FHANKLIN COURIER. FHANKL1N COUIttEB. I'musiiKD r.VF.RV Fnm.v in Lonisburg, N. C. l.y Geo. S.- Baker EL & Projrietor. Rates of Subscription in Adwance For one year, . For six months, For three " u $2,00 1.00 50 tie GEO. S. BAKER, Editor and Proprietor. XLA.TT3 Or AOTXH7XSXJTCL. . i i J ; . . .. : .AdrcrtiwnenU will I i overt rd tt the foUeviag ratca pet pVV 1 vno pare oar wmc three a TERMS: $2.00 pet, Aimum. FCrnr three mostlui VOL. V. LOMSBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY, 11, 1876. NO. 35. i? j Fourth colamq on year . I TT.fr ' u a' naif One $1 M t SI 2 Of X 00 -25 00 1'60 0O 100J00 Churctt Directory, Mktiiodist CncRCH. Rev. F. L. Rcld, Pastor. Fervices every Sabbath at U A. M. and 7 . P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday" at 7 P. M. Communion service the Second Sniidiiv in each month at 11 A. M. Fteward's meeting Monday night ntter the second babbath in each month. Sabbath frhool every Sabbath at So'cVck P. M. St. Pauls Episcopal Chdrch. Rev. E . Dolloway, TWtor. Services on the llrst and third Sun day in each month, morning and afternoon. Holy Communion monthly on first Sunda?. Sunday school every Sunday morn Ing at 9 o'clock: Professiona Cards TLtYi QZh. B;QUn.4 Sfcrl. bahja dress , get soiled against the wheel of the perambulator, and BY HF.LT.N FORREST CRAVES. Miss Alicia shook her for answer- "No'' without the regulation am" tacked on to it. And to cap the climax, Jry hart to go to oed without her supper because the 'What's in a name?" says the great delineator of human passions and griefs, but it is our theory that baby chanced to be cross, and Mrs. there is often a deep significance in Rickcrsteth had to rock it to clcep . .i 'a name And when Ivy Hazard's herself, instead of .shirking the parents called her by the name of duty cn the bound girl as usual. the sweet clinging vine, they little At eleven o'clock, when all the dreamed howr inappropriate il woul 1 1 house was still, Tvy crept down the DAVIS & COOKE. ATT'YS and COUNSELLORS at LAW LOUIS1JURO. FIIANKLIS CO. IvC. Will attend the Coartaof Nash.Frai ! lin, Uranville, Warren,Hnd Wake Cui) tts, h!ho the Supreme Court t Noith Carol i iiii and the U. S. eventually be. They died sudden and violent deaths, and left her to the mercies of the cruel world. - And Ivy, changing from one care less and indifferent hand to another, finally found herself "bound" to Mrs-Blaekcrsteth. ;Only a bound girl " paid Mrs. Conway, scornfully. "Louisa and Adelaide, you know you're not to sneak' when vou meet her in the sneers wiui -Mrs. liiacKersieui s baby!" "But ma, she's a nice girl," said stairs and out at the iron't door, closing it .,- softlv behind her as she went. "For I won't lie a bound girl any longer," Ivy told herself. She wandered through the lonely streets until she was tired, and then curled up on a comfortable door mat inside of a vestibule to go to sleep. And there Mrs. Frenchley nearly stumbled over her when she came home from a party at two o'clock in the morning, in her white silk opera cloak and diamonds." "What the duse is it? A doer?" 'she's very pretty, I I could bo pretty if I maliciouls; dare say. painted?" "Hold, your longue!" cried Er nest, savagely. "Paint, indeed !- Why, you can see the color come and go in her cheeks as she talks ! She is the loveliest girl in Rome ay, and the whole world beside. Louisa tittered faintly. "I do believe our Ernest ha3 fal len' in love with General French ley's daughter she said . Love, like all other tropical plants, thrives in the languid glow A. TRUE STORY. ler mother u tjedj aoj tick!, l ot aba know do Want. Tha "roor out. One cold day in Wintv a Ud stood can'' "is her rorrorL ' tfoblv W lu- at the outer door of a cottage in ; Scot- m the trust reposed in him. land.. Tlie ow had been fallinff verr I vw . i w.- r. fast, and tb poor Loj.luokcd very rake me'J'the tord Vdl itU me trp aud hungry. , , . 7 Statdard.Z'r. ' " ' 3Iayn 1 1 fay ma'atn? 1 uid to To thcYorklns'lass. He em famitbctapoTQXvtnijiikk yo can euk&vtr) Urge pay,,! yoor un iciiiirr nuoui ult( tway from home'eter tifirbf. 1 A t mtrtry tvn a ad coan'y . t utas 1 : 1 r v r . the woman who had opened ' the 1 door. 4 1 11 work, cut wood go for watej, and do all your erracdk" ; ' t4You tnay come in at any rate, un til my hiuband oomea home' the wo- man said. "There, git down by the fire; you look perishing with the colJ;'' nriiUXl.1.i. ,ff 'a-i- obcntr f-r The CVn'cnnul Rirord. . - tbcltrrtn poblicaUoa tn ih4 UaW miiuainuiun. q,.... ' i n .... . . ly lllaatra!'; Tcrcai oar 1 ter ttar. not C ) its. Circuit and N-. 7 -tf W. H. SPENCER. ATTORNEY. AT LAW, Louisa, "ami she plays jackstones sleepily demanded (Jcneral Freneh- beautifullv!" lev And T'nclc Tiewis says she's' got eyes like a ga-ga-" began Adelaide. "(Jazelle," promptly put in her younger sister. "I can't help that,' said Mrs. Conway; "she's a mere 9" menial!1 On Nash OFFICE, Street, over Brick Store. Hawkins" LOUISBURG N. C. U. r. m'l.LoCK JK. T. T. MITCHELL. Bullock & Mitchell, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, F HANK LINT ON, N. C. Will practice in the courts of the Oth j ulicial district. Prompt attention piven tn the coIIpc.. tion of claims. No 50 tf :h:it that, mamma.'" (iiiestion- 53 53 PETERSBURG Va, E. ltllMTEU. Watclunakcr and Jew eler. VISE Watrlios Mini .lowclry of the bes M mut;cUv mul at w liw.t p H-ex. All woik porfonully attrudfd t and war ranteil. '',-. ll 53 Sycamore St., Peterbmg, s Whitelaw & Crowder, Marble & Stong "W O E E S , Corner Fayettev'lle and Daln Streetfi. OPPOSITE THE YARBOROUGH HOUSE; Raleigh. N- C. Orders Solicited. "a ;OOaEIEE JOB OFFICE. We have RfMed to our stock a pplcn did JOB PRESS, with au tkpant n lection of type of h Utt-st gtjks, and we are now prepared to do TOT? TWYTOIT. in the neatest and best manner. S vou need not eend yonr IOB V.'ORK N irth, for we will do it iust as well and cheap 60 you can get it elsewhere. LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, ed Louisa. 1 'Goosey ! not f o know, what me -uial means !''' shouted Master Er nest Conway. "It means to work for vour livii!! Iw Ilazaid wor-ks lor hers. She washes dishes and scrubs down the steps, and wrings out the clothes on w&shing day That's menial P "Oh!"' said Louisa, dubiously. "But she's a great, deal prettier than either of you girls," went on Ernest, cracking hazel nuts between his teeth. "She's as straight as an arrow, and her voice isn't squeaky like Loo's, nor her nose ptig like AddjV! I like Ivy.' "She doesn't like you though!" said Adelaide, viciously. "She says you are a mean, ugl, mis chievous lout !'" "Docs she?" said Ernest, some what discomfited. "I'll pay her out for that!" So the next day, when Ivy Haz ard was out trundling Mrs. Ricker- stcth's baby, in its secondhand perambulator, Master Conway af fixed to her shabby blue shawl a placard inscribed "Bound Girl !' ' -Aint that jolly ?" quoth Ernest, hugging himself with delight. "Won't she benhad when she finds it out? the hateful, stuck-up puss!' Meanwhile poor little Ivy peram bulated on. unconscious of the u irth and wonderment she was ex citing on all sides, until she was forced to a knowledge of it. "What are you all laughing at? Why are they all following me?' asked -flic, stopping shot t at. once. And then, tearing off her shawl she saw the. obnoxious label. il'li.il!il this?' sln (Vmnndcd with flushing cheeks and fire-darl- Itiit eves. ''It was I !'" said Ernest Conway, defiantly. "You ore a bound girl, aren't you!" 1 ' I-y- plucked off the placard and llurg it into the gutter. '.'Ell never forgive you for this, Ernest Conway!' she panttd. 'never!' '!As if I cared whether you did or not!' declared Ernest, contemp tuously. "I don't associate with servants, any how !' And he walked coolly off w hist ling,, with hi hands in his pocket: Ivy stood looking after him, with a sense of bit ter injustice swelling ucr heart" and filling her eyes. "No;" it's . a child, responcd nis astonished wife. "Call the police,"' suggested the general. "G!i. no, I would'nt do that. Let's take her in and give her something to caf ." Mrs. Frenchley was chihlless and soft-hearted the general was too lazy to object much when his wife seriously insisted, and Ivy was very pretty so that the chance inp in the vestibule was the fortunate cir cumstance that led to a new life. Ivy Hazard was a 'bound girl !' no longer. Mrs. General French ley had something besides a tan terrier and a gray African parrot to interest her mind at last. be his wife. "I'll think of it,' said Miss French- ley, coyly and evasively. "No but Ivy I may call you Ivy?' "Well, yes, I've no objection to that.f- "l knew an ivy once, years ago of a southern sky and it was jrst and she drew chair up tot he irannett six week3 after their introduction corner; then, suspiciously glancing at that Mr. Conway frankly told Miss the boy from the corncra of her ycn, Frenchley that he couldn't think of she continued setting the table for sop- existing any longer unless she coold per. '.': Presently came the rap of hcaty boot?, and the door was STrung oicn with a quick jerk, and the husband en tered, wearitd with his day's work. 1 A look ol intelligence parsed between his wife and himself. He hnd locked at the boy, but did not seem very well pleased; he nevertheless made him a wild little elf of a child,' began J come to the table, and was glad to s-e how heartily lie ate his guppcr. Day afte day pa-ssed, and yet the the boy Ixed to be kept "until to morrow," ho thy good cm) pic, after due consideration, concluded that, rs long as he was 6uth a good boy, and worked so willingly, they would keep him. ' One day, in the middle of winter, a peddler, who often tr.ded at the cot tape, called, and after disposing of some of his goods, w p.cpariug to go, wiitn i-'aid 10 tho woman: 'You have a boy out splitting wood, I sc-e," ptintiug to the yard. "Yis; do you know Juiai? 'I have seen him;" replied the ped dler. "Where? Who ii he? What A is for Avery, ufe hi hit prison ". R U for Uxbock, who, fclujuU e in ; - hi", C U for Colfa MohJJlci's 9h mo. U is . PelaiKJ, who. f wludled thn ..ed . I K ia for "Emuia,' 00 Kneland un F Is Fort Sill, that poor Belknap" ex- "Oh, I wish I wasn't poor. CARDS, Ac. wish I wasn't a lx)und girl," she sobbed, nearly overturning Mrs. Rlackstcth's baby into the gutter in the vehemence, of her distress. Mrs." Blackersteth boxed her cars when she got home foi letting the Sunset in Rome, with the grand Campagna bathed in mellow amber glories, and the dome of St. Peter's rising like a dream of beauty out of the sea of golden haze. And I vy, dressed in blue silk and sap phires,, with myosotis bbssoms braided in the auburn gold of her hair, sat at the hotel window watch inr the glory of the serenely perish ing clay. ''Come, Ivy," sounded the voice of Mrs. Frenchley, grown round and obese, and glittering more gorgeously than ever in her. dia monds: 'aren't you going to the evening service at St. Peter's? The Conwavs from New York are to be there." "A re .they?' Ivv smiled to herself as she rrse up and yawned a pearl display ing little yawn. : .4,But, mamma, these perpetual masses, and vespers, aud saints' days, are a great bore.' "My dear Ivy! vhen 3011 are so wild about a bit of rock or a trail vine." "Th.l's just it, mamnia.x I am a worshiper at nature's great altar, but art wearies me. Neverthe less, w here is my bat? Yes, mam ma, I'm ready.' The Conwavs were early. Louisa looked up as the party from the Hotel d'ltalia entered. ""Mamma," jdie whispered, 'there comes General Frenchley and his wife." "With the prettiest girl lever saw ' cnthusiasticallv declared Er nest Conway. "Is that the lovely daughter with the queer name ? I never knew but one Ivy before.and that was Ivy Hazard, the odd little creature that used to wheel Mrs. Bickersteth's baby about. Ikm't you remember, her, Loo ?" " Hush-sh-sh !" checked Mrs. Conway. "Yes, she is pretty. I The Conwav familv met the Frenchley 3 at a reception at the house of a Roman banker that same evening. Miss Frcncblcy, still in blue silk and sapphires, won Er nest's heart, as it were, by storm ! "Oh. ves," said Miss Lou, a little Ernest. "Who vowed she never would forgive you, because you pinned a plain truth on the back of her shawl ?' Ernest stared. "Yes, but how did you know ?' ''Because it was I!' answered Ivy, quietly. You!' 'Didn t vou know that l was only Mrs. Frenchley's adopted daughter? 1 recognized vou, Er nest Conway, when first I saw you, lor vou Know 1 used to Hate vou desperately ' 'Do you now, Iv?' "Not quite so badly, perhaps, but' "I won't wait!' said Ernest, positively. "Now that. I have dis covered we arc such oi l friends, I insist upon knowing a once wheth er vou will lc mv wife or not ! "But" "There arc no buts,' said Ernest, securing the little white hand, all sparkling with its pearl and sap phire rings. "It is yes or no!' '"Would jou wed one who was ence a 'bound giil?' "I would make you a 'bound girl over again, dearest, fcr life this time, with myscli in the place of Mrs. Rickersteth.' "Yes, then if you will insist on having an ansivcr ' owned Ivj And the indentures were sealed ike rvecbfu ) total to wfcitetrr U ol totrmi coAote'ea With tie Crates n'ai -jtt. '1M rav- JCxhiUftoar tail. i.irjlxdj vast it. Tb wbol people feci Rrrtt Intcrrtt In tfctirCcrca. trjCiMcuDial liuUdy, tad waatta know, all about, it. An eVgaol pairi one cryon'd'awir5 premium' pvctor Is prevented free to each aUWrtUf. It UestiOcd. , Via. r ebr4c f tV Oae IIuQ-lredtti Qojvrary rf tbt la dependence ui taeTdtM Statia.0 n. r V. i' H . . 4 ' I 7 vufHU kj is ior urrr.i ido u pnui to kcxtcn. I u-em a auvccaaVacai, lor bnt aow II is for Ilamnirton. cxbcrC In' Mf. V' W 0il rc,.nr nP hondrcd c T t.. f, T 1i-'..4.f n t- . 1 I . j vow-rrsT,. m. w iui iuKiaUu iiujr. 1 Lerc Xaera to oa bawacM that will J U for Joycewhol-a icodiiog,. did PJ .It'ia.-aireaeot. Wa ktva - ! L ' 1 ntny cfoia woo are ccikiof aa Mh Morton. : M - f j L was the Landaulet for WillLma lo sjort on M is ior Marsh, who to process h wn- N w fjr No ono Lut Rmtow, th honest. O is tot- Orvil, brother.- , . 1 the grbct with a wedding ring. "A jail bird;' and then the peddler vung his pack ovor his shoulder. "That boy. young as he looks, I saw in court myself, and heard him sentenced 'ten month..' You'd do' well to look carefully after htm." Oh! there was 50inethinx .o dread ful in the word "jail." The poor wo man trembled as idie laid away the things f:ho had bought of the peddler; nor could she be easy till she called the Lwun ! . P ia for Picrrepont; convictions to smother. ;.;! Q is the Qacftions that no ono didm ax. R is the Responses that ket-p out the S is for Shepherd, his riiilut. a; - panders. t . .1 j V " T aic the tax payers, wl.05c money be squander. U is for Ulysses that stands by these fricLds. V Ls the Villainies that hi djfcnls. W are the Witnesses hunted with vigilenee. X is the 'Nominations which ht xnyt silence. Y is the Yell from the nation : that nngs. Z is the Zeal for a new state of things. rz TOM1' vi r yttm a tra. Srad f.r cur circuurf, trrtaa, and saple copy papr hlch art ent tree to ill hoapj;do ittedat. C-fnje rntSt Irrt to tloe whad- 'ki.194tiAr ioc.ad tlauikra'afk th vrrv bcst.o! aecntt- AJ jimi. 1 UK CKKtfcN'MAL 'TtECOKD Portlaad. Uot. IiltlifiiaHKricr Court. CotrfpJilfit Pftlntirt ) CorfpJi V For Defd't. ) Divoro Few men have exprc?sed In more boy in aud assured him that she knew exquisite language than Atacjulcy that dark part of his history. the affection which every good mau Ashamed and distressed, the boy feels for hii mother: , t hung down his head. lib checks . "Make much of it wbile.yet you sceuied bursting with the hot blood, have that most preckms of ail good and his lip quivered. gifts a loving mother. Read the "Well, he muttered, his fame Hnlathomcd love of tboeo eyes; the g StVGIlS & Oo shaking "there's no use in my tryin? Mod anxiety of that tono and lonk tt U to do better: everybody hates and ds however sight your pain. ,:In of- ter-lilc you may have friends; fond, ToirMtmnfc Plalatifl Against .Miuy irame iei i 1. J Divorce. It appearing lo tbt fttufactln of t Coot t V 1 -t3rry Dr. frndtnt aNe ntmed, cacnot "aUr due dfVijace k foaod wttbia tha Su.te ol iorth Ciolioa: It it :hera for, rrdrred, tl.tt putiicaUcwi cf iba turamoDS in ttiit casaa, be rnd la th Franklin Cor a 1 an, a oewirarxr pab lihl in the town if LocUlarg,onc a cek ! r ait wki iccteaivelr, corsruinding tbe detcodtat 1(111 Ilrama to appear Ufure tl Joda of the fcopenrr. C-oort at a Court to t Ijfld for li e County of Praoklia at taa Court ia Isoibarg oa ib4ta Mondftj allrr tbe 2ud Moaday ia August 1876, thin and tbrra to aa-iwt-r tha coatpWiota. a copy of which will b filed ia iba v&cm ol tA Clerk of ttid Court within tbe tirea first ilaya til 'aild letm,tori Jt tb aaid ot ffodaot ,tak notice Ibat nalcaa ib appears and ai.tweri said coroplaiat at said let in, tbe Plaintiff ill apply :. tl e C01 at f tb4 relief demaadad in tl.e CotnpWiat. Cllten under tnj band and tbe seal ot faid C"irt tbe S3J day ol Jane A. D. 18T6." " 4 " V. K. DAVIS, Clerk iscperioi" Court. , . Fraiikiia Co., K. C Shed no muleteers for me. "C. H. Rristow. The game is played out Poker Bob Schenck. Stand by our post .tradcrshiri Teat d'armee. Belknap. I am glad that I die young. It would be a terrible thing to grow old and sinful. - Williams. Mv son never write letters. Picrrepont. This is not suicide, but assasina tion. John R. Henderson. If I'had only been born twins I could have made just twice as mnch -Orvil L. (irant. Some love to roam o?r the dark sea foam, but as for me, give me a worm-eaten hull in a snug harlxr -IU)lcscru Don't weep for me. I'm glad to get out of the wilderces?, Meet me on the happy hunting grounds Delano. Tell B. Rutlcr I died happy, by speeial request. R. II Dana. Look i.ot on the 'still when it is crooked. John McDonald. They sry the streets of the New Jerusalem are pared. with gold. J want to go. Boss Shepeni. Who would Lave thought that cold tongue would kill a man ? Jabbering Jim Blaine. Thi3 is a sacred thing. Deacon McKee. A tanner won 1 last you more than eight vears. Rabcock, I go were "mum's tho word." 1 iJovcc St Louis Junes. spiscs me; nolsody .arcs about mc" "Tell me;H said the womaD, 'how came ycu to go, so " young, to that dreadful place? Where is your moth er?"". " ' Oh!' exclaimed the boy with a burst of grief that was terrible to be hold 4toh! I hadn't no mother ever since I was a baby! If I only had a mother" he continued, while tear gushed from hi eyta, "I wouldn't have been bound out, and kicked and cuffed and horsc-w hipped. I wouldn't have been s auy and "t knocked down, and run away, and tlen stIc because I was hungry Oh! if I'd only had a incther?' . , The strength was all gone from the DEALE Kb IX dear, kimi friendi; but never will FUmilUre,' CarpeiingS & you have again the inexpressible love and gcntleqes lavished upon you which none but a mother be stows. Often do I nigh In ' my struggle with the hard, uncaring world for the 8weet, deep security I felt when of an evening, nestled in her losom, I listened to someduict tad(Vsuitablcrto myage.rxad in her tender and untiring voice Never can I forget hcr .swcK glan. ccs cast upfm tne when I appeared' asleep; never her ki a of peace at night. - Years haw paffH away since wo laid her beside my father in the old charchyard.ycttin hcj -Pianos, CoaxtR MArs axn Oxasbt 3ts,, X0BF0LE, Vn. " TboT UtSLrA T atbet : 'cif tit sbova goola ia Virginia. AU rwvlf gntraatel to b aold a low aiio anv-Mortbeni Chy, aaour buVint t .fai ar' boarpl. Oor gootl ara a!l taxaafactored to order ami an Uk 1 riilt o( 1 order Jroitt tbo-j dKficg. t;oudt is .car line tu ronvjoce fbern, of tbe dv'at ob- f afnd in drat tag near! bornai .'IHrini -Wtr etaSihWtel?a yeara and lijoz f H lK'j ia tka ticin'ity l rrack!io Crwatr. all eaa rttrr tn tWepMic cfnera!!y. .A ate Ageott aon4(rfpa baaa poor bov, md he sank ou his knee, sobbing great choking boIs, and rnb-i h?r FJ watch over rac. ai I W-it voice wbi?pcrs frorn the irravc. and f sr r.... ittd xtruircuur. - Ling tliehvt tears a way with tho sleeve ofhisjsckef. . , ' The woman wa a mother, and, though all her children slept under the cold sod in the church jard, she wis a mother still. She put her hand kindly on the head of the boy, and told h'ua to look up, and said from that tinx he should find in her a mother. Yo, even pet her arms around the neck of that forsaken, deserted ehfldJ She poured from her mother's heart sweet,4 kind words wards of "counsel and "of tendernes. Oh! ho' fpots loujc fcinco ? hallowed to the memory of my mother." A good wife accorditg to PluUrch, ahonld be as Lvukin bus, to repre sent her htubaad'r fsee and pairm ; if he'be tdeWnt she should be merry ; if Le laagb, 'ahe should smile : if he look rad, f be should participate in Lis sorrow and hear a part with him ;and so should thT continue in rnutcal lova i ' -- , , one towards another. To give brilliancy t the eves, abut swet was Ler I them early at night, asd open them sleep that D'ght how aoft her pillowl I early in tba morning; let the mind be She hid plucked some thorns fnm the I coaitantly intent on the acquisition of path of a little sinning bat striving bnman knowledge, or the exercise of mortal. Wnovolent fealiog. This will scarce That poor boy ia now a promising ! ever fail to impart f the eyes an in man. H:s foist cr-rtbtr is dead, ilia icinjeot ar.n -iiv.z prc5ioo Virr Wbt ice. MafiliDgif fkt'tctr l of County t'ommiraiooert f Fraoklia Cocaty oa tbe 3rd day t. AprU IfeTC. Tbe ful UnlfiphtUtiUodt were adopted. Is. Thl tie, abetiff aball not nN ceive In the' rrt!rw:rrtt of taxe, nor abatl flb lUualf. Trtaaarer pT aaf County Order Ueued Ufore tba 1st day of Aprll lS. ZydJ AH pr-a -koMioj arJert i aced txfore tbit.dte mutt prrarat tba lime to fbe C!tr4 of tbi B-arrl on of Ce.'ora ca:lt' day-it f Jouit tbtt t norl tl 3 7 t caada) and parties holding tocb frdrrat wbo rcfoietd so' pitett the a are hereby noticed that ibe Ftatata &t UmiUtioa will be pleaded In ar of tbeir recoy try, ' " ' P. B, UAWKIK3. Ckirraaa, JH-TTCKEU, Clerk,

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