ock P. M. E W. Fuller Hapt. Ht. Paci.h Episcopal Church. Iicv. E . Dolloway, Tl' ctor. 8-crviceH ou tb; . Jirst and. third Su"-k d:iy In each '! rnonth, jiiornlns .and aft moot. v Holy '.'ommutiion inonthly on firnt Snndaff. ; f ( , i t U Miudny school vcry f unuay nuu-n- ins; at 9 o'clock. , , , ., , t Professiona Cards DY MAX ADKT.E1I, DAVIS 'GOQKE;- ATT'YS and CODHSELltlRS at LAW LOL'ISUUllQ. FRANKUS CO. N C. Will Htend the Courts of Nwh,Frark lin, G:an?ill, Warreo,iul Wake Cnun tit-H, h'.60 t! u Supreme Court ut N rih hroliDA and the L S. Circuit and uis iid Cnuitf. ' : , No. 7 -tf W. H. SPENCER. Mr; Fislica'" fe wife was t?ry, 1) u July, and there were serious fears that she wouM'-dfr. And one day when he "came home'lncy c'omniuni cated to him t he sad intelligence that she was no more. When tho first outburst of giiof had subsided, he sent an onler to the undertaker for"aTofQrit;1ie tied -cntpffTinrt hq; doorinl lMscltn'atQf1uJ to the storeyavejit idj-ibped in black,- he .advertifed. . the death An the papers - with some poetry at tached to' the annou ncem6nt, a nd he ipade penernl preparations for the funeral. - Then he sat down in the pkrlon with his irent ipor row, and his fiiends rjicd, -o c mfoit him. think, in a few days." " 1 better git over thax' Iryj thai tragdn "You don't actaallj mean to say I ond klnden see thtt -.Ihohoss that woman's going to get up oil jf I doesn't run away mnd break- tlringstt her bed and star alive- going to VStraiiger. sought to bridge-the' shirk the grave after all ?" 4 ' chasm, ..but. 4t was nQas.ii Tho .'Precisely," and I congfatulafe,, wife took off hct brcast-pinpaiull you. heartily.: V - i i - i-.? f t. ; ,1 ilroppcJ U.tnto the Jiind endofjjUieJ 'O, you needn't ' congratulate I wagdntand4heman placed bis bid tvr," said Fisher. n"This is H pret- J piugf.hat:on. a knoll far frora ita hre.r; jsjr: uJi j itn-a "I hato to do itt 1 Sary. Temark . ed the hnsbxud, "but I can't atind sass whea I'm doing iny lcrci bcat f!l1cnow9-vrhat I'mf abont1"!hc calmly, replied, pre ppfcige&p thd ty piCe of business, now ain't it? IJat it's ju3t, like her. She always was Itlie ?crookcdest wrman, ou earthy and I believe? that if we'd got her buried; and I'd Tharried. agpin," she'd Se' klcketl, off,, the comn liU and got :mc into trouoic I conee-poi. vj) ni-utcii ;ir2t for bigamy. Who's going to pay 1 , A crowd of women onqj -children that' -undertaker now Fd liko to I came. up tatlUhat vmornentiapd know? Blamed if shcmavif t do it after some hesitation the row -wasi herself and the advertisingg''and I declared t toff" for the Umc; being. that noetrv. and thc.craDe. and ! i .'Two or three horn's won't mdkc ir - ....... thoso things? I never heard of no difference,' remarked the Jnarr, such foolishness. It makes -Trte I as r. he Asat ; down, Vthopgh ivhcn: mad as the mischief, women carry-1 am sassod I wanti to ixavethmrow -dinner, grace" tfor.pW4 t6iUd horror ppeara o eitra a ' ffr.PJP f. iKrmH I K Uancd ihnmA life! r?2V?VA iUldtita1 trt Vcti frcia W fnqtiuition ofihe pU Unman Jfp. kXTiulity-U bnijitm t7 tcouit wa streteheil kto te, Itmott U0tm mf W r- .v nut what e hfnsb miwt .11 wJ.T ttn.r I he vsleai w . ... Tli jnsimeu if neceafUy. . . .. .. 1 '.i,. T- tii- -rl L t. : . . i IL iri.l "i :uTir ! ni ''VS i '1 ""l1 jnt igBj bit u : pc. ".vow . " "Vvru we. ana iot ker: tatno er iii.t 4 ,t.l 1J. 1 M-. -'ii ccr Jt did Out, tbott-a -it It jletv tnj to have fine feaUrrrT j, X7b9 Jok t are will make yoar face ctrr Ct la the eadwTtetber aatart ?Tus it t-Luo or prtUy. Good people arc art. er QModk irg.; TYhatrrtr r tictr t fooa any Vf an. amiaUe rrrrnUa jaLoewa can no ir will loTA tbra the 1c boraoe tWir fcatirta a4 regal ir, or be are tocr fit, ct too Ilia, to dark, , CaUir&ika tf tat ; TV-11 TT t A Ymm fuMi WiWJAVi !lR? raiSS?: J SSttUly ,aUHe--JraoUi o.rtfr nad U tar rU! U daaiwus : cf Wir f7"-rt?; LVM ifthteaoat were nobler; indfi.Moo lardbyO.ewanT.tod fered ty lic1 and thecbief inqoiaitor .. an honored I - iri ruu . I : h : :4 X -'-il.r person lorn i lbe old iqouuitwn Was a cu, 1 Vr rommn.x.i ..!., ...l f-lf,V M. '.. !ulDJ . JiOTif'JS00 Vre comaienotj so early and ecnttaat may Wrt to aVch i nipi tae time, o . is . toe, naDacrn..J Ln ,r.i..tiM&i. kmu,.i. .. . ..-,1 ru-n .a.Ju.b , r T ii" t TO10 P!11.. l. life oILir f ictiair! u ic-n: . r ? r? t eiit.ieiupie oi loriureapu women are 1 I ua JKli Soya IV o. inceniouaajistrvnient of pain. ir which "It's no use," he said; "I'll never get over it. There bcrer wag any ing on sot and rnjhc hanged if l'nt over with as soon as possible. T lneyqr- going to t'V , . j.f,H ! :.wf I !4'All,I;ask is one nunhts woman likejier, . and.ther will be again I don't want to live wkhont her. Now she's gbne'l'ni ready to go any time, I'd welcome the crave. . ..What's life to a man liknj me?i It'u-voidn'ompiyi Illbciootwa qacexed bt tortorior I t A'aumamjcrw iuixciiiu; 1 wedge and band; but it had, ope merit J ?lJiuZ? ':LV?V II .i :. t l -- . - i. i " I IliltU aUltM IMIU. BBS U1HT inUlU, M -tt ws "W. nHh.ff?ne haTogivcllm!a .-rnol inidead of r OFFICE, On Nash Street, lirick Store ! I over .t.i ki Hawkins' LOUISBURG N. C. II. F. HL'Ll.oCK JK. T. T. MITCHKLL. Bullock & Mitchell, ATTOUNEYS AT LAW, FllANKMNlON, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the Cth judicial district. Prompt ttentioapiven to the collec lion of claims. , No 60 tf " void; that's what it is: awl there is no more happiness in it for me. V'You must try to bear up under it," said Dr. Potts. , "These afflic tions are meant for our good." 1 - 0, it's all very well to talk,'" said Mr. Fisher, wiping his eyes: "but when a woman liko that skips off to live among the augels, a inanH can't help beinG: miserable. An- warn- Just here i the boy came- in with ing !' she replied, .putting on. her J Mr. Fisher'i hat writh' a VoerV broast-piji again t and the family sat. around it, 1 a.ld Fisher giving the down to, a feast pi dry , bread and hat a savage kick, said to the by: black, coflee, , finishing which; the "You ! '..infernal Tit tlo scoundrel, "joggle,, was resumed.; v .! f v get out of here or : I'll break your neck.' i ' : . Then tiie""cornpany aTjourncd,1 and "Fisher, 'taking, the u cr a pe . off of the door knob, went( around. to sec: the undertaker, n . ,' -. . . . . . gels tlon't tnakb'Sour home happy. Angels don't sew on your buttons, and do up your -shirts, "and look af ter the children, and boss the hired oriri: mvl rro i sernbbincr around. O tr do they ? Leastways 1 never heard of it; and I'd rather have a woman like 'Mrs. Fisher anyhow.'.' "Iut you must: reflect how much happier slw; is now: that our loss is her gain," said Mr. Brown. "Well, I, don't, see it,' rcjicjV Fisher. 1 l? She w as 1 happy fcnotigh' here, bustli ng around, making things lively, spatting ! with me sometimes, bless 'her dear hear, when I annoyed her, arid jawing: away all day long at the children and the hired girlpakljiglfhisic in the house. WhVs she goin to jaw now I'd like to know ? How's shf going' io- relfcrd tMt THi34l tcl sne geia i , a 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. 1UCHTER. Watchmaker and Jew- VISFj Wntrlun and Jewclrrof the be ufiu-tor and at tlio lowct p lce. AH woik pcfKomdlj- attended to and war ranto I. ll 53 Byr.imore St , Petersburg, i . "" 1 . .. 1 . Whitelaw& Crowder, ; Marblo & Stone W OH KSV Comer FayettcvUle and Dain Streets. OPPOSITE THE YARBQRQUGH HOUSE; ' Ualeigb. N. ,C. 13! Orders Solicited. -5 rCTioiii-roiiioMoarotii- wi!t fill dfee; aih" a wotaaa'ct ability' wUjl p araj;' fcat'f can manage to feci kind? toward eYa-. rrlofTnot to W jcaIooC"" ool to .be erosa. to bo nai t-r. aad L euccarae eoDteotmnt, then aotaHbiej will come .e,e comparative jemrprary Mheir th Vyct" hppes to t but the roj JWiW 'ZSTZS J1 durion;ut nowaday, we.find few knembrancc that he dcrcd a,"ycs.V rala-hevPot only a huabaai bf.ourterrwlioaronot nndergo-o- her thoughts QfJma LtVlK&tU f.0 J HVAv ii'i -:'.i.nVV a t pnd would make him, were hero- x ,m the same punishment not ocvaflonalv. Lt , t.. .. , - T, - 1 Hioojuiir Aymi acixutxinnc. butpennanetitly commencing xrhcu 1 There may. be girls who make a jest . i. :' C:i l' i .t j l ..r ... .... . or inad ? i?lvin'r; around in a night gown with wings on be- v. O O-a R l EOEtl himV herrKhoulderbladcs, and sit ting oh damp clouds iwangingaway at some kind of a harp, ain't going to suit a woman like her. She never had much ot an car for music any way And whati l say is that if Henrietta" Miad Iter choice Fbct anything she'd rather be home here tending to things, even if everyday in the week was a rainy wash-day; sow.1 know she would." ( : "You tako a gloomy view ot things,- said Dr. 1'otts. 'Altera while the - skies, will seem brighter to you." r." '" ' 'No. , they .won't ' cither said Mr. Fishcr.- -They'll, grow darker the woman- until lticveB - a regular awful thun: der 'sUJrm of grief. -I" can't live through it. It'll kill me.' I've got a not.ionto ; iump into Henrietta's grave and- be buried with? her.-f. X3oxtpoiictl for ii Senson. A wretched old horse, blind, spavined, and lame: an old covcrel vehicle,' with every wheel, 'dished and every junt creaking like Chinese machinery T a family ; of five who looked as if they hatl been shaking with the agnc and wrest ling with a wiurnnini that . was the pighf in the Third Street Grove yesterdav. " "theynad turned off the !.-r. V -1 1,. fit 51 i' sireer io cook 'iiinnerf ncy "sai around a small tire , waiting for the coffee to ;b6il, ' and the J old horse leaned ngainsUa trro'?and looked longingly1 it the thistJcs'across the yYhar' wc Iwnndor ?' repeated th9 father puffing bneof Jhp chil dren focpokinginto the coffee with a atick'. ; MWc are ( on the joglc' nnd if that r ore iheas ,don I fad-ua woU landlln 'the BlacklHlls some; time next Foll.'j , , M "You seem to have had hanl luck.' ' : " ' 'No seem about it," replied lie wifoin a shrill voiced "We're had the lankiest lnck'ol any family ever strung tojrether, and it's all that old tool's Sauk !' ' ' ' She pointed at her husbandj and there was no question but that: she referred to hint. ?; r Hr4 f ; ''Sae'sa lectle 'riled, stranger," explained the man, "and pats' it too strong.' f We've beeri living" way off up North, and times has.becn hard. I tried to mako something Thank God ! 8omerf us have had an ohl-fahlAn 'mother.1 'Hot a woman of the pei lod, enameled and Tainted, with her great chignon, her curl and bustle hoe white, jeweled hands never felt the elasp of j, baby finorii; but n'dear old fa.shione j, t. Awcet-voieo mother, with byes io whoso clear depthe the love-light shone, and 'brown hair just thr!i(ed with silver' Hmc Vmooth upon her faded . eticck. ThWe . dear hand?, irorn with toil, r gen'lyi gnided pnr tottering steps in cluldliood; and 'smoothed -our pillow in tdckn ess1 IileRscd ithc mcniory of 'finold-fash- iiuu om a, i losing yai our pV'r:' " J J to whed he Cxlf too weak , la fear.theirta , - through U'tV LU.d4 ' too email for them, so the foot U jam- ?fh" " " ".r rET" b" w lh ,A ti.o t...l, i i ',. . I rccapcration r.r iram rrce. I UUIIM lonea moiueri itnfrrer compelled to perform the nan- I tlc woman wooed for money, and .v i... I not for herself: but really" to .havo .. . ......... I lAnnlinl a mn 6 horn-t (a T. flsr.flth.1111 trUl.eaU. .nflitt., ndt to be forgotten by her as long ing agonies upon tiie. nerTes of tb i nasheilivca, rAlwfcya f rate iwell re- pcdal extremities.. Tha hceb. of tlo memberg; how. his eye looked into boot to. add to the rain ia .made. hitd ncr as cc jouencq ttr nana WIU the foot fo that tho wci of the body gho could not giro Mm. is thrown upon tho.;, tocf. f wLicb are I : She loved some one cl&o. - So!ne 1 l.il 1 . 1 I Avf vt ea Km9 Mil t,lh ik aJ , m. AM come weakened. anajhena oCthJ Tlff0! tbuin tM food loaa!y. ca vesof tleleath with tUannat. -r and the brain ii to twatliaoJ that it - -. w,. - iiir iiiin uu Lnriini mini iir-r nnii ral strain, lbeie u no relief- ,From ..... i eight years of age to eighty, tbba cruel vise is applied, and the yiitnn uirod The beat rbl9 tkiagior kwa-n Co carry It sleep for a colt true ltoraoae p alccp the biaiu la in a state of rest in a condition to rcveife and ai propriate part We 1 bf natiioeat from the blood whirh takes ibe place of those wbub hae beca consomed In prcriom labor since the very act of thiai iog coo tumea, bums tp soli 4 partirlcf, aa rre ry tura fxfce; wheel i orscrevcf, ths splendid steamer la the result of eon sumption by R?eof the rod ia the f ur ns cc. Ths aapplrcf eonrumed brtla substance can only be bad from the na It t0 us:r?.wu to siuiIe(aDdidecJjire tht wheaxprjk: likA;tJi beautiful perfume front woie wordediblnSKonis. -Tb tattsio of'oth c voices may be lost, bui the eqtranc- ing memory oi ncra win eciio iu our ouls foreerfl , Othef faes: ;my; fade nwoy and be forgotten but i hers -will ihino on. ' r i . : ' . - cneesnopsin! .a A,tlmU: J.u-l I Another device for prodnciogiabY is niacins upon thehcada vsatitycf acighaod ,the.,beatv they r prodnccv can beat receive and appropriate to it- unci; a i , . S ft .-( daw hr that hn U mAl La TP' eria. went. hia, way, and canit t no more.-1 , ,5:"tr jn . w.vu 1 olfUMMenatritjrepaniclfi, dam rr;' . '"r'r: V1 ttste of ren. of quiet and stlilnera ia 1 ,c -?ca i8U,e W3 thsen. More stliwlaau ar;Jy beOJn that he bag suffered, and when somw , r . T . r07. . n the who has herself: been niarricd for longi years, perhapa ha7whd at ; all events, would peverthave married him is sho glad then? I do not know. A woman's heart is a very strange tlung. I no not be- causc ccntmuaVheadacliea-Tbtayan liero Bho knows ' ber8Clf.J Glad T tenvof iaopiogJlie .leary ;waigkt.;of Oh, yes and his wifh .pitttyand " 1. a. a .a force it to a greater cofumtption of Its substance, that substance hsa beca so cxbawC that tXerc is not powr rooeh jeatorortarppxIyjicrttfritTi are so Dear death by tnrrttkna that there Is not power enough to swallow say. thing, and ail is ocr. nri (t '.n 'ii . i'i 'i -ll J.''' '.I nnen. in tae, ntrui pauses ot bu?y petticoats, criuoliue and Armvifom nce j Ana oa sort to; ner- jWold. thewaisi,ca.ag anVtfatXru ffS lomestead, and. crospipgthe welbworn delicate orgsns of . tbe stomach Uad nnd n-w . titt T ' -" 4 " . I i 1 i i.'ll !.l TXT "2:s. thresholdrtanding;tmctmore In the producing unwUlcomo;vbat; ; while tae t t . IF' room sonaiioeo: ny .her presence; de- ihe. eatremities siq . lightly , dad. ia pendence comes over us, and we kneel thin stockings and xpoe to.-draacht down in tho molten sunshine itreaming j, not without iU Talut t& ajneans of. through the open window, just where destroying health and producing; pain long years ago wc Knelt by our moth- and even 4the simple plan of tjing liga er? knee, lisping, 'Our father.. tores round the Ifrs - tttd the teina How many timee. when tbo Umpt'er j swell aud becoroea varicose is net to be lured us on.haa tho momory of those passed without; some notice..' ' . eacred boars, that mother s words, her i Hut the moat fiendiih . Urtnr whixk . I faith and prayers, styed us from plung- t!iehigh inquihitor fsihim rtterrta' ing into the d4ep'abyss of sin.' Tea ra for h'w victim U ttht:;coneL Imagine have filled great -dn its, between, her no ineenwusly constructed machine of it r -fV .Tcnlotiss lDutohtxann. and u, bat they ; hate not hidden from our right the glory of her pure. . . ! , - Kend nnd Heed Till. catching-wildcats last Winter, but wc got down to 1 corn and .'lasses Tor Spring, spite.ofrallJ could .do. ; 'IIc's a brazen "liar!" shouted th'nt to nut on read V made with . H1: hood ofwanho bui; U' nyy band?&weiar4 oggitMo; eVin,' iue ii- xnucu,, w tre,,gthena with the strength,- tmUl, as if we was orr ndjo wealth goailw bad)it Ucbmei, alwiy a 'coat' ana nappiness. uur.: aiKuuu of bailj WVataminW bninVMl1 I .Many people seern to forget , that cittracxer grows: tuat iL is not torat- mn silk v cotton or other ; strops, natcrial t ifTcned and strengthened wi th ribs of whalebcnc and fls blades "which the bdy i.crashed byhitji the ribs are. dk4aced;'d)y which iU.tho organs tf th abdomen are forced own into. the pelvi, . and the organs of the ebest ' jammtd up ia the hroat, byjwhieh tht breathiag ca At t matting of ths Heard rf Cotaty Cnmmlrslotiert "rif Fraok W Ootary ot ibe 3'd day of April. 1878. Tbafot-lowl-f reaolatioss were adepted. A rrrv.nolnro,1 U. TUat tuC Saenff Siall Ot ft .rr"-"'w r ,':7tvT. ft tbt'settletatat ol UftAiacr jcalous Of the warm tnendshlp his shall f tht Couaty rtarorc? pa? aay sweetheart manifested for, one of Mi Count? ' Order Issued Ufors tht 1st male fric-mLV and ono evening re-, "tfjfi - proached ner for her conduct. . She. sued txfbrt that Uit most prrteat tht answered that tho had only lccn ae tt rha ant of thUTjird at or hAiii irt k 'i-kit. i ' beiorttbt lat daj tt. Aarnat 1871, rM)lito to the man who had aroused ,bstt record tbrrVot ana7 U madr; his jealousy, and politcnesa was atd tartler f otetzncU fcrc'trs.'wa nothing to ret anrv aL He re- rtfBt ,a P"3 them art berrbj riicu: , ' r . , -will bt pleaded la Vtx bt their itoov sh, vishperfng nodiag? . lib, J. 'Cil'Uli J. Ii TUCKER, CUrt. shlamminz noses ndjes . aud j , Ji. to I t Vi m 1 1. 1 ? - 6f steel, ml.. w. - , bj .Apia, !"U,I,,i fy X&W'.P? .... rilUIi:UmUa!;r - " I gOX fat, feel ?oOd. proR,rt "reliabW'consciention;. .uhur .nii ni zAHl: Wmim-rJHx. dh i want is a dofe to run under the c,ftr.leadcd and caergetie., Wtdn "T. ... . Jast here the doctor came down va'COn."" ''7 - ; j ' v t n ... . t.i jmc: ? do you , suppoae he developed tit did JOB PItESS. with an oeot gmile - nis face Air. Fisher saw the gentleman-when-ybu say a'm ".tT??!! w".1?.. selection .'of. type of - th.Utest atvlea, , v- .. . T .rt V ?, : ' was a boy? tict us see "the waj ju and we are tow prepared to do . . .. , and stopptng abrubho aid, fatanOi bppy ! Routed, s the wile, f . n V; lr llnrns,v how you cn gniile hwell, vou soon wiU beJ v,i Ln,nB';ui'"ii. ;r ' !! uonot this family, is more man i m yesyou'will'; . h,.a i.! a., tT- .dJ.Yi:t'i burst .of laughter .mit a shmack! I Ia crder.; tn rctrodatt tikrre. (a sounit liko'a.bTploJed JtaW- elgUt-iw. . IUoavtte4 Lttmry tad; i ' i - V -i ' ; r- , F-mily Paver. Tuk Sou vol a, wt will melon! plariog tag mit footoaoot dttca trUUarsU otts 6t aff under the tabfc, ' and fitting be hint ttfctaw-atd tt, ec3 j yabtcribtf art wyl ... i, !t a a s. . , t a otw I inrvat TInnr-rv chmipva nnlll Into- I . . . . tht general, vitality : of tha tystcra is " -lYT' . . i . I ncssaufder midnight arrlfcs, ven, . n- ii ft! 1 : i i r in the neatest and best manner. Vu need not send f oor fT 0B WORK N"rthfr wt will do-it pan ar well and cheap asyou can get it eUe- wuorel .-ut ttt9 f? t v vo f. LET rEIV HEADS H'l 1 : can understand, ami Ition't-fi f -TTre grft ; some good'-Miews R?r you, ill nsuef said llie'doKUo?: I'Thcrc can be no' moregooi new"! .VAIrs. Fisher is alive. "What?" JI-Mf5I?lr s aliyc," saUl.tw doctor. ''She was only in a condi tion of susDouded animation after : . . ... , "EXVEtOPE?, an -1 ftft'i - ut r ' i r.r a " i i t . CARDS, alb 4 Shelf Ihj perfectly well, I Imagine ,11 tWe, tid ; yo Lave odcr eyw are glued ,tpgeddcrr J tho UUU eirl.Ufcr. , U b left. ?nvl -?. W tUaarfcryjs uJittoel.ia thu ftaion- l ,v, -:,. . .... - ' - . alio jie1whic yh: 3cbndemaed to wear, day, by day, txn til ibejatest hoai chromtia aiatera, cflors, rtl;a art qosl la jppcaraoct ta fat ,c4l pa'at laga.6 Jasl ILlalof It ftrtit cire ' mot asd tacsdleat Ifcxitj flpcx six moatbs for CQ or T Try U, . 11 tin . ap . a clabcf firs auTlUrs aat. wt wili ' tesvt yta at ezua tepy ll Sis tafttl&t asd Joor t ita chioaoa . i'iTT 1 1 Icsioz fr aweT. Xt rtkr rta ,H 7 gine-rnbber bind 'rot" grows fhxnkl.' Eatr. tan ner rrr ler mit eferyr( sqoozc. and he tries wQ fliap!ea freArmta,; waattd tm 1 r . t ... i i . i I . - ' - 1 1 - mil ins ironu teciu uj taae a iccuc 1 ias aauacxiHiots im. kii pw . -. - ' - - ' 1, - vj,jWw:55.i htwlU male.- The boy that folate ; t w v. bilout ah vouVlinl' If all do L-h l;-t -Fra3ta 13 a rtry. easily ,4flay yootare a brazen Iiir!?' ui.;, -.Kiii !'' ortud.of rteeitins.grattcr frecdoni.- KutufllPV ! d(?f' We. iddwi"' .herep&driieavirffl felf (he iasUtrntoVxl faatea'td "tkht HTOtisli somcding., .Voold IX. BUBItOTT. inPJ,1 1. kitr?!?.?!? Tf'U r. you aniwerg dot conundrum , tfsk6tT r rTata.,0 mm. ,v4s:.:';'i t4j Th by hff afrltfit-hia -dntica be ano-ttit :waisy ;iaaxa smaiier. tnt - - ... i rc.h,l,?-C!i V-S" Ueyev.talJ;aeusoibry- f-L.f. egureprodacea ; ,.WHat;Us yoHui--" -"f0;" ' ! arbtfc-motioDr jng.c.1 forgot, I didn-t think r will i Hjrcariej;: dete --L'l4l;-i -U UW V. at another, as il trainea t.rMt,rMd nerer'i)0-4?t.i.tr.-UsA'-AMi '4nA Rrtlu1 &r!&&f ottight. Jtit tv.b-pcaxl powleT, afcrlJ g&P' ; Drawaca'tbt WtVii eii tocs the husband and father smiled tVl !W "tT Pf r.tl f.i d of kl.f Granger, sass is sass, no rnatfer erous, kindly man a gentleman. whether yod flridrii -in" the pine koods or in tie city. ,. She's aching. 1 i Always be xdite to others, no mat-1 t-ippled Ucga tryhig.to tppy oxy- 1 er beauty thai makes as lore people for a row, and" T 'sjtcct you'd m how others act. .- j i rri i. IV(. ii-v,M.l.TV. got in a bottle or a box. It " eis 81 each, or H lur 13. karle to . her cleat heaving ap: tad: dowa will pleasant to bt hand soma; but all bean- t wd acted Crnca the prioi t sJt tr tb lUexertwnoftht npper half of her ty u not prextiaeat. Thetis a h!gh- . U. PATTEC, boywhoarplcarrinmireri Wfc!iubvif.c4 l-5 ; that, da of eako? .hingV'wilf nertr he a Cea- afUr ; Pf 1 to aet be entoherytem; iait a faahionalli 1 tenderly. Eye, noc hair or skin L-raalt Dty, Tfjomia

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