n i GEORGE. 8, BAKEB. t Eoxtob axd Pjiopriotor., i v , . ' . ? i y? ' ' -.' ' ? T. y i . AH Jrtterji addressed to" ' 1 r , ' ' GEO. S. Bakfr, Fi&iJiaaij iiv. itr :t .T'i Jl" ' ' T i ! . ". I I nrcvail. All cannot receive ibe ' i . if . f nominatior, then let the deleav ed candidates. .W-irk,- Uard for tbeir more saccriujriijuR? 113 spimoi this kind is fc(t and earthed brt, asjre doubt not will be the c3e, such a shoot of tiiumpb will be raided in No vember next, as has not been beard in Democrats to the front, buckle on jour armor, unsheath your n words, and sbeith ttnrnot again until tbe bydr bead of radicalism is severed, and good bones rdenicralio "rule" iiTagatnestabir llsbed in Franklin V i ' 1 am una ibl eto "state: bnt may 1 1 get the flour to rpcak against htm. I eolation, or for circulation at nominal i - i i Fjuday.... ...Juxr, 30,1876. " County Nominating Con vebtion Tb DeuKcratfc voters of this Conn ty wiU meet in Louisburg on the lst oating a candidate for the House of Commons, ana candidate for tho "seV 11 'W.TtSpencer ;' '. CliYm! flxccutiTeCom: TO tHB 'DEMOCRATS OF THE LOUISBURQ TOWNSHIPl u Ac meeting of 'the- Democratic voters InLoubsbnrfr Township is hereby called ;on , Friday the 00th day of June 1 1870,i at , 2 o'clock P. M., In the Court, House in 'Louf ban?.' for t he ' purpose ' of selecting delegates to the connty Convention to nominator a Candidate tor tuo Lef Islature and for other GQnnty, officers, to be held in Louisburg on the 1st (far of July 1876,'and, for the further purpose of perfecting a thorough organization of the party' in the .Township for the Campaign. Tcry.1imocrat:)la,the,,tp,vrnshipi is earnestly rcqnestea to attena. , VT. H. SPKtfCER, Member Dem. Exif Cotn-Tfbr llsburg Township, :Deraoorntia T.' Vni: -- Fob Governor, Zebulon B. Vawce, it f,OFilECKLENBURGr For Lieutenant Governor : THOMAS J. JAR VIS, s ; i - ..' -v. ' : of Pitt. f.r-Tt . w For Public Treasurer : 1 n J,'!M.TbRTH, : ',, ln " 5of Rrindolph.1 1 7 Wl f II t'i r r t "V ' t 1 For Secretary of State : " JOSEPH A; ENGLEHARD, ..j jpf Now flanover. j BETTER THAN WE CAN 4 f. do: The following from the New York Sn pn j.hc ,Ra4ical: office, 4Holders: Candidate, jpf; , President better than anything :we.ican get-up on? thpj Bloodjr-hirt t ajAURefb(my; Grant perpetuating candidate - Thian contains,, the hpo ofT the Radical argument on tbo sMle of tto.fi'cpjapia.le( 4tbQ n peoplo sec by what Subterfuges they t are bing bliijded ; ; n .;tje ..vmU 'i A MAN OF; PARTS; ? in Hi I A iXlf OF TH K STORIES, i THAT s WILL BE TOLD BEFORE THE CAKVAS3 IS OVRR. ; - WhalUo you"think'I6r ttte tick et?'' asked .Mr. Magruder. In the 1-. I' ''!. .'1' -ml'Z -V: '"',!; Doarumg nouse, lasi nign, -, i f ooler ble said Mr.f lagnffiru 'toler'ble , Down in the Custom House 'this morning-1 saw a 'clerk1 behind the counter - trying to stave off a lot' of1 fellows who'.1, wanted to gct'their invoices verified. I asked him what he thought of it, and he stopped work at 6nce. Think of it? he said Ifs a blazer. ,iltl draw, like a house aftre.w, ! r : . "Think ' Governor Hayes will be a Reformer? nu - - 'Relormer ! I '3bnt know any- invitc you to consider for a moment his war record ff I as.ln a regi- nentr I hat screed under I Hayes in e yiHernC The f Governor ias b aiUishiy his Bworl and call- Ingifh the boys tVrlish forward, when along came a bullet and loped off his left leg. The Gov- cnip05(JP?Syf ofl hi3 horse. lie just tlel a waist belt around the leg and went ahead again. Will the people vote iorJVita? My he was ralcd-down and ocrr The meeting finally j adjourned, John havto y-iripfTd Ho wileconcpD coc, boctr into his ucasj rt,?aot exeef ting the rproj f-abets, tc:pa, printa, W mice wuuciu Kv aiiern .nirrjui. 1 -J i-- - - dL. In bii speech on Have before the late republican convention. -ex-Gor. Nojen said be bad defeated succeaf fully Tburman, Pendleton and Wm." Allen, This was true, bnt not a good point J fan j ono diooeca ta investi gate Uwil) find that Hayes Is hot a UnVhVMs' the VaH I met fD.a lT l?a S .fS VrUaVWU MVU VV) . MINBUai MWtf out a bill! ibr extrn charees, I asKea Dim sdoui me ik-kci . He fir t'; ran for k;gorinor.i- against Judge Thorman in - 1867. The year Deform the republican candidate' -fcT Becretery of Statelad been elected by a mijonty of 42, (WC..: Haies reviv ed about 13,000 voter . less, "and bis majnsity was only 2.983, while tie ex cellent leadership of Tburman gave it t aL t . VI.. at his war record. v I was irTa regl y-- eaiuro ,or ne ment.that served unde'liWatl first-ten . years : .Tl,? , next year the . repnblicans carried toe state j 17, 383, and Grant bad ma 328. The year afte, 1S69, nane "IaWifieentlv j "Think the qovernor is likel v ,to wfofnif t nedrain!straion ' ' r,,Now, really. I Tw4n given the, reform question much considera tion, but let me aslt you " to I00U rnid'nkVhK- Thft Grnor WJ. repugn. carea kYiftln Wta r.1n.VWlntnV 383, "d Grant bad majority of of 41, the fbrvrard when aloncame 828 he w ,f r r .r r o . , : . i ft ftbnlt nmf3trnclr btnV snnirn' candidate tor goveri:or t.hrt f.rVn'Rt It bnstiHl in-tdeof lifm ben tfio publican majority dropped and tore him into fine hash.' Wc i to'7t51nthweceedingyW. when subscription rates; rrieer-currcnt. cata losues, annuab. band bills, txstcrs, un sealed circularSjpVospectm, looks rtosenpts. cnsravines blat kn, Inflexible patterns,; samples. 'merchandise, sauiple rardTpb'nogrsph- ic pper, letter envelopes and wrappers, cards (plain and ornamental.) paper, photographic representations, aeods cottiDps LuHj roci .'sciona, and - all other mattar which aav be deUred mailable oy biw as third-class matter, EAGLE HOTEL Louisburg, n.; , h PaomiliTon. 4 . o and otl.er article not aborts the weight prescribed law.wfMi sfrh'if 'hit from Tb preeut proprl tr has leased the Eajle-Woul. (ronuerly occupied by JameaDeot)ora number of years. ile 11 prepared t' aexubmodate regular transient boarder J, lins nice rooms, .we 1 furnUlml, and fitted up in the best st jle. He ha sal large and couvenieut rooms ;o cn ! t.ti to disular their auiple. The Tle, , .Qlimax, , Shirts, A GREAT BAKCAIX, WAMSUm SHIRTS At $1.25 each. - :i "I 1st. Tbev are 'made- of the tarn Wamtotta' Mills Bhirtlng. 3ad. They are completely seamed aid stitched throeghoor, const ibe beat custom vrork. 3rd. The Bommi are threeplv TortpW. tlOLioi. r a . a ib. ey are cut lencthwlse will til.U u ,liM.. in .foatrofydaff ,m Mftrnutma'WVlW U9 U f?T 6 Wf iJju uricg mi yjUi t roalth. i .1.- .1 I . . ... 1 ! otnerwisc injuie xnc conienis oi lue i art arxorus Uo mil spare no jkuiis rn ail-Lags, or the person of any one cn-' In making Ms Loardere JMufortable, and hopes lie wilt rrcrive a UUrral patronage from the iul!jc Jat. bih 187". raked him into a rubber blanket, and were carrying him . to the bivouac of the' dead. but the Gov- ernor wouldn't have 4 It. lie jump-. pi bnt 6t the blanket and sprung onn his "horse and' went' forward,' brindishin' his sword. Will he be elected? Just you wait and see!' '"Anatomically speaking, Mr. Ma grudci , the Governor is, or was, a man of partsj much so; but I don't believe they can get him together in time for 'lection." , THE RADICAL CONVENTION ON SATURDAY. n t i i For Auditor : S.VMUEL li LOVE, is of Haywood, I A ,If ,Ki. -of Wilson. 4 Tor Attorney. Genet al : VW ft M-A . i For. Supt 5pf, public Instruction ; 37 CSOARbOROUGH, t-5 'nl . Electors at Large : DNIEf. G. FOWLE, T4f ,8 0O la JAMES MADISON LEACH, ..1 ,oa L"rf? j F 2idDi8trictJOHN IVWOOTEN 4th District-FAU. rll. BUSBKK Sth' DlstrtefcCBORBlKSi0- This august body, met in the Court House on Saturday last to thing about that, but just loot at. select delegates to their State and Hayes was not on ibe ticket, it mn up to 13,831. Ta8t fall when Hayes wsa on the ticket against Allen ho got through with the meagre malerity of 5J544 in an aggregate vte of 492,683, During fifteen campaigns in Ohio, when Hayes has not been ou the tioket, the avarage republican majority Iki? been 28,915; in the tbreo elections trben Lis name headed the tioket the majority but 5,343. His majorities have been 23,567 less than the average of bis party. There i nothing about sisch a candidate bard to beat. . Under the change condition of things it is not improbable bo may be beaten in bis own republican state. r BSSjSWr- n The Pnrtj- Platform. ms war 'record. ? l was in ment that served tinder uregi- s at Shiloh. ' The Governor was a bran- dishin, his ; sword and urging the boys on, when , along come a bnllet and knocked off' his right'arml He District Convention. The object of the meeting was stated in a set speech by Genl. P. R. Hawkins. Ho eulogized Messrs. Hays and Wheeler, -(who by the way, some of our knowing old darkies, says is no body else but old Mars Simon Adopted by the Democratic State , . Convention. Wfereas, Tho Republican par ty of the United States, for the last sixteen years, has had tho com plete control of the Government in all its Departments, and by its dis regard of Constitutional limitations; its unequel and opDressive taxa- just shifted his sword to his left bind, had ;i tourniciuet . put on tlie I Hays, over at Raleish. and Mar's stump oi ms rignt. armjaua incu i ioe wnecierj --no gpotcc leenngiy z. : " J m - -"--e-"" t.u . iato .tbc " nght again.- and eWy of the gleriou, deeds Sl, vjwa uo ; a piiuuiu Bv bu i i uuuv uy vuu jrcau ncpuuiican uDexamplcu ofllcial corruption per , "Over id the Appraiser s Office 1. 1 party; but studiously avoided say- wading all branches of its adminis- foumrthe ' : bnctDrlsinje vounff man inarrvthinff aoout the Freed mans tration has brought disgrace upl that eCto, pnMhc :fiures in Bank, about Belknap, Babcock, 5 VL Government: and nparallcl- Charley s-Lawrencels invoices. ! I I Williams, HoWertoin," and a host of caeed in the postal service. All liq nidspoisons glass. exj4oive materials, and obscene books or pa pew shall lie excluded from the mails. . . ' 2. .That packages of matter of, ibe third clas3 shall not exceed fur pounds iu weight and shall be subject to ex amination snd rates of postage of here inafter provided., The poatajro of mail matter ef the third class tsliall be at the following rates for all distances: One cent for each cunce or fractional part tliereof. Every pack sgo of the third clasaof mail matter Kball bear the post mark of jthe office at which , the , same shall be mailed for transportations. 3. That p stage on third class mat ter shall be prepaid by stamps. If however, tbo postage on third class matter, mailed at an office, shall bo less than the amount above prescribed . in caw where the same is known .such sender shall be notified of the fact,' and the amount of post acre due shall be col lected from sueh sender before the same be. transmitted by mail. In rasa the sender is not known, and .wheio it bas not becen the evident intention of the party so depositing the package shall bo forwarded and double the amount paid of deficient postage shall be col lected from tbo party to whom it If ad dressed, delivered at its proper destina- ti n. 4. That the sender of any article of third-class mail matter may write his or her name or address thereon, or on the outside thereof, with the word "from' above or proceeding the same; or may write briefly or print on any package the name or names of the ar- ticies enclosed. moiu-nem ot news papers and peridica!s may priat on the wrappers of newspapers or magazines sent from the office of publication to regular subscribers the tinio to which suliscription thereof has been paid. 5. That transient newspapers and magazines shall ,te admitted to and transmitted in the mails at the rate of one cent for every three ounces or fractional part thereof, and one cvnt fir each two additional ounces or frac tional part thereof. .G. That this act shall take aflect on and after the Ut day of July, 1876. ' To the Voters of Franklin County. , ; I hereby announce mjtelf a candidate for the efftse ot Trecrer( of Fiaoklio Count j, sc-jfct to the action ot the Democratic nomioating Convention. . Vtrj Rsptctlnlly J. J. Person. To the Voters of Frank lin ! Counly. I herebv announce n jttlf a candidate for theufflce of Bhcnff of Franklin, subject ot course to the action rl the Democratic comioatinj: convrntioo. alO-Sm J.J.Jones TotheYotcrs ofFranlln County. I hereby announce myself a Candida' for the office of Register of Deeds Irr Franklin County. 8ubject to the ac tion ot ' the Democratic nomlsa ing convention, Wry Respect fu'y J. J. AI-LEN. march 10-3 m. asked him what !hc thonght pf the ! ' ThiinH of it ? ItV a roarer. V I Bejjeve.jthe; Governor will pitch lit ibr refrain, 1hr. 'hi ii-.-i. . MI don't know what he'll pitch in other i ; prominent radical officers holding: frorit seats in the radical artyy having1 committed various frauds against -the National and State Oovtrnment. He concluded his remarks by reouestine Jho' for; but win yon Just ca&i your eye I Williamson to take the chair,' which ni ins war retoru: i wus m icgt ed tlistre8S upon our people: Thcro- lore ,...-...;.-.. r. r . ,....; . Resolved. 1. That In this Centen nial' year of 6ur existence ' vc In vite all patriots to iMiord all dead issues, to dbiregarp' the prejudices engendered by past events, ami to unite with . us in - the effort . to re store a 'constitutional, honest. c nomieal atniTittre 'administration ot ment that served under him at AvmmfTKh Cfovernor was brandishin? his sword and shontin' to the boys to git in, when along come ' a'bullet.aiid shaked off his 'f(l rl I .til ! n VP Oenf ress-th rDiftrift, it J. OF FRANKLIK. .Of jrl.ii'l ri i A Ait .Sn.'J Jt'lMt'JA V 'I 1 Senator Morrell bos been appointed gone ta) tbe Rock Bridge All act spring? hi healthnli .till Verf ,:fecbler.ltfifi rcpicJDoifcU has been, appointed to theoaclthd 1 0f the militarydivis ioibd:Gen: .chofieja: to. the CQiaman3jof tbe u west . Point Aeadefayi'T i.'U.d:' .air:) - Mr.fn.'Jl Wheeler of New York bji(Ra4ical AntLlveform candidate rr th vicePrctJdeat- was 'ehairman of tbwm whn.all the suWvdybUbiontif which wmtt& CDrropturo grei ' passed Con- run:IIeicant come ui i bow as a Re form er.Tbiats uprear J fflR,,C0NlENTli9N will meeVmiXcuiibQfcro ihaj pnr poea of jioxnJat!r cndat fojrtbe nvrjbtr of good -and: trot damoer&tb . nun aspirants, 'tbe nomination1 and:clectW of oillier.on rill baadccide jjm was done in a graceful speech by thoGovemrnenV and thus promote which hp ito this'- time had 1 been Resolved. 2."That ' wVearnestiv flowing smoothly, were ruffled by I and cordially recommend the odon- tbo appearance of old bro Book- lion by the people; of theimend- ram -of, Franklinton, Who-hadJas J?1!? t0 ' ? 00 itn jwpgeed :.un:..: -irn'iiV Jv.v-r ,.L.,a.)i 'v.: . - .. . I uj . -vonvcnwoq oi.isiD, apa ikiv uuu. Jiejusisniiicaine swora. i.omn saiii,.gone oacn on mm at tne l thus largely reduce the expendi- w Hw iigiii uumi, u,a nasiy i msuwecuuu una-increioro 'ne uia turesoi our State ana county gov tourniquet put on the 3tqmp othis not consider him a suitable member! ernraents and simpiiry left arm,u and then ' bolted into the of the executive committee for his nisiration, so that we fight again.' Draw? He'll draw township; Bookram, demurred like a blast' furnace V ' : from this, and Said that he h'ad al 'Happening in the Post Office I ways worked for the party, that he asked ono of the bora who were I had spent hia moner and erlVen his ine ucKct umoTTjcme- parry, mat Jotm was not tho republican parrv. He final-' ly concluded that if they would take him back, that he - 'would 'support tlic nominees of the partyy prbvi ded he bad a voice In making the aominaUobat .Thi3idfd 'tjbtsufC Fra KKiv. County,: In mc Snpericr Co:rt. . ; To the Voters of Frank lin County. I take Ihis method of declaring' my self a ondklate fur the office of Register of Deed", subject of course to tfc action of the Democratic nominating Convention. ( D. MALONK. To The Voters of Frank lin County. In view of t'o circumtanccs nn dr wbidi lwa.i defrande! f my clec linn two year r. I do not hesitate to appeal to my Pwrty for a ve nomi- J nation. I arcirdingly anoonnre my- ( self a andidate for Iugirter . Deed; ubject, alwa js to th action of Con Tention. W. n. ALLKN. Feb. Stftb 187G 3-m. 5ib. .They nre equal .In materu tjWt fit, and woi km tulip totl,e tc,J Sl.iria at $2.14 ec',i. 6th. lby are nt laundrrra, xi& can be eaaltj tried on bj the porebi?? who can nave ti:e Button boir( tn. oo, Ac., fiotthrd with ut or at hecae, FaiCK.f1.25 each. TmkMs: Pontirely caih WHITE & smw, Lu aburg, N. C. March 24th 1670. , Merchant Tailorluc:, . . Dote at the abort c4. Notict by C. M. F ARRIS S WITH R .P. HOWELL. PaacrricaL Uxliskatok axDtrma, No. 9 F.fje uville 8tn-e Hah-fib Kc. FOR STYIEFIT. AliD WORK MANSHIP. CAHTBfSUR- " passed. ;:. Warranted to please tbe most Fi tidioua. i XdT" Send for Samples and rrices, aad be convinced that I sell rbtsprr tka any first clasa IIoom thia aideol New Yoik. Address a'l orders to : R P, HOWELL, P. O. Bo 158. K.lti, $. C. A pill 7 ; KSTABLIiiHKD 1S17. W. H. Morris & Sons., COTTON FACTORS JSD Commission Merchants. . 23. 2-S and 37 C nimrrcf Ft. Svrfollc. I'sl. ; , :'. WI1' maVe libera1 Ctirrency advan era oil product-or LIU lading In han-l. TDK MASONIC JOl IlNAh - Greensboro, TV. C. 'rnstlin the mails how struck hini'a c: " ; j4 . i';;" j 1 'It'll sweep the country !' W yoxs ' supjiosc 'Hayes will re- V tdth 4nd I he yoi(n ' man' jt'hisKani iip to rf , I KPftti ,U'e;'(jneMion; Johnpwhaa;d,tWfyTja coroebaekj North QaroUnsnaU5oad :to Paint 0li, yes; Refbrm. ' "Well. now? yon traitctiJk'vTirr!tb-i Roci andDucktownand ofonr oth- I realljr cahH say whether 'hcTttic' abide tbe'deciskm nf the conven tofl?r$? P'ege the tion.'- JlerefOen their ad- may be erii: abied tQestablish a thorough. ; and enlarged system . of, public - schools . for the benefit of allth.a t citizens, of tub kJt-Cfcll Resolved 3. ; That notwithstanding our repeated disappointments' and imppvensied condition j -wu , still enensn tne rsorth Carulin.; pi t)jcctj so long laooreu lorjey the ..More headors,, Saunders, , .Fisher, ..Win. Ihomas. and others, of uniting the harbors of Beaufort and Wilming ton Willi the great weft,! and for tbe completion ftbe4Veem a Reformer' or not: ' bnt wirt justletyronr eye rest i)n his war record for a mbment ? I was in a regiment that served under him at Gettysburg.' The Governor was brandishing his sword and hollerin' to tho boys to let 'emselves IcW, whehalong come a bullet1, and car- contlmieVl 'use' of the convict labor of the State. and rof finch other Ju- lucuu icguauva aja as win secure the completion, of these great Stato works at the earliest practicable period. ;li r ResoZtyid 4.-That- the peoDleof of Korth Carolina ' now have it in Hawkins came to Bookram's defence but' John let loose his gun at him, and in his own language S hipped' out the big un SoBookram finally agreed .to come to John' terms,- mnd the vote was taken by the whole dark assembly," their power by an earnest, dttcrmi (for there were only ; three white I natc and united effort to relieve ried away his right leg. The GbvV 1 men in the-' conventions and one of ?.ni: PP-q rrona the ey ils of repub- ernor stopped jusl long enough to them had to be sentf tor twice. nmT SnSnnH tSl harenii yirttxr tn tinanr. w-,.. Pf nd restore the -pros- , j . yr tt j ' wawwn , i peruy or our state, pcuu iuw ine pajuc again.-, two itrong bucK -negfoet; -Now .A'esofped .That, we denotmeft lioou ticsetr The country was I says they, oumust benr somi-W official corruption wherever found. ervinff'torlt! ' ; t A I thft.hurdPM I and we hold honesty to ba the first r 'TWlD aathe hrm, and nfenest qualification ' for office nss- - w - vms ui n 04 k v7 Unitele0-5oari udoci, np ceived back, ' only Mathcw Haton stairs, and askeu-oae of the offi- voting in tba- negativB.iniF'Ran. ciaia. wHatthe thoqit ofthe ticket. som,,another;onof the disalcted; 4 Hie following House Bill passed the, , -jiiwu whuc wuu, sir; a catro lorwara ana asxeu pardon t)r rc,"Bt' AHursaay: . . sweet bootu'j e Usu-i u t John for hot sppportinghim ahd1 ?1 '?k?Cf' ' j Thinkhe'U root out the corror: asked to be takcniback''m'fnll foV "f6, cJiss;i,V .f01 provrmenton.tbe rnlebicb has lee,, tion that deftleslthe semcer - ' lowship. V.HeW taken-backby: reaK v'-w w JTr;? Muvp , .wuyii 'wuug ipy u qg ' uu uu?y, fiaincw rfvaion tryipgtO 10 rarmpiinTjcej'or tor free cir- V - 1 .Ne;l?otoe HllU Tom Bramc PlaiatitI J Complairt : '.w'tAgaiufct.. y .-For Alilly Bramc Defd't. ) DivorccT .. ' It.aDDearioer to tbt, ratiafactmnrof t e Court .thai Milly Brame tbe !, f iv'snt ! abVve rimed.I caoBot "kfur doe deligerce.i be ouad wit hi a tbe 8tte of North , Cat rdina, It Is there for,' ordered that publication rf the iwmnt tii ta this caose.'lw rosde in the Franklin, CousifcJi, a rewtrr pub ltrbed in the town f LoaUburp. once a eek fnr six wks mc eate'y, commindtag the 'detecdant Willy Brame to appear Uf-.re ti e Jodce ol ine oupenor Court at a Court to be beM for tl County of Frat-klin at the 0urt House'-io LotibuTjr oa the'4th Mond.y after the , 2nd alondny In Aogus;1878,' thn and then to an sr Ibe comp'ahts, a copy of which Win De Ciert m the office ot to. Clerk of aaid Court within tbe.thrre flrat day of arid term, and let the said dr- lendant- tak notice that unless he epptars and answers said cutptaint at said term, the Plaintiff mill app'y to the Coint for the relief demanded in the Complaint, : n . Given under, my hand and the seal ot said Court the 23d day ct June A.D.I 878. ::: 5 . ; . VJ Ki DAVIS, : - Clerk Superior Court. . .Franklin Co., N.C. S. A. Stevens & Go. j DEALEUS IN ; ' ' "": jWniUire, CarpeUng & . ..... rianos,. f ,f . COBSKR MXDI AD HlUSBT STB., K0RF0LH, To. cf tbe above ad. rat lo i. .jrent wat d. sad terms Aee. TBCJC 4 OCX. Auautta Uaiae, $5 to $20 pe day at liome Parnples worth llree. &rpsiM Ss Co. Jit. land, if lue.' Th'nn'y Masonic WarKLY lot or uhliahe i in rut Ukitkd riTATt! Eijftit pages thirtj-:wo broad claaa. Treats of all topics of intrnst to tl Crafr. Literature pur-, and ia a fixate hold Companion of vhhk eveiy Uaaoa in thecouBtrr mav lastly lee! roorf. Trrnw, OneYtsar $2;Six Montba. l.. Remit by P, O. Oroer or UrgisUred Letter Beod stamp for specimen and get up a dab. Address, v F. A-. WJLHW - ' 'GreaWdrf; K'C. f - it JJ VI XUL'JLJ U X XU The largest Stock eooda in YirciBia. 'All foods gasranteed to be sold a low as in any Northern City, as cur buaiaess faci)iris are. unsurpassed. Our goods are' all man a tact ore d to order and tanks visitor aa order from loose desiring goods is eur Jia to convince them of the advantage ob tained fc deang chafer home.' if ; Bavins: , been irstabliihrd v twelve yeara and having er-ld largely in the vicinity of Fraokhn County, all can refer to tbe public generally. ' !TTe se AgeoU aid keep on head a large assortment of Pianos and Paxloc Orgabe at" IXaaufactors prices, i Peed for Circular. - -r- . J'iVl'J. t u ..; i ......-: i. ... YAllBOnOtTGH.' HOUSE I ":i "RALEIGH, C. fir TV. K-ACK NEtli, Proprjl tcr a L,Oi. I - .l. II f - . 7 : j- j: I f - '4" -vr- S 7! it.1! THE LICHTEST-RUnniriC DACHIHE III THE WORLD. Was or r1uA Gnr.iomt. m I I adS roqwrad f fM( k. pTtcitT. wpckli: sjxrnJ lcrcn wocktac Prjm '- Th f T r kicBe4 axid pJUh1 Tb fcackkw aft ande at ovr ncr wadrt b Ca clfy of" Hrrrt. K. wKa a rjxil . t) -kU-rr aaJ taola. coMtvUd expCtaaty to accoaUbat wtt we aar mCm. "oomcotic GCVind-dilci;ir:2fcD.f 5 i. . - New York nnd Obicncro. (MS mad bL Ow le ud Um beat WOltkoMM mmOci to Aay ter ntg SM(a r ar Dor.coTIc,' acwinc UACiuns co t lowYoa-U nxal CliicaCTQ- Have vour JOB WORK dono at the Fit

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