6o cor J- -tf -.view s. BAKER, U' ... t. !. B TAJfD PnOrBIETpB! f All letters addressed to , - - ceo. 8. Baker,! " Cl nxDAY...iUi.f..i JOTX 7r 1876. National Tlclcctr,j r ' thU wk. There were a numbeV andtbe cpuntrymn?t still suffer thb . OP.NEY,iORK. of oodmcn"bc1bre the Convention. 6 W&miA!" T ' n WrF-vtPridini I v for WilTffJrenT mcesHad tbp uiii M vrr r -yy- m ' Ufril iitouoaicJj yi L' ; W ifJohventiSn m wcmmte&mMtf-, HJ&ATXOKAIi: DEMOCRATIC L:A&&nilVlCK8f hrPlATKOlOI.'f - a , t t Democrntlo Toilneciaf J . t' 1:, t , J. I I rOR UOYEBSOB, ror licutchant gpvernor : f S ,f,; i0(Pitt.4C 01 ! ) .7 ; For Tablic Treasurer - . J. M. WORTH, : 4 of Randolph. For Secretary of . State :7 ! JOSEPH A.' ENGLEHARp, t n of New Hanover. . For Auditor : SAMUEL L. LOVE, , V of Haywood, ! - , , . - . , 5 For Attorncy-Gencial : 1H0MAS S. KENAN, of Wilson. ' For Supt. of Public Instruction r J! C. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnston. V . Electors at Large : DANIEL G.FOWLE, r -of Wake. : j JAMES MADISON ACH, i - ' -in. ,t J of Davidson. , - i. . .,: -r? VTl)lstrlct Electors7: - J it (: i- JJUii . liguM'n i, " I , 2nd District-JOHN;?. WOOTPN archtDistricWii Di STANFORD, , , nouso of Representatives: : j i JNO. E.t THOMAS.; i .., .e xi f. .dl 4,- " f .. - .' IT wiiij t, .,: W, IBRIlGERS. ' -IDRiRi'-T; WEBB, J ' I -i .jftqw I trrjg. FOWEER'Sr,' ! : V'Ktcooa Jt j al -. ,OTJR NATIONAL! DEMOCRATIC ,vTo day we place at A fJio head " uur ieiuct uin uumra ni .iinn: nm i r , oflfewTdrk A for President ot the" , w .PStaa A. iiendencks Governor, In 'lsericiFAB.lL.'BUSBEIiL, . waelfiioW F VMolS 4 nee'es'to re'bulid and VfynwiO Vio;! ? , X Jhorou gUand computer -l-efdrm Uv0fTeme& romUeanr of a. Wr; deurtesstax Diitrici, v thd overhnrcnt we mnh 'haW an .'corrupt centr'alisin. which, after. hiBKy ' JosEPHry SS -'S OF; FRANKLIN. ,H , i Vnnst have a change of; systena, ! t;V;.V1 ; Suppose tjGlei jHayes iatelecteo; fwith incaeity? wte anjirand, .i .. i iSt'Tiolrot,'1 he is a good amtabyekl1rtd'hfcarted mfecled tales' and' mumcipaHfies is iJ.W! u I niosities.w" creating' . no TivaJTies. . I creaw ana mamiain tne nanonai nooor. : yntt , ...j UDexampieu omciai corrnpuon Ji'a rU;rfc. i iil ! . I Unlike Uristnw nr Ti itnn ha hna e denounce me lauure tor an tnese !-.. . .. ; I twi wnucues u:iio. W. iuWAitWJj Jf, 3?!t f Hiva TV0" fPgessive etv.utation nor . tration- has brought disgrace ;hT,n f.asarert irL under equallaw.. on ou Government and tniH-iuivtr...:.:!,;'! r r r14" v .Tlrnj: r-H. We denounce the rolicv which hhua ea cistress upon our people: V?nti ."H P'nfciV., j pgntonernis is the great objec-1 changing standard of them the.L-. i U fo 1 : " ' Coroner: Ma-Mit tion 'OimTSs acandidate. f It T hands 6f tde people, and the . non pay- fftur J,w-.Irf at 4 il1 1 z That In this in h Mi.IRICHARDRON: 64 PwdnMWthbt Whltoh1mi mentrwnlch ir'nrdof the , .1 " . " -v -rf-. n al year of.. our. existenco : ;fv;:w,. W.nunaj!ii 1 J .'MtoksW m mongolian women, importea lor mr vitc all patriots to ignoro.aU atl-fftoxeyor;;! , TZlX lUi&XlW f l< rrth rP mtril purposes, .ndi-MongolUti'men: Issues' to disregarp " the prcju I . . 'ic i it ? -I - t J WV1U jjuiu, uuuuai- uuu iiviuoraijie.,1 ,1C.C, jis ui pcaw, nas taneu . irom , uommissioncra:. , r i -r Af'hmVtidAf Uiaior,victi'resT4ieou!a-uistBa I thet admittejjorniptaomsts. The gmnd'Ucket Iktbntlcmen 0icpeJAa 9f, ntnrougtuiut.tnolJnitfa as able Statesmen. A .'and t nore patriots, and ycntlon . could worit uciwr wan uy running mebe pvuwwu wu.uwiinil. , -LJs-envW anggrea "rqign thcU spcretvrscrricca gubffl, jnec any of its: promises at the call of , TOibm .rvinrdcaalngjtr- aU'tpu &9 creditor entiUed to payment , WeiJ X'?t?ftVpi c-I-of Congipt; Mibm9,m.wm Canal Ring In the SuW Goyern. 4who ment,.andwhen hogeU to-WaslK ! people, and rhat 1s then left of the timean artific scarcity pfrreicy .p5tOat..iho Rolknaps, the Blaines, fTCrbtotipartM Land at,Wtme Talarimng'.gie public ft0 tym he tQ efofm 1 tyusesT lyfj$ the ! mind in a wUhdrawsl ofjihat" vaster -r -.- -- .-.wHSp-jjr - ;. Howards (oh! oh!) stealers of tbfrvFrecdmen8 money and all other whVwillthcn TTave'a'Nave lelltbc republican oiganiza- cd people. representative at the head of the National Government that will pro- mmV&mH th(W OUR xne names oi toe nominees maae lre hs;tf tickeWnifih w' muitcj elect, they are all goodi thoiiest, JdDoarentloiri 'ttothldlltrieMcicocrats, a As good and true Democrats? jjsI lovers W'ljouesijc, - aim jgiurui, icui us to the front, let' us fcc&tfro nb-4 jrmy.in a -solid uiibrokcnii line, frojn I one end ol the uounty to the QUicrLihiflistvandlrinoat . pressing vpitnouo : for we have, a wily foe to fih t .-r-t I dntr for-. ta Di aKcmcriioC thctrhoie. Wc-mnsV leaTWt00' int'CXTwseJjl-coiiritryjaal;!' tbnt eveix.cntranco mpst bo guarjl-rhii cd ir611f cand; seo thatlno discord; enters; the j battle wtll be. a? hotly J contested one. ..Franklin has :gaih- ed for herself t!ie name of the Bani ner County, let us so conduct ourt sclves.as that! we, shall continue to merit thi3 name.;. XfCt US - see to it that, that Banner does not, trail in November netjvbut let us jiold.it j aloft i and" with It unfurled,. floating j triumphantly with not a stain upoq j its pnro folds, then (Demccrata of I Franklin, to your postj WQikj Workj. like true honest men, for reform ah honest "administration of our Countv government, and success will just as surely be purs, as night iuiiu w a ujf . t f. f,j :.,;, iiU r I ? ' .t - a - -: : - I OUr WaSIlingtqn Leitey. Special Correspondence.' i WaVuinqton D. C., July, 5th 181 5f T- v Canipa'ign.cljibs dren'fofmrjoT 3fn?l preparations tnado :lpr an ex ciUnganaiih raa nnrt Top thn nrirAnt. rofossitv - - CD -,-m--j . without running against iu angles, I 'givinno.onnc rtoayingbo anii T country! Mrtf 'fl passable abVesireiiiiaa,mt0 m thepurc.M vlt reminds trie cf alnah " v m nc uicruiiun wiii so . i. 1 1 nnnnrt 11 ;hr ak...i: im -L rnp'TRinrTn.giniMi n lprprminpfi in. w si vvia. m iuu iuv vv iiwiui " nmnt'po iar'asiweirncfwrana irom y wmagiuu misruie, aim locaca dH We car; hear 'todana' to doi right fast the prosperity of an industrious He Jikes tOfnass thrduch tho woihi. beople m the paralysis of hard tiiues; ,., tr6ntilc .fif.ltla nbt: erffitbyanf leehis moHJlime-sineef Vnettaidf reoion WeoNmoceeilan "Tho orrupr chienMHhntbe rgf Impctjaml nnioralitf Sf tnat publicau- party are Stronger "thar partyHrb'icli, durinir ''eJeVen1 ' veaw I of - afflicted with cancer. lfrthe5rnaVf sumpicra;'that instead has obstfuqted 1 of keehs the canccr'it will killhim!' KcsumpHonby "wasltniT'oar-urccal dioarfd hwiniraVeWTcmarn'onK W his Sick bed 'many weeks 1 any liowM nuailf Enacted'' fresn- hrndra'nces - subtracrfmnhe'repuMca The custum house gang t in NoeraYhrtr if ilAw rv rt i 1 prthat . nojKl of unclean .;carrjcrJ to assure the whole world ;f. its per. uoagers lUiino donijv' tuQi Wuiskj fate of such mcn aChief Justice Chase, Jacob ; D. Cosr, Carl Schurz, ll-eywineif, -Ljmj t mrnuuii, These and never f y tion had they not dispaircd of the possibility r of "reform " within its "ayes becomes thcserinks" unaided "arid alone. Is f -w,rt,0 tt:3 nn f ness or ncart will prompt mm pirty tf th&Unkcd Butcin'.'Nttiffnl ttheLadrainistrttflnf of the! Federal Got Stat?, k jeajoua effort knd- co-operation J io4,m8ena1(na aoirncreoj"-appeal, w otrlfpliitrzenrof Ieveiy fonriet por litical con n ectioo t under tako with naT ' . ;f t. no t ?j Wed licro reaffirm our" faith in tbe. ;pCTmauency of the Federal .Uuioo, .ocr, .derotioii to Constitution of thejUnited -StateMj with its ameridmenta nnirewal- iy neccpted as a final settlement of tie .controversies thatiengendered civil war and do here record our steadfast con fi- dence ia the perpetuity of Republican self-government;, in the absolute ! a. quewcence) in the will of the majority,' the vital principle of the icpufelic; Jn the supremacy of the 'civil " oyer - the military authority the total reparation of church and State, for the sake alike of civil and religious freedom; in the equality of all citizens before just laws of theb own enactmentjlin the! liberty of individual conduct! -unmixed ' by aumpxuarjriawsjine lanniui, eaucauon ot the nsine generation, that they mav preserve, enjoyaild transmit these best condition fcf J human happiness, and ihoper,-we behold the-.Tnoblest ! products c j ot a hundred years ot cnangelul history j j athile upholabg the bond -of : ojar Union 'and fgrbalishaVter of : theael, our; people $to I practice aisu tuai, eternal vigilance t orm is necessary to est ablit h a sound . currency, restore vthe public V&MH9 ti6l&; nd -mlindefed' four, pany wuicu, aurinr eleven vears 1rpce,?tias 0mll;ad;Tanoe, tbward're- : i i . i i anu cxniusung an our surplus income' nbMce thVrcsufaptwn . act W5,an3eerc demand its t re- I peah Ll We demand a judicious, system I feet ahUity mm Mtuyon V micbinery pi crpdit by vich ninety- fire per ceut, of all buit tsz tninsac tioos 9T perjbri al.-A. r stctaopeiy aoiic ana inspmncr cenciu cot aacnee. ronlajfrotti the day cv its Optica, rtn beating-oh itrwings"toall crar harrassed indostry, and set in motion the Wheels of eommcrw,- manufactures and the mechanical art; restore era-? ployment to bbor. aod renew in all iU natioal source the prosperity of tl ffyi.. . cup ,:v Reionn is necessary id the snm and roode oFFedera!Utaxation, to" the end cfn18eV'fr?foy dis trust and labor" lightly burdened. We Uencnncc Ch'e Vreseti t tarinv let icd n& on nfaily-4,00fl Srticlea, :; as a "rnaate piece of lnuic"mcqualUy' and false ??el1.'rtItyiel&lrHwhtu1in a early, Tisiug revenue;" it'"1 lias impov- reriabed minvindorics lo'subJidite a fewitrohloita importi' fliaf might nutchase the products of American la- VoT'an'd U'ms'' 'degraded Atmeriean commerce fnirn tbir Brst id an Inferior rank $p6& thefiiga s8ea j it' has cut dowti'tHe sales of 'America'a mannfac- furtrsiat home" ancf aDroad, and cple- 4ef tbearetnnrt5f American agriculture or industry, followed by half tiur -'peo- Hg St'cosisthe people five times 1 more' structs the processes of proddcliou and wastes' the 'fruits of labor;' it promotes rraUd'and fosters 'smugirling,'" enriches diAonestbmcills and bankrupts honest merchants. We demand that 'all cus tom 'house taxation' shall : W only for reVcnue."1 nyt tr":": ' 7 lUfortn is necessary in the scale of public ' txpense. Federal, State and 'murifcipW1 '6nr Federal taxation has swollen from sixty' millions in gold ,in I860, to four hundred and fifty million? currency In 1870; our aggregate taxa frbm one'hnnprddand eighty-four mil lions gold in i860, to seven hundred thirty millions currency in 1870 cr in one decade, from less than five dol lars per head to more than eighteen dollars per head. Since the establish' ment of peace the people have paid to their tax gathers mors than thrice that of the national debt, and more than twice that ?ura for the Federal Govern mentaione. we demand a vigorous frugality in every department, and from every offiaer of the government. Reform is necessary to nut a stem to the'profligate'waste of public landsi aud their diversion from actual Metiers by the patty in' power, whfch hasVquan 3lred two hundred 1 millions of acres tipon railroad alone and1 cut 6Y more than that afffreffatfj has' disTod of : . ... . do c ,. - : , ratiiLxrtv;tritr.i'i U-r r less man a sixui uireciiv to Liners oi 0611: lleform is ' necessary to correct the f omissioh of a Republican Congress and the'erroraof our 'treaties 'arid ' onrdi- V, - plortaeyVwhTbh have stripped our ftl' low-citizens of foreign ' fcirth and ldn drebraee'recTbssing theAtlantTe'.' F the sb iet d of 1 'American cl tiienship, 'and cave exposed our nrctnermg oi the ra cifie coast te the ineusiomP'of ' a race riot spfdrig from the same great parent 6tock.-andi in fac, noW!by ' law denied hired to perform sertiTe labor contracts anaem'ands-such' modifications of the trealy vrtth tho fjnmese Empire,? ot or'iuch legisTstSun by Congress, -witlfb a constitntion limitation. "os shall I " ..vwo.j, Uvi v be effected but by miking it the con trolling issue of the electfon,' lifting it above the two false ' issues which the office holding class aod the party in power seek to smother it the false is sue' wl th which they woul d seek to en kindle sectarian strife in respect to the public schools, of which tbe establish mebt and snpport' belong'1 exclusively ta -tbn-several i States. and "which the Democratic party ''has - cherished from their foundation and Veablved to Nnaintvln tlii' UVt!.,U- . ference for any elass, sect . or treed, and ;,withouV contributing ;from tbe trcasury to any; aad the false issue by Which they seek to light anew the d v- lpg emoers oi sectional bate between kindred peoples, oDce unnaturally tranged but now reunited ia one iadi- vu-lble Kepublio and a common dcati Reform is necessary in the cavil service. Experience proves that tbe efficient,; ? economical conduct or tb governmcnut Duainess is not posible if its civil service, besubject Jo change at every election be a pr!ie fought for tLihe bsllot.box( Us a brlaf revard of irty leal Ju.-tea of rots of honor tx&g&d for proved cocetenee, and hheldor fidelity in th- ubHc employ that the dispensing of patron ago should neither bo a tax npoo the time of all onr AQUiftmenr sor, tbtUstrtnsent oi lucir am onion, iiere a cam pro fession fihifisd in the performance at test tbaf yiejft Jrf potr can work out no practical or salutary reform. Kofofnj i ncccjvary even a'moreTn" the higher grada ' if: publid- service. President, J Vice. 'Presidsnt,- .Judges, Senators, Repreeeiratrre, CaUaet -oG-eer-these, and all others in -aotLorv-ty, are the people's fervantj- their of fices 'are not a private perquisite,' they are a public trust, - FFhen the annals of this republic shows the disgrace and cenuTe of a Vice-' President, a late Speaker bf the be use cf Bcresentativee maiketing bis rulings as a presiding officer; three senators proBting secretly by their vote a a law -makers, five chairmen of leadininc committees of the Iste House cf Representatives ex posed in jobbery, a late Secretary of the Treasury forcing balauces in pub- lie icconnts, a late vlttoruey-General misapproprating bublic funds, : a Sec retary of the Nnvy enriched or enricn- ing friends. by per ecntagtrs "levied off the profits of contractors with his de partment, an ambassador to England concerned - in a dishonored speculation. the President's private secrtary lurvlv escaped conviction upon trial for guilty complicity ia frauns upon the revenue a Secjetary of 'Wai impeached fir high crimes and confessed misdemean ors the demonstration is complete that - the firs) step in reform must be the poplo's choice cf honest men from another party Jess the' 'disease of one political orgsnizatiou infest the budy politic, and teereby making no change of mon or party, we can got no change of measure and no reform. All theso abuse?, wmngs and crimes, the product ofnixteen year.-' ascendancy of the Republican party, create a iiecosity for reform confessed ty Bepublicans themselves but their reformers are voted down in the Convention anddii place from the Cabinet.' The party mass 6f honoftt votes is pawcilcss to resist the' 80,000 office holders, its leaders and guides: Reform can only be had by a peaceful civil revolution. We demand a change-' oF:ystefeK a change of aduiinitratin, a change of 'parties, 'that -we may have a a ch-nc O of members and of men.1 '"'Tlio I?ia-ty Plait fbiiii. , . ' ADOPTED BY.THB HEilOCRJkTirjjTATE Convention. .f..vl hi.'" t . Whebras, :TbQ Republican , par- ty of the. United rStates,' for the last sixteen yean,, nas nau ?nc com plete control of t he Government in all Its Departments, aml'by its dis regard ot Constitutional limiiationsj its UDcquel and oppressive taxa tion; .by jts extravagant and waste I fal expenditures; liy It? unwise' and miscnicvous unanciai policy; Dy us pcr- adiainis-. unparalleb There- CcnUin wp in-. dead dices' engendered Dy past events, ami to ?f! ' th? effort U xe ;1 rjomical, and pure administration or the GQYcniment, and thus promote promote the general welfaro and Happ ness bfthecountryi " - PI i i uon, oy me, people. 01 f ne a menu - mcnts .to tlic Constitution proposed Dy ine uonvenuon of 1875, and thus largely ! reduce the expend M tures of our State and county gov-, ernment3 and simplify . Hieir ad-- minisiration, so that we may. be en abled to establish a thorough and enlarged system of public scnoola for the benefit of all thd citizens of trA Htot - i -.-.j . 1 Msoivea i inatnotwiuiaanQint our repeated i disappointmenta and I impoiXishedCpaditicin. 8101 &risa.tho North Carolina project ! ? iOPg latWttl fbl-by thO -MOTO- hTbotnaa, and others of c-iung tho. harbors of Bean fort and WUmtasl."- 1011 Wlt 11x0 west, and for too completion of the - Western xtonn uaroiina luulroad -iaPaint Ilock and Duck town and of our oth- iinfiniraUroaiiWo plelJreJ of the .S-ate, and of such other jo- SSS1" ???? ll??y(:Q?! .Ktf e P6"01- I ; KesoZred .4. That ..the-tfcODle of oi vprtn Carolina now hart -it in their power by. ancarnest, detennb natc and nnilet crortl to "rclievd our people fror.J UiccvC t of rcpub- licaTT misrGlc, - extra1 pnee ani cmmi jot i ami restore j the pros- ka. .r!. C-.A NEejcMasa. -That - wolcnonnce official corruption wherever found i and we hold honesty to bd the nm and highest qnalificallon for CQccJ The following House Bill passed the senate last Thursday: . ..!U f 1 R if rmtrtMl kr Th2t nail matter of the third class slull eralrace U patnpileU,'bcci.-if nal puUkatajos, regular pubhcatiot.s, dvoted primarily to advertising purposes or fir free cir culation, or far circulation at nominal subscription rates; pricee-curreut, cata logues, aunuaL handbills, posters, un sealed circuLirs, prospectuses, I ooks bound or unbound, book manuscripts, proofebeets, maps, prints, regravings blanks, inflexible patterns, samples, merchandise, sample card, phonograph pepef; letter envch-pee and wrappers, eards"(pJain and ornament at,) paper, photographic representations, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions, and all other tuattar which may, be. drlared mailable py law aa third clasa matter, 'I and ott.er articles net above the weight prescribed by laW wluh are not from their nature luble.to dchtroy, deface, or. otherwise injuie the contcnta of. the mail-bags, or the tcfson of any one eu gaged in the postal "service;" All liq uids,1 poisons glass,' explosive materials, and ooseeno books or papers' shall be excluded from the mails. . . . ,2. That pack age of 'matter of the third class shall not exceed four pounds iu weight and shall be subject to ex amination a i d nttr of postage of here inafter prmidc!. The poaUge of mail matter cf the third vUss shall be at the following rates fr all distances! One cent fur imh cunco or fractional part thereof. Kvcry pHcknro of the 'third class of mail matter shall bear the post mark of the office at which the same, ball be mailed fr transportations. , 3. That p stage on third class mat tor shall be", prepaid by stamps. If 'however, ihe jmstage on third clas matter, mailed at an office, shall be let than the amount above prescribed in cares uhcrc the same is kuowo such sender fchall be notified of the fart, and the amount of portage duo fchall be col lected from snch sender before the same I be trnnjuiittcd by mail. In taa the sender is not known, and wheic it has not leecn tha evident iutcnlion of the party so depmiiing the package shall lc forwarded and double the amount pjid of deficient jisfagc thall le col lertei from the party to wlhm it is ad Pressed, delivered at its proper destioa ti n. . 4. Tliat the sender of sny article of third-class mail matter may write tus or her name or address tltercon, er en thc ootsice - thiroof, w hh the . word 'from" altxve or froccrding the aaroe; or may write briefly or print on any package the name nr names of. the ar ticles enclosed.' Publihers of news papers and pericVieals may priut on the wrappers ot newspapers or . magixinef sent from. the office of, publicatioo 'to" regular subscribers tle timo to which subscription thereof has, been paid. 5. That transient newspapers ' and 'magaz:nee shall' be admitted to and transmitted in. the mails at the rate tof one cent for every thrse ounces , or fractional part thereof, and one cent for" each two'additional ounces or frac- tiiial part thereof.' ;. t 1 .. G. That this act shall Uke ffect on and after the 1st day oi July, 1876 The Oimax Shirts, r I . A. GREAT, PAT?OIN, Wi"MSUTTA' SHIRTS At eacli J . f l .: ; ' . I 1st, They are made of the finest WamaotU Mills febirtlng".'' "' and. They are compUtely-seamed and at 1 tried j thrcxigbout equal ! to I '3rd The Roaoma are" three -ply. I tto?i im Uneo t L me cuiium wore tVvr J -''"Jr, 7& fu?blBri- Cihj Tferj'ara equal it nn mat enal, style, fit, And wurkosoabip to the beat Bhlrta f t 3.W each. " ' j ' Clh. Tfcey arw Dot laoaZcred and can b caaily tried rm bv tbe purchaser who can have the Button boles,. Bct tons, fce., nnishrd wlia us or atnotae i Paiicc, $1.23. each. - i't. j v TsraMs: i'oaitively ciah i . white & en Ar, Lou'sbuTir, NO. Alarch Zijix 18TC. ...... .. .. . ( 1872, VI 876 In.") t : tup ; pnAnrp fnvs. i PRICE REDUCED I ; . :iwFan-4..-;'.- Tlie Centennial Ycarj Ajc DrraFsarorxT i- BraxT7szxx Drrotad te politics, .JJteritpre -Akn- I ,4,"c "Da r w,-i 1 ZZZ: ?.nJ:rr 1u!1,n SSffiSffi and ttouth Bid e Vlrclfils. 'd" - ' ' Mxnl BuUcriptica;IMcr. Ja raea ,100 1 Seed fotaamplacopy to' ; ' mpla copy to i ILoranxa Taos., ProprW tr. t. . I ... Weldon, N,C To- the iWorkins Claw We can furnUh'fniploymcn0. at vv you can make rrry Urge pay, ia .wa localities, without Uiag f em borne over night. Agn:a ed n! mry town;aad coaa'y to ui, aubscribera for The Ctateoniil Jtort the larrent publicatioo to tht V-Jv Bratea.lt.pacesvHcoa? kegtf. iTinoiua-ert; Terms only f l pr jrv Ttf Record u devoted to waatever i t;ictereU cootxe'ed with the Crttt, ial year. The rrtal Exhibltioa - Philadelphia tolly ll!ntratrd ia k p ijbwyw aats irl hm U', peopjefctlr.a later. 4,t In their Cat. tryVOa-fcaia tSjrtkvday; sad. u, b know all about it. An tlegDt ptu t)tic crayon d awing preatum pictct ia prtseatexl fne to ca.h aubtcriWr. f h icotitled. 'fa rwfnerobraoce of t, Oae IlootieJth Anolverarj ot tbt W drpeorkece' uf the UnltM StaUa. 8ixer23 by 50 Jocht. Aoy cct tu .become a saccraatul agent, for bnt U the r-Wr ad vcture aad huodredii ol ac iWia re easily obioet tvtrj. hcrC There Is do butlocu tLat a '.3 pay like, tbia at pnseot. fctTt many ageota 'who ate aakiBg as hf ra 20 pr day aod upwards. , Now i. thetim: noa't d1y. Rcmtmbtr it coat a Dotbicg to give the botiaits a trial. .'.Scod for. our circolar, terai, and laple copy ol papr, which scot lice to H who apjlj; do Ittr-.1at, Complete outfit frra to tbore a hi 6V cide to engage. Farmer, aod tecUs. Ics, aed thi Ir toai aod dao.b'crs qiV. 1 the very beat ot event." Adtrej, f'JUK CETEXNIaL RECORf? iulij JbitOiPortlicd; 311.- rFriAKLiN Couivty: In tt6 Siiericr Ccirf. ! j5 ' ' 1 f i4" , , TOm Bramc rial nllfl 1 " Cbmplakt . Against . . .. Jor U illy Brainc Pcfd't. ) Di voire. It fppearii'g to. trt aatitUctia J 1 1 timrt that MUJjr ILtUit iU Dr iraiUDL. aove aimtn. caut 1 a;:tr due ilcIirvcaL luuad i La tl 5ti ct- riottn UioIin: . It it tier. knv frdtrt that publirttioti ftU npimi jis injuria cau.-e, te roadr io tU jrrauxuxy. iprBtows wmi ubh luheil in tho town f LooUburg ,oca a weak, Jjr .six .wr;ka acceatcj, con.funeiiif ( tne dteoflsct M.Lj Israme to appear Ufnre t!e Judtot tbe ropim r Court at a tj-urt tw U Ueid for iUe Couoy of 7raLkna at tU uiun uoue ia ujuuiur on ti.etu iiondy alur tb 2ud Mond.j.U August 1876V thn aod lb re ! a. awirtLa comp kluti. a copy tf wink will b nieU iu tbe otsce ul lac turk ot aaid Court Wlthlo thr time dtt lat yi V tetm, atd Wt- tl'r aiJ ttantci Take notice that uoltu kt ppt-aJS auu aoswtra aaM Cmp -t at id teim. ihe i'laibl Q wii!a)pj ttl.eCoiui fur the lehef dtmsDiict ia tbex Cr miiUinl ' tiitca uoder Diy bod and the brI ot td Cour; tw: 23d dy vl J-u A. D. 1870. , v W, K. DAVIS, Clerk Superior Court Franklin Co., X. a S. A. Stevens & . Oo. - . . - . . . . DEALER IX Furniture, Carpetings 4 1 ,,1"Pianos, - CoaxikMua liio 0r,ifSTSTs., The lireeit Stock cf the abori goods !o Virginia.' , A1 gooda guarsotred to be ao!d at low aaia.aay nrtbero City, a cur business facilities are caaorp&atcd , Our coods are all mauolactarrj t oratr ana we sac a tint or aa ora-r from tboae deairtog pood a ia ocr Utt to convince them of the sdraa'ar ob- ,rVirrd4a".iig inareT.hffif. " : IlavlfirrUen'ntatTTN-d twel yeara and having sold lugelj in iba vicinity ot,7rr,k:io, Conatr, ailca refer tcii oaMic rtcriHr. We axe Aiftota and keep ea hint a large asaotmeot cfPiaooa asd Paxior Attjnat JiajcJsctarJ piKes. teod for Circular. T Alt Jl i o v. i n ft. At a veUisz of the Board of Coosty Comrelmooers of Frsnklia County oa the 3rd 'day or April 1878. Tbefol lowirf resolatiooa were adopted. "1st. That' tbe 'Sheriff sbaJl not ra ceire. ia tv settlement ol tsxet, eor shall tbe Coooty Treasurer pay aay Couoty Order ttned betere Ihe lat iJayx Afcrir;i7: ' J " 2o"f; ATI pefioos Boldlag croen is sued Ufort thai date must prtaeut tb same to thaCUr ol this Board ea or UorW ibtj I :rt'syUt .lAcgiut 1876. tbatf rtcird ltLert.;ry be made; aad parties holdiag a oca orders, who refuse to so .puseat tbcra are bercty notified that the Statute ct liaitatioa will be pleaded U'bee t 4belr fecov y.ia 4um .. : u P 3Ji UJLWKI2iaj Cbslmaa . L oj 5B.XDCSE8, Clark. Daar-IfeI(b'f Genl 41 - ., J tra a : -- ' ' A-5tficntU X 13 lach XnrT iof. Tbe f tally aod friea-Js f! trooped sorrow fully around ika1 brro's death-bed. Tbe sceos ? tAuchioxly besutifulyl-tbe ae8Ua,l the pleura fs so t eett, sod the raarse ters so lifUke -tbst every -od mlrea it; It U truly a few ef srt. which should bans: io every 8tper bootv &ctt by mail, rx-Pd " rilpt ctTi ttt u, or 8 foreO res'. JOHN PUERQW A O. wtfUbrrs Cristotl. TrBB