r t I . - : - FitAMKLIN tCOTJllIEK. GKO S. BAKER. I'liorufintm. Loutsuvna .Illy, 7, 1870. V ty An isvitino spectacle. The ' Court Square. ZF RAf;aEDr edctjf despair. ' lie Court Square. 13 A SHAME OA OUROUXTY-.i The Court Square. ' ii ' J r Idfc A!DIfcKjBACE.TO, SOUR COUNTY, rri C4 :,1 . ' C . 1 he Court Square. dtT AN EYE FOUK.wihe. Court Square -t ' ' - .,.. . , fs0T "TlIK AHOMrNATlOX OP deso lation." The Court Square. . K m e Y, B. Clifton out- IPhotogrphftf has improved greatly in the quality of Ilia pictured, aud has reduced the price considerably. . t - - - , , ' Wo will iciid Uhc Courier and beautiful luontlaj for? luiuiii ior me urst cotton bloom in I alwi h.- iuui the county is awarded to Mr. T. W. Stokes, quite1 a youthful mnner.f t ? O'IU M ! jf J 7 7 aged 16 years. This is his fimf All,SCO, t ? ?! 7 year at farif ing and he haslnitde a w uut uur cuunty very raucn needs good scientific farmers. This loom s?as aUierc f n ; the 27th of i unc oioonieu on- tne zeth. we have received a number of others,. but as Tomruie beat them all we wm uuiv memioii nis. Godey'ftiiad .Boofc, with, 1 Oil chroma 4'Rcw.ue,,,- 1 2 1 ui $1.50. 40 7.fH.Q3 Mrs. W., II. W , ' -v - I ORANGE OKOYE, HOWARD MILLS r LETTERS FROM DRUGGIST Greenp August Flower ill not em CJne, toibc Drtigut re of J. B.Clifton and inquire about it. If ; you Buffer from Costivenchs, Sick Headache, Soar ooDiacnj lnaiebiion, jjiver uompiaint, J "'. . e a i n. . mi ucmiicuiciit ti iue oioniucu or Jiver try it Two or tbree doses will cQHvaeyou. ouovuug o uci IIIBII 0 rUU IS I1UW 1.1 . i ?. r . ruiu in wverjr - iovii nno Guy , m iue United States. AW have 'not Icfs than five hundred letters from Drue- ALL GROUND FROM CHOICE SELECTED WHEAT AHD WAR RANTED PURE., For sale by , ' HORTON MALd Having recent! jl bought out the enure oiock or ffoods aelomrinir to tli iwrtVVAUJ-T' UteE. W. Fulkr. we r ofr.ri,, a U SKii . u hl many Irlenda and very many dally " W douTricUeTtia?iiIiiS k cuitomera, thU yrtW stleeted, well acbool yndrr, tifrmer direcUoa, assorted - aud : almost eutlrelr netr WR beres26akaa74BeadaT Julr 12tk block of I 187G ud cooijju twentr wetka. i ployed la nterr 'aBd'oniamttftal do- 3 1 rr. a spLi i 187C aiid.cooiiflv twen.tj wet! vfTfeTOW 'VrTfrThTrnRI1 Pjed la ntirJFtdortam. BOOTS:" wuk 1 1 T6hlis ' petesSoM 1 ' I Board iochtdint uMrto fn.S I5 r Cki iav, . V.rr.r V"-. . .:r ,i"ia I 8"a iuiiidb, niiffio .13 OP I if av wnrm CP Furnin'H rnmnrv M-liddllirillrWoiiMondaylOth inst. Notions and Fancy GOODS,attconncc- . ... Merchant Tailorins:, ! turn AVilh ,a Jfresh shortest Notice br : 4AUPDIVt lOI lOUll ' gistsyipgit s aho best medicine s 1 J ' . , U' ijnn (u. . theeyerold for Wumptbiij Throat H.' M P A R RI S S:HftC-0.P. ilardvOtCi t or Lnng. disease. Sample bottles of ; , , - nw ...w ,L ' " T, J ' wiih' the intention 1 of Wiring tbeni at R .P. HOWELL; : 1 :ltiSThifcM; , tert potsitiyely that we CAN and that Pkacyical Dkliseator : axt CtJTTER.il we WILL bell cheaper ithaa taeebeat. White & Shaw!. UuitafAMi Vu.nxairuwjA. 15 CD 1 Vocal ma tic tineht wltbauUchanrl. J Double- Thread ..art: at(u Iv Loct-S hd -VI 1 I both;10 cent ejaelw IJleguJar ize 75 centa.-'Jfor rale bt H. iS. Wurman at Fraukliutcn N '(?." - utSTRUCTivE Flit Ev- On Wed- I . I : , A l noit I 1 a ..iL Tuiton tr; sCBHiotr of 0r ws $10 ..5B"aJ!"1S":H .r9.Hr foiiiii, w.'iwoujiiiu citiKcn about one xi'dock.' tho large steam ' ' ' rttiiiTT 1 An r. U f V " saw 'T mill ; of Messn. - Barrow & Tliere is uotbinc that contributes so. ..Plpn.an.nti?. W.nf pd Abnnt si nrf ps J i much toward bcabtifying youyparjori from town, as discovered to le on as , handsome , pictures ; Clifton can fire. 4 fHic' saw ; 'and carriage, to- furnish ycu'wifh sme beautiful onei.. get her, with a , large ".'quantity of timber was distroyed. The lire again broke out on the next day and burnt nearly all the limber at the mill, making in all about 30,- 000 feet. The enjine did not suf fer much damage. Tho loss is esti mated at about stoo.uo. .no in surance. 1 have just received a rplendid lut of Pine, Apple. ClicesTfrciih fand iiich. Call and j;et a supply' ycry cheap for, , cash. Alho Baton, Lard, Fish Molas ca Sugar, Ono, K. Oil &c. , A . at tbc very bottom prices, for Cash. , T. N. CATtLILE. . " t ....:r : .. , ..'. A llouso may be ever so beautiful outside but if the wall are haroinsido there is a : chcerlespucss about ' the rooms, that U really oppressive. Remedy this "by falling at Cliftons and gcttiugsomeof his elegaut pictures BF.Kont the Mayoi:. The town purse was swelled on Monday last, by t wo bcliirercti ts, who . were, made to shell out for exercising their pugilistic powers on the street. Cause mean 7,'liinky no scri mis damage. The New Yorlc Lnhjei- is one of the oldest and best Literary week lies published. The corps of writers arc ,tlje very best this country affords. ' Subscription' price $:i.00 jxir annum. Address Ledijar New YorUCity. Nisw IIacxXi n A. Mr E. Joy ner tho new mail .Hjntrnetor between this idacH n'nd Franklinton, will soon have a uiee comfortable hack on the road, to carry passenfrers to and from Frank linton at a moderate price. Express packages will be carried at very low rate. . . .s s" Ike International KxmniTiox Guiijk- ton the Southern Statks. We have received a copy of the above named look from the publisher, Mr. R. T. Fu'ghum, it is in fact what the author 'claims, an accurate guide book, and is iudidpeusable to every one who visits the Cuntennitl. This book is prepared expressly for the Southern people, the author ha3 been at large expense to get up the book, and we "" Ml . hope our people win sustain mm. He was in Philadelphia nine .-Weeks and had acce.-s to everv bureau of in-! formation conriocted with Philadelphia or the Centennial Exhibition. Price 25unl SO ents. Addrcs!,R. T. Ful ghuin. Raleigh, Nf C. . ' . . No. 9 Fajetteville Street, Raleigh N C. FOR STYLE, FIT. AND WORK- MANSHlr. UftN 1 Bt SUK- ,-.,.'" PASSED. ' ' Warranted to'please 'tbe most Fas tidious. - "v - ET fiend for Samples arid Prices, and" be convinced that I sell cbt-aper than any first class House this side of New York. ' ' .' ' : , Address all orders to R. P, HOWELL, P. O. Bo 258. Kalugh, N. C. April 7-3-m. . Awarded tlie Highest Medal at Vitna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. lowed 8 per wnVdednaifostjOju - tpcciaj agrecaient nadpuwiUi rclarnioodajl4raiDr4 .iujiiit i ; 4. Clr.culrt iuxidihrdi 9a ipplicuioi.X a ) to. ..iuVi ;a:. UPfincipaL j J XjODISBURG BMAL& .1- r -h U. . Ti i . 1 r - if 1 r 17 V, Mrs.C. D. Lawrence Assoc:taXeepert iliaa Aon4e 15. JFuIIct Teachex of 11 awe." 0 ; White poloiialecs !- are - coming hi pgain, wqri b yer ,black or Colored silk skirts, sUo novelty r being tbq immense nnmber of wvit that dec orate : UWiri"9e?Vyfept(.3yhes ornamental affairs should be either rthrc6l6rif tfie" skirt4 ' or black tc yet; oiv if one wishes .to .tje, special ly trimtried, rose; blue;5 and pink is mingled ;?with!'the ltacV:rIn all crs" that adorn' the' hair shcuM mitch the Mriu?ining of .the polo noise. Erery faucy seems to have been used on tfie garniture of the sCirt; and now we turn ba9k again 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORY. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel,) , MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN Chromos and Frames, STEREOSCOPES AND VIE si ALBUMS, GRAPHOSCOPES, AND kUlTABLE VIEWS. est. Why ?. Well, because we do not have to Aaj ANlTj I FREIGHTS on these goodp; this .la why we CA2f. Wowf.hy jNTill we ItlliicheateC? Simply because w have to make the-1 Mi Aon4e R.-Fuller Teacher of Music.' goods pay k1 tbetaielvep. 1 . 1 Jlr?. A.Tj. Jlrii.Mtroa, " - j - -4. rue aDove acnnoi uaacfiia' auspi ce oMhe Rttleigb UntnctCaafeXeaoV.' will bepcoed.oa tr axj Loi J . 1W7U liliU OUUtJLuiHSQ 1 Ilates of Boaxd anrl ruition. 1 nV ajd. lijrhts) per month. $10 CQ Tuition, in Primary Enfiliah.ter j , Sefttotr,' 4 ii-ii 13 t6. Tuition yi Hber English v? I . Sewor, . r.vii.. : 20 01 LnnUHges extra, 5 0J. Music (iDcladiBg use of Inatrn. ' ment), 18 00, . - .. - . 1 1 ' For further loformatioDTad- Hoping and believing hia former .cu&tomera will continue t coma. to the same'OLU STAND, idr ill thfcy want. We will Tut to carry on the buaiuees. us he did. i? j ;;;;;y RespWfuii,,' ? Horton & Malone. j -Jane 8 1876. ' : ,v j " MACfflNEEl, For sale ! Board fexcluslve of washii 1 "15 a JTIIE; $IiGHTEStRUN tl ACHIHE HU TilEVORLD. With our rciau4 direiocs. ro livtxuj in or i9Jl ei u DornnDTxorfaEvVir;atncir.nca.f 7 .riu M v i S H J 0 1 y S eaias'as'saiffiS wSfssiirs 'iljrjLW JL Ail Vli W. m.N)rttlt,ocbooMtoV.orpjk. " UfWt tanf and tbe beat furil!tf ti alt rirrnsvm(. lK brct Wica n4 bkvI AOUwl oodiMet. boili at bom a4 abroad, wa ait tiwhtn! to atuia rvaaUa fcv aora Um raack af tka Aarraga 4rea lakct. Oar. ylr ate alravt ts- hitnt aivl brA. Uur cU-raatlr-ioaicU caialogae milled (o any U?y actxfinff ecus v, Kh her aAlma, Aaciu mmAl rrw j afrara 'Vr", 3 DOMESTIC VEWinC'tlACHirill CO.. -a: ! 1 .;: t . j New Vorli nuU C3ll0040 t la. hijK-i T 7 ' ' - ..... T . . ') 2 I nv i-- t I1 a.w W m J-0t - 1 22 Horse Power New Steam SawHill. ;price$ $6oi' '. i 1 drts ,4 . -5 . 1 .t ! ' : ...1. Juii J nayiae. soId'OQr- Fptiiue purchase I .Tbla la In warn aD Mnuci froM rm. to Jose we toaatUiL Lettaaiyito re I ploying John or J'athao Jooea a ibey pieMi4HX AlUVty)orfltT, oJ are! , re boud Ito m until ti.et art efakt. receivioir tUia week LAttUlSi -UDlt I iWr Ufk Wittmni tn ramalfi- in TIQaS of.NA.,COVDr, wild we one citlug lhcta erjoplojneol wiil lay oatrUr.tala.r" i a . . ; ... I iberoaelvea Ha.le to tl e Taw. 'Rev. F. L. ReicL ftTrTiiTno v n' . ! n HCheaper then5, Ever.4 Jvh'-u7J4rowi5i lcTt,sb Greensboro Female Col-4 v ,? rf t" b 'uui5pooDd.eo:nr,;iDtr 1 lejre BcitCal'uool la.teatatyU.- ia yds for 1 Photographic Materials, : We are Headquarters Vor everything in the way of ' - STEREOPTICONS and MAGIC LAN-, TERNS. r ( Being Manufacturers of, the MICRO? SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, STEREO-PANOPTICON, f j UNIVERSITY STEREOPT1CON.-! ; ADVERTISER'S STEREOPTICONi ARTOPTICON,' School iDesciiptire circular qt Second, Hand Machinery on apMefttion; ' ' ! $ .'W0 aaiue a fie w to- wliora" w -have PoTd'S-cond hand Xngints.' 'Tobacco 1 s ."; TbeFall sesiioo wUUceia-oo-Wed--1 LwnCMt colnrt, Uttat.-atylea.l5i pr nrpday 23rd of-Acgu4 f and coatlnua,?iard. J AJq a vuiaty of .tact ?' "a weeks . ' ., . w Board (exclcsive of washing' and light $75, r iToitiOD in regular English coarse 225 Foi catilogue apply. ta.jr. T, M. i A; NICHOLS, TurhaftJ lBTngin., Jo3Es,pt:siclcnt. ' j w BBRKO W& P LEAS AN-W; .Uui' - ' J L ; Nil II. D.' ILON, . ' . barg, 3 Engines. .fKl ! . :. rreitdealB;rCLio?Tfttt4le. " W 8 MALLORY, Pranklinton In- g'ne. Milf, ! nc.il LOUISBlfKtt-JlALE Jchool Lwtcrn?' s Family JLaotern; T ,G W. GRIMES,- Reedy Cretk, Saw i 'ivlip ,,j!vh j J! .MUlAi ti f-ij.rili It i Each Mylei.hejng -the Dest of it 5 -E HJPOGUE Hlllaboro,Vtobacco wun-E' iiAWi r-.Kl ! 1 i!tfA or rrixxaxs. nro r TV ss " I class in the maiket. . Fixture. Catalogues ct Lanterns and Sliats, J f rliluu cb CO Stateaviue, t Wood ith directions for usincl sent oa an- waa'.nng Machinery. HlH ;a Jinn:-'.'' :n ! - I 8TIREVAT.T fe CO TTnnmr Tnm! q ' riJ ' ii Narliat U1S pi a4d,4t ( high. wueba boli'3 ppaa and. ,tery. tUcrtohe ! tomeiimta. called Toocy. at a ofck C3tae.'v ' V t-aa-t cj jane 2 4v. . y . t Crystal, riTetalV'BroHzed tork'. Shot', PUnfRtloua. . Tbcae BELLS 'are-cornpie.l4 cf thepure Cryttal Metal. aDd the haicrnd tilt t of lueUl ti t!vc;a. U.tnch at to ilve tbe Wt rwiUe rrsuRa IJiey anr Tsnpenur 'in Ton-ami nnjni to ilanj'oiiicri ojo( tixlitt JimUr Klat .au! and ar Cms- Mr. R. F; Hawkins, tho newtPoft mastcr entered upon hit duties on the 1st day of this month. lie has em-: ployed Mr. (Hi Furman, ayoungman; who is thoronghly posted aa' to the management of the office, having been raised up at tbe business, Tbey to the pleatings of- three years ago, aro hotli'vounirVnd Active men. and wat were . put on in, deep pieat wo doubt not tbe office 1 will be, well woiujir-uau nuuumg, uu gradually deepening in the back, until three flounces' almost covered w nfirn .ANT . &H.TKBPRISINQ XK8 CAR HAKB M. JiKY WX1H AjdAQIC LaUTEKM. $T Cut 'out - this advertisement for reterence." ! . ; 4 1h Fail S.ssionrin teclo JbW 10 1M .lfln otaiTfMK ! 1 TKRMsr-BRSKssioaoF21 WEKXst1' 3 eaV .W I i Cid'let flWrCeau J1? tVyjia&.eH i?noJ-i . Miini WHITE & 8HAW1 FACTION. 1 - ir u Regular Englw h'CourV. it,uux - f 4Latin nd Grtk, each,-rxf4, 5r,00 ; - V. .HOli.! K I Bord oioajHCliUii advance. AU? --t S'EEOIlISa- accoartt fur Tni ion are doe at tho- , twv It u. .m I and piping tor Factory. " - j -1 rnltion excent il ciiet " of protracted,!, i A ff h arrival Una week t ol dctif t 1 S lALTONReidsyillei Boik and 'aicknef. a I lA We atyl and-i, ke taxjtkk nil R T1AV11 TrinritAT. . I CO Die If n , . i v- v 7 a a v V " J ALLEN Louisburcr, Engine managed by Uiem, 'GiyJBN : VtA' W AY." fW'vm : t . a J Michinerv,1 trr 1 - -w- - v- - - . a . a t . ij' a a a aj a." . r a. a & . . ii u a lgeT literary iand family papert XHK'fMin SuDnlies ' ' J SOCVElB,' K"OiNewr York Led- W 4 TAVTOTt fwait nntflr grO,xontamg.Btorio. TbriiliDg, Ad- s. . - minAV-,'J t ventures. Wir., .Humor. ;lot?trr--. fca.. I s i , J &C, we will . aenct it oa trial, jsix aavwiua w J v v..u M flvi j l fc . ui y vi .: i. i l. -L ' -, j it i. . :5 Fl I 71 Ti a TiTi I . . eauacxioerBTnixMna oy raauost- Hrniini InlllllTrV! 1 nd n age prepaid oae ot our Mammoth STXfj,f-jr,.?5:r 3 chsei TIokkrt u f ACKAfltfi. containing : tOIPrkc auf . pkf . w it lUrlnjf : Number. j Bit MWtiWsPcc 1 lSw.i- 40HlJ t:Ci0o I a.J -exoa iw 7i5 io 7 (X 1-a LTJl UiAOftM 0 VUU ' n "IJVUU i UU9CUI' UllVUVlllI - . iWUUg school at PctersbifrJretuyDed otf tumesjiirtjwea Satu rday, last, tospend' Ills vacation with jo wJ pqua PERSoKAU-frr Jdlnmie White, tfie'skirt, , , V, . , who' has 'been; absent altcntling p; x onng , lauies lor evening wearing tho babyd equaro, corsage, at home. - " ; t princesso 'fromll in? one Mr. W. li: , FurnW 'jr.ricft ok TKo baclc'ia m a train,':cohimencinj f TaeadaT vlast ' for. "a visit to his at the? nek. and widening. at thp, I only 60 ceiiti Try iw You;are sum i -.u-. nr. t i-m -t?w ot bottom. Rteel and silver ornaments r 10 l rmoret goods- ihtn you ever urumui . 1. . v- -r - , , . . .LougUt efore lor. the woe. .Th-spa AsliVUie. wnere. lie wiu spenu 1 wiu6 laa.uwuuu.j v-.. per alone is more tnau wort & tbe mon- gevoral weeks. We. bono ho will we, see combs, and ornaments, eyv Send u aClub.of Jie Subarri- hare a pleasant timo nmong the jqwtc nice tnose m rogue twenty Luyo and thirty years ago. , 3 Fashion. All tho merchant1 a&d other deale j -i-ji- iiii . i r 1.1 ! 1 mwT.r Bpnminin . . I k . ... ctl.j.' r I l i im -v - -" r ........ jt . - . a . UJJ n .11 . u: Ouaty. are hereby: ft0tl2edr.a4cU it f rracf, fmra.W tf iMWii:V3 in . nm.rT.V tnderV taletaeoljrae4r PWn'PJonf of c!KriVrnt, RrlhL-.crjl'afej L,a .j , rwC. . 21 t r. .,1J t 187fitolktdav of Julr 1876. I " "A.'Tiai '-s"r.fc eteeia note paper, 18 good (BTelopa; d A , ivujiu.i.u Ai ; 1 ,ivv: . . . ...V3aif-KVt4 I J'FV , - J l"2 "ZtVltl::vS ' - ! . J 2 good.suet pvnts 1; celebrated golden' h,V ' ; V ' " pTui q f' CI .fJfeiy9ljHn J1 r TUrJ. tT I oo lAdltaalCo.toa 3ia-mml COSt louiira,n4iren whites nail an;, nocr at. Xiaru UIIIUS lUUUf JiU&J ml r,Z jt ,-A T" V AAtFlUr AUliAyV. I " Icar7a i r4 - one fiJUns-L blank book, 1 cirdTpha-,' , , , , - . ' v,V. .V, I iWAni RliifW f f'l'r 1 " ,- r'leW10 2r'' Hlrt rhrer- V.cna . m.bt. , JnRt llink of it alf the abow I ' 5 J ' -: u ' rL - - Ki ! rl rimtti tftS nttldtTJMnvliannniah Di IL') .v. lb ? n r ii'l I 1 - . wv 1 : . ' ' j , ; . 1 . .- -..1 : -r j- i - - 1 -w - - -i" w - 1 1 ' it " Relief Tor the Huiigry -Urt4huri enable you to to wWk i ,n tr r . , " ' i atweerwHIU-aemtip- fllT ' mountains of our State. ' - i i. Mr. Robert 11. Davis, son of lion J. J.. Davis lelt last week for the! Centennial. . ": ,; , beriindwe will ee4 froaui extra copy,, tor, ai v n, out Us and an extra package. Ser.d money by P. O. Order It U : VUh -' i - . plcatufe tra! an- uocneo that wu bave otien the smoke oat of pur. eyes and tbeaihea from tcr centf fj( Addreaa, fr'f'rjapVJ tw- Mi f . - - u - LA THAU CO Box 2.154. 419 Waahiagtoa St., Boa on, Maa4. 5t 03TJUJLISUKD 1847. 4- EAGLE , HOTEL j Lbiiis 6unja N.. PKOPRlEToa." J 1.5 js. t. x . - . JIT... 1 le todies bt paper sent on receipt ol clutbea an.d bavo.takan hpIdof.lniiiDcsa 10 cents, "Agents wanted; " Address j.i eArneat lagam. k Uur Mr. Uarrow ' ' W. M. BURROW i haa lost returned from the North, and ' -tPfp. &i.&3tl , 'Brjgtol Tenn..;s Ut arenowficnrtRS lgritockI of f: !r t. r i cuoea ac. c, na arecermg: wicra a OF tub r 1 the vervlowett TMesibUtTprioci. Oar. gooda having been purchased sine tM deciin, .we can tell below former pri- T,r Jiorr xr ' I 47 OainTcet, Feeling called upou to serenade hia dear gazelle he borrowed an accordeon and, after getting so that he could aquoczc a Jew doleial coiscsDut of it, he postou1 himself "'-under lhcrJ window tnA nnA luiAiin rlo ? n rivcA n linw. o. --r ---I--- . . u -aiiica io a immuerui DTj!Bilr,...i ! ? ..tv-.,') t . i xxn i u.wu.votuioi provuiona sua RALEIGH. N, C. AND e:. LVyV iiinaPotai- Bugs, and all t j-.-v.m.v. r.. liooxa i every neacnption; VVinacctaAlt prey om vecU- ma1? wawuBwwi:wB.m ww.h,. '.-.'! uoooa la iue -Tery oeati riA u. v i n i. a ut j a rteVon pTodoteortCt tltHr in band. The present proprl tor has lcasedJioja.r ;Kot4iageroua tu4ucoia tor furnish fat tnerff on ajICm tsx ArA'iiU V r4 PER, $1 0,000. wortJibX prorlona an .'. t iDfl "L ' ' l ar . iasr inou or vuu.ua, pay auie iujeuf i x, !.jmCoan.tni Style And t Lowest Prices. Sbe noked her head out of the window . I . He.. Is. prepHred to Accominodatei at the third Una and laid bn:. it?a to4.4 WlrJaictHU4 1. 5 a t i 1 . ' ' . luce rooms, we 1 turni&hed. and nxted u it7 t thought it was cats. . And you up in the bepttjle. He baa also large, want me to whisper 'what T feelest, and convenient rooms foe Salesn e x.to what. Been working a hard running fiet aflords He" will spare no paiiiV AotatM. sw log machine all day. Get mc- a in maklug iIsiboArdera Qpmforuble, i.t n n 11 , land hopes he will receive a liberal 'Light Running Domestic" and then patronsl from the public. , 1 11 know you mean business.' Jan. Sth 1875. xtt rt o n ttt rxs I l - i 9UiU',i C6 - peiu, ij?au.,.ne: woiya earnestly u J JL. X L IV I i. . IJevv-".' '1 TMnMi Anrfrt(lcnnttr.bnr"r.diiM .. -.-.. -.-n-. -- - - t r n I 'VraT" vJiL w: w n' . Jl Shninl llaaeTiTwUxtl lltoci J ! I hWiirsf fn' UKtTtil fcfATxa! g-r t Welti srrt lhirtrftwo tat) At tola fcet. Treats of sitort (tatsnsrii j the jfrMfnslI jLq .AHrJNf ALUIILH. jr'-.VXljy. J I'f IimJ llojf and Chckta Cuvprf Cure; Acerum rrvtcuvAa-irprejy Lazs focC)lilifsd;a:Uq-U!;i- ar r crt. rd eri'' '..,t;sl box IC0; tlx Uici t3 I J, lw..rli. ea $9 00 ." mrjt.i J53 Tittjt'lrtn'Cr.fVk-Lw'. WUkoo aod'tU encstlrat9il2j to ita tOAry" 11111 viwi I CLa iagcisl iT I r.1; V.1 .V.tt ilni , AdlrlifJ. raarr, jVfVter. as c-;4 A.iutu.j; ?. a a, aaJi STy ' I KC5TICE.., v -. A boa.. Areata . wnated. and tarmafjee. TRU CO. before seeing us, xs we have a Propo i- By Aatbority ol the Legiilst ore. ) tion Id Make,' wbich will be greatly tu I 0Q0 la CAb Prixes, J-L'hAAce in $5 to $20 per day at home. Samples worth $1 free. Stiksom & Co. Port land, Maine. DIStl. C273, neat. 0iciCtereW I jW ftill.want to buy I eta each, or 10 lor 3. eavin5 $5 to ""fj' cotton Y '- 41 " be deducted from the prfc Walter tbs drawiae. Full DArticwlars teat free. Address J.M.PATTXE, - I I . , . . iaramteuiry, w yomta1 J Mant thanks for past favors.' BARROW & PLKASAXTS. Mrrch 10th, AS7G. Crafti-Iiteratsrs) parr astd is a-kU (mi7 ls Id Cocjpaxiao vtwskh every, ilfaon in tbe country may joaUy (eal vcroj'. -Tcym Oss Year 2; tis MosU9. -23. Iteait by r. U. Uroex ex .Jlr-psttrea "lis I tadrttaap fur specimen aad get tp n Cinb. . --'4 5 , Addrtas E. A. WILS03T 1 1 trat tr C e . i-oa a, wttbjvn will dlaid s;fmiU rake- psrarst, ill rroc i;aiex c.aimt igaiBIIlildUC-;.i.i'VTC" aamrca: n; Idri .pijBsestoavis r Irfure the ltdsy-cf,4u a577 r !!' o tics will bc4;cJed.ln Ur cf their J. B. CUrTON, Atbsula. .UaWdabooi oi, im be-wi.l nrlulnfi. I. Mrmlrrr.